Jaime Castilla architecture & design portfolio

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Residence in “Rolex Learning Center (SANAA)� project type: student work P3 (prof. Almudena Ribot) program: residence for 1000 students location: Lausanne (Switzerland) completion: 05.2011 The goal of the project is to study how you can renovate an existing building, the Rolex Learning Center. The program has a residence hall for 1000 students. The proposal put forward plans to use each module window to house two students in two single rooms. The piece behaves as a parasite that adheres to the front of the building without posing a barrier for sunlight. Also, there is a top opening to create cross ventilation in the building.

200 Houses in Vegaviana project type: student work P2 (prof. Galiano) program: colective houses location: Vegaviana (Cáceres, Spain) completion: 10.2010

The project is located in Vegaviana, a village settlement located in the province of Cáceres. Northwest of Vegaviana, the Árrago river creates a fully immersed space in nature. This place was chosen for settlement. It seeks to merge with the Extremadura ´s landscape without loosing the connection with the people of Vegaviana . The proposal is based on a set of properties that are grouped into three different horizontal blocks describing random movements. The position of each horizontal block is designed so that there is no interference between views, which in return, allows everybody to enjoy the surrounding views of nature.

Workshop for an artist in the Farnsworth House project type: student work P1 (prof. Capitel) program: workshop for an artist location: River Road Plano, IL (EEUU) completion: 05.2009

The project aims to create an intimate space for the artist and at the same time is related to the local nature. The construction consists of three vertical planes, two parallel and one diagonal that create a spiral space around the toilet. The climax of the spiral is a large luminous room facing north.

Winter Games Center in Navacerrada project type: student work P3 (prof. Almudena Ribot) program: residence for 1000 students location: Lausanne (Switzerland) completion: 05.2011 This project is a mixuse building for the winter season of Navacerrada (Madrid). All of this program is grouped on an ice rink, behind a metal structure that expands like fingers into the natural mountain landscape.

Urban Hills in Tirso de Molina project type: student work P3 (prof. Almudena Ribot) program: urban design location: Tirso de Molina (Madrid, Spain) completion: 03.2011

The intervention is to create a new topography in Tirso de Molina which generates a new vision of public space and giving it new features, the other factor are the mirror covers that reflect all that is happening behind. To build the topography it use recycled waste for make the different high of the hills that later would cover with a mesh for depositing the compost and vegetation.

The value of shelter is reinterpreted by the adjectives that can be attributed to its own definition. It becomes a coarse, compact piece, that turns completely inside itself without giving any clue about what it is happening in the interior. The interior aims to establish relationships between programs in the same manner that would occur in a cave.

Extension of the Hotel “Coderch� project type: student work P4 (prof. Frechilla) program: hotel location: Puerto de Navacerrada (Madrid, Spain) completion: 10.2011

The building of Coderch is presented as a visual landmark that conflicts with the medium in which is placed. In this situation, the expansion of the refuge is interpreted from the point of view of a natural reaction that requires the very nature of the environment.

Mixuse termodinamic Building research project type: student work P5 (prof.I単aki Abalos) program: mixuse location: Madrid, Spain completion: 10.2012

During this project in the department of I単aki Abalos, we were required to apply the thermodynamic theories. I did some research on the design of a large-scale, multifunctional building located in the climate of Madrid. 1st. A study of the climate in question. 2nd. Application of passive strategies that shape the building. 3rd. Study the thermodynamics of the program and situation in the set. 4th. Study of the materiality. 5th. Defining the thermodynamic systems and operation of the assembly.

9601: Intervention project type: student work P7 (prof. Eva Kultermann) program: technologic & mixuse location: 9601, Chicago IL completion: 11.2013

Flexible Educatinal Space


Office and Services

Services and Mechanical

Research Lab Wood and Metal Shop Cafe/Restaurant

Outside/Inside Kitchen

Apquaponics comercial production

Performance Space

Farmers Market

The project goal was to create a community oriented destination spot where anyone can learn, make, and grow. This will be achivied by combining technology with gardering, and sustainability with innovation. This community supported pocket is broken up in three organizatinal categories: 1ยบ communtity 2ยบeducation 3ยบagriculture

Replanteamiento de la Ciudad Universitaria Madrid project type: student work P6 (prof.Espegel) program: technologic & mixuse location: Madrid, Spain completion: 12.2012

The objective is to create a network of self-managed, educational, sustainable and democratic spaces that cast doubt on the current immutable architecture. New spaces are becoming reinterpreted in order to supply all the needs with an educational purpose through the constant production of real prototypes.

“Archipalet� project type: student work P7 (prof. Eva Kultermann) program: structural system with palets location: 9601, Chicago IL completion: 11.2013

Construction executive project: Santa Maria de Luján project type: construction course (prof. Gema R. Pacheco) program: Dorms location: Madrid, Spain completion: 11.2013

We were asked to develope the entire executive project of construction of the existing building: “Santa Maria de Lujan” We design the excavation, the foundation, a structure of concrete, a metal frame structure, different types of deck, and differet types of facade. We design also the roof drains and all the equipment of the building. _constructive section



_roof drian

_detail of floor slab and top of wall beam

_detail of Zinc roof and ceramic facade

_detail of parapet and green roof

Landscape Waffle project type: student work P8 (prof. Steven Brubaker) program: Landscape Project location: WestLoop, Chicago IL completion: 02.2014

Mixuse Building project type: student work P8 (prof. Steven Brubaker) program: Office, School, Retail, Parking, Conservatory location: WestLoop, Chicago IL completion: 02.2014

Mixuse Building project type: student work P8 (prof. Steven Brubaker) program: Office, School, Retail, Parking, Conservatory location: WestLoop, Chicago IL completion: 02.2014

Rethink the Ruins. Packardtroit project type: Competition program: School Campus team: Jaime Castilla, Marta Criado, Ane Ferreiro location: Packard Plant. Detroit, EEUU completion: 07.2014

Drawing from Natural project type: Hand drawing course technique: acrylic paint on paper

Mantelizacci贸n project type: II Competition Students SteelCase program: Interconnect Space team: Jaime Castilla, Alberto Cuartero, Natalia Vime. completion: 04.2012

Airdrawing project type: Exhibition Design & Construction location: Tabacalera de Madrid completion: 06.2012 construction team: Jaime Castilla, Alberto Cuartero, Natalia Vime, Claudia Extremera.

"Airdrawing" is a construction system that lets you draw in the air in a space of 3 dimensions. It takes advantage of the environment by creating anchor points that let you draw lines. All these lines together create different spaces that supports and organizes the entire exibition.

Whale BANANA project type: Design technique: chinese ink & color pens on paper completion: 05.2013

“There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes this whole universe for a vast practical joke, though the wit there of he but dimly discerns, and more than suspects that the joke is at nobody's expense but his own.(...) Human madness is oftentimes a cunning and most feline thing. When you think it fled, it may have but become transfigured into some still subtler form.� _Herman Melville, Moby Dick (1851)

Zoogling project type: Design Bussines and T-shirt development location: www.zoogling.com Founders: Jaime Castilla, Alberto Cuartero, Natalia Vime.

Zoogling is more than a name, it is an attitude that is rooted in the view of the society as a predesigned jungle. We are all prisoners and Zoogling tries to take out your inner animal. Our goal is to mix, combine, transform, cut, paste, change, draw, rethink the reality with the wild universe of nature.

www.zoogling.com www.facebook.com/zooglingdesign @MrZoogling

Zoogling designs project type: Design location: www.zoogling.com

WWW.ZOOGLING.COM project type: Web Design location: www.zoogling.com completion: 02.2013

Zoogling & Shokmania Worldwide project type: Colaboration location: www.shookmaniaworldwide.wordpress.com completion: 04.2014

Beetles1984 project type: Design technique: lasercut completion: 06.2014

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