Revista Gabriela Castañeda Hernández Gabriela María Castillo Miranda Jazmín Alejandra Díaz Morales Victoria María Velásquez Blanco
We heart it ♼
¿Cómo funciona? Esta red social, que está completamente en español, tiene como premisa el comunicar tus sentimientos positivos, especialmente mediante imágenes. La hora de describir We Heart It, podemos definirla como una mezcla entre Instagram y Pinterest, pero sin el aspecto competitivo de ambas. Acá no hay comentarios, sino que le hacemos saber nuestra apreciación a otros a través de una “Corazonada” de color rosa. Los usuarios de WeHeartIt reciben el nombre de Hearters.
Características Nacida el año 2008, WeHeartIt fue creciendo de forma constante, sin hacerse tan masiva o famosa. Actualmente, 25 millones de personas la utilizan diariamente. WeHeartIt, tiene como principal competidor a Pinterest, aunque está acotada a temas que interesan a las nuevas generaciones. Puedes registrarte gratuitamente, ya sea creando una cuenta nueva desde cero o, utilizando los datos que tengas en Facebook o Twitter.
¿Cómo funciona? Es una plataforma de microblogging que permite a sus usuarios publicar textos, imágenes, vídeos, enlaces, citas y audio a manera de tumblelog. Tumblr puede ser considerado una herramienta social. Tumblr superó en cantidad de blogs a su competidora En febrero de 2012, Tumblr tenía más de 46,2 millones de blogs. Tumblr ofreció su primera gran campaña de publicidad de la marca junto con Adidas.
Dashboard - (Panel de usuario) El 'dashboard' es la herramienta primaria para el usuario de Tumblr común. Es una transmisión en vivo de los últimos posts que publican los blogs a los que siguen. Queue- (Cola) Los usuarios tienen la opción de posponer posts creados por ellos y ponerles la hora o la fecha en la que quieren que éstos se publiquen en el blog. Pueden extender sus posts durante varias horas o incluso días. Tags- (Etiquetas) Por cada post que crea un usuario, tienen la posibilidad de ayudar a su audiencia a encontrar posts sobre ciertos temas añadiendo tags, Si alguien sube una foto a su blog y quiere que sus espectadores encuentren las fotos, añadiría la etiqueta #foto.
Students are more than academic life, we as students know that. That’s why we decided to do these interviews about hobbies two secretaries from IGA have. We did a research and found Emily Gonzålez and Martha Anleu have interesting activities to do in their free time, just as playing the piano and practicing volleyball.
Emily Daniela Gonzålez Estrada 17 years old -Volleyball. -Reading. She had started practicing volleyball when she was 7 years old. Emily and her dad had been part of a Volleyball Association because her father was the coach so he taught her everything about that sport. She had been practicing for a while when suddenly her father stopped training so she couldn’t practice it anymore as a discipline, just as a hobby. She had started practicing it again when she was 15 years old. Nowadays, she trains every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and sometimes on Sundays. Another interesting hobby she has is reading. She loves reading because her father had started telling her stories when she was 6 years old. By that time her favorite story was Barba Roja. She had been reading a lot of books since then. Her favorite books right now are: Looking for Alaska and The Diary of Anne Frank.
Martha Anleu Mérida 17 years old -Playing the piano -Reading Her favorite hobbie is playing the piano. She had started playing the piano when she was 9 years old, she plays the piano 3 times a week. She had stopped playing the piano from second to sixth grade because she didn´t have a piano. She learned to play the piano by watching tutorials in youtube. Nowadays, she has a piano and an organ at home. She also has another hobbie; reading, she has read 20 books and her favorite book is “Buenos días princesa” by Blue Jeans.
¿Qué es archivo? Es un conjunto ordenado de documentos que una persona elabora en el marco de sus actividades y funciones. Es también la información en forma activa que permite al ejecutivo desarrollar su trabajo con éxito. Cada archivo se diferencia del resto debido a que tiene un nombre propio y una extensión que lo identifica.
La historia del archivo El estudio de los archivos y su documentación es tan antiguo como la organización social de la humanidad. Sus orígenes podrían remontarse a la aparición de la escritura. Los primeros archivos aparecen con los primeros Imperios. Eran una herramienta de control de la población y de la riqueza. El factor que hace que los archivos en Egipto sean abundantes es la materia escritoria. Escriben sobre pápiro. Tiene desventajas porque es frágil. Pero entre las ventajas, es que es barato. Es un material fácil de escribir en tinta. Se escribe con pinceles hechos en junco. Se puede guardar en forma de rollos y se puede tener gran cantidad de documentos en poco espacio. En Grecia, se encuentran archivos idénticos a los egipcios. Son de tablillas de arcilla con documentación económica. Daban fe de lo que se trataba en el Consejo. En el siglo V Antes de Cristo, aparece el archivo escrito. Se emplea la piedra de mármol cuando se quiere que los documentos sean conocidos por todos y el pergamino. Los primeros archivos, son los archivos de la ciudad, guardados siempre en templos. Se detecta una conciencia de la documentación como fuente de información para el ejercicio del poder interno y externo. En el siglo XX, se crean archivos intermedios, que conservan documentos que ya no tienen valor administrativo pero que todavía no se sabe si se van a conservar o no. Crecen los archivos privados por la creación de las distintas Leyes de Archivos. En la actualidad, se puede archivar por medio de carpetas, archivadores, e incluso microfilmes para llevar un buen orden y control en la oficina.
Funciones del archivo Se encarga del control y almacenamiento de todos los archivos de información que se puedan poseer de la empresa, reúne y resguarda los documentos desde su nacimiento hasta la actualidad. Una de las ventajas más importantes que nos otorga mantener una buena gestion de archivos, la misma sirve de guía para la toma de decisiones que pueden llegar a determinar el rumbo que tomara la empresa de aquí en adelante.
“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies, the man who never reads lives only one.” ― George R.R. Martin. Books are not just pages filled with thousands of words, words are not just empty air. Books are completely different and new universes. Words are enchanting, powerful, overwhelming; words are just like weapons. You know when you are reading a good book due to the fact that you simply can’t put it down, you don’t want to close it unless you finish reading; but right when you know it is finally coming to an end, you wish it had more and more pages. You want it to be never-ending because you grew fond of the place and the fascinating people you met in that world that your imagination took you to. One of the most marvelous ―and addictive― things about reading is that one moment you could be a shadow-hunter, hunting down demons and the next you could be a demon; you could be a ghost, an angel, a lover, a millionaire, a gangster, a beggar, a thief, cupid, someone’s love at first sight, a detective, a serial murderer, and the chances are countless because in books nothing is impossible. Don’t be afraid of admitting that you have fallen in love with a book or character, because it happens, and it is an indescribable yet delightful experience. If someone takes you as “insane” for that, it obviously is because they don’t know and have never experienced all the emotions you get to feel when you read. While reading you literally fall in love with someone’s soul. You may not be able to see the faces of all the characters who now are your friends, but you hear their words, you know their beliefs, their thoughts; and you just can’t help but falling in love with them and the way they are, never really caring about the way they look.
You learned to read one day, and now you read to learn. Reading is sort of an escape. It is incredibly fun and exciting to escape from everything when you open a book. You discover new things, visit new and wonderful places without needing to travel by train or car, you fall in love without being hurt, find interesting facts you have probably never heard about before, improve your vocabulary, and maybe, you will be able to find someone who has put into words all those ineffable thoughts of yours, thoughts that are stars you cannot fathom into constellations. And possibly, you will find someone who was written the exact same words you are afraid to say out loud, but reading them and finding someone who feels totally like you is magical; and you just wish the author was a friend of yours so that you could call them whenever you felt like it. “Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.” ―Joseph Addison. The relationship between reading and writing is a bit like that of the chicken and the egg. Which came first is not as important as the fact that without one, the other cannot exist.
“There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ― Ernest Hemingway. In writing you find utter happiness and relief, you are able to describe at least how half of the galaxies that exist in your mind are, you feel fully alive. You have in your hands and in your mind the most powerful bullets to create something brilliant: words. You can find an amazing friend and listener in the blank pages of your old notebook. Paper is the cheapest psychologist, he will listen to you and will never get tired of listening; it will let you cry and feel happy, it will let you say everything you have trapped inside. Writing appeals to all the senses: while creating something, you are able to hear the sound of the bullet the murderer just shot to someone who used to be their best friend, you will be able to smell his perfume, see all the beautiful flowers that are growing in the garden of your very own castle in a kingdom of fantasy, say out loud a spell that will make something that is on the other side of the world appear right in front of your eyes, you will hear the crying of someone who is at the hospital because one of their closest friends was attacked by a vampire, notice how nervous she was when he told her she loved her, hold his hand and you will also get to help designing the plan to assault the most famous bank in London, you will be able to hear the silent footsteps of a killer in the backyard. You feel absolutely everything, you suffer, and you cry, you feel happy, fall in love, hunt, laugh, hate, and kill, you just let your imagination run wild and once you are writing you never want it to stop.
Writing is something that completely fills your soul. When you take your pen and paper in your hands and the words start flowing out like endless rain, you get to go to a new place without moving anything but your fingers, you get to say ―through someone else’s voice―, things that you are afraid to say ―and that is when you know your character is alive. It is freeing. You get to be whoever you want to be and do things you never thought you would do in real life. People write to express their deepest, darkest and sickest feelings. People who write love words, challenges, creating, the release; they love to see the impossible happen in their minds and being able to channel it into the paper. Writing is an art, and writers use a pen and paper to create something beautiful, instead of a brush. Writers bring a story to life in their very own canvas: their imagination. There is something just extremely addictive about writing. Because you can say whatever you want, transmit your feelings and emotions to other people who may feel just the way you do. You get to express your secrets without being judged. You get to create a world that is entirely your own and it will always be there to welcome you home when you need to escape from reality.
Writers are people to admire, because when you are reading you can’t help but find it completely incredible that someone imagined and created such an amazing, unusual, marvelous and breathtaking piece of art. It is extremely surprising how someone could fathom all those adventures you read about and the characters you meet in books. Writers and writing make you feel things you probably have never felt before, it can tear you apart or make you the happiest person on earth. I can say I have never gotten drunk, but if someday I do, I will get drunk with the most beautiful words. “You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you.” ― Ray Bradbury.
Gabriela Castañeda Hernández
Reglas del ajedrez Reglas básicas El ajedrez es un juego de dos jugadores, donde a un jugador se le asignan piezas blancas y al otro negras. Cada jugador dispone de 16 piezas al empezar el juego: un rey, una dama o reina, dos torres, dos alfiles, dos caballos y ocho peones. Movimiento de las piezas La torre : se trata de una torre pequeña normalmente. Puede mover en línea recta, tanto horizontal como verticalmente cualquier número de casillas. El alfil : este mueve en línea recta de manera diagonal, cualquier número de casillas. La dama : es una combinación de la torre y el alfil -- puede mover cualquier número de casillas en líneas recta, ya sea diagonal, vertical u horizontalmente. Es la pieza más poderosa del ajedrez.
El rey : puede mover en cualquier dirección, también en diagonal. Sin embargo, solamente puede mover una casilla en cada jugada. Es la pieza más importante del ajedrez, ya que si se ve capturado implica la derrota de la partida. El caballo : el caballo, que normalmente tiene forma de caballo, se mueve de manera irregular, esta se puede describir de varias formas. Este extraño movimiento a menudo se conoce como "forma de L", aunque el movimiento del caballo también se puede describir como mover dos casillas vertical u horizontalmente, cambiando entonces de dirección, a la derecha o a la izquierda, moviendo una casilla. Desde el centro del tablero, esto significa que el caballo puede mover a ocho casillas diferentes. El peón : los peones son las piezas más pequeñas y débiles del ajedrez. También son las únicas piezas que mueven de una forma, pero que capturan de otra. Al contrario que otras piezas, los peones solamente mueven hacía delante, no hacía atrás. Solamente pueden avanzar una casilla en cada jugada, a menos que se encuentren en la casilla donde comenzaron el juego; si este es el caso, tiene la opción de avanzar una o dos casillas.
Superwoman – Alicia Keys Everywhere I'm turning Nothing seems complete I stand up and I'm searching For the better part of me I hang my head from sorrow State of humanity I wear it on my shoulders Gotta find the strength in me Chorus: 'Cause I am a Superwoman Yes I am, yes she is Still when I'm a mess, I still put on a vest With a S on my chest Oh yes, I'm a Superwoman
This is for all the mothers fighting For better days to come And all my women All my women sitting here trying To come home before the sun And all my sisters coming together Say yes I will, yes I can *Chorus* When I'm breaking down and I can't be found As I start to get weak 'Cause no one knows me underneath these clothes But I can fly, we can fly, oh *Chorus* Let me tell you, I am a Superwoman Yes I am, yes she is See, even when I'm a mess, I still put on a vest With an S on my chest Oh yes, I'm a Superwoman Yes I am, said I'm a Superwoman, yes you are
The importance of women In the early days women were seen as wives who were intended to cook, clean, and take care of the kids. Soon enough it caught on that women should have a bigger role than what other people thought women should have. Women have made vast improvements in their lifestyles in the past few decades from holding positions in governments to simple things like getting a job and supporting themselves. We believe that woman makes a family, family makes a home and homes make a society. We can achieve everything we dream of, why? Because we are able to; we are strong, we are brave, we are heroes.