Adaptable office: Montreal

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Jacob Brown And Maria Rita Greenwald

Contents: Design concept…………………………………..….…………1

Design strategy and location……..…………………………..2

Context: climate..................................................................3

Climate: sun paths...............................................................4

Plans (zoning)…………………………………………………..5

Design Concept. The core concept behind this design is creating a suitable environments for working and socialising that uses the new facade to implement the environmental

strategy, alongside providing a building frame that is adaptable to future changes in the uses of the building or working arrangements.

The design works with the existing frame of the building to create a new building skin and facade system that is able to maintain comfortable internal environments, whilst being adaptable to future changes in the use of the building.

Comfort zoning…………………………………………………8

Building management……………………………….…………9

Sections ……………………………………………………….10

Bay section……………………………………….……………13

Materiality …………………..…………………………………17

Office bay and north facade…………………………………18

Component build-up…………………………….……………19

The facade will be dynamic through being able to adapt to the external conditions to maintain comfortable levels of light, solar thermal gains and shading for the users.

The environmental systems used will be efficient and make use of the climatic conditions, again to maintain user comfort and providing good internal spaces for working and other activities.

The use of materials will reduce the emissions of the building without compromising on the insulating properties and aesthetics.

Shadow and light analysis…………………….……………..20


Social factors……………………………………..……………22


Connection with nature……………………………………….24

Green walls………………………………………..……………23

Alpine roof garden……………………………………….……24

U-values and PV…………………………………………….…25





Main Strategy.

Location and Site. The city of Montreal is located on Montreal Island on the St. Laurence River. The city has often been referred to as the cultural capital of the country and this is thanks to its interesting cultural stance as the convergence of French and Anglo traditions.




Seasonal temperature variability


Potential for solar power generation


Heating demands


Social / natural spaces working with the climate


Light level variation between winter and summer.


Low cooling demands.

The site is located in an urban area alongside a canal, this provides opportunity to have extensions of the ground floor cafe space onto the public promenade during the summer months. The building is NorthEast orientated with the South-West and South faces most exposed to the sun path.

The building is not shaded by other surrounding buildings and would only have a minimal shadow impact upon buildings to the North-east during the winter.


Create a highly efficient building that through the use of sustainable materials and comfort systems.

Integrating Photovoltaic into the facade and on the roof surface of the build- ing will also improve overall emissions and energy use.

Create a climatic response that maintains a comfortable working environment whilst adapting to the external fluctuations.

Provide a building for both social and natural spaces that benefit the environment, workers and surrounding areas.

Provide a building that is adaptable in the way it can be used currently and being flexible to change in the following decades, moving towards 2060.

Using the façades for their dynamic internal and external effects. To provide a future proofed building that creates a comfortable and enjoyable working and social environments.



Wind Rose.

Climate: For its interesting position is represents the confluence of various climatic regions. Montreal has been classified as a continental climate with extreme cold winters and hot summers. The temperature variations are quite significant between the seasons with the summer temperatures between 10C – 30C and during the winter from -20C to 5C, so the temperature is a key environmental challenge for this building and maintaining a comfortable internal environment will be a key strategy for the design of the facade and systems.

Humidity: Humidity in Montreal is quite consistent throughout the year, but higher during the summer months, the average annual percentage of humidity is 63.0%.

Wind: The wind in Montreal is generally coming from the South- West and is strongest in during the winter months (17- 38mph) and less strong during the summer (0-17mph). It will be important in the design to avoid circulation the cold winter air so a well-sealed facade and ventilation systems will be important considerations.

Average Temperatures and Precipitation.

Image source: meteoblue. Available at: al_canada_6077243

Wind Speed.


Climate. Sun Path: The sun path varies quite significantly between winter and summer with 8 hours of daylight during the winter months and 16h of daylight during the summer months.
 This variation in light levels will be an important consideration for internal conditions such as managing glare and excessive solar gains.

The design of the building will aim to provide shading strategies during the summer to prevent the solar gains that would raise the building temperatures to uncomfortable levels and aim to maximise light levels

Winter Solstice Sun Path Atrium.


At Noon

Summer Solstice Sun Path Atrium.


At Noon

and solar gains during the winter so reduce heating demands and provide adequate lighting levels for various types of working.

The atrium spaces aim to get natural light to all parts from the top to the ground floor of the building during both the summer and winter. The central atrium space will also be the focus on each floor for the social space meaning that that lighting levels and user comfort need to be appropriate for that kind of activity.

Winter Solstice Sun Path Offices.


At Noon

Summer Solstice Sun Path Offices.


At Noon


Zoning. The building was developed around a main central atrium and two smaller side ones that extend longitudinally through the building. The idea was that the central atrium would represent the core of the building, a place where people not only pass to get to where they need to go but also a place where they congregate. The two smaller atria allow for circulation to flow to and from the central one towards the two wings on the building. On all floors -except the ground floor- the circulation around the two wings is characterised by a corridor around the two smaller atria. This was designed as an aesthetic way to insert functioning natural stack ventilation in the building. By creating floors that are all linked to one and other by these ventilation columns we wanted to portray a sense of the building and the people in the building working as one.

All floor are very similar in layout however as this will be explained further on, most rooms are flexible spaces and can be adapted to different uses and functions. The 6th floor varies as it is characterised by a continuous open plan around the two side atria. This was designed as a way to cope with the increased solar gain from the roof lanterns and to allow for more air flow given.

The roof was conceived as an opportunity for social functions. In the winter months the roof would be covered in snow but during shoulder seasons and summer time it could become an extension of the social spaces around the central atrium. The alpine garden on the roof would represent the building and its design focused on the integration on natural world in an highly efficient building.

Space has been dedicates to various types of collaborative work such as studios as well as more traditional co-working. The idea was to allow users to chose in what environment to work in based on their preferences and productivity needs.

N Ground Floor.

Studio Meeting Room

Social Space Services

Offices Cafe




Ventilation Column

Moveable Meeting Bubbles Individual Meeting Pods

Roof Lantern







Alpine Garden


Zoning. First Floor.

N Second Floor.

Studio Meeting Room

Social Space Services

Offices Cafe




Ventilation Column

Moveable Meeting Bubbles Individual Meeting Pods

Roof Lantern







Alpine Garden


The psychrometric chart on the right was used to find desired conditions (thermal and air) for the building zones as expressed in the plans below.

Psychrometric Chart Mechanical Cooling Humidity Ratio, g/kg (d.a)

Thermal Comfort Parameters.

Natural Ventilation Extended Comfort Zone Comfort Zone


Winter Extended Comfort Zone Mechanical Heating

Dry Bulb Temperature,°C. Pressure: 101325 PA

Winter Day South Double Skin Facade 18-25°C 18-23°C 18-22°C Double Skin Facade

Summer Day 26-28°C 25-28°C 23-25°C 23-26°C Double Skin Facade

N 8

Building Management System. Depending on weather conditions, external temperatures, wind pressures and time of day the Building Management System (BMS) automatically controls the window, vent and Louvre operation. This is obviously intrinsically linked to temperature and ventilation control as well. It is however important to underline that users are able to manually control these systems as well, whilst still being informed on what the BMS would do maintain a comfortable environment therefore conciliating technology with users’ need to create a more responsive and productive work environment.

The building operates a Mixed-Mede system that integrates natural ventilation -in shoulder months- with mechanical systems -during more extreme weather conditions-. In winter months supplementary heating is delivered by a core activation system laid in the gypsum floor slab, this same system is used in summer months when additional cooling is needed. A ground source reversible heat pump generated the heat and cold for the radiant system. During summer months the system can operate in free cooling mode if the water temperature in the geothermal systems is cold enough. Core activation system (inner heating and cooling system): The radiant heating and cooling system uses the exposed gypsum floor with added Phase Change Material to provide thermal comfort.

Shoulder Seasons:

In shoulder seasons air is drawn naturally trough the operable windows and the diurnal swing will allow for natural radiant cooling thanks to the exposed thermal mass - concrete ceilings and gypsum floors- .

In winter the vents, windows and underfloor convectors work as a unison to allow fresh air to enter the building without creating drafts. By opening the vents, the facade cavity gets filled with fresh air, this air can then enter the building either through the underfloor convector, or by opening the internal window once the external vent has been closed. In summer months all vents and windows can be opened to allow for cross ventilation to take place. Night ventilation in summer months was also included in the building strategy. The BSM will automatically open windows and vents and activate fans in the underfloor convectors to assist the natural nighttime airflow and allow for natural buoyancy to take place.

As explained before, the humidity in Montreal is quite constant throughout the year, however some emphasis has been put on strategies for days in which the humidity level might be higher and the core cooling system might create increased humidity within the floor slab. In this situation ventilation through the underfloor convector system will be increased.

Stack ventilation:

3m lanterns above the main central atrium and smaller ones along the side atriums allow for natural stack ventilation to take place.

Night purge:

The high diurnal swing in Montreal (average swing from 18 to 26) as well as the large amount of thermal mass (from the exposed concrete ceilings and gypsum floors) allow for night purging in the building. To assure that this system would work we looked into mixed-mode night flushing by using fans to assist the natural nighttime airflow and allow for natural buoyancy to take place.

Ground source geothermal pump: This systems draws heat and cold stored at lower ground levels to heat and condition the building.

Under floor convector:

This system located all around the internal facade is there to provide extra source of ventilation as well as to prevent increased heat loss from large glass surfaces. The system takes fresh air from the facade cavity trough a vent and either delivers it inside or acts as a heating system. In this building the convector system can be switched off and fans in the same system can be activated in summer to increase air flow.

Exhaust air Heating and cooling core system Underfloor Convectors and Air Intake Outlet Heating Cooling Fresh Air


Ventilation Sections Atrium. Winter Day

Geothermal pump

Summer Day

Direct Sun Rays





Heating Cooling Fresh Air

A- Double Skin Facade North

B- Underfloor Convector/Air Intake Outlet

C- Green Wall around Balcony

D- Core Heating/Cooling

E- Double Skin Facade South

F- Sun Angle 21° Winter Solstice

G- Sun Angle 68° Summer Solstice

H- Ground Source Geothermal Pump


Ventilation Sections Offices. Winter Day

Geothermal pump

Winter Night

Direct Sun Rays





Heating Cooling

A- Double Skin Facade North

B- Underfloor Convector/Air Intake Outlet

C- Balcony around side atrium

D- Core Heating/Cooling

E- Double Skin Facade South

F- Sun Angle 21° Winter Solstice

G- Sun Angle 68° Summer Solstice

H- Ground Source Geothermal Pump


Ventilation Sections Offices. Summer Day

Geothermal pump

Summer Night

Direct Sun Rays





Heating Cooling Fresh Air

A- Double Skin Facade North

B- Underfloor Convector/Air Intake Outlet

C- Balcony around side atrium

D- Core Heating/Cooling

E- Double Skin Facade South

F- Sun Angle 21° Winter Solstice

G- Sun Angle 68° Summer Solstice

H- Ground Source Geothermal Pump


Ventilation Sections Bay. This section illustrates how ventilation works in a single bay during a conventional winter day.

Fresh air enters the double facade from the vent controlled by the BMS and therefore enters the offices through the underfloor convector that heats it up and emits it through vents on the floors. At the same time the core heating system is active and utilises the increased thermal storage potential of gypsum with added micro-capsulated Phase Change Materials.

Once the heat is dispersed in the offices, exhaust air, through natural buoyancy, can flow upwards towards the roof lanterns that are once again mechanically operated by the BMS in order to help achieve achieve stack ventilation.

Louvres on the windows are mechanically controlled but can also be user controlled when needed.

Winter Day



External Outlet.

Exposed Concrete Ceiling Thermal Shutters. Underfloor Convector. Radiant Heating/Cooling Stack Ventilation Mechanical Lovres.


Ventilation Sections Bay. The cooling system is activated when needed and humidity levels are also taken seriously into account to prevent extreme condensation happening within the gypsum slab.

This section illustrates how ventilation works in a single bay during a conventional summer day.

In summer fresh air enters the through the same mechanically operated vent on the external facade. Fresh air can therefore enter the building by opening the internal windows or through the convector system that has fans that allow air to flow into the floor below.

Natural buoyancy will take over again and exhaust air will flow towards the roof lanterns.

Summer Day



External Outlet.

Exposed Concrete Ceiling Thermal Shutters. Fans in underfloor convector above.

Radiant Heating/Cooling Stack Ventilation

Mechanical Lovres.


Bay Section. More detailed version of the bay construction

The drawings below demonstrate the construction details for the North and south office bays.

The drawings highlight how the mechanical and user systems operate alongside the external environmental conditions and internal environmental systems to maintain ventilation and thermal comfort levels.

Winter Day

The windows open in a way to maximise air flow without letting in any unwanted elements such as rain or snow. The vents that bride the facade and the internal environment are located at the top of each bay allowing for the warm air generated in the facade void to rise during the winter and supply the above office bays.

This vent is separate from the internal environmental systems and has insulation to prevent moisture and interaction with those internal systems.

A- Overhang for Sun Protection

B- Ventilation Flap

C- Air Vent

D- Secondary Facade

E- Primary Facade, Triple Glass Window

F- Underfloor Convector/Air Intake Outlet

G- Core Heating

H- Core Cooling

I- Exposed Gypsum Floor

J- Louvers on Windows for Sun Protection


Bay Section. More detailed version of the bay construction

During the summer the vents can be closed to prevent hot air moving in from the external environment and the windows can be opened mechanically on the external facade and internally (manually) to improve cross ventilation through the office bays during warmer weather.

The one metre overhang on each of the facade bays reduces thermal solar gains and prevents glare in the offices. This can also be managed with the louvres system on the South-facade and the thermal shuttering on the North facade.

Summer Day

A- Overhang for Sun Protection

B- Ventilation Flap

C- Air Vent

D- Secondary Facade

E- Primary Facade, Triple Glass Window

F- Underfloor Convector/Air Intake Outlet

G- Core Heating

H- Core Cooling

I- Exposed Gypsum Floor

J- Louvers on Windows for Sun Protection


Materiality. The materiality strategy seeks to provide insulating materials and extensions to the existing facade to prevent excessive solar gains (during the summer) and insulate the internal environment from the winter weather. The materials selected optimise the thermal properties and also have low levels of embodied energy for the carbon neutrality of the construction. Many of the facade components can also be prefabricated reducing the energy inputs.

Hemp Insulation:

Hemp insulation is made from fast-growing plant materials that provides dense fibres suitable for insulating buildings. The hemp fibres can also fix carbon in the atmosphere adding to its sustainable properties.The insulation does not have any toxic properties and can be easily installed. Hemp insulation can be used alongside a vapour permeable membrane to retain the benefits of water vapour absorption and release, which is useful next to the facade vents. It is suitable for this project as its low U-values and embodied energy fit the criteria for carbon neutral materials and being able to provide a good level of insulation for the facade. It has a U-value of 0.040 a density of 26 kg/m3 and heat capacity of 1800 Jkg. It is produced by 37.5% recycled content and can be recycled.

Embodied Energy: - 10MJkg

Poured Gypsum:

Gypsum has started to be used more and more often to substitute concrete. For this particular design we needed a material that was sustainable and could be poured directly over tubing and the pre-existing concrete slabs. We also needed a material with high thermal mass in order to take full advantage of the core heating/cooling system and poured gypsum has a thermal conductance of about 0.62 W/m K. Gypsum products have a series of advantages that relate not only to the rapid laying processing and the fast curing process - no need for accelerated curing-, they are also lightweight, fire resistance and sound resistance. Depending on the requirement the product can have various compressive strengths (from 1,200 to 5,500 psi). Embodied energy for poured gypsum therefore exemplifies quantitively its characteristics and is less than half the embodied energy in concrete products.

Phase Change Material: By introducing micro-capsulated PCMs into the poured gypsum aggregate we wanted to increase the thermal conductance of the floor slabs. These phase change materials help with the latent thermal energy store potential of the floor slab by storing and releasing thermal energy (hot/cold) through phase transition. The advantages of using PCMs can be seen in improved building energy efficiency with reductions up to 40%. This would not only increase the overall efficiency but also help achieve higher comfort parameters for the users. The advantages of integrating PMCs has been underlined, however life cycle assessments of the materials have been difficult to performIt. Their manufacturing impact and their material embodied energy still needs to be further analysed.

Engineered Timber:

The ease of transportation, high flexibility, low instalment time and possibility of component reuse afterwards counteract the extended amount of processing steps needed to produce Engineered Wood products. Quebec is also known for its engineered timber and mass timber products, therefore allowing for local materials to be used in our project.

Embodied Energy: - 0,483 kgCO2e/kg (Excluding Carbon Storage) - 1,05 kgCO2e/kg (Including Carbon Storage) Glass:

The double skin facade will be mainly constituted by glass. The idea was to create a lightweight looking building that would provide a comfortable thermal environment and appropriate light levels that could ensure different functions.Embodied Energy: 1,63 KgCO2e/Kg (for double glazed) and 1,75 Kg CO2e/Kg for triple glazed.

Embodied Energy: - 1,63 KgCO2e/Kg (for double glazed) - 1,75 Kg CO2e/Kg for triple glazed


South Facade Component Build-up. 1



The existing slab and column base frame with additional structural support added at the top of the column to support the facade components.

A vent is added between the internal and external facade, this will allow warm and cool air to be moved out of one floor and into the next. The vent will be mechanically controlled to maintain the environmental comfort parameters. The heating and cool- ing systems are added on top of the exist- ing concrete slab, a 100mm layer of gyp- sum will then be poured on top of this to cover the pipework and allow for conduction of the heating and cooling systems.

The prefabricated wooden frame can then be fixed to the existing structure using the slab and additional structural support as an attachment mechanism. Prefabricating the wooden panels will ease construction processes and save energy in the construction phase.



User adjustable wooden louvres are added on the internal window to manage light levels throughout the year. The internal and external glazing can be added and fixed

to the wooden frame. The external facade is mechanically operable and the internal glazing is manually operable by the user. A solar panel is also fitted to the external part of the south facade only. This will en- able energy generation throughout the year combined with the panels on the roof of the building. The panels will also add to the shading design required on the south facade to prevent excess solar gains in the summer.

The gypsum layer can be added to provide the flooring, this layer will allow for thermal mass in a similar way to the concrete with- out the high level of embodied energy that concrete has. An insulation barrier between the facade vent and the internal (concrete core) systems will be added so that these systems can be operated separately and controlled by the user, preventing interactions that could affect the systems.


South Facade Shading Analysis. Closed Louvres.

Mid-Open Louvres.

Open Louvres.

Winter Solstice light levels (LUX).

Spring Equinox light levels (LUX).

Summer Solstice light levels (LUX).







South Facade Shading Analysis.

During the winter solstice the aim is to get as much sunlight in the bays as possible to maximise solar gains and reduce the need for artificial

During the equinox the diagram shows that there is a good level of lighting throughout both the North and South office bays. The louvres are

During the summer the louvres and thermal shuttering should work to minimise glare and excessive solar gains. This diagram does not take

lighting sources. The drawing above demonstrated that this is successful with a good level of light for working (300 Lux) throughout the office and

working on the south facade to provide some shading and on the north the Karger windows are allowing the light in for good lighting levels.

into account the thermal shuttering to the atrium space to there is a high level of light there, however the louvres and overhang on the with facade

light soothes from both the windows and atriums.

is working to prevent over-lighting.


Connection With Nature. For integrating nature in the design the central atrium and roof garden provide areas of greenery throughout the built space and enough room for everyone using the building to have access to that space when required. The natural spaces are also the focus of the social space giving office workers and the public a chance to find a source of nature and social space combined in the city.

The central atrium has a balcony combined with a green wall, this will add a highlight of green to the office overall and provide an attractive social space. The plants used on this wall will also have a secondary benefit of being de-humidifying and to an extent managing the levels of humidity in the atrium and social spaces.

The green wall is detailed on page 25 and the selection of plants means that maintenance will be reduced compared to a ‘traditional’ green wall.

Alpine Roof Garden.

Balconies on south facade.

Natural ventilation can be controlled by the user through opening the internal windows and shutters to each of the rooms and office spaces. In the more open-plan spaces such as the ground floor and 6th floor the ventilation is largely maintained through the central atrium and narrower atriums either side, these provide stack ventilation and allow light to penetrate from the roof all the way down the centre of the building. The solar gains on the top floor are moderated by the more open-plan space allowing the air to flow more freely and out of the roof lanterns (which can also be mechanically operated to manage the air-flows)

Green Wall Balconies around central Atrium. Natural Stack Ventilation.

North Facade with view on the city and the St. Laurence river.

North Facade with unrestricted view from the main atrium onto the surrounding city and natural elements.


Green Wall. The function of the green walls is not only that of integrating nature within the built environment but also that of creating an healthier environment. The green walls act as air filters, de-humidifiers and decontaminants and allow for evaporative cooling. It was important the that choice of plants followed the function of the wall. By selecting species in the epiphytes family such as ivy, ferns and mosses that absorb moisture from the air rather than their soil, we designed a system that is fully integrated in out natural ventilation strategy.

The central atrium represents an important focal point for stack ventilation and exhaust air, by introducing purifying plants we aimed to create a healthier environment for building users.

In summer time, in addition to purifying the air, the plants will act to maintain a stable humidity level, lowering the temperature and therefore the need for mechanical cooling.

Species list: - Plants from the Epiphytes family that absorb moisture from the surrounding and purify the air from pollutants

- Peace Lily -remove acetone, alcohol and other pollutants

- Boston Fern - removes benzene, xylene, and formaldehyde

- Mosses - dehumidifier

- English Ivy - removes formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene and other volatile organic compounds

Glass balustrade. Steel top and bottom fixings for wooden frame and plant boxes. Plywood frame with steel attachments to glass. Drip Irrigation line running from the slab to the top of the planing. Planting boxes fixed to a steel frame and then the plywood support. Excess water catching gutter. Water inlet and outlet feed. Slab.


Alpine Roof Garden. The planting on the roof is largely low-level planting with a few smaller shrubs and trees for height. The depth of the soil is limited by the structure of the building and therefore limits the planting. The structure on top of the slab allows for maintenance and retention of moisture so that the plants can be managed and grow without over-management.

A gradient of 1 in 12 is applied to the roof build-up to prevent water-logging of the soils and water damaging the structure of the building. A gravel edging of 500mm around the roof edge to allow for drainage.

Species list: - Creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum)

- Woolly thyme (Thymus pseudolanuginosus) Golden large thyme (Thymus citriodorus ‘Aureus’)

- Maiden Pink (Dianthus deltoids ‘Flashing Lights’) Thrift (Armeria maritima)

- Stonecrop (Sedum spurium ‘Dragon’s Blood’) Golden stonecrop (S. rupestre ‘Angelina’)

- Orpine (Sedum/Hylotelephium telephium) Columbine (Aquilegia vulgaris)

- Grape hyacinth (Liriope muscarii)

- Compact marjoram (Origanum vulgare) Fleabane (Erigeron glaucous ‘Sea Breeze’)

- Common mallow (Malva sylvestris)

- Pasqueflower (Pulsatilla vulgaris)

Substrate. Moisture Retaining Layer. Root Barrier. Gravel/Sand Substrate. Waterproof Layer. Gravel. Slab.




Balcony and Narrow atrium (summer).

Balcony and narrow atrium (winter without room partitions). 29


Office floor with room partitions and atria.


Imagery. Central Atrium and open plan spaces:

Top floor open-plan flexible space.

The atrium spaces are some of the more attractive and open spaces in the building and are therefore the focus of the social spaces and public spaces on the ground floor. The atriums will provide a good level of light and comfortable temperatures for socialising and resting.

Central atrium and Staircase.

Social space and central atrium.


Imagery. Ground floor and cafe space. The ground floor is one of the more adaptable spaces and is open to the public for the cafe and social spaces. The imagery demonstrates that even at this level the lighting conditions are good with light from the atrium’s still penetrating the centre of the building right down to the ground floor.


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