Benefits of a Communication and Media Education Foundation Program Centennial College’s post-secondary course in communication and media foundation is an intensive year-long program, which is designed to prepare you for college programs, such as advanced journalism, broadcasting and film, and advertising and marketing communications management. The syllabus has been tailored to help you experiment with contemporary digital and social media production tools and explore various associated career paths. The program is the right choice for you, if you
Are looking to develop your communication skills
Wish to develop fundamentals for success in communication and media fields
Want to gain knowledge of various traditional and modern media platforms, tools and communication methods
Wish to receive an offer to post-secondary three-year programs in advertising and marketing communications management, journalism, broadcasting and film
Want to develop basic numeracy skills, terminology and communication strategies necessary in communications and media environment
Want to explore various career paths available in communications and media fields
The program focuses on developing communication skills and fundamentals, through the practical application of skills, guided by creative media industry professionals. It runs through two semesters and introduces you to communication tools and processes, media, multimedia and digital culture. You also gain knowledge and skills in English language, communications portfolio development and media writing. The communications and media education foundation program opens doors to advanced college-level programs in advertising, broadcasting, media and communications. You can choose your course, depending upon your interests. Admission Requirements Admission to this program is granted to you, if you have applied to college programs in broadcasting and film, advertising and marketing communications management, or advanced journalism but do not meet admission requirements. This is an alternate offer that you may receive from the college. The eligibility criteria for this program include:
Secondary school diploma certificate, or equivalent
English scores Grade 12 C or University, or equivalent. You will need to take English skills assessment for admission, if you don’t meet this particular requirement.
Benefits of Communication and Media Foundations Program The communication program offers you numerous benefits. You will learn:
To use rich media applications to create and maintain a forum in social media networks
About media forms and platforms, audiences and traditional and non-traditional communication methods
To use appropriate terminology and vocabulary in the communications and media environment
Apply developed English language skills to a presentation portfolio
To examine beliefs, values and behaviors that form the individual and community identities and basis for respectful relationships
To apply knowledge of media platforms, communications and audiences at workplace
Career Prospects in Communications and Media Industry Communications and media is already a multi-billion dollar industry in Canada. And there are no signs of slowing down. It’s evolving constantly, opening doors to numerous innovative jobs. The career prospects are bright but the industry is extremely competitive. Only those who have in-depth understanding of the communications and media tools, platforms, strategies and audiences and substantial experience can make sustainable careers. A program in communications and media foundations is the first step towards a career in this industry. It can take you in many directions, allowing you to explore all possible career opportunities.