Javier Diaque DVR draft

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Implementing design into poor peoples lives and their everyday problems in order to improve life conditions within the indigenous communities.



Contents. Designer Bio. * Who I am. * Where I am moving to.




Background/ historical review.


The context.


Facts. Design methods overview. *Mind maps. *Related relevant works. *Surveys *Experimentation *Sketches *Photos Analysis.

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Problem Statement. *Recognition of need. *Definition of the problem.


The project. *Summary *Conclusion *Summary of work compeled. Learner testimonial.




A woman cooks and prepares the food for the family. Breathing the toxic smokes released indoors by the burning timber. Bending down into an uncomfortable and tyring position for her back.

Designer Bio.

Who I am.

My name is Javier Diaque, I was born in 1985 in Mexico, a country of contrast, a heavy cultural baggage and an amazing historical background. At the age of 4 I left my country with my family for 3 years, because of my fathers´ job. We moved into Canton Ohio, a small town in the north of the United States. This gave me the opportunity to grow up in the backyard, outdoors and all the possibilities that the first world can offer to a kid. At the age of 7 we went back to Mexico, one of the biggest cities in the world, fortunately I moved into a place where I could still have a chance to spend my time and childhood outside from home, in an open air environment and with friends… getting scars and muddy clothes. Since then I’ve always have been interested in outdoor activities, from building ramps for the bike and skateboard, devices for climbing the trees, to testing them. As well, I’ve been lucky enough to explore places away from the city that allowed me to do adventurous activities exploring nature and the activities we can do with it. On another hand, since I was kid I grew up surrounded and driven into a humanitarian, emotional artistic and creative environment, which has been guided and enforced by my mother who is dedicated to it. This has taken me to gain an interest towards the social scene. I consider myself a sensitive and empathic person; this is reflected through my human relationships. My family has always shown a big interest in social responsibility and that has planted a thought and strong feeling in my life about working with people, helping to improve others life and taking advantage of the opportunities life has given me to help others. Since I was young I have always been involved in social service programs back home such as going to indigenous communities and working with them such as teaching computing to children whose access to a computer is not as easy. I have a competitive personality and have always been committed to challenges, community ones and individual ones. I have always liked to be different between the others and stand out for my abilities, I like to propose innovative ideas and confront in able to get out of the “normal” parameters and the already established thoughts, and this has made a rebellion character in me.

Where i am moving to.

Even though I like stability, a am a person who constantly is looking for changes in his life, such as schools, cultures, countries… this has given me an ability of quick adaptation towards different circumstances. As well, I think it has made me sensitive towards people’s different styles and ways and given me an ability to approach and intimidate more with people. Even though I am quite easy going I am really loyal towards what I believe in. I have become a person who is committed towards his passions, but as well a dreamer and idealist, an adventurer looking for what has not been written yet. Sometimes I find it hard to find a direction for my emotions, and need some help and guidance, but once I’m on the way I find it easier to continue or even open and propose more alternatives. I am a creative thinker but I need to know or understand what I am doing. I am good recreating or evolving and iterating from an original idea, concept or situation. I consider myself a good advisor because I am good at listening to people and detecting problems, I am perceptive and very analytic and introspective, and I like to have an objective point of view towards situations in order to get a bigger perspective and panorama. Though I sometimes I find it hard when it is about myself. I am a theorist in some aspects but like to see the effects of what I am doing which makes me a “hands on” and practical person more than a methodologist. I really believe in our natural mortise abilities and like to use them, more than technological ones. Therefore, my aim is to be able to aproach peoples lives throughout my design skills in order to make it easier or better in any aspect. I will be working or designing for indigenous communities and my interest is to have a positive impact in their lives by bringing in simple designs that can create an opportunity for them to come out of poverty. it is a heavy challenge, but a satisfactory and life experience opportunity.



My fourth´s year project is about engaging with the indigenous communities from the south east of Mexico, that are established in the mountains and in many cases away from the towns and villages and do not count with many of the main services we take for granted in our everyday lives such as water, adequate sanitation, electricity and medical services. The objective is to use design in their everyday’s life in order to improve their standards of living.

The research and information gathered together in this document, is a compilation of the work and investigation I have done, case studies, surveys applied, testimonials form people in these communities and the voice and research from my friends over there.

All this, with the purpose of creating a real panorama and scene of what is going on and what the opportunities are as a designer, to create or design I will be researching through different sources, about their lives in order to something that has a positive change and impact in their lives. identify design solutions within the problems they confront every day. These indigenous communities live in the toughest, most rudimentary and poor con- I believe there is an opportunity and a need for stoves designed to be made ditions of life, where they struggle every day with no medical access, limited with the local materials. My aim is to reduce the amount of fuel needed for food because of their really low income. “According to statistics from the cooking, that generate alternative possibilities for healthier and more sustainworld bank and other NGO´s their income is lower than 2 dollars a day” able cooking fuels and devices to produce it, the stove should also include a chimney or escape for the fumes produced in order to reduce these health isSmith [2007]. sues. The design will be required to reduce or prevent completely, if possible, This project is more than just a challenge, it has become an opportunity to find the accidents caused by the fire, all of these of course including ergonomic new ways of working, taking advantage of the communication facilities that and design factors that suit the customer which in this case are the Mexican we have these days. It is hard to think you can design something for someone indigenous communities. without knowing him/them, contacting the client, or immersing your self into the field you are trying to tackle. Therefore, this project not only is driven by my knowledge or awareness from the past visits and continuous contacts I have experienced with these communities, but also using internet and other facilities like emails and video conferences, to be in contact with a group of friends and an organization called “No Puedo Callar!” (I Cannot Be Silent!). Which are in constant contact and working together with these communities.


Background/ Historical Review. Framed by the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the Sierra Madre Oriental and the Sierra Madre Occidental, is this rugged region of mountains, highlands, valleys and tropical rainforests. In general you find a humid, tropical climate. Rainfall can average more than 3,000 mm (120 in) per year. The abundant rainfall of the high valleys is used for fields of corn, beans and other agricultural and ranching products. Rainfall decreases moving towards the Pacific Ocean, but it is still abundant enough to allow the farming of bananas and many other tropical crops. Separated by the mountains, this region has the highest concentration of indigenous people among the country; People who came here on foot a long time ago. There are many indigenous communities which are culturally diverse themselves, and that don’t even speak Spanish as their first language. Within the blood of these Mexicans run the civilizations of Olmec and Maya and Aztec. All share the fact that they live from the land.



These communities live in little huts “casitas” made from materials commonly found around them like “techo de laminas” sheets of metal as a roof and pieces of wood and ply, with the most basic structures and spaces inside for a whole family to live in. They lack a basic physical infrastructure, with little clean water or paved roads, poor sewage systems (if any), no local schools or governmental systems, and other serious problems. Many of these families get their income through agricultural products such as corn which they sell for $3.50 pesos per kg which is more or less $30 cents Dirt road to one of the communities. of a US dollar, coffee for $19 pesos kg ($1.9 US dollars), beans, honey and some few from animals which they rise and sell once they are grown up. They sell a goat for about $600 to $700 US dollars. These prices are not competitive to the bigger agricultural corporations, and since their income is so low, many family members have to migrate to the cities and the U.S. to be able to bring in more money. These communities use wood, charcoal or dung for their cooking and heating needs, “and while the total energy demands of the developing world are much smaller than in industrialized regions, the dependence on these biofuels as an energy source has dramatic health, economic, and environmental consequences” Amy Smith [2007], Simple designs that could save millions of children lives.


Families with many children, a low income, and small indoor places.


A typical “casita” madre out of wood and “techos de lamina” that shelter the families.


Mother and Daughter outside of their “casas�, where they realize part of the agricultural work. -7-

A little kid guards his humble home. cooking tools, pots and pans hang from the walls inside, leaving some space inside to move around.

A whole family who relies on wood burning as an energy source for cooking and heating. -8-

Facts. Extremely poor conditions, These families live with less Than $2 USD. a day. No easy access to the main services, such as water, electricity, or health services. They live from their agricultural products, such as corn, coffee, honey, fruits and animals like goats, cows and chicken. They use wood to meet their energy needs, such as cooking and heating. The dependence on timber as an energy source has dramatic health, economic, and environmental consequences. In the world, the leading cause of death in children between the age of 1 and 5 is not malnutrition, diarrhea, or malaria, but respiratory illness, caused in large part by breathing smoke from indoor cooking fires. “PovertyNet, [2006] Understanding Poverty“.

Above, the mothers bring water to their homes from a long way out. Bellow, a cow that provides food and income from its products, for the families


A young boy and his machete bringing the timber home for his family

The kids gathered together to heat up during the cold nights. Girls breathing smoke from the fire.


Design Methods Overview

This project has been driven by different methodologies applied in order to obtain the best result possible. it includes: Case studies: this allows me to know what has been done, who are the competitors and analyze the market position. This gives me the chance to use the information obtained with other similar projects. Analyze what has been succesfull and what has failed, what could have been improved to come up with a succesful design. Understanding the social group: in order to design I have to be aware of who is the customer to fit their necestities, this will include reading relevant literature and communicating with these people through mails, friends who are constantly visiting the communities and the organization “No Puedo Callar� through internet. and video conferences. Quantitative: a survey applied in the communities, to have accurate information of the context and sensible to the problem. Information gathered through cuestionaries filled and sent by people in these communities. Experimentation: recreating scenarios, getting in context and immersing myself in the process of cooking and charcoal briquettes making. Concept Development: sketches, mind mapping, representation of different scenarios, idea generation, analyzing photos,z brainstorming, model making and rapid prototyping, turning this into an iterative process that feeds the design.


Mind maps.


Related relevant works. Fuels from the fields: Amy Smith. Creating alternative cooking fuels from their agricultural waste material. This is a project conducted by Amy Smith, an MIT engineer who has developed a method to produce charcoal briquettes out of sugarcane and other agricultural wastes. The dried bagasse is burned in a kiln, carbonized, mixed with a binder and compacted using a press. This technology is great since it reduces the fumes created by burning timber, but the problem is that the process is intuitive, therefore it needs to be diffused and taught to each community. Amongst this, is the fact that you need the tools (kiln, press), which many communities don’t have or cannot manufacture. A new technology is still being developed by using corncobs, which do not need further processing after burning. It has been used in Haiti, Ghana, Brazil and India.

Kenya Ceramic Jiko. This is a portable charcoal stove which, with proper use and maintenance, can reduce fuel consumption by 30-50%, saving the consumer money, reducing toxic gas and particulate matter, and resulting in better overall health for the user. The stove is used now in many urban homes and a lower average in rural homes in Kenya and it is spreading along in other African countries. Materials: ceramic and metal. This is a good design but the manufacturing process is not available to rural communities, it still creates toxic gas emotions for the user and does not suit traditional or conventional cooking styles from some places.


Solar Dish Kitchen. This was designed by the University of Texas and University of Washington for two informal poor urban settlements in Mexico. It is built from bicycle parts, and small vanity mirrors which concentrates the energy of the sun on a pot or stove in the kitchen. The problem is that it relies 100% on solar energy which does not suit the geographical conditions of the communities I am working with; besides, the design is quite big and heavy, not easy to build and install. It uses aluminium, steel and mirrors. It has been applied in Mexico and India

Fuel Briquettes. The briquettes are made out of the agricultural waste, compressed in a press and further on let to dry for days in the sun. once they are dry, they are used instead of wood. This has great results, not only in health issues by not releasing toxic smokes, but it also becomes an opportunity for the families to generate an income by selling these. This is being spread through out communities in Africa and Central America, the problem is that the user needs a press to be able to produce them.

Peterson Press This press has been designed to compress the carbonized agricultural waste in order to produce charcoal briquettes. It is used in many communities already but the manufacturing process is still not available for rural communities, besides, it is big, heavy and not intuitive.


Onil Stoves. These stoves are designed and applied in communities un central America, their design includes a chimney and a semi closed chamber to concentrate the heat and guide the smoke out from the house. It allows families to do their traditional cooking, but still crashes with some cultural facts. The process to make them is not quite clear to the communities, therefore people are needed to come and explain or aid the construction process.


3. - Which are the problems or difficulties the face while doing their everyday labours? 4. - What stops them from being able to realize these labors?

Surveys. The following are a series of questions and simple data that will be useful for the research, documentation, planning process for the project, which aims to identify the problems within these communities, and generate ideas and possibilities of design in order to improve the life quality, health, economical and environmental issues in the communities, bringing the possibility of sustainability. It is important that they are filled with the people of the communities, this way it does not become the perceptions of an outsider, but the voice of who lives these problems and limitations every day. If it is possible, complement the information gathered with photos and video clips. Apply this survey with different persons within the community, e.g. children, young people, middle aged and the elder. Please do not alter or modify any results, and try to be as specific and detailed as possible. Name: Name of the community and date: Name and age of the person interviewed: IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEMS AND DIFFICULTIES IN THE EVERYDAY LABORS. 1. - Which are the everyday labors? Describe a normal day in their lives. 2. - what problems are identified in their everyday labors? Agriculture: Preparation of food: Kitchen and cooking: Recollection of goods: Access to water and food: Others:

FOOD. 1. - What do they eat? What is the basic diet? 2. - Where does this food come from, how do they get it, how much does it cost, and how do they cook it? 3. - What is the life cycle of their agriculture? (Time it takes to grow, where does the product end, and time it takes for them to consume or sell it) 4. - What happens with the products they grow? Do they sell them, in which form? 5. - How do they consume it and what happens with what is not consumed? 6. - How do they sell them and what do they do with what they did not sell? 7.- What is wasted? IDENTIFICATION OF LOCAL RESOURCES. 1. - Which are the local materials? What can you find within the environment? E.g. tipe of ground, clay sand… Plastics, waste and garbage bags, bottles… Metals, cans, varillas, concrete… 2. - What materials can you find for construction? E.g. Concrete, cement, steel, bricks… 3. - Which and how accessible are the materials from the other close communities or villages? WASTE. 1. - Which are the organic wastes produced? What happens with it, where does it end? 2. - Which are the inorganic wastes produces? What happens with it, where does it end?


Their economy is based on their sales of what they obtain from the fields (beans, corn, coffee, oranges, lemons, amongst others.) the government helps them with $500 pesos a monthly to the mothers and the elders as well. Chil1. - which is their main source of energy? dren get a scholarship from third grade, they get money for food. There are a 2.-which sources of energy can you find in the place? E.g. timber, gas, char- few plans to bring investments to work on the fields. coal, oil. 3. - which one do they use, for what and why? E.g. timber, for cooking be- The women wake up at 4 am to start cooking and preparing the food, men cause it is cheap. wake up at 5 to work on the land and fields. 4. - How accesible is it? How much does it cost? How much do they need/ Later, they have breakfast; they go back to their duties and come back for use? Where do they get it from and how do they bring it in? lunch. Depends on the person, but some go back to work the fields, but gener5. - which alternative energy generation resources can you find? E.g. wind, ally the heat is too strong to keep on working, that’s why they do it so early. water flow (rivers), solar, lakes, organic waste… They have dinner later on at night, and the day is over. The rhythm of life is easy as in any rural community, but the work and labor is heavy. TOOLS Preparation of food: They don’t boil the water, they just ad chlorine into the 1. - Which tools do they use to prepare their food? E.g. harvesting, peeling, well desgranar, etc. Kitchen and cooking: a lot of smoke in the kitchen, they burn everything. 2. - Which tolos do they use for cooking? Describe. (plastics, aluminum, etc.). They have Access to wáter and food, they just add 3. - Which tools are used for the agricultura? Describe. clorine to the wáter in their tanks but it is not really clean, they dont boíl it 4. - Which tools are used for farming and ganaderia? Describe. and they drink it directly. 5. - Which deficiencies and limitations con you see in them? (economic, ergo- The fire releases to much smoke. The water is free so they waste it. nomic, functionality, materials) There is no ecological awareness. 6. - what could be changed to improve them? A draught has generated limited food (corn and coffee). They eat tortilla, beens, corn products, a lot of fruits and vegetables, coffee, chicken, fish and potatoes. Generally it comes from their land. Their fields, ¡¡¡thank you very much for your help!!! trees and animals. They grow it. There is also a little store, but what we notice that a lot of things are missing. The main things are bottled water and flower. Sometimes people come in bikes and cars to sell cooked chicken ($50 pesos) These surveys have been analysed and filtered to gather all the relevant details and corn $5 pesos. Most of it is personal consumption, but they also sell it. and the common problems identified throughout all the different communities They consume the food cooked, nothing raw besides from the fruits. they where applied to. The following is just a summation of the important There is a lot of garbage and litter, they throw it to the flour, the grass, anyfacts that the communities share and that are relevant to this project. For the where… if not, they burn it. complete results, individual and particular information, the documents are There is a lot of fruit and vegetables (banana, mangoes, coffee, corn, fish, available. chicken, cows) there is plastic waste and litter. ENERGY


Dung, fruits and animal wastes. They are left around anywhere. Plastics, they are thrown to the ground, left anywhere or burnt. Wraps and cans from chips and cookies, gum, they also end up in the streets or burnt. Since 5 years ago, they began building with blocks and bricks, they have cement, electricity and water. All this is provided by the government. They use timber to cook and heat up because it is the cheapest. Timber is really accessible, they go to cut it down personally from the mountain or their lands. They peel the corn by hand; they have rudimentary tools for the agriculture and the fields. For the coffee: they grow it, they cut it, toast it, crus hit and consume or sell For the corn: grow it, cut it, peel, desgranan, make “masa” for tortillas, pozol, atole and other products made out of it. Vegetables: they are cut and consumed. Fireplace inside the kithcen, which produces a lot of smoke that remains inside, where they cook and eat. They use comales, grinders and tripie de cantera Necessities of the community: from the perspective and voice of the habitants of the community. Medical service Gas Pavement Schools Waste, trash and garbage recollection Funds from the government for the fields and agriculture Employment resources and opportunities Reunion places for young people Finish the cathedral Security, the one available is from the woods and it takes about 20 minutes to get to the communities.

Health, hygiene and ecological campaigns (water and electricity is wasted since it is not an additional cost for them) Family planifying Difficulties: They don´t have a way to get to the high school so they don’t finish their studies. Lack of hygiene. Alcoholism Division because of religion Difference of gender, women only cook and clean. Proposals: Medical services. Doctors /drug stores – there is no one prepared or with the knowledge to medícate. Gas tanks or biogas. STOVES or OVENS-their fires release to much smoke. Water- they don´t boíl it, only add clorine and drink it dirty. Schools, Environmental awarenes- they waste the wáter and create litter which ends up in the streets. Alcoholic recovery groups Sustainability, create business within the community in which the prime material doesn’t cost and it can be sold to other communities or cities. Create an economy- they sell their products through other people and don´t win much from them. Ej: the shirts they make are paid for only $8 and sold later by $150. Organitation/union The community has welcomed and opened the doors to the people that have gone to work with them, they are opened to changes and willing to work in new things and new proposals.



wood burning

cooking in a ceramic oven.

burning corncobs to create charcoal

trying out differen methods.

cooking in a ceramic oven.

using a chimny for fumes..

burning fruits to create charcoal

recreating scenarios.

Attempt to make briquettes -18-


rough and quick sketches for brainstorming and idea representation.


taking the ideas further and developing concepts.


creating and representing scenarios and processes.


Refining concepts, creating scenarios and representing materials and possibilities.

Specifications and possible mechanisms/processes.


Photos Analysis.



Problem Statement.

thing. Kids play around and occasionally hit or stumble with the unstable and fragile casseroles or stoves made by them. Another big problem within these communities is the amount of waste they have, both organic and inorganic, which ends up being burnt.

Recognition of need. For these communities in Mexico, it costs approximatly $700 pesos ($60 USD.) to buy timber for cooking and heating. This would last around a month for a family, and they have to walk many kilometers to collect it and carry it back home. Timber fuel consumption causes severe deforestation and shortages of fuel in many areas. As deforestation grows, besides from the ecological impacts, these people have to walk further away to meet their needs. Some other problems identified, and where I believe there is an opportunity are the following.

In one hand, the organic, that comes from all their agricultural products, and on the other hand the inorganic, like plastics, aluminium, polyproppelene, and waste which they do not produce, but how ever, comes from producers that have great distribution lines and reach those places, such as coca-cola. They don´t have a recycling culture or proper waste recollection systems. which brings them to just burn all the waste (organic and innorganic) in the fields to get rid of it, not only polluting the air, but also the soil in which they grow their products and the water they drink.

When women have to cook for their family´s food, besides from having to get the wood used as a cooking fuel, families get many health problems caused because of the smokes released while cooking in closed spaces (inside their homes) where all the family waits, eats, plays… this brings severe breathing diseases not only to the person who cooks, but also to the rest of the family, primarlilly to kids, causing cough, emphysemas, cancer and similar diseases to those caused by smoking, as well as problems to their sight, amongst many others. “Compared to gas stoves, wood burning stoves release fifty times more particulate matter, carbon monoxide, and hydrocarbons during cooking” World Health Organization. And “the leading cause of death in children between the age of 1 and 5 is not malnutrition, diarrhea, or malaria, but respiratory illness caused in large part by breathing smoke from indoor cooking fires” Smith [2007], design for the other 90% It is also a typical situation for kids to have accidents with the fire and get burnt as the fire is in the middle of the place where the family does everything -25-

doing the tortillas in the “comal”.

Long walk carrying timber. Timber stacked up and storage.

Rhe rural agrigultural tools. Dried and burnt agricultural waste in the fields.


Kids play and wander around the fire and cooking place breathing the toxic emitions, under the risk of having an accident.


Definition Of Problem • Really low income. • Lack of basic services: water, electricity, health institutions. • Health, issues: 1) Injuries from carrying wood from long distances. 2) Respiratory illness, from breathing the smokes emited by these fuels in indoor places. 3) Accidents with the fire in reduced spaces. Environmental damage such as deforestation and carbon emitions. • Cost of wood for cooking and heating. • Dependence on wood as a source of energy for cooking and heating. Some attempts to attack the previous problems have been followed by a large amount of organizations, where they had developed stoves and alternative cooking fuels to improve the conditions. These have had little success throughout the communities; some of the reasons are the following: • Because the stoves are not thought to be made with local materials Reduced spaces, wrong ergonomics, lid lifted up. Children around fireplace. and the people can´t be bothered going to source it, since they don’t know or realize the gravity of using their actual ones. • It is not clear for the locals how to build them, and if there is no one from the organizations to explain, they can´t do it. • The stoves that are already made, these people don’t understand properly how they work and lift up the lids and steel plates to get access to the fire and turns out useless. • Some people use it as tables, benches or places to put their things and other belongings on top of it since they don´t have other places for storage. • Ergonomic factors are not considered and they are either to high or to low for them to use comfortably. • Cultural reasons, some stoves where designed so the woman who cooks isn´t near the floor since it is contemptuous and positions women below, but they would be to high and would become uncomfortable for them to use. • Or, simply because they find it occupies way to much space in their little places, and it is not worth sacrificing space for that. -28-

Behind the jaws and claws of the fire and smoke, this boy waits for his meal.


Each community has its own conditions and different contexts so it is important to focus on a specific place or group with similar conditions in order to obtain the best results.

The project.

From all the research and documentation, i have identified an opportunity and a need for stoves designed to be made with the local materials, which aim to reduce the amount of fuel needed for cooking, and that generate alternaSummary The approach with the communities is part of the key to the success of tive possibilities for healthier and more sustainable cooking fuels, which are this project, historically these communities have been receiving “help� to im- worth exploring, along with the devices to produce it, These stoves should prove their lives but it has never really happened and it becomes more of a also include a chimney or escape for the fumes produced, in order to reduce these health issues. Another aspect as well included is to reduce or prevent way to dominate and exploit them, such as the Spanish conquest. This project is not about bringing western or modern lifestyle into their cos- completely, if possible, the accidents caused by the fire, all of these of course tumes and traditions, it is about adapting to their way of living and creating a including ergonomic and design factors that suit the customer which in this case are the Mexican indigenous communities. solution that improves their life in that way. For this project it will be necessary to have a clear idea of what is being done The intention of this project is to use the strategic process of a designer, which around the world in this area, what could be included in my project and what in this case is me, for the investigation, documentation, identification of prob- material is of relevance. lems and generation of possibilities and solutions of design within the comAddressing the health issues caused by indoor cooking fires in the communimunities. The creative process of design is used for the formulation of questions and ties from the south east of Mexico. methods that help to awake the eye of those who are not aware, or those who Improving life standards by bringing sustainability to these communities. simply don’t have a critical view. Along with this, the aim is to realize a project to improve any aspect of living Reducing the environmental impacts. conditions in poor communities in the southeast of Mexico. The information obtained through different organizations located in Mexico, together with the research I am doing here, is gathered together and analyzed Use of local resources, materials and waste to create alternatives for woodfor the generation of ideas and alternatives of design that can help people in burning. the communities, presenting the opportunity to bring sustainability for these people. This year long project has different stages, starting from researching, documenting, problem identification, generation of alternatives and possible solutions, concept developing and finally a product that can be manufactured. The idea is to use local materials so that the people them selves can make it and it can become a source to generate money. -30-

Conclusion and summary of work compeled. The long road through research has opened many cards to work on in order to improve the life standards in these communities. There are many problems that need to be tackled and worked on, but the opportunity of design that I have found comes up to the design of stoves, that reduce the health, economic and environmental issues that are a consequence of using timber as a fuel for cooking and heating indoors, along with tools that can aid and facilitate the process for production of charcoal briquettes out of the agricultural waste. This has two purposes, one is to stop the health end environmental consequences from burning timber, and the second is to become a possibility for the users to generate a product that can be sold and therefore an income. creating a sustainable cycle between the food, which then turns into waste, then into charcoal (fuel) for cookin, and so on. In order for the design to be successful, it must include the following principles, which are crucial for a sustainable and victorious design: * Be an income generating. the people should be able to create an income by using the design in order for it to become sustainable. * Return on investment. they should recover their investment in less than six months for it to become viable. * Affordability. affordability should rule the design, as cheap as possible. * Energy-efficiency. human powered tools that can be easy to use and powered by human force. * Ergonomics and safety. it must not include risks to the user as well as the maximum comfort to guarantee usability and efficiency. * Ease of instalation and use. must have a clear and easy use. * Strenght and durability. it will be used in the roughest conditions so it must guarantee a long life. * Available manufacturing capacity. with available materials and technologies to the communities. * Cultural acceptability. these communities have cultural traditions and beliefs which much be respected and included for them to accept the design and use it. * Environmental sustenability. it must improve conditions and have a positive impact in the environment.


Learner testimonial. Along the semester I have learned various valuable things. First of all, it has been a great challenge to develop a project situated so far away from the communities that I am working or designing for. This has enhanced my skills to communicate, both with the people here who where not aware and unfamiliar to the group which I am treating, and also with the people back home helping me out with the field information. At the beginning it was frustrating in a way, not to receive the information that I wanted from the people back in Mexico, but that forced me to try different methods, encouraging friends to help me out and convincing people of the organization “no puedo callar!” to take my surveys along with them in their visits to the communities. Another aspect which I feel has improved is my confidence to talk about the context, my ability to expose and present the problems identified. This course has been an opportunity as well, to learn how to use digital research tools such as Delicious, Wordpress, Scribefire, Issuu, Blogs, mind maps, InDesign, audio recordings, and other programs we have used to condense all the information we have come through along the research process. While this semester was more about being able to conduct the research towards the identification of a problem and the recognition of a need, it has also included concept development and decision making for the next semester, where I will be focusing on all the technical aspects of my design, which will be framed and backed up by the work that has been done so far. I have identified what and how I want to intervene as a designer and the “product” I will be creating next semester, and even though the idea is clear about what needs to be done, there is still a long path to go with model making, iterations and manufacturing processes.

Indoor and outdoor possible spaces for cooking and charcoal briquette production.


References. BIBLIOGRAPHY. •Smith, design for the other 90%, Smithsonian, New York. 2007 •Bruce, N., R Perez-Padilla, and R Albalak, the health effects of indoor air pollution exposure in developing countries (Geneve: world health organization,2002) •Alastair Fuad-Luke, Eco design the source book, 2004, Thames and Hudson Ltd., London. •Architecture for Humanity, ed. Design Like You Give a Damn: Architectural responses to Humanitarian Crises. New York: metropolis books 2006. •Easterly William. The White Man’s Burden: why the west’s efforts to aid the rest have done so much ill and so little good. New York. 2006 •Bornstein, David. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the power of New Ideas. Oxford. 2004 •Farmer, Paul. Pathologies of power. Berkeley, 2005. •Papanek, Victor. Design for the real world: human ecology and social change. Chigaco, 1984 •Prahalad, C.K., The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid: eradicating poverty through profits. upper Saddle River, 2005. •Sachs, Jeffrey D. The end of poverty: economic possibilities for our time. New York. 1999. •Povertynet “Overview: understanding poverty.” world bank. http://web. worldbank.or?wbsiteexternal/topics/expoverty •www.Ted.com - http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/amy_smith_shares_ simple_lifesaving_design.html •www.nopuedocallar.org •National Geographic, Emerging Mexico: a special issue. •World Health Organization: http://www.who.int/en/ •Wikipedia.com/surestemexicano PHOTOGRAPHIC CREDITS: Ana Zarak. -33-

semester II

Kauil Stove An efficient stove for rural indigenous communities in Mexico. Made from locally available materials and processes, this low cost stove has the potential to combat deforestation and diminish the dangerous effects of indoor cooking fires. The Kauil (Mayan god of fire) stove not only reduces the fuel consumption for cooking, but creates boiled water for the household utilising the heat generated. This self-sufficient design runs on, and produces, its own clean burning fuel yielded from agricultural waste (predominantly maize).

Context;immersing into the users lives.

Town close to the communities. 40 min to one hour drive. They count with the necesary tools for manufacture.

Road to the communities, you have to get into the mountain, through dirt tracks.

The communities, are in the middle of the mountain. They are not paved roads but are accsesible by car.

People in these communities live together and have a strong community sense. some don’t speak spanish, but they have cummunity leaders that represent them.

These homes are built by them, out of local resources and help from the government.

A two bedroom house, where they cook, eat, sleep...live..

Timber they use for cooking and heating, cut from the mountain or bought from other community members.

The timber they use is either cut by them from the surrounding forests, or bought from other people who go and cut it.

Stacks of wood they use for cooking. this has a strong impact on their economy, important part of their income is spent in fuel.

Deforestation, this is one of the environmental consequences of using wood for cooking.

Inside their homes, several other consequences arise as a result of using timber.

Spending their income o n timber for cooking eliminates the possibility of saving or using the money for improving their daily life

health conditions are not the optimal.

The fire is on all day to keep coals, which is a waste of wood. and a constant toxic emition of smoke.

Burning wood creates very toxic smoke and fumes, there are also accidents because of the open fire and the long logs sticking out.

This is grease and pollutants in the ceiling of the house as a consequence of the indoor fires.

This is a family cooking the dayly meal, corn, fruits, rice and beens. All they use is a grid, a “comal“ (iron cooking plate), and pots.

There is not enough not enough venitlation and many times they keep it closed.

The smoke is captured inside, the eyes hurt, you cough a lot. It makes it hard to breath and remain inside

Black walls inside a house, from the smoke.

A peace of cloth hanging from a rope divides the rooms from where they cook and sleep.

There is not much space inside, they sit around in chairs or the floor to eat.

They are religious, and even though the majority has turned into Catholics, but they still conserve ancient rituals and traditions.

Strong family links, even though each time they separate more since they have to go to the cities in search for work opportunities.

What can be used.

They count with cooking tools, and have acces to materials.

Food and agricultural products, which can be turned into charcoal which reduces the impact of indoor smokes.

Vegetables and fruits that need to be cooked, boiled or steamed.

Bagase, and dry agricultural waste which they burry and goes back to the land, but can be used for charcoal making.

Corn cobs “olote“ and food remains are collected in 50 kg. rice bags and then given to the stock.

Clay and pottery which are great insulative and lightweight matterials.

Maize is their main diet, they eat it in several different ways and use it to make tortillas amongs other meals.

They have water acces, but not clean. they don’t boil it, they add clorine to clean it and drink.

This is the water supply for the household.

Cooking tools to prepare their meals.

Corn grinders to make dough and tortillas.

A small Kettle to heat up water for coffee.

The “olote“ (corn cob) is thrown away or given to the animals.

Help from government and NGO’s, who bring in tools, capacitate them and help them to create merchandise and sell it.

Ther is manufacturing capacity. stove can be manufactured there, brought in and assembled in the communities.

In some other homes, there are attempts to improve, this is a home made stove, made out of a car rim.

There are tools to cut steele, weld and manufacture my stove.

There is cultural acceptance towards new sugetions that can improve the life standards.

The problem

health: breathing toxic smokes and emitions of burning wood indoors accidentss with open fire, and logs sticking out in the midle of the house. drinking dirty water without boiling or sterilizing it. injuries from carrying wood to their homes. environmental: deforestation, air polution. economic: cost of wood, more than a a quarter of a family’s income is spent on fuel. no possibility of generating an income.

design opportunities

health: alternative cooking fuels that are harmless, enclose the fire to optimize heat generated and eliminate the possibilities of accidents. creating boiled water while cooking to sterilize it. use what is available to them as a fuel (agricultural waste) environmental: prevent deforestation by reducing or eliminating the amount of wood for cooking., clean burning fuels. economic: sustainability produce charcoal which can enable them to sell it and create an income.

challenge To encourage users to buy and use the stove, it responds to the following: Income generating: the stove enables the people to produce clean burning bricketes made out from their agricultural waste, which can be sold to the other people in the communities or nearby towns. Return on investment: the stove is low cost and they can recover their investment in less than 6 months by selling charcoal made out of maize. Energy efficiency: the stove can be made, operated and used by a single person. Ergonomics and safety: it encloses the fire inside the drum preventing users and others as well from touching it and burning, it is stable and also holds the stove which makes it “stumble free”. Intuitive: the visual language of the stove indicates the way it operates, and the graphics give a readable language of how to use it, using local icons and figures to explain. Cultural acceptability: it is fabricated locally and is named after their ansestors god of fire “Kauil“ including simbols and colors makes them feel part of it. Environmental sustainability: it improves the conditions and has a positive impact on the enviromment creating a sustainable cycle between food, waste and fuel.

Constraints. To be able to produce charcoal out of maize and other agricultural waste in the stove, it must have the option of sealing it from oxygen and air flow, so that the fire extinguishes inside the drum. Without fire, the material inside burns at high heat and carbonizes. Many of the people in these communities don’t speak Spanish, the stove it is introduced to the communities via the community leaders (they do speak Spanish) who can then pass the knowledge to the rest of the people in the community. The manufacturing process has been reduced to the simplest and cheapest. It is designed with the less amount of pieces as possible and has been simplified so that the only part that needs welding is the copper coil to the pot. The air must go through the combustion chamber, this way it heats up and burns the toxic particles of the smoke in case timber is used in the stove. A higher combustion temperature decreases the emissions made from the burning biomass.

my design process. Design ideation, brainstorming, rough and detailed sketching, rapid form development, experimentation, materials, prototyping, production processes, assembly and international manufacturing have been covered and explored along this semester. The prototyping iterations where the most helpful for my design, since it allowed me to represent the conditions of whom i was designing for and recreate the space and environment. With the information presented from the prototypes, I created different hypothesis which I then researched on. This research was sketched and mapped so I could include it into the next prototypes

sketching As a tool to represent, understand and recreate spaces, scenarios, components, mehcanisms, functionality, form, materials.

Experimentation; hot water flow

experiment #1

In order to understand the physics of hot water flow I realized a couple of experiments. I placed two bottles and filled them, one with hot water (painted with red colorant) and the other one with cold water; I connected them with a tube and placed the cold water one above the hot water one. The hot water is lighter than the cold water, and therefore goes up (painting the cold water above in red). This experiment was to prove if i could use the same principle and apply it to my design. The second iteration was to connect the bottles with two tubes this time, to see if the hot water would mix up with the cold water faster, rising up the temperature of the water in both containers. the second tube increased the efficiency by the double by letting the hot water flow through one, and the cold water descend through the other one. This experiment was made it clearer and the theory behind it was applied into my prototypes of the stove to make the most efficient way for boiling water in the pot.

experiment #2


This is the first working prototype. It was all made in my backyard using only basic tools (hand saw, hammer, screwdriver, kitchen knife). the intention of this was to immerse myself in the situation of the user and this way realize and explore the possibilities of it being made by local reused materials and simple fabrication.

The result was good, I was able to get hot food and boiled water, but there where many things to be changed to improve its efficiency. This took me to make a new model.


From the last prototype, there where many things that needed to be improved, tested and changed. Experimenting, the vesto stove, the plastic bottles model (built to see hot water flow), and sketches where used to visualize some of the following iterations which where applied and included now to the new design. Fixed legs. “t“ joint in copper tubes to create cycle of hot water flow. Ventilation holes, with nob to control oxigen flow into the kiln. Combustion basket, sepparate and removable. fixed legs. i added 3 legs, these lift the stove up from the ground, creating more stability for uneven surfaces (tripod is the most stable system). they also lift it up from the ground, allowing oxygen to go through the holes drilled to the bottom. the air coming in through the bottom elevates the temperature in the kiln by increasing combustion (+oxygen + combustion + heat). They are pointing towards the inside to avoid pointy edges keeping the round edge of the drum, and are pop riveted. “t joint“ Creates another “channel“ for the hot water to circulate. when the hot water expands it goes up to the pot, while the colder water in the pot, goes down through the other pipe, where it then heats up and completes the cycle. the water got really hot in a short lapse of time, i believe the “T” section looses some energy with all the connecting points. next is to try only “elbow joint” and move the water key up to the kiln.

Knob and oxygen flow holes. i added this knob, which allows to control the flame. This was made in two pieces, now i have to make it out of one piece and bended sheet of steel, for manufacturing terms. I had to add to nails to guide it, this also has to be improved for next iteration. Combustion basket This was added in order to make it easier to clean, remove, start the fire. it has two handles that hold it to the top of the drum. it was sitting to high for the first test and the heat did not hit the whole copper coil so i had to bend the handles for it to sit lower in the drum. for the next iteration I need to make it more stable, because when i added wood to the fire, it would move and swing a little bit.

Final Prototype.

This is the last prototype I made before the final one. The “T bar” in the copper tube was replaced by an “elbow joint” creating a closed circuit for the water, increasing the efficiency by reducing the time needed to boil water. a stand was created for the pot, to eliminate the possibility of it falling down and spilling hot water. The copper coil diameter was reduced along with the fire grate, and the space between the oil drum walls and the copper tube was filled with rocks and sand as insulators. This created a higher temperature inside the stove, eliminating the smoke caused by burning wood. Combustion happens in a relative small place and therefore the heat generated is transferred directly to the coil and the cooking plate. Increasing the efficiency. i added holes and a strap at the bottom so that there was more possibility for air to go through. This allows a primary and secondary air flow control, which are used to control the temperature of the stove.


The solution

The outcome of this year long project is the Kauil Stove. The stove I have designed and made is a full working model; it is made out of reused materials that are available to the people in these communities. A 25 litter oil drum, sheet metal or scrap steel, ½ inch annealed copper tube, a pot and a “comal” (cooking plate) made out of cast iron, which are commonly used for cooking. Vermiculite, sand, clay, water and sawdust are used to make an insulative refractive “brick”, this contains, entraps the heat generated and helps hold everything together. Along with this I have designed alternative plans of production, so that the stove can be made industrially and mass produced with machinery that is available in the close towns and that keep the cost reasonable for the end user. The design is immediately more efficient by reducing the amount of wood needed to cook by using the heat generated for cooking, to boil water separately. It is also a tool that enables the possibility of creating charcoal out of their agricultural waste (maize), using a process developed by MIT D-Lab, where the corn cob is burned at a high temperature and then turned into a briquette that produces minimal levels of carbon monoxide and can be used indoors. The briquettes can be produced for own use and to sell, allowing the families to make profit out of it. How it works. The fire is started in the fire grate, away from the stove. This can be using charcoal or small pieces of wood, straw, leafs, etc. once it is on, the fire grate is placed into the drum.

Cold primary air enters the from the bottom window, and is preheated as it goes up to the combustion chamber where it mixes with fuel and flame. The hot gases immediately contact the cooking plate which cooks the food, and the copper coil which boils the water. The higher combustion temperature decreases the emissions made from burning biomass. While smoke, air, and fire mix together inside the drum, which diminish or cut the pollution that is harmful for human health. To make charcoal, once you finished cooking, you throw the corn cobs into the grate while the fire is on, then you place the lid and close the primary and secondary air windows in order to seal it from oxygen, without fire, the material inside burns at a high heat and carbonizes.

To increase the efficiency of the stove, add vermiculite which is made out of volcanic rock, it is lightweight, and heat resistant, and accessible. Dampen it to keep the dust off. Then, mix sand, clay, water, and straw or sawdust. This contains, entraps the heat and helps hold everything together. it goes between the copper coil and the drum walls. Combustion happens in a relative small place and therefore the heat generated is transferred directly to the coil and the cooking plate. Cold primary air enters the from the bottom window, and is preheated as it goes up to the combustion chamber where it mixes with fuel and flame. The hot flow gases immediately contact the cooking plate. A higher combustion temperature decreases the emissions made from burning biomass. Smoke, air, and fire mix together which decreases the pollution that is harmful for human health. 12 mm gap between “comal� (cooking plate) forces flame to touch sides as well as bottom, this significantly increases the efficiency of the stove.

rolar y soldar ESPIRAL DE COBRE rolando,soldado e extenciones


costs of production



The kauil stove can be constructed in many ways with different materials, it can either be made from reused materials (oil drum, scrap metal, existing pots and copper tube). This is the list of materials, production process and cost for the Kauil stove to be manufactured industrially and mass produced. The materials can be cut, then flat packed and sent to the communities, where each user can assemble his own stove easyly.


Steel sheet Steel sheet Steel sheet Steel sheet

annealed copper tube

0.7 mm 1.2 mm 2.0 mm 2.5 mm

material dimension 91 X 244 mm 91 X 244 mm 91 X 244 mm 93 X 244 mm

1/2 in

12 m

cost in $ M.N $172.00 $290.00 $350.00 $550.00

cost in $ AU.


MANUFACTURE Piece Drum Fire Grate secondary air strap primary air strap holders copper spiral water pot water pot stand tool

qty. 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1



steel sheet 1.2 mm steel sheet 2.5 mm steel sheet 1.2 mm steel sheet 1.2 mm steel sheet 2.5 mm annealed copper tube stainless steel steel sheet 1.2 mm stainless steel bar 3 mm

punch, cut, roll and weld punch, cut, roll and weld punch, cut, roll and weld cut, roll, weld and bend cut, bend roll, weld joint punch holes, weld to tube cut, bend, spot weld cut, sharpen, brass???

cost $ M.N* cost $ AU. $500.00 $400.00 $170.00 $100 $60 $50 $30 $100

$41.45 $33.20 $14 $8 $5 $5 $3 $8



*cost $ M.N stands for mexican pesos, and the equivalence to the $ AU dollar is 0.083 manufacturing cost decreases with quantity. total

laser cut

Technical Drawings

kauil stove laser cut drawings

the stove can be done by a blacksmith or a small steel manufacurer with theses drawings. it contains all the pieces, materials, dimensions and spesifications for the manufacture of the stove.

videos you cam find the videos on how to use the stove, and how to make one in youtube. these are the links to the videos. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T2I8_BhmZgM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpr0rH7X71A

making the stove Drum: From the 25 litter oil drum, remove the top lid and the bottom, make sure you get rid of the sharp pieces of metal. Mark the holes for the primary and secondary air at the right height, and then drill. Use the copper coil on top of the drum to mark the slots that will be cut for the coil to slide in, use the tool to cut them. Hang the holders at the top of the drum and then place the inside lid, place the copper coil into the drum so that it sits straight and flat on the inside lid. Place the blocks that will keep the secondary air holes from blocking with the clay. Add the vermiculite. Make the insulative refractive clay by mixing 500g of dry sawdust, 900g of moist clay, and 1200g of water, this will make a thick “paste� and apply it into the stove between the coil and the walls of the drum. Once that dries, it will hold the pieces inside together. Fire grate: is cut, punched and rolled from sheet metal. copper coil, rolled and welded to extentions that are conected to pot.

making the charcoal The stove is used as a kiln to make charcoal, and it must be done outdoors, since the process produces some smoke. It counts with the primary and secondary air windows in order to allow air to flow through the drum. The top os open for filling it with cobs, or other agricultural material. A small lid is needed to cover the top hole, this can be a piece of sheet metal or other flat scrap. It is important that before the first charcoal burn, any oil residue is burned away. Make sure no extremely hazardous chemicals were used in the oil drum, as this can be dangerous when burning. The first thing is to open the primary air window so that air can flow in through the hole at the bottom. The next step in the process is to fill the fire grate with about five centimetres worth of corn husks. A stick held in the centre of the drum can help to keep an air vent through the centre of the cobs and husk when the burn begins. After the husks, an alternate layer of corn cobs can be placed in the fire grate. An alternate layer of corn husks can then be placed followed by corn cobs again, and so forth until the fire grate is full, then the stick can be removed. Light the fire grate at the bottom hole that was formed by removing the stick. For an even and effective burn, it is best to light the husks from the bottom of the oil drum in four places, the centre, and three surrounding points. After ten minutes, the smoke should be hot enough that it can be ignited for a cleaner burn. The fire should be allowed to burn for another ten minutes before covering. To cover the oil drum, and deprive the fire of oxygen, close the primary and secondary air windows turning the knobs.. The lid should then be placed on the top of the stove. Sand can be placed at the edges of the bottom of the drum and around the top of the lid to create an airtight seal. This causes the fire to

extinguish itself inside the drum. Without fire, the material inside burns at a high heat and carbonizes. After two hours, brush the sand off the top of the stove, and remove the lid. The cobs inside should be carbonized and ready to use. Those that are not fully carbonized can be thrown into the next burn, though there is risk that they will fully burn off. Carbonized cobs will weigh much less than dried cobs, and snap quite easily when pressure is applied to them at both ends.

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