Winter growing presentation

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Jay and Linda Sleichter Jay’s Jellies Produce and More Clay Center, Kansas

Our Farm We live on 5 acres north of Clay Center. We have currently about 1 acre in producDon. We started experimenDng with High Tunnels in 2008 and built 2 in 2009. We built 3 more tunnels in 2010 with two being movable. In 2011 we will be replacing our smallest tunnel with a much larger model. In 2013 we added our 6th tunnel a 26 Q by 72 Q model. In the winter growing season of 2015-­‐2016 we will have over 6,100 square feet in high tunnels and over 2,600 in low tunnels for over 8,700 square feet in protected growing environments. For comparison, that is bigger than two high school basketball courts.

What we will cover •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Why Season Extension and winter growing? Tools Necessary What crops can you grow and store? How? Pests MarkeDng Different Issues

Why Season Extension and Winter ProducDon? •  Maintain important sales outlets and customers •  Spread out cash flow •  Spread labor more evenly over the year •  Provide customers with greater diversity of products

Why Season Extension and Winter ProducDon? •  Fresher and more nutriDous produce •  Produce higher gross sales and higher income per unit of area •  Moderate climate change irregulariDes •  CreaDng a more regional food system •  Changing peoples ideas about where their food come from

Tools Necessary •  Row Cover •  Low Tunnels •  High Tunnels

Low Tunnels Heavy 9 or 10 gauge wire to support the row cover.

Outside, ½ or ¾ inch EMT conduit to support the row cover. These were bent by hand using a quick hoop bender from

Our High Tunnels

Homemade 18.5 by 48 feet x2

30 Q by 48 Q

Biggest 26 Q by 72 Q

Homemade and Movable 16 Q by 32 Q Both have 3 growing spots and are moved 3-­‐4 Dmes a year

What Crops Can Be Grown in the Winter Dme? Arugula, Beets, Carrots, Swiss Chard, Leeks, Lecuce, Mizuna, Mustard Greens, Green Onions, Bok Choy, Cilantro, Dill, Radishes, Spinach, Tatsoi, Haikuri Turnips, Napa Cabbage, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Kale, Kohlrabi, Daikon Radishes, and more

Storage Vegetables

What Crops Can be grown and stored? Turnips (5 varieDes), Daikon Radishes (3 varieDes), Black Radishes, Watermelon Radishes, Carrots (3 varieDes), Rutabega, Parsnips, Onions, Sweet potatoes (2 varieDes), Winter Squash

Produce ordered for Thanksgiving

How? •  •  •  •  •  •

Crop SelecDon PlanDng Dates Succession PlanDngs Movable Tunnels Watering Pests

Crop SelecDon •  Cold growth difference between Outredgious (L) and Oscarde

Picture from: Steve Moore, NCSU

Crop SelecDon •  Look for cold tolerant varieDes when selecDng seeds.

PlanDng Dates •  Plant growth slows down significantly when day length drops below ten hours, that is around November 16th.


PlanDng Dates, My Findings

August 16th

August 22nd

Picture Taken October 20th

Succession PlanDng

Movable Tunnels

Pests in the winter tunnel •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Aphids Thrips Slugs Caterpillars (Cabbage Worms) Mice Gophers Voles Moles

Controlling Pests •  Physical •  Biological •  Beneficial Insects/ Mites • Must be used preventaDvely and early for winter tunnel crops •  Have healthy plants, in healthy environments with good nutrients, no bugs?

Pests Â

MarkeDng OpportuniDes •  Winter Farmers Market •  Online Market •  Personal Use

MarkeDng OpportuniDes

Different Issues with Winter ProducDon •  HarvesDng! Must harvest when it is warm enough. Usually between 12 and 3 is the best Dme. •  ProtecDon from the cold •  Washing Produce •  Weather and Sunlight! •  Snow

Are you ready to eat?

QuesDons? Jay and Linda Sleichter

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