Biography of Jay M. Bernhardt
Health communication researcher Jay M. Bernhardt is the 13th president of Emerson College inBoston, Massachusetts Bernhardt previously served as dean of the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. He also established the school's Center for Health Communicationduring histenureatthetop-rankedTravisCounty-basedinstitution.
Elsewhere, he has performed high-level roles at the University ofFlorida,theUniversityofGeorgia,and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The New Jersey native enjoys memberships to numeroushonorsocietiesandservesontheboardsofseveralhigh-profileorganizations
Bernhardt has received various awards for his leadership and scholarship work. The 13th president of Emerson College is also a long-time mental health advocate and proudly supports a wide range of charities, nonprofits, and good causes. Beyond his professional work and other commitments, he enjoys art,theater,andexperiencingnewcuisines.
Jay Bernhardt is the 13th president of Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts. Bernhardt joined the easternmost Massachusetts-based college in 2023, previously serving as the University of Texas at
Austin's Moody College of Communication dean since March2016.Boston-basedEmersonCollegealso hascampusesinCaliforniaandtheNetherlands.
Bernhardt is committed to serving the school's faculty and students with steady and caring directionand guidance from its Boston campus. The esteemed health communication researcher took over as the school's 13th president from interim principal Bill Gilligan Gilligan had previously served as interim presidentatEmersonCollegesince2021.
Bernhardt is the former dean of the Moody College of Communication at the University of Texas at Austin. He joined the Austin-based University of Texas's Communication CollegeinMarch2016.While servingasitsdean,hebecamethefoundingdirectorofitsCenterforHealthCommunication
Before becoming dean, Bernhardt served as the school's interim dean from August 2015 until February 2016 He also spent the prior 20 months as a professor at the institution, where hisprimaryappointment was in theDepartmentofCommunicationStudies.Bernhardtfurthermaintainedasecondaryappointment intheStanRichardsSchoolofAdvertisingandPublicRelations.
Jay Bernhardt founded Digital Health Impact, Inc in Gainesville, Florida, in 2011 As Digital Health Impact's founder and president, he led operations dedicated to consulting on wide-ranging scientific and strategicapplicationsandinnovations
He and his team also focused on digital healthtechnologies,healthcommunication,andsocialmarketing foracademic,governmental,nonprofit,andprivate-sectorclients.
Between 2010 and 2014, Bernhardt served asaUniversityofFloridaprofessor,chair,andcenterdirector. For four years, he led students, faculty, and other staff while also developing a number of digital health-focused academic training programs and initiatives designed to increase all-important research opportunitiesattheschool
Thecurrent13thpresidentofEmersonCollege,JayM Bernhardt,isaformerCentersforDiseaseControl and Prevention department director In 2005, he became the first permanent director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Marketing. As director, he oversaw a 500-strongteamoffederalemployeesandcontractorswithanannualbudgetofover$100million