Operating System An operating system or OS is a software program that enables the computer hardware to communicate and operate with the computer software. Without a computer operating system, a computer and software programs would be useless. The picture is an example of Microsoft Windows XP, a popular operating system and what the box may look like if you were to visit a local retail store to purchase it. When computers were first introduced, the user interacted with them using a command line interface, which required commands. Today, almost every computer is using a Graphical User Interface (GUI) operating system that is much easier to use and operate. Tip: Some people may refer to an OS as "operating software." Although this is a valid term, it is more appropriate to refer to this software as an "operating system.
Figure 1: Examples of operating systems
What is the most popular operating system? Today, many different versions of Windows, macOS, Linux, and mobile operating systems are available. So, what is the most popular operating system? According to all of the StatCounter Global Stats reportsas of September 2017, Windows 7 is the most popular desktop computer operating system. However, if you also include all mobile devices Android is the most popular operating system globally.
Most popular operating system based off computer
If you were to break up the different types of computers into categories, the most popular operating system for each category is as follows. Windows 7 is the most popular operating system for desktop and laptop computers. Android is the most popular smartphone operating system. iOS is the most popular tablet operating system. Variants of Linux are most widely used in the Internet of things and smart devices. Other variants of Linux are the most popular operating system on other web servers and supercomputers.
Functions of Operating System There are Many Functions those are Performed by the Operating System But the Main Goal of Operating System is to Provide the Interface between the user and the hardware Means Provides the Interface for Working on the System by the user. The various Functions those are Performed by the Operating System are as Explained below:
Operating System as a Resource Manager Operating System Also Known as the Resource Manager Means Operating System will Manages all the Resources those are Attached to the System means all the Resource like Memory and Processor and all the Input output Devices those are Attached to the System are Known as the Resources of the Computer System and the Operating system will Manage all the Resources of the System. The Operating System will identify at which Time the CPU will perform which Operation and in which Time the Memory is used by which Programs. And which Input Device will respond to which Request of the user means When the Input and Output Devices are used by the which Programs. So this will manage all the Resources those are attached to the Computer System.
Storage Management Operating System also Controls the all the Storage Operations means how the data or files will be Stored into the computers and how the Files will be Accessed by the users etc. All the Operations those are Responsible for Storing and Accessing the Files is determined by the Operating System Operating System also Allows us Creation of Files, Creation of Directories and Reading and Writing the data of Files and Directories and also Copy the contents of the Files and the Directories from One Place to Another Place.
Figure 2: File system example
Process Management The Operating System also Treats the Process Management means all the Processes those are given by the user or the Process those are System‘s own Process are Handled by the Operating System . The Operating System will create the Priorities foe the user and also start or Stops the Execution of the Process and Also Makes the Child Process after dividing the Large Processes into the Small Processes.
Figure 3: diagram of operation system process managment
Memory Management Operating System also Manages the Memory of the Computer System means Provide the Memory to the Process and Also Deallocate the Memory from the Process. And also defines that if a Process gets completed then this will deallocate the Memory from the Processes.
Figure 4: Examples of memory managment
Extended Machine Operating System also behaves like an Extended Machine means Operating system also Provides us Sharing of Files between Multiple Users, also Provides Some Graphical Environments and also Provides Various Languages for Communications and also Provides Many Complex Operations like using Many Hardware’s and Software’s.
Figure 5: Extended machine diagram
Mastermind Operating System also performs Many Functions and for those Reasons we can say that Operating System is a Mastermind. It provides Booting without an Operating System and Provides Facility to increase the Logical Memory of the Computer System by using the Physical Memory of the Computer System and also provides various Types of Formats Like NTFS and FAT File Systems. Operating System also controls the Errors those have been Occurred into the Program and Also Provides Recovery of the System when the System gets Damaged Means When due to Some Hardware Failure , if System Doesn’t Works properly then this Recover the System and also Correct the System and also Provides us the Backup Facility. And Operating System also breaks the large program into the Smaller Programs those are also called as the threads. And execute those threads one by one.
Pciture1: Happy mastermind
THE HISTORY OF OPERATING SYSTEMS The earliest computers were mainframes that lacked any form of operating system. Each user use on punched paper cards and magnetic or paper tape.
Picture 2: Punched paper card
The first operating systems (60th-70th years) Each manufacturer had such proprietary operating system, which differed from each other completely, and the operator had always relearn everything from scratch.
Picture 3: First OS for more computers. 1964
1969 – UNIX The foundations of today's operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X, NeXTSTEP, OpenBSD and Others).
Picture 4: 1970 Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson are developing Unix. Computer PDP-11.
1973 – Xerox Alto Xerox Alto was not a commercially very successful, his proposal, but affected the whole generation of computers and operating systems. It was the first computer using a mouse and a fully graphical interface.
Picture 5: 1973 – Xerox Alto.
1977 – Apple II Steve Wozniak Apple II became one of the first massively expanded home computers.
Picture 6: 1977 – Apple II.
1978 – Apple DOS Apple DOS (Disk Operating System) first appeared on Apple II computers a year after its launch, and strongly influenced by the way it evolved operating systems over the next decade.
Picture 7: 1978 – Apple DOS.
1981 – MS DOS System Which of the then little-known service firms on behalf of Microsoft has done a multinational corporation. He first appeared on IBM PC .
Picture 8: 1981 – MS DOS.
1984 – Mac OS One of the first systems aimed at the general public in having a graphical interface composed of the interaction of the mouse with windows, icons and menus
Picture 9: 1984 – Mac DOS.
1985 – Windows 1.0 The first Windows was not so much a separate operating system , rather like a graphic interface for DOS.
Picture 10: 1985 – Windows 1.0
1988 – NeXTSTEP Steve Jobs in the eighties left Apple and went to pursue his own project called NeXTSTEP, using Unix BSD.
Picture 11: 1988 – NeXTSTEP
1991 – GNU/Linux Free operating system type Unix; cross-platform, multi-user and multitasking.
Picture 12: 1991 – GNU/Linux
1992 – Windows 3.1 The first Window with Internet.
Picture 13: 1992 – Windows 3.1
1995 – Windows 95 Replaces MS-DOS as operating system to Windows 3.x as a graphical environment.
Picture 14: 1995 – Windows 95
1998 – Windows 98 Better Windows 95 version. It included new hardware drivers and the FAT32 file system that supported partitions larger than the 2GB allowed by Windows 95.
Picture 15: 1998 – Windows 98
2007 – iOS (iPhone OS) mobile operating system of the multinational Apple Inc. Originally developed for the iPhone (iPhone OS), then it has been used in devices such as iPod touch and iPad. Does not allow the installation of iOS on third-party hardware.
Picture 16: 2007 – iOS (iPhone OS)
XNU, UNIX, Windows It is thanks to the competition among the XNU, UNIX & Windows families that this technology has rapidly developed from those that were once punch cards to small devices that can perform complex tasks thanks to the efficiency with which these operating systems use their resources.
Picture 17: Gnu linux family
Nowadays the current GNU distributions allow us to obtain a great free operating system, and this family extends to systems that allow us to learn how to do security tests or to protect our systems.
Picture 18: Gnu linux Security family
The evolution of windows has led to offer us a versatile system which is trying to cover different devices using the same operating system with their respective features.
XNU, UNIX, Windows
Apple owns IOS and XNU for their smartphones and computers respectively, always keeping the fact that they share the same user experience.