Voiceitt lets people with speech impairments use voice controlled technology
Voice controlled apps are increasing day-by-day as they are convenient and easy to use. While messaging is an important part of our lives, the need of voice controlled technology is also increasing. People with speech difficulty, find difficulty in communicating as they are not able to say what the want to say. The difference between what they think and what the say, makes them frustrated. Nearly all our basic necessity apps like Siri, Amazon Echo even google maps rely on the voice control feature. According to the reports, voice controls are changing every field. They are even expanding in the field of medical, industries, business and much more. The only drawback with voice controls is that they leave the large community of millions of people who suffer from speech difficulty. Voice controls are for people who have the strong accent. According to a survey, about 2 percent of the population around the world, suffers from speech difficulty due to conditions like autism, Parkinson's disease, brain injury, stroke and much more. Voiceitt, An Israeli startup has raised $2 million in seed funding to translate into clear conversation. They are trying to fill the gap that speech difficulty people suffer. It includes investors like Dreamit Ventures, Amit Technion, Quake Capital, Buffalo Angels, 1,000 Angels and other angels. To translate the speech they use smartphones, ipads, tablets to convert speech which is not intelligible into a speech which can be easily understandable by every human being. Which means that this app would help millions of people around the world to
communicate as it helps the other person at the receiving end to understand what the person is trying to say. The main clients of the app are schools, patients suffering from Parkinsons, stroke, down Syndrome and many more suffering from speech difficulty.
Also Read: An app for people suffering from language disorders
Voiceitt, cofounder, Danny Weissberg and CTO Stas TiomKin was graduated from Dreamlt Health accelerator. They did the doctorate in speech recognition. This new app, voiceitt is simple and easy to use. First, you have to launch the app from the app store, then you need to compose and read short statements such as “ how are you” or “where are you going”. Through this, it records user's pronunciation. People with motor disabilities, can ask another person to record phrases for them. After this, the voiceitt would convert their statement into a normal speech. Currently, the app is in beta test and is not available yet. The founder of Voiceitt’s main aim to help people who cannot talk and make them feel normal. They wanted those people to communicate in the most natural way.