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Program Notes
Nefelibata is a Portuguese word derived from “nephele” (cloud) and batha (a place where you can walk). The definition of nefelibata is “a cloud walker. One who lives in the cloud of their own imagination or dreams, or one who does not abide by the precepts of society, literature, or art.”
Someone called a nefelibata is an unconventional, unorthodox person. He or she is a creative person, who remains embroiled in his/her imagination, transcending all conventions and laws. Conversely, a nefelibata can also be an intractable person who stays involved in insignificant things. Its usage completely depends entirely upon the activity in which the person is involved.
The title of my piece in relation to this definition hinges on the fact that the two main thematic areas contradict one another in terms of how the music sounds in the context of how each theme is presented within the music. The first theme is a twelve-tone row, but does not operate in the normal “conventions” of how a tone row should unfold within the rules of dodecaphony. Instead, the theme chooses to present itself through repetition and development, weaving in and out of dense and sparse textures, all while centering on the pitch C. The second theme area hints toward the key of D major, or the note D as the tonal center, but not using functional harmony and traditional chord progressions to establish a firm key/tonality. The music takes on a different character all together with this second theme: slower tempo, simple textures and harmonies, and a melody that is both subtle and straightforward.
I wanted to write the first theme as a twelve-tone row. Present the melody within a particular style that gave way to certain expectations, but give it my own character, not following the precepts and rules of twelve-tone music. With the second theme, I wanted to portray the exact opposite of what came before, something that stayed involved in insignificant things (“traditional” harmony). These two themes are cloud walkers, and as a nefelibata, each completely depends upon the activity (musical texture and harmony) in which the theme is portrayed within the context of how each theme is presented.