Drop the Box - Professional File Sharing

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Drop the Box Professional File Sharing for Enterprises Cortado White Paper

Content 1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 3 2. Requirements with regard to file sharing services and security in organizations ................................................................................................................................... 4 2.1 Performance................................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Cost-saving potential............................................................................................................................6 2.3 Security...........................................................................................................................................................7 3. Drop the Box – Security gaps of file sharing providers .............................................. 9 4. File Sharing with Cortado Corporate Server.................................................................... 11 4.1 Security.......................................................................................................................................................... 11 4.2 Performance and productivity.....................................................................................................12 4.3 Saving potential......................................................................................................................................14 5. Summary...........................................................................................................................................16

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1. Introduction The popularity of cloud services and file sharing is continuing to increase. Analysts predict growth in the enterprise cloud market from $18.3 billion in 2012 to $31.9 billion in 2017.1 Familiar providers on the market offer services such as Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive or Amazon Web Services (AWS). With all these solutions they offer different versions for private users and for corporate use. This development is partly due to the popularity of smartphones and tablets. These devices usually only have a limited storage capacity, but are popularly used as a handy PC replacement both privately and professionally. That‘s why mobile users like to store their data in the cloud and access it conveniently via the internet. All relevant documents can be accessed in just a few clicks and can be shared quickly with friends, relatives or colleagues.

Both privately and in companies, the use of cloud services is increasing continuously.

Already over half of U.S. companies are using cloud computing2 – and the trend is rising. But many companies are still undecided. The biggest obstacle in the way of the cloud is the significant concern regarding data security. Yet in many companies, some employees are already storing data unnoticed in unsecure cloud services. Therefore, a company-wide standard solution must be introduced in order to prevent such behavior and guarantee security.

1 http://cloudtimes.org/2013/02/12/enterprise-cloud-services-to-reach-31-9-billionin-2017/ 2 http://www.forbes.com/sites/reuvencohen/2013/04/16/the-cloud-hits-the-mainstreammore-than-half-of-u-s-businesses-now-use-cloud-computing/

Drop the Box | December 2014 | www.cortado.com | www.thinprint.com


Download this white paper for free from the Cortado Corporate Server website today! http://bit.ly/ROrad5


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