iPhone & iPad in the Enterprise: The Secure Business Container

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iOS 8 Business Container Implementation of Apple’s iOS 8 Business Features in the Enterprise Cortado White Paper

Content Outline ..................................................................................................................................................... 3 1. The Post-PC Era: Is Corporate Data No Longer Secure? ............................................. 4 2. Mobile Complexity and Specific Security Gaps .............................................................. 5 2.1 Mobile security risks at a glance .................................................................................................6 3. How to Build a Secure iOS 8 Business Container ........................................................... 8 3.1 Five steps to a secure, native container ................................................................................8 4. Trust in iOS 8 is Good, an Adequate MDM is Indispensable .................................... 11 4.1 Cortado Corporate Server functions in connection with iOS 8........................... 11 Mail account push .......................................................................................................................... 11 Application push ..............................................................................................................................12 Managed open in ............................................................................................................................12 Managed domains .........................................................................................................................13 Per App VPN .......................................................................................................................................13 Wi-Fi profile push ...........................................................................................................................13 Secure & native container ........................................................................................................14 Summary .............................................................................................................................................. 15

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Outline Situation. The post-PC era: Is corporate data no longer secure? Companies throughout the world are becoming more mobile. The subject of data security in corporate environments, and security gaps associated with it, are a major issue for CIOs and CEOs. Problem. Mobile complexity and specific security gaps. Mobile device operating systems seem slow to meet the security requirements of companies. Enterprise mobility still faces skepticism. In order to combat this, complicated solutions are brought into the market, this ultimately results in employees bypassing the provided systems and requirements, causing significant security gaps. Solution. How to build a secure business container with iOS 8. With the introduction of iOS 8, a crucial step has been taken towards making enterprise mobility more secure. Achieving a high level of secuirty is simply a question of using the Apple products practically. Choose apps for your employees, add any further necessary business apps and select the appropriate VPN provider for “per app VPN”. The Mobile Device Management solution chose should be compatible with iOS 8. These steps will result in secure corporate data when using iOS 8. Result. Trust in iOS 8 is good, but an adequate MDM is indispensable. iOS 8 is of no significant benefit if there is no adequate Mobile Device Management in place. Many companies still shy away from this and create their own (MDM) solution. Or they use MDM systems that only have limited compatibility with iOS 8. As opposed to full compatibly you can get with Cortado Corporate Server – the MDM/Mobile Application Management (MAM) solution from Cortado – that guarantees effective and comprehensive use of iOS 8 functions.

iOS 8 Business Container | November 2014 | www.cortado.com | www.thinprint.com


Download this white paper for free from the Cortado Corporate Server website today! http://bit.ly/1vGX9rH


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