JB Magbanua Valderrama Portfolio 2018

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used to allow natural ventilation and lighting through the house. To further create a more natural feel around the home, all openings have access to the garden or landscaping elements of the property. The house is also inspired by the ancestral residential architecture in the Philippines, the bahay na bato. In post-modernist style, the design is a mix of the common elements of the bahay na bato and the modern materials. It was translated through the use of stone cladding on the walls of the first floor and simulated wood on the second floor of the house.

BOTAHOUSE t hre e -be droom , two - s tore y res id ence De si g ne d b y

Valderrama, JB

Inspired with the passion of the client for plants, the design of the house aims to connect the interior and exterior elements. Through this, the house is more natural and organic. Tropical design solutions were used as well to provide a more natural and climate responsive home. Large opening were also

Regarding the division of spaces, all the most private areas are placed on the second floor. Meanwhile the public and semipublic areas are situated on the ground floor. The workshop has an ample room area to provide enough workplace for the client. In addition, since the client will spend most of his time in the workshop, it has a direct access to the outdoors and other spaces like the living and dining areas. Top. Aerial Perspective (Daytime) Left. Approach Persepctive (Nighttime)

Above. Aerial Perspective (Nighttime)

Right. Approach Persepctive (Daytime)

Sketch Model 1

Sketch Model 2


th e n e w U P C o l l ege o f F i n e Ar t s C o m pl ex Designed by

Valderrama, JB Ayson, Brenna Pura, Alyssa

Redesigning the College of Fine Arts Complex in the University of the Philippines Diliman campus, an iconic and playful form was created. The new complex has three major buildings, the Administrative Building, the Theory Building, and the Studio Building. The Studio and the Theory Buildings are covered

with green roofing that gradually levels with the ground as the two roofs meet in the central axis. The Administrative Building has a spirallike form that complements the flowy envelope of the other two buildings. The Administrative Building is connected to the two other buildings through a covered footbridge. Above. Aerial Perspective Right. Approach Perspective from E. Jacinto Street

Sketch Model 3




Top Left. Approach from University Avenue Top Right. Approach from Checkpoint Bottom Left. Pod Terminal Bottom Right. Monorail Terminal


t he U P D il iman Trans it of 2035 De si g ne d b y

Valderrama, JB Manguray, Alarice

Located at the corner of the University Avenue and Carlos P. Garcia, the UP Diliman Transit will be the gateway to the University of the Philippines Diliman. As the campus transitions to becoming fully pedestrianized, the ZIP Transit is a visionary project that will serve as a terminal for the future transport systems in the university such as the monorail, driverless pods, and city bikes. Above. Aerial Perspective


re de f i n i n g u r ba n l ivin g De si g ne d b y

Valderrama, JB Manguray, Alarice Nicolas, Janessa

Following the proposed Comprehensive Land Use Plan of the new Quezon City Central Business District, the project is located at the corner of BIR Road and NIA Road in the East Triangle. Designed to cater to the holistic development of the residents and other users, Casa Naya aims to redefine the urban lifestylr. Providing strategic social spaces and various amenities, this condominium envisions a healthier, more responsive, and more sustainable living. Above. Aerial Perspective (Nighttime)

This project must be able to provide a design for an incubation facility to promote and improve the performing arts sector of the University of the Philipines – Diliman. Through architectural solutions and programming that will foster more academic and highly efficient facilities, this project shall address the needs of the Theater and Film programs of the university. The proposed UP Diliman Performing Arts Incubator is envisioned to be a public space. It shall be open to the students, the academe, the residents, the visitors, and non-UP community. Moreover, the project will only provide facilities and spaces for archiving, discussions, production, and performances.


t h e U P D i l ima n p er for m in g a r ts in cuba tor De si g ne d b y

Valderrama, JB

Through the vision of the University of the Philippines twenty years from now, there is an opportunity to improve and develop the current setting and facilities of the campus. This may be accomplished through the use of spaces that will gather new knowledge practically and theoretically. Above. Aerial Perspective Right. Approach Perspective from Melchor Hall

This project will discuss a new building typology in the University of the Philippines –Diliman, an incubator. Since this type of facility is not common in the Philippine context, the references and the case studies were taken from foreign projects. With that, a different approach should be implemented so that it would complement the needs of local context.

More than four decades after the opening of the old Nayong Pilipino, different technologies and architectural innovations were introduced. The challenge is to design a cultural facility that will be suitable for the context of the current millennium. Through the use of modern technologies like virtual and augmented reality, projected mapping, and other immersive strategies, the project will be able to provide a facility that is


t h e i n te r preta t i on cen ter a n d m ult i s e n s o r y m u s e u m for Phil ip p in e la n d s ca p e s a n d her ita ge

This project is an integrated interpretation center, visitor center and multisensory museum that will showcase the beauty of Philippine landscapes and the rich heritage of the country through architecture which stimulates the mind and the senses of the users. This unconventional museum will use immersive and performative spaces that will let the visitors have an experience that is memorable and educational.

De si g ne d b y

Valderrama, JB

Furthermore, the project is envisioned to be an accessible facility for all. It shall accommodate educational and recreational trips by local and foreign tourists. The museum shall serve as an avenue for the promotion of the Philippine heritage through the different exhibitions that will be showcased in the facility. It must also be open to artists and curators that can improve the collection and provide more significant pieces of art. Moreover, although the immersive displays are the main spaces of the proposed museum, spaces for conferences, assemblies and performances will also be provided. Top. Augmented Reality Exhibit

Above. Approach Perspective from Roxas Boulevard

Center. Philippine Map AR Exhibit Bottom Projection Mapping Exhibit


d is aste r re s pon s e p o p - u p mod ul e d e s i gn co m ptet i tion en tr y De si g ne d b y

Valderrama, JB jacosalem, JP

Modular design is seen as the most effective and efficient method of project construction in times of disaster relief operations. This project, The COMEBOX, focuses on the feasibility, expandability, and transportability of the design. Using modular design, the project is expected to be more flexible and easy to assemble. The design uses four standard modular units that will serve as zones and spaces. These are; 1) the Knorr soup kitchen with PureIt Drinking Water Stations. 2) Domex Toilets, 3) a storage, and 4) a wash area. The connections between the modules make it possible to arrange them in different configurations to adapt to the situation. The modules can also be divided into separate units, depending on the situation while still maintain functionality. Additional modules may be deployed depending on the needs of the evacuation center such as additional toilets, storage, etc.

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R E S I DE N C E S Designed by

Valderrama, JB

Central. Different views create various experiences. By having a central area, the views can be both centrifugal and centripetal. Also, the central area can be the focal point of the design. With the concept of Filipino kapitbahayan, the central part simulates the plazas. Community. Focusing on the lack of socially interactive spaces in the usual condominium typology, the idea for this design is to cater the kapitbahayan concept of the

Filipinos. By providing that will allow the users to interact and socialize with each other. System. An organized zoning will help in planning the spaces efficiently. Modular method was used for the residential units. On the ither hand, two main cores are located on the two corners and are used as inlets and outlets of trade winds. In addition, four special amenity areas are situated in primer areas per floor. Above. Approach Perspective

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