Introduction This book is a collection of arguments on the future of the book industry from the point of view of the jacket designer, considering the impact of digital publishing.
All the designs within this book are based on and inspired by works of book cover designers I have researched throughout this project and who also debate the arguments within this book. There is an appendix at the back of this book displaying the works which inspired me to create this artefact.
something is definitely lost: tradition, a sensual experience, the comfort of thingy-ness a little bit of humanity Chip Kidd, book cover designer, ted talk 2012.
“Sniffing an iPad won’t get you no where�
Chip Kidd, book cover designer, ted talk 2012.
Bio: Chip Kidd Chip Kidd is an American graphic designer, editor and author working for the random house group since 1986 and has worked as a freelance for many other companies and authors.He is also well known for his talks on book cover design and performs at conferences all around the world, especially his latest presentation on Ted talks 2012. His most famous design being the logo for the Jurassic park franchise that was firstly the book cover design for the Jurassic park book.
Browsers no longer roam around borders scanning the shelves for the right title to pluck. Increasingly, instead they scroll through Amazon’s postage stamp sized pictures, which don’t actually cover anything and instead operate as visual portals into an entire webpage of data (publication date, reader, reviews, price) David Zax; The Book Cover Dead? Technology Review MIT
There’s a reason why Michelangelo preferred chapel ceilings to postage stamps. When it comes to a canvas size matters.
For many years now publishers have invested in innovation in digital products and services and this is being reflected in the increasingly mixed economy for books in the UK. However, online copyright infringement is increasingly making its presence felt for authors and publishers and that is why we continue to call on government and other stakeholders in the digital economy to work with us to do more to tackle it, and to ensure that the UK’s ecommerce performance is as strong as it can possibly be. Alison flood
ebooks are not trying
to replace books
What does the future hold for book cover design?
There will be a market that just wants/needs to download the material for reading purposes, and there will be a market that is looking for an object. paul buckley: Q & A on casualoptimist. com
I think digital publishing is going to look less like a scanned printed book under glass and more like its own thing that was born to be digital Mike Matas: how one software maverick is pioneering the future of digital book publishing
STUDY Bio: Mike Matas Mike Matas is a young interface and icon design who co-found delicious monsters and has worked with apple on the development of Mac OS x, iphone and ipad on projects such as photo booth and more. In 2009 he co-founded push pop press and released the book our choice as the first title for the company. In 2011 he joined the facebook group.
Whether it’s a hard copy or a digital copy.
it’s still going to have a cover. I think they might change to a certain degree but everything evolves
I reserve judgement as to whether any of this is a good thing or a bad thing‌
but as publishing goes more digital, I think it’s naive to think these things wont happen to books just as they happen everywhere else. paul buckley: Q & A on casualoptimist. com