Chocolat Affections

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- Chocolat Affections -

Selected and collected by J ASMINE LIN

- Chocol at Affecti ons For everyone who has a sweet tooth Selected and collected by J ASMINE LIN

-My DedicationThis collection of recipes are dedicated to those who have the compassion to fulfill their sweet tooths and also willing to spend their precious time to comfort both their body and soul with a gentle touch of chocolatey delight.

Table of

CONTENTS Introduction III

Chapter 1

Chocolatier Tips XI

Chapter 2

Chocolat Main XVII

Chapter 3

Chocolat Elegant XXIX

Chapter 4

Chocolat Romantique XLI

- Introduction -

Chocolate is not only a delicious delicacy that satisfies our sweet tooths, it is an object of our affection. it is not only a sensory adventure to eat it, but also to smell it's bittersweetness and to admire it's smooth brown texture; and all the more excitment to make and mold the chocolate yourself. Chocolate and I have been associated with each other for many years now and i do not regret it one single bit. We have a long and happy history together, including the first memory of simply tasting my first piece of chocolate.


The bitter sweetness slowy melting in your mouth, that heavenly sensation inspired me to begin my own chocolatier adventure. That very piece of chocolate was made by my sister when she was preparing for valentines day. I remember the smiles and blushes of everyone who received her chocolates, and ever since i have been dreaming of the day where i could also create such delights and teach others the secret to putting a smile on everyone's face. Now with this book, i have the oppertunity to recommend delicious recipes for anyone who wants to try and drew smiles with their own hand; Just like how my sister brought happiness to thost who received her delicious chocolates.



Types of Chocolate XII



Chopping Chocolate XIII


Decorating Chocolate XIV

Molding chocolate XV


"Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time." - Anonymous

Types of Chocolate

Not all chocolate or cocoa are the same, they come in different forms of liquids and solids. This point is especially when considering the preparations of a recipe. Chocolate Liquor: This is produced by grinding the cocoa bean nib to a smooth, liquid state, called the liquor. ~There is no alcohol ~ Cocoa Butter: This is the fat naturally occuring in cocoa beans. The amount of cocoa butter in cacao beans typically ranges from 50% to 60%, with the balance being nonfat cocoa solids. Cocoa Power: This is the product made by removing part of the fat (i. e. , cocoa butter) from the cocoa bean and grinding the remaining material to a powder.

cocoa butter and 1 4% total milk ingredients.

Selecting Chocolate

Choose chocolate that is sold in blocks. Check the chocolate's percentage of cocoa, which tells you how dark or bitter the chocolate will be. Select the percentage of cocoa accordingly to the type of chocolate required by the recipe. Semi-sweet Chocolate: 60% to 70% of cocoa. Milk Chocolate: Less than 60% of cocoa. Dark Chocolate: More than 70% of cocoa.

Bittersweet Chocolate: A combination of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter and sugar, but contains at least 50% chocolate liquor.

Select chocolate that have no more than 5 ingredients in the ingredients list. Cocao, cocoa butter and sugar should be the top 3 ingredients. Avoid chocolates that replace cocoa butter with non-cocoa butter fats such as wax, vegetable oil, commerical shortening and high frutose corn syrup. They are unsuitable for cooking and innerdiate cosumption, and they lack the heart-health benefits associated with higher quality chocolates.

Semi-sweet Chocolate: A combination of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter and sugar, but contains at least 35% chocolate liquor.

Check the chocolate's relative sheen. Shiny chocolate is better than dull chocolate, which usually contains wax.

Milk Chocolate: A combination of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter, sugar and milk or cream. Milk chocolate must contain at least 1 0% chocolate liquor and at least 1 2% total milk ingredients.

Hold the top 2 to 3 chocolate candidates in your mouth for 1 0 to 1 5 seconds to determine which has the smoothest texture and melts the most quickly in your mouth. This is higher- quality chocolate and the one that will taste best.

White Chocolate: Made from the same ingredients as milk chocolate (cocoa butter, milk, sugar) but without the nonfat cocoa solids. In 2002, FDA established a standard of identity for white chocolate. White chocolate must contain at least 20%

Melting Chocolate

Unsweetened Chocolate or Baking Chocolate: Straight chocolate liquor formed into a bar with no added sugar is known as unsweetened chocolate or baking chocolate.

Melting Chocolate in the Microwave: The microwave is a great tool for melting chocolate. If used properly, it can melt chocolate more quickly than a double boiler with minimal effort XII

"There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate." and mess. The most critical part of melting chocolate in the microwave is choosing an appropriate container. Ideally, you want to melt your chocolate in a microwavesafe bowl that remains cool or only slightly warm after several minutes of nearcontinuous microwaving. If the bowl is too hot for you to handle after it has been microwaved, it is too hot for your chocolate. If you have overheated your chocolate, immediately pour it into a cool bowl add chunks of unmelted chocolate, and stir continuously. It is preferable to melt your chocolate on a low (50%) power setting, to avoid scorching or burning it. If your microwave does not have this option, heat the chocolate in shorter intervals and stir between each bout of heat. Additionally, if your microwave does not have a turntable that rotates the bowl of chocolate, manually turn the bowl each time you stop and stir the chocolate. It is very difficult to determine exact microwaving times, as it can vary depending on microwave wattage, quantity of chocolate, and even the cocoa butter content of the chocolate. However, as a rough guide, estimate about 1 minute for 1 ounce of chocolate, 3 minutes for 8 ounces of chocolate, 3. 5 minutes for 1 pound of chocolate, and 4 minutes for 2 pounds. Run the microwave in 30 second-1 minute increments, stirring in between and rotating the bowl if necessary. Finish heating when most, but not all, of the chocolate is melted. Stir the chocolate continuously until it is smooth, shiny, and completely melted. Melting Chocolate With a Double Boiler: The traditional method of melting chocolate is to use a double boiler. A double boiler is a specialized set of pans consisting of a saucepan that holds hot water, and a bowl that fits securely over the saucepan. Chocolate is placed in the top bowl and allowed to melt over gentle, indirect heat. If you don’t own a double boiler, any metal or glass bowl that fits snugly over the top of a saucepan can be used. Begin by filling the saucepan with hot water from the tap. You want enough water to provide heat, but not so much that the bottom of the chocolate bowl touches the water. Heat the saucepan over low heat until it just begins to simmer, then turn off XIII

- Linda Grayson

the stove and place the chocolate bowl over the water. If you are melting large amounts of chocolate, begin with 1 /3 of your final quantity and melt in batches, waiting until the chocolate in the bowl is melted before adding more unmelted chunks. Let the chocolate begin to melt, and then stir it gently with a plastic spatula. When almost all of the chocolate is melted, life the top bowl from the saucepan and set it on the counter. Stir continuously until it is shiny, smooth, and completely melted. Melting Chocolate With liquid: Many recipes call for melting chocolate along with liquids like milk, cream, water, or liqueurs. Melting chocolate with liquids is often faster and more convenient, since it often speeds melting times and prevents common chocolate problems like overheating. However, there are a few things to keep in mind when melting chocolate with other substances. Chocolate should never be melted with very small amounts of liquid. Always use at least 1 tablespoon of liquid for every 2 ounces of chocolate. This prevents the dry particles (cocoa and sugar) in the chocolate from binding together and becoming lumpy. Very dark chocolates may require more than this guideline, so be prepared to add another spoonful or two of liquid if necessary. When adding large quantities of liquid, add it all at once, rather than in small amounts, to prevent the chocolate from thickening. Cold liquids should never be added to melted chocolate, as it can cause the chocolate to seize. Instead, ensure that your liquids are warm (but not boiling) when you add them to chocolate. Additionally, many recipes, like ganache, call for hot liquids to be poured over chopped chocolate. The heat from the liquid melts the chocolate, while the room temperature chocolate cools down the liquid. If you are following this method, allow the hot liquid and chocolate mixture to sit for a few minutes, then gently whisk them together until completely incorporated. Another useful tool for combining chocolate and hot liquids is an immersion blender. This handheld gadget does an excellent job of creating a smooth emulsion without incorporating air bubbles. Food processors, blenders, and electric mixers can also be used at low speeds.

Chopping Chocolate

Before you melt your chocolate, you will want it in small, uniform pieces. Some brands of

"There’s more to life than chocolate, but not right now." chocolate can be purchased in wafer sizes or bite-sized bars that don’t require chopping. However, if you buy large bars of chocolate or bulk chocolate, you will need to chop it before melting, so that it will melt evenly and not overheat. There are specialty tools called chocolate chippers that can be purchased and used to break up chocolate, but a chef’s knife or a serrated knife works just as well. Choose a sharp, heavy chef’s knife (a large straight-bladed knife, usually 8-1 0 inches) and press down firmly and evenly on the chocolate, beginning with the corners and angling the knife slightly outward. Whittle the chocolate gradually, working from the corners, until the chocolate is chopped into almond-sized pieces. A long serrated knife also works for chopping chocolate, and it requires less force to be effective. Again, begin at a corner of the chocolate and use a smooth sawing motion back and forth, pressing only as hard as necessary. Once you have made several cuts on a particular corner, rotate the chocolate and begin on a new corner until all of the chocolate is chopped into uniform pieces.

Tempering Chocolate

Tempering Large Quantities: If you are going to need more than 700gm (1 . 5 lb) of tempered chocolate, you can replenish the pool of tempered chocolate as you use it. Melt the extra chocolate in a bain-marie and let it cool to just below 34°C (94°F). If you plan to use a lot of chocolate this may take some time. As you use the chocolate you have tempered, replace it gradually with untempered melted chocolate. Add the melted chocolate behind the baffle and let it blend with the tempered chocolate already in the machine. It takes only a few seconds for the mixture to become fully tempered. We recommend that you start to replenish as soon as you have used 1 00cc (4 oz), using a ladle of this capacity to replace the quantity used. If the melted chocolate is too hot or too cold when you add it, the mixture will not temper properly. If this happens press the button Melt, wait for the cursor to return to the central position indicating that the mixture has reached 43°C(1 09°F), press the button Temper and add more 'seed' chocolate. Proceed in the normal way.

- Anonymous

Tempering Untempered Chocolate: If the 'seed' chocolate you are using is not fully tempered, either because it has been stored in a warm place or because it has been melted and allowed to go cold, use the slower Temper 2 option. This cycle includes a longer cooling phase. It should be used in the rare event that the faster Temper cycle fails to work. Over-Tempered Chocolate: If the chocolate over-tempers and becomes thick – the presence of pieces of cool or solid chocolate in the bowl will cause this – you can correct the error. Press the Reset buttom followed by the Melt button. Wait for the cursor to return to the central position, indicating that the mixture has reached 43°C(1 09°F), then press the Temper button and place 85gm (3oz) of solid chocolate behind the baffle. Continue to temper in the usual way.

Decorating Chocolate

There are two basic ways to use tempered chocolate to decorate cakes: Use any of the different shapes from the section 'Leaves, Squares, Sheets etc' and stick these to the cake surface using butter cream, jam or traditional icing. It is important to plan your design in advance. Using transfer sheets to decorate sheets or squares is particularly effective. Since pure tempered chocolate sets rock hard, it is not a suitable 'icing' for anything larger than a bite-sized item. However an excellent icing can be obtained by stirring into the tempered chocolate up to 1 0% by weight of a neutral, tasteless oil. This is best added by very slowly pouring it in behind the baffle. Ensure that the oil is not cold - 30ºC is ideal. Place the cake on a wire rack over a sheetpan and pour the thinned tempered chocolate evenly over the cake. When the chocolate sets, trim around the base. The chocolate will set with a tempered chocolate sheen, but with a softer texture. Important Tip: make sure the cake is at room temperature before being iced and to protect the finish do not store the cake below 1 0ºC/50ºF - a normal refrigerator is not suitable. If you are obliged to store the finished article below 1 0ºC/50ºF then transfer the item to a cool place for an hour before exposing it to room temperature. If the difference XIV

"All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt." between the item and the environment is greater than 1 0ºC/1 8ºF it is likely that condensation will form on the cold surface.

Molding Chocolate

Many different shapes can be moulded using tempered chocolate. For perfect results follow these simple rules: Make sure the mould is completely dry and at room temperature. Use good quality couverture with a fat content of 39-40%. Or add additional cocoa butter to the couverture. If the fat content is lower than 39% the fine detail on the mould may not transfer on to the finished article. Ladle the quantity of tempered chocolate required into the mould. For solid objects shake the mould gently to release any air bubbles and make sure the mould is perfectly full. For hollow objects, coat the inside evenly, pour out any excess, and stand upright on a rack to drain. For the best results use a vibrator table to remove any bubbles - see the Products page for details - alternatively paint the mould thoroughly with tempered chocolate before you start to reduce the risk of small bubbles being trapped between the chocolate and the mould. Allow to cool and harden before proceeding. Set to harden in a cool place. You may use a small electric fan to speed the process. Allow 24 hours for the pieces to be fully set. Unmould and store in a cool, dry, dark place.

Storing Chocolate

Chocolate is best stored in a dry, cool, dark place: 1 3-1 5°C (55-60°F) is ideal. Do not store chocolate in a refrigerator and do not place chocolate next to anything with a strong smell – the chocolate will absorb the smell and be spoilt. Properly wrapped and stored chocolate will keep for up to a year. The process of tempering chocolate XV

- Charles M. Schulz

always works best at normal room temperature, i. e. where the temperature is between 20-22°C (68-70°F) and the relative humidity below 50%. Check the conditions before you start and again while you work.


Devil's Food Cake Martha Stewart Chocolate cupcakes XX

Chocolate Fudge Brownies XXII

Chocolate Cheesecake With Ganache XXIV

Chocolate Souffle XXVI


For the cake

50 gram(s) cocoa powder (sifted) 1 00 gram(s) dark muscovado sugar 250 ml water (boiling) 1 25 gram(s) unsalted butter {soft} 1 50 gram(s) caster sugar 225 gram(s) plain flour ½ teaspoon(s) baking powder ½ teaspoon(s) bicarbonate of soda 2 teaspoon(s) vanilla extract 2 medium egg(s)

For the frosting

1 25 ml water 30 gram(s) dark muscovado sugar 1 75 gram(s) unsalted butter (cubed) 300 gram(s) dark chocolate (finely chopped)

No. of Servings:

Makes one 8-inch round layer cake

- Devil's Food Cake -


1 . Preheat the oven to 1 80°C/gas mark 4. 2. Line the bottoms of both sandwich tins with baking parchment and butter the sides. 3. Put the cocoa and 1 00g dark muscovado sugar into a bowl with a bit of space to spare, and pour in the boiling water. Whisk to mix, then set aside. 4. Cream the butter and caster sugar together, beating well until pale and fluffy; I find this easiest with a freestanding mixer, but by hand wouldn’t kill you. 5. While this is going on – or as soon as you stop if you’re mixing by hand – stir the flour, baking powder and bicarb together in another bowl, and set aside for a moment. 6. Dribble the vanilla extract into the creamed butter and sugar – mixing all the while – then drop in 1 egg, quickly followed by a scoopful of flour mixture, then the second egg. 7. Keep mixing and incorporate the rest of the dried ingredients for the cake, then finally mix and fold in the cocoa mixture, scraping its bowl well with a spatula. 8. Divide this fabulously chocolatey batter between the 2 prepared tins and put in the oven for about 30 minutes, or until a cake tester comes out clean. 9. Take the tins out and leave them on a wire rack for 5–1 0 minutes, before turning the cakes out to cool. 1 0. But as soon as the cakes are in the oven, get started on your frosting: put the water, 30g muscovado sugar and 1 75g butter in a pan over a low heat to melt. 1 1 . When this mixture begins to bubble, take the pan off the heat and add the chopped chocolate, swirling the pan so that all the chocolate is hit with heat, then leave for a minute to melt before whisking till smooth and glossy. 1 2. Leave for about 1 hour, whisking now and again – when you’re passing the pan – by which time the cakes will be cooled, and ready for the frosting. 1 3. Set one of the cooled cakes, with its top side down, on a cake stand or plate, and spread with about a third of the frosting, then top that with the second cake, regular way up, and spread the remaining frosting over the top and sides, swirling away with your spatula. You can go for a smooth look, but I never do and probably couldn’t.


- Martha Stewart Chocolate Cupcakes Ingredients:

For the cake

3/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1 /2 teaspoon baking powder 1 /4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup (1 1 /2 sticks) unsalted butter, room temperature 1 cup sugar 3 large eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 /2 cup sour cream

Directions: Cake Base

1 . Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line 1 2-cup standard muffin tin with paper liners. 2. Into a medium bowl, sift together cocoa, flour, baking powder, and salt; set aside. In a mixing bowl, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each, then beat in vanilla. With mixer on low speed, add flour mixture in two batches, alternating with sour cream and beginning and ending with flour. 3. Pour batter into cups, filling each 3/4 full. Bake until a toothpick inserted in centers comes out clean, 20 to 25 minutes. 4. Cool in pan 5 minutes; transfer to a wire rack to cool completely, then spread with Easy White Icing using a table knife or small offset spatula. Decorate with sprinkles, if desired.

For the icing

1 1 /2 sticks unsalted butter, softened 1 pound (3 2/3 cups) confectioners' sugar 1 to 2 tablespoons milk (optional)

White Icing

1 . In a mixing bowl, cream butter until smooth. 2. Gradually add confectioners' sugar; beat until smooth. If too thick to spread, beat in 1 to 2 tablespoons milk.

Prep Time

30 minutes

Total Time

1 hour

No. of Servings Make 1 2

" Coffee makes it possible to get out of bed. Cupcakes make it worthwhile."

- Unknown


Ingredients: 200g/7oz dark chocolate (70% cocoa solids) 1 50g/5½oz unsalted butter, plus extra for greasing the tin 1 00g/3½oz milk or white chocolate, or a mix of both 1 25g/4½oz dark muscovado sugar 1 25g/4½oz golden caster sugar 4 free-range eggs, at room temperature 85g/3oz plain flour 2 tbsp cocoa powder, plus a little extra for dusting, if you like ¼ tsp fine salt

Prep Time

- Chocolate Fudge Brownies Directions:

1 . Preheat the oven to 1 80C/350F/Gas 4. 2. Place a medium saucepan containing an inch of boiling water from the kettle onto the hob and bring to a simmer. 3. Meanwhile, use a little butter to grease the inside of a 23cm/9in square baking tin. Cut a square of baking parchment a bit bigger than your tin (roughly 27cm/1 1 in). Snip a 5cm/2in cut diagonally from the corners toward the centre. Push the paper into the tin and ease the paper into the corners neatly - they will overlap slightly. Trim if needed. 4. Using a large sharp knife, chop the dark chocolate into small pieces (the smaller the pieces, the quicker it will melt). Place the chopped dark chocolate with the butter into a large mixing bowl that will sit on top of your pan of simmering water. 5. Set the bowl over the pan of simmering water, making sure that the bottom of the bowl does not touch the water. Keep the heat low - the water should not be boiling furiously underneath, but quietly bubbling. After a few minutes the chocolate and butter will start to melt. Stir occasionally, until the chocolate is mostly melted. Remove the bowl from the pan and set aside. The residual heat in the chocolate will finish off the melting process.

Less than 30 minutes

6. While the chocolate is melting, chop the white (or white and milk) chocolate into bigger pieces - about the size of a penny. Set these aside.

30 minutes to 1 hour

7. Whisk the sugar into the melted chocolate, then add the eggs and whisk together well until the mix is slightly bubbly.

Cooking Time

No. of Servings

Makes 1 6 to 20

8. Sift in the flour, cocoa powder and the salt into a separate bowl. Spoon the flour mix into the chocolate mixture, a large spoonful at a time. Fold the flour into the chocolate mix using a large metal spoon or a spatula. 9. Gently pour the batter into the prepared tin, and scatter the remaining chunks of chocolate on top. Bake the brownies for 20-25 minutes. The brownies should still wobble slightly in the middle, as they will continue to cook for a little while when removed from the oven. An over-baked brownie is dry and crumbly, rather than moist and fudgy, so keep an eye on them. 1 0. Let the brownies cool completely in their tin. Lift them out of the tin onto a board, using the baking paper to help, then cut into squares. Sift over a little icing sugar or cocoa powder. Store in an airtight tin.


- Chocolate Cheesecake With Ganache Ingredients:

Directions: Crust

1 1 /2 cups (1 50 grams) chocolate wafer crumbs 1 /3 cup (75 grams) unsalted butter, melted


1 2 ounces (340 grams) semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped 24 ounces (680 grams) (3 - 8 ounces packages) full fat cream cheese, room temperature 1 cup (200 grams) granulated white sugar 3 large eggs, room temperature 1 1 /2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 cup (240 ml) full fat or light sour cream, room temperature


4 ounces (1 1 5 grams) semi-sweet or bittersweet chocolate, chopped 1 /3 cup (80 ml) heavy whipping cream 1 teaspoon unsalted butter, room temperature

No. of Servings

Serves 1 2 ~ 1 6 people

1 . Butter or spray with a non stick vegetable spray, a 1 0 inch (25 cm) spring form pan. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (1 80 degrees C) with rack in center of oven.


2. In a medium sized bowl combine the chocolate wafer crumbs and melted butter. Press the crumbs evenly over the bottom of the spring form pan. Cover and refrigerate while you make the filling.


3. Melt the chopped chocolate in a stainless steel bowl placed over a saucepan of simmering water, stirring until smooth. Remove from heat and set aside to cool. 4. In the bowl of your electric mixer (or with a hand mixer) beat the cream cheese, on medium low speed, until smooth. Gradually beat in the sugar. Add the melted chocolate and beat until fully incorporated. Add the eggs, one at a time, beating well (about 30 seconds) after each addition. Scrape down the sides of the bowl as needed. Add the vanilla extract and sour cream and beat until thoroughly incorporated. Remove the crust from the refrigerator and pour in the filling. Place the cheesecake pan on a larger baking pan and place in the oven. 5. Bake for about 50 - 55 minutes or until firm yet the center of the cheesecake will still look a little wet and wobbly. Remove from oven and carefully run a knife or spatula around the inside edge of pan to loosen the cheesecake (helps prevent the surface from cracking as it cools). Let cool and then cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for a few hours before covering with the ganache.


6. Place the chopped chocolate in a stainless steel bowl. Heat the cream and butter in a small saucepan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil. Immediately pour the boiling cream over the chocolate and allow to stand for a few minutes. Stir until smooth. Cool slightly and then pour over cheesecake. With an offset spatula or back of a spoon, evenly spread the ganache over the top of the cheesecake. Cover and return to the refrigerator for several hours or overnight. This cheesecake tastes best after being refrigerated for at least a day. Serve in small slices.

To freeze

7. Place the cooled cheesecake on a baking pan and freeze, uncovered, until firm. Remove the cheesecake from the freezer, wrap it in heavy duty aluminum foil and place in a freezer bag. Seal and return to freezer. Can be frozen for several months. Thaw uncovered cheesecake in the refrigerator overnight. XXIV

- Chocolate Souffle Ingredients: Unsalted butter, room temperature, for dish 6 tablespoons superfine sugar, plus more for dish 5 ounces bittersweet chocolate 1 cup milk 3 large egg yolks 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour 5 large egg whites Pinch cream of tartar Confectioners' sugar, for dusting (optional)

No. of Servings

Makes one 1 - quart souffle

Directions: 1 . Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Butter dish well, and coat with superfine sugar. Cut a collar out of parchment paper to extend 3 inches above the rim of dish. Tie collar around outside of dish with kitchen string; using a pastry brush, butter the inside. Chill. 2. Chop chocolate, and place in a dry, heatproof bowl. Place over a pot of barely simmering water, and let stand until melted. Stir until smooth; keep warm. 3. Scald milk in a medium saucepan. 4. In a large bowl, beat yolks and 4 tablespoons sugar until pale and fluffy, using an electric mixer. Beat in flour until well combined. With mixer running, slowly add half of the hot milk. 5. Add mixture to saucepan with remaining milk. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly. Simmer for 2 to 3 minutes more; whisk in melted chocolate. Transfer to a large bowl, and cover with plastic wrap, pressing it onto the surface. Keep warm until ready to use. 6. In a large bowl, beat egg whites and cream of tartar until soft peaks form. Gradually add remaining 2 tablespoons sugar. Beat until stiff and glossy. 7. Spoon 1 /4 of the whites into chocolate base, and whisk thoroughly until smooth. Quickly fold remaining whites into mixture until combined. (Don't worry if some streaks remain. ) Transfer to prepared dish. Bake for 1 5 minutes at 400 degrees. Reduce heat to 375 degrees and bake 1 5 minutes more. Remove collar, dust with confectioners' sugar, if desired, and serve immediately.



Indulgent Dark Chocolate XXX

French Chocolate Macaroon XXXII

French Chocolate Mousse XXXIV

Double Chocolate Meringue Cookies XXXVI

Black Bottom Caramel Pudding XXXVIII

- Indulgent Dark Chocolate Ingredients:

For the bread pudding:

1 /4 cup (1 /2 stick) unsalted butter, melted 6 eggs 4 egg yolks 1 /2 cup sugar 1 quart half and half 2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract 1 pound day-old brioche or another white bread, crusts removed, diced large 6 to 8 ounces high-quality dark chocolate, chopped

For the berry sauce:

3 cups fresh or frozen (thawed) cherries, raspberries or strawberries 1 /4 cup sugar or more to taste 1 teaspoon corn starch

No. of Serving

Serves 1 2

Directions: 1 . Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. and use some of the melted butter to grease a 9x1 3-inch baking dish. In the bowl of a standup mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat eggs, egg yolks and sugar until well-combined. Add butter (make sure it is cool), half and half and vanilla and beat in. 2. Add bread to the bowl and use your hands to press bread into egg mixture and mix until bread is well-coated. Pour bread mixture into prepared dish and evenly scatter dark chocolate on top. Use your fingers to press some of the chocolate deep into bread mixture. Cover with aluminum foil (spray underside of aluminum foil with nonstick cooking spray to keep chocolate from sticking to it). 3. Bake for 60 to 65 minutes or until set. Set pan on wire rack, uncover and let cool for at least 1 5 minutes before slicing and serving with sauce. You can also refrigerate bread mixture for an hour or overnight before baking — you may need to add 1 0 minutes or so to the baking time. 4. Meanwhile, to make the sauce, place berries in a blender or food processor and puree. If using raspberries, press through a thin sieve to remove seeds. Pour berry mixture into medium-sized saucepan and over medium heat. Quickly add sugar and cornstarch and cook, stirring often, until thickened. Remove from heat and allow to cool before serving.

"Indulgently rich, melt in your mouth, dark chocolate is good for your heart and it's good for dessert." - Michele Borboa


- French Chocolate Macaroon Ingredients: 4 ounces semisweet chocolate, broken into small pieces 1 /4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted 3/4 cup sugar 2 1 /2 cups unsweetened shredded coconut 3 large egg whites 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract Pinch of salt

No. of Servings

Makes 2 dozen

Directions: 1 . Heat oven to 350 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. 2. Bring a small saucepan of water to a boil. Reduce heat, and allow it to simmer. Place chocolate in a small bowl, and set over saucepan. Stir until chocolate is melted, and set aside to cool. 3. In a large bowl, combine cooled chocolate, cocoa, sugar, coconut, egg whites, vanilla, and salt. Use your hands to mix well, completely combining ingredients. 4. Dampen hands with cold water. Form 1 1 /2 tablespoons of mixture into a loose haystack shape, and place on prepared baking sheet. Repeat with remaining mixture, placing macaroons 1 inch apart. 5. Bake until just firm to the touch but still soft in the middle, 1 5 to 20 minutes. Remove baking sheet from oven to a wire rack, and let cool on baking sheet.

"Unsweetened coconut is available in health-food stores." - Martha Stewart


- French Chocolate Mousse Ingredients:


6 ounces semisweet baking chocolate, chopped 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened 3 eggs, separated* 1 /2 teaspoon cream of tartar 1 /4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar 1 /2 cup heavy cream, cold 1 /2 teaspoon vanilla extract Whipped cream and chocolate shavings, for garnish

Prep Time Total Time

1 . Place the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl and place over a saucepan containing barely simmering water (or use a double boiler). Melt the chocolate and butter together and stir with a wooden spoon until smooth. Remove from heat and cool slightly. Add the egg yolks to the chocolate, 1 by 1 , beating with a whisk until incorporated. Set aside. 2. In another bowl, beat the egg whites until foamy. Add the cream of tartar and continue to beat. Gradually whisk in 1 /4 cup sugar and continue beating until stiff peaks form. 3. Beat heavy cream in a chilled bowl until it begins to foam and thicken up. Add the remaining 2 tablespoons sugar and vanilla. Continue to whip the cream until it holds soft peaks. 4. Gradually and gently fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture to lighten it. Then, delicately fold in the whipped cream. Take care not over work the mousse. Divide mousse into 4 individual glasses. Cover and chill for several hours. Garnish with whipped cream and chocolate shavings before serving.

25 minutes 30 minutes

Cooking Time



5 minutes

No. of Servings

Makes 4 servings

Food Network Kitchens suggest caution in consuming raw and lightly-cooked eggs due to the slight risk of Salmonella or other food-borne illness. To reduce this risk, we recommend you use only fresh, properly-refrigerated, clean, grade A or AA eggs with intact shells, and avoid contact between the yolks or whites and the shell.


- Double Chocolate Meringue Cookies Ingredients: 1 /2 cup powdered sugar 1 /3 cup unsweetened cocoa 5 large egg whites 1 /4 teaspoon cream of tartar 2/3 cup granulated sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 /4 cup semisweet chocolate minichips 1 tablespoon powdered sugar

No. of Servings

Makes 36 pieces

Directions: 1 . Preheat oven to 300ยบ. 2. Cover 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper; secure with masking tape. Sift together 1 /2 cup powdered sugar and cocoa. 3. Place egg whites and cream of tartar in a large bowl; beat with a mixer at high speed until soft peaks form. Gradually add granulated sugar and then cocoa mixture, 1 tablespoon at a time, beating until stiff peaks form. Add vanilla; beat until combined. Fold in chocolate chips. 4. Drop dough by rounded tablespoons onto prepared baking sheets to form 36 mounds. Bake at 300ยบ for 30 minutes, rotating racks after 1 5 minutes. Turn oven off; cool meringues in closed oven 1 1 /2 hours or until dry. Sprinkle evenly with 1 tablespoon powdered sugar. Carefully remove cookies from paper.

Notes: Cooled cookies cna be stored in an airtight container for up to two weeks.


- Black Bottom Caramel Pudding Ingredients:


3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar 1 /4 cup water 1 cup heavy cream 3 cups whole milk 1 /4 cup cornstarch 2 large eggs 1 1 /2 teaspoons vanilla 1 /4 teaspoon salt 2 oz fine-quality bittersweet chocolate (not unsweetened), finely chopped

1 . Bring sugar and water to a boil in a large heavy saucepan over high heat, stirring with a fork until sugar is dissolved. Boil, without stirring, washing down sugar crystals clinging to side of pan with a pastry brush dipped in cold water, until pale golden, 4 to 5 minutes. Continue to cook, without stirring, swirling pan occasionally, until sugar turns a deep amber caramel, 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from heat and carefully add cream in a slow stream (mixture will bubble and steam). Return to low heat and cook, whisking, until smooth. 2. Stir together 1 /2 cup milk and cornstarch. Beat eggs, vanilla, and salt in another bowl. 3. Stir remaining 2 1 /2 cups milk into caramel and bring to a simmer, whisking occasionally. Stir cornstarch mixture, then whisk into caramel. Bring to a boil, whisking, and simmer, whisking, 2 minutes, then remove from heat.

3 hours 30 minutes

4. Whisk about 1 cup hot caramel mixture into egg mixture until well blended, then whisk egg mixture back into caramel. Continue whisking off the heat 1 minute. 3Whisk 1 /2cup hot caramel pudding into chopped chocolate, stirring until smooth. Spoon chocolate pudding into 6 (8-oz) parfait glasses, then top with caramel pudding.

20 minutes

5. Chill until set, at least 3 hours.

Total Time

Active Time

No. of Servings

Makes 6 servings


Pudding can be made up to 3 days ahead and chilled, covered with plastic wrap.

" Keep an eye on the caramel as it nears the end of cooking— it can go from deep amber to just plain burned very quickly." - yummly



Hot Spiced Mexican Chocolate XLII

Chocolate Almond Pudding Fondue XLIV

- Hot Spiced Mexican Chocolate Ingredients: 3/4 cup water 1 vanilla bean (or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract) 3/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 heaping tablespoon instant espresso Pinch salt 2 1 /2 ounces bittersweet chocolate, the best quality possible, grated 2 cups whole milk Vanilla ice cream Chili powder

Total Time Prep Time

Directions: Bring water to a boil in a saucepan. Split the vanilla bean and add to the boiling water. Add sugar, cinnamon, espresso, and a pinch of salt. Simmer for 1 minute and add the bittersweet chocolate. Whisk until it gets thick. Add milk and simmer 1 minute. Serve immediately with a dollop of vanilla ice cream and a sprinkling of chili powder on top.

You may make this ahead and reheat. Make sure to either whisk it or blend it in a blender to make it light and foamy before serving. (The classic Mexican chocolate was whisked with a special wooden tool called a 'molinillo'. )

1 0 minutes 5 minutes

Cooking Time

5 minutes

No. of Servings

4 servings

"Love is like swallowing hot chocolate before it has cooled off. It takes you by surprise at first, but keeps you warm for a long time." - Henri Frederic Amiel


- Chocolate Almond Pudding Fondue Ingredients:


1 /4 cup sugar 2 tablespoons cornstarch 2 cups milk 5 ounces milk chocolate chips 1 egg yolk, beaten 1 /2 teaspoon almond extract Fresh strawberries Pound cake pieces, for garnish Cheesecake pieces, for garnish Cookies, for garnish

Total Time Prep Time

In a saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the sugar and cornstarch. Slowly add the milk, whisking until combined. Cook until the mixture boils and begins to thicken. Add the chocolate. Temper the egg yolk with some of the chocolate mixture and pour the yolk into the saucepan. Cook, stirring constantly, over low heat until smooth and thick. Remove from heat and stir in the almond extract. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve with fresh strawberries, pound cake chunks, cheesecake chunks, and cookies.

25 minutes 25 minutes

"Their molten goodness seems to be able to warm you slowly from the inside out. A pot of chocolate fondue on Valentine's Day is the perfect way to get cozy with someone - and kiss winter goodbye with a sloppy, chocolate-smudged smile." - 1 01 COOKBOOKS


Table of


Dash 1 tablespoon 1 /4 cup 1 /3 cup 1 /2 cup 3/4 cup 1 cup 1 pint 1 quart 1 gallon 1 peck 1 bushel 1 pound

2 to 3 drops or less than 1 /8 teaspoon 3 teaspoons 4 tablespoons 5 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon 8 tablespoons 1 2 tablespoons 1 6 tablespoons 2 cups 4 cups 4 quarts 8 quarts 4 pecks 1 6 ounces XLVI

Chocolat Affections CHOCOLATIER Main Elegant Romantique

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