Important facts about school uniforms, you must know

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Important facts about

School Uniforms YOU MUST KNOW

School uniforms are an important part of a student's life it may have many positive benefits for the students as well as for parents and teachers it can be hard to think of it objectively and to think of all the different strengths and weaknesses of these uniforms.

Bene fits of schoo l unifo rms: It helps you to find childr en: If a schoo l is on a trip, or if a child runs away , a schoo l unifor m can help teach ers to quick ly ident ify childr en from their schoo l and so preve nt them from gettin g lost. It preve nts comp etitio n and teasin g: When childr en wear their own clothe s into schoo l, this then becom es a time for them to judge each other .With a schoo l unifor m every one is the same, thus no one can argue this point.

It can enforce a positive attitude: For school children and if they are in shirts they will feel more like little workers and less like football fans. other than these factors it can teach discipline also.

Cons of School Uniforms Expensive for parents: Those parents who would have sent their children to school in old hand-me-downs and knitted jumpers may not be as relieved about the uniform as you may think, as it will mean they have to fork out for expensive school uniforms time and again in order to pay for their children's education.

They can give the school a bad name: If the children of a school are out causing trouble wearing the uniform from a school, it can reflect badly on that school and result in fewer parents wanting to send their children there.

It can cause controversy: Someone has to design the uniform and someone has to choose what it consists of properly for girls and boys specifically as in school uniforms australia some schools has skirts for girls while some prefer unisex uniforms.

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