Jazz & Blues Florida June 2020

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eaders: To Our Valued R ot operate Blues Florida cann & zz Ja , ss ne si orida As with any bu music events in Fl or aj m ith W . ly line with expenses on margins from on no r, be em ov N out as d capacity cancelling as far promotion, limite rd fo af to ts tis ar bric of shows for about the social fa y nt ai rt ce un d ace for in venues, an , there is not a pl er th ge to g in ld the cash flow our country ho extract a slice from to a id or Fl s ue ients and Jazz & Bl es value to our cl id ov pr at th r ne in a man ing needs. meets our operat k– years of hard wor 14 d an – ss ne si d the bu d to reduce Rather than spen is being re-vampe te si eb w r ou e, e online out of existenc feasible to includ is it if e se to d inue operating costs an services will cont og bl d an l ai em . Our media shows in listings nts, and the social ie cl by d te es qu . as re as can be afforded will be as active r until either the ate in this manne er op to ue in nt en afford We will co e can no longer ev w til un or nd ou d will scene turns ar you posted. Goo ep ke ll e’ W l. ve le people. to operate at this support of good e tiv ac e th t ou ith prevail, but not w wner/Publisher Charles Boyer, O Director/Editor Hope Jason, Art

Jazz & Blues Florida is a multi-media promotion platform focusing on jazz and blues in Florida’s clubs, concerts and festivals, and by Florida artists. Please contact us for more information about our extremely affordable multi-faceted promotional/ advertising platform for artists, venues, CD release and promotion, music festivals, special events, music-related businesses and more: Website • Magazine Facebook • Twitter News Blog • YouTube Email News Subscription LinkedIn (business only, please) Email Charlie@JazzBluesFlorida.com for more information

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