6 • 9 •10 Ask Amy ............................D9 Baseball.........................C6-8 Book Review ...................D10 Bridge ..............................D14 Business ............................B1 Calendar............................D1
California .......................AA3 Classifieds, Auto ........C8-12 Classifieds, Jobs..............B7 Classifieds, Misc..............B7 Classifieds, Real Estate.....................B7
Attack on trucks kills 6, wounds 7 Suspected militants attacked trucks carrying military vehicles to foreign forces in Afghanistan early Wednesday close to Islamabad, the Pakistani capital, killing six people and wounding seven others, police and witnesses said. A gang of about 15 suspected militants opened fire with automatic weapons and grenades before torching the trucks, police officer Kalim Imam said. Another officer said the attackers arrived and escaped in two cars and on motorbikes. The identities of those killed or wounded were not immediately known. — associated press
Picture yourself in outer space
Comics .......................D14-15 Crossword .......................D14 Day in Sports....................C4 Editorials ........................A20 Elliott ..................................C2 For the Record .................A4
Heisler ...............................V3 Horoscope.......................D14 Horse Racing....................C4 Jumble...............................B7 Lazarus ..............................B1 Lopez .................................A2
Lottery Results..............AA2 Morning Briefing..............C2 Nation ..............................A10 NBA.................................V1-6 NHL ....................................C2 Obituaries ..................AA8-9
Opinion ............................A21 Plaschke ............................V1 Simers ...............................V2 Soccer ................................C5 Sports.................................C1 Sports on TV.....................C2
New treatment for breast cancer A one-time dose of radiation during surgery is as good as daily care, study says. Thomas H. Maugh II A single dose of radiation during breast cancer surgery is as effective as three to six weeks of daily postoperative radiation for many women with early stage breast cancer, according to the first results from an ongoing study of more than 2,000 women. Most lumpectomy patients have to visit a radiation center every weekday for at least three weeks after surgery, which can be inconvenient for working women and debilitating for older ones. Many women also have to commute long distances to the radiation centers. Some women elect to have a radical mastectomy
instead of a lumpectomy so that they do not require daily radiation. The new results provide an alternative treatment for many women and could reduce the costs associated with the procedure — as well as the long lines and waiting lists at some centers. “We’re now getting really good long-term survival for breast cancer,” study coauthor Dr. Michael Baum of University College London said at a news conference Saturday at a Chicago meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncologists. “The theme now is: How can we improve the quality of life for women?” The approach relies on an electron-beam-driven device developed by Carl Zeiss Meditec of Jena, Germany. It delivers a low dose of radiation to the area where the tumor was; the 20- to 35-minute dose is administered before the wound is closed. The Intrabeam device
targets the immediate area of the excised tumor, where 90% of recurrences have been found to take place. Conventional radiation uses higher doses and lasts from 30 seconds to several minutes each session. The study, led by Drs. Jayant S. Vaidya of University College London and David Joseph of the University of Western Australia in Perth, enrolled 2,232 women with early stage breast cancer at 28 centers in nine countries. Half were randomly assigned to undergo the intraoperative procedure, and half surgery plus the conventional course of radiation. Baum presented the results at the oncologists’ meeting, and they were published online the same day in the journal Lancet. The study was not blind: Researchers knew which patients received which treatment. It also established predefined criteria for wom-
en who underwent the Intrabeam therapy but who would also need conventional radiotherapy, such as the discovery that the women had lobular carcinoma, which arises from breast glands rather than ducts and thus requires more intensive treatment. About 15% of the women required such additional treatment. After an average of four years, the recurrence of tumors was seen in six of the 996 patients who received the Intrabeam therapy and in five of the 1,025 who received conventional therapy. That translated to a recurrence rate of 1.2% in the Intrabeam group and 0.95% in the conventional group. The incidence of toxicity and complications were nearly identical in the two groups. The authors wrote that the device “almost completely avoids irradiation of the intrathoracic structures such as the heart, lung and esophagus. Consequently,
Two die in gas pipeline blast
— associated press
Fisherman ill from mustard gas A doctor treating a commercial fisherman who was sickened after his boat hauled up canisters of chemicals says tests show he was exposed to mustard gas. Dr. Edward Boyer, a toxicologist at UMass Memorial Medical Center in Worcester, said the man had painful blisters on an arm and leg but was in good condition. The U.S. Coast Guard said the vessel caught the canisters Sunday about 45 miles south of Long Island, N.Y. The crew threw the canisters back into the ocean after the man became ill. — associated press
Lottery results Tonight’s Super Lotto Plus Jackpot: $7 million Sales close at 7:45 p.m. For Tuesday, June 8, 2010 Mega Millions
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thomas.maugh@ latimes.com
Dan Weikel
— associated press
the damage to these structures, which can occur even with modern external beam radiotherapy, will have been avoided.” “This device truly revolutionizes patient management and the patient experience,” coauthor Dr. Laura Esserman of UC San Francisco said in a statement. “We have identified a subset of patients for whom it is safe, and we should ensure that all such patients can access this technology. We will continue to study this device in higher-risk patients to see if its role can be expanded.” In an editorial with the Lancet report, researchers noted that longer-term results would be needed. Nonetheless, they said, in the elderly at least, combining surgery and radiation “is the new standard and intraoperative radiotherapy an excellent approach.”
FAA ends flight test in Santa Monica
Always wanted to fly in space? Now at least your photo can reach orbit. NASA is inviting the public to send their portraits into space aboard one of the two remaining space shuttle flights. To participate, upload a picture to a NASA website: faceinspace.nasa .gov. You can select which space shuttle to take — Discovery in September or Endeavor, targeted for November. You can also send up only your name.
Two people were killed by an explosion after a bulldozer struck a natural gas pipeline, a Panhandle sheriff said. Lipscomb County Sheriff James Robertson said in a news release that the men died shortly after the blast, and three people were injured. The blast occurred about 270 miles northeast of Lubbock.
Sudoku ............................D14 TV Grid.............................D16 TV Rankings ...................D13 Weather ........................AA10 Will Call............................D12 World .................................A3
Candice Towell Reno Gazette-Journal
IN NEVADA: Former federal judge Brian Sandoval celebrates his resounding Republican primary victory over incumbent Gov. Jim Gibbons, who is the first governor in state history to lose a primary.
Some newcomers rise to victory [Nationwide, from AA1] the six-term congressman in a second round of balloting June 22. Gowdy made Inglis’ support of the Troubled Asset Relief Program, a $700billion rescue of the financial sector under President George W. Bush, a major part of his campaign. South Carolina voters were also choosing nominees to succeed Republican Gov. Mark Sanford, whose career imploded last year amid a sex scandal. The front-runner, Republican state Rep. Nikki Haley, overcame recent allegations of marital infidelity but fell just shy of the 50% needed to win nomination outright. Another tea party favorite, she will face Rep. J. Gresham Barrett in a runoff in two weeks. Haley, a married mother of two, has unequivocally denied the allegations of infidelity, and vowed to step down if elected and it was proved she committed adultery. In Iowa, former GOP Gov. Terry Branstad took the first step in his attempted comeback after 12 years out of office, winning the nomination to face embattled Democratic Gov. Chet Culver. Branstad hoped to join California’s Jerry Brown and Oregon’s John Kitzhaber, both Democrats, in the ranks of ex-governors reclaiming their old offices. In all, voters in nearly a dozen states went to the polls Tuesday, selecting nominees in races for governor, U.S. Senate and nearly 100 House races. The mood
Carlos Osorio Associated Press
CONCESSION: Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter admits defeat in the Democratic runoff for U.S. Senate.
was angry — a toxic brew of uncertainty over the economy, frustration with Washington’s ceaseless political bickering and, lately, horror at the devastation in the oilfouled gulf. In Arkansas, Lincoln barely avoided the fate of Sens. Robert F. Bennett (RUtah) and Arlen Specter (DPa.), who last month lost reelection bids. It has been 30 years since three or more senators were defeated in the primary season. Lincoln, a relative moderate, heads the Senate Agriculture Committee — a boon for her heavily rural state. But she spent much of the campaign on the defensive, as organized labor and other left-leaning interest groups spent millions of dollars attacking her; union
leaders were unhappy with Lincoln’s vote against final passage of President Obama’s healthcare bill, and especially her failure to support legislation making it easier organize workers. Lincoln, however, enjoyed the support of Obama and, perhaps more important, former President Clinton, a native Arkansan, who paid a high-profile visit late in the campaign and accused unions of trying to manipulate voters “to terrify members of Congress” into doing their bidding. Lincoln faces an uphill fight against Rep. John Boozman, the GOP Senate nominee. In Nevada, 12 Republicans lined up for the opportunity to face Reid, who has never been very popular. There were three main con-
tenders: Sue Lowden, a former state legislator and casino owner; businessman Danny Tarkanian, the son of legendary college basketball coach Jerry Tarkanian; and Angle, a former state lawmaker and favorite of the tea party movement. Lowden started as the front-runner, but stumbled several times. Her most notable gaffe was a suggestion that bartering — she used the example of a chicken — might be a way the uninsured could pay for healthcare. Her miscues provided an opening for Angle, who surged with the help of tea party activists and conservatives outside Nevada. In her last-ditch campaigning, Lowden suggested Angle’s views — including abolition of the federal tax code and phasing out Social Security — make her too extreme to beat Reid. But that failed to convince Ed Black, 78, who ducked out of the 106-degree heat to cast his ballot for Angle at a Henderson community center. “She really expresses my viewpoint, where I think the country should be,” said Black, who suggested he really wanted to vote against Reid and, by extension, Obama. “Reid doesn’t vote for the American people,” said Black, a retired salesman. “He votes for the socialist agenda of the Democratic Party.” mark.barabak@ latimes.com ashley.powers@ latimes.com
The federal government Tuesday ended its 180-day test of a controversial departure route from Santa Monica Municipal Airport that resulted in thousands of noise complaints from densely populated neighborhoods along the flight path. The Federal Aviation Administration’s experiment, which began Dec. 10, directed departing propeller planes to turn right over the neighborhoods of Sunset Park and Ocean Park when flying under instrument flight rules, such as during foggy or cloudy weather. FAA officials and airport officials say they will analyze the noise complaints, potential benefits and alternative flight paths to determine whether the experimental departure route should be made permanent. FAA officials plan to release a final report in August. “If we move toward making the procedure permanent, we will do a thorough environmental analysis that will include public involvement,” said Ian Gregor, an FAA spokesman. “This process will take at least a year to complete.” Though the FAA claims the test route averaged eight planes a day, residents say the experiment resulted in a steady stream of noisy propeller aircraft over their neighborhoods, including those not flying under instrument flight plans. Their complaints started small in December with nine. By the end of April, two neighborhood associations had gotten involved and the number mushroomed to 3,747. Airport officials say there were at least 3,000 in May, a number that could grow further by June 15, the end of the complaint period. “I hope they don’t make this a permanent departure route. It’s not a good idea,” said Joanne Segal, who lives in Sunset Park with her husband and three children. According to the FAA, the test has significantly reduced delays for private and commercial aircraft by eliminating the need for air traffic controllers to coordinate takeoffs from Santa Monica and nearby Los Angeles International Airport to avoid collisions. Officials also said the route maintained the required separation of three miles between departing aircraft from LAX and Santa Monica. dan.weikel@latimes.com
27 June 2010:Layout 1 6/25/2010 7:14 PM Page 1
SUNDAY, 27th JUNE 2010
Mickky could be hiding in Taleigaon - Whistle Blower................Pg 18 Secular India and Women - Sajla Chawla....................................Pg 19 Net of Fish, Faith and Celebrations - Conchita Goes Proenca......Pg 20 Conflict Resolutions - Juliet D’Souza...........................................Pg 20 My name is Swagatam - Bevinda Collaco......................................Pg 21 Messenger of God - Bharati Pawaskar........................................Pg 22
Right on TARGIT A Goan doctor pioneers a revolutionary new cancer treatment Dr Jayant Sharad Vaidya recently made international headlines when he pioneered a new technique of administering radiation during breast cancer surgery that can save women six weeks of post-operative radiotherapy treatment. Breast Surgeon, Oncologist and Breast Cancer Specialist in London, Dr Vaidya is one of our very own, born and brought up in Panjim. REMEDIANA DIAS spoke to him about the secret of his success
Dr Jayant Vaidya along with Jeffrey Tobias dicussing the TARGIT concept.
s humans we all like to read or hear inspiring stories. This is the story of Dr Jayant Vaidya. It demonstrates that reaching your target and achieving your goals needs hard work and perseverance to accompany new ideas and scientific rigor. Trained as a surgical oncologist, Dr Jayant Vaidya is a breast cancer expert who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the breast. He is a Consultant Surgeon at the Whittington Royal Free and University College London Hospitals. His private breast practice is at the London Breast Institute at the Princess Grace Hospital, where he runs a One-Stop Breast Clinic and sees emergency cases. Dr Vaidya is among three experts in the UK who have achieved a breakthrough in the treatment of breast cancer after a 10-year trial involving 2,000 women patients that demonstrates that a single dose of targeted radiation given during surgery for breast cancer is just as effective as the standard sixweek course of radiotherapy given after surgery. His team involved doctors and experts from 28 centres in 9 countries. The trial, called targeted interoperative radiotherapy (TARGIT –A Trial), was led by Dr Vaidya along with oncologists Jeffrey Tobias and Michael Baum. The new approach means selected patients receive just one dose of radiation during surgery to remove breast cancer. A probe is inserted into the breast, so that it can target the exact site of the cancer. In his PhD thesis at University College, London (UCL) Dr Vaidya pio-
Dr Jayant Vaidya with his family
for this. The new treatment would mean that many more women who contract breast cancer could conserve their breasts. TARGIT saves time, money and breasts. It will change the way of thinking about breast cancer and its treatment. The study suggests that in selected patients, the whole breast does not need to be treated, and that the radiation dose can be much lower. Besides, TARGIT eradicates the very highest risk area – around the part of the breast from which the tumour was removed. TARGIT is given in a single dose via an intra-operative probe. The conventional surgery is extended by just 30 to 40 minutes while the patient is asleep under anaesthetic. The cancer is taken out and the radiation goes in as soon as the surgery is complete, rather than weeks after. The interesting thing is, this interna-
Dr Jayant Vaidya and Michael Baum doing one of the first TARGeted Intraoperative radioTherapy operations in 1998 neered the concept of targeted intraoperative radiotherapy (TARGIT or IORT) to deliver radiotherapy to women at the time of surgery. He was featured on BBC’s ‘Tomorrow’s World’
Dona Paula (now run by the Manipal Foundation) and later went on to become one of India’s most prominent anti-tobacco activists, he studied at People’s High School and Dhempe College in Panjim, and did his MBBS from Goa Medical College (GMC). He qualified in surgical oncology from Bombay University and the National Board. His
tionally renowned doctor is one of our very own. Dr Vaidya hails from a prominent family of doctors from Goa. Son of the late Dr Sharad Vaidya, who pioneered the Goa Cancer Hospital at
Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC), the European Cancer Conference (ECCO), the Milan Breast Cancer Conference and the San Antonio Breast Cancer Conference. He has been invited to contribute to several books on breast cancer. His book ‘Fast Facts – Breast Cancer’ has just been published. He has also featured in ‘Time’ magazine and ‘Reader’s Digest’. His main research interest is understanding the natural history of breast cancer and how to treat it with maximum effectiveness and minimal harm. His work on intraoperative radiotherapy was inspired by his original laboratory work in 1994-5 that led him to the idea that breast cancer treatment with surgery and radiotherapy needs to be focussed and targeted. Working with Prof Michael Baum, he developed the concept, tools and the surgical operative procedure to give targeted intraoperative radiotherapy to the tissues immediately around a breast cancer, after it is surgically removed. He called it TARGIT- for TARGeted Intraoperative
Dr Sharad Vaidya and Dr Nirmala Vaidya
Dr Jayant Vaidya during a lecture tour in India – aiming to bring it back to the Tata Hospital.
REMEDIANA DIAS spoke to Dr Jayant Vaidya over the telephone; not so much about his achievements, which are now in the public domain, but about himself, what inspires him and much, much more. Excerpts from an exclusive interview: What is the secret of your success? I keep my mind fresh with new ideas and have the ability to see the glass three quarters full. I think it is always important to think big and to try to for it with a positive attitude. I believe if you reach for the stars you will emerge at least on the moon. The catch phrase, ‘how and why?’ and ‘lets do it’ sums up my attitude to life. I believe life is about the dreams you live, and the plans you make happen. I have learnt that for making something happen, one needs to believe in it strongly and persist, persist, persist. My father made it happen; he made Goa India’s first tobacco-free state 13 years ago. I think challenges are the best times of your life. To make things happen, a leader needs to instil the excitement of the challenge in those around them. I have always had support from my family, friends and colleagues. Without that, I could not have done anything. What makes you happy? I derive happiness from the things in life that one cannot attach a price tag to, like my family and friends and the smiles of my patients. I am in high spirits when I find a new question to solve or a new idea that can change the world. I love living every minute of my life. When I wake up every morning, I look forward to the mysteries and surprises each day will unravel, and I love to live each moment to the fullest. We are not here for a long time, and must create the most cheerful times for our near and dear ones. I believe destiny helps those who are inspired and truly committed. Choose what you enjoy and enjoy whatever you have chosen wholeheartedly, couple it with genuine hard work, and you are likely to be successful. If you are passionate about what you do, you may falter but you will never fail.
PhD is from UCL in London, and he is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (FRCS). At the age of 17, Vaidya qualified to be a National Scholar, and received a scholarship throughout his medical education. He has worked at the Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, the Royal Marsden Hospital, UCL, and the University of Dundee in Scotland. He is currently a Senior Lecturer and Consultant Surgeon at UCL. His clinical practice is busy. He has extensive experience in all aspects of breast surgery, including lumpectomy, wide local excision and quadrantectomy for breast cancer, sentinel node biopsy / axillary sampling, axillary clearance, and targeted intraoperative radiotherapy. Dr Vaidya also works with plastic surgeons for breast reconstructive surgery. He is well versed with multidisciplinary approaches to breast cancer treatment and works very closely with a team of top medical oncologists, radiotherapists, radiologists and pathologists, as well as specialists in psychosocial care. Mr Vaidya is considered a world opinion leader in breast cancer. He has over 180 original publications on varied subjects, and has given over 80 invited talks, including at the European
radioTherapy. The TARGIT procedure has been now been used in over 2,000 women, as part of the international TARGIT-A trial, conducted in 28 specialist cancer centres worldwide. It achieved more than 98 per cent durable local control, a remarkable result. The results were reported in ‘Lancet Online First’ on 5 June 2010. His recent collaborative translational research work suggests that TARGIT treatment may also change the tumour micro-environment, making it less conducive for tumour growth. A new TARGIT-B trial, currently underway, will indicate whether the TARGIT boost is superior to the standard postoperative boost because it is accurately timed and targeted. It will save women taking breast cancer treatment a prolonged course of radiotherapy, which can mean 20 or 30 visits to the hospital over five to six weeks, with unfortunate side effects including pain, burns and loss of hair. Dr Vaidya and his colleagues believe that for Britain’s beleaguered National Health Service (NHS), it could significantly reduce waiting lists for breast cancer treatment and save as much as £15 million a year, after costing in the initial outlay for new equipment.
Describe yourself as a person… I am very curious about the world and my thirst for knowledge does not get quenched easily. I am a perfectionist, simply because it comes instinctively. I believe in excelling, because all of us must aspire to be the best we can. The two together add up to what I believe is a formula to achieve a goal – inspiration and persistence in hard work. I strive to get the most value from my time. I cannot easily differentiate work from play, because I enjoy both. I can go on doing it uninterrupted for many hours, sometimes to the annoyance of those around me. One of my strengths is the way I work with people of different backgrounds and of different capabilities. I believe that every one of us has some great qualities. I find that time is something I am always hoping to have more of. I always try to keep an ear tuned to the stories behind my patients’ medical complaints. I try to spend as much time listening as I can, without getting behind schedule. One’s actions are a means of self expression. I am a diligent and meticulous person, and I don’t believe there can be any substitute for hard work. I love the exactness of science – even when there is uncertainty. Tell us something about your life in Goa. I have the best family in the world. Both parents were my role models. My father, besides being an excellent surgeon, pioneered and successfully led the anti-tobacco movement in India, helped by my mother. My extended family was always inspiring and encouraging me. I had great fun during school (at the old Mushtifund and People’s) and college (Dhempe, Goa Medical, Tata Memorial) days. My wife and children contribute in a major way to my scientific endeavours, not just in making a fantastic home but with a huge intellectual input as well. They are all great on their own. My teachers, whether at school, college or home, have been the major influences in my life. The first and foremost of these were my parents and my siblings. I have a loving and supporting family that influenced me in many positive ways. During school, I had some dynamic teachers who opened my mind to myriad possibilities. My aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents and many close friends stimulated and inspired me. Even as a child, I wanted to be a scientist, to find new things, to do research and to change the world for the better. What do you enjoy doing when you are not working? I enjoy reading books – both fiction and non-fiction – science and philosophy. And I love photography. I love how technology can enhance our lives. My perspective of life includes the full realisation of how small we are both in terms of time and space, compared to the universe. When you look back, what gives you the greatest sense of fulfilment? That is an interesting question. Completion of a task gives fulfilment. That way, performing a surgical operation is very fulfilling, because one begins and ends within a short span of time and one has already done something good. Research takes longer, but has bursts of ideas coming on a regular basis and has the potential to make a much larger impact. A satisfied smile from a patient can make the longest day the most fulfilling. I like my late evening postoperative ward round – it keeps my patients safe and gives me a good night’s sleep. The little things should mean as much to you in life as the big things. In the future, I would like to see a peaceful world filled with happy people. As an internationally known doctor, what lessons have you learnt that have stayed with you till this day? Keep an open mind and let it fly freely – encourage wild ideas – but test them with thoroughness, and inspire others around you. Follow your dreams, persist in the face of all calamities, and maintain strict integrity with science and truth. Always be kind.
The international steering committee and the Data Monitoring committee of the TARGIT –A Trial.
(Contact Dr Jayant Vaidya at: jayantvaidya@gmail.com)
MUMBAI | THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 2010 | PAGES 32 **
S CCERPUNCH With the countdown to the World Cup having well and truly begun, TOI brings you up close and personal with the legends, the superstars and the young guns of the sport. Columns by Carlos Dunga, Mario Kempes, Paolo Rossi & Frank Leboeuf Group Analysis: E, F, G and H
Minister in visiting Rajapaksa Headley sings: ISI with LeT at team is a wanted man in India all stages of 26/11 Devananda Is Proclaimed Embarrassing Visitor Enjoys State Hospitality Diwakar & Vishwa Mohan | TNN
Offender In 1986 Chennai Shootout & Murder Case
Plus Interview with Ruud Gullit and lots more
PAGES 19-22
In 1986, Douglas Devananda (shaking hands with Manmohan Singh), 9 others charged with opening fire with automatic weapons at locals in Chennai. 5 people were injured, 1 died later
Auto unions postpone strike to June 28 Auto unions postponed their proposed June 15 strike to June 28 after state transport minister Radhakrishna VikhePatil assured them that he would look into their demand for a fare hike. He also agreed in principle to set up a welfare board for auto, taxi and truck drivers. P 3
There’s still time for SSC results, says govt The state government on Wednesday cleared the air over the SSC results date, saying work was still on and the results would be out only after every detail was looked into. It also said schools and the media would be informed a day or two before the results are announced.
Ex-IG booked for molestation: Former Haryana IGP M S Ahlawat has been booked for molesting and intimidating a woman lawyer when he was the Yamunanagar SP in 2002. P 9
Adlabs honcho fined Rs 1 cr by Sebi: Sebi on Wednesday slapped a Rs 1 crore fine on Manmohan Shetty, film producer and co-founder of Adlabs, for breaching insider trading norms. P 17
Cops tell woman to have sex with son: A woman has alleged that cops at a Delhi police post forced her to strip in front of her 12-year-old son, who had been detained for allegedly stealing, and ordered that she have sex with him. P 9
Public float rule to be eased? With corporates expressing their difficulty in implementing the new order, the Centre may ease norms on 25% public float. P 17
Chaos at airport again: Operations at Mumbai airport were hit on Wednesday again as the main runway had to be shut after a flight broke some lights on it. P 3 Ceiling crash kills girl: A six-year-old girl was killed when the ceiling of her Goregaon home crashed on Wednesday. P 2 * PLUS 8 PAGES BOMBAY TIMES The Times of India is also available at Rs 4.50 without the combo offer. To receive your copy, please call 6635 4021
Chennai: Accompanying Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa on his India visit is a tall, wellbuilt, bearded, bespectacled man. Like other ministers in the delegation, Douglas Devananda, minister for traditional industries and small enterprises, is being accorded full state protocol. Ironically, this cabinet colleague of Rajapaksa is a proclaimed offender in India and liable for arrest. Devananda was declared a proclaimed offender and an absconding accused by a sessions court in Tamil Nadu for a shootout-cum-murder in Chennai in 1986. In November 1986, Devananda, then a member of the separatist Eelam People’s Revolutionary Front (EPRLF) in Lanka, and nine others were charged with opening fire with automatic
Another case of kidnapping a boy for ransom registered on March 2, 1989 is still pending Third case registered in 1990 for rioting and criminal intimidation of a person called Valavan Any Indian harbouring a proclaimed offender faces imprisonment up to 7 years under IPC weapons at locals in Choolaimedu in central Chennai, injuring five people. One person later succumbed to his injuries. Members of the LTTE, EPRLF and other Lankan militant outfits used to move around freely and live in Chennai in the 1980s.
Now, single-dose radiation to treat breast cancer? Kounteya Sinha | TNN
Shot In Arm
New Delhi: Radiotherapy New treatment has a for breast cancer patients comparable recurrence could soon be a single dose rate of around 1% with 30-minute affair, instead of presently used external the tedious present-day regbeam radiation imen that lasts over six weeks. In a major breakRadiotherapy toxicity through, a team of British is four times lower doctors headed by UniverTreatment avoids sity College London’s Dr irradiation of the heart, Jayant S Vaidya—an Indilung and oesophagus an from Goa—has created and tested a new technique that blasts the remnants of a tumour inside the breast in just one shot lasting half-an-hour. The team used radiation on areas just around the tumour rather that on the whole breast, as is done currently. A 10-year trial of this Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy, conducted in nine countries involving over 2,200 women, confirmed that radiation that targeted a specific area of the breast was as effective as whole-breast radiation in reducing breast cancer recurrence in women. The results of the trial were published in The Lancet. So, while a patient is still under anaesthesia following the removal of the tumour, a series of gentle X-rays are administered to destroy any remaining tumour cells at the cancer site. The technique is highly convenient and costs less. Dr Vaidya told TOI from the UK that several hospitals in India like Breach Candy in Mumbai had expressed interest in his work. dose of radiation enough’, P 11
In the Choolaimedu case, Devananda and others were charged with murder, attempt to murder, rioting and unlawful assembly. t Chennai
lawyer seeks Devananda’s arrest, P 11
Former Bhopal Collector’s Stunning Disclosure
‘MP chief secy ordered us to release Anderson’ Suchandana Gupta | TIMES NEWS NETWORK
Bhopal: Two days after the verdict in the Union Carbide gas leak case, Moti Singh, who was Bhopal collector when the tragedy struck, made a sensational disclosure: Union Carbide boss Warren Anderson was arrested by Bhopal police and taken to the company guesthouse in a safe area, where he stayed for a couple of hours. He had access to a telephone in his room, and used it to call various people. “A couple of hours later, the cops released Anderson on the orders of then Madhya Pradesh chief secretary Brahmaswaroop,’’ Singh said. Anderson flew in to inspect the damage on the morning of December 7 along with Keshub Mahindra and Vijay Gokhale, chairman and vice-chairman of Union Carbide (India) Limited. He casually walked into the airport, gas mask in hand. While still in the airport, Anderson was arrested and taken to the Union Carbide guesthouse, away from the affected areas. “It was in the guesthouse that we told him he was under arrest,’’ Singh said. “He was taken aback and asked what he should do. Anderson, Mahindra and Gokhale were in three separate rooms of the guesthouse. There was a telephone in the room where Anderson had checked in. It was not disconnected and he misused it to reach out to his contacts,’’ Singh added. t Plant
t ‘Smaller
Times Classifieds | P 6 & 8
Devananda went underground in 1994 and was declared a proclaimed offender
employee stood surety for bail, P 10 COVERAGE, P 10
Verdict Aftermath Home minister P Chidambaram will head a group of ministers re-constituted by the govt to go into issues concerning the world’s worst industrial disaster Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan says state govt will challenge the “disappointing” verdict in the high court The Ruling: A synergy of the “very worst” of American and Indian cultures led to the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984, says the judgment. It also says Union Carbide used a third world country to escape from the strict safety standards back in US
CJI Ahmadi headed relief hospital
n 1996, a bench led by then CJI A M Ahmadi diluted the harsh IPC sections invoked against the Bhopal gas case accused. After he retired in 1997, in a move decried by victims of the tragedy and the organisations fighting for them, the SC appointed Ahmadi ‘chairman for life’ of Bhopal Memorial Trust Hospital. The hospital was formed after an SC bench asked Union Carbide in 1991 to pay up for its liability. P 10
New Delhi: Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley has confirmed that the Lashkar-e-Taiba had carried out the 26/11 Mumbai attack under the “guidance’’ of Pakistan’s ISI. Headley, who is being interrogated in the US by a team of National Investigation Agency (NIA) officials, has said the notorious ISI was engaged with the Lashkar commanders responsible for the 26/11 carnage at “each and every stage of the plot’’. The account of the terrorist, who recced targets for Lashkar terrorists across the country, corroborates India’s stand about the involvement of Pakistani state actors in terrorism, trains the spotlight on the LeT-ISI tandem, and explains Pakistan’s unwillingness to clamp down on the Lashkar leadership. Headley has mentioned serving Pakistan army officers Major Sameer Ali, Major Iqbal and Major Haroon as those who had collaborated with the Laskhar terrorists. Major Ali and Major Iqbal figured in the dossier India gave to Pakistani foreign secretary Salman Bashir. The NIA’s sessions with Headley tally with what he is learnt to have told the FBI, including the crucial bit about Hafiz Saeed being in
NIA On The Same Wavelength As FBI
Headley’s claims on ISI guiding LeT in the 26/11 carnage echo India’s stand Names 3 serving Pak army officers in plot, says LeT founder Saeed kept in loop India to demand voice samples of seven LeT top guns to further probe the loop through the plot. But whether the disclosures will lead Pakistan to step up its coopearation with the 26/11 probe remains unclear. Home minister P Chidambaram is likely to demand the voice samples of seven Lashkar commanders, including Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi, Zarar Shah and Abu Al Qama, when he meets his Pakistani counterpart during his visit to Islamabad for the conference of home ministers from SAARC region. t ‘ISI
wanted Lashkar to disown 26/11’, P 11
Tax liability set to rise for redeveloped bldgs Shibu Thomas | TNN
erative Society in Kandivli (west), claiming that under the Mumbai: The tax liabilities of new rule, its tax liability had redeveloped housing societies shot up to Rs 1.91 crore from are set to skyrocket after the a little less than Rs 50 lakh afBombay high court upheld a ter its redevelopment agreenew rule allowing I-T ment with Ankur authorities to calculate HC RULING Realty, which paid capital gains tax based Rs 15.50 lakh as stamp on stamp duty paid on the de- duty. Based on this, the deal velopment agreement. was valued at Rs 15.50 crore— A division bench of Jus- instead of the society’s claim tices F I Rebello and Amjad that it was Rs 4.85 crore. Sayed dismissed the petition filed by Bhatia Nagar Coop- t Stamp duty figure is key, P 4
Marriage breakdown may be cited for split Mahendra Kumar Singh & Himanshi Dhawan | TNN
New Delhi: Sparring couples may now be able to divorce without having to go through a blame game. The Union cabinet on Thursday is expected to consider a proposal to amend matrimonial laws to make “irretrievable breakdown of marriage’’ grounds for divorce. The proposal suggests amending the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and the Special Marriage Act, 1954. Breakdown of marriage is currently not grounds for divorce despite several SC verdicts favouring it and the Law Commission’s recommendation that it be included in the law. t Legal
fraternity divided, P 11
Exit Clauses According to existing laws, divorce can be granted only on three grounds:
1 2 3
Matrimonial fault, where only innocent partner can seek divorce
Mutual consent: Marriage can be dissolved if both partners agree Theory of frustration: Specified circumstances like one partner renouncing worldly pleasures New Norm: Cabinet will today consider proposal to include ‘‘irretrievable breakdown of marriage’’ as grounds for divorce
Cup teams to wear plastic for a cause V Narayan Swamy | TNN
Bangalore: How many plastic bottles will Ronaldo or Robinho wear during the World Cup? No, we’re not spinning a yarn. Tough to believe, but they will actually sport jerseys made of recycled plastic bottles. With five-time champs Brazil leading the charge, the Netherlands, Portugal, the US, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Serbia and Slovenia are using plastic to say it is the best way to end its adverse environmental impact. Manufactured by Nike, the jerseys are made entirely from recycled polyester, each one from eight bottles. With each team fielding a 23-player contingent, it means 184 bottles are used up per team at a time.
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1 jersey = 8 recycled bottles Total bottles used: 13m (including jerseys in retail) With each player given an elaborate kit, the number of bottles consumed is as mindboggling as it is heartening. The jerseys have helped divert 13 million bottles from landfill sites in Japan and Taiwan. The bottles were melted to produce a new yarn that was converted into fabric for the shirts. The process saves raw materials and cuts energy usage by 30% compared to manufacturing virgin polyester.
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1 in 25 Indians faces 90% stroke risk Carries A Gene Mutation That Raises Heart Failure Chances After 45: Study Washington: In India and other south Asian countries, one in 25 people carries a gene mutation that causes heart failure, a new research has found. Loyola University Health System researcher Sakthivel Sadayappan said that studying this gene and the protein it encodes could lead to new treatments for heart failure. He has studied the gene and protein for 15 years. Investigating the protein could provide ‘a better understanding of the mechanics of heart function during health and disease,’ Sadayappan and first author David Barefield said. Previous studies by Sadayappan and other researchers found that about 4% of people who live in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Malaysia carry the mutation. Carriers have about a 90% chance of developing heart failure after age 45. About 60 million people worldwide,
In the mutated gene, 25 DNA letters are missing. Consequently, the heart does not contract properly As the person ages, heart muscles cannot pump enough blood including about 40 million Indians, carry the mutation. Sadayappan said the mutation likely arose in a single person roughly
New Delhi: With David Headley’s revelations to the NIA team on the 26/11 carnage echoing India’s claims, home minister P Chidamabaram is likely to push Pakistan to provide voice samples of Lashkar leaders to help with the probe. Headley has spoken about how post26/11, the ISI wanted the Lashkar to disown the Mumbai attack to turn global attention away from the terror outfit that Pakistan considers an important strategic asset to be used against India. With Ajmal Kasab snared and investigations by India and the FBI homing in on its nexus with the LeT, the ISI planned to blame the carnage on the Al Qaida. It had even prepared a list of 4-5 Al Qaida figures who were to be projected as the conspirators. Significantly, the ploy did not work because of resistance from Lashkar leaders, particularly Lakhvi, one of the 26/11 masterminds. Lashkar leaders felt that the increased notoriety after 26/11 had raised the terror profile of the group and would help it with recruitment and funds. Headley also admitted that while he had started off as a Lashkar recruit, he started drifting towards the Qaida under the influence of Major Abdul Rahman Saeed. Saeed, who served with the 6 Baloch Regiment of the Pakistan army, took voluntary retirement in 2002 to devote himself full time to Qaida. Headley, who respected Saeed for his “sacrifice’’, went high in the latter’e esteem because of the precise inputs he provided for the 26/11 attack. Saeed, with Ilyas Kashmiri’s help, drafted him for the plan to attack Danish newspaper Jylland Posten, which published controversial cartoons of Prophet Mohammad. TNN
‘Smaller radiation dose in 1-time shot’ New Delhi: Dr Jayant Vaidya, who led the team of University College London, doctors that has created a single-shot radiotherapy to treat breast cancer, told TOI, “The trial can change two fundamental principles in breast cancer treatment: whole breast radiotherapy can be replaced by a targeted one-time shot and a much smaller dose of radiation may be adequate,’’ he said. “Breast cancer usually recurs around the area where the tumour was detected the first time. So, it’s logical to give concentrated dose of radiation to the tissues at highest risk than the whole breast.’’ Dr Vaidya said since 2000, the team was delivering TIR with a machine called intrabeam giving radiation from inside the breast to the cancer site. But the therapy can be done a tumour not bigger that 3 cm. “Our trials tried this technique on women above 45. We don’t know how effective it will be in younger women,’’ he said. Dr Vaidya launched the TARGIT trial on March 24, 2000. Prof Michael Baum, professor emeritus of surgery at University College London, who carried out the first procedure using intraoperative radiotherapy in 1998 said, “Many women, specially in developing world will be spared six weeks of treatment.” TNN
Chennai lawyer seeks Devananda’s arrest A Subramani | TNN
Chennai: Following the Choolaimedu shootout in 1986, Douglas Devananda, now a Lankan minister, alone attended courts and obtained bail. The others absconded from the beginning. In 1994, he too went underground, forcing the VIth additional sessions court in Chennai to declare him a proclaimed offender. Another case of kidnapping a boy for ransom was registered against Devananada by the Kilpauk police on March 2, 1989, and that, too, is pending. The third case was registered in 1990 for criminal intimidation of one Valavan by Devananda. Devananda, who was made minister for traditional industries and small enterprises development by Rajapaksa, has a chequered history. He was formerly with the EPRLF, later he was in the People Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE), and then with the Eelam National Democratic Liberation Front (ENDLF) and now with the Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP). As a bitter critic of the LTTE and its chief V Prabhakaran, he has escaped at least 10 attempts on his life, the latest being the one by a human bomb who exploded in his office on November 28, 2007. As per Section 41(1)(c) of CrPc, any police officer may “without an order from a magistrate and without a warrant’’ arrest any person who has been proclaimed as an offender if found anywhere in India.
./ ,,
New Delhi: India on Wednesday announced major sops for Sri Lanka, including a programme to construct 50,000 houses for Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the northern and eastern provinces. In his meeting with PM Manmohan Singh, President Mahinda Rajapaksa also expressed gratitude for the $800 million offered by India for railway projects in Sri Lanka. Both leaders condemned terrorism and signed two agreements “to strengthen the security and legal framework of their bilateral relationship”. These include Treaty on Mutual Legal Assistance on Criminal Matters and Agreement on Transfer of Sentenced Prisoners. They also agreed on establishing Indian consulates in Jaffna and Hambantota, where China is helping Colombo build a major port. TNN
A practising advocate filed a PIL in the Madras HC on Wednesday, seeking the arrest of Devananda. The petitioner, P Pugalenthi, has said that on coming to know that Douglas would be part of the delegation, he had petitioned the Union home and foreign ministries, besides the TN police chief, to arrest and prosecute Devananda. “I have not received any response from the authorities so far,’’ he said.
Legal fraternity split on divorce amendment New Delhi: The cabinet is likely to consider a proposal on Thursday to amend the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, and the Special Marriage Act, 1954 to make “irretrievable breakdown of marriage’’ grounds for divorce. The amendment will enable couples to get a divorce if one of them refuses to work towards reconciliation, and the court is convinced that there is no hope of the two leading a normal matrimonial life. The legal fraternity seems to be split over the amendment. Some experts feel that growing individuality in society has contributed to an increasing number of divorce cases. The amendment would make the parting of ways less bitter. But several others warned of pitfalls. Eminent lawyer Kamini Jaiswal felt the amendment may not be a “bad idea’’ for urban women wanting to opt out of a relationship, but it may adversely impact rural women. “I feel there should be a comprehensive look at all laws relating to maintenance and alimony instead of a piecemeal look at one amendment,’’ she added. Kirti Singh, ex-law panel member described the amendment as “disastrous’’ if it came without safeguards. “It should only be brought when women are given adequate share in assets and maintenance. Most women get a pittance from the courts and most do not want to get out of a marriage as there is nothing to sustain them outside it,’’ she said, adding that it would only help men. TNN
his request for cancelling them. “The complainant was shocked when he knew (sic) somebody from the bank paid his Airtel postpaid bill through internet... the complainant never made any identity or account page with the phone firm,’’ the complaint said. The amount paid through Vikram Pandit has the card towards the phone bill were been dragged into debited from the separate loan account a case of Citibank of the surgeon with the bank, it said. claiming Rs 53,000 “Issue summons against the accuon cancelled sed (Pandit) for December 24,’’ the credit cards judge said. AGENCIES
Vacancy Circular The DERC invites application for the posts of Secretary in the Pay Band Rs.37400-67000 with Grade pay Rs.10000 , Joint Joint Director (Tariff-Finance) in the Pay Band Rs.37400-67000 with Grade pay Rs.8700 , Dy. Director (Law) & Principal Private Secretary in Pay Band Rs.15600-39100 with Grade pay Rs.6600 , Assistant Accounts Officer in the Pay Band Rs.9300-34800 with Grade pay Rs.4800, Personal Assistant & Steno-cum-Computer Operator in the Pay Band Rs.9300-34800 with Grade pay Rs.4200 and Clerk-cum-Computer Operator in the Pay Band Rs.5200-20200 with Grade pay Rs.2400 on deputation! contract’ direct recruitment basis. The preferred mode of recruitment is deputation. For further details please refer to DERC’ s website www.derc.gov.in. The last date for submission of application is 21.07.2010. Secretary , DERC
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Indian consulates at Jaffna, Hambantota
rent treatment to prevent heart failure in people who carry the mutated gene. However, a heart-healthy diet and exercise can delay onset of heart failure, and heart failure drugs can manage symptoms. Sadayappan said stem cell therapy could be a possible treatment. Stem cells would be taken from a patient’s heart, genetically engineered to replace the mutated gene with a healthy gene, and then injected back in the patient’s heart. But such therapy has not been tested. Nor is there a commercial test for the gene. But Sadayappan and others are actively researching how cMyBP-C functions. And improved understanding of this crucial protein could lead to new drugs to treat heart failure. The study has been published in the Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology. AGENCIES
Delhi court summons Citi CEO New Delhi: Citigroup CEO Vikram Pandit has been summoned by a court here after Citibank allegedly charged Rs 53,000 on a customer’s credit cards that were cancelled six years ago. Rakesh Srivastava, a senior doctor with Delhi’s Safdarjung Hospital, had claimed that officials of Citibank were harassing him and his wife over the non-payment of Rs 53,048 on credit cards that had been cancelled. The court took note of 40 SMSes on details of card usage, which the bank officials had sent even after accepting
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33,000 years ago, and spread throughout south Asia. The gene encodes for a protein, called cardiac myosin binding protein-C (cMyBP-C), that is critical for normal functioning of the heart. In the mutated gene, 25 base pairs (DNA letters) are missing. As a result, the tail end of the protein is altered. Due to this modification, the protein is not properly incorporated into the functioning unit of cardiac muscle called sarcomere. Consequently, the heart does not contract properly. In young carriers, the heart can compensate for this defect. But as the person ages, the heart is no longer able to compensate. Heart muscle becomes inflamed and does not work well, a condition called cardiomyopathy. The most common manifestation of cardiomyopathy is heart failure— the heart can’t pump enough blood to the rest of the body. There is no cur-
The gene encodes for a protein that’s critical for normal heart functioning
Headley: ISI told LeT to disown 26/11
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Nominations may be submitted by any of the following in the prescribed formats:Call: 1800 425 5425 SMS: ‘SBIPSU’ to 56161 www.sbimf.com (i) The Ministries of the Government Government of India with the approval of the Ministry in charge of the Ministry; Name of Scheme: SBI PSU Fund Type of Scheme; An open ended Equity scheme Investment Objective; The objective of the scheme would beto provide investors with opportunities for long-term growth in capital along with the liquidity of an open-ended (ii) The State Governments/Union Territory Administrations with the approval of the concerned Chief scheme through an active management of investments in a diversified basket of equity stocks of domestic Public Sector Minister or Lt. Governors in UT Administrations; Undertakings and in debt and money market instruments issued by PSUs and others. Asset Allocation: Equity and equity related instruments covered under the universe of PSU Companies including derivatives: 65%—i 00% , Debt and Money Market Instruments 0%-35% Exposure todedvatives instruments in the scheme may be to the extent of 50% of the net assets. Combined (iii) Such Members of Parliament belonging to Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes categocategorryy gross total exposure of debt (excluding C8LO/repo) + equity + derivatives (gross notional exposure) shall not exceed 100%.. who are not a member member of the Selection Committee; Exposure to securitized debt may be to the extent of 20% of the net assets. Minimum Investment size: Rs. 5000/- and in multiples of Rs. 1/- thereafter Load Structure; Entry Load; Not Applicable Exit Load; Exit within 3 years from the date ol (iv) Registered reputed NGOs working for The upliftment of the Scheduled Castes in particular and for allotment— i %, Exitafter3years - Nil. Terrnsof Issue; Saleof units - Rs. 10/- perunitduring NF0andatNAVrelated prices on all business days on continuous basis . Liquidity; The scheme would provide repurchase facility to investors on an ongoing basis on the weaker sections in general except such NGOs , which are represented as members of either the all business day. Risk Factors: Mutual Funds and Securities Investments are subject to market risks and there is no Screening Committee or the Selection Committee; assurance or guarantee that the objective of scheme will be achieved. As with any other investment insecurities, the NAV of the Units issued under the scheme can go up or down depending on the factors and forces affecting the (v) Any other person or institution designated by the Screening Committee and the Selection securities market. Past perform ance of the Sponsor/AMC/Mutual Fund/Scheme(s) and their afliliates do not indicate the ftture performance ofthe scheme of the Mutual Fund . SBI PSU Fund is only the name of the scheme and does not ,in any manner, Committee. indicates eitherthe quality of the scheme or its future prospects and returns. SBI PSU Fund would be investing in equity 8 instruments, debt and money market instruments such as CBLO or as defined by SEBI regulations, term/notice equity The last date of receipt of applications from the individual Human Rights Activists Activists and Non- moneyrelated market , repos , reverse rapos and any allemativeto the cal money market as may be directed by the RBI). The liquidityol the scheme ’s investments is inherently restricted bytrading volumes and settlement penods. In the event of an inordinately large Governmental Organizations for National Award for 2009 , which was 31 .03.2010, has now been number of redemption requests, orof a restructuring of the scheme ’s investment portfolio,these penods may become significant. extended upto 30.06.2010. The ‘Code of Procedure ’ of the Award is available on the website of the In view of the same , the Trustees have the right in their sole discretion to limit redemptions (Jncluding suspending redemptions) under certain circumstances. As the scheme would be primarily investing in the stock of PSU companies, so any government Ministry (www.socialjustice.nic.in). policywhich will have an impacton the PublicSectorUndertakirigs , will impactthe performance of thefund also. The cheme (at Portfolio level) to have >1 20 investors and no investor to account for > 25% of the corpus of the Scheme. In case of non Contact person for further clarifications fulfillment with either of the above two conditions, theAMC shall comply with the specified SEBI Guidelines in this regard. The Mutual Fund is not assuring any returns nor is it assuring that it will make periodic distributions byway of dividends. Statutory Shri K.M. Tembhurney, Assistant Director, details; SBI Mutual Fund has been set up as a trust under the Indian Trusts Act, 1882. State Bank of India (SBI’), the sponsor is not responsible or liable for any loss resulting from the operation of the schemes beyond the initial contribution made by it of an Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, amount of Rs. 5 lakhs towards setting up of The mutual fund. Asset Management Company: SBI Funds Management Private Government of India , Room No: 721AA , A AWing Limited (A joint venture between State Bank of India & Soclété Générale Asset Management). Trustee Company; SBI Mutual
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Minister in Rajapaksa team is a Govt to consider making it easier proclaimed offender in India
CONTRAP UNTO If you judge people, you have no time to love them MOTHER TERESA
ISI involved at every stage of 26/11: Headley Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley has told the NIA team interrogating him that Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists carried out the Mumbai attack under the “guidance” of Pakistan’s ISI, which was involved at “each and every stage of the plot”. P 12
Sebi fines Manmohan Shetty Rs 1 cr: Market regulator Sebi on Wednesday imposed a fine of Rs 1 crore for insider trading on Manmohan Shetty, film producer and founder chairman of Adlabs, a company acquired by the Anil Ambani group. P 21
Cabinet mulls hike in rice, pulses MSP: In a move expected to boost rural incomes but which will also impact retail prices, the government is set to raise minimum support price for the kharif season’s rice crop from Rs 950 to Rs 1,050 a quintal while MSP for pulses is set to jump by Rs 400-500. P 12
S CCERPUNCH With the countdown to the World Cup having well and truly begun, TOI brings you up close and personal with the legends, the superstars and the young guns of the sport. Columns by Carlos Dunga, Mario Kempes, Paolo Rossi & Frank Leboeuf Group Analysis: E, F, G and H Plus Interview with Rudd Gullit and lots more
PAGES 23-25 Pawar undergoes surgery: NCP chief and Union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar underwent a surgical procedure at a Mumbai hospital on Wednesday to remove an inflammatory growth causing oral infection. P 14
Israel eases Gaza embargo: Israel is easing its Gaza embargo to allow snacks and beverages into the Palestinian enclave, following an international outcry over the raid on an aid flotilla. P 20
Copter plunges 1000 feet: A helicopter on a non-scheduled flight found itself on a crash path as it suddenly lost the required descent level and plunged almost 1,000 feet without notice while coming in to land at Mumbai. P 13 Criminals killed in Gzb encounter: In an encounter late on Wednesday at Vaishali in Ghaziabad, police gunned down two criminals who were allegedly fleeing after snatching a motorcycle from Kavi Nagar area of Ghaziabad.
to get divorce
Wanted In 3 Cases, On Embarrassing Visitor Enjoys State Hospitality Official Visit To Delhi
In 1986, Douglas Devananda (shaking hands with Manmohan Singh), 9 others charged with opening fire with automatic weapons at locals in Chennai. 5 people were injured, 1 later died
A Subramani | TNN
Chennai: Accompanying Sri Lankan president Mahinda Rajapaksa on his India visit is a tall, well-built, bearded, bespectacled man. As with other ministers in the delegation, this man — Douglas Devananda, minister for traditional industries and small enterprises development — is being accorded full state protocol. Ironically, he is a proclaimed offender in India and liable for arrest. Devananda was declared a proclaimed offender and an absconding accused by a sessions court in Tamil Nadu in connection with a shootout-cum-murder in Chennai in 1986. In November 1986, Devananda, then a member of the separatist movement Eelam People’s Revolutionary Front in Sri Lanka, and nine others were charged with opening fire with automatic weapons at locals in Choolaimedu in central Chen-
Devananda went underground in 1994, and was declared a proclaimed offender Another case of kidnapping a boy for ransom registered on March 2, 1989. Still pending Third case registered in 1990 for rioting and criminal intimidation of a person called Valavan Any Indian harbouring a proclaimed offender faces imprisonment up to 7 yrs under IPC nai, injuring five people. One person, Thirunavukkarasu, succumbed to his injuries later. Members of the LTTE, EPRLF and other Lankan militant outfits used to freely move around and live in Chennai, then Madras, in the 1980s. In the Choolaimedu shootout case, Devananda and others were charged with murder,
attempt to murder, rioting and unlawful assembly. While Devananda alone attended courts and obtained bail, others absconded from the very beginning. In 1994, he too went underground and was declared a proclaimed offender. PIL against wanted Lankan minister, P 15
Woman says cops Chief secy told me to let made her strip Anderson go: Ex-collector in front of son Verdict Aftermath Suchandana Gupta | TNN
Dwaipayan Ghosh | TNN
New Delhi: A 30-year-old woman has alleged that cops at a west Delhi police post forced her to strip in the presence of her minor son and demanded she have sex with him, all because the 12-yearold boy had been accused of stealing money from a car. Mayuri, a resident of Mayapuri slum cluster, claimed police officers and a woman constable were present when the incident took place. She has lodged a written complaint with the police commissioner. The area DCP, Sharad Aggarwal, has ordered an inquiry. The local police deny the charge and say the boy was a member of the ‘thak-thak’ gang that targets cars at traffic lights and was taken into custody in a burglary case. Mayuri and her 45-yearold husband Satish (all names changed) said they learned on May 22 that both their sons, Raju (12) and Ramesh (10) had been detained by the
IGP walks free in molestation case
ormer Haryana IGP M S Ahlawat, under fire for allegedly molesting a woman in 2002, has been evading arrest even after an FIR was lodged in Yamunanagar against him on Tuesday, eight years after the incident. P 12
police. When they went to the police, the cops allegedly abused them though they met the boys in police custody.
Bhopal: Two days after the verdict in the Union Carbide gas leak case, Moti Singh, who was collector of Bhopal when the tragedy struck, made a sensational disclosure: Carbide boss Warren Anderson was arrested by Bhopal police and taken to the company’s guesthouse in a safe area where he stayed for a couple of hours. He had access to a telephone in his room, and he used it to call up various people. ‘‘A couple of hours later,’’ says Moti Singh, ‘‘the cops released Anderson on the orders of then Madhya Pradesh chief secretary Brahmaswaroop.’’ Anderson flew in to inspect the damage on December 7 morning along with Keshub Mahindra and Vijay Gokhale, then chairman and vice-chairman of Union Carbide (India) Ltd. He walked into the airport casually with a gas mask in hand. While still in the airport, he was arrested and taken to the Union Carbide guesthouse, away from the affected areas. ‘‘At the guesthouse, we told him he was under arrest,’’ Moti Singh said. ‘‘He was taken aback and asked what he should do. Anderson, Mahindra and Gokhale were in separate rooms. There was a phone in the room where Anderson had checked in. It was not disconnected and he used it to reach out to his contacts.” Carbide boss showed no remorse, P 14 FULL COVERAGE, P 11
Cops questioned, P 8
Home minister P Chidambaram will head a group of ministers reconstituted by the govt to go into issues concerning the worst-ever industrial disaster Madhya Pradesh CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan says state govt will challenge the “disappointing” verdict in the high court The Ruling: A synergy of the “very worst” of American and Indian cultures led to the Bhopal Gas tragedy in 1984, says the judgement. It also says Union Carbide used a third world country to escape from the strict safety standards back in US
Then-CJI later headed Bhopal hospital trust
bench headed by the then CJI diluted the harsh sections of the IPC invoked against the Bhopal gas case accused in 1996. What is not well known is the fact that soon after he retired in 1997, the Supreme Court appointed Justice A M Ahmadi ‘chairman for life’ of Bhopal Memorial Trust Hospital set up by Union Carbide. P 11
Breakdown Of Marriage May Be Added As A Valid Reason Mahendra Kumar Singh & Himanshi Dhawan | TNN
Exit Clauses According to existing laws, divorce can be granted only on 3 grounds:
New Delhi: Sparring couples may now have a way out of the blame game. The Cabinet on Thursday is likely to take up a proposal to amend laws for making ‘‘irretrievable breakdown of marriage’’ a ground for divorce. The proposal moved by the law ministry suggests amending the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and Special Marriage Act 1954 to add the new basis for granting divorce. Breakdown of marriage is currently not a ground for divorce despite several Supreme Court verdicts and the Law Commission recommending that it be included in the provision of the law. The amendment will enable couples to get divorce if one of them refuses to live with the other and will not work towards reconciliation, and the court is convinced that there is no hope of the two leading a normal matrimonial life. Some experts feel that
1 2 3
Matrimonial fault, where only the innocent partner can seek divorce Mutual consent: Marriage can be dissolved if both partners agree Theory of frustration: Specified circumstances like one partner being missing for 7 years
New norm: Cabinet will today consider proposal to include ‘‘irretrievable breakdown of marriage’’ as a ground for divorce growing individuality in society has contributed to an increasing number of cases ending at the divorce court with both parties dishing out dirty laundry. The amendment would make parting of ways less bitter. ‘Only men to benefit’, P 15
Reddy backs Sheila on congestion tax Mahendra Kumar Singh | TNN
country and this state of car mania can be done away with New Delhi: Criticizing ‘‘up- only in a subliminal way wardly mobile’’ Indians as a and not by the government,’’ ‘‘car-crazy’’ lot, urReddy said. ban development Queried on plans minister Jaipal Redto introduce measdy echoed Delhi CM ures such as congesSheila Dikshit on tion tax on private Wednesday, urging vehicles during peak states to take steps to hours, Reddy said, discourage car buy“These are matters ers and turn them toto be thought over wards public transand decided upon by port — namely a con- Jaipal Reddy state governments. gestion tax on the But having regard to lines of Singapore, a city ad- size of cities, every state govmired by the same class. ernment must think of meas“Upwardly mobile class- ures like congestion tax.” es are crazy about cars. Car Cruel to pedestrians, P 13 is a status symbol in the
One-shot radiation for breast cancer? Kounteya Sinha | TNN
New Delhi: Radiotherapy for breast cancer patients could soon be a single dose 30minute affair, instead of the tedious present-day regimen lasting over six weeks. In a major breakthrough, a team of British doctors headed by University College London’s Dr Jayant S Vaidya — an Indian from Goa — has successfully created and tested a new technique that will blast the remnants of a tumour inside the breast in just one shot, lasting half an hour. The team used radiation on areas just around the tumour rather than the whole breast, as is done presently. A 10-year trial of this Targeted Intraoperative Radio-
Quick Fix Intense blast of radiation is directed around tumour site to kill remnant cancerous cells Radiotherapy toxicity was four times lower compared to existing regimen
Bangalore: How many plastic bottles will Ronaldo or Robinho wear during the World Cup football? This is no yarn. Soccer’s top headturners will sport jerseys made out of recycled plastic bottles this time around, all in the green spirit. “Say yes to plastic” is the message in the bottle that nine countries will be spreading at the World Cup. With five-time world champions Brazil leading the charge, Netherlands, Portugal, US, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Serbia and Slovenia will follow suit. In an email interview, a top official of Nike, the manufac-
therapy (TIR), conducted in nine countries involving over 2,200 women, confirmed that radiation targeting a specific area of the breast was as effective as whole-breast radiation in reducing breast cancer recurrence in women.
ii i UiI:1 DOUBLE i r- r i
As of now, therapy tested only on women over 45 and tumours not bigger than 3cm
- ’I - —
Tried on 45+ women, P 14
Soccer stars to wear recycled plastic V Narayan Swamy | TNN
•. .
Green Card Teams using jerseys: 9 Members: 23 per team 1 jersey: 8 recycled bottles
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Sourced from landfills, P 28
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Total bottles used: 13m (including jerseys in retail) turer, said the jerseys were made entirely from recycled polyester, each one produced from up to eight recycled plastic bottles. Cristiano Ronaldo, Robinho and Ji-Sung Park will don the eco-friendly jerseys, the official said.
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Pawar undergoes surgery, Maya wades into Mirchpur seeks leave to go abroad Seeks Dismisal Of Hooda Govt For Failing To Protect SCs Mumbai: NCP supremo and Union agriculture Minister Shard Pawar underwent a minor surgery at Breach Candy Hospital on Wednesday to remove an inflammatory growth in his oral cavity. His treating doctors said that Pawar was doing well and could be discharged in a couple of days. In the surgery, which lasted for a little more than an hour, the team of doctors removed a mass from his oral cavity. The surgery, performed under general anaesthesia, started around 11am and doctors said the growth turned out to be benign.
Piyal Bhattacharjee
ducted to rule out the growth of any cancerous cell. “There is no cancer and it was only an infection which had to be removed,” he said. The assertion notwithstanding, there are indications that Pawar may like to get a clean bill of health from abroad as well. He is learnt to have sought two weeks leave from the PM Manmohan Singh to go for a thorough check up to quell any doubt whatsoever. Pawar will be under observation at the ICU from where he is supposed to be moved out by Thursday afternoon. Pradhan added that Pawar’s postoperative reports were good. “He should be fit to go home in a day or two,” he said.
Sumitra Deb Roy & Yogesh Naik | TNN
Oncosurgeon Dr Sultan Pradhan, who has been treating Pawar for the last few years, confirmed that it was non-cancerous. Wednesday’s surgery went as planned and reports of the biopsy conducted four days ago had established that the inflammatory growth was benign, he added. Two biopsies were con-
New Delhi: Dalits of Haryana are caught in a highpitched political crossfire, with BSP chief Mayawati jumping in to cash in on reports of rising atrocities in the state and factions of Congress at work to settle scores. The UP CM has written to President Pratibha Patil seeking dismissal of the Congress regime in Haryana for failing to protect SCs, citing Mirchpur attacks and clashes in Palwal during panchayat polls. The letter came amid hectic action by the Congress to woo the Mirchpur victims. Haryana CM Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Wednesday met the families sitting on dharna in the Capital and persuaded them to return home. He also rebuffed Mayawati’s charge. “This is democracy. Anyone can say anything. But
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“No one was willing to stand surety for him,’’ the former collector of Bhopal recalled. ‘‘So the police got a junior employee of the plant to stand surety for Anderson’s bail. We stopped him from going to the affected areas and put him on the state plane which took him to Delhi. It wasn’t our decision. We were following orders.” According to Singh, (chief secretary) Brahmaswaroop called him and the police superintendent to his office. ‘‘He told us to release Anderson
Bhopal: Union Carbide chief Warren Anderson was arrested by police in the aftermath of the gas tragedy but let-off on official instructions, the then collector of Bhopal Moti Singh says. ‘‘The decision to release Anderson could not have been taken by him (the chief secretary) alone. It was too big an issue. Something must have transpired which we don’t know about. We were all under pressure,’’ he said.
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in our government, dalits are better protected than in any other state,” he told TOI. He said the Mirchpur families had ended the dharna and had returned home. However, there are concerns in Congress that rising cases of atrocities are giving scope to rivals to wade into the trouble. The aggression from the BSP chief is aimed
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N-scientist goes missing
and put him on the state plane. We did not question the decision because he was not one to answer queries,’’Singh said. He recollected. ‘‘Anderson delayed his departure by two hours and constantly asked if he could visit the factory area and victims.’’ He added, ‘‘Anderson was not remorseful or sympathetic. He was intelligent and arrogant. He wanted to visit the site out of curiosity, to see the effect and magnitude of the gas leak. He had all the information that we had.”
n E-grade scientific officer attached to the Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic Research at Kalpakkam in Tamil Nadu has been reported missing from his house from last Saturday. Sheeja, wife of V V Radhakrishnan (35), lodged a complaint with the police saying that her husband has been missing since June 5. He had left behind all his belongings, his identity card, ATM cards and cell phone in the house. TNN
G eare d Mob
Ex pression of Interest For participation in Book Fair
SSA Uttarakhand is going to establish Libraries in 12653 PS & 1022 UPS of Uttarakhand to inculcate the readi ng habit in child ren of the age group of 6 to 14. Proposals from interested publishing houses/firms having experience in publication Books of child interest are invited to participate in 3 days ‘Book Fair ’ being organized in both division of the Uttarakhand (at Nainital & Dehradun) .
(Ha). Sealed tender should reach this
office within 21 days of publication of
This notice. For detai l , visit websitewebsite
7. Firm shall be duly registered under Income Tax and Sales Tax department . 8. Firm shall have minimum Rs. 1 Crore annual Tumoverfor last 03 consecutive years. Interested firms are requested to send their proposals by registered post to the State Project office, SSA , MayurVihar , Sahstradhara Road, Dehradun , Uttarakhand latest by 24th June, 2010. Proposals received after last date will not be entertained.After evaluation of the proposals selected firmswill be invited to participate in the ‘Book Fair’.The State Project Director, SSAreserves the rightto reject any submission without
the approved and eligible contractors
of valid registration
contractors registered with CPWD). 5. Should submit the attested copy of valid registration certificate with the
Registrar of firms (for specialized agencies). 6. Should submit the attested copy of valid registration under Commissioner of Service Tax . 7. Should submit an undertaking at the time of submission of application for issue of tender documents that
the agency will use its own security equipments like DFMD, Hand Metal Detector, and Searching Mirrors etc. for carrying out watch & ward work. 8. All original documents are also required to be produced for verification at the time of submission of application for tender. 9. Earnest Money should be deposited alongwith tender documents in the form of Receipt Treasury Challan/Deposit at Call Receipt of a Schedule
Deposit Receipt of a Scheduled Bank/Demand Draft of a Scheduled Bank issued in favour of Executive Engineer, Commonwealth Games, Division-I, CPWD , New Delhi. 10. This press notice may also be seen n website www.tender.hmne.com
1. Publishing houses/firm shall have minimum 5yearsexperiencein book publication of child interest. 2 . Interested Publishing houses/firms shall produce minimum list of 100 titles-quality books which should be educative entertaining &
6. MulticoloredfLarge format books containing entertaining and informative subject matter of the well known and prominent Writers will be given
The Executive Engineer, Commonwealth Games, Division-I, CPWD , J.N. Stadium, New Delhi , invites, on behalf of the President of India , sealed Ite m rate te nde rs f ro m of CPWD and specialized agencies upto PM on 17.06.2010 for the following work. NIT No. 03/SEICWGC-I/CWGD- I/ 2010 - 11 Name of work and location: Up gradation , Renovation and new Construction in J.N. stadium Complex , New Delhi for Commonwealth Games 2010. SH: Providing services of watch and ward. Estimated Cost: Rs. 43,60 ,553/-. Earnest Money: Rs. 67 ,391/ -. lime Allowed: Five Months. Last Date and Time of Receipt of Application! Issue of Tender Documents and its Cost: 14.06.2010 15.06.2010 Rs. 500/- (Nonrefundable). Date and Time of Opening of Tender 17.06.2010 3:30 PM. Tenders shall be issued to only those CPWD contractors and specialized agencies who fulfil the following conditions. 1. Should submit attested copies of completion certificates for three similar works of Rs. 17.48 Lakh or two similar works of Ks. 26.22 Lakh or one similar work of Rs.34.96 Lak!L Similar work shall mean the work of provding services of watch & ward. 2. Sould submit attested copy of the last annual return ending on 30.03.2010 filed under EPF and MP Act. 1952 clearly indicating the employment of minimum 30 workmen per day during the year. 3. Should submit attested copy of the last half yearly return ending on 31.03.2010 filed under ESIC Act. 1948 clearly indicating the employment of minimum 30 workmen per day during me year. 4. Should submit the attested copy
Eligibility Criteria
informative and the subject mattershould be age appropriate. 3. List of books shall be accompanied by the performa containing information- (1) SI. No. & ISBN (2) Author (3) Title (4) Language and type of book (5) Year of publication (6) Paperback-Hard bound (7) Published Printed price and maximum discount offered 4. Books must be printed on good quality paper and aestheticall y illustrated and produced. 5. Books published during 2005-2011 will be considered only.
Jib Crane Gantry Crane Globe Genera l Industries 12/21/1,Kavita Calon Kirari Road , Nanglel ,Oelhi-110041 Tel,: 25471810,25411984, Fax: 011-25411810 E-mail-globe@globepull.com Web: www.glohepull.com
New Delhi: A team of British doctors led by Dr Jayant S Vaidya, of Goan origin, has pioneered a single-shot breast cancer radiotherapy. The results of this trial was published in the latest edition of the medical journal The Lancet. While a patient is still under anaesthesia following the removal of the breast tumour, a series of gentle X-rays are administered to destroy any remaining tumour cells at the cancer site. The technique is highly convenient, requiring just one session of radiation, making it less time consuming and less costly than wholebreast treatment. “TARGIT trial can change two fundamental principles in the treatment of breast cancer: Whole breast radiotherapy can be replaced by a targeted one-time shot and a much smaller dose of radiation may be adequate,” Dr Vaidya told TOI from UK. Several hospitals in India, including Breach Candy in Mumbai and AIIMS in Delhi, have expressed interest in his work, he added. “Breast cancer usually recurs around the area where the tumour was detected the first time. So it’s logical to give concentrated dose of radiation to the tissues at highest risk of cancer coming back rather than the whole breast,” he added. Dr Vaidya said that since 2000, the team started delivering TIR to patients.
Kounteya Sinha | TNN
Sealed Tenders are invited for empanelment of supplies r fo r supply of stationery items and other materials required for day to day use in KVS ——
at countering Rahul Gandhi’s campaign against her regime. The Haryana cases seem to have given her a strong handle to get even with Congress. While Mayawati has caught Congress off guard, there seems little respite for the latter as its factions are also working overtime on Mirchpur. In a development which has raised eyebrows,
Kamla and Ravindra, wife and son of Tarachand who was burnt alive with poliostricken daughter in Mirchpur, on Tuesday issued a prepared statement in which they thanked Congress brass of Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi and CM Hooda, while claiming that Union minister Selja had instigated them to sit on dharna in the Capital. Their abrupt change of tone after targeting the state for collusion with perpetrators led many to doubt if the victims were speaking on their own. Mayawati does not want to let the opportunity pass. Picking on Palwal clashes during a local poll this week, she said, “It is sad that even after 62 years of independence, the Haryana government is not able to ensure voting rights to SCs and it has no right to continue in power.”
‘Carbide boss showed no remorse’
Please write! mail your quaries to: Ph.: 9810153876 Email: pIasconm ouIds
SETTLING SCORES: A burnt house in Mirchpur, where two dalits were burnt alive
New cancer therapy tried on 45-plus women only
assigning any reason. Expenses incurred on installing stalls in Book Fair,will be incurred by the selected firms in advance (Radhika Jha) lAS State Project Director
41 NTPC Limited ’ IL’w I NTPC J
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
“ ## ,
( I
CORPORATE MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Invitation for Bids ! Notice Invitin g Tender for
Supply, Installation and Commissioning of Blade Servers and its Associated Accessories at NTPC, NOIDA along with the Warrant y yand CMS Support for Five Years Date:1O,06,2010 ‘ NIT N0.-9900046633 Domestic Competitive Bidding (DCB) NTPC invites sealed bids / tenders / /proposals from eligible bidders / /parties for aforesaid package I work. Bid documents shall be on on sale from 10.06.2010 to 30.062010. Bids shall be received up to 14:30 Hrs. on 0606..0707 .2010 arid shall be opened on on the samedayi .e. (06 07.2010) at 15:00 Hrs. For detailed NIT please visit ourw ebsite www .ntpctend er.com , www .nt pc.co.i n or may contact Sr. Manager (CM) /0G M (CM), CMPG-1, NTPC Ltd., 7th Floor , EOC Building. Plot A-BA , Sector -24 , Noida -201 301 (UP), India , Phone No.: 91(0120)-2410600 , 3316636, 3318750 Fax No.: 91(0120)-3316697, 3318770 or at Office .
OPEN TENDER ENQUIRY NO OFFICE OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER 2 AIR FMN SIG REGT, PIN-917702, CIO 56 APO TENDER NOTICE The Commanding Officer , 2 Air Fmn Sig Regt. CfO 56 APO , on behalf of President of India , invites tender in sealed envelopes from eligible and approved
Contractors registered with Ministry of Defence for the
procurement of underground cable fault locators and
cable route tracers for Air Fmn Sig Units. Tender will be opened at 1030 hrs. (time) on 15 July 10 (date).
Description of underground cable fault locators and
cable route tracers equipment required and terms and conditions have been mentioned in the tender
documents. Copy of the tender form/documents
alongwith terms and conditions and items required may be obtained free of cost from the Project Offr, 2 Air Fmn
Sig Regt. Pin-91 7702 0/0 56 APO in person upto 13 July 10 (date) (time) or can be downloaded from http:lltender.gov,in site. The agencies applying for work should have satisfactorily completed similar work costing not less
than Rs. 50 lakhs. The certificate for similar work should have been accompany application form. An EMD of Rs. 1.30 Iakhs shall be furnished alongwith the tender form. The Tender form should be submitted on formats given and as per terms and conditions mentioned in tender documents on or before 1000 hrs. (time) and 14 July 10 (date). Tender will be opened on 15 July 10 (date) at 1030 hrs. (time). 2 Air Fmn Sig Regt will not be responsible for any delay in obtaining/submission of the tender! quotation form alongwith terms and conditions of the tender within stipulated date and
time. 2 Air Fmn Sig Regt, C/O 56 APO has the right to
postpone or cancel the tender without ascertaining any
reason at any time, whatsoever.
davp 10802/11/0045/1011
Office of the Chief Engineer (QA), Cauvery Bhavan, Bangalore-560009
BWSSB has invited E-tenders for the work of Supply of 1,00 ,000 Rmt. of 100 mm , 10 ,000 Rmt of 150 mm , 1,000 Rmt. of 200 mm and
1,000 Rmt. of 300 mm dia Class K-9 Dl pipes conforming to IS:832912000 with its latest ammendments in standard length 5.5
meters from reputed manufacturers E.M.D: Rs.15,00,000!Last date for requisition of blank tender form along with the cost of
Tender Form on or before: 09-08-2010 upto 4.00 PM. Last Date for submission of completed tender forms on 10-08-2010 upto 400 PM The details regarding participation for this tender can be obtained by
logging on to: www.mytenderwizard.com/BWSSB. Sd/- Chief Engineer (QA) Adopt Rain Water Harvesting System and save water ’
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Data stolen from Pak PM’s secretariat A substantial amount of official data of the Pakistan prime minister’s secretariat, including some classified documents, has been stolen by persons employed on short-term contracts who accessed a secure computer system. P 12
Copter plunges 1000 feet: A helicopter on a non-scheduled flight found itself on a crash path as it suddenly lost the required descent level and plunged almost 1,000 feet down without notice while coming in to land at Mumbai airport. P 7
S CCERPUNCH With the countdown to the World Cup having well and truly begun, TOI brings you up close and personal with the legends, the superstars and the young guns of the sport. Columns by Carlos Dunga, Mario Kempes, Paolo Rossi & Frank Leboeuf Group Analysis: E, F, G and H Plus Interview with Rudd Gullit and lots more
PAGES 15-17 Ex-cop charged with molestation Police in Haryana have constituted a special investigation team to probe the molestation case registered against former IGP M S Ahlawat, eight years after a woman lawyer first made her complaint. P 9
Flight diverted: Air India Express Flight IX-812 from Dubai scheduled to land in Mangalore at 6.30 am on Wednesday was diverted to Calicut due to inclement weather. The flight reached Bajpe at 9.45 am after the weather at Mangalore cleared. It later left for Doha at 1.45 pm after Air India authorities flew in a commander from its base station at Mumbai.
Pawar undergoes surgery: UNCP chief and Union agriculture minister Sharad Pawar on Wednesday underwent a surgical procedure to remove mouth infection at a Mumbai hospital. P 9
WEATHER Max: 30.30 C; Min: 21.60 C Rainfall: 8.3 mm Humidity: 92% Sunset (Thursday): 6.45 pm Sunrise (Friday): 5.53 am Moonrise (Thursday): 03.38 am Moonset (Thursday): 4.48 pm Forecast: Generally cloudy sky. One or two spells of rain or thundershower could occur in some areas. Visit epaper.timesofindia.com
Times Classifieds | P 8
Rajapaksa’s minister is a wanted man on Indian soil Wanted In 3 Cases, On Embarrassing Visitor Enjoys State Hospitality Official Visit To Delhi
Chennai: Accompanying Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa on his India visit is a tall, well-built, bearded, bespectacled man. As with the other ministers in the delegation, this man, Douglas Devananda, minister for traditional industries and small enterprises development, is being accorded full state protocol. What is ironic is that this cabinet colleague of Rajapaksa is a proclaimed offender in India and liable for arrest. Devananda was declared a proclaimed offender and an absconding accused by a sessions court in Tamil Nadu in connection with a shootout-cum-murder in Chennai in 1986. In November 1986, Devananda, then a member of the separatist movement Eelam People’s Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF) in Sri Lanka, and nine others, were charged with opening fire with automatic weapons at locals in Choolaimedu in central Chennai, injuring five people. One person, Thirunavukkarasu, succumbed to his injuries later. Members of the LTTE, EPRLF and other Lankan militant outfits used to freely move around and live in Chennai in the 1980s. In the Choolaimedu case, Devananda and others were charged with murder, attempt to murder, rioting and unlawful assembly. While Devananda alone attended courts and obtained bail,
Bangalore: How many plastic bottles will Ronaldo or Robinho wear during the World Cup football? This is no yarn. They will wear jerseys made of recycled plastic bottles. Say yes to plastic is the message in the bottle. This may sound outrageous, but is precisely the message nine countries in the football World Cup in South Africa are spreading. With five-time world champions Brazil leading the charge, as it were, the Netherlands, Portugal, United States, South Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Serbia and Slovenia are using plastic to tell the world that it is the best way to end its adverse environmental impact. In an email interview, a top
Mahendra Kumar Singh | TNN
New Delhi: Urban development minister S Jaipal Reddy on Wednesday asked states to consider imposing a road congestion tax on private vehicles to encourage public transport and check vehicular pollution. Reddy argued that the government could not stop people from buying cars but must design policies that discouraged buying of cars and promoted use of public transport. The minister also criticised Indians for being crazy about cars and treating it as status symbols, leading to “car mania” in the country. Replying to a question on plans to introduce measures like congestion tax on private vehicles, Reddy said, “These are matters to be thought over
JERSEY CORNER Team members: 23 per team
Football teams: 9
1 jersey: 8 recycled bottles Jerseys: available in retail too Total bottles: 13 million
official of Nike, which manufactured the jerseys, said many of the world’s leading players, including Cristiano Ronaldo, Robinho and Ji-Sung Park, will take to the pitch in South Africa wearing environmentfriendly jerseys. The jerseys are made entirely from recycled polyester, each one produced from up to eight recycled plastic bottles, said the official. 13 million bottles used, P 16
One-shot radiation for breast cancer? Kounteya Sinha | TNN
New Delhi: Radiotherapy for breast cancer patients could soon be a single dose 30-minute affair, instead of the tedious present-day regimen lasting over six weeks. In a major breakthrough, a team of British doctors headed by University College London’s Dr Jayant S Vaidya — an Indian from Goa — has successfully created and tested a new technique that will blast the remnants of a tumour inside the breast in just one shot lasting half-an-hour, against the present system of pro-
Devananda went underground in 1994, and was declared a proclaimed offender Another case of kidnapping a boy for ransom registered on March 2, 1989. Still pending Third case registered in 1990 for rioting and criminal intimidation of a person called Valavan Any Indian harbouring a proclaimed offender faces imprisonment up to 7 yrs under IPC others absconded from the very beginning. In 1994, he went underground, forcing the VI additional sessions court in Chennai to declare him as a proclaimed offender. Another case — that of kidnapping a boy for ransom — was registered against Devananada by Kilpauk police on March 2, 1989; this case is pending. The third case was registered by Kodambakkam police in 1990 for rioting and criminal intimidation of a person called Valavan by Devananda. Devananda, who was made minister for traditional industries and small enterprises development by Rajapaksa, has a chequered history. He was formerly with the EPRLF, then in People Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE),
Jaipal Reddy floats congestion tax idea
Soccer teams to wear recycled bottles! V Narayan Swamy |TNN
In 1986, Douglas Devananda (shaking hands with Manmohan Singh), 9 others charged with opening fire with automatic weapons at locals in Chennai. 5 people were injured, 1 later died
A Subramani | TNN
Quick Fix Intense blast of radiation is directed around tumour site to kill remnant cancerous cells Radiotherapy toxicity 4 times lower than existing regimen As of now, therapy tested only on women over 45 and tumours not bigger than 3cm longing it over six weeks. The team used radiation on areas just around the tumour rather that on the whole breast, as done presently. TARGIT just as good, P 9
and decided upon by the state governments. But having regard to size of cities, every state government Jaipal Reddy must think of measures like congestion tax.” He added, “It (congestion tax) is there in Singapore and our upwardly mobile classes admire the model of Singapore. Having said that, we can’t force the states to implement this tax.” On imposing restrictions like ‘one car for one family’, Reddy said, “Restrictions cannot be imposed. Policies can be designed to discourage buying of cars and using of public transport.”
and then with Eelam National Democratic Liberation Front (ENDLF); he’s now with Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP). A bitter critic of the LTTE and its chief V Prabhakaran, he has escaped at least ten attempts on his life, the latest being the one by a human bomb who exploded in his office on November 28, 2007. As per Section 41(1)(c) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, any police officer may ‘without an order from a magistrate and without a warrant’ arrest any person who has been proclaimed as an offender either under the CrPC or by an order of the state government, if found anywhere in India. PIL seeks arrest, P 9
Headley sings: ISI with LeT at all stages of 26/11 Diwakar & Vishwa Mohan | TNN
New Delhi: Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley has confirmed that Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorists carried out the Mumbai attack under the “guidance” of Pakistan’s ISI. Headley, who is being interrogated in the US by a NIA team, said the notorious ISI was engaged with the Lashkar commanders responsible for the 26/11 carnage at “each and every stage of the plot”. The account of the terrorist, who recceed targets for Lashkar terrorists across the country, corroborates India’s stand about the involvement of Pakistani state actors in terrorism, trains the spotlight on the LeT-ISI tandem, and explains Pakistan’s unwillingness to clamp down on the Lashkar leadership. Headley has mentioned serving officers of Pakistani army — Major Sameer Ali, Major Iqbal and Major Haroon — as those who collaborated with the Laskhar
NIA, FBI On Same Wavelength Headley’s claims on ISI guiding LeT echo India’s stand Names 3 serving Pak army officers in plot, says LeT founder Saeed kept in loop India to demand voice samples of seven LeT top guns terrorists. Major Sameer and Major Iqbal figured in the dossier India gave to Pakistani foreign secretary Salman Bashir. NIA’s sessions with Headley tally with what he is learnt to have told the FBI, including the crucial bit about Hafiz Saeed being in the loop all through the plot. PC to seek voice samples, P 9
‘BU is working with only 40% staff strength’ Recruitment Freeze A Huge Hurdle, Says V-C Prabhu Dev TEAM TOI
Bangalore: Heading one of the largest universities in the country is tougher than conducting a heart surgery. But cardiac Prabhu Dev surgeon turned vice-chancellor Dr N Prabhu Dev is made of sterner stuff. Dealing with problems of the heart is easier than dealing with problems of the brain — that’s how he sums up his stint in Bangalore University. In a 90-minute session at The Times of India office on Wednesday, he held forth on issues ranging from exam reforms to clearing backlog degree certificates to the recent registrar row. The critical block has been the government’s recruitment freeze on teaching and non-teaching staff for universities. “The university is functioning with only 40% staff. We’re forced to outsource projects. If we can fix this, we’ll soon figure in the top 10 universities in the country,’’ he said. Dismissing allegations
that he was casteist and had differences with higher education minister Aravind Limbavali, Dr Prabhu Dev said: “Am I so powerful to take on the pro-chancellor? I’ve gone with the minister on every issue.’’ As a first step to curb exam corruption, the system of custodians has been scrapped. “Revaluation was a big racket. Now, it will be
TIMES GUEST | P 2 GLITTER’S BACK Hitherto, gold medallists were given cash instead of gold as prize money was inadequate to purchase gold. “From next year, every gold medallist will get gold medal worth Rs 10,000,” the V-C said.
done only after photocopying the script,’’ he said. Among his reforms are digitising the library and linking it with other university libraries. “My priority has been crushing the exam mafia and strengthening quality of PhDs. Syllabi revision is on the anvil.’’ On some colleges having higher cut-offs, he said it’s unethical: “No college must indulge in such practices.’’
‘Chief secy ordered Anderson’s release’ Bhopal: Former district collector of Bhopal, Moti Singh, on Wednesday said he and the state police were asked to release Warren Anderson, the then chairman of Union Carbide Worldwide, after the Bhopal gas tragedy by the then Madhya Pradesh chief cecretary Brahm Swaroop. Singh said Anderson was released under the given orders on December 7, 1984. “On December 7, 1984,
Warren Anderson, Keshub Mahindra and Vijay Gokhale came by a service flight from Mumbai to Bhopal. We brought them to the Union Carbide guesthouse and told them that they were arrested. Around 2 pm, chief secretary called me and the police and said that we have to release Warren Anderson,” he added. Details P 6 Suit for damages, P 6
6 months on, Gadkari losing the plot
PC to seek voice samples Seen As Leaning On RSS; Advani, Other Top Leaders Skip Mumbai Conclave of LeT men Mohua Chatterjee | TNN
New Delhi: All’s not well with BJP. Six months into the job as party chief, Nitin Gadkari’s honeymoon seems to be over. There is growing concern about the haphazard manner in which the party is being run. The primary reason is being attributed to the party chief ’s inability to take quick and clear decisions. The man from Nagpur is seen as too dependent on RSS for guidance rather than on experienced party seniors. The BJP’s recent Mumbai conclave for party CMs and senior leaders was a flop show with only Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi and leader of opposition in the Lok Sabha, Sushma Swaraj, present. Going by BJP’s ways, this was most unusual. Leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha, Arun Jaitley, could not make it because of an emergency in his family. Chhattisgarh chief minister Raman Singh was also held up for similar reasons. Former party chief Rajnath Singh was not invited and he returned from Mumbai the day the meet started; Yashwant Sinha, expected to
IS THE DISTANCE GROWING? BJP president Nitin Gadkari is more at home with the RSS bosses than experienced leaders from his own party. Only Gujarat CM Narendra Modi and Sushma Swaraj attended the Mumbai meet
address a session, was on a family holiday in Himachal Pradesh. Senior partyman L K Advani, supposed to address the gathering on the second day, decided to stay back in Delhi. Resentment among a significant sec-
tion of the party began with a “wrong decision” on the Jharkhand coalition which ended up in fiasco. Then, a weekend conclave of party chief ministers and senior leaders turned out to be a flop show. According to a senior leader,
this indicated the lack of coordination “never seen before”. After Gadkari took more than three months — a first for any BJP chief — to form his team of office-bearers, there were loud noises about his choices and too many murmurs about the lastminute entries into the team. That was followed by a long-drawn battle within the party for the new state unit chiefs, whether it had to do with installing an “outsider” Prabhat Jha in Madhya Pradesh or deciding on the UP and Delhi chiefs. The latest protests have come over the party’s Rajya Sabha nominees like Ram Jethmalani and Tarun Vijay. Though it is understandable those who did not make it grumble, former editor of RSS mouthpiece Organiser writing to Gadkari against nominating former Panchajanya editor Tarun Vijay to the Upper House is not quite in keeping with party discipline. Jethmalani’s nomination has also raised questions among party leaders. With the party’s national executive in Patna coming up over the next weekend, the discontent in the party may come up for scrutiny.
India grants major sops to Lanka
PIL seeks Lankan minister’s arrest
region. China is helping Sri Lanka build a major port in Hambantota. New Delhi: India on Wednesday anAccording to foreign secretary Nirunounced major sops for Sri Lanka, inpama Rao, Singh emphasised the need for cluding a programme to construct 50,000 urgent steps to resettle the remaining IDPs houses for Internally Displaced Persons and urged Sri Lanka to undertake speedy (IDPs) in the northern and eastern rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts provinces. In his meeting with PM Manin the northern and eastern region. Ramohan Singh, President Mahinda Rajapaksa, on his part, reiterated his deterjapaksa also expressed gratitude for the mination to evolve a political settlement $800 million offered by India for railway acceptable to all communities. projects in Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka reiterated its position that Both leaders condemned terrorism and the UN Security Council reform process signed two agreements “to strengthen the should facilitate India’s legitimate claim security and legal framework of their bifor a permanent seat in UNSC and reaflateral relationship”. These include Treaty President Pratibha Patil with her firmed its support for India’s candidature. on Mutual Legal Assistance on Criminal Sri Lankan counterpart during a Sri Lanka’s support to India’s candidaMatters and Agreement on Transfer of banquet hosted in his honour at ture for a non-permanent seat on the UN Sentenced Prisoners. Rashtrapati Bhavan on Wednesday Security Council for 2011-12 was also reSingh and Rajapaksa also agreed on iterated. Rajapaksa also proposed disestablishing Indian consulates in Jaffna and Hambantota cussions for establishing a joint information mechanism to reinforce consular cooperation. Hambantota is crucial on the possibility of oil and gas fields straddling the Indiafor India because of the increasing Chinese influence in the Sri Lanka Maritime Boundary. TIMES NEWS NETWORK
A Subramani | TNN
Chennai: Sri Lankan minister for traditional industries and small enterprises development, Douglas Devananda, who is accompanying President Mahinda Rajapaksa on an official visit, is a proclaimed offender in India and liable for arrest without warrant as per the Code of Criminal Procedure. Devananda was declared a proclaimed offender and an absconding accused by a sessions court in Tamil Nadu in connection with a shootout-cum-murder in Chennai in 1986. The Indian Penal Code prohibits Indians from extending facilities such as food, shelter, money, arms and conveyance to offenders and proclaimed offenders, and has specific provisions to punish people who harbour such people. While Section 52A defines what is harbouring, Section 216 prescribes imprisonment up to 7 years or fine or both for those who harbour offenders. In fact, a practising advocate preferred a public interest writ petition in the Madras High Court on Wednesday seeking the arrest of Devananda in connection with the pending cases against him. The petitioner, P Pugalenthi, said that on coming to know that Douglas would be part of the presidential delegation from Sri Lanka, he had petitioned Union ministries of home and external affairs, besides the Tamil Nadu DGP to arrest and prosecute Devananda. “I have not received any response from the authorities so far,’’ he said. When asked about the cases against Devananda, Chennai police commissioner T Rajendran said: “I understand there is a petition filed today in court in this regard. I have asked my officers to inquire about these cases. I don’t have more details right now.”
Top cop in molestation row Haryana former IGP Evaded Arrest For 8 Yrs Sukhbir Siwach & Shiv Sharma | TNN
Chandigarh/Yamunanagar: Yet another Rathore-like case came to the fore on Tuesday. Former IGP MS Ahlawat, under fire for allegedly molesting a woman in 2002, has managed to evade arrest and is walking free, eight years after the incident was first reported. Even an FIR lodged in Yamunanagar failed to get him behind the bars. As the country boils over the delayed conviction of former Haryana DGP SPS Rathore, the Haryana police seem to be wary of arresting Ahlawat, who was then Yamunanagar SP. The victim Arvinder Kaur had met Ahlawat in 2002 after she was threatened by some of the accused in a dowry case that she had lodged against her husband. Ahlawat too could not be contacted. Surprisingly, merely lodging an FIR against the senior cop took more than eight years. To begin with a number of probe committees were set up by the Haryana government to probe the matter and after the
FIR was lodged on Tuesday, yet another probe has been ordered by the authorities. Ahlawat has been charged with outraging modesty of a woman, assault and criminal inmidation. “We will arrest the accused as soon as we get any substantial evidence against him,” Yamunanagar SP Sibash Kabiraj told The Times of India. A high-level probe team, headed by a DIG was investigating the matter and decision on filing an FIR was pending at a higher level, said Kabiraj, when asked why an FIR could not be lodged in eight years. A special team has been set up to look into the case on Wednesday. The delay, however, has left people enraged. They should have registered an FIR immediately as in cognizable offences, police are duty bound to do so under Section 154 of CrPC, said Kulbir Singh Dhaliwal, advocate, Punjab and Haryana High Court. The complainant said that Ahlawat should have been booked for attempt to rape.“He took me to his bedroom at his official residence of Yamunanagar where he attempted to rape me. I managed to escape from his clutches. So, he must be booked for attempt to rape instead of outraging the modesty of a woman,’’ said Arvinder Kaur.
Pawar goes under knife Mumbai: NCP supremo and Union agriculture minister Shard Pawar underwent a minor surgery at the Breach Candy Hospital on Wednesday to remove an inflammatory growth in his oral cavity. His doctors said that Pawar was doing well and could be discharged in a couple of days. In the surgery, which lasted for a little over an hour, the team of doctors removed a mass from his oral cavity. The surgery, performed under general anaesthesia, started around 11am and doctors said the growth turned out to be benign. Oncosurgeon Dr Sultan Pradhan, who has been treating Pawar for the last few years, confirmed that it was non-cancerous. Wednesday’s surgery went as planned and reports of the biopsy conducted four days ago had established that the inflammatory growth was mild, he added. Pawar will be under observation at the ICU from where he is supposed to be moved out by Thursday afternoon. TNN
TARGIT is just as good, says doctor Kounteya Sinha | TNN
Diwakar & Vishwa Mohan | TNN
New Delhi: Pakistani-American terrorist David Headley’s revelation that Pakistan’s ISI had guided the 26/11 Mumbai attack has vindicated India’s stand. But whether the disclosures will lead Pakistan to step up its cooperation with the 26/11 probe remains unclear. Home minister P Chidambaram is to demand voice samples of seven Lashkar commanders including Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi, Zarar Shah, Abu Al Qama and others when he meets his Pakistani counterpart Rehman Malik during his visit to Islamabad for the conference of home ministers from the Saarc region. Pakistan has so far refused to give voice samples which could help investigators ascertain the identity of those who instructed the 26/11 attackers as they went about their deadly assignment. Headley has also spoken of how post-26/11, ISI wanted Lashkar to disown the Mumbai attack to turn the global attention away from the terror outfit that Pakistan considers to be an important strategic asset to be used against India. With Ajmal Kasab snared, and investigations by India and FBI homing in its nexus with Lashkar, ISI planned to blame the carnage on the al-Qaida. It even prepared a list of 4-5 al-Qaida figures who were to be projected as the conspirators. Significantly, the ploy did not work because of resistance from Lashkar leaders, particularly Zakiur Rahman Lakhvi, one of the 26/11 masterminds. Lashkar leaders who have proclaimed themselves to be innocent and have accused India of levelling baseless charges, felt that the increased notoriety after 26/11 had raised the terror profile of the group and was going to help them with recruitment and funds.
New Delhi: A team of British doctors headed by University College London’s Dr Jayant S Vaidya, has developed a new technique to treat breast cancer in just one shot lasting half-an-hour. A 10-year trial of this Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy (TIR), conducted in nine countries involving over 2,200 women, confirmed that radiation that targetted a specific area of the breast was as effective as whole-breast radiation in reducing breast cancer recurrence in women. The results of this trial was published in the latest edition of the medical journal ‘The Lancet’.
BREAST CANCER So, while a patient is still under anaesthesia following the removal of the tumour, a series of gentle X-rays are administered to destroy any remaining tumour cells at the cancer site. The technique is highly convenient, requiring just one session of radiation, making it less time-consuming and less costly than whole-breast treatment. Speaking to TOI from UK, Dr Vaidya said several hospitals in India like Breach Candy in Mumbai and AIIMS in Delhi had expressed interest in his work. “TARGIT trial can change two fundamental principles in the treatment of breast cancer: whole breast radiotherapy can be replaced by a targeted onetime shot and a much smaller dose of radiation may be adequate,” Dr Vaidya said. “Breast cancer usually recurs around the area where the tumour was detected the first time. So, it’s logical to give concentrated dose of radiation to the tissues at highest risk of cancer coming back rather than the whole breast,” he added.
● Targeted Intraoperative Radiotherapy (TIR) has a comparable recurrence rate of around 1% with presently used external beam radiation ● Radiotherapy toxicity were four times lower, with an incidence rate of 0.5% compared with 2% from EBR ● The new technique involves an intense blast of radiation to the tumour site extending to a radius of 2 cm lasting 30 minutes ● It takes place after the surgeon has taken out the tumour and before the wound is closed ● TIR completely avoided irradiation of the heart, lung and oesophagus causing no damage to these structures ● It is currently only available to women taking part in clinical trials
Dr Vaidya said that since 2000, the team started delivering TIR to patients. A special machine called Intrabeam administered radiation from inside the breast to the exact site of the cancer instead of the present-day external beam radiotherapy. “Our decade-long TARGIT trial has now confirmed that old and new methods are as good as each other,” Dr Vaidya said. The therapy, however, has a few limitations at present. It can be done on patients over the age of 45 and the tumour should not be bigger that 3 cm. “Our trials till now tried this technique on women above age of 45. So we don’t know how effective it will be in stopping recurrence of cancer on younger women,” he said.
Sanjay Hadkar
CHECK THIS OUT: With football fans gearing up for the Fifa 2010 World Cup, a youth gets a cool hairdo in a Mumbai salon
IT units abroad Govt to consider making it easier to get divorce to track evasion Mahendra Kumar Singh & Himanshi Dhawan | TNN
New Delhi: The government may soon have a database on shell companies operating out of foreign jurisdictions used by some Indian corporates and corrupt public servants for the purpose of tax evasion. Finance minister Pranab Mukherjee on Wednesday said the government had set up two Income Tax Overseas Units (ITOUs) within Indian missions in Singapore and Mauritius to facilitate exchange of information and plans to constitute more units in eight other countries: US, UK, the Netherlands, Japan, Cyprus, Germany, France and UAE. “I am hopeful that these measures will result in seamless flow of tax-related information from foreign tax jurisdictions and will strengthen our fight against the menace of tax evasion using cross-border transactions,” Mukherjee said. The FM was speaking at the inauguration of a two-day conference of IT chief commissioners and directors-general here. He said the department must use modern investigative tools to monitor compliance. Mukherjee said when the GDP is poised to grow at 8.5% during 2010-11, sectors performing well should be monitored for tax compliance, and ‘we should get our due taxes’. The FM asked the senior officials to widen and deepen the tax base while using information on high-value transactions available through Annual In-
The overseas units of the Income Tax department will help track shell companies operating outside Indian jurisdiction for the purpose of evading taxes formation Returns (AIR), Central Information Branches (CIB) and other sources. Using multi-source data, the department should refine risk profiling of taxpayers and assessments; investigations should be carried out accordingly, he said, adding that using this intelligence data, the department should develop credible deterrence for habitual tax evaders. “Smaller towns and centres have emerged as centres of growth due to inclusive growth agenda. Department may also develop special strategies to monitor TDS compliance at the district level, state level and at central level,” he added. Tax reforms being initiated by the government aim to gradually phase out multiplicity of tax exemptions and deductions besides simplifying tax laws to make it more stable and robust. He said it is important to keep tax rates moderate for better compliance.
New Delhi: Sparring couples may now have a way out of their misery without having to go through the blame game. The Cabinet on Thursday is expected to consider a proposal to amend matrimonial laws for making “irretrievable breakdown of marriage’’ a ground for divorce. The proposal moved by law ministry suggests amendment to the Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and Special Marriage Act 1954 to add the new basis for granting divorce. Breakdown of marriage is currently not a ground for divorce despite several Supreme Court verdicts
favouring it and the Law Commission recommending that it be included in the provision of the law. The amendment will enable couples to get divorce if one of them refuses to live with the other and will not work towards reconciliation, and the court is convinced that there is no hope of the two leading a normal matrimonial life. The legal fraternity seems to be split over the proposed amendment. Some experts feel that growing individuality in society has contributed to an increasing number of cases ending at the divorce court with both parties dishing out dirty laundry. The amendment would make parting of ways less bitter. But several other experts warned
Exit Clauses
According to existing laws, divorce can be granted only on 3 grounds:
1 2 3
Matrimonial fault, where only the innocent partner can seek divorce Mutual consent: Marriage can be dissolved if both partners agree
Theory of frustration: Specified circumstances like one partner being missing for 7 years
New norm: Cabinet will today consider proposal to include ‘‘irretrievable breakdown of marriage’’ as a ground for divorce
of pitfalls in the proposed law. Eminent lawyer Kamini Jaiswal felt the amendment may not be a “bad idea’’ for urban women wanting to opt out of a relationship, but it may adversely impact rural women who have few options. “I feel there should be a comprehensive look at all laws relating to maintenance and alimony instead of a piecemeal look at one amendment,’’ she added. Kirti Singh, former Law Commission member described the amendment as “disastrous’’ if it came without adequate safeguards. “Most women get a pittance from the courts and most do not want to get out of a marriage only because there is nothing to sustain them outside
it,’’ she said, adding that this would only provide relief to men. According to the existing Hindu Marriage Act, 1955, divorce can be granted on three grounds — matrimonial fault, divorce by mutual consent and frustration due to specified circumstances. Marriage can be dissolved when either spouse has committed a matrimonial offence. Under this provision, it is necessary to have a guilty and an innocent party in matrimonial dispute and only the innocent party can seek divorce. Divorce on mutual consent is based on the fact that since two persons can marry by their free will, they should also be allowed to move out of their relationship if both agree to do so.
Health » Medicine & Research Published: June 6, 2010 16:15 IST | Updated: June 7, 2010 01:25 IST
Indian doctor leads breakthrough in breast cancer research PTI
AP Pink umbrellas and balloons are displayed over a stream to promote the Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign in Seoul. The recently developed interoperative radiotherapy offers new hope for breast cancer cure.
An Indian oncologist is among three experts in the U.K. who have achieved a breakthrough in the treatment of breast cancer after a 10-year trial that demonstrates that a single dose of radiation during surgery is just as effective as a prolonged course of radiotherapy. Goa-origin Jayant Vaidya, who works at the University College, Royal Free and Whittington Hospitals, designed and led the trial called interoperative radiotherapy (TARGIT) involving 2,000 women along with oncologists Jeffrey Tobias and Mike Baum. The new approach means selected patients receive just one dose of radiation during surgery to remove breast cancer. A probe is inserted into the breast so that it can target the exact site of the cancer. Dr. Vaidya said: “This has been my dream for the last 15 years. The new treatment could mean that many more women could conserve their breasts. TARGIT saves time, money and breasts.” He added: “Scientifically, the results change the way of thinking about breast cancer and its treatment. It suggests that in selected patients the whole breast does not need to be treated and that the radiation dose and that the radiation dose can be much lower.” Dr. Vaidya, who hails from a prominent doctors family from Goa, studied at the Peoples’s High School, Panaji, Dhempe College, and the Goa Medical College. Dr. Tobias, who enrolled the first ever patient on the trial at the former Middlesex Hospital in London along with Dr. Vaidya, said: “I think the reason why it works so well is because of the precision of the treatment. It eradicates the very highest risk area — the part of the breast from which the tumour was removed.” He added: “It is given in a single dose via an intra-operative probe and the conventional surgery is extended by just 30-40 minutes while the patient is asleep under anaesthetic.” It also means there is an otherwise unachievable degree of immediacy because the cancer is taken out and radiation goes in as soon as the surgery is complete — rather than weeks after. The surgery and radiotherapy which would otherwise take around five weeks is done and dusted. Kate Law, director of clinical research at Cancer Research U.K., said: “Radiotherapy is already a very effective treatment, so improving that even further is an exciting prospect. “Further follow-up of these women will be needed to confirm whether this strategy not only makes the most of the therapy’s
power but also minimises any long—term side effects.� Results published in the Lancet show that in selected patients, the new method appears to be just as effective as conventional post-operative breast cancer treatment which can be a lengthy process. A prolonged course of radiotherapy can mean 20 or 30 visits to hospital over five to six weeks. However, targeted intra-operative radiotherapy benefits patients by reducing their exposure to radiation toxicity and reducing the number of journeys they have to make to hospital. According to the authors, for the National Health Service it could mean reduced waiting lists for breast cancer treatment and estimated savings of as much as 15 million pounds a year, despite the initial outlay for new equipment. Keywords: interoperative radiotherapy, breast cancer Printable version | Jul 5, 2010 1:43:12 AM | http://www.thehindu.com/health/medicine-and-research/article448059.ece Š The Hindu
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