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Welcome Message from Kierra

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Meet the Crew

Meet the Crew


Hey, y’all! First, I would like to say thank you all so much for all the support and the trust! When I decided to get into logistics 15 years ago, I knew my life would change; however, not in my wildest dreams did I believe it would become this!


No one could have paid me to believe that a black woman with my background and education would be dominating in a male-led industry.

I am incredibly humbled and grateful that you have decided to decide to put not only you but your generations to come in a position to gain financial freedom. Trucking is a recessionproof industry that’s not going anywhere!

I am a living witness that if you apply yourself, become knowledgeable in your craft, and willing to take the risk, you can become successful in this business.

I will never take for granted the journey that I had to take to reach this point in my life; that’s why assisting and growing others is so passionate to me. It led me to create my TRIBE, tribe by definition, is family.

Welcome to the family y’all!

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