G1. rezaie. mohammad jawad. rep2. 17.

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Light Pavillion Rep2-Stage1

Name: M.Jawad Rezaie ID: A1691163

Table Of Content

1- Luminosity and its philosophical Study 2- Architectiral Study of Luminosity in Zaha Hadid’s Fluid Luminosity 1-Site Plan 2- Elevations 3-Ground and Arial Views 4- Site Analysis


1-Groff, Peter S, 2007. Islamic Philosophy A-Z. 1st ed. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 2-Kuznestsova, Irina Kuznetsova, Jonardon Ganeri, Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad, 2012. Hindu and Buddhist Ideas in Dialogue: Self and No-Self. 1st ed. New Yourk, USA: Routledge. 3-ArchDaily. 2017. Fluid Luminosity: The Architectural Lighting of Zaha Hadid. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.archdaily.com/868157/fluid-luminosity-the-architectural-lighting-of-zaha-hadid. [Accessed 13 August 2017].

Luminosity Light is energy and brightness, luminosity is the presence of light and the total amount of energy given off by sources which travels with speed of 300,000km per second. These sources are either intrinsic like sun and stars or artificial such as lamp and candle. Alternatively, the total amount of energy that a star puts out as a light each second, is called luminosity. The total amount of energy intercepted by a detector and divided by the area of detector is called flux or density. The difference between luminosity and brightness depends on distance according to the invers square law theory, which is illustrated in the fallowing diagram.

The Architectural Study of Luminosity To understand the meaning and function of luminosity in architecture, the architectural lighting of Zaha Hadid is considered for case study. Light is the only element that is used to close the distance between architecture and human perception. We see materials, objects and forms only through reflected light. In the contemporary architecture, Hadid is the master of lighting and materials as she enhanced her architectural imagination through use of light. Her theories of fragmentation and fluidity are well-known design techniques in the world of architecture. For example, she used a unique rendering technique to interpret and expose her architecture and architectural elements.

The philosophical representation of luminosityn Indian and Tibetan context, is ‘consciousness and awareness’ in an event and occurrence. Additionally, it is the capacity of experiential manifestation which is directly connected to the phenomenality of consciousness. The luminosity of consciousness is divided in two categories. These are ‘other- illumination’ and ‘self- illumination’ theories. To begin with the theory of other-illumination, the luminosity of consciousness must have the capacity to present a distinct object. On the other hand, the luminosity of consciousness in the self- illumination theory, is reflexive and self-presenting. Through this reflexivity, the consciousness can present its object. This is similar to a light source that does not need a second light source to be revealed and be presented. In the Islamic context, the luminosity and illumination is interpreted as a knowledge, the degree of perfection and completeness. It reveals the truth immediately without any judgement and obstruction. Considering the ‘luminosity and illumination’ in these three religious philosophy, all of them has a similar interpretation of the light, luminosity, and illumination. For the Indian and Tibetan, luminosity is consciousness and awareness. For Islam it is perceived as knowledge, source of truth, and degree of perfection which is directly connected to the Indian and Tibetan interpretation.

In three decades of career in architecture, Zaha made significant progress and advances in use of light in architecture. The Vitra Fire Station is the first project where she used minimal light lines. In this project, the light lines in the ceiling, between wall and ground level expose the linear architecture and its sharp edges. In addition to this, the light gaps between the wall and ceiling deconstruct the building structure. Furthermore, the sun light also expose linear pattern of architecture. The precise use of light lines in Vitra Fire Station shows the manifestation of Hadid’s supremacist painting.

Leeza SOHO skyscraper in Beijing is another architectural masterpiece that collects enormous amount of natural light, which illustrates the luminosity and illumination in her luminous legacy in architecture. It is shining like a lamp and source of light

Abstract painting was another element that Hadid had compassion with and added to her architectural imagination, which has led to various graphical interpretation of lighting and luminaries. She analysed and abstracted the urban transport patterns and abstracted them to luminaries pattern. For example, at Strasbourg’s Hoenheim-Nord Terminus and Car Park, she was fascinated by the white road marking. Hadid abstracted them into white linear diffuse or integrated them to strips on the concrete roof of parking.

Additionally, in the Phaeno Science Centre, Hadid advanced her lighting imagination to a turning point by introducing the fluid design. It shows a huge transition from straight line and sharp edges as the windows, luminaries and the building surface share the same form. This contradicts to her earlier projects where she focused on straight lines and sharp edges.

In contrast to other projects, Hadid used her fluid lighting to the Museum of XXI Century Arts in Rome in 2009. She used a combination of daylight and artificial fluid lighting that fascinate the interior of this museum. The light lines and the black materials in stair case contrast and create a dynamic interior.

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Maths & Science , Ingkarni Wardli North Elevation

Brags & Molecular Science South Elevation

BSL East Elevation

A prespective toward BSL

Ground views of the Site

Arial Views of the Site

Site Analysis-Summer Light To understand the presence of light in teh Maths lawn and its surrounding buildings, the sun light has been tracked in three different times of the day. As a result, the density of light and shadow is different in each stage. In the morning time, the area has the maximum luminosity as sun light enters to the site directly from the north without any obstruction. As the time approaches closer to noon and afternoon, the luminosity is decreasing in the Maths lawn because the position of sun light has changed and a considerable amount of light has been blocked by Brags Buildings and its adjasten buidlings. The following three images show the shade and shadow at three times of the day only in Summer

light and shadow at 3:00 PM summer time

Light and shadow at 12:00 PM summer time

light and shadow at 3:00 PM summer time

Site Analysis- Winter Light Considering the winter season and the sun light on the site, there is low presence of natural light in the winter compared with summer. In the Summer at 9:00 Am, the maths lawn has the maximum luminosity while at the same in the winter, nearly the qaueter area fo the site is shaded. At 12:00 PM winter time, the Maths Lawn is completly coverd by shadow. At 3:00 PM , the ground level and first level of Engineering and Ingkarni buildings are coverd by shadow. It means that the site recives high luminosity in the summer and low luminosity in the winter.

LIght and shadow at 9:00 AM winter time

Light and shadow at 12:00 PM winter time

light and shadow at 3:00 PM winter time


This map shows access and movement in the Math lawn and its surrounding buildings

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The first two pictures in the first row illustates the presence of natural light in the site during morining and afternoon respectively. Interstengly, the luminosity in these photos is relatively close to the luminosity which has been detected in the site model.

The photos in the second row, illustates electric light during night time in the site.

The Cultural and Social quality of site The site is located between many famous buildings in the University of Adelaide. The Maths lawn is the best open space in the campus where students gather, study and sometimes use it for function and celebration. The natural light and electric light are the key elements that make this site so attractive for students. BSL which is an architectural heritage and a symbol of clulture, is located in the western side of Maths Lawn. The following image shows the both social activity and cultural symbole of the site which is BSL.

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