1 minute read



This here is my “Present” self. Meaning I’m educating myself more so I can “conquer” the world LOL. I want to travel, experience a lot of things, and just take in as much knowledge as I can during my life. I also read a lot so the text represents that. The yellow expression represents my ambition and drive to accomplish my goals and live out my dreams. I don’t know which I prefer better so I just added both. This represents my past self which was very depressed and unmotivated. The car represents stuff that I could accomplish if I wasn’t so down and out. It takes place underwater to illustrate that “drowning” feeling you feel when you feel hopeless. The blue body represents my thoughts, and the colourful body represents me, who is always accompanied by those bad thoughts. The purple bar represents how I was holding myself back. This is my future self which represents the person I’d like to be on the inside. The eyes are connected while the mouth is separated showing that I’d like to observe more and talk less. I’d like to leave my angry and sad past behind (red background) and become a person of peace, tranquillity, and kindness.



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