How to Get Ahead of the Curve
Presented by:
Adrian Cronje, PhD CFA, a long-time Vistage member and sought-after speakerThe Consequences of Overstimulation?
Inflation: A Return to the 1970’s?
2 -Year Inflation Rate
Inflation Broadening
Contributions to Y/Y Headline Inflation
A Cleansing: Speculation Unraveling
Will today’s inflation inevitably lead to a recession in the next 12 -18 months?
What needs to happen to avoid such an outcome?
Tools for you to monitor how the outlook evolves in real time. Tactics to prepare your business now to become a predator, not a prey.
Balentine’s Investing Cardinals
First Generation Wealth
Additional Resources
Capital Markets Lead the Economy
Stock Market
Key Message
Future corporate profitability
Bond Market
Future interest rates & Fed policy
Credit Market
Commodity Market
Optimism in corporate sector
International economy (esp. China)
Resource: “Are Recession Red Lights Flashing?” at
Reasons to Sell the Stock Market
Past performance is not indicative of future results
Beneath the Surface of the Stock Market The Battle of Growth vs. Value
2022: Productivity Growth A Return to the Roaring 1920’s?
Bond Market: Slope of the Yield Curve
Slope of the Yield Curve Since 2020
2022: Interest Rate Expectations
FOMC Participants’ Assessments of Appropriate Monetary Policy: “Dot -Plot”
Blue dots indicate the median projection. Data is based on the economic projections published on March 15, 2022 Red dots indicate the effective rate implied by the year-end FedFundpicture price.
Note: Each shaded circle indicates the value (rounded to the nearest 1/8 percentage point) of an individual participant's judgme nt of the midpoint of the appropriate target range for the federal funds rate or the appropriate target level for the federal funds rate at the end of the specified calendar year or over the longer run. One participant did no t submit longer-run projections for the federal funds rate.
Labor Market Dynamics and Wage Growth
Beveridge Curve
Additional Resources: Read “Revisiting the Beveridge Curve: Why Has It Shifted So Dramatically?” at
Credit Market Spreads
Commodity Market Index
Capital Markets Lead the Economy
Stock Market
Bond Market
Credit Market
Commodity Market
Resource: “Are Recession Red Lights Flashing?” at
In Summary
Chances of a recession as high as 50% over the next 12 -18 months
Outcome depends not just on the Federal Reserve:
Supply chain disruptions
China lockdown
War in Ukraine
Potential for productivity growth under -appreciated
Labor market dynamics are key
Developing Themes for 2022/2023
Length and duration of any slow down likely to be short and shallow:
Consumer flush from stimulus
Better capitalized, safer banks
Bumper corporate profitability
Watch the emerging world and the global economy
Mid -term elections – a return to populism?
Opportunities as capital markets adjust
Prepare to be predator, not prey
Prepare to Be Predator, not Prey
COVID Forced Adaptability
Resiliency of Business Model
Agility of Decision Making and Creativity: Organizational Risk Posture
Supply Chain Management: “From Just in Time” to “Just in Case”
Inventories and cash flow management
“Tech -celeration ”: e -Commerce; Digitization; On -Demand Business Models; Automation; Artificial Intelligence ; Blockchain Protocol; Communication; Cryptocurrency and Non -Fungible Tokens; the Metaverse
Resource: Search “Cryptocurrency” at
Prepare to Be Predator, Not Prey
Customers: adapt to new buying behaviors
Marketing and Sales in a virtual world
Talent: workforce engagement (culture and flexible time)
Operations: reimagine the workplace with new technology
Financials: balance sheet strength and free cash flow
Pricing power and strategy with inflation as a tailwind
Resource: “Managing Your Business Through Crisis and Beyond” at
Balentine’s Investing Cardinals
Philosophy Implementation
First Generation Wealth: A Book for Entrepreneurs, by Entrepreneurs
A guide for wealth creators to learn enduring strategies for building a meaningful and lasting legacy.
Additional Resources
Capital Markets Forecast
This annual research piece is the foundation of our investment process, and the projections herein form the basis of the strategies we design to help our clients achieve their goals.
Cardinal Rules of Investing
Our Investing Cardinals share our most fundamental thinking around investment philosophy, strategy, and implementation to preempt the inevitable question, “How should I invest my portfolio today?”
Wealth & Legacy Series
This series explores the more human side of wealth and legacy within families, providing practical tools to help you aim to increase resiliency, avoid getting lost in a desert of riches, and approach tough family conversations with a renewed spirit of hopefulness and intentionality.
The Peak Performer webinar series is designed to support your leadership climb. This series brings the most trusted experts to the Vistage community to help you navigate new challenges and possibilities.
Balentine is an independent investment adviser registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Registratio n d oes not imply a certain level of skill or training. More information about Balentine, including our investment strategies, fees, and objectives, is included in the Form ADV Part 2, which is availab le upon request.
General: This information has been prepared by Balentine LLC (“Balentine”) and is intended for informational purposes only. This infor mat ion should not be construed as investment, legal, and/or tax advice. Additionally, this content is not intended as an offer to sell, or a solicitation of any investment product or se rvice.
Outlook: Opinions expressed are solely the opinion of Balentine and should not be relied upon for investment decisions. Certain statem ent s contained herein may constitute projections, forecasts, and other forward -looking statements that do not reflect actual results and are based primarily upon applying retroactively a hypothetical set of assumptions to certain historical financial information. Accordingly, such statements are inherently speculative as they are based on assumptions that may involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties. These statements are based on available information and Balentine’s view as of the time of these statements, are subject to change, and are not intended as a forecast or guarantee of future results. Actual results, performance, or events may differ materially from those expressed or implied in such statements.
Third -Party Data: The information presented in this publication has been obtained with the greatest of care from sources believed to be reliable. However, stated information is derived from proprietary and nonproprietary sources that have not been independently verified for accuracy or completeness. Some material may contain information and data provided by independent, third party sources. While Balentine uses sources it considers to be reliable, no guarantee is made regarding the accuracy of infor mat ion or data provided by third -party sources. Balentine expressly disclaims any liability, including incidental or consequential damages, arising from errors or omissions in this publication.
Risk: Investing in equity securities involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. While equities may offer the potent ial for greater long -term growth than most debt securities, they generally have higher volatility. International investments may involve risk of capital loss from unfavorable fluctuation in cur rency values, from differences in generally accepted accounting principles, or from economic or political instability in other nations. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Th e appropriateness of an investment or strategy will depend on an investor’s circumstances and objectives. These opinions may not fit to your financial status, risk, and return preferences. Inve stment recommendations may change, and readers are urged to check with their investment advisors before making any investment decisions.
Index Definitions
The S&P 500® Index is the Standard & Poor’s Composite Index of 500 stocks and is a widely recognized, unmanaged index of common stock prices.
The MSCI ACWI ex USA Index is a free float -adjusted market capitalization -weighted index that is designed to measure the equity market performance of developed and emerging markets, excluding the United States. The MSCI ACWI ex USA Index captures large and mid cap representation across 22 of the 23 develop ed markets, including Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Singapore , Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom; and 23 emerging markets, including Brazil, Chile, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, Egypt, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, Me xico, Peru, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Qatar, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey and United Arab Emirates. With over 1,800 constituents, the Index covers approximately 85% of the global equ ity opportunity set outside the United States.