Illinois REALTOR® October 2020

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Legislative highlights over 31 years • 1989 – Illinois began its first statefunded affordable housing program; a revenue stream was created for funding affordable housing projects, purchase of and protection of open space and for natural areas. • 1991 - Illinois became the first state to enact the Commercial Broker Lien Act . • 1992 - With substantial input from the REALTORS®, Illinois enacted new provisions regarding lead paint disclosure and abatement. • 1993 - Residential Real Property Condition Disclosure Act (“Seller Disclosure”) approved. (l to r) Sullivan and REALTORS® Tommy Choi, Nicholas Apostal and Nykea Pippion McGriff snap a selfie on the ride to the Illinois State Capitol building during Capital Conference 2019.

• 1996 - The Rent Control Preemption Act was overwhelmingly approved to prohibit units of local government from enacting rent control for commercial or residential property. • 1996 - Legislation approved to require voter approval before a Home Rule municipality can impose or increase a real estate transfer tax • 2003 - A last-minute proposal to triple the State’s real estate transfer tax was stopped after a successful Call for Action from Illinois REALTORS®.

Sullivan and Illinois REALTORS® CEO Gary Clayton (fourth from right) pose with REALTORS® at “the rail” outside the House and Senate chambers in the Illinois State Capitol.

Sullivan poses with former First Lady Hillary Clinton in 1996. Clinton was in Illinois that year, visiting the University of Illinois at Springfield and campaigning for then Congressional candidate Jay Hoffman.

• 2006 - Landmark eminent domain reform legislation was approved following an extraordinary grassroots campaign launched by Illinois REALTORS® • 2012 - Stopped the adoption of administrative rules proposed by the Office of the State Fire Marshal that made a number of changes to fire safety regulations including a mandate for fire sprinklers in all new single-family construction and onerous retrofit mandates for high rise residential buildings.

Former Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (fourth from left) poses with the Sullivan Caucus, a group of Illinois legislators and lobbyists named Sullivan who celebrate together every St. Patrick’s Day.

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