*Personal Finance 1/2 credit; elective for 10, 11, 12 This course is designed to help students transition into the financial responsibilities of adulthood. Students are challenged to integrate faith values into stewardship decisions, including, career path, budgeting, purchasing, and investing. Goal setting and applying cost benefit analysis will be emphasized. Responsibilities concerning debt, career choice, savings, housing, and transportation options will be included. Consumer math skills will be applied as a component of decision making. Prerequisite: At least a C in Foundations of Algebra A and B or at least a C in Algebra I.
*Foundations of Accounting 1/2 credit; elective for 10, 11, 12 Basic principles of double entry accounting are taught. Emphasis is placed on the accounting cycle, with an introduction to special journals and ledgers. A project and practice sets are used to give practical experience. The course is recommended as an elective, particularly for those interested in careers in accounting, business, or economics. Prerequisite: At least a C in Foundations of Algebra A and B or at least a C in Algebra I.
Introduction to Business 1/4 credit; elective for 10, 11, 12 This course is designed to examine the structure of a business and observe its principles of operation. Topics will include the business environment, forms of business organization, multiplicity of economic factors, financial management, interpersonal relations, and business ethics and the law. Opportunities will be provided for dialogue with businesspersons and participation in on-site activities.
*Personal Finance and Accounting can count toward the required Math credits. Students wishing to use these classes for this requirement should arrange this with their guidance counselor.