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In March, some thirty real estate industry firms will make their way to the International Marketplace for Real Estate Professionals (MIPIM) as part of the Greater Montréal Delegation. Their mission: to sing the praises of Montréal during this international event, while also taking note of major trends and networking with investors and promoters.


or the past few years the City of Montréal and a group of Montréal firms have had a kiosk at MIPIM. In a new formula inaugurated this year, the Greater Montréal Delegation will be working with the City of Montréal’s Economic Development Service, in partnership with the Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ.

"The five goals of our 2018-20 economic development strategy include a desire to showcase Montréal internationally. The presence of the Greater Montréal Delegation at MIPIM is part and parcel of that objective," noted Véronique Doucet, director of the city’s Economic Development Service.


VÉRONIQUE DOUCET Director of Economic Development City of Montréal

"Our kiosk allows us to promote the attractions and benefits of doing business in Montréal, from development opportunities to the city’s many diverse economic sectors," said Josée Chiasson, director of economic cluster development for the city’s Economic Development Service. She works with 35 industrial firms and real estate players – builders, promoters, innovative manufacturers, major organizations – thus a force to be reckoned with.

Normand Bélanger, president and general manager of the Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ, pointed out that the pension fund has been a regular and active participant at MIPIM for the past 10 years. "For the 2020 edition, it was a natural evolution to join forces with the City of Montréal so as to encourage a wide pool of Québec entrepreneurs to attend this large-scale trade fair. This very inspiring international convention helps us become aware of and anticipate market trends in the real estate industry and to discover new ways of doing things," he added.

MONTRÉAL’S ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SERVICE: PROMOTING THE CITY AND ITS INDUSTRY AND COMMERCE In pursuing its economic development strategy, the City of Montréal is going all out to make the city’s centres of excellence a dynamic force that stands out in a wide range of economic sectors. It actively supports innovation, creativity and economic development.

The City is also a sought-after partner for firms that wish to raise their profile locally and also internationally. In that respect, the Delegation’s kiosk at MIPIM is indeed a high calibre platform for various players in the real estate industry. "The formula adopted this year is designed to create synergy among the different participants, while

JOSÉE CHIASSON Director of economic cluster development for the city’s Economic Development Service City of Montréal

also offering them a personalized corporate concierge service that includes structuring activities that allow them to create maximum added value and generate positive spinoffs from the event," said Josée Chiasson.

Véronique Doucet noted that the city also has lots to offer to investors, another focus of the Montréal delegation. "Montréal has a rich ecosystem with a diversified and resilient economy, in addition to being a dynamo in many innovative and leading edge sectors. There are currently 24 billion dollars’ worth of construction projects underway in the city. It is a strong sign that indicates that Montréal is a hot spot, ready to swing into action!"


NORMAND BÉLANGER President and general manager Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ


ROGER PLAMONDON President of the firm’s real estate sector Broccolini

FONDS IMMOBILIER DE SOLIDARITÉ FTQ: AN IMPORTANT PARTNER The Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ invests capital in development projects all across Québec and in all real estate sectors. It is a major player whose role complements that of financial institutions. "We invest in real estate projects at the start-up phase, from the acquisition of vacant land to construction. Promoters need partners of our calibre and scope to support them in their projects, which generally take a few years to complete and require injections of substantial sums throughout the process," explained Normand Bélanger, who mentioned that banks usually demand that 50 to 60% of a project be presold, before consenting to a construction loan.

The theme of MIPIM 2020, The future is human, is perfectly in line with the objectives of the Fonds immobilier de solidarité FTQ. "We want to exert more influence at the start-up phase of major projects, offering a mix of socially acceptable and environmentally responsible products that meet human needs. As part of our mission and our values, 15% of our investments are allocated to social housing, plus community and affordable housing. We actively participate in discussions on cities and urban development, and our ambition is to become a major influencer in the industry," added Normand Bélanger.

BROCCOLINI: EXTENSIVE AND DIVERSE EXPERTISE Renowned for the quality and diversity of its projects, Broccolini makes a sizeable contribution to Montréal’s international profile, Roger Plamondon, president of the firm’s real estate sector admits. "We are now a strong presence in several spheres of activity, from the retail sector to the industrial sector by way of office buildings and residential construction. We build high density, mixed use projects. We are well acquainted with the realities of downtown Montréal and are on good terms with municipal authorities. We have extensive and diverse expertise, which makes us a very interesting partner for foreign investors," he said.

He pointed out that the firm has been in business for 70 years, which is quite rare in this highly competitive industry. Broccolini also adheres to strict, transparent standards of governance, which reassures the most demanding of potential associates. "Our vertical integration model, where everything is under the same roof – investment, construction, management, etc. – is also unique in our industry. It is a distinguishing feature of our brand," noted Mr. Plamondon.



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LUC MAURICE President and founder Groupe Maurice

He mentioned that the company was part of the Greater Montréal Delegation at MIPIM, and views that as a golden opportunity to keep abreast of new trends and all sorts of innovative ideas. "It is also a great place for networking with groups that might be interested in working with us to develop new projects in Montréal."

GROUPE MAURICE: LEADER OF A DISTINCTIVE INDUSTRY "Over the past 20 years we have pursued a simple philosophy: the client is the boss. Clients are of course older and are looking for more services and peace of mind, but that goal should never be pursued to the detriment of the quality of their living space and their environment. That, in essence, is our goal, to give them the very best," stated Luc Maurice, president and founder of Groupe Maurice. "That philosophy is the basis of our success and, in my opinion, that of other Québec contractors who build housing for elderly residents." And that is no idle boast. Senior citizen residences built by Groupe Maurice have an occupancy rate of more than 98%, one of the highest rates in North America.

For Groupe Maurice, being part of the Québec delegation at MIPIM 2020 is a chance to not only be inspired by best real estate development practices from all over the world, but also to promote the different and very distinctive elements of the Québec housing model for senior citizens. "We develop projects in an urban milieu, close to shops and community and cultural services, offering an integrated and distinctive lifestyle. We create residences that older people choose to go to, rather than going there simply because there are no other options," said Mr. Maurice. "That’s the secret to our success in Québec. And another thing I’m sure of is that we can be as successful elsewhere on the planet, and would be more than happy to jump into new markets."

DARIO MONTONI President Montoni

DEBBY DOKTORCZYK President McGill Immobilier and Engel & Völkers

PATRICE GROLEAU Owner McGill Immobilier and Engel & Völkers

MONTONI: A PEOPLE-CENTRED APPROACH With a project as ambitious as Espace Montmorency – the recent purchase of 1.2 million square feet of land at the former Molson Brewery in order to build a park and a redevelopment project that incorporates business, commercial, tourist and residential needs, plus an attractive urban lifestyle – Montoni is undeniably on a roll. President Dario Montoni noted that from that perspective, the firm’s presence at MIPIM (for the fourth year in a row) is very timely. "We want to talk with other industry players and see how other European cities are developing real estate projects," he said.

Thanks to an agile style of management that combines expertise, innovative design, technology and sustainable development, Montoni feels that it is much more than a simple contractor-promoter. "We are acutely aware that we must pay attention to and be attuned to not only the environment, but also building sustainability and longevity. We centre our approach on people, not just brick and mortar. In other words, we place great importance on the well-being of the occupants in the buildings we erect."

In that regard, technology can play a crucial role, which is one of the reasons why the firm set up a division focussed on technology. "Artificial intelligence contributes not only to maximizing the comfort of the people who live and work in our buildings, but also helps to reduce our carbon footprint and to consume energy more intelligently," explained the president. Take, for example, pre-programmed heating, ventilation and lighting systems that turn on automatically the moment an employee arrives in his or her office. There’s no doubt that Montoni is a visionary firm!

MCGILL IMMOBILIER AND ENGEL & VÖLKERS: LEADING EDGE REALTORS The economic indicators are very positive for Montréal and Québec. Patrice Groleau, owner, and Debby Doktorczyk, president of the McGill Real Estate agency and the luxury real estate giant Engels & Völkers, Montréal/Québec, were eager to discuss their participation at MIPIM. "Because it’s a significant international event where major players in the real estate industry get together, it makes a great deal of sense for us to attend. We consider ourselves to be real estate ambassadors. Our objective is to sell Montréal and Québec, and we have the all the expertise, market data and statistics to assure investors," he said.

Their extensive knowledge of real estate trends gives them a leading edge and makes them a precious ally for investors. That expertise is based on the very strong presence of McGill Real Estate in sales of prestigious new condos and of Engel & Völkers in high-end real estate. "We have sold over 10,000 condos and at the moment have some thirty projects for sale, i.e. 3,000 condos. That’s almost 25% of the condo market for 2020! Our unique position and knowledge mean we can anticipate trends," added Mr. Groleau.

He also mentioned that 20% of people purchasing real estate in Québec were foreigners, which shows how much the market is evolving and diversifying. "Often foreign investors are not familiar with the Montréal market, unacquainted with the nuances of the Montréal and Québec contexts. We are the Gauls of America! We thus have solid expertise that can make all the difference, which makes us irreplaceable partners for real estate promoters and investors."

BRIVIA GROUP: MAKING REAL ESTATE DREAMS COME TRUE Kheng Ly came to Canada 30 years ago with a dream: becoming an entrepreneur. He set up the real estate investment and development firm Brivia Group in 2000. The company entered the downtown residential development market in 2011, when it purchased a lot on Boulevard René-Lévesque Ouest, which now is the landmark property YUL Condominiums.

Since then, the company has developed over 2,000 resi d ential units in the greater Montréal area. "Every project has its own character and its own set of challenges and opportunities," says Kheng Ly, President and CEO of Brivia Group. "However, if I had to pick an achievement for 2019, it would be 1 Square Philips, which will become the tallest residential building in the city with breathtaking views. This 61-storey-high tower reaching 232.5 metres will certainly leverage the Montréal skyline and bring it to a whole new level in terms of quality for residential high-rise buildings in Montréal."

Brivia Group has 15 developed and under development projects in and around Montréal and Québec City, as well as an upcoming resort project in MontTremblant, and a multi-residential pipeline project in the Greater Toronto area.

KHENGLY President and CEO Brivia Group

As busy as he is, Kheng Ly is committed to giving back to society and making a difference, especially in the lives of young entrepreneurs and members of the communities. He’s involved in various significant business organizations and hospital foundations, and also acts as a cultural ambassador for the Chinese community.

"Our four core values are integrity, transparency, shareholder value, and accountability," he says. "In our day-to-day operations, what I value the most is our people and team work. They are the engine of Brivia Group and masters behind each of our projects."

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