Jayne manziel 6 vending machines you didn't know you needed

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6 vending machines you didn't know you needed

coFFee and otheR hot dRink vending machines

Hot drinks are the most popular vended items in the USA, partly because 60% of vending machines are now found in offices. More than 8 million cups of coffee and 2 million cups of tea are sold on a daily basic.

soda and otheR coLd dRink vending machines Cold drinks can be dispensed together with hot ones but it’s well to have separate vending machines for each of them as then clients can choose from a wider array of drinks. It is good to have at least 6 different drinks, preferably of well-known brands, to suit each taste.

snack and sweet vending machines

Snack vending machines, while serving virtually any type of sweet or savory snack, can also serve as cold drink dispensers in bottles, cans or even tetra pack. This can be a potential combination of two of UK’s most popular vended products. The snacks usually include different types of crisps, pastries, ice-cream, candies, sweets,

gumBaLL and noveLty machines

A treat for the kids, these machines are generally uses found in shopping malls, amusement parks and other entertaining venues with high family traffic. Being low in cost and small in size, they can also be easily rented for parties and birthdays.

heaLthy vending machines

Although this category contains various drinks, snacks, and foods, they are usually sold separately with a “healthy food” brand. These types of vending machines can store healthy drinks (water, juice) or healthy snacks (fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, unsalted nuts etc.)

newsPaPeR vending machine

Designed for specific brands and specific needs. You tell us your product, we design a vending machine for it that also pleases your eye. Custom vending machines can be small or as large as a full vending line depending on the products it sells.

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