10 Bad Breath Cures to Apply Today
Some people will experience bad breath problem in their lives. They have tried a lot of ways on how to get rid of bad breath .The most important thing is finding the culprit and find out method for bad breath cures . In this article , we will examine 10 ways in curing bad breath . Hope it will help us all .
Make sure your tongue is clean
Tongue could cause the accumulation of bacteria if not treated properly. This happens because the morphological features of tongue make it suitable for the growth of bacteria . Tongue contain an uneven surface of cell that could potentially trapped bacteria in it . With a proper cleaning using tongue scraper . You can use your regular toothbrush to clean it. For more effective result, you can try tongue cleaner or scraper . This tool will help you clean better .
Clean Tongue
Mint is not the only answer
Mint would help you cover bad breath . It is suitable for masking the odor , but for long term success, you must visit your physician . It is important because some bad breath problem happens due to some diseases such as diabetes or cancer . Consulting with your doctor will give you a better view on how to handle this problem .
Practice rinsing your mouth
It is important to rinsing your mouth after each meal . Rinsing could help by balancing the pH level in our mouth . Instead of that , it will also help in getting rid of food particle that being trapped in our mouth. Low pH level in our mouth could make the bacteria thrive easily . Accumulation of bacteria could increase the release of bad odor from by product of bacteria metabolism that is hydrogen sulphide .
Rinsing mouth after meal could help combat bad breath
Eat more food that contain high level of vitamin C
Foods that have a high level of Vitamin C could make your breath smell sweet. Foods such as orange , watermelon and lemon could deter the accumulation of bacteria . High level of vitamin C could deter the existence of bacteria in your mouth .
Example of high Vitamin C foods
Eat more vegetables
Vegetables such as cabbage , celery and carrot would help to get rid of left over particle in our mouth . This high fiber vegetables would help making our mouth free from bacteria that cause bad breath odor .
Vegetables to combat bad breath
Say No to Cigarettes
Some people said that they cannot live without cigarettes but do not let it fool you . There are ample evidence that smoking could cause variety of health problmes such as bad breath . This happen beacuse people who smoke could cause the building of plaque in their mouth. Plaque is very suitable for the growth of bacteria that in turns cause the release of bad breath odor due to their metabolism process.
Say No to Cigarettes
Make a minimum twice a year visit to your dentist
Dentist could help us in finding the real culprit when dealing with bad breath . Sometime , we have try many ways to combat bad breath , but still nothing happen . Dentist will tell you the real problem. They also provide a professional mouth cleanisng services hat could solve your bad breath problem easily . Make your dentist your friend and you will have a brigther smile after this.
Visit your dentist for further consultation
Brush daily
Brushing your teeth daily is very important . You want to get rid of left over food particle in your mouth as soon as possible. if left untreated , this food particle would cause the accumulation of bacteria to increase.
Do not forget to brush your teeth daily
Do not forget flossing
Flossing should be done at least once a day. By flossing we can get rid of stubborn food particle that trapped in our teeth . Instead of that, it also help in removing plaque . By combining the effect of toot brushing and flossing , you have make sure there is minimal room for bacteria to thrive in .
Flossing for a sweet smile
Drink water frequently
The effect of drinking water is very important to our body . not only it refresh our body , it also help in dealing with bad breath . A dry mouth could lead to bad breath because bacteria love to live ina dry condition . Dry condition cause the pH level in our mouth to lower and this condition favor the growt of bacteria. By drinin=g at least 7 glasses of water every day , we could reduce the bad breath problem.
Drink at least 7 glasses of water daily
We hope that our share would help our reader out there . Finding causes of bad breath is important and finding ways to get rid of bad breath is also important . Do not forget to share your experiences with us. We valued your feedback . For more tips on how to get rid of bad breath , do visit our blog.
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