Portolio | jasper stroobants'14

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INTRODUCTION ABOUT Ever since I was a kid I am passionate about drawing. Making the imaginative real is what thrives me. Drawing is a hobby, but throughout my studies in high school I started understanding that I could do something with it. This is how I got interested in architecture, a discipline where your imagination can become reality. Thanks to my experience in youth-organisations I am a very good team player, but if necessary I can take the lead and work as an advisor. Due to working in these youth-organisations my responsibility has grown during the years. I took this background with me to the drawing-table and strongly believe that a building can affect the social behaviour of its inhabitants and its users. On the other hand I also believe that working together helps a design to become more then when working solo, more people think about more then one person. During my time at College I got more and more interested in the social aspect of building, that is why I decided to study Urban Planning, which I graduated in 2010. After obtaining my master’s degree in Urban Planning, I got my Master’s degree in Architecture in 2012, both at “LUCA school of Arts”. This gives me the possibility to work on the bigger social and ecological questions of our environment while at the same time I have the opportunity to see my designs become reality in small-scale projects.

MANIFEST The importance of design... The invisible boundaries between the Public and the Private space are very fascinating; it is a border which people aren’t aware of, while at the same time they are being affected by it. The way public and private intermingle decides how people experience a space. The way people enter a house; from the street, onto a small step-up onto the sidewalk, through a small fence, into the front garden, onto the doorstep or maybe from a small sidewalk into an apartment’s hallway, straight into someone’s living room. The way some companies chose to make their lobby publicly accessible so that they become part of the city-life. The borders we cross to go from the public space towards the most private part of a building or environment, they decide how we live. The consequences of the privatisation of our society, how houses, streets and courtyards are taken away from the public life is very intriguing and frightening, how is it possible to reject others to be part of certain urban area’s? Do they think about the consequences and the social segregation that is created? That’s why it’s important for the contemporary designer to think about how private space can contribute towards the public live but also think in the other direction, how can a public place affect a person’s living environment on a possible way? I believe in constantly rethinking a design, even if the first schemes look good, it’s necessary to question everything all over again. This is where the added value of working in a group is the most visible. Once everything is on a clear line, you’ve got to go for it and use this clear line in every detail you design in the project. It’s important to go back towards the essence and to seek simplicity in the difficult knot of knowledge needed to make a good and simple looking design.

Jasper Stroobants Gemeenteplein 16 bus 1 B - 1560 Hoeilaart T +32 479 752 147 M stroobants.jasper@gmail.com

CURRICULUM VITAE Skills Education 12

Anatomical Drawing Central Saint Martins London

10-12 Masters of Science in Architectuur WENK Brussels 08-10 Masters of Science in Urban Planning WENK Brussels

Languages Dutch (native), English (excellent), French (good), German (basic) Technical Adobe Package: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign Vectorworks, Google Sketchup, V-ray, AutoCAD, MS office, EPB, Arcgis Physical modelmaking

05 - 08 Bachelor in Architecture WENK Brussels


99 - 05 Science-Maths Koninklijk Atheneum Tervuren

running rock climbing drawing reading

Experience 05-10 Scouts leader


04-08 Sanitation engineer 07-09 Camp counselor 10-12 Ecoworks Designer, Fieldwork 10-... Freelance illustrator 12-... Freelance Designer in collaboration with Baroness O. 13-... Junior Architect at Jan Maenhout Architecten

Ecoworks John Kinnen john@ecoworks.be T +32 494 905 059 JAN MAENHOUT ARCHITECTEN Luc Bosmans T +32 216 55 95 info@arch-janmaenhout.be Baroness O. Anne Van Assche T +32 478 212 177 anne@baronesso.com




During my first internship as a junior architect I had the occasion to me the opportunity to understand the direct link between the drawing table immediately assist with the follow-up of a social-housing block. This gave and reality.

Urban Planning / Private customers: the area, thinking about a global concept and its immediate impact on As the sole urban planner in the office I was the one responsible for the the surrounding area, as well as understanding the typological plans of large building grounds. This investigation included several focal points individual houses. that are critical to urban planning. From learning the legislative rules of


COMPETITIONS: the design, the other time making the 3D-representations, below you will During my internship at Architectenbureau Jan Maenhout I had the find a small selection of images representing this work. opportunity to work on all sorts of competitions, sometimes working on




Extention to an elementary school and kindergarten in collaboration with Jens Deschutter.





For the location and mutual relations of the new building volumes we investigated how the definition of a “neighbor” could be implemented into the floor plan of the new building. The playground and multi-purpose room CONCEPT connect with the streets and school within the urban fabric that serves as Primary school and kindergarten ‘t Kofschip is located in a conglomerate an open place between classes. of townhouses each one with a backyard. Each classroom’s backyard becomes a direct connection with the backyard of a townhouse resident. A common area between the classes, which creates a flexible orientation The classroom becomes a place where the teaching surface has an and organization of the learning environment, provides adequate and equivalent outdoors. The effect is that the classroom and garden become natural storage room between two classes. a micro-world within the school. ASSIGNEMENT Design a new building for a primary school and kindergarten.



Kindergarten classrooms, designed as squares. By reducing the size of a classic classroom of 9 by 6 meters to a 6 by 6 classroom we create extra space for a multipurpose room, which meanders along the classes. This means that a classroom has access to an outdoor space but also to the multipurpose room. This can be used as an extension to the classroom. By increasing the roof at the outside of a classroom, we create, with the help of northern light, an illuminated wall. The illuminated wall can be used to hang drawings and artwork from the children. This playful aspect also provides a mental perception of the school program, children from the lower grades get to see what the older children are doing and what they’ll be able to do the next year.



REGATTA ANTWERP A new residential area is created on the Left Bank of Antwerp.



By increasing the residential density of the building blocks we create more space for public and semi-public areas, each with its own identity. By increasing the density even more at the borders of the neighborhood we create a new “Landmark� for the district and the entire Left Bank of Antwerp. It also increases the number of homes with direct sunlight in the north, while the lower south side connects to the rest of the site. A boulevard serves as a connection towards the various areas and functions as a gateway to the heart of the site.

A community center will be built underground to avoid noise. The floor plan is as simple as possible in order to increase its functionality. The use of patios is necessary to attract natural light and greenery in the various rooms of the building.






Section AA’


Section BB’













Facade AA’

Section BB’

Facade CC’

20m Section DD’

Section EE’


H’ F’





Section FF’

Section GG’

Section HH’



SEMI-PUBLIC PUBLIC BUILDING Analyses of the Brussels “canal-zone” by the theme “Fragile”

weaknesses strong barriers

passer-by’s waiting for work

The many semi-legal car shops characterize the “canal-zone” in Brussels. This attracts a certain type of worker who may not have the correct papers to work in the legal labor-circuit. When there is no work, the men wait together on the street, which gives a frightening environment for passersby. During the analysis it became clear that the neighborhood needed a new trigger and that this should be something related to the car shops. A mechanic school was the obvious choice. This way it would be possible to

safe scared get the workers out of the illegal circuit by giving them a proper education, while at the same time we would be able to attract other people to the area which will diminish the minority feeling for passers-by.

The public function and the openness of the building facing the street provide a social control for the whole street. The school becomes even more important when it can be used for language classes, after-school care and a multimedia area for local residents.


“Outdoor architectural office� in the area, to have immediate contact with the residents and the different actors.


Public - Private

Public snack-bar Green in the neighbourhood and the building

multimedia-room / afterschool-care The car as connection between building and neighborhood

Classrooms Landmark as safe-zone

Public garden

different levels, from public to private in the buidling Sportsfield


Ground floor

1st floor

2nd floor

Section AA’

3th floor

Section BB’




Zero-energy building: a 100m² information point in collaboration with: Katrien Brands, Cynthia Michiels, Evelien Allaerts, Charlotte Bonnevalle


ASSIGNEMENTT A building of 100 square meters which is it’s own energy-supplier, somewhere in the centre of Brussels


Because of it’s location close to the central station and in the middle of the touristic area of the city the function of the building is an information point for tourists and salesman alike. CONCEPT The building exists of two levels, one public area with bar and information The chosen location is close to the grand-market in Brussels, one of the point, the other a multifunctional space for seminars and events. The main tourist attractions in the city. The only build object on the existing ground floor is kept open to make the connection between the green area parcel is a wooden facade, which is recovered for the final building as a in the back of the parcel and the city. sun-screen.


ground floor

1st level

2nd level



SOUTH HARBOUR HELSINKI New sea-terminal for the harbour of Helsinki.

The roof is designed as an extension to the neighboring park, this creates a save connection between city and suburbs, but also between the park and the water. The terminal mostly exists of translucent walkways that CONCEPT provide light for the lower floor during the day, while during the long dark The building is divided into three separate parts, one on the ground floor days in winter they send out the light into the sky as a reflection towards for cars, trucks, busses and taxis. The second part, on the first floor for the the polar light. passengers to go to the ships an the third part, the roof for pedestrians and bikes as a safe transit between the city Centre and the suburbs The building’s plan is cultivated in a way that different views are created By withdrawing the terminal from the lower level, the ground floor is towards the sea as you walk through the building, towards the boat, Thus mostly used for parking busses and taxis. The rest of the space is then one gets the feeling of the classic pier where one has the time to say used to create an easy transit for vehicles towards and from the ships. goodbye to the people he leaves behind. ASSIGNEMENT Design a new port for cruise-ships and ferryboats in Helsinki.


URBAN CANOPY a solution for the Housing shortage in Brussels

ASSIGNEMENT Formulate an answer to the expected population growth in Brussels.

most of the empty offices are located in the European district of the city. This is how we take away pressure from traffic and the housing market. Housing at the outskirts of the city will become cheaper and poverty will CONCEPT be spread instead of concentrated in a couple of area’s that would lead to The population of Brussels keeps growing at a fast pace, but the housing vandalism and violence. opportunities aren’t. The city will need 50.000 new living units in the next Because we build for the higher class of society we can implement couple of years. The high population growth is mainly due to immigration, ecological, more expensive ideas into the neighborhood, like urban farming, biological restaurants, certain leisure activities etc. At the same time we which primarily entails a poor population. Instead of looking for new social housing and starting to use up new convert a monofunctional area into a multifunctional self-sustaining grounds, I decided to use empty-offices and convert them into housing neighborhood by integrating new functions units. However these houses won’t go to the pour but to expats, because


Concept building

Concept 1unit: inside and outside area


SJ BERCHMAN renovation of a single-family row-house (in progress) in collaboration with Klaas Dhaene

CONCEPT Because of the width of the house (3,5m) the circulation in the house needed to be implemented in the different rooms. A central element was designed to around the existing stairs, to include closets, toilets and a bathroom. The kitchen is located on a lower level then the rest of the living area to make an immediate connection with the garden.




A structural plan to upgrade the living qualities in the city theme:“community-facilities”. in collaboration with Tracey Loontjens, Matthias Lievens, Lieven Symons.

ASSIGNEMENT Re-enforce the community of Kinshasa by urban interventions.

Such spaces are - according to need - granted a multi-functional use.

STRATEGY CONCEPT We specifically went looking for open space and where we had the At the nuance and detail of our vision, it seemed a good idea - given the possibility to create new open space. These spaces were then given context of the current Congo, restricted opportunities and efforts to the a specific function, depending on their location, this could be mono-or feasibility of the realization – to focus on the principle of ‘greening’ the multifunctional. city. We started from the idea that in the future, Kinshasa could basically This open space is used to revitalize and restructure the city, to promote be the African Curitiba. We tried to apply greening on various scales. This the quality of life in the communities. is always achieved by a number of specific interventions, sometimes huge with a sizeable impact, sometimes rather small, with limited impact. This way, a minimum of resources can create a maximal result. We are thereby particularly focused in creating open spaces in the city.




TEMPELHOFFER - EXPERIMENT A new function for Tempelhoffer feld

ASSIGNEMENT Think of a new function for the Tempelhofer feld. CONCEPT Open space in the heart of the city ensures air and coolness, this makes the Tempelhoffer feld a location with a huge potential, a place where the “Berliner� can relax. How can we safeguard the open space while making maximal us of the area? How can we innovate without building? Innovate in agriculture and nature, therefore we have chosen a university branch that is involved with

landscape and agricultural development. The site provides the opportunity for large-scale experimentation with genetically modified foods, without a threat to the surrounding agriculture. The existing runways are implemented so we maintain the link to the past and at the same time we have the option to use them as entrances to all the different crop-fields. By taking into account the best possible layout and distance between fields we create a patchwork of colors and scents on the site. Due to the volume and diversity of types of crops, flowers, and plants ... the airport will never look the same for visitors.



year 2



Barley Wheat

year 3 Festival / Nothing

year 4


Green beach for BXL


In colaboration withe Klaas Dhaene - Student competition

public transport Brussels

green belt Brussels

Analyse analysis of the park

ASSIGNEMENT Think of a new function for the park of Laken. The English-style landscape park of ‘Laken’ is the biggest accessible green spot in Brussels - the capital of Belgium - but hardly used due to its disconnectedness towards the city and the missing infrastructure.

new strategy for the park

A redevelopment strategy implements a new axis system with a footbridge that will form the backbone for a variety of new recreational functions. The axis provides all the needs for daily use of all kinds of recreation, but also for bigger events such as festivals or travelling circuses.




Strand / zwemvijver / zwembad

Tramhalte / faciliteiten

Adventure speeltuin

Parkwachterspaviljoen / faciliteiten

Oversteek Avenue des Robiniers

Skatepark / basket


Een groen strand voor Brussel.

schaal: 1/1000

From BXL to BBQ



Design and illustration batibouw-boot ecoworks i.s.m. Baroness O. (winner communication-award 2013 beste boot under70m²)

ASSIGNMENT A creative booth for ecoworks on the biggest building fair in Belgium. CONCEPT Ecoworks is a company which designs and builds green facades, green roofs and natural swimming ponds. It’s the first Belgian company who started working on urban farming. The client had some very important wishes: every product must be equally important represented, the booth must be as open as possible for passerbyes, the different types of green roof must all be physically on the booth.

Everything was on a strict budget and the clients must be able to build everything themselves. Most booths have an overload on information, communicated in a boring way. The ecoworks booth is the opposite; every product is represented on a whiteboard animation visualized with an ipad inside a green facade, while every milestone in the life of ecoworks is illustrated onto an infographic on the main wall of the booth. The booth won the “Batibouw communication award” for best product presentation.




interior design of community centre in the town of Hoeilaart in collaboration with Baroness O.

ASSIGNEMENT A permanent exhibition in the “green-house” of a town’s cultural center, by the link of viticulture and the history of the town. CONCEPT Because the greenhouse is non-acclimatized the exhibition must be able to handle all types of temperatures and humidity, the greenhouse is also used as an event-hall, that’s why the exhibition can’t exist out of solid elements. We extended the exhibition space from inside the greenhouse towards the whole town, by making use of viewmasters with historical images and a

guided tour that tells the history of the town. This analogue approach is also used in the greenhouse, where information on the town is visible on movable banners, banners who can be retracted during events thanks to a system of pulleys. By analogy of a tear-off calendar, a map of the town is created by using old air-photos and bird-perspective images, this gives the inhabitants of the town the ability to imagine how their neighborhood must have looked like in the past. While at the same time non-inhabitants get an idea why the town is called the town from glass. By using the tear-off calendar we give the people the opportunity to take a part of the exhibition home.


Hoeilaart represented by panorama and airpictures

The viewmaster as a link between present and past



Design of ecological business area and new entrance to main building in collaboration with ecoworks.

CONCEPT In the design we chose to implement materials that are produced by the client. The textile-cloths the company produces are used to define the landscape; hedges in a prairie-like landscape demarcate these long strokes. This prairie landscape was chosen because of its low-maintenance characteristics and it’s high visual diversity through the different seasons. Because of the client’s high investment on durable productions we chose to add a wadi, basically a big water-buffer in the middle of the terrain, to take care of all the rainwater from the different factory-halls. The new entrance building is designed using clear and simple lines, where inside and outside converge in one another.



FREE REUSABLE SEATING seating and border for a festival

The choice for “Euro-pallets” is obvious they are easy to stack, free if you don’t destroy them and thanks to their weight they stay in place without the need of joints. The pallets are used in and outside and they are stacked in different heights, depending on the function. This gives us the opportunity to create entrances, seating-possibilities or a bar, all in one curving line around the festival area.



VERBEEK Garden design in collaboration with ecoworks

The garden is divided into rooms by dense bushes and metal we created a “petanque-alley� while we also created vistas in walls, each with its own identity. the hedges to create special views from the garden towards For example, the living and dining room of the house have an the street and the neighbors, like little real-life paintings. extension outside; a water pond is added to the living room while the dining room is extended with a patio. The client wanted to stimulate interaction between neighbors with the help of his plot. Close to the corner with the T-junction








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