Gamma Phi Pride Fall 2012 Alumni Newsletter

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The Pride of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at South Alabama

GammaPhi this issue The Archon's Corner P.1 A Word From Tom Peterson P.2 Push America Update P.4 Nu Phi by Jay Hunt P.5




Officer / Housing Reports P.6-7, 11 Message from National President P.10 Alumni News P.9 & 12

— Gamma Phi Chartering Banquet, 1971 —

The Archon’s Corner Justin Ladnier, ΓΦ 515 Archon

If you have moved, or any of your important information has changed, or you have some news to share with other Gamma Phi alumni in the next newsletter, send it to the Chapter Historian, or the Chapter Advisors, Tom Peterson, or Jay Hunt. We want to hear from you!

For those of you who do not know me, my name is Justin Ladnier and I am the current Archon of Pi Kappa Phi at South Alabama. Along with our Historian I would like to introduce the new Pride Newsletter. This will continue to be a publication put out by the chapter to keep you involved and informed on the current fraternity status, but mainly to keep you up to date on what is going on with other Alumni. We are starting several new things to help get you involved, such as bringing Alumni to speak to the chapter, which you will see posted frequently on the Alumni Facebook page. We want to give you the chance to come share your experiences and knowledge with the chapter. We also will be planning an Alumni event this Spring so be on the lookout in the upcoming issues of The Pride. These

— Actives and Alumni Tailgating, 2012 —

events include Roseball and an Alumni Dinner to celebrate and give thanks to Tom Peterson for decades of faithful service to this chapter. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me at any time via email at Fraternally Yours, Brother Archon Justin Ladnier

The Mission of Pi Kappa Phi Strong Enough To Care

A Word from Tom My Brothers, I have decided to retire as Chapter Advisor of the Gamma Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at the end of the 2012-2013 school year. I made my announcement to the Gamma Phi Associate Chapter Advisor and to the Gamma

The expression of shared values and ideals as contained in the Ritual of Initiation, Supreme Law and Fraternity policy;

Phi Housing Corporation/Alumni Association Officers on August 14th. I made my announcement to the undergraduate Brothers at a Chapter Meeting on August, 26, 2012. I will recommend to the Pi Kappa Phi National Council the appointment of Brother Jay Hunt to succeed me. Jay has served Gamma Phi as Associate Chapter Advisor for five years and has the

The pursuit of brotherhood through scholarship, leadership, service and social experiences; The achievement of personal excellence in each member and the collective excellence in our Fraternity;

a lifelong brotherhood

of its members.

training, the experience, and the relationship with the Chapter, the National Office, and the Univer–

sity that make him the ideal choice. He is a serv-

have been invaluable. I could not have done this

ant leader and his knowledge of the nuts and

alone. I have always had my Brothers beside

bolts of communication and leadership has served

me, over 500 of them! I thank each of you for

and will serve the Chapter well. Jay has been an

your support.

outspoken advocate for the undergraduates with

The Gamma Phi Housing Corporation/Alumni

the University, the National Office, and with the

Association was re-activated a little over a year

Alumni and will certainly continue that advocacy

ago. Brothers Thad Hendrix, AJ LeGrone, and

as Chapter Advisor.

JR Morgan have done an outstanding job work-

I am indebted to those Brothers that have helped

ing with the Chapter and with University Housing

me along the way. You have served our Chapter

during the last year. I thank Bart Winkler and

in sometimes small and sometimes large, but

James Alexander for their leadership in that area

always significant ways over the last 20 years.

for so long. There is still a long way to go, but we

You have defended the Chapter and have come

are getting there through improved communica-

to their aid when needed, often without any recog-

tion with USA Housing and through improved

nition. Thank you. I also want to thank those

alumni relations.

Gamma Phi Chapter Advisors that came before

In over 30 years of active involvement as an

me. The example and counsel of Ray D. Hart-

Alumnus and more than 20 of those years as

well, Carl Doggette, Bill Ishee, and Steve Sisk

Chapter Advisor, I have become keenly aware of

skills, our service, and our resources. What we can personally give will change over time, but we should all be able to give a little something back each year to help our Chapter achieve its best. I encourage you to give back to Pi Kappa Phi as you are able. Decide what time, talents, skills, service, or resources that you can give back to the Chapter at this phase in your life, no matter how large or how small, and give it. I have been blessed beyond description during my time as

the cyclical nature of fraternity at the University of

Chapter Advisor. Getting to know so many Brothers,

South Alabama. This is not so obvious to the active

working with them towards the same goals, watching

Brothers. Gamma Phi has had some awesome highs

them graduate, get jobs, and start families, and then

and some painful lows in its 40+ year history. That is

working with them as alumni has been a joy! Pi Kap-

the reason that alumni involvement is so crucial. Alum-

pa Phi is a lifelong Brotherhood and the benefits of

ni can be a source of continuity and a calm, steady

that Brotherhood should be lifelong.

voice through the ups and downs. Alumni can’t keep

can be lifelong for each of us with just a little bit of

the Chapter from making mistakes, and we shouldn’t

involvement with the Chapter.

try to get them to do things the way we always did them

I am going to stay involved in some capacity. How

because times change. As alumni, we can impart wis-

can I do otherwise? I want others to feel the ties of

dom gained through experience to guide them towards

Brotherhood that come from membership in our Be-

making the right decisions. We can make sure that

loved Pi Kappa Phi! God Bless our Fraternity! Damn

Risk Management and Ultimate Respect are at the

glad to be a Pi Kapp!

The benefits

forefront of their thinking on all issues. We can stress the values from our Ritual, and we can each personally live those values so that we are a good example and a positive role model to our younger Brothers. We can support the Chapter with our time, our talents, our

Yours in Pi Kappa Phi, Tom Peterson ΓΦ 93

Pushing The Limit

A Bike Across Florida

Alex Layton, Gamma Phi 525n2

Andrew Augustine, Gamma Phi 517n2

Gamma Phi is making history. This summer Gamma Phi brother Alex Dumais, pushed his physical limits as he participated in Push America's newest program. Imagine a team of 20 men, both with and without disabilities, working alongside one another in the remote islands of Lake Superior. It was a challenging 4-day expedition as they paddled through caves, hiked through forests, explored ship wrecks, and camped in the tall timbers of Sand Bay. The Push America Challenge: Apostle Islands break the barriers to what is thought possible and seeks to change the way society views people with disabilities.

Brothers, my name is Andrew Augustine and I am excited to tell you that I am dedicating a lot of time and effort into one of our national Push events, Gear Up Florida.

Thanks to family, friend and fraternity support, Alex raised over $3,000 as a part of the team's goal of raising over $15,000. These funds enabled a number of athletes with disabilities to participate in the event at no cost to them! What a great way to help us all realize and understand true human ability. Push America's newest program is wholly focused on enabling athletes with disabilities to realize their full potential through sports. Thank you to all the Gamma Phi Alumni who continue to support the mission of the Chapter by donating to active brothers through Push America! We really are a lifelong fraternity of brothers.


I initiated in December 2009 as the Beta Epsilon class with twenty other pledge brothers of mine. This fraternity has given me so many opportunities and has helped tremendously in shaping me into the person I am today. I have been to cities that I never thought I would visit without the support of Pi Kappa Phi: Charleston, Washington D.C. and Dallas. While I have enjoyed my time traveling I have also spent a good bit of it by working for the fraternity. I have served as the Push Chair and am the current Chaplain all while maintaining a 3.48 GPA. Pi Kapp College made me aspire to take that extra step to do something as incredible as riding 800 miles to spread the word to different communities of how to understand the physically and mentally handicapped. I, however, cannot make this all possible without your help. Thomas Sayre has helped inspire my fundraising slogan of “350 People Strong Enough to Care.” As a team we have to raise $2,500 a person. I have set my own personal goal at $3,500 to represent Gamma Phi. I am currently near $900 and need to have $1,000 by the end of October. Please go the extra mile with me! You can donate at my website at:

Google “Andrew does Gear Up Florida” or go to

Nu Phi

What it means to be "non-fraternity" Since the idea of Fraternity first came to fruition and spread across the nation, both its function and its form have evolved and adapted with the times. I believe we are coming into an age of critical change for Fraternities and I would like to see Gamma Phi re-define what Fraternity means at the University of South Alabama. Our fraternal roots are based on the idea of "Nu Phi" and is a fitting way for us to begin. A strong desire to become leaders on campus drove Kroeg, Mixon, Fogarty, and the early group of non-fraternity men to form Nu Phi, which stood for non-fraternity. The purpose of Nu Phi was to bring about change and to provide expanded opportunities for leadership. In 1904 this group of friends took the idea of Nu Phi and launched a new kind of fraternity they called Pi Kappa Phi. And ever since, Pi Kappa Phi has set its own course in defining fraternity. As I see it, the foundation of Pi Kappa Phi is grounded in two things: bringing about change, and becoming leaders on campus. The 21st century fraternity will look very different from what many

of us experienced. Gone are the days of hazing, beer in the coke machine, an open container of hunch punch in a "clean" garbage can, pledges and little sisters, and unregistered parties. Fraternities of today struggle with a hostile campus environment, severe pressure from the administration to abide by a myriad of complex rules and regulations, daily scrutiny from campus police, and many financial limitations. However, one thing is not in short supply. There are a lot of young men who are interested in what Fraternity can offer. I believe Fraternity is uniquely positioned to meet a need in our society. But only if it is done right. There is simply a short supply of organizations for young men that provide good and healthy opportunities for character development, leadership training, and brotherhood. Sure, some young men connect at church, or Boy Scouts, or ROTC. But these three organizations cannot meet the needs of all young men. Some guys excel at sports and may get some of this by joining a good team with exceptional coaches. But none of these organizations can

truly accomplish what a good Fraternity provides. I personally believe that if Gamma Phi will set aside some old definitions of fraternity and forge a new path, we will connect with a large number of young men who are seeking something different. As we reimagine what it means to be in a modern day fraternity, it is imperative that Alumni assist these guys in their struggle and give them the tools necessary in this transition. I know many of you will help and support the efforts of our National and local fraternity as we redefine Fraternity. We, too, must set aside our old definitions and embrace a new paradigm. Yes, even I struggle at times with the changes, but I also know that if we do not do something radical now, we will not exist at USA for very long. Change is eminent and I believe you and I can help Pi Kappa Phi chart a new course at the University of South Alabama. Jay Hunt, Gamma Phi 147n2

What Gamma Phi Did For Me by David Shaw, ΓΦ439 Past Archon, 2008 We asked past archons to reflect on their time with the chapter, what they accomplished and the things they learned that helped them at the onset of their careers. As you may know, most college freshmen pledge during the fall semester. However, I pledged in the Spring of 2005 and I really regret waiting a semester. You see, while pledging I was told by several brothers that if I wanted to gain something from the fraternity I needed to put something into it. I listened. After initiation I heeded their advice and was rewarded tenfold. During my time in the fraternity I gave back by serving others and leading others. In returned I gained the satisfaction of a job well done and took away invaluable leadership skills necessary to succeed in life. Through Push America and our partnership with local civic organizations, I was challenged to serve others. Many less fortunate families and children with disabilities benefited from Gamma Phi through our work in the Mobile area. It was great to see how our local fundraising also served others nationwide through our commitment to Push America. I worked hard to help the chapter establish a strong bond with the Children's Rehabilitation Team of Mobile, AL (CRET) and the Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind. It is nice to

know that families in our area continue to benefit from accessibility ramps we built a few years ago.

direction and out of the ruts we were stuck in. The executive council’s strength must be credited to the coaching and direction from brothers Tom Peterson and Jay Hunt.

The chapter gave me many opportunities to develop leadership skills. I was fortunate to serve in Even now, years later, I nearly every executive council call upon the skills that I position during my time as an learned during my time in the active. My favorites were Archon and Warden. I was fraternity honored to be elected to almost every “The chapter serve as Archon for my day. I never gave me many junior year. I learned dreamed how opportunities to more in that year about much one develop dealing with people, group of leadership handling confrontation, people would skills.” and the value of a strong affect my team than most people life. I don’t believe there will ever be will ever learn in a lifetime. A few another time in my life quite shouting matches during chapter like the time spent at 3 meetings taught me how vital it is to Fraternity Row. I'm glad I always be tactful, consistent, and listened to those wise fair. I remember at the beginning of brothers. (They also told me my term most of the chapter hated that graduating in 4 years me. I was even met with resistance was like leaving a party at 10 from some of the executive council PM. Haha, so true.) because of the changes that we were making in the chapter. But we persevered. We were a very strong David Shaw group and were able to work ΓΦ439 through most of the problems and steer the chapter in the right

GPA Fantasy League Thomas Robb, Gamma Phi 502

STAY IN TOUCH Connect on Facebook

The chapter has developed an incentive to motivate the active brothers to strive harder to obtain the best grades they can achieve. The incentive program is developed from the idea of a fantasy team, based off of coaches drafting their own unique team in order to defeat the competition. This is very similar to the popular fantasy football league, where each coach drafts their preferred NFL football players in hopes of scoring more points each week when competing against the opponent.

The Gamma Phi Alumni

Scholarship Chairman

In our design, the "coaches" were chosen from the top four brothers who achieved the highest GPA the previous semester. These coaches are asked to pick individual brothers to join their team. Throughout the semester, the coaches aim to watch over their players in order to keep them motivated towards obtaining their best GPA. At the end of the semester, whichever team has the best combined GPA will be rewarded by a portion of their dues being deducted to honor their achievements during the semester. It is our hope that this initiative will help motivate the chapter to continue its emphasis on solid academics.

Facebook group has over 250 active members. That is about fifty percent of the alumni and is a great way to connect with brothers from all over the world. It's a private group, so if you know a brother who has not yet joined, just invite them or contact Jay Hunt, the administrator of the Facebook Group.

WEBSITE Gets an Update For the past four years the chapter website has been hosted by WeGoAll, Inc. and provided a functional way to interact with members and alumni of Gamma Phi. We maintain all

From The Historian Zachary Houle, Gamma Phi 542 Historian

To all that helped with bringing back the “Pride”. This could not have been done with out the time and effort that you all put into it. Special thanks to Brothers; David Shaw, Alex Layton, Thomas Robb, Justin Ladnier and last but not least Jay Hunt. Your help is what keeps the Flame of the Gamma Phi Chapter alive. Proud to be a Pi Kapp! Please don’t hesitate to ask or tell me ideas or articles that you would like to show up in the “Pride”. I am open to any suggestions and you can send me a message on Facebook or contact me by text/call at 860-910-8399. Thank You.

chapter membership records on this website and use it as a tool for effective Alumni Relations. Beginning January, 2013, the website will be updated to a new system hosted by WeGoAll, Inc. They assure us that this will allow us to provide new features and improved viewing on mobile devices.

ABOVE: Pictured from left to right: Lesley Bradley, Brian Bradley ('01), Scott Hartwell ('00), Doug Gordon ('96), Bob O'Brien ('98), Chris Mason ('98), Karen B. Mason ('01), Buford Peek ('00), Josef Wiggins ('99), Jenna Lucas, and Chad Lucas ('05).

Go Jags!

Gamma Phi has a long history of supporting USA athletics!

ΓΦ TOUGH Gamma Phi alumni participate in the Warrior Dash 5k Obstacle Course, Warrior Al, October 6, 2012 RIGHT: Brothers Stephen Neihus (ΓΦ424) and Matthew Corker (ΓΦ431)

Gamma Phi brothers and friends ran in the Dallas Tough Mudder in Dallas Texas, March, 2012 LEFT: Brothers Steve Nowlin (ΓΦ266), Mike Ashley (ΓΦ278), Evan Morris (ΓΦ264), Steve Eide, and Todd Greer (ΓΦ270)

A Word from the National President I believe that the way we address hazing will not only determine our future – but will define us and set us apart from our peers. Hazing has no place in a fraternity, but it especially has no place in our fraternity. Our founders envisioned an organization based on friendship and treated each other with dignity. We will honor their memory and will build a generation of men who are prepared to shoulder their responsibility as fathers, leaders and citizens. College and university presidents' and administrators' hostility to hazing is approaching – if not surpassing – an all-time

high. We had a presentation at our meeting from a dean in higher education who warned us that the band hazing death at Florida A&M University and the Sandusky scandal, in which a well-regarded president of Penn State was discharged for failure to take decisive action, has created a climate in which progressive discipline for hazing is fast disappearing. Instead, chapters must be prepared for the real possibility that a single incident of hazing, even without any physical injury, will often lead to the chapter's closure. I asked the attendees at Supreme Chapter

to join me in renewing their oath and stomping out hazing in their chapter. It will not be tolerated. We must protect, defend and guide our members and associate members. In the absence of our students and volunteers holding each other accountable at the local level, we will do so at the national level. I’m asking for your support. We need mature adult guidance in this process. We need our alumni to embrace the path I have outlined in this message. We need a fraternity that honors friendship, kindness and guidance above the antiquated practice of hazing. I look forward to working with you over these next 22 months as we continue our efforts to redefine fraternity as a lifelong brotherhood of leaders. Fraternally, Dudley F. Woody National President Pi Kappa Pi Fraternity October 16, 2012

As the Vice Archon Sees It Chase Lunsford, Gamma Phi 532 Vice Archon

Recruitment of fall 2012 was a success in securing eighteen associate members through informal rush and also recruiting two through formal rush. To achieve this we had several events over the summer such as a beach trip and a float trip that both were very successful. Each associate will be able to bring great things to the chapter in different ways that are key component that will help the chapter grow and move in a direction and be a chapter full of leaders. Our future leaders of tomorrow have aspects that are indeed great and unique in different ways. For instance we recruited two honor students (Bradley Davis, Jacob Bartz-Broussard) who are leading the associate members in grades and able to help out their pledge brothers attain the highest standards of scholarships. Then we have a new associate (Michael Gargiulo) who is apart of the ROTC program that is preparing to serve our country. Finally we have associate members (Bradley Davis, Braxton Orso) who already show promise in showing interest in Push America by volunteering their time to Camp Smile and summer camp for kids with disabilities. These young men are the future leaders of tomorrow and have showed through many of their actions that they have the qualities to make this chapter thrive and grow. So let us prepare these young men and allow them to be one of the most important parts of fraternity and make this chapter the “Ideal Chapter”.

The Housing Column Aj LeGrone, Gamma Phi 320n2 Gamma Phi Housing Corporation

The house is looking spic and span after the cleaning and painting that was done before Rush. I’d like to thank brother Thad Hendrix for coordinating the work and lining up contractor DeWayne Hussey to knock out the painting and carpentry work quickly and at a great price. If anyone local needs work done around their house, I challenge you to find a better contractor! DeWayne’s number is 251-554-0846. If you haven’t been by the house in a while, swing by one Sunday for Chapter. There is a new ping pong and pool table begging to be played! So far, the foyer and the party room have received all the paint and attention. Over the next few weeks, the Chapter Room will be cleaned and painted. If anyone has any housing issues or concerns, please contact me directly at 251-753-4315 or

Alumni Happenings


Campus Officer Andrew Har (ΓΦ535) did his duty in serving and protecting students when the campus went on lockdown during the Spring 2012 semester.


If anyone is looking for a realtor, Brother Michael Buzz Meatyard (ΓΦ455)is available to help just contact him on Facebook.

Congratulations! Recent New Legacies:

Contact the Chapter or post on the Facebook Group if you have news or know of recent alumni news that should be included in upcoming newsletters.


Stanley Pon (ΓΦ187), Christopher Jenson Pon, 7 lbs 14 oz, 19.5 inches, born 06-11-12.


Josef Wiggins (ΓΦ288), Benjamin Thomas Wiggins, 6 lbs 15 oz, 18 inches, born 04-01-12.


Tyler Cummins (ΓΦ465), Davis William Cummins, 8 lbs, 21 1/2 inches, born 10-11-12.


Patrick Bennett (ΓΦ474), Sawyer Bryan Bennett, 8 lbs 4 oz, born 10-12-12.

The Pride of Gamma Phi Issue 2012 Fall Semester

Gamma Phi Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity P.O. Box U-1208 USA Mobile, AL 36688


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