Jason Morales Architectural Design

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JasonMORALES Architectural Design

Statement 200,000+ affordable housing human scale design Resume

Design Statement:

ARCHITECTURE, n. /är-k-t-k-ch-r/, is the soul to a building’s body. It is the art of designing spaces using conceptual ideas for the well being of people and their functional needs. Architecture must endure the environmental over time through durable materials, sustainable design, and energy efficiency. Architects are the coordinators that gather all the professions of construction into one cohesive unit.

COMPLEMENTARY architecture:

is the idea of taking two or more contrasting elements that have a natural affinity with each other and when combined, not only do they create an aesthetic complement but a conceptual idea as well. Alone these elements have good qualities when building but when combined in complement to one another, these elements enhance and emphasis each other’s qualities to become something great.


00 architectural Design Work 200,000+ Meadowlands Aviation Museum Newark Apartment/Hotel & Master Planning

Affordable Housing Habitat for Humanity Paterson 59 Godwin Avenue 47 Godwin Avenue 162 Rosa Parks Boulevard Human Scale Design Masonry Design Competition Deck Design


Statement 200,000+ afford aff ordabl ablee hous housing ing NJIT Design Work humann sca hu sc le des design ign Resume Res ume


01 Aviation Museum

Meadowlands- East Rutherford, NJ Historical Center for Flight

The Meadowlands Commission Center and the New Jersey Aviation Hall of Fame & Museum came together to propose a project that involved rehabilitating an old trash baler building in the Meadowlands into the new Aviation Hall of Fame & Museum. The project required massive space to place large scale planes inside the museum from early aviation to today’s commercial planes. The building should contain passive strategies along with a new structural and envelope system to thermally insulate the building. This project will focus on the concept of flight and the feeling of ascending through the clouds.


Aviation Project Features: exhibits early flight, early military, destroyed planes, milestones of aviation, hall of fame, lighter than air, construction of a plane, modern military, commercial, helicopter, space flight, cafe/shop, workshops, administration, bathrooms

Time line contrasting elements ascension structural systems commercial scale

main entrance through early aviation zone






Hanging Planes

Planetarium Exhibit

Lighter than Air Exhibit

time line diagram


ay To d

00 ’s 20








’s 20 19




’s 80 18

18 50 ’s

’s 00





19 60 ’s



Project Solution: The concept behind the building is to stimulate the human interaction and experience throughout the museum. To take the visitor “through time” from early aviation to modern space flight. As the visitor walks through the building they will be faced with may choices of direction, but when they rise vertically new views will be granted and limited by the hanging cable structure as if they were rising through a dense fog system. As they ascend upwards from the catwalks to the highest level, they will be rewarded with an experience through the cloud layer and they will feel as if they are walking on the clouds due to the repetitive structural trusses below. This momentous achievement is the hall of fame exhibit where the visitor will have their own experience with each plaque hanging form the ceiling.

sectional transverse cuts


“above the clouds� theory


conceptual sketches

structural zoning concept




Aviation and the Enviornment


Event Space


Broken Plane Exhibit UP

Bus Cafe



Invention of Aviation UP UP

Commercial Flight




History of Meadowlands


Early Military

History of Baler


Event Space

Early Aviation DN





Milestones of Aviation




1. 08



ground floor plan


1. GROUND LEVEL the visitors will gather numerously around the sitting planes and slightly hovering planes

Aviation and the enviornment

Construction of an Airplane



Admin Parking

2. CATWALKS LEVEL the viewer starts to get a clouded view of the distant spaces and can now see the hovering planes at eye level and the tops of the sitting planes



Space Flight Exhibit History of Baler

Helicopter Exhibit


History of Meadowlands


Bus Parking


Modern Military



3. ASCENSION VIEW the viewer will now rise vertically above the “cloud” structure and can see through the aligned view 4. ABOVE THE CLOUDS the viewer now gets the experience of becoming above the clouds and embraces the moment of awe


Bus Milestones of Aviation



5. HALL OF FAME EXPERIENCE after the journey the viewer now has a better understanding of the feeling of ascending and being above the clouds and can better appreciate the hall of fame exhibit


5. 09

1 2x4 Ceiling Framing 2 44VG Joist “Sky Truss” 3 S5x10 Purlin 4 copper roofing 5 Sloped Rigid Insulation 6 Copper Flashing 7 2x4 8 Gutter 9 Metal Decking 10 Fascia 11 soffit 12 W10x22 Beam 13 Concrete Capital 14 Reveal 15 HVAC Return 16 1/2” GWB Ceiling 17 Spotlight 18 R-19 Batt Insulation 19 Downspout 20 HSS 10x3 Header 21 Steel L Bracket 22 Double Pane Low-E Glazing 23 Aluminum Window Frame 24 Pre Cast Concrete Sill 25 Brick Veneer 26 Brick Ties 27 10” Concrete Edge 28 3 Wythe Brick Base 29 2 Layer of 1/2” GWB 30 Metal Stud Framing 31 1” Air Space 32 Reveal 33 Anchor Bolt 34 Proposed Concrete Slab 35 2” Rigid Insulation 36 1’ CMU Block Foundation Wall

37 2” Rigid Insulation 38 Grade 39 Earth 40 Gravel 41 Concrete Footing 42 6” Perf. Drainage Pipe 43 copper roofing 44 copper roofing 45 Metal Decking 46 R-30 Batt Insulation 47 Fascia 48 soffit 49 HSS8x3 Metal Header 50 Aluminum Window Frame 51 Existing Metal Structure 52 Double Pane Low-E Glazing 53 R-19 Batt Insulation 54 Copper Flashing 55 Metal Stud Framing 56 HVAC Supply 57 R-30 Batt Insulation 58 Vierendeel Trusses 59 Steel Cables 60 Copper Exhibit Panel 61 Metal Handrail 62 Metal Stringer 63 Wood Flooring 64 ply-wood sub flooring 65 2x4 Sleepers 66 Existing Concrete Slab

43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

56 58


8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 59



23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

61 62 63 64 65 66

39 40 41 42

2-D wall section


3-D Wall Sectio 3-D rendered wall section


Statement 200,000+ affordable housing human scale design Resume


02 Apartment / Hotel

Financial District- Newark, NJ

Master M aster Planning and Urban Development The project first begun as a master planning strategy for a new design for downtown Newark near the Prudential Center. The master plan incorporated the ideas of 24/7 activity zones through late night active programs such as bars, with a mix of low income, market rate, and high rise apartment housing. The proposed master plan was to create a bridge between the financial district and the Ironbound areas through a major bridge and iconic gateway towers. As the winning master plan for the studio year, this master plan was chosen and parcel projects were distributed with program requirements. This project evokes parcel C which required a 7+ story apartment building with a hotel as the iconic gateway tower. Street-front retail was also a necessity along with office space.


view from northeast

Project Solution: The design of the building was based of the aqua tower hotel design in Chicago by emphasizing the floor plates and extending them beyond the facade and give a more horizontal element to the building. Then by mimicking the horizontal planes and creating vertical slicing planes for the hotel tower so that its conceptual design differs from the rest of the building. With the natural shape given by the parcel C master plan, the concept of an amphitheater was integrated into the design so that at night or day performances would constantly keep the area 24/7 active and thus improving a safer environment. A well lite main axis path is tangent to the southern side of the building where most of the activity would be contained within the site. This main axis would lead the user from the Ironbound into the financial district and to the Prudential Center Arena. amphitheater section


masterplan scheme

Master planning multi-use acoustics iconic bridging


Project Features: ground floor retail restaurant 7 floors of office space



10 floors of housing consisting of 1,2,3 bedroom apartments rooftop garden running track pool 15+ story hotel tower

axonometric view from southwest

view from bridge

axonometric northeast view


night rendering of amphitheater space

Apartment Solution: In order to design an efficient multi-story housing building, first the apartment unit itself must be optimally designed. The design began by thinking about the exterior daylighting and considering the optimal shape for maximum daylighting to enter the rooms. So naturally the living room and bedrooms would extend along the facades of the exterior. Next, working inward, the layer for the hallway would act as the transportation between spaces. Lastly, areas that do not require as much lighting would be the most inward such as private bathrooms, storage, and the kitchen. By designing a buffer cavity, wet wall, between the main hallway to each apartment unit allowed for some units to push and pull the facade without compromising the efficiency of the spaces. one bedroom apartment


two bedroom apartment

typical apartment floor plan w/ view of rooftop garden and pool

Lighting systematic design efficiency







diversity amenities

Apartment Project Features: 1,2,3 bedroom apartments Alternating floor types A&B Individual decks Amenities laundry room pool gym rooftop garden running track amphitheater seating






main path view into the amphitheater

l4 Leve = 1'-0" 1/16"

view from inside apartment outside

rooftop park


Statement 200,000+ affordable housing human scale design Resume


03 59 Godwin Avenue

Habitat for Humanity- Paterson, NJ

Prototype Design Competition As the award winning design for the Habitat for Humanity Paterson Prototype Design Competition, this project was selected for further development into construction documents and is currently under construction. This design featured a 3 story split-level floor plan with a double height space in the center of the building to make the house feel more spacious. The 2,500 sq ft building contained 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms with a living room, kitchen, den, basement and garage.


kitchen rendering

Project Solution: By starting with a split-level design, the length of stair run was able to be shortened thus allowing for spaces to become double-height zones that make the home feel more spacious. With the addition of the solar chimney in the core of the house, additional lighting would be able to penetrate the center of the home, thus illuminating it and saving energy costs. Through Ecotect analysis, by creating a double-stud exterior wall system, the thermal envelope insulation is increased dramatically, while saving costs. The front deck was added to create a porch-like feeling, which is a necessity to most urban living, that the garage feature took away from the ground floor.









illumination study

thermal envelope analysis

longitudinal section

affordability passive design energy star prototype split level

Project Features: ground floor garage basement mechanical room second floor kitchen w/ dinning nook living room w/ front deck half bathroom third floor three bedrooms 2 bathrooms

living room

living room looking into kitchen

intermediate level hallway


future construction As the winning prototype design for habitat for humanity Paterson, the project is currently under construction. The construction documents have been completed and the planning board has approved the project as of august 2012. Currently foundation drawings are being submitted to Superior Wall construction for the initial ground work. Expected completion date is to be late 2013.

streetscape rendering


first place model design

construction document of floor plans


Sta tatementt 200 00,00 ,000+ 0+ affordable housing h an scale design hum ig R umee Res


04 47 Godwin Avenue

Habitat for Humanity- Paterson, NJ Prototype Design Competition

As the second house in the series of the Habitat for Humanity Paterson design competition, 47 Godwin Avenue displays similar attributes to 59 Godwin only the big difference is the width of the lot. While 59 Godwin was a 25 foot lot 47 Godwin is a 40 foot wide lot that required on site parking. The house remained at the size of 2,500 sq ft as per the idea of the prototype design and features a split-level concept. The reason is to allow for a double height solar chimney space to illuminate the center core of the home. This idea was created to maximize space in such a small affordable home.


kitchen design

Project Solution: By sticking to the prototype design, 47 Godwin utilizes a split-level design that emphasizes maximizing space and creating an open floor plans. This is possible through the TJI trusses that open the plan and distribute the loads to the exterior walls and allow for non-load bearing sculptural walls as shown in the rendering. The front porch is ideal for any urban housing project and the railing is a custom made design that would be unique to each prototype house. The solar chimney concept allows light to enter the core of the home thus making the home well illuminated passively. The solar chimney would also collect heat as it rises and the HRV unit would distribute the heat back into the central air system. first place model design


longitudinal section

affordability maximizing space green design prototype split level

Project Features: basement w/ mechanical room first floor kitchen back patio living room front porch intermediate floor two bedroom one bathroom second floor master bedroom master bathroom

living room rendering

view looking into kitchen


day rendering


Green design As shown in the renderings there is always a “green� element in the prototype habitat design. Inside the homes there is a green wall constructed from the ELT Easy Green wall product. The idea is to add some natural elements to the interior of the home so that there is a fresh scent and a visual aesthetic to each new home. As per the design, each prototype home would have their own unique railing system that gives the home their own identity. This that there would be a planter trowel built at the top of the railing for plants and vines to grow. As time passes the home will become more integrated with nature and begin at add more green to the street front.



Prototype design In the plans shown on the right, the prototype design calls for the living room to be located at the southern end of the home for maximum lighting and having the split level design allows for a quick entry from the side door to the kitchen for groceries.


The second floor splits the back half of the home for the children bedrooms keeping them away from the street front as the future owners requested. The master bedroom has it’s own master bath and at the top level of the home giving it the most privacy.


first floor plan

second floor plan


S tem Sta e ent en 2 ,00 200 000+ affordable housing humann sca hum s ale des design ign gn Reessum Res Re uume me m


05 162 Rosa Parks Blvd.

Habitat for Humanity- Paterson, NJ Prototype Design Competition

This prototype challenge was to design a two-family home on a corner lot next to an abandoned home, that would be restored later, while keeping within the constraints of habitat for humanity’s budget and following ADA compliance. On-site parking must be sufficient for 5 spots including a handicap parking. This project focuses on the aspect of ADA by keeping most of the essential house program on the ground floor.


Project Solution: The main obstacle of the project was to comply with ADA for the lower unit. In order to do this the house needed to be accessible from the front and back of the house and all the programmatic needs of a person needed to be accessible on the first floor. In turn the kitchen, ADA bedroom and bathroom, living room and dining room are on the ground floor. Elevated as a partial second floor is the remaining two bedrooms for Unit A. Unit B is a two bedroom apartment with the kitchen, living room, half bathroom and dinning room on the second floor. With the high sloped roof the third floor bedrooms contain a high ceiling design with dormers to allow light in. stacking diagram


longitudinal section

Energy Efficiency ADA Compliance two-family home urban context corner lot

Unit B basement mechanical room second floor kitchen living room dinning room half bathroom third floor two bedroom one bathroom

Project Features: Unit A basement mechanical room first floor ADA bedroom ADA bathroom kitchen living room dinning room second floor two bedrooms one bathroom

early conceptual rendering

outdoor park rendering


day rendering


Green design




162 Rosa Parks, is a design that utilizes the trellis system on three sides of the building so that the building can bring some of the natural element back. There would be planters on the railing and vines would grow on them too. Inside the home there is the ELT Easy Green Wall product that would allow each family to grow their own vegetables.




Prototype design As per the requirements, ADA compliance is necessary in this design. As shown on the right is unit A, with a full ADA bedroom and bathroom on the first floor along with all the necessities that a person needs to live on his or her own. The second floor is for guests or the handicapped member’s family to reside.

first floor plan

second floor plan


Statement 200,000+ affordable housing human scale design Resume


06 3


Masonry Competition

New Jersey Institute of Technology


Mock-Up Designs O PAD

After two years of study at NJIT the students are to select the best project in their group to compete against each other for the best design. 2

It is the first experience that the students get to create a life size mock up of the project constrained by an 8x8x8 foot cube of the best features of the project.


As part of team black I was in charge of creating the construction documents and personally worked with the masons throughout the project directing them and coordinating other students to complete the building of this mock-up.





4 -0"


team black

finished product


zoomed view

floor plan cut through one of the brick courses

material choice construction experience project management

STEP CMU Walls to underside of tread

construction documents design competition


0' - 3 5/8"

0' - 5"

Project Features: progressive steps to top silo tower half cut silo defining space two styles of brick (standard, black) running bond course shiner course to expose holes for view soldier course with black brick extruded stone soaps for finished steps wood beams illustrating framing concrete in-fill for various level changes

In fill with CMU and Concrete

0' - 2 7/8"



0' - 3 1/8"



Axon 1

axonometric view

textural detail


S atem Sta tteeem tem tement meen ent nt nt 200 00,00 ,00 ,000+ 0000+ 0 aaff fffor ord ord r ab able hoous abl ouusing uussing ng human scale design RRes eessum um ume mee


07 Deck Design Parsippany, NJ Freelance Design

This project was my first real-life application of design through the knowledge gained of construction components and details at Inglese Architecture and Engineering. I personally pursued the project through the permits stages with the client and the project will be completed in spring 2013.



construction details


523 Allentown Road

Parsippany, NJ 07054

student of sustainable architectural design 973-879-2502 contact info jay.anthony.morales@gmail.com jayanthonymorales.carbonmade.com

Architectural and conceptual design, Building Information Modeling (BIM), physical modeling, graphic design, knowledge of Energy Star and LEED for homes rating system and paperwork, technical writing, SXEOLF UHODWLRQV PHGLD H[SHULHQFH GHWHUPLQDWLRQ FXULRVLW\ DQG GLOLJHQW OHDUQHU

NJIT Design Showcase _ 2009 - 2012

American Institute of Architecture Students _ Member

‡ 5 week study of architectural history in Italy

Rome, Italy Summer Semester Abroad _ summer 2010

‡ 59 Godwin Avenue Residential Building Currently Under Construction ‡ Student Design Consultant: Design three affordable energy star rated homes. Consulted with engineers, professional architects, habitat managers, and clients. Estimated costs, energy analysis, material selection, and sustainable systems.

Habitat for Humanity Paterson _ prototype design competition winner 2012


B.D. Briggs Packaging Solutions _ mechanical draftsmen 2012-present

‡ Drafted plans, sections, elevations, detailed call outs, plumbing, structural, electrical, soil erosion and sediment control, radon, egress, drawings in AutoCAD for planning board, design development, and construction document phase ‡ 3URGXFWLRQ RI SODQQLQJ ERDUG VHW GUDZLQJV ZLWK NQRZOHGJH RI ]RQLQJ RUGLQDQFHV ‡ 5HYLVLRQ OHWWHUV HOHFWULFDO FDOFXODWLRQV GHOLYHU\ RI GUDZLQJV ODQGVFDSH FRVW DQDO\VLV ‡ Generated and rendered 3-D models of single family housing projects in Autodesk Revit ‡ Energy Star ver. 2.0 blower door and duct blaster on site testing and paper work documentation ‡ Documented existing conditions in field and smoke alarm system testing and pressure readings ‡ Development of construction documents for Habitat for Humanity Paterson prototype housing ‡ 5(0 5DWH PRGHOLQJ ‡ 3URGXFW VSHFLI\LQJ


‡ Bachelor of Architecture Degree - expected 2013 ‡ Minor in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Degree - expected 2013 ‡ Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Design - expected 2013 ‡ Master of Science in Architecture specializing in Sustainable Architecture - future expectation ‡ Master of Science in Civil Engineering - future expectation Dean’s List Fall 2008-2012, Spring 2009-2013 GPA: 3.4

New Jersey Institute of Technology _ Newark, NJ _ fall 08 - spring 13

To obtain an entry-level position in an environment that will expand my knowledge of architecture and design, while improving my skills as a professional.



Affiliations + AWARDS



‡ Revit Architecture 08-13 + Mental Ray Rendering ‡ Auto CAD 08-12 + Accu. Rendering ‡ Rhinoceros 4 + V-ray Rendering ‡ Adobe Illustrator CS4 ‡ Adobe InDesign ‡ Adobe Photoshop CS4 ‡ 3DS Studio Max ‡ Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Access) ‡ Autodesk Ecotect ‡ 5(0 5DWH

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