Jason Brandes museum park analysis of downtown Miami

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museum park

Jason Brandes Spring 2013 Design 8


Social/cultural conditions – historical landmarks - cultural ethnicity and religions


Flora – fauna – soils – environmental considerations


Urban fabric and its history - street furniture – materials – sculptural and artistic elements

Categories Site research and analysis Zoning and district maps Vicinity maps

Site Analysis •

Climate analysis

Solar exposure


Economic/social context

Modes of circulation Site Photos

Table of Contents

General Content

General content

human_ The human section of this analysis deals with issues of historical, social, political, cultural and ethical nature. These include studies of ancient settlements, their culture and its evolution through time. Through this analysis we seek to find important aspects that might inform our future site intervention.


Social and cultural conditions

Downtown Miami holds up through economic downturn: Today, with the housing bust and the consequent recession, Miami's skyline is virtually free of the construction cranes that defined it years ago. Downtown Brickell has been perhaps the biggest beneficiary of the construction boom. In an area considered primarily a banking center. Many planned residential towers are on hold or have yet to break ground due to the sudden drop off of the economy sensing an overbuilt residential market. for example the waterfront site of villa magna a massive two tower development is now being re envisioned as a temporary city park until the market recovers. Another example is the 5.6 acre site of a $2 billion three tower mixed use project Called Brickell Citicentre that presently stands empty. While many experts were expecting years of oversupply, Miami's downtown development authority released a report in June stating that 62% of all residential units completed since 2003 are occupied and the closing rate is accelerating despite obstacles to financing. this report highlights the strength of the new downtown Miami. even in tough economic times, 98.6% of the closed units are occupied by owners or renters. monthly sales and leasing activity of new units has been averaging 350 units per month. according to the report, us census projections show that the number of downtown residents has grown from 40,000 to 60,000 with and additional 10,000 residents expected to move in over the next six years. considering the recent economic downturn, downtown Miami is holding up well. Despite a global recession, it is important to note that Miami's developers remain active, but a at a much slower pace. while many smaller and foreign developers have left the city, well financed companies are preparing for the eventual end of the recession with big plans. the possibilities in downtown remain as attractive as ever, with land still widely available throughout the city.


Historical landmarks

Leslie Hotel, Miami Beach

art deco_

(1920s to early 1930s)

The evolution of 20th century ‘modern’ architecture in Miami Beach begins with the Art Deco style. Art Deco had its origins in Europe, and particularly France, in the mid-1920s. Its primary form in Miami Beach is a vertical oriented rectangle which is divided into three parts, both horizontally and vertically


Historical landmarks


(1930s to early 1940s)

As time goes on architects begin to get more playful with the vocabulary of Art Deco architecture. Eyebrows become a stronger horizontal element by uniting across the faรงade and racing around the corner to the side facades. Windows move to the outer edges of the faรงade and even wrap around the corners, flaunting new structural systems that eliminated the need for corner supports.

Hotel Cardozo, Miami Beach


(1940s to early 1960s)

After World War II, architects, influenced by the international modern movement, began to play with form and geometry. Horizontal proportions became even more pronounced, often exhibiting a flat roof with broad overhanging eaves, echoed by the horizontal projections of the catwalks or balconies and anchored to the ground with long low planter boxes. Eyebrows evolved into window boxes and windows were grouped together with bands of contrasting texture and color to create bold patterns, The axis of symmetry often shifted to the outside of the building where two identical buildings form a mirror image of one another facing a central courtyard.

Historical landmarks

miami modernist_

Bacardi Building, Miami


Cultural ethnicity and religion

The areas population has changed drastically throughout the years. The area has experienced 5 different waves of immigration from all different parts of the world. Starting with the original Indian population moving through to the Jewish immigration after world war II and then the mass Cuban immigration during the Castro regime. This turned miami into a true melting pot and a major cosmopolitan area.


General content

natural_ The information collected in this section will help us determine the best way for future development to respond and positively interact with environmental factors. Some aspects of the design that might be informed by this area of investigation include building orientation, choice of material, placement of structure within the site, relationship between exterior and interior, response to flora and fauna in the area and adaptation to future climate change



on site_

Vegetation on site and within walking distance of the site include large palm trees such as: Royal Palm trees, Sabal Palm trees and Lindo Palm tree. Also on or near the site, one can find large Gumbo Limbo, Wild Tamarind and Live Oak trees. Medium sized vegetation also exist on site in the form of Satin Leaf, Pigeon Plum, Sea grape, Silver Palm, and Shortleaf Fig trees. Smaller plants such as Fire bushes, Simpson stoppers and Cocoplum trees predominantly inhabitant the area.


Vegetation off site include Buttonwood Mangroves, Paradise tree, Date Palm and various types of tall Coconut Palm trees. Also, smaller shrubs and bushes such as Mulberry, Jamaican Caper, Spanish Stopper and Myrsine bushes/shrubs are abundant in the South Florida landscape.


off site_


Fauna On Land_

Majority of on-site wildlife corresponds to birds, smaller reptiles and marine wildlife. Birds like mockingbirds (Fire Northern Mockingbird is Florida’s state bird), vultures, ducks, owls, migrating parrots, swallows and hummingbirds are known to live in the area. Marine and oceans birds such as sea gulls, sandpipers and pelicans also inhabit the coastal area. Flamingos, egrets and herons are also popular in more swampy areas of the Miami-Dade County area. Iguanas and common lizards can be found in both swamp and coastal areas. Alligators and turtles also exist in great variety. Leatherback, loggerhead, snapping and green turtles make the coastal planes and south Florida beaches their home and nesting grounds.


South Florida is home to a number of marine mammals (some endangered species), fish and plant life. Manatees and bottlenose dolphins swim in the oceans and intracoastal sections of south Florida. Sharks, marlins, and smaller fish are abundant in Florida's coast. While the presence of humans have impacted where these animals live (in most cases driving them to less populated areas and/or deeper into sea) It is not rare to have encounters with a manatees, dolphins and sharks along Biscayne Bay. The presence of boats and other man-made crafts in the Bay often end up with animals being injured.


marine wildlife_





This area is in the Floridian section of the coastal plain province of the Atlantic plan. It is an nearly level lowlands. Agricultural canals drain this area. This are is categorized as a young marine plan underlain by tertiary-aged rocks, including very fined grained shale, mudstones, lime stone, and dolomite beds. A sandy marine deposit of Pleistocene age rock occurs at the surface in of this area. (Pleistocene refers to end of the last glacial period) the dominant soils have a hyper thermic soil temperature regime(meaning that not much changes on soil temperature occur during seasons) an aqua soil moisture regime (meaning that they tend to be saturated by water)and siliceous mineralogy (they have predominantly presence of silicic materials). These soils are generally deep or very deep, poorly drained or very loamy and sandy. Sub groups of this type of soil variations are generally formed in loamy marine sediments on flats and flood plains and in depressions. This soils type support swamp vegetation. Slash pine and cabbage Palma are dominant species. Saw palmetto cord grasses and blue stems are abundantly present as well. The major soil resource concern is wind erosion, maintenance of the content of organic matter and productivity of the soils, and management of soil moisture



Soils description • Mainly level low lands • Soft soils (alfisols, entisols, histosols) • Poor drainage • Soil characteristics • Hyper thermic temperature regime • Aquic soil moisture regime • Siliceous mineralogy


Environmental considerations

The biggest environmental concern in the area takes us to about 15 miles west of our proposed site. The everglades are currently in the process on being restore. Human presence and pollution has greatly affected wildlife in the swampy lands of the everglades. A big effort is being carried out by both local and federal entities to save many endangered plant and animal species alike from extinction in the everglades. Another big issue in the South Florida is the presence of many invasive species. A number of reptiles, birds and plants have been introduced to the south Florida wildlife. The presence of these new inhabitants has (in the case of large snakes and iguanas) altered the ecosystem and efforts are undergoing to stop the spreading of these animals. Pollution also presents a problem in south Florida. The nature of our soils (most soft sandy soils) enhances the possibility of pollution contaminating underground waters. Since the majority of population in lives conceivably near the coast, efforts to keep the coast, intracoastal and rivers clean in ongoing. Beach erosion also presents a problem. Although it mainly affects human life and man-made structures, coastal erosion and future ocean level rise present a concern for developers and builders.


General content

built_ This area of analysis will strengthen our understanding of the cityscape and its man-made structures and inform our design to respond to its built context. We are conscious that design decisions shape the cities in the world and the way in which people move and behave with them. Through this analysis the design can be informed to enhance its existing surroundings and improve the quality of life within them.


Urban Fabric and its history Miami’s architectural styles range from austere corporate architecture, as it has the largest concentration of international banks in the United States, to colorful and playful architecture that reflects the beach and Latin American culture.



Materials found around the site vary in many ways. From organic to manmade the site finds itself surrounded by a plethora of new technology an material innovation. laid brick, steel\concrete structures and all sorts of glass panes and tiles are present around the site.


Street Furniture

The permanent fixtures are mostly made to withstand the normal wear and tear of the miami climate. Coated steel benches are placed at bus stops to provide passengers a place to rest before the next bus comes.

Artistic expressions are also integrated into the mix like this Arquitectonica, Company, Miami, USA. Street Furniture. It provides an innovative approach to enhancing the public realm through quality, furnishing solutions.

Not every installation is permanent. Some downtown furnishings are also artistic expressions like these light up benches that were part of a downtown art expo.



Sculptural and artistic elements

Miami Riverwalk

Burle Marx Streetscape

The art displayed through out the bay is always from renowned artists and architects that allow their imaginations be free.

Burle Marx 9th Street Plaza


General content

site analysis_ •

Climate analysis

Solar exposure


Economic/social context

Modes of circulation


Climate analysis

climate_ The climate in Florida has always been Florida’s most important natural resources, which is reflected in its official nickname, the “Sunshine State”. Miami shares the same climate conditions. The primary factors affecting the state’s climate are latitude, numerous inland lakes, and its proximity to the currents of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico. Thunderstorms, lightning, rainfall, and hurricanes and tropical storms with at least 74 mph winds are part of the pattern of Florida. In a nutshell, Miami distinguishes for Long warm and fairly humid summers, mild winters with periodic invasions of cool to occasionally cold air, and coastal areas with average slightly warmer temperatures in winter and cooler ones in summer. Added to this, this study shows the threats of sea level rise as result of human conditions and ways of living.


Climate analysis

Climate Change

These maps show monthly averages of global concentrations of tropospheric carbon monoxide at 12,000 ft.

Earth’s climate system changes from month to month

Globally, rain is the main source of fresh water for plants and animals. Rainfall is essential for life across earths landscapes.


Climate analysis

Climate Change

On earth, something Is always burning. Wildfires are started by lightning or accidentally by people, and people use controlled fires to manage farmland and pasture to clear natural vegetation for farm land.

Earth’s climate system changes from month to month


Solar exposure

Solar azimuth


June 21st

December 21st

Solar exposure

shadow study_


Solar exposure Percentage of available hours

Percentage of Possible Sunshine Miami, FL


Solar exposure

Sunrise and sunset



Miami, FL


Average Temperature Range




Average Monthly Precipitation Miami, FL



ASCE Wind Zone map

Miami, FL

Monthly Wind Direction • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jan - NNW Feb – NNW Mar – ESE Apr – ESE May – ESE Jun - ESE Jul - ESE Aug - ESE Sep - E Oct - ENE Nov - E Dec - NNW


The estimated population of the area per 2010 census is 5322 individuals. This number, and all the demographics provided are based on the zip code area of 33132, which corresponds to the site being analyzed. Population density is set at 2417 people per square mile, which is considered low for the area.



Chart 2.3.1. – Gender distribution of residents

As seen in chart 2.3.1, gender is distributed mostly evenly, with the male and female population at 2593 and 2729 individuals, respectively.



These residents are distributed in houses condos and apartment type dwellings. About 70% of these are owned by the residents, while less than 30% are rented. Housing density is 110 houses per square mile. 1396 total = 28.54%

3495 total = 71.46%

Houses & Condos Renter Occupied Apartments

The median age of the residents is 38.3 years, as most of the population falls between the ages of 25 to 39 years old. (See table 2.3.1) It is important to note that the majority of residents are of mature age, accounting for over 80% of the population, while children and young adults 0-24 account for less than 20%, as illustrated in chart 2.3.

Table 2.3.2. – Age distribution of residents

Chart 2.3.2. – Age distribution of residents


Table 2.3.3 – Race distribution of residents


The influence of Hispanic and Latino culture in the area is evidently seen, as chart 2.3.3 illustrates that over 50% of the residents consider themselves part of the Hispanic community. The white population corresponds to less than 30% of the total, while African American account for only 11% of the residents. (See table 2.3.2)

Table 2.3.2 – Race distribution of residents

The level of education of residents over 18 years old places the majority as high school graduates. However, it is important to note that only 30% of the total obtained college degrees, while almost a quarter of the population never finished high school.


Sea levels

Sea level rise in Miami-Dade county and its impact on urban and natural resources:

Sea level rise and rapid population growth The sea level rise project is a study currently underway at the south Florida regional planning council which aims to paint a picture of what south Florida may look like in 200 year if current predictions of global warming causes sea level to rise significantly


Sea levels

Florida has current and future problems. Current impacts in Southeast Florida include: reduction in capacity of flood control structures (some of which are already experiencing impacts during high tide), salt water intrusion towards fresh water well fields (South Florida’s primary source of drinking water), and the landward migration of fresh water wetlands that may experience peat collapse along the coast.

Degree to which people, property, resources, systems, and cultural, economic, environmental, and social activity is susceptible to harm, degradation, or destruction on being exposed to a hostile agent or factor.(in this case - SLR)


Sea levels 1 ft.

4 ft.

These maps represent what could happen in the future if and when the sea level rises. The light blue color represents the water intrusion inland at different heights above sea levels. 2 ft.

5 ft.

3 ft.

6 ft.



Social Context This section allows measuring the Immediate physical and social setting in which people live or in which something happens or develops. It has to do with the culture in which the individual was educated or lives in, and the people and institutions with whom they interact. Here we show the majority of groups by race, gender, and ethnicity. Also the surrounding cultural gathering points which attracts particular groups from the Miami area. Moreover, there is a list of all religious buildings where the groups share the same values and customs. Another important factor is the most used ways of transportation, criminal rate, violence index, and predator records.


Economic and Social Context

Social context According to the 2010 US census, the population of 33132 increased to 11,165 from 5,322 over the past ten years. The majority ethnicity residing in 33132 is white while the majority ethnicity attending 33132 public schools is Hispanic. 47.83% of students in 33132 schools receive or are eligible to participate in free or reduced lunch programs.


According to our research of public records there were 18 registered sex offenders living in 33132 zip code in the middle of 2010

Economic and Social Context

Social context


Economic and Social Context

Of the 5322 individuals in the area, about 35% contribute to the workforce. However, 5% percent of these are unemployed. About 65% of the residents are not in the labor force, may it be for their age, disability status or other conditions. (See chart 2.3.1) The ones who are employed, are distributed along several different areas of labor, as illustrated by graph 2.3.1.

Table 2.3.1. – Employment Status of residents

Chart 2.3.1. – Areas of Employment

The income levels of the residents of the area are displayed in the table below. Over half of residents earn less than $30,000 per year, while only a handful earn more than $150,000 annually

Table 2.3.2. – Household Income by Level Chart 2.3.2. – Household Income by Level


Table 2.3.3. – Vehicle Ownership Chart 2.3.3. – Means of Transportation to Work

Economic and Social Context

Vehicle ownership can be a useful indicator of the economic potential of residents, as well as the need for public transportation. (see chart 2.3.3) Furthermore, the workforce’s means of transportation, illustrated in chart 2.3.3, can also help determine the need for alternative means of transportation.

In conclusion, the group being analyzed is a working class group, evidently seen by the level of education acquired, as well as the income. A lot however, correspond to the professional field, and judging by their age, it is possible most are starting or in the first year of their careers. Also, a lot of the residents are not able to work, perhaps due to their immigration status, age, or disability. It is also evident that most residents use the car as a means of transportation, something that could reflect on the decreasing quality of other alternative means Thus, it is important to provide the area with other means of transportation, in order to decrease dependency on the automobile.


Modes of circulation

Miami-Dade Transit Metrorail

Downtown Miami Metromover


Paratransit (STS) systems

In 1960, multiple transit operations were combined into one countywide service.


Modes of circulation

• • • •

I-95 from north to south 395 from east to west Main streets Metro Rail

• • •

Site Bus tram


Modes of circulation


zoning and district maps_


Future land use





Future land use

ďƒŠ N


Enterprise zone

ďƒŠ N Enterprise zone



ďƒŠ N


vicinity maps_


Nolly map


Parking structures/lots Built environment


Vacant privately owned land


site photos_





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