7 Biggest religions

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7 Biggest Religions

By: Javier Navarro Nile Moore Jay Sim Johanna Chevez

Ingredients: Meditation, The Eight fold Path, The Four Noble Truths, A Sacred Mandala, Good Karma, More Meditation, Believing in the teachings. Steps: First do not suffer by the three roots of evil. Greed, Ignorance, and Hatred are the three roots of evil. Next follow the eight fold path to stop all suffering and indulgence. Needs to be accomplished (One can only be truly enlightened unless they follow these rules) Then on a sacred mandala meditate and meditate some more. Repeat the steps and add good Karma Forever until you reach enlightenment.

Note: The Eight fold Path (Most important rules to follow to become enlightened) Right of Understanding: accepting the teaching Right Intention: A commitment to cultivate the right attitudes Right Speech: Speaking truthfully, avoiding slander, gossip and abusive speech Right Action: Behaving peacefully and harmoniously; refraining from stealing, killing, and over indulgence in sensual pleasure. Right Livelihood: Avoiding making a living in ways that cause harm, such as exploiting people or killing animals. Right Effort: Taking away evil from one self’s body and mind. Right Mindfulness: Awareness of the body and any feeling in your mind. Right Concentration: Developing the mental focus necessary for this awareness

Many people around the world know the basis of Christianity, but many have little to no knowledge of what real Christianity really is. There are many different forms of Christianity such as protestant, catholic, and Baptist, but we will discuss the broadest version of Christianity. Christians believe that Jesus Christ was the messiah who died for the sins of all. Christians believe there is one god, but he has three elements to him, God the Father, God the son, and The Holy Spirit. Christians worship in church. Priests and Ministers are influential in Christian communities. The Christian holy book is bible, and consists of the old and New Testament.

The Miracles of Jesus In the Bible Jesus created many miracles such as The Feeding of 5,000 town’s people. In this story Jesus fed 5,000 people with only 5 loaves of bread and two fish. This shows the car of people to help and represents to give what you have share for the wellbeing of all. The ability to feed 5,000 people was just as astonishing as for why he chose to feed them. They lived in an era where most people were starved and treated cruelly, but one man gave literally his life to help all people. Then why must people not worship him for the selfness to give all his body and soul as a savior? He also demonstrates God’s righteousness and merciful grace After Jesus was crucified, his Apostles kept spreading the word of God and the journey of Jesus. Being a Christian is not just giving your life to God, it is being a vessel for his love and Give others the opportunity to prosper as much as yourself as a Christian. Christianity is being a soldier of God, and not a civilian of worldly rule. Witch will you choose?

Judaism Judaism is considered one of the oldest monotheistic religions and Judaism is the original of the three Abrahamic faiths, which also includes Christianity and Islam. It was founded over 3500 years ago in the Middle East. Around 920 BCE, the kingdom fell apart, and the Jewish people split into groups. More than half of all Jews in Israel Jews believe that there is only one god, but he did not to create the universe, but every jew can be individual. Jewish people began in Bronze Age in the Middle East when the god promised a nomad leader its call Abram. Judaism includes a wide corpus of text, practices, theological, and the form of organization within Judaism that there are a variety of movements. Most of emerged from Rabbinic Judaism. Jews believe that God appointed the Jews to be his chosen people in order to set an example of holiness and ethical behavior to the world. Judaism is very much a family faith and the ceremonies start long ago, when Jewish boy baby is circumcised at eight days old, he’s following the instructions that God gave to Abraham around 4000 years ago. Jews are arguing the notion of denomination has a specifically that Christian resonance that does not translate easily to the Jewish context. All of these movements have been shaped by the challenge of assimilation, miss ionization and proselytization. Jews recite prayers three times daily. When Jewish pray it builds relation between God and Human being, so that their hearts can reach out to god and to express and exercise their beliefs and also that prays for to share in the life of a worshipping community and to obey God’s commandments.. Jewish holidays are special days in the Jewish calendar, which celebrate moments in Jewish history. The relationship was between God and the world that with creation, revelation, and redemption. Now on today there is about 14 million, and roughly 0.2% of the total world population and about 42% of all Jews reside in Israel and about 42% are in the United States or Canada, with most of the remainder living in Europe, and other minority groups spread throughout the world in South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. And Judaism is one of the original of the three Abrahamic faiths and their worship is in Synagogues. Observant Jews will say a blessing over everything they eat and drink. And face many natural events when doing that that acknowledges will involve in everything.

Sikhism Sikhism was founded in the 16th century in the Punjab district of what is now India and Pakistan. There is only one god, everyone has straight direct access to god. A good life is lived by caring for others. Sikhs focus their relationship with god. Sikhs are expect to have control over world these are called Five Thieve. Sikhs also believe all religious tradition equally.

Music Sikh music is also called shabad kirtan are sing for glories of god. In the 16th centuries it was when sikhism had their first musical experience. It sing with poetry and rhyme it very different from other song. There are many types of music it call raag, carnatic music, hindustani, or etc.

Symbol of K There are five k symbol on Sikhism Its Kesh, Kanga, Kachera, Kara, and Kirpan Kesh is uncut hair, usually tied and wrapped. Kanga is a wooden comb, usually worn under a Dastar. Kachera is cotton undergarments. Kara is an iron bracelet, a weapon and a symbol of eternity Kirpan is an iron dagger in different size

Sikh’s Art Sikh art or Punjab art are nearly synonymous with that of the Punjab, and Sikhs are easily recognised by their distinctive turban. Most of Sikh’s art looks like flower and it little hard to see, because really complex it just like on left picture this is one of Sikh’s art.

Yo look at these totem poles its apart of the Animist culture, and was used by the Native Americans to symbols spirit animals.

Top Ten Hinduism 10 Atman Atman mean is eternal self. it refer to the real self beyond ego or false. It’s often referred to as spirits and souls and indicates our true or essence

9 Dharma

Dkarma is an important term in Indian religions. In Hinduism means are duty, virtue, morality, religion and the power which upholds the universe and society

8 Varna

Varna is an important idea that developed in classical Hinduism. There are 4 classes call Brahmans or Brahmins, Kshatriya or nobles and warriors, Vaishyas or commoners and merchants, Shudras or workers.

7 Karma Karma is a Sanskrit word whose literal meaning is ACTION. It refers to the law that every action has an equal reaction either immediately. And Karma is also call Samsara.

6 Purushartha It is Hinduism that developed a doctrine that life has different goals according to a person’s stage of life and position. And those goals became codified in the Goals of a person or human.

5 Typology

It is commonly known that can be subdivided into a number of major currents. There is only two school and six darsanas. 2 schools are call Vedanta and Yoga, and six darsanas are Folk Hinduism, Shrauta, Vedantic, Yogic, Dharmic, and Bhakti.

4 Inclusivism It is most Hindu traditions that revere a body of religious or sacred literature, the Vedas, although there are exceptions. Halbfass cites Renou, according to whom this reverence was a mere.

3 Diversity

It is that Hinduism has been described as a tradition having a complex and organic.Hinduism dose not have a unified system of belief encoded in a declaration of faith or a creed.

2 Brahman It is one of 4 classes in Hinduism and it is a Sanskrit word which refers to a transcendent power beyond the universe. And Brahman is the power which upholds and supports everything.

1 Guru

It is the term guru and acharya refer to a teacher and master of a tradition. The basic mean is a teacher who teaches example and conveys knowledge and wisdom to his disciples. Islamic religion deeply effects culture in Islamic communities. The main reason Islamic faith deeply effects culture is because it is the one of the biggest religions in the world.

Islamic communities also follow the 5 pillars of Islam which are to declare the faith of Islam, Praying five times a day, giving money to charity, fasting, and pilgrimage to mecca. The reason being one of the biggest religions in the world affects culture is that Muslims can be found in different areas of the world. The 5 pillars of Islam also show the determination of Muslims to believe in the Islam culture and religion. Jihad has different meanings such as struggle to live the Muslim faith, struggle to good Muslim society, and Holy war the struggle to defend Islam with force if necessary.

Retrieved From: http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/

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