Bible's Forecast on Biosphere's Failure

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Bible's Forecast on Biosphere's Failure Science on its infinite odyssey from Neolithic age to nuclear age has made tremendous achievements in various walks of its expeditions. It must be credited for its worth on great inventions and discoveries on one half and also must be pitied for not recognizing a historical person who was born in a small village called Bethlehem towards the east of Mediterranean sea and became a towering personality in the entire mankind spreading to all over the world in 1st century A.D. without any technological advancement such as telephone, television, computers, satellite etc., His enlightening treatises had traveled all the world crossing great mountains, great seas and great continents because of His benevolence. He was made the Man of centuries and ages. He is the power and wisdom of God. God his Father exalted him over all nations and kingdoms. Today's world is having only a religious glimpse on Him but the words that are spoken by Him are triumphing the modern science. Below is a thrashing verdict of Bible on the expedition of science. It was September 26th, 1991; Thursday morning…they were 8 members consisting of 4 men and 4 women, dressed in black with futuristic outlook. Before them was another wonderful world made by man, situated 35 miles beyond Tucson city, among the Santa Catalina mountain ranges, midst of Arizona desert in America. It was nothing but another world called as Biosphere ­2. It consists of deserts, seas, rivers, and all living creatures what not. In simple words, it was just an alter ego of earth situated on earth or a mini­ sphere. The entire world started gazing towards this great experiment made by these 8 Biospherians. Waving their hands to all the citizens of world, they entered into it to spend two years. Not an Illusion: ­ It was another world covered with visible glass, which extended for 4 acres. This semi­sphere consisted of 7 environments. "It was a design for a small question before seven years" ­ says Margaret Augustine. Few ecological scientists such as Mark Nelson & John Allen from institute of etotechniques, London wanted to create a pollution free world. Edward Boss, an oil resource manager from Texas stood as a monetary hub for this great experiment. Sample Test for Future: ­ "We want to conserve nature and all its living being on Mars, Moon or some where in the universe" says John Allen. It was a 25 million dollar project. "It was an experiment and a sample test towards the life of man and living creatures anywhere in the universe", says Allen. There are 3,800 species of fruits, flowers, trees, animals, and microorganisms even with 8 human beings. All these have been sent inside through "airlock" procedure to stay for a period of 2 years. Contents of Biosphere ­2: ­ It was a glass world over 4 acres. Amazon jungles were created inside and trees of 35 feet were planted, imported from Missouri Botanical gardens. Ginger trees and banana

trees were also planted s inside the sphere for shade. Various species of plants were imported from Venezuela, Costa Rica, Belgium, Guiana and Brail. For pollination among plants a variety of pests were also sent into it. Various bees like blue Arberd Bees, Alkali Bees, Bamboo bees, oil­collecting bees, Honeybees etc.; various species of animal and birds were also kept inside. Even lizards, cockroaches, frogs and various pests were set inside this sphere and nothing on earth was exempted from entering into Biosphere ­2. Central Idea: ­ The main idea of these scientists was to generate oxygen for man from the environment inside the biosphere ­2 and if they could succeed in this experiment any planet in the universe could be made as an abode for man, simply by using sun's rays and all the infrastructure used in biosphere ­2. Alas! These 8 Biosphereans came out of Biosphere indispensably before the expiry date because of the disintegration of oxygen in Biosphere­2. Bible's Verdict: ­ Now let us explore the reasons for the failure of million­dollar project Biosphere ­2. I will destroy the wisdom of the wise; the intelligence of the intelligent I will frustrate." Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?"­ I Corinthians 1: 19­21. Christian is a Son of God who must preach the word of God among the mature ­ I Corinthians 2:6 A Christian must condemn the knowledge of world with the word of God says Bible. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ­II Corinthians 10:3­6. Man was given the dominion over the work of God only to utilize it in an appropriate way but not to recreate or ruin it because he may never create anything like God. Now let us revise what God says… The God who made the work and everything in it is the lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands. From one man he made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth (but not other planets)­ Act 17:24­29. The highest heavens (universe) belong to the lord, but only the earth he has given to man ­ Psalms 115:16. From these words it is so explicit that God as the creator as well as a father is soothing his children dwelling all over the world with his abundant treasures hidden in the creation. Nevertheless, man with his flimsy thoughts is disturbing the nature causing great danger to the entire civilization. God has handed over the supremacy to man over creation not to destroy it, but for its proper utilization by all its inhabitants. God said, "Let us make man in our image, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the lives lock, and all over the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in member: fill the earth and sub due it­ Genesis 1:26,28.

If we have a glance at present man, he is completely egocentric and showing animosity to his neighbor and is disturbing the forces of nature with his selfish thoughts that are causing great humiliation to the entire generation. Global warming is the current issue discussed countries all over the world. This was only due to misappropriation of nature by man. Consumption of various gases is harming the ozone layer, which protects the earth from the ultra violets rays of the sun. Every country in the world is inventing poisonous gasses, bombs and powerful ammunition, which could blow the earth for a hundred times. Does man really need these? A person residing beside one country is also a human being and an image of god. If man could really have concern for our planet then why do every country invent such sort of harmful weapons? Do we call this as technology or advancement? For although they knew him, they neither glorified him as god nor gave thanks to him, but became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools. Romans 1:21,22. Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world? I Corinthians 1:20,21. I would like to furnish an example regarding the foolishness of the world in the guise of great understanding. In 1989, Andre Sucharov, a Russian scientist was awarded a noble peace prize for inventing a hydrogen bomb. Why do men need bombs? Is it for the world peace? Or destruction? A small atom bomb caused great rumpus in 1945 costing 3 lakhs lives of the Japanese. Like these, we have plenty of great incidents from the world history. So, that is why God called the wisdom of world as imprudent. Global warming has become a major issue in the world because of annihilating the forests all over the world. Man is harming his own self by cutting down these trees all over, which is causing great commotion to the cycle of seasons. After stepping into this danger, every country is now curious towards plantation and protection of this green planet. However, God had warned humans thousands of years ago regarding the ominous condition of the world. If man really cares for His teachings then he would have over come numerous dangers in his life. This could be a very strange and interesting aspect spoken by God ages ago for the welfare of man. These were the words written by king Solomon 3000 years ago to this day regarding the engulfing danger to man in the coming future. At Solomon's time, no technological advancement was present which man had today.Only by the inspiration of God, he is warning man not to strike down the trees that may cause great danger to him. Our latest science is now cautioning the world to save this planet by protecting trees, whereas God had warned years ago to protect the trees, which may cause destruction to man if they were split or cut down. Man may never create the nature, the only thing he could do is to protect it. If man could really care for the ways of Lord then he might set his life in an apt way. Recently world's scientists are showing much concern towards the species that are disintegrating because many species were totally destroyed for not caring towards them. Many organizations have been established to protect various species present in the world.

However God, the creator had advised the humankind years ago regarding their extinction. Because of this the land mourns, and all who live in it waste away, the beasts of the field and birds of the air and fish of the sea are dying­ Hosea 4:3. How long will the land lie parched and the grass in every field, be withered? Because those who live in it are wicked, the animals and birds have perished­Jeremiah 12:4. They do not say to themselves, let us fear the God, who gives autumn and spring rains in season, and assures us of the regular weeks of harvest. Your wrong doings have kept these away; your sins have deprived you of good­ Jeremiah 5:24,25. By the above words, it is so elaborate that this situation is caused only for the wicked deeds of man and his callous nature. "For every change in the environment, man is solely responsible," says God. Can anyone say no to this? If man pays attention to His mighty commandments, he could pave his way towards a bright future. Biosphere­2 is an experiment by man for another world, where he could carry every thing from earth and generate a new life there. However, it proved failure because earth is the only dwelling place for the entire mankind and nowhere he could live a pleasure seeking life as on earth. Man cannot live on other planets with sufficient air, water, and environment as on earth. Man instead of caring for his own environment present on earth is wasting millions of money in the guise of advancement, proving to be an utter failure. If the latest science is bothered for the nature then let us make this home, our earth as a peaceful planet. Whatever venture science wants to experiment may be utilized for our own planet that could make a better living place for our children and us. Let us stop inventing nuclear weapons and live in a state of peace, memorizing God for his vast and abundant love for us. Any experiment over­ coming the idea of God may prove to be a failure to the science for which Biosphere­2 stands as a best example. Let us stop looking towards Bible with a religious look and accept the almighty power of God who always cares for us. Jayashali

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