C vs Python: Every Difference That You’re Looking For. It is obvious for an aspiring programmer to get confused between two or more programming languages when deciding which language is the best for their purposes. Therefore, today we will discuss C vs Python in a detailed manner. This blog will be very helpful for you if you are thinking about which language is best for you among C and Python. For beginners, both C and Python are excellent alternatives, and both offer promising career prospects. However, because each programmer has their unique requirements, the C vs Python comparison can lead to many different viewpoints. We'll go through the differences between C and Python in depth, as well as the basics of both languages, so that you can decide which is best for you.
Overview of C Programming Language The C programming language is a procedural language that facilitates structured programming and gives low-level access to the system memory. It is a general-purpose, operating system-agnostic language. In 1972, Dennis Ritchie developed the C programming language at AT&T Bell Laboratory. It was the successor of Ken Thompson's B programming language. C was created to solve the problems that BASIC, B, and BPCL programming languages had. By 1980, C had overtaken other widely used programming languages for microcomputers, mainframes, and minicomputers.
Overview of Python Programming Language In the early 1980s, Guido Van Rossum developed Python. It is a high-level, dynamically typed language. Python is a multifunctional programming language that can be used almost everywhere where data, mathematical computation, and LOC are used. Python has become one of the most loved programming languages of the IT industry in recent years because it has a wide range of application domains. Python's syntax is pretty much like standard English and is considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn and read. In the early 2000s, with the launch of Python 2.0, Python evolved into its modern form. However, the basic operating principles are still the same. The object-oriented paradigm of Python makes it suited for both small-scale and large-scale projects.
C vs Python: What are the Differences? The following are the main differences between C vs Python-
Architecture Python is a multi-paradigm, general-purpose, interpreted, and high-level programming language. C, on the other hand, is a procedural programming language with a wide range of applications.
Execution We build the code in C then compile and then execute the code snippet or program. On the other hand, Python allows dynamism by using an interpreter to execute code and run programs.
Debugging In C, it is necessary to compile the whole program even if it contains errors. After compilation, the user gets to know about the errors. However, in Python, the program's execution gets terminated on the occurrence of any error due to its interpreter architecture.
Variable Declaration Before the utilization of a variable in a C program, it must first be declared. On the other hand, Python does not need the declaration of variable type because of its loosely-typed nature.
Built-in Functions Python has many built-in functions for simplifying a wide range of tasks. On the contrary, C has a smaller number of built-in functions due to which program overhead and code length increase.
Garbage Collection C does not support any kind of automatic garbage collection or other memory management operations. Python includes features for executing garbage collection and other memory management operations automatically.
Pointer Usage C provides full support for pointers, providing users total control over memory addressing. On the other hand, Python does not use pointers to keep the language simple and prevent users from worrying about memory.
Rapid Prototyping Python was created with the intention of providing developers with tools and options for quick prototyping. However, the C programming language was not designed to scale prototypes.
Multiple Variables Only standard data types, such as int, float, char, etc., are supported in C, whereas Python offers various data types, including lists, dictionaries, tuples, sets, and more.
External Libraries C has a good set of libraries to work with, but not as many as Python. Python contains hundreds of libraries in all areas, including AI, machine learning, gaming, and web development.
C vs Python: Head to Head Comparison
Hard to learn and write
Easy to learn and write
Declaration of variables
Not Needed
Function renaming mechanism
Not Supported
Error Debugging
Debugging is Difficult
Debugging is Easier
Memory Management
Programmer’s responsibility
Automatic garbage collector is used
Built-in functions
Large library of built-in functions
Not used
Is C better than Python? It depends upon the programmer's requirements that which among C and Python will better serve his purpose. As C is a middle-level language, it has the features of both high and low-level languages. C is faster than Python because it is a compiled language and is close to a low-level language. But if you prefer a language with simple syntax and fewer lines of code, then Python will best serve your purpose.
Therefore, both C and Python have their own advantages and drawbacks over one another. Choosing better among these is based on the programmer's requirements.
Conclusion In this blog, we have provided all the information about C vs Python. In the present competitive market, there are several programming languages. To be a good programmer, you need to know which language will be best for your project. Hopefully, now you are able to choose one between C and Python. If you are still confused or need C programming help, you can discuss it with our experts.
Frequently Asked Question Should I learn C or Python first? C and Python are two independent languages with different syntax and coding styles. Learning one among these two does not require the knowledge of the other. But, if you want to start with a more straightforward language, you should learn Python first. However, if you start with C, learning Python will become a breeze for you. Why is Python so popular? Python is one of the most popular language due to the following reasons● Easy to learn and use ● Huge active community ● Excellent libraries and frameworks ● Efficient, Reliable, and Fast ● Massive application domain