Book joint convention balikpapan 2015

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JCB2015-002 COMPARISON OF STOCHASTIC AND GRADIENT BASED METHOD IN FLOW RATE OPTIMIZATION ON SYNTHETIC WATERFLOODING MODEL M. Anis S.Si MT., Zuher Syihab PhD Bandung Institute of Technology ABSTRACT Waterflooding is one of the most common secondary recovery techniques in many reservoirs to maintain reservoir pressure and increase production. Injection and production strategies have significant affect to increase production performace and the recovery efficiency of the reservoir. One of the optimization strategy in waterflooding method is to optimize injection and production rate. This study conducted waterflooding optimization using stochastic method and the results will be compared with gradient based optimization method that was studied previously (Taufan, 2013). The objectives of this study are to prove the thoerem that gradeint based tend to trapped in local optima whereas stochastic method can avoid this trap, and to determine optimal injection and production scenario. This study conducted 2 models of reservoir. First is homogeneous permeabilty model in each layer. The second model is taken from SPE comparative study 10th that has been modified, wherein highly heterogeneous permeability distribution. In Model 1, stochastic method and gradient based method obtained the same results. In Model 2, stochastic optimization method gets better NPV. This result proves the theorem and stochastic optimization scenario is able to increase the production of the reservoir in waterflood method.



JCB2015-035 PLURIGAUSSIAN SIMULATION AND LITHOTYPE PROPORTION MAPPING: A PREFERRED APPROACH TO FACIES MODELING Tadeo Ditia, Andrean Satria, Adeline Susanto Landmark – Halliburton Energy Services Inc. ABSTRACT Geostatistical methods have their limitation when applied in complex geological settings. In some cases, the reservoir architecture presents complex facies transitions which cannot be simulated with mono-gaussian techniques. However, modelers are presented with a plethora of challenges when attempting to produce models based on real data, including honoring depositional facies boundary conditions and their proportions, honoring the data in presence of numerous or closely spaced wells. The simplest and frequently used method for facies modeling is Sequential Indicator Simulation (SIS). This algorithm is very straight forward and able to handle anisotropy of maximum continuity direction. However the algorithm cannot regulate the transitional rule between lithology laterally. The Plurigaussian approach has the ability to handle complex facies relationship, both vertically and laterally, in a pixel simulation. The one powerful combination of methodologies is the use of Lithotype Proportion Mapping with Plurigaussian algorithm. Lithotype Proportion Map counts for non-stationary for each facies with every layer and interval. By using the combination of PGS (Plurigaussian Simulation) and LPM (Lithotype Proportion Matrix), modeler will have objects control in their pixel-based model sequence model. Keywords: Plurigaussian, Lithotype Proportion Map, Facies Relationship





ABSTRACT A desktop study and geological analysis on current Wetar Project datasets were carried out to establish certain key criteria which related to the volcanic massive sulphide mineralization processes and the deposition of economic resources in the Wetar mineralization district. The primary objective is to identify deposit-scale exploration targets with potential to be developed into mineable copper and/or gold reserves within Batutua's tenements at Wetar Island. The first stage of the study is the identification of regional tectonic scale structures that may concentrate the flow of fluids (magma and metal-bearing fluids). The intersection of structural zones, characterized by inverted rifts, defines the prospective mineralization belts and determines camp-scale and deposit-scale targets. Camp-scale and deposit-scale targeting involves analyses and interpretation of more detailed geological and structural datasets, together with geophysical and mineral occurrence data to define specific areas of exploration potential. All targets are ranked on a technical basis utilizing ASC criteria and a simple numerical scoring scheme. Key criteria comprise favorable geological setting including specific host rocks, uplift and erosion rates, prospect scale faulting, post-mineral cover and mineral occurrences or alteration assemblages. Keywords: Area Selection Criteria (ASC), Wetar mineralization district, volcanic massive sulphide (VMS), camp-scale target, deposit-scale target



JCB2015-042 OVERPRESSURE CHARACTERISTIC & MECHANISM IN SOUTHERN PART OF OFFSHORE EAST JAVA BASIN, A STUDY CASE FROM PHE WMO SOUTH AREA Khadafi, Yosaphat Ardhita, Bambang Parikesit, Sidiq Romi PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO ABSTRACT Pore Pressure Study had been considered as an important study for safe and reliable drilling operations. The inaccurate pore pressure prediction may cost on costly disaster or lost the well from the following events : blowouts, borehole caving / collapse, stuck pipe, and lost circulation. This overpressure study focuses on PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi WMO South Area, located on southern part of offshore East Java Basin. South area has a more complex geological condition, compared to the northern part of offshore east Java Basin. This area has become the future of exploration and exploitation of PHE WMO, which required comprehensive study, included pore pressure study. The background of this overpressure study is due to overpressure zones had been indicated during drilling of some wells in this area, and accurate pore pressure prediction is necessary for design safe drilling operation within this area. Method used for this study consisted of individual wells overpressure analysis from final well report, operational drilling summary, mudlog (lithologic logs), pressure log, and well logs curve (gamma ray, resistivity, density and sonic) to create pore pressure profile and define the overpressure zone, with the end result is the type and mechanism of overpressure in this study area.



JCB2015-052 REKAMAN SALINITAS DAN SUHU PERMUKAAN LAUT DARI KANDUNGAN SR/CA DAN δ18O DARI KARANG : CONTOH STUDI WILAYAH PERAIRAN TIMOR Sri Yudawati Cahyarini, Intan Suci Nurhati LIPI ABSTRAK Untuk memahami perubahan iklim diperlukan parameter data iklim dalam kisaran waktu yang panjang dan menerus.Pada saat ini keberadaan data pengukuran parameter tersebut masih sangat terbatas. Karang mampu menyediakan data parameter iklim dan lingkungan dalam kisaran waktu panjang dari masa sekarang sampai ratusan tahun lampau bahkan sampai ratusan ribu tahun lampau. Kandungan Sr/Ca dalam karang mampu merekam suhu permukaan laut (SPL) sedangkan variasi δ18O karang dipengaruhi oleh δ18O air laut dan SPL, sehingga kombinasi antara kedua proxy tersebut yaitu Sr/Ca dan δ18O dapat digunakan untuk rekonstruksi δ18O air laut. Lebih lanjut kandungan δ18O air laut ini dapat digunakan untuk rekonstruksi salinitas karena variasi nya dipengaruhi oleh salinitas. Dalam studi ini dianalisis kandungan kimia Sr/Ca dan δ18O dalam karang contoh Porites dari teluk Kupang Timor. Kandungan Sr/Ca dianalisis menggunakan ICP OES sedangkan δ18O dianalisis menggunakan Gasbench Delta Plus di Geomar, Kiel. Hasil rekonstruksti SPL dan salinitas dari karang menunjukkan bahwa Sr/Ca lebih merekam suhu dibandingkan hanya δ18O karang. Tren kenaikan suhu terekam dari coral Timor sebesar 1.7oC terjadi pada abad 20. Dalam skala interannual, di Timor,vfenomena El Nino Souther Oscillation (ENSO) lebih berpengaruh pada suhu dan Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) berpengaruh pada suhu dan salinitas .Dalam skala decadal, ENSO lebih berpengaruh pada salinitas daripada suhu. Signal iklim pada frekuensi rendah lebih terekam dalam coral dibandingkan oleh reanalysis suhu.



JCB2015-056 ARUAH ISLAND'S GEOLOGY, NORTHEASTERN EGDE OF CENTRAL SUMATRA BASIN Bayu Nugroho1, Haryo Mustapha1, Anom Prasetya1, John Boast1, Manjeet Kaur2, Rama Wicakssana Cahyo Nusantara3, Sawungrono Dewawisesa3, Hari Utomo3 1

Salamander Indonesia, Salamander Singapore 3 IAGI


ABSTRACT The Aruah Islands are situated in the Malacca Straits in Indonesian waters approximately midway between Indonesia and Malaysia, 80 kilometres north of Bagansiapiapi, Central Sumatera. Two geomorphologically distinct groups of islands occur. A “Western Island” cluster which are elongate in an approximately north–south direction and an “Eastern Island” cluster located 12 kilometres south-east which have a pinnacle morphology. Reconnaissance field work identified regionally eastward steeply dipping arenaceous and rudaceous inferred Palaeozoic siliciclastic sediments. Sparse surrounding well control penetrated pre-Tertiary quartzites, dated as Devonian, overlain unconformably by latest Tertiary and Pleistocene sediments. Sedimentologically the “Western Island” cluster is dominated by medium to thickly bedded quartz arenites that exhibit graded planar cross-bedding, trails and burrows. Lithology “Eastern Island” cluster exposures comprise quartz arenites and polymict conglomerates with basic igneous and sedimentary poorly sorted clasts floating in a siliceous matrix. Though difficult to speculate on sediment thickness with the isolated control and uncertain structure, but with a regional dip circa 60° thicknesses are probably considerable. Structurally the islands are on trend with the Minas, Duri, Bagansiapiapi and Perak Highs. Seismic and well data around islands documents a complex pre-Tertiary geological history. In conclusion the Aruah islands expose a steeply dipping indurated sedimentary section with affinities to Palaeozoic sediments however no conclusive age can be obtained from the outcrops. The structure and stratigraphy of islands will be discussed in relationship to implication of petroleum exploration.




CHARACTERISTICS AND CORRELATION OF SOURCE ROCKS AND OILS IN MUSI PLATFORM, SOUTH SUMATRA BASIN: STUDY OF SOURCE ROCK AND OIL CHARACTERIZATION M. Syaifudin1,2, Eddy A. Subroto1, Dardji Noeradi1, Asep H.P.Kesumajana1 1 ITB 2 UPN ABSTRACT There are differences of opinion for determining an oil family. The first opinion about analyzing oil, argues that oils are derived from source rocks that are fluvio-deltaic, shallow marine and lacustrine characterization, while the second opinion about analyzing source rocks and oils argues that there are no source rocks or oils with lacustrine characterization. This study was carried out in Musi platform (adjacent to Benakat gully, Saung Naga, and Linggau graben), which is considered as syn-rift basins, is expected, source rock with lacustrine characterization could be found. The source rock analysis consisted of 65 carbon isotope samples and 52 biomarker samples, while the oil analysis consisted of 40 carbon isotope samples and 46 biomarker samples. Characterization has been based on qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data comprises evaluation based on mass-fragmentograms, whereas quantitative data consists of a series of cross-plots. The results from the geochemical analysis are: the Lemat and Talangakar Formation in Benakat gully were interpreted to have estuarine and deltaic characterizations, respectively. Oils in Musi platform were interpreted as lacustrine oils. There was no correlation between oils and source rocks. There are the lacustrine source rocks (as evidenced by the presence of the lacustrine oil is considered as being generated by the Lemat Formation from the deeper strata of stratigraphy). There is also a new interpretation of the Lemat Formation's depositional environment in Benakat Gully. The upper part of the Lemat Formation has a tendency to be seen as being marineinfluenced, and was interpreted as having estuarine characterization. Keywords: Biomarker, Syn-Rift, Lacustrine, Estuarine, Shallow Marine, Fluvio-Deltaic, Deltaic.



JCB2015-060 4D SEISMIC APPLICATIONS FOR MONITORING WATERFLOOD SWEEP PATTERN IN WINDRI AREA, ASRI BASIN, OFFSHORE SOUTHEAST SUMATRA Pranowo Nugroho, Reza Widiatmo, Julius Sunarta, Sun Pengxiao CNOOC ABSTRACT Reservoir characterization in Windri field is complicated by complex lithology and difficulties in predicting changes in fluid distribution. 33-4 Sand body is interpreted as complex channel compartmentalized and part of water flood project associated with distributary channels, mouth bars and delta front shoals. Seismic amplitude mapping at the Base Upper Gita horizon reveals a system of meandering channels. In 2000 and 2004, 4D seismic data set was acquired and processed to take advantage of seismic AVO effects. The base line 1991 seismic data set was reprocessed in parallel. The primary reason for the monitor data set was to observe the reservoir pressure depletion state around a water-flooding project. Detection of 33-4 sandstone reservoir is feasible based on interpretation of AVO P, G, P*G, P(30) attributes. Fluid replacement model created into three scenarios (oil, water, gas) to predict the hydrocarbon saturation. Integrated time lapse 4D seismic by using map differences in seismic response has been conducted for monitoring pressure decrease and subsequent water flooding sweep patterns. Windri area divided into 6 sweep patterns area to make improved connectivity analysis. AVO attributes using intercept (P), gradient (G), P*G, and P(30) has been done to determine of 33-4 sand. Feasibility study on AVO analysis has been applied by using fluid replacement model on the well data. A more advanced interpretation of the expanded AVO analysis for 33-4 sand has been done by using simultaneous inversion and 4D time lapse seismic. Practically, this method is used to map differences in seismic response over time attributable to production related processes, especially amplitude response which directly interpreted as replacement of oil by dissolved gas, and also suggesting re-pressurizing the reservoir. Reservoir characterization using 4D simultaneous inversion enhances interpretative resolution and reduces uncertainty sand and fluid prediction. Integrated analysis of time lapse 4D seismic has been well implemented for increasing infill and injector success ratio, as well as predominating pressure degradation in Windri field. This comprehensive study is essential for understanding of complex lithology, monitoring pressure decrease and subsequent water flooding sweep patterns in 33-4 sandstones reservoir. Knowing the concept of depositional setting, facies and reservoir behavior to be applied in the water flood project is crucial to optimize the production. Keywords: Water flood, Sweep Pattern, 4D Seismic, Reservoir Characterization, AVO



JCB2015-067 MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL ROCK TYPE MODEL AT PUSHBACK 9S3, GRASBERG OPEN PIT MINE Asrizal, J.Sirait, E.Widijanto PT Freeport Indonesia ABSTRACT Grasberg Open Pit mining operated by PT Freeport Indonesia. The deposit is associated with volcanic rocks and quartz monzodiorite intrusions that form an igneous complex. The Grasberg Igneous Complex (GIC) is host to a porphyry Cu-Au deposit with totally 1,191 million tonnes ore reserves at 0.99 % Cu and 0.81 g/t Au (Jan 01, 2015). Grasberg Open Pit has its own challenges in designing pit wall regarding on the variety of rock type that formed by the multiple phases of intrusion and alteration. The material characterization, Geotechnical Rock Type (GTRCK) is one of important model for slope design recommendation related to final pit wall stability. The GTRCK modeling based on combination model of % RQD and % Sericite. One of current focused GTRCK is pushback 9S3 area at southwest pit, radial sector 240째-260째. Beside material characterization, the 9S3 controlled by the structural intersections between NW with NE fault trending. The weakness area defined in GTRCK 1 and 3, controlled by sericite >20% in volume and requires a low angle 34째 slope design. The sieve analysis showing increased %fine material (<75micron) occur within GTRCK 1 and 3. Using the GTRCK model, the final pit wall can be safely managed in slope design. Keywords: GIC, GTRCK, Sericite, RQD, Geology Structure




ITB GDA Consulting


ABSTRACT Sedimentological research in the Kutai Basin related to deltaic deposit has been studied since 1970s which lithofacies has been employed as central parameter. However, that has been contrary the fact that ichnofossil has been still paid regardless of fruitful parameter and used solely as attribute of depositional environment analysis by previous workers although they have to record it. This paper will establish the potential of ichnofossil data to explain the meaning of the cyclical and variability of fluvial influx and marine process based on outcrops studies in Kesejahteraan and Melati Roads, Samarinda City. The use of ichnofossil characteristics (e.g., bioturbation index, ichnodiversity, burrow diameter, burrow lining and penetration depth) as a proxy for the ascertaining the environmental conditions. The significant finding is that environment regularly might have been intruded by various intensities of fluvial influx, thereby fluctuating environmental conditions such as salinity, water turbidity, oxygenation, sediment stability. That of environment did not compel the depositional environment is changing but manifested the short lived construction in the delta formation. The proposal of various deltaic processes is rather more conjectural in spite of the fact that limited ichnofossil data can make a difference in understanding. The enforcement of ichnological analysis is required to accomplish the rigorous interpretation. Keywords: Ichnofossil, Ichnofabric, Fluvial, Wave, Storm, Tidal, Short Lived Construction



JCB2015-077 APPLIED VELOCITY VERSUS OFFSET (VVO) TO VALIDATED & CHARACTERIZED FRACTURING ZONE IN INTRA BATURAJA FORMATION, SOUTH SUMATRA BASIN Hilman Mardiyan, Saifatur Rusli Samudra Energy ABSTRACT The velocity versus offset (VVO) as new geophysical method can be applied to detect some geological phenomenon, such as hydrocarbon trap, structural-fracture anomaly, facies changes, etc. The VVO method is data driven, based on the normal move out equation (NMO) and measuring the local even correlation between adjacent traces. The velocity gradient attributes is derived by cross-plotting the velocity versus offset (VVO). This paper is describing applied VVO model that controlled by well data which indicated fracture from logs data, especially Resistivity Imager Logs or Formation Micro Imager (FMI). Images FMI logs data at Intra-Baturaja Carbonate Formation (BRF) in Lahat Sub-basin, South Sumatera, shows vugs with fractures which orientation is roughly NNW-SSE. Meanwhile, the 2D NMO seismic gathers indicated those all as hockey stick at far offset. By applying VVO method, hockey stick can be identified and then used to validated, characterized and localized where the fracturing zone in intra-Baturaja Formation is. Laterally, VVO quantified as velocity gradient attribute which associated with geological model as the fracturing zone in study area. Characterization fracturing zone in Intra Baturaja Formation as geological lateral model by design is a challenging task for most exploration and production. In term of exploration where limited data is available, it can be used step ahead as carbonate fracture reservoir candidate in proven area and adjacent, especially in Lahat Sub-Basin, South Sumatra Area.




PT Pertamina Upstream Technology Center 2 Padjadjaran University ABSTRACT

Production and national oil & gas reserve in the last years have been going down while the energy need is increasing. This situation must be addressed by finding the alternative energy. One of the alternative energy is the methane hydrate gas. This study is intended to get an integrated picture of the existing studies with the geological- geophysical evaluation of the potential methane hydrates gas in the Makassar Strait and surrounding areas. This comprehension will help to make the development strategy of oil and gas in Indonesia, especially the methane hydrate gas in Eastern Indonesia. In addition, this study is expected as a first step in developing methane hydrate gas. We used 3D seismic data, covering an area about 7157.16 km2 along with gather data and Karama-1 well which is located outside the Pertamina working area. The interpreted horizon target is the top hydrate gas. The seismic interpretation was also done by using seismic attributes. The time structure map was using the convergent interpolation method with 50x50 size of grid, generates area which is potential to have hydrate gas. AVO analysis and its attributes using the gather data were conducted to analyze the presence of gas. The method is performed by dividing the gather data into two amplitude attribute processes, namely the Near and Far Stack, followed by the reduction process between the Far Stack data and the Near Stack data. This process will produce a negative value, illustrates that the AVO in the study area belongs to the class III. The results obtained0020from this process is incorporated into the structure map to get anomalous areas which have hydrate gas potential. There are six areas that have hydrate gas potential in the study area. Based on the result of this study, the potential areas have hydrates gas thickness about 100 meters. Distribution model and resource of methane gas hydrate in the study area are based on the thickness of GHZ, about 100 meters. The calculation of areas is defined by anomalies which have been seen in the attribute map. We have obtained six anomalies in the study area that is expected to have hydrate gas potential. The result of volumetric calculation is 10.38 km3, starting from Area-1 to Area-6 respectively is 0.85; 4.34; 1.98; 1.7; 0.94; and 0.57 km3. Keywords: Methane Hydrate Gas, Seismic Data, Gather Data, Well Data, Avo Analysis



JCB2015-086 APPLICATION OF GIS FOR GEOTHERMAL WELL SITING IN EXPLORATION PHASE Imam M. Prasetyo, Sapto T. Nurseto, Hary Koestono, M. Husni Thamrin. PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy ABSTRACT Exploration wells drilling is one of the most crucial phase in geothermal development. It contains high risk and significant amount of cost to find the true potential of geothermal energy. To lower the risk of failure in targeting the exploration wells, comprehensive study of Geology, Geochemistry and Geophysics (3G) were conducted. It aims to construct the geothermal conceptual model of the field as the foundation for designating the well locations. Geographic Information System (GIS) method were utilized to combined 3G data and made an assessment of where the top priority well will be located and also the next wells after that. The judgement were made based on score profile on each well location considering the Geology (heat source/eruption centre, faults, surface manifestation); Geochemistry (type of geothermal waters, fluid characteristics, geothermometer); and Geophysical Anomalies (MT-Resistivity, Gravity, Passive Seismicity). This priority assessment will assist the Management of PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE) to decide exploration wells drilling that has the lower risk and higher success rate.



JCB2015-087 BASEMENT ROCKS OF THE MALACCA STRAIT COASTAL PLAIN, CENTRAL SUMATRA BASIN Wiendra A. Faridsyah, Resky Yustiawan, Noha Muhamad, Ukat Sukanta and Arif Wibowo EMP Malacca Strait S.A. ABSTRACT For many years, exploration activities in the Malacca Strait Coastal Plain of the Central Sumatra Basin (CSB) have been focused on the Tertiary sedimentary sections that filled the basin since the early syn-rift in the Middle Eocene up to the post-rift in the Oligo-Miocene, with the Sihapas Group reservoirs have been the main objectives. In 1988 in the Kuang Area of the South Sumatra Basin, the Indonesian State Oil and Gas Company (Pertamina) discovered potential hydrocarbon-bearing reservoirs of the fractured (granite and quartzite) basement. Since that time in searching hydrocarbon, several PSCs drilled the plays down to the basement rocks underlying the Tertiary sections as in the CSB. In the Malacca Strait PSC, an example of the basement rocks has also been defined as the PreTertiary age based on K-Ar analysis of cores from the Kurau field indicating 275 Ma, equivalent to the Early Permian. The biostratigraphic dating of these cores is unlikely due to the absence of biological remains; however, the cored section is in the same stratigraphic position to the Gua Musang Formation in the Malaysia Peninsular which has been well documented as the Permian to Mid-Triassic age. Basement rocks in the Malacca Strait have been suggested as a complex of microplate assemblages, which previously underwent intense tectonism (uplift, extension and accretion), associated with plutonism and metamorphism, and resulted in various lithologies. It is also suggested that the Melange zone due to subduction between Sibumasu and Indochina Terranes in the Late Triassic–Early Jurassic was propagating southward across the coastal plain of the CSB, exactly where the Malacca Strait PSC located. Exploration and development wells in the Malacca Strait PSC have penetrated numerous basement lithologies consisting of quartzite, metasiliciclastics and black shale -limestone facies. Specifically the limestone facies demonstrating unique geometrical features, frequently recognized within the 2D-seismic data. These were likely developed within ancient shallow marine environments in the pre-Tertiary and might also in Tertiary, which are the main topic and will be discussed in the presentation.



JCB2015-089 MESOZOIC AND EOCENE TAMPUR HYDROCARBON EXPLORATION POTENTIAL IN THE NORTH SUMATRA BASIN: NEW EVIDENCE FROM SEISMIC, WELL AND OUTCROPS Fatrial Bahesti1, Mohamad Wahyudin, Yosi Hirosiadi PT Pertamina EP Sumatra Exploration ABSTRACT Mesozoic and Eocene hydrocarbon play in the North Sumatra Basin is still less-explored and believed to have the important role for future hydrocarbon exploration in the basin. The Mesozoic play consists of a series of very large Peusangan and Woyla Group that have been overlayed by Eocene Tampur carbonate/dolomite and onlapped by the lacustrine Oligocene Bampo/Bruksah sediments, which provide potential for both a source and reservoir. Tampur Formation is believed to be widespread Eocene carbonate/dolomite platform covering pre-rift sediments in the North Sumatra Basin. The new mature source rock layer in Eocene Tampur carbonate has been found in Benggala-1 that has penetrated 200 m of Tampur formation. The total organic carbon (TOC) from mudstone layer in Tampur formation is up to 2.08% with 75 m in thickness. Whole gas chromatography and stable carbon isotope analysis was carried out oil in Tampur which places within mixed highly oxic terrestrial plant facies and algal marine. However, very good secondary porosity and permeability development in the Tampur dolomite has been found in new exploration well. It is expected to result from either meteoric or hydrothermal karsting that created a stratiform diagenetic trap. The Mesozoic petroleum systems in the basin are subject of an ongoing study incorporating outcrops, core and seismic data. Recognition of hydrocarbon play and possible new petroleum system in Mesozoic and Eocene sediment have profound implication for hydrocarbon potential in the North Sumatra Basin, opening the door for variety of new large play opportunities, e.g., natural fractured reservoir of Mesozoic sediment and Eocene carbonate karstification.



JCB2015-092 SEISMIC MULTI-ATTRIBUTE INTEGRATION FOR CHARACTERIZATION OF THIN LAYER GAS RESERVOIR: CASE STUDY OF BINIO FORMATION IN “SS� FIELD, CENTRAL SUMATRA BASIN Putri D. Ekowati1, Radig W. Yuwono1, Afrizon Setiawan1, Dhimas Arief1, Heri Setiawan1, 1 Hendarman Ign. Sonny Winardhie2, Hadi Siswanto2, Gilvano Matthew2 1



ABSTRACT Elastic attributes has become prevalent tools in reservoir characterization. P-impedance derived by acoustic impedance processing followed by a multi-attribute calibration could be used to determine characterization of gas reservoir quality effectively. Shallow gases in SS Field are trapped within the Late Miocene to Early Pliocene clastic Binio Formation at 600-2500 feet below sea level as the main gas reservoir target. The primary gas reservoirs are 7 relatively thin sand layers in the Binio Formation (Lower Petani) at 600-2500 feet below sea level, with average thickness between 10 and 25 feet that fall below seismic resolution. A total of 39 survey lines of 2D seismic data, 11 wireline logs, 6 checkshots, and several mud log data, DST, production test data, and well reports, are used in this study. In order to characterize gas reservoir and identify exploratory prospects for further development in proven SS gas fields, a study is conducted to compute, analyze, and integrate seismic attributes to support geological modeling. The initial assumptions are the reservoir sand is continuing and the bright amplitude is correlating with gas distribution. Hence, in this study, inversion of the given seismic data are extracted and attributes related to seismic amplitude are employed. Amplitude Envelope and Sweetness attributes are used to delineate reservoir distribution. The results show that the interest zone will commonly have higher reflection strength and lower dominant frequency compared to its surrounding, as expected from porous sand reservoir. To overcome the thin layers problem, relative acoustic impedance is generated. Relative PImpedance is high frequency component of absolute P-Impedance, giving sense of high and low P-Impedance distribution without dependence to subjectivity of horizon and structures interpretation, so it could be useful in thin-bed reservoir. It could be used as a guiding trend for horizon interpretation and to sensing sand and shale distribution validated by log data. Pseudo Density attribute is generated in order to prove correlation between bright amplitude with gas distribution. This is based on the idea of very low density is corresponding with gas appearance in reservoir. The log information shows that total gas has a good correlation with low density at each well. A robust petro-acoustic model can be defined since enough well data are available, to represent the training dataset. The previous attributes derived from amplitude anomaly was transformed to pseudo density based on each attributes - density crossplot dataset training and analysis in geostatistics. The result of Pseudo Density generation indicates good correlation with log density and total gas appearance. It could be concluded that pseudo-density distribution, which derived from bright amplitude and guided by structural contour, indicates gas distribution in SS gas field. The attributes could be used as guidance for building static model. Keywords: Seismic Multi-attribute, Thin-bed Reservoir, Binio Formation




PT. Geoservices 2 ITB ABSTRACT

Indonesia is predicted to have a considerable hydrocarbon resources from unconventional source rocks such as coals and shales. To examine the hydrocarbon potential from unconventional source rock efficiently, we perform the initial stages in the term of organic petrology and geochemistry. This research study was conducted on lignite from Muara Enim Formation (MEF) - South Sumatra Basin, shales from Sangkarewang Formation (SRF) - Ombilin Basin and Brown Shale Formation (BSF) - Central Sumatra Basin. Organic petrology studies can provide information about the physical, and optical properties of the organic matter. The thermal maturity can be measured using the term of reflectance vitrinite. It is the most common approach exist to define the maturity which is completed by microscopic examination of macerals and recording the reflectivity of macerals via a photomultiplier. Whilst, the organic geochemistry comprises Total Organic Content (TOC), RockEval pyrolysis, and open-system pyrolysis Gas Chromatography (py-GC). They are the most widely used method for screening the gas or petroleum generative potential and thermal maturity of source rocks. Therefore, they were used to characterize the type and maturity of organic matter and to detect hydrocarbon potential. Microscopically the coal sample showed huminite rich with more than 80% and it has reflectance (Rmax) value of 0.29% that reached into lignite stages. Organic geochemically showed that lignite has Total Organic Carbon (TOC) content of 49.3 wt. % which indicate to excellent as source of hydrocarbon potential. The Hydrogen Index (HI) values from 167 mg HC/g TOC and the Tmax of 405ËšC. Whereas, the shales were composed mainly by lamalginite, telalginite, botryococcus braunii and minor quantities of vitrinite content. The vitrinite reflectance value were present in low to moderate level, varying from 0.31 to 0.43 % which indicated the immature organic matter. Kerogen in these shales are primarily a Type II oil prone, as indicated by Rock-Eval data. It has good to excellent organic rich (4.7-5.0 wt.% TOC) with Hydrogen Index (HI) values from 553 to 630 mg HC/g TOC and the Tmax ranging from 433 to 441ËšC. Based on the result of fingerprinting from py-GC under open-system pyrolysis revealed that organic matters have a good to excellent both of gases and oil generation potential. Pyrolisate compound from lignite is dominated by light gases, high phenol and high aromacity. Whilst, the shales are characterized by pyrolisates enriched in lo w and long alkyl chains compared to intermediate compound. Our result of this study that these formation could be serve as source of unconventional natural gas and oil in each basin source rocks. Keywords: Unconventional Source Rocks, Muara Enim-Sangkarewang and Brown Shale Formations, Organic Petrology and Geochemistry




Institut Teknologi Bandung 2 Badan Geologi Bandung ABSTRAK

Daerah penelitian Korido terletak di Kabupaten Supiori, Papua, Indonesia. Daerah ini berada di utara dari Pegunungan Tengah dan termasuk dalam Cekungan Irian Utara yang merupakan cekungan busur depan (McAdoo & Haebig, 1999). Daerah penelitian sendiri berdasarkan Peta Geologi yang dibuat oleh Masria dkk. (1981) tersusun atas Formasi Wainukendi yang merupakan formasi yang tersusun dominan oleh batuan sedimen karbonat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pola litologi dan batas – batas litologi dari susunan stratigrafi terukur sepanjang lintasan penelitian yang kemudian diintegrasikan dengan analisis mikrofasies dan facies zone yang didapatkan berdasarkan analisis petrografi untuk mengetahui lingkungan pengendapan serta proses pengendapan yang terjadi pada Formasi Wainukendi. Selain itu, dilakukan juga penentuan umur relatif berdasarkan analisis large benthic foraminifera sehingga dapat diintegrasikan proses pengendapan dengan umur relatifnya. Tujuan akhir dari penelitian ini adalah mengintegrasikan data lapangan, hasil analisis mikrofasies dan hasil analisis proses pengendapan untuk membuat model sedimentasi, menentukan marker stratigrafi, dan menentukan system tract yang berkembang pada Formasi Wainukendi di daerah penelitian. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah pemetaan geologi yang difokuskan pada bidang stratigrafi di Lintasan Korido untuk mendapatkan urutan litostratigrafi, tipe platform, proses sedimentasi, dan analisis laboratorium yang meliputi analisis petrografi untuk menentukan mikrofasies dan facies zone dan analisisi paleontologi untuk menentukan umur relatif yang kemudia diintegrasikan untuk mendapatkan marker stratigrafi dan system tract yang berkembang pada Formasi Wainukendi. Dari hasil analisis tipe platform didapatkan platform yang berkembang adalah tipe rimmed shelf yang kemudian digunakan sebagai acuan dalam analisis mikrofasies menurut Wilson (1975) sehingga didapatkan 4 facies zone yang berkembang yaitu platform margin reef, slope, toe of slope apron, dan deep shelf. Berdasarkan analisis proses pengendapan didapatkan 3 siklus pengendapan yang terjadi dari Formasi Wainukendi. Dari hasil analisis ini digunakan dalam penentuan sikuen stratigrafi sehingga didapatkan pola sikuen yang berkembang berdasarkan batas sikuen dan system tract-nya adalah LST-TS-TST-MFS-HST sehingga didapatkan satu siklus penuh perubahan ruang akomodasi dan pasokan sedimen dimana terjadi terjadi peningkatan ruang akomodasi yang diimbangi oleh peningkatan pasokan



sedimen pada LST yang ditandai dengan progradasi dan agradasi, peningkatan pasokan sedimen yang lebih rendah dari peningkatan ruang akomodasi pada fase TST yang ditandai dengan retrogradasi, dan penurunan ruang akomodasi dengan tingkat pasokan sedimen yang masih tinggi pada fase HST yang ditandai dengan progradasi. Keywords: Batuan Karbonat, Mikrofasies, Sekuen Stratigrafi, Formasi Wainukendi, Korido



JCB2015-101 APPLICATION OF POLARIMETRIC SYNTHETIC APERTURE RADAR (POLSAR) DATA TO DETECT VOLCANIC PRODUCTS: A NEW INSIGHT INTO ANCIENT VOLCANISM AT KARANGSAMBUNG REGION Asep Saepuloh, Emmy Suparka Bandung Institute of Technology ABSTRACT Characterizing as well as detecting ground surface materials under Torrid Zone using optical remote sensing is fully problematic especially from atmosphere and ground surface conditions itself. The cloud, intensive weathering, and canopy vegetation are example of these classical difficulties in ground surface detection. Overcoming the problem, we have applied a remote sensing technology in microwave region termed as Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) to detect volcanic products at ground surface. As part of SAR technology, the Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) measures backscattering more than one channel while fully polarimetric sensors transmit and receive backscattered signal with two orthogonal polarizations H and V, respectively. Thus, sensitivity of target detection is improved by incorporating four polarized modes: HH, HV, VH, and VV. In this paper, we presented a simple application of PolSAR data to characterize surface geology at Karangsambung region, Central Java, Indonesia. A seed fill method with pixel growth criterion to geomorphologic and structural features in PolSAR composite imagery termed as seed-SAR was used as detection basis. Following the seed-SAR result, we could detect radial as well as linear structures, eruption center, and distribution of volcanic products at Karangsambung region. These features are identical for volcanic field structures. Field observations and petrographic analyses were used to check the correctness of the seed-SAR results.



JCB2015-106 APPLICATION OF INVERSE-VELOCITY METHOD TO PREDICT THE OCCURRENCE OF PIT WALL FAILURE AT BATU HIJAU - PT NEWMONT NUSA TENGGARA Ilfan Rainuddin, Yan Adriansyah PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara ABSTRACT Batu Hijau Mine - PT Newmont Nusa Tenggara is an open pit gold and copper mining located on Sumbawa Island, Sekongkang District, West Sumbawa, NTB - Indonesia. Mining operational activities has now entered the stage of Phase-6 and then will enter the final stage (ultimate pit) with diameter 2.3 km and a total depth of nearly 1 km. Unique geological characteristics such as poor rock mass, complex geological structure and high ground water pressure behind the pit wall are major factors in the occurrence of Pit wall failure in the Batu Hijau Mine - PTNNT. Based on above consideration, the mine slope monitoring is one of the key to ensure mining operations safely, effectively and efficiently as well as to follow an appropriate pit slope design criteria. To ensure any potential slope failure can be observed earlier, the slope monitoring system in Batu Hijau Mine has been using various instruments that are real time monitoring. The most valuable of this system is the movement can be observed by actual time scale. The real time data can make the analysis pit wall failure easier for Geotechnical Engineer so the impact of the pit wall failure for the worker and the mining equipment can be avoided. One of the common methods used to predict time of failure is Inverse-Velocity Method which uses result of data monitoring as the main object for the input analysis. This method is very simple to implement in supporting the successful of monitoring program at Batu Hijau Mine PTNNT, therefore able educe any potential impact of pit wall failure to the overall mining operation. Keywords: Batu Hijau Mine, Phase-6, Ultimate Pit, Real Time, Dan Inverse-Velocity



JCB2015-110 BAWEAN ISLAND AS A NEW GEOTURISM DESTINATION IN EAST JAVA BASIN Wahyu Vian Pratama, An Ikhrandi, Tito Nugroho, Fahmi Fathurrahman, Hari Utomo, Rifki Amami 1


Bawean Island has some wonderful tourism objects like beaches, hills, volcanic craters, coral reefs and diverse marine animals. Bawean Island emerged as a Back Arc Volcanism Java, just like Mt. Muria, Mt. Lasem, Mt. Ringgit-Beser and Mt. Baluran isolated in the north of the island of Java. These mountains are not subduction related but major-related fault called Meratus-MuriaKebumen Fault. On this island there are some interesting geotourism potentials such as Kestoba Lake which is the result of Quaternary volcanic activity in the form of a collapsed volcanic crater and filled with water so that it becomes a lake. Volcanism process intensively could be observed in Laccar Waterfall, which is found tuff in the upper layers and andesitic / basaltic lava at the bottom. In addition, the process of dissolution and abrasion against volcanic rocks produce beautifully geological attractions, such as Gua Wallet and Batu Candi. Despite of volcanic activity, carbonate sedimentation still continues nowadays as modern carbonate sedimentation in the form of exposure to coral reefs, around Gili-Noko Island. Moreover, Bawean Island has biological diversity like Bawean endemic deer. Beside, it is also found oil seeps around Mt. Lantung and hot springs as a geothermal manifestations. The unification of volcanism, tectonics, carbonate sedimentation, availability of transport and accommodation make this island very interesting to be geotourism destination. Keywords: Bawean, Geology, Tourism



JCB2015-118 THE ROLE OF GEOLOGICAL MUSEUM TO SUPPORT GEOCONSERVATION AND GEOPARK DEVELOPMENT IN INDONESIA Sinung Baskoro, Oman Abdurrahman, Heryadi Rachmat Center for Geological Survey Geological Agency Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources ABSTRACT Museum has an important role in collecting, preserving, conservation, documentation, and exhibitiom of tangible and intangible natural and cultural heritage for education, research, and geotourism. Geological Museum in Bandung preserves geological collections, either they are written as fieldwork notes or laboratory works, as well as records in term of landscapes as natural heritage. Geological Museum is one of favorite destinations for many people. There are 600,000 visitor in 2014 – about 85% are students of all levels. The museum also disseminates geological knowledge to school teachers and students through seminars and exhibitions, as well as conducting cooperative researchs. Researchs with other institutions have made two spectacular findings: the largest coal reserve and the most complete fossilized skeleton of elephantidae. It is important to note that Geological Museum stores collections of rocks, minerals, and fossils that have been collected since the end of 19th century reaching hundreds of thousands in number up to this day. Those rocks and fossils were found in many places/locations in Indonesia and, unfortunately, most of them were destroyed or damaged either naturally or by human activities. Therefore there might be no evidence for the next generations to witness the existence of the locations. Thus, the collections of the Geological Museum become an authentic proof for geoconservation and geopark development in Indonesia.




Indonesia Karst Museum, Pracimantoro Geological Museum, Geological Agency


ABSTRACT Gunungsewu Geopark is a national geopark listed as a candidate member of GGN (Global Geopark Network) from Indonesia. The location covered 3 regency areas, by following Wonogiri Regency in Central Java, Pacitan Regency in East Java, and Gunungkidul Regency in Special Distric of Yogyakarta. Almost of 33 geosites are situated in karst area. Indonesia Karst Museum is located in PracimantoroWonogiri. It is the one of geological museum which has focused on the research about karst. The museum mostly exhibits the source of limestone, the karst genesa, the limestone composition, the dissemination of karst benefits for the society, and the variation of geographical distribution of karst in Indonesia. It shows also the conservation of karst area in Indonesia and the story line about the social-related function of karst since the previous day until present. Rating of visitor reached almost of 80000 visitors in a year consisting 30% of students. Most of visitors are dominated by local people who live around Wonogiri. It is important for us to share the understanding about geology, karst, and geopark. The goal of museum is to responsible to establish Indonesia Karst Museum as the knowledge center for inhabitants surrounding Gunungsewu Geopark. The society understanding about karst could be increased by adding promotion, dissemination, and activities that are involved them directly. Keywords: Indonesia Karst Museum, Gunungsewu, Geopark, Wonogiri



JCB2015-123 THE ROLE OF GEOLOGIST IN SUPPORTING GEOCONSERVATION THROUGH TAMBORA NATIONAL PARK DEVELOPMENT Heryadi Rachmat, Annisa Dzawilfitri, Halmi Insani Geological Museum, Geological Agency ABSTRACT Mount Tambora (+2851m) which was catastrophically erupted in 1815 is the one of the three calderas in Indonesia which was formed during 750 years which was consecutively built up between Mount Rinjani in 1258 and Mount Krakatau in 1883. The site is situated in Sumbawa Island, West Nusa Tenggara as the product of the collision of Eurasian and Australian plates. This setting creates a high geological diversity and provides an opportunity to be developed as national park. Geologist plays an important role to present accurate information about the volcanic formation and process and about the uniqueness of Mount Tambora to support its lifted status to national park. The geologist of Geological Agency carried out several activities to support these objectives since 1998. The outcome of works consists the surveys, seminars, and the preparation of the legal documents related. The development of national park as an alternative tourism is a new paradigm in Indonesia. The purpose in short term is to obtain the geological database over geodiversity of Indonesia while at a long term, it will contribute to geological hazard mitigation through world-class geoconservation. In 2013, The Indonesian Ministry of Forestry has been demanded some geologists from Geological Agency and other related research institutions to collaborate and had been given an order to generate several assessments regarding its emerging status to become a national park in 2015. This effort to this national park status will supposedly give positive impacts to Mount Tambora as a world site which contributes to assemble education and geotourism value in one protected and conserved area. Keywords: National Park, Tambora, Geologist, Geoconservation



JCB2015-124 REKONSTRUKSI PALEO-PRODUKTIVITAS SELAT SUNDA SEJAK 35 000 TAHUN YANG LALU Rina Zuraida1, Luli Gustiantini1, Nazar Nurdin1, Wahyu S. Hantoro2, Marfasran Hendrizan2, Eko Triarso3, Rainer A. Troa3, Shengfa Liu4, Xuefa Shi4 1

P3GL 2 LIPI 3 Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Laut dan Pesisir 4 First Institute of Oceanography ABSTRAK Rekonstruksi produktivitas masa lalu penting untuk memahami dampak perubahan iklim terhadap kondisi laut Indonesia. Makalah ini menyajikan hasil analisis terhadap contoh sedimen dasar laut SO184-10043 yang diambil di Selat Sunda pada kedalaman 2166 m, 07째18,57' LS dan 105째 03,45' BT. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perairan Selat Sunda lebih produktif pada saat Jaman Es dibandingkan saat interglasial. Perbandingan produktivitas dengan K/Ti yang merupakan penunjuk tingkat pelapukan kimia memperlihatkan bahwa produktivitas perairan daerah penelitian sangat dipengaruhi oleh pasokan sedimen terestrial. Data suseptibilitas magnet menunjukkan tiga peristiwa erupsi gunungapi: 262, 590 dan 12 268 tahun yang lalu. Erupsi gunungapi tersebut menyebabkan penurunan drastis terhadap produktivitas perairan. Karena tidak terlihat adanya peningkatan nilai K/Ti pada periode tersebut, maka diduga penurunan produktivitas disebabkan oleh erupsi gunungapi tersebut.



JCB2015-125 VARIABILITAS PALEO-PRODUKTIVITAS PERAIRAN SELAT MAKASSAR DALAM SIKLUS GLASIAL INTERGLASIAL Rina Zuraida1, Wantoro2, Luli Gustiantini1, dan Nazar Nurdin1 1 P3GL PT. Akura Digita Indonesia


ABSTRAK Kandungan bahan organik dalam sedimen dasar laut ditentukan selain ditentukan oleh dekomposisi di dasar laut juga dipengaruhi oleh produktivitas perairan tersebut. Produktivitas suatu perairan sangat dipengaruhi oleh cahaya matahari. Makalah ini menyajikan hasil penelitian mengenai kandungan bahan organik dalam sedimen dasar laut dari Selat Makassar untuk mengetahui variasi iklim pada Pleistosen Akhir dimana tatanan benua dan bentuk daratan sudah seperti pada saat ini. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan contoh inti MD10-3332 yang diambil dari Selat Makassar pada tahun 2010 dalam ekspedisi MONOCIR dengan menggunakan kapal riset Marion Dufresne. Metoda analisis geokimia dan nanoplankton dilakukan terhadap 132 cuplikan sampel dengan interval 30 cm mulai dari kedalaman 1 – 4020 cm; dan pengamatan kumpulan foraminifera dilakukan terhadap 49 cuplikan sampel. Hasil analisis kandungan bahan organik dalam sedimen dasar laut Selat Makassar menunjukkan perubahan kandungan TOC dalam tiga interval, yaitu 1 – 480 cm (sedang), 480 – 2500 cm (tinggi) 2500 cm ke bawah (rendah). Dengan asumsi bahwa fluktuasi TN menunjukkan siklus glasial – interglasial, maka pola TOC tersebut menunjukkan produktivitas yang sedang pada saat interglasial dan produktivitas yang tinggi pada saat glasial. Produktivitas yang tinggi saat glasial kemungkinan berkaitan dengan intensitas upwelling pada saat glasial yang ditunjukkan oleh kelimpahan N. dutertrei. Meskipun nilai TOC < 2% sehingga kurang berpotensi menghasilkan hidrokarbon di masa yang akan datang, namun hasil penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa produktivitas primer yang menjadi indikator TOC di daerah ini adalah nanoplankton G. carribeanica yang hidup di perairan dingin.



JCB2015-126 PEMETAAN GUA BAWAH PERMUKAAN DI DAERAH DESA MELIRANG, KECAMATAN BUNGAH KABUPATEN GRESIK DENGAN METODA VLF-EM DAN RESISTIVITAS 2-DIMENSI. A.Syaeful Bahri, Juan Pandu GNR, Ary Iswahyudi ITS ABSTRAK Pegunungan Kapur di wilayah Gresik merupakan bagian dari Pegunungan Kapur Utara Jawa yang membentang sepanjang pesisir utara Pulau Jawa. Pegunungan Kapur ini terpapar mulai dari Kabupaten Pati, Jawa Tengah hingga Gresik Jawa Timur. Karena banyak rekahan dan dan terjadi proses karstifikasi yang ekstensif, sebagian wilayah tersebut membentuk gua-gua bawah permukaan. Salah satu Gua bawah permukaan di daerah Gresik adalah Gua Gelang Agung Gua tersebut terletak di Desa Melirang, Kecamatan Bungah Kabupaten Gresik. Saat ini Gua Gelang Agung sedang dikembangkan sebagai daerah Eco-Wisata oleh Pemerintah Daerah setempat. Gua ini sangat unik karena bagian dalam guanya membentuk pola yang melingkar seperti gelang. Adapun panjang gua yang bias diakses sekitar 400 meter saja, secara keseluruhan panjang gua belum diketahui secara pasti karena sangat sulit ditelusuri. Pola dan alur Gua Gelang agung ini sangat unik, karena berarah relatif utara – selatan dengan sebaran terbatas hanya terletak di sebelah barat lokasi penelitian. Penelitian ini bermaksud memetakan alur gua Gelang Agung dan memperkirakan proses yang mengontol pembentukannya. Pemetaan menggunakan dua metoda; metoda VLF-EM dan Metoda Resistivitas 2D dengan konfigurasi Dipole-dipole dan Wenner . Metoda VLF-EM sangat baik digunakan untuk memetakan alur patahan lokal yang diperkirakan mengontrol pembentukan gua Gelang Agung. Sedangkan Metoda Resistivitas 2 Dimensi dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan kontur resistivitas secara vertikal untuk memetakan geometri dan arah sebaran gua. Hasil interpretasi data VLF-EM dan Metoda Resistivitas 2D dengan konfigurasi Dipole-dipole dan Wenner menunjukkan arah sebaran gua di lokasi penelitian relatif utara- selatan dengan sebaran hanya terbatas di sebelah barat. Diperkirakan terjadi karena pembentukan Gua Gelang Agung dikontrol oleh patahan setempat yang relatif berarah utara selatan dan keberadaan formasi Madura dan Watukoceng di sebelah barat dan timur lokasi penelitian. Kata Kunci: Konfigurasi, Metoda VLF-EM, Metoda Resistifitas 2-Dimensi, Formasi Geologi



JCB2015-131 THE APPLICATION OF CADZOW TO IMPROVE SIGNAL TO NOISE RATIO IN “X” FIELD, SOUTH SUMATRA BASIN Erwinsyah1, Khairul Ummah2, Dythia Prayudhatama2, Pandu Utama Witadi2, Raisya Noor Pertiwi2 1

Pertamina EP Waviv Technologies


ABSTRACT One of the main causes of low quality signal to noise ratio (S/N) of a seismic recording is the presence of random noise. An effort to filter such noise becomes an important subject to accomplish. Several denoising techniques that have been developed such as f-x deconvolution (Canales, 1984), complex wiener prediction (Gulunay, 1986). However, previous denoising procedures are not always robust in many cases. We answer such challenge by our ongoing research where we develop of a new denoising technique called Cadzow's Method. The basic concept of Cadzow's method will be briefly explained within this paper. Cadzow's method is also known as SSA method (singular spectrum analysis) — a noise filter technique that also collaborates in signal reconstruction. The basic principle of Cadzow's method is by constructing a Henkel matrix which then followed by applying SVD (Singular Value Decomposition) technique in order to achieve a solution in form of Eigen matrix and Eigen vectors. Small Eigen values subsequently discarded as it most likely represents noise, while the large Eigen values retained as it represent signal. Such concept may also known as the rank reduction. After the rank reduction, we fill the empty values in the anti-diagonal SVD to obtain the missing signal value based on the matrix completion principle. This step is considered to be a part of signal reconstruction. The Cadzow's method is tested in “X” field in order to enhance the seismic resolution that aimed for the ease in seismic interpretation and to support subsurface reevaluation, such as seismic characterization. The 3D seismic data for this field was acquired by 2009. The field is aimed for EOR (Enhanced Oil Recovery) project. After reprocessing this seismic by using Cadzow's method filtering, the resulting cubes provides more clear subsurface imaging and clean seismic characters than previous processing method.



JCB2015-135 DELINEATION OF BURIED OLD TRAM TRACKS OF SURABAYA CITY WITH GROUND PENETRATING RADAR TECHNOLOGY Firman Syaifuddin, Ayi Syaeful Bahri, Juan Pandu G. N. R. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ABSTRACT Surabaya as one of the major cities are growing in Indonesia requires a good mass transportation as one of the functions of public services and city management. The local government plans to reactivate the existing mass transportation in the Dutch period in the form of a tram. The existence of the old tram rail track experiencing continuous accumulation as the development of the city since the time of independence due to the ongoing road paving. In order to re-activation of the tram line, the identification and tracing of the old rail tram lines that have been buried deep enough by utilizing ground penetrating radar (GPR). GPR method as one of the geophysical method chosen because it is considered the most appropriate in this case because of the GPR that utilizes electromagnetic wave propagation phenomena are very sensitive to the presence of a metal material that has a high conductivity. The existence of highly conductive metals in soil and asphalt environment resulted in a large dielectric permittivity contrast so that the reflection of electromagnetic waves with GPR technology easily identified. Signal processing techniques are used to process the GPR data is to facilitate the interpretation and identification process. To be able to map the old tram lines in the city of Surabaya overall well, the process of planning and design of the GPR survey conducted compilation of data in the form of old documents, photographs Surabaya past, and maps of the old railway line. From the results of subsurface mapping was done with GPR technology, most of the existence of the old tram tracks identified by either the GPR data is consistent with the maps and old Dutch tram lines and several times longer paths indicated has undergone removal.




Bandung Institute of Technology 2 Akita University 3 Ehime University ABSTRACT

Many studies in the West Java suggested that Sr isotopic ratio and K2O contents increase from the volcanic front to the back arc side volcanoes. In detail, however, the K2O 55 from the West Java Arc (WJA) shows rough across-arc variation and more diverse in K2O especially in the volcanic front compared with the Northeast Japan Arc (NJA, N 38째 ~ 41째). For this reason, Sr isotope and K2O data from 54 Quaternary volcanic rocks from WJA were collected and compared to 46 Quaternary volcanic rocks from NJA. The increasing K2O and decreasing of 87Sr/86Sr ratios with distance from trench have been found in NJA but there are rough and no across arc variation of K2O and Sr isotopic ratio in WJA. Our study shows that the across arc variation of magma chemistry on the WJA can be explained by crustal assimilation and the involvement of subducted components. Keywords: Sr Isotope, K2O, West Java Arc, Northeast Japan Arc, Crustal Assimilation, Subducted Component



JCB2015-141 MECHANISM AND KINEMATIC ANALYSIS OF FOLD-THRUST-BELT: INSIGHT OF ANALOGUE SANDBOX MODELING Benyamin Sapiie, Meli Hadiana ITB ABSTRACT Analogue Sandbox Modeling (ASM) is used in this study for understanding mechanism and kinematics of Foreland Fold-Thrust-Belt (FFTB). This is one of the most important aspects in relation to hydrocarbon maturity and migration as well as exploration play and concept. The main objective of this paper is presented results of ASM in supporting the understanding mechanism and kinematics of FFTB deformation. In addition, this study is applying integrated subsurface methods in evaluating hydrocarbon prospect of FFTB in the Eastern Indonesia region. Series of ASM was conducted in evaluating FTB using various different setting based on data from Eastern Indonesia. Evaluation of FFTB deformation, one of the most important steps is focus in conducting retro-deformable sequences or palinspatic reconstructions using balancing crosssection technique particularly for supporting and verifying kinematic model. This exercise is very important in order to explore FFTB hydrocarbon potential particularly related to trap integrity, hydrocarbon maturation and migration issue as well as reservoir porosity. The results of the study show that stratigraphy thickness governed by facies and length of the deformation front as well as initial slope is the important parameters. Basement configuration is one of the parameters seems to have major impact in fault styles. Understanding these initial parameters conditions are very important input in order to have the best modeling results specifically thermal maturity due to burials and porosity development are highly influenced by these initial parameters.



JCB2015-142 CHARACTERISTIC OF PRE-TERTIARY BASEMENT FRACTURED RESERVOIR IN SUMATRA BASINS Benyamin Sapiie, Eko Yoan Tureno Derry Afriansyah, Octarian Iskandar ITB ABSTRACT Recently, Pre-Tertiary Basement Fractured Reservoir becomes one of the main focuses of exploration target in Sumatra basins. Because, several new exploration drilling targeted basement fractured successfully found evidence of hydrocarbon. However, understanding behavior and fractures distribution is limited due to data coverage as well as resolution that are acquired from exploration well. The key for understanding fractured reservoir is using outcrop analog as main source of information. This paper is demonstrated results of detail fractures characteristic using outcrops study as analogs for basement fractured reservoir fields in the South Sumatra Basin. A fractured reservoir is defined as a reservoir in which naturally occurring fractures as both storage capacity and permeability control. Evaluating fractures characteristic (geometry, types and orientations) and attributes (length, apertures and filling) are the most important parameters. Pre-Tertiary basement outcrops scattered in the central and west Sumatra provinces are representative of basement lithology found in subsurface at South Sumatra Basin. Basement lithology consists of low-grade metamorphism, quartzite, marble, andesite and granite. Others features associated granite is granite wash, which found in top of granite body observed in most basement fractured reservoir fields. Fractures in the outcrops are recognized as veins, extension and shear fractures with size ranging from centimeters to meters scale. Hairline fractures are found associated with granite basement. Highest fractures density mostly occurred in granite following by quartzite and marble. Faults are characterized by single planar and fault zone with several meters of damage zone. The results of field measurements indicates three main fractures orientation NW-SE, NE-SW and N-S. Field evidence indicates that fractures density significantly increasing along major NW-SE trending fault zone, which are mostly associated with present-day Sumatra Fault Zone. Overall, the results of surface fractures characterization are matched with subsurface data from several fields at South Sumatra Basin particularly Suban and Sumpal fields.




Institut Teknologi Sumatera Institut Teknologi Bandung


ABSTRACT Elasticity parameter of a rock is important to note as one of the methods to determine the characteristics of the reservoir rock. Rock elasticity properties can be calculated in conventional (laboratory), indirect (inversion of seismic waves), and digital computation (digital rock physics). This paper will discuss the digital calculation to predict the value of the elasticity parameters of reservoir sandstones. The data used is the samples of data sandstone core near the surface in an oil field. The research method is to combine the data from a thin layer, a digital image of rocks in three-dimensional (μ-CT-Scan), and empirical approaches of the equations of elasticity on the rocks and effective medium theory. Thin layer of data used to determine the mineral constituent rock samples were analyzed in the laboratory of geology. Digital image of a scanned using μ-CTScan used to determine value parameter rock pore structure at the micro scale and visualize the shape of the pores of rock samples in 3D. Then, a thin layer of the data and computing pore structure, elasticity parameters were calculated using empirical equations and the effective medium theory. Result from the laboratory has a porosity 0.24, density 2.3 gram/cm3, 1.73 km/s for Vp and 1.16 km/s for Vs. Results of a thin layer of rock samples showed the mineral constituent is dominated by quartz, feldspar, biotite and clay fragments. Digital computing results show that the sample matrix has a porosity of 0.28. The average value of the elasticity parameters of rock is 11.50 GPa bulk modulus, shear modulus of 8.85 GPa, the P wave velocity is 2.85 km/s and S wave velocity is 1.75 km/s. The method combined with rock physics can be powerful tools for determining rock properties from small rock fragments. Keywords: μ-CT-Scan, Modulus of Elasticity, Structural Parameters, Seismic Waves Velocity



JCB2015-144 MATERIAL TYPE OF GRASBERG BLOCK CAVE UNDERGROUND MINE, FREEPORT INDONESIA Andreas Yufianto, Fence George Aiwoy, Tatok Pong Tengko, Bambang Antoro and Purwa Wiguna PT Freeport Indonesia ABSTRACT Grasberg Block Cave Mine (GBC) is the largest underground mine in the world with mineable reserve end of 2014 is 1,011.6 million tones and peak of production 160 Kilo tons/day.It is located in Contract of Work A (COWA) within highlands of Jayawijaya Mountain Range, Mimika, Papua. Under giant surface mine Grasberg Open Pit, its geometry is about 800m width and mine at level 3300-2600m elevation above sea level. Grasberg Igneous Complex (GIC) is centered on multistage dikes, of broadly quartz monzodiorite composition, divided into three intrusive phases (Dalam, Main Grasberg, and Kali). The intrusions, roughly three million years of age, are emplaced into the center of a breccia-filled volcanic pipe, about one kilometer in diameter that has erupted through the folded carbonate strata, 60Ma-12Ma New Guinea Limestone Group.Copper-gold mineralization is late and overprints nearly all intrusive phases and alteration stages. On the edge of Grasberg Igneous complex and South Kali Diorite which cut in middle of GIC with North West-South East direction. GIC is consists of various kind of rocks from multiphase intrusion, different type of alteration and mineralization on each rock can also change its physical properties. It will be difficult for nongeologist to understand the characteristic each rock. This material type classification made by grouping rocks with similar physical characteristic into small number of group which become new terms that understandable to every department on GBC Mine, especially engineering, mine operation, and geotech division. Material type grouping also separate ore from waste to prevent dilution. Material type with poor quality of rock such as intense phyllic alteration or highly fractured will give more concern from Geotech division when issue ground support recommendation. GBC Material Type in general for development and production is divided into 7 material type:1) Hard Ore Zone,2) Soft Ore Zone and 3)Skarn, 4) Kali Diorite, 5) HSZ, 6) Low Fracture Limestone 7) High Fracture Limestone. Hard Ore Zone is mineralized intrusive rock (andesite-diorite-quartz monzodiorite as lithology) with 1.06% copper, 0.85 ppm gold, 3 ppm silver, hard rock strength rating and good RQD.Soft Ore Zone is high phyllic/sericite altered on GIC intrusive rocks,with 1.18% copper, 0.74 ppm gold, 2.1 ppm silver,dominantly soft rock strength rating, low RQD (<25%),crushed rock, and high content of clay sericite.This zone isbecome geotech concern as soft ground for development and potential wet muck generation. South Kali Diorite which cut in center of GIC (Grasberg Igneous Complex) with north west- south east direction South Kali Diorite which cut in middle of GIC with North West-South East direction, relatively barren



compared to other intrusive, act as pillar of GBC mining area since it have excellent geotechnical properties, minor altered and minor structure, except in contact lithology or Kali fault formed as phyllic altered zone with breccia texture. HSZ, irregular non-continuous narrow rim with volume pyrite more than 20%, and limestone become indication of margin of GIC. Limestone in complex structure area with intense fracture and broken rock describe as high fractured limestone and become area concern of geotech division. There is skarn deposit in GBCcan be ore if it contain average 1% of copper mineral.GBC material type will become simple guidance for each department connected to GBC Mine to determine characteristic of rock in case of reduce potential hazard in GBC mine for safety and profits mine on production.



JCB2015-147 INTEGRATED MICROTREMOR AND SURFACE RESISTIVITY DATA INTERPRETATION TO IDENTIFY GROUNDWATER AQUIFER POTENTIAL Firman Syaifuddin, Wien Lestari, Dwa Desa Warnana, Amien Widodo, Ayi Syaeful Bahri, Widya Utama Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember ABSTRACT Nowadays the development of geophysical method is growing rapidly, providing flexibility for geophysicists to explore each method. Each method has its advantages and limitations of each and this sometimes resulting differences conclusion of the interpretation. Conclusion of a phenomenon or subsurface condition is good if the conclusions are same from the different geophysical methods interpretation even though the physical properties measured is different. In this paper carried an integrated interpretation of subsurface conditions by utilizing two different geophysical methods, namely the method of microtremor and methods surface dc resistivity. Microtremor is a geophysical method that measures the vibrations of soil or earth as a result of waves trapped in a particular layer. The source of this wave generated by a variety of natural phenomena. One approach to the interpretation of this method is the approach to the phenomenon of resonance, which respectively represent the dominant frequency surface vibrational resonance frequency caused by the resonance phenomenon that occurs in a column or a particular rock layer thickness. The physical properties of rocks are measurable and result in resonance is a mechanical wave propagation velocity of each rock type. Surface resistivity method is a method that measures the physical properties of rock resistivity. Resistivity measurement technique that is performed in this study is the method of vertical electrical sounding (VES), resulting from this technique is the one-dimensional resistivity profiles. The integration is done by utilizing geostatistic techniques with geometric models derived from depth data interpretation results of each resonance frequency microtremor data that uses the estimated speed of the conversion of 1-dimensional resistivity data, then the interpretation of the results of one-dimensional resistivity in some point distributed and resulting 3-dimensional resistivity models as the end result. Furthermore, the interpretation to identify the existence of potential rock aquifer layers by utilizing the resistivity properties. In this case the potential for groundwater aquifer layer indicated by low resistivity values in the rock.



JCB2015-158 SINGLE CHANNEL SEISMIC APPLICATION FOR GEOTECHNICAL HAZARD ASSESSMENT IN SEAPORT PLAN AREA, PENAJAM PASER UTARA, EAST KALIMANTAN Omar Moefti, Taufan Wiguna, Imam Mudita BPPT ABSTRACT Seismic single channel data recording has been done at Riko River, Balikpapan Bay, Penajam Paser Utara where planned for seaport area, showing subsurface layer along cross section of the river. The data was interpreted in simple 2D method by manual horizon picking to geological condition and bring to geotechnical hazard assessment. Data recording was done by Sparker methods with energy of 250 to 300 joules. In addition to repair Amplitude Variation, True Amplitude Recovery performed with test parameter. Every single SEG-Y stacked data processed with 270/320 and 1700/1775 band pass filters, L1 Normalization Automatic Gain Controlling with AGC window of 60 ms. The data was interpeted as two sedimentary layers and a basement. Combination of surficial sediment sampling and seismic data show first layer character as unconsolidated sediment (muddy sand) and the second layer that has higher velocity means that the sediment more compact than the first layer. Based on strong reflector, it can be concluded that the third layer is acoustic basement (compact/hard formation). There is no fault indication at Holocene layer however there is energy attenuation appearance. The energy attenuation at swamp area indicate there is methane gas accumulation that can not be pass by Sparker wave. This indication can be suspected as gas chart or shallow gas and suggest to geotechnical hazard. Keywords: Seismic Single Channel, Seaport, Geotechnical Engineering, Gas Methane, Penajam Paser Utara



JCB2015-169 RHEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE MODEL AFTER THE 2006 JAVA TSUNAMI EARTHQUAKE CONSTRAINED BY GPS DATA Endra Gunawan1, Irwan Meilano1, Susilo2 1 Bandung Institute of Technology Geospatial Information Agency of Indonesia


ABSTRACT We evaluate continuous Global Positioning System data from 2008–2010 which clearly showed an ongoing process of postseismic deformation after the 2006 Java tsunami earthquake. We analyze two possible models of postseismic deformation. The first model, named M1, inverts horizontal postseismic displacement associated with viscoelastic relaxation, while the second model, named M2, inverts vertical postseismic displacements of GPS data. We find that the M1 model yields a rheological structures with viscosity of 2.01.0 1018 Pas underlying a 155 km elastic layer thickness. Our model of viscoelastic relaxation in M2 involves a weak asthenosphere with viscosity of 6.01.0 1017 Pas with a 705 km elastic layer thickness. We find that using the M2 model, we obtained a best-fit rheological structure that was much more satisfactory than the M1 model.




Upstream Technology Center PT Pertamina (Persero) 2 Pertamina Hulu Energi ABSTRACT

Generally, the permeability is inversely proportional to the depth value, ie the permeability of the rock will be smaller with the deepening of the rock is located. Ayers in 2002, the permeability of the coal is a more important factor than the factor of gas content. In the coal reservoir, the main factors that most influence is the presence of cracks or fractures. Therefore CBM reservoir behavior follows the concept of "dual porosity". Darcy's law applies to the cleats (macropore or fractures) that drains fluid from the cleats into the wellbore, while Fick law applies to desorption in coal matrix (micropores). The fluid flows along the fracture system in the coal seam. Cleat is a fracture system that is symmetric, orthogonal, and largely perpendicular to bedding rock. Cleat consists of two types of face cleat and butt cleat. Adsorption and desorption of methane gas in the coal follow the Langmuir Isotherm Characteristic Curve. Charles in 2003,, when the degree of coal increases, so the distance between cleats is closer, it can ultimately increase the effective porosity and permeability cleats. Past research has shown that the link between coal rank with the frequency of cleats (Ryan, 2003). In general, the frequency of cleats will change in each temperature increase of 1 째 C per 100 cm. At a certain rank, after the maturity of the coal and then passed through a phase deformation, spaced cleats will be increased and the frequency of cleats will be reduced. This paper presents how the coal cleat system and the quality of coal affects to trends and permeability values in the coal seam. Studies done by mapping surface cleats which are then integrated with subsurface mapping of each coal zone and the well test results. Permeability values were then calculated using the Match Sticks (Aguilera, 1995) and Cubic Geometry (Aguilera, 1995) and Pressure & Temperature Analysis. Keywords: Cleat System, Anomali, Permeability, Coal Rank



JCB2015-174 THE GEOLOGY OF THE MOGOI WASIAN FIELDS, BINTUNI BASIN, WEST PAPUA Warto Utomo1, Martha Bagus K.1, Djoko Witjaksono1, Iwan Prasetyo1, Yan Wijaya2, Fatchur Zamil2, Nyoman Witasta2 1

KSO Pertamina EP - Petro Papua Mogoi Wasian 2 Pertamina EP ABSTRACT

A new geological concept of Mogoi Wasian fields Bintuni Basin especially Kais interval was interpreted based on integrated existing data consist of wells (core, petrography, mudlog, geochemistry, geological report) and 53 lines of 2D seismic, scattered publications data to better understanding concept of sedimentology, geology and stratigraphy. The Mogoi Wasian oil fields were discovered by Nederlandsche Nieuw Guinee Petroleum Maatschappij (NNGPM) in 1941, now field operating by KSO Pertamina EP - Petro Papua Mogoi Wasian and cumulative production are 7.9 MMSTB. The reservoirs were recognised as generally tight with fractures necessary for significant oil production from Kais Limestones. The wells are all relatively shallow not penetrated to Pre-tertiary sediments. This research aims to reveal the petroleum geology of the Tertiary (especially Miocene time / Kais Formation) in Mogoi Wasian and surrounding area. The analysis includes well stratigraphic correlation, geochemical and source rock evaluation, core - petrography and petrophysics evaluation, geological model of the Mogoi Wasian fields and surrounding area. Also, the paper discussed petroleum geology aspects consist of source, reservoir and seals rock. The results are: Source of the oil is the Cretaceous-Jurassic sediments from Jass Formation (Kembelangan Groups) consist of marine depositional environment, which resinate generating at a low thermal maturity levels with middle biodegraded of crude oil. Four facies of reservoir were identified in the study area based on review of conventional core, petrographic and mudlog data's. One of them showed a good reservoir. Secondary porosity due to diagenetic histories was dominant in the these facies. The trap at Mogoi developed by combination of structural, stratigraphic and diagenetic processes. The reefs probably developed on local high, which were produced by Middle Miocene. Subsequent east-west trends directed compression in the Mio-Pliocene created the structural trap. Migration coming from the south-south east directions, which probably occurred along Mio-Pliocene time.




PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi Unconventional Hydrocarbon 2 Baker Hughes ABSTRACT

A geomechanical model was constructed to provide new information for CBM field, in South Sumatera Basin, using well and core data from the field. The aim was to use the geomechanical model to perform a detailed geomechanical model as an assessment to identify the critically stressed cleats that are most likely to be hydraulically conductive/permeable. These cleats may enhance gas production and may respond to pressure change during dewatering phase. The cleats are generally small in size, which may not be recognized within seismic resolution. Processed image logs were analysed and interpreted to pick cleats and determined critically stressed azimuth. Cleats permeability analysis is generated based on processed image log interpretation and core from wells, thus the cleats analysis then used for well placement decision. The geomechanical model constructed by combining drilling events, pore pressure, wireline log data, image log interpretation and rockmechanic triaxial compressive tests. Results showed that the field is associated with a strike-slip stress regime (Shmin < SV < SHmax). Overburden profile was determined using exponential approximation of density from surface to TD based on density log, sonic density and bulk density log data. Leak Off Test (LOT) was used to constrain the Shmin profile. Breakouts were observed over the logged interval. Average breakouts azimuth are oriented at ~138°N in well X-1 and ~125° in well X-2. The SHmax azimuth based on the breakouts analysed from the image log is consistent with the regional SHmax azimuth from the World Stress Map. If dewatering wells placement for gas production intersects the maximum population of these critically stressed cleats there may be a corresponding increase in permeability and gas production. Thus, geomechanical model will be useful for the CBM field development direction and optimize well spacing. Keywords: Geomechanics, Permeability, Cleat, CBM



JCB2015-179 NEW INSIGHTS BROUGHT BY BROADBAND SEISMIC DATA ON NORTH AREA OF WEST MADURA OFFSHORE PSC Ikhwan Maulana Harun, Anom Prasetya, Tomy Miarso, Cecep Sutisna, Djoko Rubyanto, Frans Langitan, Hade Bakda Maulin PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi West Madura Offshore ABTRACT PHE West Madura Offshore successfully taken 3D broadband seismic acquisition on 20132014, continued with 3D broadband seismic processing. Objectives of this method are to improve seismic imaging for deeper exploration target Ngimbang Formation and Naturally Fractured Basement. Spectrum frequency analysis show enhancement for low frequency range and dominant frequency on deeper target compare to vintage 3D seismic data (1999). Spatial smoothing based on Gaussian filter applied on 3D broadband seismic to sharpen discontinuities and relieve interpreters to identify faults and horizons edge for better understanding of tectonic and structural in North East Java Basin especially North Area of West Madura Offshore PSC. Stratigraphic features can be identified more clearly than 1999 vintage seismic data. Some complex seismic attributes also applied on 3D broadband seismic, to support stratigraphic concept. Such as Sweetness etc. Advantages from new 3D broadband seismic contribute to generate new structural and stratigraphic play. Combination of geological concept and seismic advanced technologies brought new insights and opportunities to explore new area and deeper target.



JCB2015-180 TYPE OF PERMEABILITY CONTROL IN GRANODIORITE ALTERATION PROCESS: EVIDENCE OF TECTONIC FORCE IN MEGASCOPIC AND MICROSCOPIC ANALYSIS M. Ikhwan Aziz, Vivi Dewi M. N, Graniko R. P PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy ABSTRACT Commonly the permeability in intrusive rocks such as granite and granodiorite are controlled by secondary permeability such as fracture that generated by exogen force. Veinlets as the result of tectonic activity are become the conduict for thermal fluid and it will be filled by secondary minerals as alteration product. Howefer, it is still possible for secondary minerals to change the existence of primary minerals dominantly although the possibilities of primary permeability in intrusive rocks are small. The presences of secondary minerals disseminated not only in fracture but also in the body of rock are predicted still as the influence of secondary permeability as the precursor. Fractures are filled by secondary minerals trough direct deposition process and thermal fluid will affect surround area of the fractures and change the primary minerals with alteration minerals as a replacement. Rock sample that used as the data is granodiorite gained from coring job result in KRC-A/1 well in Sungai Penuh geothermal project belong to PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy. As a geothermal reservoir rock, it already altered due to the alteration process of high temperature fluid. Megascopic description showed that quartz and mafic minerals are abundant in the body of rock. This description is also supported by microscopic analysis which secondary quartz, clay and chlorite as the alteration products dominantly replace the primary minerals in example plagioclase. Microscopic analysis showed the occurrence of cleavages spreads in quartz and indicates a influence of formidable force that resulted fracture and cleavage intensively. It is difficult to identified the primary mineral such as plagioclase trough microscope due to intensity of alteration is high. Still, the appearance of replacement process between primary and secondary mineral is noticed. Keywords: Granodiorite, Alteration, Permeability, Geothermal



JCB2015-181 MIGAS INDONESIA DI TAPAL BATAS NEGARA Johnson A. Paju, Shinta Damayanti SKK MIGAS ABSTRAK Beberapa masalah perbatasan negara terkait keberadaan sumberdaya dan cadangan energi terutama Minyak dan Gas Bumi menjadi hal yang cukup kompleks karena seringkali penyelesaian sengketa batas negara membutuhkan waktu, strategi negosiasi bahkan memicu terjadinya perang antar negara yang bersengketa. Beberapa kasus sengketa perbatasan antara Indonesia dan negara tetangga yang mengemuka antara lain Pulau Sipadan dan Ligitan dengan Malaysia sejak tahun 1967 yang dimenangkan oleh Malaysia, Zona Ekonomi Eksklusif Laut Natuna dengan Vietnam yang dimenangkan oleh Vietnam tahun 2004, Timor Gap dengan Australia yang sejak tahun 1972 dan dimenangkan oleh Australia tahun 1989, Klaim Malaysia atas Blok Ambalat di Kalimantan Utara sejak tahun 1979 dan Klaim China atas Laut China Selatan yang mengemuka tahun 2013-2014. Tulisan ini akan mengulas kondisi kegiatan dan wilayah kerja migas Indonesia di perbatasan negara dengan negara tetangga. Terdapat 5 (lima) wilayah perbatasan yang akan dibahas yaitu Natuna dan Laut China Selatan, Selat Malaka – Laut Andaman, Kalimantan Utara, Laut Timor dan Laut Arafuru serta Papua bagian Timur. Diharapkan kondisi dan permasalahan ini dapat diberikan jalan keluar dengan melakukan pengembangan terpadu di batas negara Indonesia mengingat perbatasan negara memiliki tantangan dan permasalahan tersendiri yang patut menjadi perhatian besar pemerintah dalam menyusun dan menata strategi kebijakan energi nasional terutama kebijakan industri migas.



JCB2015-192 VISCOELASTIC RELAXATION FOLLOWING THE 2010 MENTAWAI EARTHQUAKE BASED ON CONTINOUS GPS OBSERVATION FROM 2010 TO 2012 Mohammad Yuzariyadi, Irwan Meilano, Endra Gunawan Bandung Institute of Technology ABSTRACT Sumatera is an island that tectonically active due to its location between Indo-Australia and Eurasian Plate. Indo-Australia plate is moving northeastward direction with slip rate about 60 mm/year, resulting earthquakes in the region. One of them is the M7.8 earthquake that occurred on October 25th October 2010. Our study is focus on viscoelastic relaxation, as a result of viscous material flow in the upper mantle. Stress and deformation generated by viscoelastic relaxation able to occur until decades after big earthquake. We used GPS data sets measured during the first two years after the Mentawai earthquake from Sumatran GPS Array (SUGaR) network. We selected GPS sites located adjacent to the 2010 rupture. We employed the rupture model from Yue et al. (2014), the thickness of elastic layer from Collings et al. (2012), and global parameter from PREM model by Dziewonski and Anderson (1981). In this study, we utilized PSGRN/PSCMP software to investigate the viscoelastic relaxation in the upper mantle using Maxwell and Burgers body rheology model. Our results indicate that the best-fit viscoelastic relaxation model shows an asthenosphere with Kelvin viscosity of 1.0±1.0×1018 Pa s and Maxwell viscosity of 1.0±1.0×1019 Pa s. The estimation shows that viscoelastic relaxation is still affecting for 3600 days after earthquake. Keywords: Earthquake Cycle, Postseismic deformation, Viscoelastic Relaxation



JCB2015-193 EFFECT OF TECTONIC AND VOLCANIC ACTIVITIES TO LAHENDONG GEOTHERMAL DEVELOPMENT SYSTEM, NORTH SULAWESI, INDONESIA Yustin Kamah, Jatmiko Prio Atmojo, Yunis A. Latif Pertamina Upstream Technology Center ABSTRACT Geothermal system in Lahendongfield was formed relating to regional tectonic activitiesaround North Sulawesi and Maluku islands. Some recent volcanic actives around the area indicate the tectonic activities still ongoing. Hydrothermal activities in Lahendong were shown by both activeand unactive geothermal manifestations spreeding in the area. 39drilled wells with depth ranges 1000 to 3000 m from surfaceshow variation of hydrothermal minerals. This paper discuss tectonic and volcanic activitieseffect toLahendong geothermal system by using hydrothermal mineral markerssuch as chlorite, actinolite,epidote, wairakite and smectite from rocks cutting and cores were taken from the wells.The result concluded that there were occuredthree times of heat sources shifting, which are started moving from Kasuratan Blockto Pangolombian Block, then moving toward Linau Lake and the last returning to Kasuratan Block. The evolution of heat sources possibly related to the regional tectonic and volcanic activities in the regional area, and that greatly affect togeothermal system. Heat dispersal patterns showed the highest temperature is in the southern part (area of Linau and Kasuratan) and towards eastern part (Pangolombian) temperature decreases. Keywords: Tectonic, Volcanic, Force Combine Activites, Geothermal System, Lahendong Field



JCB2015-195 THE APPLICATION OF ENHANCED MULTI-DIP REFLECTION SURFACE METHOD TO THE COMPLEX GEOLOGY STRUCTURES Taku Okamo1, Shogo Narahara1, Muhammad Amin2, Yasushi Arakawa2, and Teguh Suroso3 1 JGI, Inc. PT. ECI-JGI 3 Pertamina UTC 2

ABSTRACT The MDRS (Multi-dip Reflection Surface) method developed by JGI, Inc. is an alternative stacking method based on the CRS (Common Reflection Surface) technology. This method not only can improve the S/N of data, but also can offer high fidelity of wavefield representation. In a conflicting dip situation, CRS stack enhances only one of the dipping events because a set of CRS parameter focuses on a single reflection surface, whereas MDRS can treat multi-dip events by superimposing reflections sifted from several CRS stack sections (MDRS subsections) computed within different dip ranges. Theoretically, MDRS extracts multi-dip reflections by subdividing the dip searching range in CRS scanning process. In practice, plenty of dips in a highly complex geological structure often make it difficult to optimize division of the dip range. In order to solve this difficulty, the improved version of MDRS was newly developed and is named EMDRS (Enhanced MDRS), which no longer requires concern about the dip range subdivision. In this paper, the advantage of EMDRS to the MDRS and its case study using the data acquired in Indonesia are described.



JCB2015-201 TWO-DIMENSIONAL MAGNETOTELLURIC MODELING USING VECTOR FINITE ELEMENT METHOD Rudy Prihantoro1, Has Priahadena1, Edi Pramono1, Keshan Apriliyanthy2, Muhammad Yunus2 1

ITB PT Geoservices


ABSTRACT Magnetotelluric (MT) is a passive electromagnetic (EM) method that measure natural variations of electric and magnetic vector fields at the Earth surface to map subsurface electrical resistivity structure. In certain circumstances, when the lateral resistivity is varying only in one lateral direction and not the other direction (strike direction), the structure can be approximated by twodimensional (2-D) model. For idealized 2-D case, EM fields can be decoupled into two independent modes: TE mode (electric fields parallel to strike) and TM mode (magnetic fields parallel to strike). By solving second order Maxwell differential equation for TE and TM mode we can obtain EM vector field throughout the earth resistivity model structure. We have developed computer program for two-dimensional (2-D) MT modeling using vector finite element method. In vector finite element method, rather than using the nodes of the element, the edges of the element is used as a vector basis to overcome the occurrence of nonphysical solutions that usually faced by scalar (node based) finite element method. The result MT response function verified with simple 1-D layered Earth and COMMEMI test model 2D-0. Good agreement was achieved for simple 1-D layered Earth either more complex COMMEMI model. Keywords: Magnteotelluric, Vector Finite Element Method



JCB2015-203 STRAIN RATES ANALYSIS OF CIMANDIRI FAULT REGION BY GPS DATA OBSERVATIONS Alwidya A. Safitri1, Irwan Meilano1, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin1, Joni Efendi2 1 ITB Badan Informasi Geospasial


ABSTRACT As the longest fault in West Java, Cimandiri Fault still does not have evidence of fault activity such as great earthquake in the past recent years. Cimandiri Fault is running in the direction from Pelabuhan Ratu, passing Sukabumi, Cianjur, and Padalarang. As located in the dense populated areas, activity of Cimandiri Fault is important to know. The knowledge of strain rates in particular area provides a description of local deformation and geodynamics processes such as strain accumulation in fault area. Using the GPS velocity fields provided by Badan Informasi Geospasial (BIG) and Geodesy Research Group, Institute of Technology, Bandung (ITB), the strain rates is derived. The magnitude of GPS velocity fields are varying from 1mm/year to 19 mm/year with varying directions. The strain rates also have varying extension and compression magnitude along the fault with general strain rates direction from northwest to southeast. It confirm that Cimandiri Fault is left-lateral active strike-slip fault.



JCB2015-204 PETROLOGY AND MINERALOGY AS A RELIABLE TOOL IN MONITORING GEOTHERMAL WELL DRILLING Vivi D.M. Nusantara, Graniko R. Pratama, Sapto T. Nurseto, Imam M. Prasetyo, Mochamad H. Thamrin PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy ABSTRACT Petrology and mineralogy discuss characters of rock and its mineral constituent. The presence of these minerals is a good indicator of geothermal subsurface condition. The information can be obtained from petrology and mineralogy observation in drilling activities can address the needs of information from permeability, temperature, and the hazard that can be avoided during drilling. This application is done in drilling of well 'V' in Lumut Balai Geothermal Field, South Sumatra. Some minerals are known to be a good indicator of permeability such as wairakit and adularia. Penetrating to the reservoir zone, indicator minerals such as epidote, illit, chlorite, actinolite, and prehnit become abundant concurrent with the rising of temperature and loss circulation rate. Drilling hazard can be avoided during drilling by smectite content observation. Direct Application of petrology & mineralogy is proven very effective in monitoring geothermal well drilling and reduce the risk of failure. Keywords: Petrology, Mineralogy, Geothermal, Lumut Balai, Drilling



JCB2015-205 APPLIED OF SEISMIC ATTRIBUTES USING CONTINUOUS WAVELET TRANSFORM (CWT) FOR DETECTING HYDROCARBONS IN THE LIRIK-SAGO FIELD Ferry Syafrian1, Tri Sunarno Irianto1, Muhammad Muslimin1, Budi Eka Nurcahya2 and Sudarmaji2 1 PT Pertamina EP Universitas Gajah Mada


ABSTRACT In an effort to increase oil production in the Lirik-Sago Field, Pertamina EP Asset 1 do advanced processing of 3D seismic data of Lirik-Sago field which had done by the method of continuous wavelet transform (CWT). The processing results in the form of seismic attribute called timefrequency derivates instantaneous amplitude 15 Hz. (GAMP 15 Hz). Seismic attributes GAMP15 Hz, results of advanced processing 3D seismic data using CWT LirikSago Field, may indicate the existence of the spread of hydrocarbon anomalies accurately. Determination of drilling point with the support of seismic attributes GAMP15 Hz providing some success, with 19 API heavy oil at 1325 meters TVDSS in the reservoir sandstone with a layer thickness of 5 meters at Lower Kelesa.



JCB2015-207 MARINE DEPOSITIONAL ENVIRONMENT DETERMINATION USING HYDROGEN ISOTOPIC COMPOSITION OF INDIVIDUAL ALKANES: CASE STUDIES FROM KANGEAN OILS, THE NORTHEAST JAVA BASIN Himawan Sutanto, Junita Trivianty Musu LEMIGAS ABSTRACT Determination of depositional environment of sedimentary rock can be done in various ways. The standard technique is to approach microfossils, which is very common for certain microfossils used as identifier for particular depositional environment. However microfossil approach has limitations when the determination is not performed on the sedimentary rock, for example when applies on source of organic matter from hydrocarbons. Analysis based on biomarkers are commonly performed to determine the source of organic matter related to depositional environment of a hydrocarbon sample, nevertheless this method sometimes fail to provide accurate results, as occurred in the oil samples taken from Kangean area. Hydrogen isotopic method of individual alkanes has provided answers to the lack of accurate method in determining biomarkers of environmental samples of the Kangean oil. This is because the value of the hydrogen isotopes of petroleum describe biosyn-thetic precursors, source water δD values, and postdepositional processes. Keywords: Hydrogen Isotopes, Isotopic Fractionation, Hydrocarbon, Kangean, Northeast Java Basin




Mining and Energy Agency of West Nusa Tenggara Province 2 Gadjah Mada University 3 University of Twente ABSTRACT

One of features that increase during volcanic event is fumaroles temperature. The advance of remote sensing can detect a thermal anomaly within the volcano. It is safe, low cost and not time consuming. The Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) Thermal Infrared (TIR) image is a high resolution image (90 m), which provides multispectral TIR bands. The 5 multispectral bands of ASTER TIR nighttime image have advantages in recognizing each type of land surface properties and reducing the solar heating effects. Land surface temperature (LST) is an extraction product of thermal remote sensing image which is widely developed. Applying the ASTER TIR for LST can provide the understanding of the temperature behavior of the volcanoes. One of the problems in the accuracy of the LST retrieval is the topographic noise. The topographic noise is mostly categorized as three main causes: lapse rate, aspect and slope. The lapse rate reduces the surface temperature corresponding to the increasing of the altitude (dT/dZ). The aspect and slope affect the capability of land surface in absorbing the solar radiation. The Dieng Volcano is a volcano which has volcanic hydrothermal system. It marks by the low temperature of fumaroles (<300oC) and the abundance of hazardous craters. The high accuracy of LST is important for the Dieng volcano because the temperature changes can be small. This paper aims to correct the three topographic noises to increase the accuracy of the LST. It uses the line-by-line IDL code so-called STcorr. It is based on the simple linear regression, which calculates the temperatures by using de-trending operation. The standard temperature extraction observed thermal anomaly within the craters lake. Meanwhile, the corrected temperatures could recognize the thermal anomaly from the craters without lake. This correction was proved to be important in understanding the thermal change in the Dieng volcano. Keywords: Dieng volcano, Thermal anomaly, Land Surface Temperature (LST), lapse rate, illumination effects, IDL, STcorr.



JCB2015-209 KINEMATICS OF GEOLOGICAL STRUCTURE ON THE DEVELOPING OF LUMUT BALAI GEOTHERMAL SYSTEM, SOUTH SUMATERA Jatmiko P. Atmojo, Muhammad Y. Kamah, Yunis A. Latif, Djedi S. Widarto Pertamina Upstream Technology Center ABSTRACT Lumut Balai geothermal field is located in a part of area of Semangko fault zone. Geothermal system is formed by the heat source from volcanic activity that showed by the hydrothermal processes in fracture zones. Study of patterns and kinematics of geological structures using satellite images combined with field measurements concluded that the tectonic structure of Lumut Balai geothermal field was formed by two tectonic phases, and generate three patterns of geological structure. The first phase formed the pattern of the Northwest-Southeast (NW-SE) as normal faults. The second phase formed normal faults pattern of Northeast to Southwest (NESW) and shear faults pattern of North-Northeast to South-Southwest (NNE-SSW). Volcanic activities in this area also formed some circular structure of caldera rim. Good production wells at Lumut Balai field are wells that were drilled through normal faults. Keywords: Lumut Balai, Geological Structure, Tectonic, Volcanic



JCB2015-213 INDONESIA TSUNAMI BUOY Athur Y Herwindya, Arnold Dannari, Adam B Nugroho, Wahyu W Pandoe BPPT ABSTRACT Tsunami Aceh natural disaster in 24 december 2004 is the international disaster. This natural disaster has killed many people and damanged infrastructur in Aceh. Since that, Goverment of indonesia tries to figure out how to response in order not to repeat again in the future. BPPT as an agency who responsible for Technology Assessment and Aplication in Indonesia has been designing and creating an Indonesian-made Tsunami Bouy. Indonesia Tsunami Buoy model basically has three main component : Surface Buoy, Mooring System and Ocean Bottom Unit (OBU). Surface buoy component consist of processing unit, acoustic modem transducer & instrument, satellite transmitter & GPS receiver and power supply. Indonesia mooring system is a surface mooring and use single mooring system where the system is easier to deploy and recovery for the buoy. The mooring system typically have three basic components: an anchor, some type of chain or line which the instrumentation can be attached, and floatation devices that keep the line and instrumentation from falling to the seabed. Shackles and links are typically used to connect mooring components and to secure instruments in line. The design calculation of this mooring use “moordesign� programme of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) running under MATLAB compiler. Ocean Bottom Unit (OBU) is apart from the mooring system and is located next to the sinker. OBU has Pressure Gauge(Bottom Pressure Recorder) to detect tsunami propagating in deep ocean. The ideal horizontal distance of the OBU and the surface bouy is less than 500 m. Therefore, when the mooring is deployed,OBU position must be closer surface bouy. This paper will introduce about the model of Indonesia Tsunami Buoy : Surface Buoy, Mooring System and Ocean Bottom Unit (OBU). Keywords: Tsunami Buoy, Mooring System, Ocean Bottom Unit (OBU)




PT Pertamina EP PT Pertamina Hulu Energi Nunukan Company



The discovery of potential sandstone layer of Talang Akar Formation at Safir area around the end of 2013 proves that there are still great potential hydrocarbon reserves in Cipunegara SubBasin, North West Java Basin. Reservoir characterization is to be conducted to map the potential reserve size. Reservoir characterization by Acoustic Impedance Inversion method (AI) has limitations in separating the sandstone reservoir of Talang Akar Formation with shale and coal. Therefore Extended Elastic Impedance Inversion Method (EEI) is applied to overcome the ambiguity due to the effects of lithology. Through the EEI method, several rocks elasticity parameters can be derived using the calculation of P-wave velocity (Vp), S-wave velocity (Vs), and density (Ď ) by utilizing a wider range of angles. Based on the sensitivity analysis of several wells in the Safir area, the most optimum parameter to separate zones of reservoirs and non-reservoir is Vp/Vs. Zoning of sandstone reservoir at cross plot analysis is separated from the distribution of non-reservoir with cut-off value of 1.5-1.8 (unitless). The optimum reflectivity of EEI for Vp/Vs parameter is at angle of 40 ° with maximum correlation value of 0.85. The results of Extended Elastic Impedance (EEI) can provide an overview of geometry deployment of sandstone reservoir which is represented by the low value of Vp/Vs and interpreted as part of the deltaic depositional system. This interpretation is confirmed by the results of well drilling, formation evaluation, FMI analysis, petrography, and biostratigraphy that show distributary channel depositional system.



JCB2015-216 HYDRODYNAMIC PHENOMENA IN SIHAPAS RESERVOIR, CENTRAL SUMATERA BASIN: WEST AREA, COASTAL PLAIN PEKANBARU BLOCK Hidayattul Hendra, Sukma Djuwandi, Bonni Andrian, Amalia Azlin, Rayuli Wulandari, Rama Pranajaya,Elfiandri, Dudy Lastawan, Raihan, BOB PT. BSP – Pertamina Hulu ABSTRACT

The oil produced from Sihapas sand reservoir in West Area fields, Central Sumatera Basin CPP Block, shows difference properties rather than the oil produced from other fields, though as far as known, they are generated from the same source rock, Bengkalis Trough. The characteristic of oil produced from West Area, is high viscosity and low mobility. This study explains the cause of the anomaly properties, based on some references and well data (log data and production test) and laboratory analysis of oil/water produced. A suitable model is reconstructed by using compatible data, geological and geographic condition. The geological map shows Sihapas Reservoir, which in this case lies at an average depth of 510 feet, is exposed in Bukit Barisan, 15-20 km northwest of West Area. Considering location, position, current morphology and topography condition, the fact that the oil properties here show an anomaly, it is suspected that those are related to hydrodynamic condition. The hydrodynamic condition caused by meteoric water recharge in Sihapas Reservoir has resulted the flushing of original formation water by meteoric fresh water. In Kasikan, and caused tilted oil water contact with relatively sloping to the Southeast. The produced water analysis indicates normal/original formation water (brackish) on top portion (oil leg), and flushed condition (fresh water) on bottom (water leg). Assuming all of the oil in the CPP Block originated from the same kerogen type, the oil produced from this area shows the process of biodegradation, indicated by a lower API gravity, higher viscosity, lower paraffin content, and higher acid number compare to oil from the other fields. Based on this condition, for the optimization of production, cyclic steam stimulation “Huff & Puff” has been implemented on a largest field in this area. This hydrodynamic system needs to be considered for more advanced development of the fields.



JCB2015-217 CHARACTERIZATION OF TEMPORAL VARIATIONS OF EARTH TIDES BASED ON CGPS STATIONS IN WEST JAVA Aning Haryati, Kosasih Prijatna, Irwan Meilano Institut Teknologi Bandung ABSTRACT Earth tides signal can be detected with GNSS, this study use Continuous Global Positioning System (CGPS). To get Earth tides signal, Kinematic Precise Point Positioning (KPPP) method is used. International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) model is used to compare between Earth tides observation and Earth tides model. Spectral analysis is used to decomposing signal observation. CGPS sites are distributed in 3 sites from North to South, 2 sites from East to West and 1 site in the center of West Java. Data are taken from BIG in Cibinong, West Java. The period of data collection is one month for each CGPS site starting from 1st January 2011 00.00 to 31st January 2011 23.59, data interval is one minute. Result of data processing showed a correspondence between IERS model and Earth tides observation. IERS model corresponds well with Earth tides of observation. Characteristics of Earth tides viewed in terms of Earth tides, tidal range characteristics, and time lag in West Java. Earth tides type is semidiurnal for East-West and Up-Down components. In North-South component, the type of tides is diurnal. The largest tidal range is CMIS station and smallest tidal range is in BAKO station. Time lag of Earth tides is very small in West Java. Keywords: KPPP, Earth Tides and, IERS Model



JCB2015-219 ORIGIN OF THE UPLIFTED SIMEULUE FOREARC HIGH ISLAND Sonny Aribowo, Lina Handayani, Nugroho D. Hananto Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia ABSTRACT Outcrop scale observation of the uplifted sequences had been conducted in the Simeulue Island in order to understand the origin of the forearc high island in northern Sumatra. There is a possibility that the uplifted stratigraphic units in Simeulue Island might not be a part of an accretionary complex as current theory assumed. The island is almost entirely covered by sediments that locally intruded by diapiric melange. In the northwestern part of the island, the sedimentary units appear to be less deformed as compared to that in the southeast. Detail observation of the exposed strata in the island shows that the sedimentary units were originated from Sumatra rather than accreted trench sediments. Uplift of the island in the latest Neogene exposed the formerly forearc basin sediments and formed as the crest of the forearc high. This uplift may have been related to the NW trending compressional structures of West Andaman Mentawai Fault zones. Keywords: Sedimentary Rocks, Uplifted Island, Sumatran Forearc, Simeulue




Pertamina Hulu Energi Geotage Startup (GTS)


ABSTRACT Indonesia has complete geological objects such as outcrops (igneous rock, sedimentary rock, metamorphic rock and pyroclastic rock), mineral deposite, active and non-active volcano also geoheritage as Indonesia precious assets. However, there is obstacle that the lack of specific application to record coordinate location of geological objects and Geotage present to solve the obstacle. Geotage was built by java programing language with eclipse tool and server database using MYQSL. Geotage can be free downloaded in Google Play Store via android smartphone and Geotage run well on android jelly bean to the latest version. After downloaded Geotage, user have to register for using all Geotage features. Registered user can upload coordinate location, description and picture of the geological object. These data will be stored in Geotage server and can be shared each other users. Then, Geotage user can also access geological object data from other users. Geotage also serves geoscience social media for discussing geological object. Hopefully, all of Indonesia precious geological objects can be recorded in Geotage so they can be recognized and preserved by us. Keywords: Geoheritage, Geological Object, Application



JCB2015-222 4-D SEISMIC VELOCITIES STRUCTURES MONITORING DERIVED FROM MICROEARTHQUAKE TOMOGRAPHIC INVERSION BENEATH “ADN” GEOTHERMAL FIELD IN WEST JAVA, INDONESIA Andri Dian Nugraha, Rendy Delliansyah, Rachmat Sule, Sri Widiyantoro, Rexha Verdhora Ry, Billy S Prabowo, Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi, Akhmad Fanani Akbar, Wiku Widyoyudo ITB ABSTRACT Microearthquake monitoring is a method of seismic delineation underground. In geothermal exploration field, it is depend on the detection and location of small earthquakes (magnitude less than 3) often occurring in rock failure due to human-made or natural processes. The application of microearthquake monitoring not only in geothermal but also in shale-gas, shale oil and coal-bed methane exploration fields are increasing rapidly in the last decade to potentially delineate faults that represent valuable zones of fracture and permeability and desirable targets for a new production wells. In this study, we used P-and S-wave arrival times of microearthquake events to invert for seismic velocities structure (Vp, Vs, and Vp/Vs ratio) using double-difference tomography technique beneath the “ADN” geothermal field that is located in West Java region, Indonesia. We have conducted tomographic inversion indepently for each time periods data including 2007 (591 events), 2008 (1,645 events), and 2009 (744 events), respectively. For all data set were recorded by 19 seismometer stations. In 2008, there were more often microearthquake events occurred than in 2007 and 2009 due to larger fluid injection volume. For the 2007 and 2009 data sets, the tomographic inversion shows a prominent low Vp, low Vs and low Vp/Vs values around production wells at elevations of about 0.5 km to 1 km which is may be related to presence of steam zone. While the tomographic inversion using the 2008 data set shows clearly two interesting features such as (1) moderate low Vp, low Vs and high Vp/Vs ratio around injection well which may be associated with fluid filled rock area and (2) low seismic velocities and low Vp/Vs ratio values around production wells. From our study, we consider that determining of subsurface seismic velocities can be a powerful tool for exploration and monitoring of geothermal reservoir. Keywords: Microseismic Events, Tomography, Geothermal, Vp, Vs, Vp/Vs Ratio



JCB2015-224 LOCATING EVENTS USING BOREHOLE MICROSEISMIC MONITORING BY INCLUSION OF PARTICLE MOTION ANALYSIS Rexha Verdhora Ry, Andri Dian Nugraha ITB ABSTRACT Microseismic monitoring and constraining its hypocenters in and around hydrocarbon reservoirs provides insight into induced deformation related to hydraulic fracturing. In this study, we used data from a single vertical array of sensors in a borehole, providing measures of arrival times and polarizations. Microseismic events are located using 1-D velocity models and arrival times of Pand S-wave. However in the case of all the sensors being deployed in a near-vertical borehole, there is a high ambiguity in the source location. Herein we present a procedure using azimuth of P-wave particle motion to constrain the initial source location. This procedure is demonstrated with a dataset acquired during fracture stimulation. We applied several step of location procedure to investigate a microseismic dataset acquired at “RR� field induced by hydraulic fracturing activities. First, arrival times for 1,000 candidate events were manually picked. Then we estimated back-azimuth of P-wave using principle component analysis. We also added combination of polarities to remove 180o ambiguity. In the end, we determined hypocenters location using Grid-Search method in the back-azimuth trace area to minimize all combinations of arrival times and sensors. We have been successfully removed the ambiguity and produced good solution of hypocenters location as indicated statistically by small RMS. Most of events cluster highlight coherent structures around treatment wells and inferred faults. This procedure can be applied to various other cases such as microseismic monitoring in the field of CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage), CBM (Coal Bed Methane), geothermal, and shale-gas/oil exploration development. Keywords: Microseismic, Hypocenter, Particle Motion, Grid-Search.



JCB2015-227 UPDATE HYPOCENTER RELOCATION: SEISMICITY ANALYSIS IN INDONESIAN REGION FROM HIGH-PRECISION HYPOCENTER LOCATION (APRIL 2009 - JANUARY 2015) Hasbi Ash Shiddiqi1, Andri Dian Nugraha1, Sri Widiyantoro1, Mohamad Ramdhan1, Wandono2, Sutiyono2, Titi Handayani2 1



ABSTRACT We compiled and relocated about 32,000 earthquakes events around Indonesia region that reported by Indonesian Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (MCGA) from April 2009 to January 2015. We performed teleseismic double-difference relocation inversion utilizing local, regional and teleseismic arrival time data. Our previous study of 3D seismic velocity model beneath the Indonesian region with grid size 1o by 1o and the 1D seismic velocity model were used for the regions inside and outside Indonesia region, respectively. This method improved limitation from MCGA earthquake data catalog in which events were recorded from scattered seismic station array and insufficient azimuthal gap around Indonesia. Our results show that travel-time RMS residuals were greatly reduced compared to those of the MCGA catalog. Seismicity at shallower depth (less than 50 km) shows significant improvement, refining shallow geological structures, e.g. trench and major strike slip faults. Clustered seismicity is also detected beneath volcanic regions, and probably related to volcano activities and also major faults nearby. Beneath Western Sunda arc, Wadati-Benioff Zone (WBZ) extents to 300 km and it depicts gently dipping slab beneath this region. The WBZ beneath Eastern Sunda Arc is extent deeper to 500 km and depicts steep slab geometry. At Sunda-Banda transition zone, we found anomalously low seismicity beneath oceanic-continental transition region. WBZ of highly curvature Banda arc extents to 600 km and depicts two-slab model. In Molucca collision zone, seismicity from this region clearly shows two-slab of Halmahera plate: east- and west-dipping slab. At Sulawesi region, mostly earthquakes related to North Sulawesi trench and depict subducted slab beneath northern part of this island. Furthermore, we used global centroid moment tensor catalog where data available for earthquakes with magnitude 6 or greater. Mostly, focal mechanism solution for large earthquakes around this region is thrust mechanism that related to subduction processes. However, large strike-slip earthquakes were also occurred in this region and related to major strike-slip fault, e.g. Sumatra and Sorong Fault. We also analyzed distribution of P- and T-axes of these solutions, and found most of subducted slabs are under compression, where P-axes are perpendicular with slab. Keywords: Hypocenter Relocation, Wadati-Benioff Zone, Subduction



JCB2015-230 GEOTOURISM COMBINING GEO-BIODIVERSITY AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF TROPICAL HOLOCENE CORAL REEF ECOSYSTEMS: COMPARISON OF TWO INDONESIAECO-REGIONS USING BIOROCK TECHNOLOGY David Ontosari1, Prawita Tasya Karissa2, Medianto Tjatur1, Hamzah Lating3, Rushelan Sudharna4, Komang Astika5, I Made Gunaksa5, Thomas J. Goreau6 1 Pertamina Abdi Bumi Foundation 3 Fish Quarantine and Inspection Agency of Ambon 4 Fishery Education and Training Centre of Ambon 5Karang Lestari Foundation 6 Biorock Technology &Global Coral Reef Alliance 2

ABSTRACT Indonesia lies at the heart of the Coral Triangle, a region that is home to the richest Holocene marinebiodiversity on Earth. The Coral reefs in Indonesia are geologically diverse, including island arc fringing reef, continental shelf platform reef, toot her coral reef ecosystems associated withhotsprings and geothermal vents. However the bio-geodiversity of Indonesian tropical Holocene coral reef as fish habitats,arethreatened by unsustainable fisheries resource use (such as trawling, fish bombing, cyanide, etc.). There are many ways to reduce the rate of coral loss and one of the most effective is to use Biorock. The first and biggest Biorock restoration site in Indonesia (Pemuteran, Bali) has significantly protected and restored marine ecosystems, reduced shore line erosion, enhanced community based sustainable economic tourism, and increased resilience to global warming impacts. In November 2014 the first Biorock pilot project in the Eastern Indonesia was installed at Halong, Ambon, Molucca. In spite of poor water quality atthe Biorock site, the corals were able to survive and attract marine organisms in only three months after being installed. One of the keys tosuccess is the acceptance and support from local community in preserving local coral reef resources. Therefore there are increased possibilities to enhance sustainable coral reef ecosystem and economic growth similar to what happened at Pemuteran.




Lapindo Bratas Waviv Technologies


ABSTRACT One of the common challenges for seismic interpreters in Indonesia is dealing with below seismic resolution of thin layers reservoir with limited data availability, like what we have encountered on some seismic lines in Brantas Block onshore area, especially on TGA field. TGA reservoir type is thin layer sand-shale interbedded which deposited in fluvial deltaic system. The original seismic lines have poor quality. Surface problems when acquisition, tuning and gas effect are some of major factors. It contributes in making the seismic image blurry and hard to be interpreted in detail. Consequently, it is difficult to delineate reservoir thickness laterally, analyze seismic internal character and stratigraphy. To overcome such challenges, we came with alternative solution that is by using Singular Spectrum Analysis (SSA) as a precondition then continued by applying a sparse layer inversion technique using Basis Pursuit Inversion (BPI) method to the original post-stack of the seismic lines. The result shows that SSA and BPI works excellent to reconstruct the high frequency seismic that missing on the old section. Furthermore, the technique gives a significant image improvement, enhances the lateral continuity and vertical resolution, and consequently gives us a more confidence in interpretation.



JCB2015-249 EVALUATION OF “PSC GROSS REVENUE" MODEL FOR TERMINATION BLOCKS (CASE STUDY: WORKING AREA 'K') Dedi Yusmen, Budi Sunarto, Deci Zulvi Amelia PT. Pertamina (Persero) Upstream Business Development ABSTRACT WA 'K' located in Central Sumatra Basin with a total area of 469 km² and administratively located in Riau Province. WA 'K' consists of 25 producing fields, i.e. 12 production fields and 13 non-production fields with original oil in place of 200.4 mstb and upside potential (in place) amounted to 47.14 mmboe (best estimate). Average production at the end of 2014 was 1,750 bopd with an estimated production gain during the extended contract period up to the next 20 years (2015-2035) amounted to 12.6 MMBO (base case) and 16 MMBO (high case). Estimation of peak production will reach 2,400 bopd in the fifth year (base case) and 3,200 bopd in the seventh year (high case). The Government provides new fiscal term for WA 'K', PSC Gross Revenue. Considering the current oil price trends are likely declining constantly, the amount of the split stated in the new PSC contract need to be noticed along with all technical and non-technical aspects. PSC split conversion formula can be applied to illustrate the amount of the split that delivers the positive economic values to the project executed. The evaluation on PSC Gross Revenue shows that the application of this new proposed fiscal term is not appropriate for marginal field with high operating cost like WA 'K'. In terms of the commercial aspect, the application of PSC Gross Revenue will be more attractive if the government provides the incentive package. Besides, the application of this new fiscal term also should consider the risk of full field development for the field risk criteria, low, medium or high risk.



Padjadjaran University Pertamina PHE ONWJ


ABSTRACT The north west java basin are very familiar with Talang Akar formation. That formation have role as source rock and reservoir which are provenance from many depotitional environment at that time. Basicclly depotitional environtment divide of multiple system, one of them delta. The Delta is One of them depotitional environment in Talang akar formation and has mean a low triangular area of alluvial deposit where a river divides bedore entering a larger body of water. In morphology Delta is divide in some part, there are Delta plain, Delta front and Pro delta. The Lobe delta is one of them area which are three part of that moprhology, Lobe delta is a part which has a good potential reservoir area in talang akar formation. With core and sedimentary report analysist, seismic horizon slice as depth recording and well log analysist, we could interpret the lobe delta switching direction. Its Very Helpfull oil and gas company to determine next reservoir which an issue for splitting reservoir, particularly in North West Java basin area to increase oil and gas production for delta reservoir. Keywords: Talang Akar Formation, Delta, North West Java Basin



JCB2015-277 ON VARIATION OF EXTINCT JAVA HIPPOPOTAMUSES: A NOTE FROM A NEW FINDING OF HIPPOPOTAMIDAE FOSSIL FROM SUBANG, WEST JAVA, INDONESIA Halmi Insani, Unggul Prasetyo Wibowo, Erick Setiyabudi, Iwan Kurniawan Geological Museum, Geological Agency ABSTRACT A splendid state of preservation maxilla of hippopotamuses fossil was unearthed from Subang area, West Java, Indonesia. The diagnoses of this extinct species are supposedly able to unveil the sphere of paleogeographical distribution of semi-aquatic habitat fauna in Java diachronology during Plio-Pleistocene. The remain comprises a palate with incomplete series of incisors with the alveolus displays sufficient appearance to biometrically measure. Several methodological approaches have been applied to investigate general characters in ecological and functional morphology. Three differential dental and cranial features from 3 types of Indonesian hippopotamidae sub-species were evaluated and thoroughly validated with other findings from West and Central Java. Conversely, the assessment signifies the outcome without the preference to special locality, rather to feature combination between the two species of H. sivalensis sivajavanicus and Hexaprotodon simplex. As a result, the diminutive character of hippopotamidae maxilla fossil from Subang gives rise to the reconsideration regarding its evolution, migration, ecomorphological, and taxonomical aspect, thereafter simultaneously brings light into a novel vision about its stratigraphic range and distribution.



JCB2015-290 SURFACE STUDY FOR SUBSURFACE ANALOGUE MODEL FOR HYDROCARBON POTENTIAL EVALUATION IN PULAULAUT ISLAND, ASEM-ASEM SUB-BASIN Suwondo1, Dwi Hendro Heru Nugroho1, Andi Krisyunianto1, Andang Bachtiar1, Armein Suleiman2, Warto Utomo3 1

GDA Consulting 2 Paleopetro 3 KSO Pertamina EP - Petro Papua Mogoi Wasian ABSTRACT Pulaulaut Island situated in South Kalimantan Province as part of Asem-asem Sub-Basin. The Asem-asem Sub-Basin is one of frontier basin. This paper discussing of several studies including surface geological investigation and subsurface review to give us good overview of geological understanding in Pulaulaut Island, especially the petroleum geology and hydrocarbon potential of the study area. Petroleum geology evaluation such as source rocks geochemical, reservoir and seal analyses were derived from rock samples collected during geological mapping in Pulaulaut Island. While subsurface information based on previous paper publications. The best source rocks candidate based on Hydrogen Index (HI) with value more than 300 (oil prone) which is correlated to lacustrine facies environment. The best source rocks candidate based on Total Organic Carbon (TOC) value has more than 1% which is reflecting as transition facies. Overall, potential source rocks candidates are from transition facies, represented by any outcrops within 282 of HI, 68.58% of TOC, 17% coal outcrops and/or carbonaceous shale. The lacustrine facies represented with 665 of HI, 50.99% of TOC, 17% coal outcrops and/carbonaceous shale. The main good reservoir rocks potential that can be recognized from outcrops are sandstones (quartz sandstone and volcanic sandstone). The reservoirs has Eocene age equivalent to Tanjung Formation. Based on petrographic analyses, there are five sandstone types locality i.e. quartz wacke, carbonaceous quartz wacke, calcareous lithic greywacke, volcanic lithic greywacke and volcanic lithic arenite. The quartz sandstone has porosity range 2 % to 19% and the volcanic sandstone has 11% to 16% of porosity range. Intraformational shale of Tanjung Formation might be act as good seals in SE Kalimantan. Sand shale ratio (SSR) analyses give less than 35% suggest that the seal rock and the best seal candidate is coming from transition facies. The traps potential is highly related to structural trap correspondence to NNE-SSW trending lineaments mimics of the Meratus trend.



JCB2015-314 THE EFFECT OF SEISMIC RESOLUTION ENHANCEMENT BY SPARSE LAYER INVERSION TO ACOUSTIC IMPEDANCE INVERSION AND AVO ANALYSIS Khairul Ummah1, Erwinsyah2, Adang Sukmatiawan2, Hanif Widya Nugraha2, Muhammad Puput Erlangga1, Adrianto Kusumo1, Toto Sugito1 1

WAVIV PT. Pertamina EP


ABSTRACT Increasing vertical resolution of seismic image becomes common practice in searching thin layer reservoir and fracture zone analysis. Several methods exist to increase vertical resolution such as Gabor Deconvolution, Bandwidth Extension, Colored Inversion, Spectral Bluing, and Sparse Spike Inversion. The recent method called Sparse Layer Inversion becoming more popular as a tool for increasing vertical resolution. Sparse Layer Inversion gives reflectivity as a result. This reflectivity has wideband spectrum up to Nyquist frequency. In this study, the effect of higher resolution - which is lack of wavelet information in seismic trace - will be investigated especially for AVO analysis and Acoustic Impedance Inversion. The case study is a sand reservoir class III AVO in area "X". We perform Sparse Layer Inversion using Basis Pursuit Inversion (BPI) to get the seismic reflectivity of migrated stack image and also pre-stack migrated gather. Then we make several bandpass variations as inputs. The reflectivity of migrated stack image will be use as input for AI inversion. While reflectivity of prestack time migrated gather will be used as input for AVO analysis. Result shows that Sparse Layer Inversion is enhancing AI and AVO friendly. It is promising benefit for thin layer reservoir identification.

Acoustic Impedance of Sparse Spike Inversion vs Sparse layer Inversion



JCB2015-317 OLIGO-MIOCENE TECTONIC OF JAVA AND THE IMPLICATION FOR FLEXURAL BASIN OF SOUTHERN MOUNTAIN IN AFFECTING DEPOSITIONAL SYSTEM IN KEREK FORMATION Imam Farchan Bagus Romario1, Dewi Mindasari1, Rachdian Eko Suprapto1, Muhammad Azka Yusuf2 1 Diponegoro University Andalas Petroleum Services


ABSTRACT Kerek formation is one of middle-late miocene formation in Kendeng Basin, Java Island. Kerek formation is interpretated as back arc basin system with turbidity sediment product of deep marine depositional environment. Our main purpose in this research is to identify a new sedimentation model which has compatibility with sediment characters in the field and oligomiocene tectonisme of Java island. Methods of our research are cross-sectional measured stratigraphy and petrographic analysis from Oleum exposure samples in Kemusu Area, Boyolali district, Central Java. The main lithologies in this area are feldspathic wacke, mudstone (Dott, 1964 ) and grainstone (Embry& Klovan, 1971) with sedimentary structures are wavy lamination, hummocky cross stratification, cross lamination with mud drapes, slump structure, flute cast and convolute. By this information, it could be concluded the sediment facies are sand ridge, shoreface, offshore transition, offshore, slope apron, shale interval, channel lobe and basin plain. Then the provenance is lithology from dissected arc as a product of magmatic arc (Dickison, 1986). The history of this depositional process was begun by active tectonic process in oligo-miocene caused volcanic arc in the southern java. Volcanism created burial and subsidence process then asimetry fault or well-known as flexural basin was formed (Smyth, 2008). Variety of sediment facies from tidal influence to density grain flow prove the product of flexural basin which has characteristics small basin dimension with high slope. Vulcanic sediment materials are deposited around the shallow area of eruption zone. By the time, this accumulations get increasing and involve avalanche with slope direction. This process creates turbidity and debris product till the base of the basin. Continously invertion in flexural basin affects the evolution of sediment facies and depositional system in Kerek Formation besides unstable eustasy process during tertiary. Keywords: Cenozoic Vulcanism, Kendeng Basin, Kerek Formation, Flexural Basin, Depositional System



JCB2015-326 ESTIMATING EROSION THICKNESS AND UPLIFT EVENT IN TEMPINO KENALI ASAM AREA: AN IMPORTANT INPUT FOR BASIN MODELING IN MATURE BASIN Aldis Ramadhan1, Alexis Badai Samudra1, Enik Puji Lestari1, Jaenudin1, Sugiono1, Julian Saputro1 and Mohamad Wahyudin2 PT. Pertamina EP ABSTRACT Tempino - Kenali Asam area has an important role in the exploration and production history in South Sumatera Basin, especially in Jambi Sub-basin. Yet, there are still many exploration opportunities lies in this mature area and the detailed understanding of basin evolution in this area will affect exploration strategy. Basin modeling is one of method widely use to recognize the history of a basin, with some input parameters i.e. erosion, paleo heat flow, paleotemperature, source rock properties, etc. Estimating the amount of erosion is essential in the analysis of oil and gas bearing basins since influenced the generation, migration, and accumulation of hydrocarbon. In the other, the erosion quantity accurately constraints burial history and predict the timing of hydrocarbon maturation. The aim of this study to estimate level of erosion on an initiate compressional event in Middle Miocene until peak compressional event in Plio-Pleistocene and other erosional event (i.e. between Early and Late Oligocene or/and between Late Oligocene and Early Miocene) in order to give the better erosion parameter as basin modeling input. Integrated analysis has been done using shale transit time method and vitrinite reflectance method in several key wells to identify the amount of missing section based on wireline log and geochemical data. In addition, strata extrapolation method, using seismic data, was examined to classify erosion thickness in basin scale. The result shows that Tempino area underwent an erosion thickness about 300-500 m in the depocenter while in shoulder and hinge margin area about 200-380 m. Erosion thickness in Kenali Asam area is approximately 250-500 m in depocenter whilst about 98-360 m both in shoulder and hinge margin area. It is proved that the erosion event of this area has heterogeneous intensity, and the western area (Tempino) has a greater intensity than the eastern area (Kenali Asam). While erosional event in between Early and Late Oligocene or/and in between Late Oligocene and Early Miocene were detected only in several wells by erosion thickness approximately 125-250 m. The results of erosion data constrain 1D burial history for basin modeling. Based on the 1D maturity modeling, hydrocarbon generation (expulsion) in this area happens in 17-18 Mya for Oligocene source rock and 8-9 Mya for Early Miocene source rock. Keywords: Erosion Thickness, Shale Transit Time Method, Hydrocarbon Generation, Jambi Sub-Basin



JCB2015-327 SYNCHROSQUEEZING TRANSFORM : A ROBUST TOOL FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING AND RESERVOIR CHARACTERIZATION Humbang Purba, Julikah, Moch Syaifudin, Andri Wibowo, Pradityo Riyadi LEMIGAS ABSTRACT Synchrosqueezing Transform (SST) is an extension method of the wavelet transform incorporating elements of Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD). However, this method uses a different approach in constructing the signal components than EMD itself. It is used for characterizing non-stationary signal which time-frequency (TF) analysis (Short Time Fourier Transform, Wigner-Ville Distribution, Continuous Wavelet Transform, and S-Transform) cannot handle it. SST can obtain obvious higher time and frequency resolution which is a important role and exclusively utilized by seismic processing and advanced seismic processing. In this paper, we used one benchmark non-stationary synthetic model for showing SST's high resolution compared with another time-frequency analysis (Continuous Wavelet Transform and S-Transform). SST analysis has been successful to identify and quantify the signal components better than S-Transform. Furthermore, we also applied SST on pres-stack and post stack data (study case : LMG-field) and showed its robust technique in detecting hydrocarbon anomaly. Keywords: Synchrosqueezing Transform, Time-frequecny Analysis, Temporal Resolution, Reservoir Characterisation




The remote reference method (Goubau et al., 1979; Gamble et al., 1979; Clarke et al., 1983) involves deploying additional sensors (usually magnetic) at a site removed (remote) from the main (local) measurement site. Whereas the uncontaminated (natural) part of the induced field can be expected to be coherent over spatial scales of many kilometers, noise is generally random and incoherent. Commonly the remote reference distance is about 50-100 km from outer site. We applied very far remote reference to Magnetotelluric site that separated approximately 1000 km. Although it was very far away, remote reference still give positive effect in to MT data, the apparent resistivity and phase get smoother than standalone site. In this paper we present some evaluation of very far remote reference effect to Magnetotelluric data. Keywords: Magnetotelluric, Remote Reference, Resistivity, Geothermal


JCB2015-335 PRELIMINARY TECTONIC BLOCK ROTATIONS MODEL IN INDONESIA FROM GPS VECTOR DATA Irwan Meilano1, Susilo2, Endra Gunawan1, Dina Sarsito1, Kosasih Prijatna1, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin1, Joni Efendi2 1 Institute of Technology Bandung, Agency for Geospatial Information (BIG)


ABSTRACT In order to estimate the earthquake source characterization, the study starts with deformation model. Deformation models specify the spatial geometry of earthquake source and slip rates that can be used to calculate surface deformation. Continuous and repeated GPS surveys since 2006 provide a direct information of current tectonic deformation in Indonesia. The GPS velocity field are estimated and they are used to estimate the blocks rotation model in Indonesia. Deformation due to rigid body motion is estimated by rotating six tectonic blocks namely Sunda, Banda, Timor,Molucca, Bird head and Maoke. Block rotation model is estimated by defining Euler rotation pole and its angular velocity. Keywords: Deformation Model, Indonesia, Seismic Hazard Map




ITB PT Geoservices


ABSTRACT Geophysical software/application as a tool for data processing and interpretation is often limited to certain platform/operating system in which the application is being installed. Recent advancement of web technology has enabled an application to be run on web browser, as a web application, with performance comparable to native application installed on operating system. Nowadays, web browser is readily available in almost every computing machine on the planet (e.g. pc, laptop, tablet and even smart phone). Thus, by taking advantage of web technology and wide availability of web browser, application that previously not accessible or limited to certain platform can be accessed by wider user at anywhere and anytime. In this article, we are going to investigate the possibility of using web application for geophysical data processing and interpretation. For that purpose, we have developed web application specifically designed for Magnetotelluric (MT) method due to its vast application ranging from exploration (hydrocarbon, geothermal, diamond, etc.) to deep crustal studies. The MT web application is capable of opening, reading and processing data file with extension *.edi which is a widely accepted standard file format for electromagnetic data interchange. Our web application also capable to generate synthetic MT response of one-dimensional model for interpretation purposes. Keywords: Web Browser, Web Application, Geophysical Data, Magnteotelluric




ITB PT. Freeport Indonesia


ABSTRACT Drillings and sample analysis are a part of exploration activities that requires large cost and very important toward exploration success. Optimum steps are needed in selecting drilling pattern and sampling technique in exploration. Fan drilling pattern is one of drilling pattern that has its own problem in data distribution. Data in the start point of drilling (drift) will have a high grid density, while in the end of drilling the grid density will decrease. In this case, it will be overrepresentative in some area that has clustered data such as around the drift. Optimum sampling intervalisrequiredto solve the problem of data distribution.This research is using secondary data of Cu-Au grade of porphyritic deposit; drilling data set is named GRS-37 consists of 11 drillholes. Geostatistical methodsused in this research areOrdinary Kriging (OK) and Sequential GaussianSimulation (SGS). Block units dimension used for estimation and simulation is 15 m 15 m 15 m which adapted from the mine bench dimension. Some scenario of sampling interval used for experiment is 1 m, 3 m, 5 m, 10 m, and 15 m. The 'optimum' parameter is decided by estimation variance in OK method and variance of local variabilityin SGS method. The optimum sampling interval based on estimation variance is 15 m from level 3075 m to 3795, 10 m from level 3000 m to 3075 m, and 5 m level below 3000 m. The optimum sampling interval based on variance of local variability is 15 m from level 3150 m to 3795 m, 10 m from level 3000 m to 3150 m, and 5 m for level below 3000 m. Both methods produced the similar optimum sampling interval for Cu-Au grades in fan drilling pattern. Keywords: Sampling Spaces, Geostatistics, Estimation Variance, Ordinary Kriging, Sequential Gaussian Simulation



JCB2015-355 INDONESIAN ARCHIPELAGO PALEOGEOGRAPHY AS THE NATURAL LABORATORY OF THE PROBOSCIDEAN MIGRATION AND ADAPTATION PATTERN Unggul Prasetyo Wibowo, Erick Setiyabudi, Iwan Kurniawan, Halmi Insani Museum Geologi Pusat Survei Geologi Badan Geologi KESDM ABSTRACT Fossil vertebrates, in particular proboscidean, have become an important tool in the reconstruction of routes migration, adaptation and evolution (Charles and Hooijer, 1973). A number of genera from Indonesian region belonging to the order proboscidea have been identified in deposits. It is interesting to elaborate because its often occurs in association with fossils of pygmy or dwarfed proboscidea species. Their various degrees of dwarfing are important constituents in all non-sub-recent/recent faunas (van den Bergh, 1999). This phenomena is very related to the geological framework evolution that linked to the migration and adaptation of fauna. The paleogeography concerning to the occurrence of proboscidean in Indonesia analyzed by paleobathymetry data. The fauna association data based on our research that elaborated to the related research paper. Based on the data, the history of the proboscidean migration in Indonesian Archipelago shows three patterns, there are by sweepstake dispersal, filter dispersal and intermitten corridor. The data also shows that the various degrees of proboscidean dwarfing and the faunal succession in Indonesian Archipelago are very related to the geological framework evolution. Keywords: Proboscidea, Migration, Evolution, Indonesia




Inversions of gravity data need an appropriate initial model in order to guide the process to produce a reasonable subsurface model. Formation Micro Scanner ( FMS) are useful to give information, especially to delineate the fault type and its orientation. Based on this information, an inversion domain consisting of a triangular mesh is constructed. The triangles inside the domain are tailored to the fault orientation and location. It is endeavored that this will increase the possibility of constructing an inversion geometry result that matches the geometry of the fault. These inversions, using conjugate gradient algorithms, have been tested to a synthetic model and showed an improvement in reconstructing the density structure distribution of the original model compared to a rectangular mesh. The triangular mesh inversion was applied to gravity data in the X geothermal prospect. The residual map anomaly varies from -22 to 22 mGal in the prospect area as characterized by the existence of low gravity anomalies. It is estimated that the faults are mainly striking in the NW-SE and N-S directions. The density model with a triangular mesh inversion in the line perpendicular to the prospective area showed a subsurface density structure distribution with high-low-high density value associated with the depression structure of the Sumatra Fault. The plane of fault is estimated to have an 80o dip. It provides pathways to the thermal manifestations at the surface



JCB2015-360 ON THE USE OF TERRESTRIAL LASER SCANNER FOR GEOLOGICAL SURFACE ANALYSIS Irwan Gumilar1, Muhamad N. A1. Basith1, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin1, Nia Haerani2 1

Geodesy Research Division ITB 2 Geological Agency ABSTRACT

Terrestrial Laser Scanner (TLS) is a relatively new positioning method in geodesy. TLS is able to obtain the position of the object points (point clouds) in a huge amount and high precision in a relatively short time.This method can be applied in many applications such as: in mining, architecture, civil engineering, police, and also for geological purposes. This research aims to identify rocks texture and structure around the Crater of the Mt. Talaga Bodas West Java based on the analysis of reflected point clouds intensity from the TLS. The methodology used in this research is by obtaining the scanning data using TLS and GPS measurements to obtain the coordinates of the reference points. The data processing methods consist of several steps, namely target to target registration, filtering, georeference, and analysis the registered point clouds. These steps were done using the Cyclone 8 software. Registered point clouds show the 3 dimension of the crater. Reflected point clouds show the differences of the intensity color of the surface around the crater. This result indicates the differences of the rocks texture and structure around the crater. Keywords: Intensity, TLS, Geology, Rocks



JCB2015-364 DYNAMIC RESPONSE ANALYSIS BASED ON MICROTREMOR MEASUREMENTS AT THE KARANGKATES DAM, MALANG Philips Bramantia Mudamakin1, Ariska Rudiyanto2, Supriyanto Rohadi1, Rizki Amalia2 1



ABSTRACT Based on earthquake data over the past 29 years, there were 191 events were felt in the region of Karangkates, Malang. The aim of this study is to determine the trend of dynamic response of the frequency for Karangkates Dam, Malang. This study uses primary data, perform data retrieval directly at the Karangkates Dam, Malang. The instruments named Portable Digital Seismograph type Taide TDL-303S and Digital Seismograph type Taide TDV-23S was used for the microtremor measurements. Microtremors data were analyzed using Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio (HVSR) and comparison of the spectrum of each component by comparing the trend of dynamic response of the frequency. The results showed that the average trend of the frequency each component changed significantly following the activity of water in the Karangkates Dam, Malang. The highest average value for the amplitude spectrum of each component is the vertical component (Z)= 2382.97 at frequency 5.538 Hz, the East-West component (EW)=5294.71 at frequency 5.538 Hz, and the North-South component (NS)=3777.78 at frequency 5.538 Hz respectively. Keywords: Trend of Dynamic Response, Microtremor, Frequency




CNOOC SES Ltd CNOOC Southeast Asia LTD


ABSTRACT The Intan Field is a Northeast-Southwest trending, faulted, anticlinal feature located on the northwest flank of the Asri Basin. Most of the structure lies on the up thrown South side of a major normal fault. Two structural lobes with different oil water contact have been identified in this area. Most of the oil reserves are contained in the larger Western lobe, where Intan-1 is located. The reservoir sands are believed to have been deposited by meandering rivers flowing from the Northwest to the Southeast into the Asri Basin. The two main reservoirs (Intan 31-1 and 31-2) are correlative throughout the field. They are interpreted as channel sands, and thicken moderately from Southwest to Northeast. Analyses of conventional cores indicate the sands to be fine-to-coarse grained, unconsolidated to friable, and with very little cementing material. Porosities and permeabilities are very high, as confirmed by flow tests. Already produced 25 years, some Intan wells undergo watered out. Integrated study was applied to overcome this issue. Geological process covers depositional environment and facies association. Geophysical insight starts with revisiting seismic attribute. Cased-hole logging is included in petrophysical procedure. Water conformance plot and volumetric calculation belong to reservoir engineering means. Combination of these science results in choices to rejuvenate Intan field. Integrated subsurface review has been done and come up with pilot scenario and expanded implementations. By the comprehensive teamwork and effort from GGR, Drilling Completion, and Production Operation team, this pilot project has been done and give impressive result (average 300 bopd/well) which will continued to other wells in Intan Field. This result gives significant increasing oil production to Intan Field. Extended project is estimated will give similar result with the pilot.

Keywords: Integration, Mature Field, Rejuvenation, Water Out



JCB2015-376 PROPOSED NEW WADATI-BENIOFF ZONE MODEL IN JAVA-SUMATRA SUBDUCTION ZONE AND ITS TECTONIC IMPLICATION Mirzam Abdurrachman, Sri Widiyantoro, Bambang Priadi, Muhammad Zaky Abdul Alim, Amran Hakim Dewangga ITB ABSTRACT Previous Wadati-Benioff Zone (WBZ) model in Java and Sumatra is difficult to explain the variation of volcanic pattern in these twoislands. Active volcanoes from west to east Java have theur own peculiar pattern. Some volcanic positions are not aligned and have different distances from the oceanic trench. In order to explain the irregularity of volcanic pattern in Sumatra and Java, a new model of WBZ needs to be proposed. 2977 relocated earthquake from 1964to 2007 have been used in this study. 2580 earthquake hypocentre are selected and used to create a new WBZ model for Sumatra and Java. The new WBZ model resulting from relocated earthquake hypocenter turns out to be different from the previous WBZ model. The new WBZ model can be divided into four zones, i.e. Sumatra, West Java, Central Java, and East Java zones. These zones can explain the irregularity of the volcanic pattern formed in Sumatra and Java. The results of this research is confirmed by phenocryst appearances and K2O55 distribution in Java. Based on these data, the geological phenomenon especially volcanism in Java and Sumatra is easier to be explained by the new WBZ model.Therefor, this new WBZ may be used for a reference for future research related to tectonic activity caused by subduction procesesse in Java and Sumatra.





ABSTRACT Mamuju Region in West Sulawesi, Indonesia is a “green� field area of uranium/thorium in Indonesia. High radiometric concentrations were located in Adang Volcanic Rocks. This formation is grouped as basaltic to intermediate rock and composed by lava, pyroclastic rocks, and tuff. Regional field radiometric mapping, including radiation dose rates, potassium, uranium, and thorium contents of soil and rock was conducted to identify the existence of radioactive minerals and prospect zones. Some radiometric anomalies are detected and probably related to hydrothermal alteration, leaching, and precipitation processes. Uranium anomaly (97,261 ppm) located in Mamuju River upstream, Botteng, Takandeang and Ahu area. The anomaly related to uranium leaching and precipitation processes in leucite basalt lava. Thorium anomaly (369,461 ppm) located in Pangasaan, Takandeang, Ahu, and Taan area. To expand this radiometric mapping, we characterized the reflectance of Landsat-8 imagery based on field measurement data. Based on circular structures identification, uranium/thorium anomaly are related to the existence of volcano vents on Adang Volcanic. Based on band rationing, high uranium contents distributed in the area with less ferromagnesian mineral, while thorium did not affected. These field based and remote sensing characterization results could be used as preliminary parameters to identify wide and detail prospects. Keywords: Radioactive, Uranium, Thorium, Mamuju, Landsat-8




University of Indonesia 2 TOTAL E&P Indonesie ABSTRACT

Handil field is located on delta plain depositional environment with several qualifications; channel sand bodies are either multi – story channels with a thickness of 20 to 40 meters, many single channels with a thickness of 10 to 15 meters, and distributary channels deposits gave mouth bars with a thickness of around 2 meters. Due to this geological condition, Handil field has several challenges to be solved. It is difficult to build accurate reservoir models due to the complication of lithology and fluid contents. Spatial distribution of lithology and fluid is also pretty difficult to be characterized. Besides, vertical resolution problem comes from thin sand packages driven by sand bar channel. To solve those challenges on Handil field, simultaneous inversion (SI) and geostatistical inversion (GI) have been studied. Lithology separation could be identified well from Zone 2 (2000 – 2500 m). Nevertheless, there are several drawbacks to use GI and SI in Handil field. Both simultaneous and geostatistical inversion results could not characterize reservoir fluid content distribution vertically and horizontally. Previous petrophysics and rock physics analysis as the inputs of these inversion methods contribute the uncertainties of hydrocarbon sand prediction problem. Several enhancements for the classification for this field are needed to be studied further. Through lithology correlation, simultaneous and geostatistical inversion could delineate sand distribution well but some limitations also overcome. Simultaneous inversion has a lack of vertical resolution. However, geostatistical inversion gives more detail in vertical resolution of capturinf thin sands but lack of lateral sands prediction because of variogram effect. Keywords: Geostatistical Inversion, Simultaneous Inversion, Variogram, Handil



JCB2015-386 RARE EARTH ELEMENTS IN PINKISH GRANITOID FROM LAGOOI Ronaldo Irzon, Hamdan Z. Abidin, Purnama Sendjadja, Kurnia, Imtihanah Pusat Survei Geologi ABSTRACT Bintan Island, Kepulauan Riau Province, have Triassic granitoid intrusion which grouped in the Main Range Granite Province of South East Asia. The granitoid units dispersed to exceed 30% of the rock units in the Bintan Island. Megascopically, some different colour of granitoids could be found. Lagooi, located arround the north shore of Bintan, have largely become recreational area and has special granitoid character that is different from other granitoid outcrops, the pinkish colour. Eight samples from the pinkish graniotid area has been taken and analyzed petrographic and geochemically. The chemical analyze are complete enough, covering the major, trace, as well as rare earth elements. Petrographic and geochemical analysis results combined to prove earlier hypotheses concerning the granitoid type and characters. The high REE content in Triassic granitoid was proven from Lagooi's samples, 173 – 1,015 ppm and 295 ppm on average. Measurement rare earth element of pinkish granitoid was plotted in spide diagram not only to compare to other granitoid instrusions in Kepulauan Riau, but also to become a national data about REE distribution. Keywords: Geochemistry, Lagooi, Pinkish Granitoid, Rare Earth Elements



JCB2015-391 GEOLOGICAL EXPRESSION 2D WORKFLOWS: WORKFLOWS TO IMPROVE THE RESOLUTION OF 2D SEISMIC DATA AND ATTRIBUTES FROM THE RANDUGUNTING BLOCK Titin Sumarni, Budi Prasetyo, Abdul Mutalib Masdar, Gaynor Paton, Randy Peter PHE RANDUGUNTING ABSTRACT As global oil and gas companies move towards cost-effective and time saving methods, it becomes more important to maximise and extract as much information as we can from the existing seismic data before acquiring new data. This is including 2D seismic data. Sometimes the quality of the 2D seismic data is not good enough and reprocessing is required. Reprocessing data can be time consuming and expensive. Thus, one way that is straightforward and cost-effective to achieve the full potential of your 2D seismic data is through modern methods of post stack interpretive data processing and seismic attributes which could enhance the resolution and interpretability of your seismic data. GeoTeric was provided with eight 2D seismic lines by PERTAMINA PHE from the Randugunting Block, North East Java Basin. Two key workflows for data conditioning in GeoTeric are noise attenuation, to attenuate random and coherent noise in the data, thus improving the signal to noise ratio of the seismic. By increasing the signal to noise ratio of the seismic data the interpretability of the seismic data is also increased. The other data conditioning workflow is spectral enhancement, which increases the seismic data resolution by increasing the bandwidth and boosting the high frequency to achieve a balance white spectrum. The workflows were applied to all eight of the seismic 2D lines but we will focus on 09RGT-17 2D line in this paper. Using the conditioned 2D data as an input for the seismic attributes generation, the results will be cleaner and reveal much more details compared to the attributes that are generated from the original seismic data.



JCB2015-1001 LIMA FIELD SEABED SUBSIDENCE; SYNCHRONIZED DECK RAISING PROJECT – HOW IT WAS DONE Oto Gurnita PHE ONWJ ABSTRACT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) Offshore Northwest Java LIMA Field is experiencing continuous sea bed subsidence at a rate of 0.15 meter/year resulting in serious operational risk at LIMA Flowstation. The subsidence has reduced the air gap between platform decks to sea level up to 3 meters from the original design. The subsidence also has affected a number of wellhead platforms in LIMA Area. The focus of this paper is the complex task of synchronized raising of three platforms, interconnecting bridges and flare bridge of LIMA Flowstation Complex. Various studies were undertaken to return LIMA Complex back to safe operations. It was concluded that a two stage solution (1st stage is 1m & 2nd stage is 3m) would require the shortest period of LIMA production shut down with acceptable levels of project costs. Project Management strategy was the key to successful execution of platform deck raising. It began with contracting strategy, interface to stakeholders, engineering design including interface engineering, procurement and fabrication strategy, HSSE plan, quality plan and offshore execution strategy including commissioning and start up. All specifications were determined in the Project Execution Plan and Project Master Schedule. Fifty-five days following shutdown the LIMA Platform was back online; five days ahead of schedule. The 1st stage raising was completed on September 4, 2013 and 2nd stage raising on September 19, returning LIMA Flowstation to safe operations for another 12-15 years of use.


JCB2015-1002 WET LIFTING AS AN ALTERNATIVE SUBSEA PIPELINE TIE-IN METHOD THAT RESULTS IN SAFE, ECONOMIC, AND RELIABLE OPERATIONS Nanang Sahroini, Winardi, Hanto Yananto PHE ONWJ ABSTRACT PHE ONWJ developed new APN-E/F gas fields in 2011 – 2012, namely the APNE-A, APNE-B, and APNF. One of the critical scopes of this project was subsea tie-in work, which was the biggest risk to be managed. This tie-in work was a part of the key success milestones that would affect the overall project completion. There were a lot of constraints and concerns that had to be considered during the execution phase of the engineering, fabrication, and installation work. The wet lift method was chosen after a robust selection process from several options e.g. tie-ins using subsea mechanical connectors, the dry lift and wet lift methods. These options were reviewed against the selection criteria of safety, schedule/shutdown time, cost and quality/integrity for the operation. The wet lift tie-in method for the 24” subsea pipeline was finally selected after being thoroughly assessed by the discipline functions. The implementation of the wet lift method started with the detailed planning of the resources, material, work sequences and timeline schedules. As a result, the work was safely and reliably executed ahead of schedule.



JCB2015-1003 SANTOS MALEO PRODUCER MOPU, IN SITU SUBSTRUCTURE MODIFICATION Tigor M. Hutabarat1, Steve Adrianto1, Sekita Dasbi Sembiring2 1

Santos - Madura Pty, Ltd. PT. Blue Ocean Services


ABTRACT Maleo Producer MOPU which originally owned by Global Process System Dubai was converted from jack up drilling to become Maleo Mobile Production Unit and rented by Santos (Madura) from PT Radiant Utama Interinsco (PT RUI). Since 2006 GPS and RUI have operated it in Maleo field to produce gas 110 MMscfd feed into Indonesia Power in Surabaya. While the class certification being approved by ABS for MOPU for service life 15 years after conversion in 2006 and minimum fatigue life 22 years at some locations of new gusset added, however subsea inspection in 2009 reveal crack indication in three location on gusset plate 2D & 2G top toe. In August 2010 a total of eleven crack indications were found on gusset and leg. GPS the previous asset owner strongly proposed repair strategy in Singapore dry dock as the robust technical solution however this would disrupt production and potential black out in Surabaya. This paper describe Santos proposal for in situ repair where no welding required for offshore installation instead by clamping and bolting, no production shutdown, and X bracing is considered as permanent solution to become a fixed platform. ABS Structural managing principal engineer agree to pursue X braces solution.


JCB2015-1004 GEOHAZARD RISK ASSESSMENT THROUGH DEEPWATER PIPELINE DEVELOPMENT, SEA CASE Paulinus Sitanggang, Reza Ismaniar Wood Group Kenny Indonesia ABSTARCT For export pipeline crossing deepwater environment, the geohazard concern is mainly located at continental slope, within water depth transition from the shelf break (less than 200m) to continental abyssal plain (more than 1000m). Significant slope gradients, various seabed features, shallow sub-bottom geology features and mass transport deposits are the common geohazard inventories categorized into moderate risk. The geohazard assessment and pipeline routing study will be the critical steps, whether it is possible to avoid the identified geohazard features (mostly preferred) or the pipeline may across the geohazard zone as long as within accepted level of quantified risk and supported by mitigation plan. The pipeline routing and geohazard study tends to result an extreme under or over estimated analysis due to insufficient survey data. Failed to identify a moderate geohazard features along the pipeline route (i.e. active seabed fault, potential landslide zone triggered by earthquake), means expose the pipeline to potential damage during lifetime. This paper will focus on examples of geohazard risk assessment taken for deepwater pipeline development in SEA region.




KLA flow station is one of the major oil and gas producers in the PHE ONWJ area with a normal gas production of 32-38 MMSCFD and a normal crude oil production up to 4000 BOPD. The crude oil from KLA and KLB platforms are produced by using in-situ gas lift from gas source wells and currently, the gas lift pressure continues to decrease. Gas lift depletion will result in crude oil production loss from KLA and KLB wells. In response to this issue, PHE ONWJ intends to install Gas Lift Compressor at KLB platform to increase the gas lift supply pressure. The selection of modular concept installation is the key to accomplish brownfield project execution and align with Operation requirement in KLB platform, where the existing facility to keep in production, while major modification and offshore installation took place also minimizing shutdown duration. The constructability study has been performed to select viable criteria as well consider the associated risk impact. As the result of best fit selection, this project completed on time and safely also met with operating and design criteria


JCB2015-1006 OFFSHORE PLATFORM RISK BASED UNDERWATER INSPECTION (RBUI) APPROACH FOR AGING PLATFORM Ricky L. Tawekal1, Mirza Mahendra2, Banarwoto2, Fentarie Gumilang2, Defrinaldo3, Suyidno3, Dwinanto B.Kurniawan4, Eko C. Ilman1, Firmansyah Perdana4, Faisal D. Purnawarman4 1

Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia Directorate of Oil and Gas, Ministry Of Energy and Mineral Resources Republic of Indonesia 3 PT. Pertamina EP 4 PT. Bina Rekacipta Utama (BIRU)


ABSTRACT This paper addresses the development of Risk Based Underwater Inspection (RBUI) for aging offshore platforms in Indonesia. It is also has objective to provide recommended practice for the RBUI program of existing fixed offshore platforms as an alternative for conventional time-based underwater inspection. Scoring method is implemented in both Consequences of Failure (CoF) factor calculation, and Probability of Failure (PoF) calculation. CoF and PoF are used for calculating the risk level that will be converted to an inspection interval using an exposure category level and inspection interval based on survey level. This methodology is adopted from API RP 2A-WSD and API RP 2SIM. The result of this study is an inspection interval plan for each platform. The result of inspection interval is different for each platform depends on the risk calculation of each platform. Major problem on aging platform that were founded in our study case is platform minimum fatigue life that below the intended design life. This condition then to be accommodated in RBUI analysis as a factor to override preliminary inspection interval plan.



JCB2015-1007 WORKING PAPER: DECISION FRAMEWORK FOR OIL AND GAS FIELD DEVELOPMENT Noezran Azwar ST. MT1, 2, Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Husin M.Sc2 1 SKK Migas Trisakti University


ABSTRACT Decision analysis for oil and gas development field is an interesting topic that many professionals from engineers, finance managers to Government like to discuss. Decisions for oil and gas field development not only determine the direction and course of thousand to billions of dollars but also national resilience on energy security. The complexity of a decision varies from simple and Shakespearean—to drill or not to drill— up to complex rigorous analysis.


JCB2015-1008 ASSET INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT OF FIXED AND FLOATING UNITS Jose Esteve, Jerome Floury, Andi Taufan Marimba Bureau Veritas ABSTRACT Asset Integrity Management can be a very broad concept for which several solutions are available covering different systems that make part of an offshore asset. One of such systems that is sometimes neglected, from the authors experience is the overall structures. Therefore this paper will concentrate on the structural integrity of jackets, hull of floating units and topside structures, as making part of an overall asset integrity management. The paper will make reference to existing standards that can help setting up the processes and team required to have a sound AIM approach as well to the specific codes related to SIM (Structural Integrity Management). Finally they will present the different Risk Based Inspection methodologies proposed within a framework of the SIM.



JCB2015-1009 REVERSE ENGINEERING OF OIL COOLER PLTU BUKIT ASAM BY USING KERN METHOD TO INCREASE COOLING CAPACITY BY 34,43% AND COST BY 49,47% FROM OEM Yogi Sirodz Gaos1, Candra DamisWidiawati1, Nunus Subardiyono1, Mamat Rahmat2 1 PT Intan Prima Kalorindo, Fakultas Teknik Universitas Ibn Khaldun



Shell and tube heat exchanger is the most common type that used in power plant system, mining, industry and other section. In this type, oil flows in one pass inside shell and water crosses two pass inside tube (two pass heat exchanger). Oil behaves as a hot fluid while the water serves as cold fluid. Effectiveness of heat transfer in the system is influenced by surface area and pressure drop. Optimum surface area of the shell and tube was studied by using Kern method. The result from this optimization method bychanging theshelldiameter, tube diameter and tube number. This calculation is obtained by assuming the heat exchanger cooling capacity of 506.9 kW. The performance test of this heat exchanger conducted at 62.3 MW load electricity at PLTU Bukit Asam showthe water temperature in/out are 38oC/44oC and the oil are 62oC/47.7oC, oil mass flow rate of 13.41 kg/s and log mean temperature difference of 13.28oC. By applying this method the user has obtained the benefit in terms of the following items: higher performance, longer time between overhaul, lower cost, aftersales service, increase of local content, extended warranty period. Keywords: OEM, Reverse Engineering, Shell And Tube, Heat Exchanger, Surface Area, Pressure Drop



JCB2015-1010 NON-LINEAR ANALYSIS OF LARGE DEFORMATION SUBSEA PIPELINE USING STRAIN BASED APPROACH Eko Charnius Ilman, Ricky Lukman Tawekal Institut Teknologi Bandung ABSTRACT Subsea pipeline in extreme conditions due to high pressure and high temperature (HP/TP) can lead to large deformation, so strain-based criteria can be taken as a design consideration. In this research, buried and partially buried subsea pipeline is modeled and analyzed under operating conditions. During operation, the pipe which is given high temperature difference with the undulated seabed condition is analyzed using strain-based design criteria with general finite element analysis software. All welded joints are assumed strong during operation so it is neglected in the modeling. Material, geometry and contact nonlinearity are modelled in nonlinear analysis and compared with the linear analysis. Pipe self-weight, soil backfill, gas pressure, thermal expansion, static current forces and pipeline anchor blocks boundary conditions at both ends are considered in the analysis. The pipe is modelled with a beam element which can accommodate internal pressure. Effect of soil is modelled using pipe-soilinteraction element for buried segments and pressure-over-closure relationship with the rigid element for exposed pipeline segments. The results show accumulated plastic strain for 16-inch pipe API 5L X-60 in maximum load combination is 0.59% for buried pipes in corroded condition and 1.52% for partially buried pipe in corroded condition. However, the values do not exceed 2% of allowable strain which is set by code. Conventional linear analysis is compared with nonlinear analysis. The results show that the maximum von-mises stress values in nonlinear analysis is relatively smaller than the values in linear analysis. Nonlinear analysis results are about 1.5 - 2.5 times larger than linear analysis results. In the final analysis, it is important to note that for large deformation condition, nonlinear analysis should be performed.



JCB2015-1011 CONCEPTUAL STUDY OF “XYZ” FIELD DEVELOPMENT IN SMALL AND SCATTERED RESERVOIRS Yananto, Hanto PHE ONWJ ABSTRACT Some Oil and Gas fields in Indonesia, particularly in offshore have not been explored due to field economics. The absence of a thorough study of a potential development in the entire reservoir at a Production Working Area contributes the high cost of the development. The "XYZ" field would be the object of study with emphasis on the development of conceptual study for surface facilities. Some challenges that must be overcome for the development of this field, including the "XYZ" field is comprised of several small reservoirs and scattered. It is located in shallow waters and is in the area of export tankers for shipment of oil and other chemicals. The development of this field also becomes complex because its dependency to an existing facility.


JCB2015-1017 RISK BASED INSPECTION DAN MAINTENANCE (RBI & M) FOR MECHANICAL AND PRESSURIZED SYSTEM (PRESSURE VESSELS, PIPING AND VALVES) Ahmad Taufik, Ph.D1,2 PT. AT Solusi ITB ABSTRACT Most of oil and gas industries in Indonesia has implemented risk based inspection and maintenance (RBI &M) for managing their mechanical and pressurized system in the plant both for onshore and offshore facilities. While for pressure vessels and piping the API 581 is used, for valves with having multiple failure mode need to be developed. This paper present the RBI assessment for pressure vessels, piping and valves. Once the risk has been determined, priority is given for inspection and maintenance execution of the equipments.



JCB2015-2001 MUDI FIELD WATERFLOOD: KEBERHASILAN KONVERSI SUMUR DAN PERUBAHAN POLA INJEKSI (SUCCESS STORY) David Yulian Kusuma, Edhu Mario Purwadiadji, Suhendro, M. A'la Almaududi PT Pertamina Hulu Energi ABSTRAK Air yang terproduksi di Mudi Field pada tahun 2010 mengalami kenaikan karena reaktivasi sumur-sumur suspended. Jumlahnya mencapai 28,000 bwpd dan diinjeksikan ke 2 sumur injeksi yaitu Mudi-6 dan Mudi-7. Kemampuan Mudi-6 untuk menerima air injeksi mencapai 27,000 bwpd dan Mudi-7 sebesar 4,000 bwpd,namun performa Mudi-7 dalam menerima air injeksi cenderung menurun. Untuk mengantisipasi kenaikan air yang terproduksi baik dari Mudi maupun Sukowati dan penurunan performa Mudi-7, maka diusulkan 1 kandidat sumur injeksi yang baru yaitu Mudi14. Sebelum dikonversi menjadi water injection well, Mudi-14 merupakan sumur produk sidengan kumulatif produksi sebesar 18.4 MSTB yang terletak di down flankreservoir.Setelah Mudi-14 dijadikan sumur injeksi pada 14 Oktober 2010, Mudi Field memiliki 3 sumur injeksi.Akan tetapi, yang beroperasi hanya Mudi-6 dan Mudi-14 karena performa Mudi-7 yang menurun hingga mencapai 2,000 bwpd.Pada 31 Oktober 2010, WHP Mudi-7 meningkat hingga 680 psi. Padasaat dilakukan bleed off pressure, terproduksi minyakwater cut0%, serta WHPtidak menunjukkan gejala penurunan. Dengan adanya minyak yang keluar, dicoba untuk diproduksikan secara natural flow. Hasilnya selama 10 bulan berturut-urut hingga 19 Agustus 2011, sumur Mudi-7 berproduksi secara natural flow dengan laju produksi awal 737 bopd, WHP 680 psi dengan zerowater cut. Laju produksi tertinggi yang pernah dicapai yaitu 1232 bopd, WHP 595 psi dan tidak ada air yang terproduksi. Selain Mudi-7 yang meningkat WHP nya setelah Mudi-14 dikonversi menjadi sumur water injection, Mudi-12 dan Mudi-8 di dekatnya yang suspended jugasempat mengalami peningkatan pada WHP dan berproduksi secara natural flow. Karena begitu banyaknya minyak yang terproduksi dari sumur Mudi-7 diikuti WHP yang tinggi dan tidak cepat menurun, dilakukan tracer test dengan tracer I-125 dan tritiumuntuk mengetahui konektivitas antara sumur injeksi dan sumur-sumur produksi. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa terdapat koneksi antara sumur Mudi-14 dengan Mudi-7 dan Mudi-8. Dari injeksi air di Mudi-14 memberikan incrementalminyak yang luarbiasasebesar 143,761 STB.Mudi Field sendirimemiliki remaining reserve sebesar 17.31 MMSTB (Juni 2010).



Petroselat Ltd 2 PetroPro ABSTRACT

Selat Panjang (SP) Field is one of Petroselat field that start developed in 1993. SP Field is located in the North-West corner of the Selat Panjang PSC Block approximately 115 km ENE of Pekanbaru or roughly 165 km WSW from Singapore. It is only about 4 km from the shoreline of the Selat Panjang Strait which separates the mainland of Sumatra from the islands of the Riau Province. In early stage, this well produced oil from sihapas oil reservoir (NMS-C & D) as main production target until the production declined in 1995 then suspended. From 1995 until 2014 Petroselat focused on developing another filed in Selat Panjang block. In the 2014, Petroselat started workover campaign in SP Field to optimize production and support gas commercialization. S Well wasproposed with purposes to produce the gas from other Sihapas sand (NMS-E). Both log and DST data shows that Sand-E on S Well is a hydrocarbon bearing sand with production 1 – 2 MMSCFD, 40-50 BCPD and no water production. The calculated IGIP of Sand-E is potentially good to be developed with 13.14 BCF. Workover job of S well was succesfully completed in August 2014. The initial production showing encouraging result with 3 MMSCFD gas production and stable in 1.5 MMSCFD. The production was running smoothly within 5 months without any production issue. Then in one day sudden drop happened, causing significant decrease in gas production from 1.5 to 0.3 MMSCFD without any clear reason. Many causes has been suspected possibly such reservoir pressure depletion, high water rate, well obstruction, or liquid hold up issue that make the production loss. It doesn't conclusive yet therefore technical analysis has been conducted to define main issue. Due to data availability, Rate Transient Analysis (RTA) was chosen to get quick result. The analysis has been conducted with 5 methods as follows Turner Rate analysis, Flowing Material Balance analysis, Type Curve Matching, History Matching and Re-history matching. The RTA result from all method shows there was liquid unloading occured blocking the gas to flow and has possibility high skin effect. To confirm the liquid unloading issue (RTA result), and also as additional data prior to well service, PLT was run. In conclusion, RTA result inline with PLT result that show unloading liquid happened in the wellbore. As mitigation, based on this technical identification, well service job should be performed to improve well deliverability.



JCB2015-2004 HYBRID ESP - GAS LIFT AS RELIABLE ARTIFICIAL LIFT SOLUTION IN HIGH GOR & SCALING TENDENCY OF SIHAPAS FORMATION, SELAT PANJANG BLOCK - INDONESIA Weka Janitra Calosa, M. Nur Syuhada, Indra Hudaya, Gunawan Nurcahyo Wibowo, Hathari A. Sagala, Budi santoso Petroselat Ltd ABSTRACT Petroselat Ltd. (Selat Panjang PSC) is located in the district of Siak, Riau Province, Indonesia approximately 115 km ENE of Pekanbaru or roughly 165 km WSW from Singapore. It is only about 4 km from the shoreline of the Selat Panjang Strait which separates the mainland of Sumatra from the islands of the Riau Province. The working area is part of the basin middle Sumatra where most of the production comes from sihapas formation that has tendency of scale and high GOR. For more than 15 years, most of the methods of production in this field using the natural flow and continue the electrical submersible pump after the pressure decreases in 3-6 month after. Most of ESP used in this field is proved to be unreliable with average life time only 6 month caused by gas lock and scale. New production enhancement team was formed as task force to overcome the unreliable production method and apply it on new drilling campaign well. This team comes with new solution of hybrid ESP and auto Gas lift system to extend well production reliability. This paper describe the evolution of completion design that can extend well production life while reduce well service and maintenance cost. This completion allows natural flow production via either the tubing or the annulus, ESP lift via the tubing amplified by auto gas lift thru the annulus. The lifting method selection including reservoir fluid characteristic, pressure management analysis, completion equipment and material selection, operation process, and safety consideration are also explained. Post completion well operations are designed to make the maintenance cost minimum and easy to operate. Finally the performance of this new hybrid ESPGas lift completion method also reviewed after the drilling campaign. The overall production result are more sustain and in addition ESP run life has been improved significantly.



JCB2015-2005 EVALUASI PROGRAM REAKTIVASI SUMUR ESP DI LAPANGAN-P DENGAN MENERAPKAN TYPECURVE PERAMALAN IPR M. Derian Zachary, Pudjo Sukarno Institut Teknologi Bandung ABSTRACT This thesis includes a review and evaluation of wells reactivation project at P-Field that uses lectric Submersible Pump as its artificial lift system. In this evaluation, the review focuses on the reactivation of the five production wells on PF-Platform. The wells penetrate BR-Formations which is a carbonate reservoir with bottom water drive mechanism. Produced fluid is heavy oil (20-21o API) with water cut reaches about 97%. Evaluation in this study relates to the design of stages number and horsepower of ESP. The design is evaluated by using Nodal analysis and Guo's Method, which implements equation from Type Curve IPR. Type Curve IPR is Inflow Performance Relationship analysis technique, which was developed to determine and predict performance of reservoir with bottom water drive mechanism. The IPR equation gives linear relationship between the flow rate ratio and the reservoir pressure ratio. The results obtained from this combined methods will be compared with the results of conventional ESP design. Afterwards, the optimum design of flow rate, number of stages, and total horsepower for ESP, is determined by paying attention to the balance between the formation's ability and the pump capacity. Moreover, this thesis is also able to determine degree of bottom water drive mechanism (strong, moderate, or weak), as well as to forecast reservoir performance using Type Curve IPR. The result shows that Type Curve IPR can be applied to P-Field and provide information about its degree of bottom water drive mechanism. Keywords: Reactivation, Type Curve IPR, Bottom Water Drive, Guo's Method, Nodal Analysis, ESP ABSTRAK Makalah ini berisi tinjauan dan evaluasi terhadap proyek reaktivasi sumur di Lapangan-P yang menggunakan sistem pengangkatan buatan Electric Submersible Pump. Pada evaluasi ini, tinjauan berfokus pada reaktivasi lima sumur produksi di Platform- PF. Sumur-sumur tersebut menembus formasi BR yang merupakan reservoar karbonat dengan mekanisme pendorong bottom water drive. Fluida yang diproduksi merupakan heavy oil (21-23o API) dengan water cut mencapai sekitar 97%. Evaluasi yang dilakukan pada studi ini terkait dengan desain jumlah stage dan horsepower ESP. Desain tersebut dievaluasi dengan menggunakan Metode Guo3 dan Nodal Analysis1 yang menerapkan persamaan TypeCurve IPR2. Type Curve IPR merupakan teknik analisis Inflow Performance Relationship yang dikembangkan untuk menentukan dan meramalkan kinerja reservoir dengan mekanisme pendorongan Bottom Water Drive. Persamaan IPR nya memberikan hubungan yang linear antara rasio laju alir dengan rasio


tekanan reservoir. Kemudian hasil yang diperoleh dari kedua metode tersebut dibandingkan dengan hasil desain ESP konvensional. Lalu ditentukan pula desain laju alir, jumlah stage, dan HorsePower total yang optimum bagi ESP dengan memerhatikan keseimbangan antara kemampuan formasi untuk berproduksi dan kapasitas pompa. Selain itu pada makalah ini juga dilakukan penentuan kekuatan mekanisme pendorongan bottom water drive (kuat, sedang, atau lemah), serta peramalan kinerja reservoir menggunakan TypeCurve IPR. Hasilnya diperoleh bahwa TypeCurve IPR terbukti dapat diterapkan pada Lapangan-P dan memberikan informasi tentang seberapa kuat mekanisme pendorongan bottom water drive nya. Kata Kunci: Reaktivasi, Type Curve IPR, Bottom Water Drive, Metode Guo, Nodal Analysis, ESP



JCB2015-2006 FAILURE TO SUCCESS TOHYDRAULICALLY-FRACTURE-STIMULATE A LOW-PERMEABILITY OIL SAND IN SUMATRA, INDONESIA Faizal Ardi, Edy Subiantoro Energi Mega Persada ABSTRACT The DC-15 vertical oil wellwas drilled in 2008 as a development wellin the Southern part of the Kuat oil Field in the Malacca Strait PSC in central Sumatra. The well found sandstones as prognosed in the Lower Pematang Formation, at a depth of 6699 - 7015 ft. The sands have porosity and permeability of 11-14%and 2-10 md. The reservoir is normally pressured but is hot at 350degF. Due to the low permeability, natural flow gives sub-economic oil rates. Therefore, hydraulic fracture-stimulation (fraccing) is needed to increase oil rates and recovery. The first frac was conductedin May 2009 in the Lower Pematang C sand. It failed, as the frac screened-out after pumping15,000 lbsof proppant into the formation, far below the design of55,000 lbs. After the frac, additional perforations were added over the frac growth area. The well was completed with gas lift, but the initial oil rate was a sub-economic 25 bopd. Additional perforations were added over the Lower Pematang A, B and D sands, which increased the oil rate to 150 bopd, but the oil rate declined rapidly at 50% per year. By 2013, the oil rate had declined to 46 bopd. Fast approaching the economic limit and faced with abandoning the well, the team decided to roll the dice and perform a second frac in the Lower Pematang A, which open-hole logs suggested had slightly higher porosity and permeability than the other sands, and which contains oil as proven by the additional perforation in May 2009. The frac was conducted in late 2013, and 88,360 lbs of proppant was placed as designed with no operational problems. The plan was to commingle the Lower Pematang A, B, C and D. But we were losing 1,200 bbls/ day after the frac due to reservoir pressure depletion and an effective frac job. So to prevent kicks and cross-flow, we left in place the retrievable bridge plug below the Lower Pematang A. The initial oil rate was 174 bopd, and five months later, the oil rate stabilised at 164 bopd with 11 % BSW and a GOR of 937scf/stb. 12 months later, in January 2015, the oil rate is still 105 bopd with 18% BSW and a GOR of 937scf/stb. Cumulative oil production is 45 mstb. We estimate that the frac will be paid out in 23 months. So why did the second frac succeed when the first frac failed? The full paper will share the story of the improved frac design for the second frac, covering carrierfluid recipe, proppant types and some additives used. Keywords: Hydraulic Fracturing, Screen Out, Fracturing Design, Low Permeability Sands JOINT CONVENTION BALIKPAPAN


JCB2015-2007 IDLE STRUCTURE REJUVENATION USING MATRIX OIL CUMULATIVE RODUCTION WITH GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICS STUDY IN ADERA FIELDS Bharian, Jimmy Pieter, M.Arham Nur Pertamina EP ABSTRACT To reactivate an oil structure is always a challenge, even more if it is an idle one. Less available data, no structure potential evaluation, and other non technics made us face big uncertainty if we did not manage the problems. The constraints in the rejuvenation this structure based on last well production data are high water cut wells that led low oil yielded, low productivity caused by near wellbore damage, and other non-technical aspects. Structure X had been an idle structure from 1980 until 2014, and geology, geophysics, and reservoir study has been done with collect all wells history data in this structure. Since interest zone in this idle Structure mostly dominated by sandstone layer with thin thickness, then selective layer perforation method must be applied to capture more oil produced and get more revenue. There is a possibility that hydrocarbon charge happened in this structure so matrix oil cumulative production helps to show which well layer that has bigger “oil chance�, and compared with Stratigraphy column, Layer depth structure, Well correlation, and Petro physics data resulting more comprehensive layer zone interest to proposed for well intervention job. Based on matrix oil cumulative production from all wells in this idle structure, now structure idle X has produce 200 BOPD average in over a year with 4 wells success from 4 wells intervention job. From well that last produced 100% water cut now has only 48% water cut. Keywords: Rejuvenation, Idle, Matrix, Cumulative



JCB2015-2008 OILFIELD SIGNATURE OF IMBAT FIELD FOR HYDRAULIC FRACTURING OPTIMIZATION Galuh Yusnanjar Putra Chevron Pacific Indonesia ABSTRACT IMBA Field of Chevron Pacific Indonesia is a mature field which has been produced since 1971.There are so many ways done to the field to reduce the production decline, like exploration activities, infill drilling, well stimulation and EOR. In reservoir stimulation, one of the methods is hydraulic fracturing, this work is used to increase reservoir permeability. With this method we pump fract fluid into formation above the fracture pressure with result generating fract in formation to reduce formation damage and or increase the permeability so the reservoir deliverability will increase. In order to obtain the optimum design,we analyze and evaluate wells that have been hydraulic fractured for its pre and post fracturing productivity index (PI), which will be calculated as productivity improvement factor (PIF). We are assuming that a field or reservoir structure has a signature in a matter of hydraulic fracturing acceptance. In align with that assumption, we predict which variable is most affected to increase production of the well. To find those variables we plot between PIF and hydraulic fracturing design and result, such as: the amount of proppant, half length , fracture conductivity, etc.


JCB2015-2009 ANALYSIS OF THE FORMING PROCESS OF METHANE HYDRATE THAT INCLUDE THE IMPORTANT ROLE OF DEEP-SEA SEDIMENTS WITH INTERPRETATION BASED ON OUTCROP OF KEREK FORMATION, CENTRAL JAVA Trio Fani, Putri Agustin, Yan Bachtiar Muslih Universitas Diponegoro ABSTRACT Based on data from the Board of National Energy in the last ten years (2003-2013) energy consumption in Indonesia increased by an average of 5.5% per year, and about 48% nasional energy demands was fulfilled by conventional energy from that data about 20-30 years ahead conventional energy can't fulfill national energy demands anymore, the best solution of this problem is using unconventional energy that is gas hydrate, gas hydrate is gas that form by biogenic process, gas hydrate stable in condition with extremely depth and low temperature, gas hydrate can form in two condition that is in pole condition and in deep-sea condition, where in this research will focus in gas hydrate that association with methane form methane hydrate in deep-sea condition and usually form in depth between 150-2000 m (Article Chemistry, 2010) , this research will focus in forming process of methane hydrate that is biogenic process and the important role of deep-sea sediment, methane hydrate usually will accumulated in find sediment in deep-sea environment with certain condition that is high pressure and low temperature, this condition too usually make methane hydrate change into white nodule, the interpretation of forming process of methane hydrate based on an outcrop of Kerek Formation, kerek formation is composition of rocks that form in deep sea environment, so learn the condition of kerek formation outcrops can give description the past condition of deep sea environment include sedimentation process, this principal suitable by concept “the present is the key to the past�, methodology of this research is geology field work and lab-analysis, from geology field work will get data of measuring stratigraphy in outcrop of Kerek Formation, from this data will help to imagine the process in deep-sea sediment like energy flow, supply sediment, and etc, and lab-analysis is activity to analyze all data that get from geology field work, also reference literature to support interpretation, the result of this research can bring new knowledge and concept that can be used for methane hydrate exploration not only in Indonesia but also all prospect deep-sea area in Global. Keywords: Methane Hydrate, Deep-Sea Sediment, Outcrop of Kerek Formation, Central Java



JCB2015-2010 PENENTUAN PERSAMAAN ROCK TYPE TERBAIK UNTUK RESERVOIR BATUPASIR LAPANGAN LH Ariel Sangguno Pertamina ABSTRACT A reservoir modelling is needed in a process of developing an oil field. To obtain the optimum result from the reservoir modeling process, then the subsurface team needs to enter data rock type data as an input in the process of reservoir modeling. There are 3 types of equations for forming a rock type which are proposed in this study. Those are FZI / RQI, Winland (R35), and Pittman (R35), in which each equation will give different form of rock type. Hence, it is necessary to do an assessment of these 3 equations. From the amount of error, it is found that FZI/RQI has the least error and gives the best rock type for sandstone reservoir in LH Field. From porosity vs permeability crossplot as per core texture, it is found that there is a relationship among porosity, permeability, rock texture (grain size and sorting). Therefore 4 new rock types are created based on the porosity, permeability and rock texture. A good porosity and permeability rock type majority consist of medium sand and some fine sand with well and very well sorted. Roundness is less influential to this rock type probably due to the absence of sphericity data. Despite having the smallest value of error, the FZI/RQI plot does not entirely correspond to the 4 rock types based on the porosity, permeability and texture of rocks. Therefore it is necessary to create a new equation that correspond those rock types. Sangguno (R35) is the new equation which is based on the four types of rock types and those 4 rock types are distributed subsurface at interval of core depth in each well. The core depth has been revised after the core to log depth shifting process. The result of this study cans be used as an input for subsurface team to conduct reservoir modelling. Keywords: Rock Typing, New (r35), FZI/RQI, Winland (r35), Pittman (r35)


CB20125-2011 LOW DENSITY CEMENT APPLICATION TO PREVENT FORMATION DAMAGE IN SHALLOW WELL PENGGUNAAN SEMEN BERDENSITAS RENDAH UNTUK MENCEGAH KERUSAKAN FORMASI PADA SUMUR DANGKAL Imam Fathoni Rasyid, Rina Noviyanti, Alfi Rusin PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi ABSTRACT Cementing is one of the most critical steps in coal bed methane well completion. Cement fills and seals the annulus between casing string and drilled hole for several purposes: (1) zone isolation and segregation, (2) corrosion control, and (3) formation stability and pipe strength improvement. However, when the isolation condition between layers indicate free pipe, usually from data CBL (Cement Bond Log) /VDL (Variable Density Log), then communication between aquifer layers can occur. It will become severe problem that well may produce nearly infinite of water and late oil/gas production during pilot test. Cement forms an extremely strong, nearly impermeable seal from a thin slurry. The properties of the cement slurry and its behavior depends on the components and additives in cement slurry. Controlling the cement slurry density is critical for placing a column of cement where the formation may be fractured by a heavy slurry or would allow the well to flow if the cement slurry lighter than pore pressure. Extreme levels of filtrat loss can occur in low reservoir pressure zone. Using light cement on shallow well such as CBM well is great advantage due to low formation temperature and pressure condition. Light cement shall reduce the loss of cement filtrat thus reducing formation damage and enhancing formation productivity than conventional ones. Low specificgravity beads (cenospheres) added to the slurry effectively displace water and cement components with tiny encapsulated air bubbles. Glass spheres have been used to achieve densities as low as 11 lb/gal for our completion well. This technique bring a homogeneous mix, and finished cement containing cenospheres have an increased strength to density ratio and lower permeability, thus it increases significantly isolating capabilities of cement to prevent free pipe during cementing job. Keywords: Shallow Well, Low Density Cement, Glass Spheres

ABSTRAK Penyemenan adalah satu dari pekerjaan paling kritikal dalam komplesi sumur gas metana batubara. Lumpur mengisi dan menutupi annulus antara casing dan lubang bor untuk berbagai tujuan: (1) Menyekat dan memisahkan zona, (2) kontrol korosi, dan (3) stabilitas formasi dan peningkatan kekuatan pipa. Apabila kondisi penyekatan mengindikasikan kekosongan pipa



dari analisa CBL/VDL, besar potensi komunikasi antar lapisan dapat terjadi. Hal ini akan mengakibatkan masalah yang berat dimana sumur akan memproduksikan air dalam jumlah sangat besar dan ketertundaan produksi gas/minyak selama uji coba sumur. Semen terbentuk sangat kuat, menyekat meskipun terbuat dari bubur semen yang tipis. Pengontrolan kepadatan bubur semen sangat penting untuk menempatkan kolom semen di mana formasi dapat merekah oleh bubur semen yang berat atau fluida formasi akan mengalir jika tekanan statik semen lebih rendah dari tekanan pori. Kehilangan filtrat semen dapat terjadi secara ekstrim pada zona dengan tekanan reservoar yang rendah. Penggunaan semen ringan pada sumur dangkal seperti gas metana batubara merupakan keuntungan besar karena temperatur dan kondisi tekanan yang masih relatif rendah sehingga membantu prosespemadatan semen. Semen ringan akan mengurangi potensi hilangnya semen filtrate sehingga meminimalkan kerusakan formasi karena invasi semen filtrat dan meningkatkan produktivitas formasi daripada aplikasi penggunaan semen konvensional. Bulir-bulir berongga (cenospheres ) dengan SG yang rendah ditambahkan ke bubur semen yang secara efektif menggantikan air dan bagian semen dengan gelembung udara. Di laboratorium, sampel semen glass spheres menunjukkan kuat tekan lebih dari 3000 psi di bawah kondisi tekanan uniaksial dan temperatur formasi. Glass spheres telah digunakan untuk mencapai densitas semen hingga 11 lb/gal pada pekerjaan komplesi umur. Teknik ini membuat campuran merata dan semen yang mengandung cenospheres akan lebih kuat sebanding dengan rasio kepadatan dan permeabilitas yang lebih rendah, sehingga meningkatkan kemampuan semen untuk mengisolasi dalam mencegah kekosongan pipa selama pekerjaan penyemenan. Kata kunci: Sumur Dangkal, Semen Ringan, Glass Spheres


JCB2015-2012 Studi Kasus Coal Bed Methane Pada Lapangan “X” Firdaus Wajdi Universitas Trisakti ABSTRAK Salah satu poin yang sangat krusial untuk ditentukan dalam tahap studi pengembangan lapangan CBM adalah masalah penentuan spasi atau jarak antar sumur (well spacing). Spasi sumur secara langsung bertanggung jawab pada jumlah sumur yang dibutuhkan dalam mengembangkan suatu lapangan CBM (fullfield development), sehingga juga berpengaruh langsung terhadap besarnya investasi yang dibutuhkan (biaya sumur/total well cost). Spasi sumur juga berpengaruh pada karakteristik produksi sumur CBM baik produksi air maupun gas. Spasi sumur yang kecil akan memberikan puncak produksi gas (peak gas production) yang relatif cepat dibanding dengan spasi sumur yang besar. Meskipun demikian spasi sumur yang kecil akan beresiko luas pengurasan sumur yang saling bersinggungan (interference) dan mengakibatkan semakin turunnya kumulatif produksi sumur (well EUR/Estimated Ultimate Recovery). Pada kondisi spasi sumur yang besar, proses dewatering akan lebih panjang sehingga waktu yang dibutuhkan sumur mencapai puncak produksi gas akan semakin lama. Selain menghasilkan produksi gas yang kecil, spasi sumur yang besar juga akan memberikan kumulatif produksi sumur yang kecil. Diyakini terdapat suatu kondisi spasi sumur yang optimum yaitu yang mampu memproduksikan gas dengan laju alir dan kumulatif produksi yang cukup baik (optimum). Penelitian ini bertujuan mencari spasi sumur yang paling optimum berdasarkan kondisi lapangan CBM “X” baik ditinjau dari karakteristik reservoir maupun dari fiscal terms yang ada (PSC existing WK Sanga-Sanga) yang selanjutnya diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai dasar atau acuan pengembangan lapangan CBM “X”. Spasi sumur CBM yang optimum dapat ditentukan dengan melakukan simulasi reservoir pada berbagai spasi sumur untuk memprediksi profil produksi yang selanjutnya dievaluasi berdasarkan indikator keekonomian dengan mempertimbangkan faktor biaya sumur. Dalam penelitian ini, skenario spasi sumur dibuat dalam 2 (dua) variasi, yaitu berdasarkan besar/kecilnya spasi sumur berjumlah 10 skenario, terdiri dari 640 acre, 320 acre, 213 acre, 160 acre, 128 acre, 107 acre, 80 acre, 64 acre, 53 acre, 40 acre dan berdasarkan pendekatan nilai permeabilitas fracture. Berdasarkan hasil test di laboratorium dan lapangan ditemukan adanya fenomeana Pressure Dependent Permeability (PdK), sehingga dianggap merepresentasikan kondisi lapangan “X” yang sebenarnya. Untuk membandingkan pengaruh PdK terhadap profil produksi akan diuji pula dengan permeabilitas Non PdK. Skenario tersebut dibagi dalam beberapa case yaitu :



case 1 (base case) dengan k = 0.35 mD (PdK), case 2 dengan k = 0.35 mD (Non PdK), case 3 dengan k = 0.1 mD (PdK) dan case 4 dengan k = 0.6 mD (PdK). Berdasarkan hasil running simulasi reservoir dan evaluasi keekonomian bahwa skenario spasi sumur yang memberikan nilai NPV dan IRR terbaik adalah spasi sumur diantara 213 acre dan 320 acre pada base case, 107 acre pada Case 2 dan 320 pada Case 4. Namun ditinjau dari kelayakan proyek, dari hasil skenario spasi sumur yang ada didominasi oleh nilai NPV yang negatif dengan IRR yang kecil (dibawah discount rate 10%) yang menunjukkan kurang menariknya investasi pengusahaan CBM di lapangan “X� sehingga diperlukan upaya perbaikan dengan melakukan sensitifitas kondisi keekonomian antara lain usulan Gross PSC. Gross PSC diharapkan mampu memberikan fleksibilitas sesuai dengan karakteristik pengusahaan CBM.






Teknik Geologi STT Migas Balikpapan, Indonesia 2 Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia ABSTRAK

Cekungan Kutai dan Delta Mahakam adalah dua objek geologi yang unik di Indonesia dan dunia. Delta Mahakam merupakan salah satu tipe delta dunia yang bentukannya merupakan respon kombinasi proses fluvial dan pasang surut yang seimbang. Banyak sekali penelitian geologi telah dilakukan di kedua objek ini sejalan dengan usaha eksplorasi minyak dan gas buminya sejak awal abad ke-20. Batuan sedimen di Cekungan Kutai selalu diasosiasikan dengan endapan delta Mahakam purba. Singkapan-singkapan batuan sedimen tersebut dengan mudah dapat diamati di tengah-tengah Kota Samarinda dan Balikpapan. Tinggi singkapan dapat mencapai lebih dari 20 meter dengan lebar hingga 1 km. Kemudahan akses tersebut mengakibatkan sejak tahun 1970-an field trip geologi dilakukan secara rutin oleh IAGI, IPA, AAPG, SM IAGI serta in house field trip dalam rangka studi analog modern dan endapan purba delta Mahakam. Tujuan penulisan paper ini adalah menggambarkan kekayaan khazanah ilmu pengetahuan kebumian di kota Samarinda dan Delta mahakam guna mendukung usulan perintisan kampus lapangan geologi di Kota Samarinda, Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Dan diharapkan paper ini membuka cakrawala dan eforia ilmu kebumian yang lebih luas di kalangan pelajar di provinsi Kalimantan Timur khususnya dan di Indonesia secara umum. Kata Kunci: Kota Samarinda, Delta Mahakam, Kampus Lapangan, Cekungan Kutai



JCB2015-072 POTENTIAL AND DEVELOPMENT GEOTURISM AREA OF SOUTH BANTEN Zaenun Nasihin, Muhammad Ali Munir, Fifit Triandi Pakuan University ABSTRACT Bayah is sub-district in South Banten, Lebak. The purpose of the research was to determine the potential of South Banten as Geoturism objects and development as ongoing development. Method is made by direct observation and indirect observation by observing the scientific papers published periodically both official and unofficial. In physiographic area is included into the Mountains Bayah. Morphology Bayah area consists of hills and valleys. South Banten has a fairly complex geological structure of the rock or geology, a great tourism potential properly and absolutely the support of local government like development of adequate infrastructure like former gold mining Cikotok, and then the region Sawarna such as Tanjung Layar and can be met also several caves such as the Lalay Cave karst region, Seribu Candi Cave, Harta Karun Cave, Sikadir Cave, Cimaul Cave, Singalong Cave and Bukit Pasir Tangkil. All locations have the potential to be developed as a Geotourism region to improve tourism in the South Banten. This all requires packaging that is attractive travel packages and support a good infrastructure such as the manufacture of railway lines Rangkasbitung These - Bayah. Manufacture of railway lines and ports in this area will also support South Banten area as Geotourism region.


JCB2015-117 THE OCCURRENCE OF ACID MINE DRAINAGE AT COAL MINING OF UPPER WARUKIN FORMATION: THE CORRELATION WITH CLAY MINERALS GENESIS IN COAL BEARING FORMATION, REVIEWED OF SEDIMENTARY PROCESS WITH GEOCHEMICAL ASPECT Dilla Arta,Winda Putri, Eduardus Bonar, M. Dahyar, Yudha Prasetya, Heru Sigit P., C. Danisworo UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta ABSTRACT Upper Warukin Formation is one of the formation which has a lot of potential coal. Unfortunately, most of mining activities has a serious risk because sediment of coal bearing formation has high enough level of acidity and it affectsthe quality of coal. The acid level oflithology can identify as Potential Acid Forming (PAF) and Non-Acid Forming (NAF). The purpose of this research isto determine PAF/NAF materials and their genesis in this area,so it can help to determine geochemical characteristic oflithology. This research was conductedby geological approach based on detailed geological field mapping with supported by laboratory analysis using PIMA (Portable Infra-Red Mineral Analyser)to investigate the types of clay minerals. Clay minerals are the main factor of compounds which has decomposition acid pH in coal overburden. Sulphide minerals plays important part to make an acid mine drainage if it associated with oxygen (O2) and water (H20) and the aim of its is to identify the type of PAF/NAF clasification. Based on the data, it indicates that the unit of Upper Warukin Claystone in the research area was deposited in Transitional Lower Delta Plain which has high enough sulphur and also deposited various types of clay minerals. The chemical reaction of clay minerals and bacterial compound come from sea water contamination, it made geochemical reaction in the stone becames complex sedimentation process. Keywords: PIMA, PAF/NAF, Clay Minerals, Acid Mine Drainage, Transitional Lower Delta Plain, Geochemical



JCB2015-128 DEPOSITIONAL PROCESS ANALYSIS OF BANYUMENENG OUTCROP IN KENDENG ZONE USING ICHNOFOSSIL, MICROFOSSIL, AND SEDIMENTARY STRUCTURE Taufik Akbar Legowo, Zul Hayuddin Hasibuan, Nicolas Jalu Pangesty Diponegoro University ABSTRACT Study area is located in Banyumeneng River, Demak, Central Java. The observation were carried out to determine the depositional process occured in sedimentary rocks of Banyumeneng River outcrop. The used methods are 300 meter measuring stratigraphy, ichnofossil analysis, and foraminifera microfossil analysis. The result shows the sparse presence of skolithos ichnofacies, and cruziana ichnofacies in beddings. Identified planktonic foraminifera species are Globigerinoides immaturus, Globigerina obliqus, Globigerinoides diminutus, Globigerinoides trilobus, Globorotalia obesa, Globigerinoides primodius, Hastigerina acquilezeralis, Praeorbulina glomerosa, and Globorotalia Archeomenardii. The sedimentary structure identified are cross bedding, current ripple, ripple mark, parallel lamination, flute cast, scour mark, and clayclast. Based on observation, higher presence of skolithos ichnofacies rather than cruziana indicate depositional process of sedimentary rocks in Banyumeneng outcrop occured in high energy stream, poor amount of nutrition, and dynamic environment. Cross bedding, current ripple, and ripple mark sedimentary structure domination toward younger bedding that marks traction current effect become higher as depositional process occurs, and high erosion level observed from many presence of flute casts and clayclast. Flute cast and current ripple determine paleocurrent direction relatively towards southern area. Microfossil foraminifera analysis resulted the presence of foraminifera assemblage marked sedimentation process occured during Middle to Late Miocene. Keywords: Depositional Process, Banyumeneng, Kendeng Basin, Ichnofossil, Microfossil, Sedimentary Structure


JCB2015-164 VULNERABILITY INDEX VALUE AND THICKNESS OF WEATHERING LAYER MAPPING BY USING HVSR METHODS IN KARANGTENGAH, BANJARNEGARA, CENTRAL JAVA, INDONESIA Novita Sari, Atria Dilla Diambama, Siti Laely Cahyarini UGM ABSTRACT Karangtengah is one of the region in Dieng Plateau located in Banjarnegara, Central Java, Indonesia. This area have relatively high population and have occurred local landslide mainly during rainy season. This research intends in mapping landslide potential area in term of dominant frequency value, amplification, vulnerability index, and thickness of weathering layer in research area. Those value obtained from HVSR (Horizontal to Vertical Spectral Ratio) methods. HVSR is a method used spectrum ratio of horizontal to vertical in microtremor wave recorded. This measurement spread at 36 points that measured by Seismometer Mark Product type L4-C3D 3 Components with Data Logger Hakusan type LS-7000 that has calibrated with GPS-time based to provide ease in time recording. Each measurement performed for 30 minutes with 100 Hz sampling frequency. Based on the result analysis obtained value of dominant frequency (f0 ) lying between 0.45 – 4.7 Hz with range of amplification (A0) is 1.6 – 12.1. The vulnerability index value (Kg) gained from quadrate of amplification value (A0) to dominant frequency (f0 ) ratio. This value lying between 0.6 - 320. Thickness of weathering layer (h) lying between 26.3 – 322 meter. It is gained by ratio of S-wave velocity (Vs) and four times of dominant frequency (f0). Kg and h indicate that the area of landslide potential located in southern area from research area. Result of this research is appeared in distribution map of A0 , f0, Kg, and h. Keywords: Amplification, Dominant Frequency, HVSR, Vulnerability Index, Weathering Layer



JCB2015-226 FAULT STRUCTURE ANALYSIS IN TIRIS GEOTHERMAL PROSPECT AREA BASED ON SECOND VERTICAL DERIVATIVE (SVD) GRAVITY ANOMALY DATA Yoel Marthen, Nur Amalia Putri, Aulia Kharisma Nugraha, Sukir Maryanto Universitas Brawijaya ABSTRACT Gravity research have been done in Tiris geothermal prospect area, Probolinggo district. Geothermal manifestation in this area appear as the hot springs in the edge of Pekalen River that lies between Lamongan Volcano in west and Argopuro volcano in east. Allegedly these manifestation are controlled by fault structure in NW-SE direction. The Bouguer anomalies and Second Vertical Derivative (SVD) analysis are used to confirm the existence the fault and also analyze its structure. The Bouguer anomalies map have 94 - 107 mGal in range. High anomalies are 105 - 107 mGal in SW, whereas low anomalies are 94-105 mGal in NE of observation area. Fault structure is indicated by the dense of Bouguer anomalies contour NW-SE direction which are associated with manifestation area. SVD anomalies map shows fault structure in NW-SE direction which is known as reverse fault.




UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Geo Pangea Research Group


ABSTRACT Applications of geomorphology have been widely utilized to reveal depositional system, reservoir geometry, and sedimentary processes. High-resolution seismic imaging provides visualization towards paleogeographic aspects of a basin. However, the cost for such technology will be relatively high compare to the uncertainties that will be encountered. Our study uses modern geomorphology as an analog to deliver insights regarding channel depositional style and facies geometry to constrain subsurface predictions. This paper aims to better understand fluvial controls using surface morphology of major rivers in Kalimantan using landsat and field data, to model reservoir geometry of fluvial deposits as being considered common target of hydrocarbon exploration. Qualitative measurements of variables in our study area including channel Element Sinuosity (SI), Meander Wavelength (ML), Radius of Curvature (RC), Channel and Valley Width (CW), as well as Meander Belt Width (MBW). Cumulative probability is used to illustrate probability distribution of morphometric elements. For example, data collected from Mahakam River shows the mean SI = 1.5; ML = 4476 meters; CW = 421 meters; MBW = 1524 meters. These data are important to improve prediction of paleo-channel shape, body size and lateral distribution of reservoir element, rock volume calculation, lithological composition, and other parameters that contribute in controlling the reservoir geometry. Quantitative study of modern fluvial system is able to demonstrate importance of surface morphology to develop better knowledge for subsurface geological interpretation. Our research helps to reduce uncertainties in predicting complex channel in fluvial system with affordable yet very effective tool. Keywords: Fluvial, Sedimentology, Geomorphology, Subsurface, Reservoir, Quantity, Statistic


JCB2015-258 BASIN STUDY ON FINDING THE NEW POTENTIAL GAS HYDRATE BY ANALYZING THE SUITABILITY OF BASIN CHARACTER WITH GAS HYDRATE FORMATION CIRCUMSTANCES M. Fakhri Auladana, M. Irwan Pernando N, Prasma Feby R, Asterina Grace, Disa Bambelia U, Yudi N. Ihsan Padjadjaran University ABSTRACT Fossil energy as main energy resources will be ran out if there is no discovery of new fields. This challenges scientists and engineers to find new energy sources, which is known as unconventional energy. Gas hydrate, one of unconventional energy which has good prospect, is an ice-like crystals consists of water molecules that has a cage-like structure. This gas can be formed in several conditions such as thermodynamically suitable environment, the presence of gas molecule resource that will fill the cavity in the gas hydrates, and the presence of water molecules in the gas hydrate stability zone. However, there are several factors that can fails the formation of gas hydrates: methane or other hydrocarbon gases that is dissolved in seawater, the sea water salinity (higher sea water salinity will causes gas hydrate becomes more biodegradable, hot seawater eddies which can disrupt the stability zone of gas hydrate formation temperature, and the reduction of sulfate in gas hydrates that can reduce the possibilities of gas hydrates formation. Certain data such as the regional geology and literature will be used in this research. The result shows that South Sumatra basin has great potential for gas hydrates presence based on regional geology data.



JCB2015-275 SOURCE OF CANDI BOROBUDUR ROCKS: ANALYSIS OF CANDI BOROBUDUR ROCKS COMPONENT RELATIONSHIP WITH VOLCANISM CHARACTERISATION SURROUNDING MAGELANG AREA, CENTRAL JAVA Benediktus Ivoni, Imam Farchan Bagus Romario, Michi Oktaviana, Anisa Nevi Saerina Teknik Geologi, Universitas Diponegoro ABSTRACT Candi Borobudur is a national geotourism of Indonesia. It was built on 7th a. d. century by Syailendra Dynasty. Geographically, Borobudur Temple located in Borobudur Village, Magelang Sub-District, Central Java Province. The lack of Research in this site made a fictive paradigm among societies about the constructing process. Type and source of the rocks that constructing this temple currently still unknown. Borobudur Temple was built above a Paleo – Lacustrine area that fully sedimented by volcanism materials of surround volcano. This research is aim about comparing and correlating the Candi Borobudur rocks with surrounding volcanism activities that had the similiar character. Sample of the authentic Candi Borobudur's Rock was examined and analyzed by megascopic, petrography, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF). Based on megascopic and petrography, Borobudur rocks are andesite, but based on geochemical analyze, Borobudur rocks are basaltic andesite with calc alkaline magma series and andesite with thoelitic magma series. Merapi Tua, Merapi Baru and Sindoro rocks have similiar characteristic with Borobudur rocks, they have same type of rocks, basaltic andesite with similiar number of alkali. Merbabu and Sumbing rocks have same type of andesite lithology with the Borobudur rocks. Keywords: Borobudur Temple, Volcanism, Andesite, Basaltic Andesite



JCB2015-278 BATU GELAP CAVE IDEAL SITE AS GEOTOURISM POTENTIAL BASED ON GEOLOGICAL MODEL IN KUTAI KARTANEGARA Ridjvandra Ranjani, A.M Putra Agung, Vialleno Victoriya Supit Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi Balikpapan ABSTRACT Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan known as one of famous domestic and foreign tourism destination with nature tourism object, culture and modern tourism object. This case has already proven that 75.970 tourist visiting (Dinas Budaya Pariwisata Kukar, 2013). The aims of this study for promotion in development and potential analysis of ideal geotourism site Batu Gelap Cave. Its formed early to middle Miocene with shallow marine facies in Kutei Basin. The methods of this study are direct field survey observation and analysis of geology (lithology and structure) to derive geological model. Make ideal site in development and processing concept optimization of geotourism for infrastructure aspect and culture benefit, economic and tourism aspect as good impact toward government and surrounding communities. Keywords: Batu Gelap Cave, Geotourism, Kutai Kartanegara



JCB2015-284 TERRACE 1.15: A PROGRAM TO CALCULATE TERRAIN CORRECTION USING HAMMER CHART IN GRAVITY DATA PROCESSING Dwi Febriana Rochmah, Lucky Kriski Muhtar, Tika Yuli Astuti, Sukir Maryanto, Adi Susilo Universitas Brawijaya ABSTRACT Surface irregularities in the vicinity of gravity station can exert upward or downward pull on the gravimeter. To obtain better data, geophysicists used terrain correction to reduce topography effect toward gravity measurement. One of approaching tool to calculate terrain correction in gravity data processing is Hammer Chart. But, this method was inefficient because it done manually and it tends to subjective. In this research, Terrace 1.15 has developed as a program to define inner (r1) and outer (r2) sector radii by computing Hammer Chart over a topographic map. As a result, calculation the radii added to terrain formula automatically. The output of calculation of terrain formulas is the result of terrain correction, named TC.txt. Verification result done by the comparison between manual calculation of terrain correction by Astuti et al (2013) and Terrace 1.15 program. Study case from this research is geothermal prospect area, Tiris Village, Probolinggo, East Java Province. The research area is 2 km2 with the number of points is 70 points, including its elevations and coordinates.



Tujuan penelitan adalah untuk mengenali karakteristik ekosistem karst yang terganggu karena kegiatan tambang warga yang belum sadar akan pentingnya sumber daya alam yang belum tepat cara pemanfaatanya. Banyaknya penambangan secara besar-besaran yang meliputi batuanya ataupun pembukaan lahan secara besar-besaran tanpa disadari akan merusak ekosistem kawasan karst, penambangan tanpa kesadaran yang mempunyai dampak jauh lebih merusak daerah sekitar kawasan penambangan. Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara yang mempunyai kekayaan alam yang berupa kawasan karst atau bisa disebut seribu conical hils, hampir dibagian semua wilayah indonesia mempunyai penciri khusus bentukan-bentukan karst perbukitan ataupun goa yang menarik untuk dikembangkan menjadi warisan geoheritage. Metode Penelitain: parameter yang digunakan seperti pencemaran udara, kandungan air bawah tanah, dampak terhadap masyarakat dan studi refrensi, hasil wawancara secara acak mengenai kawasan-kawasan yang telah dilakukan penambangan ataupun pembukaan lahan, pemetaan bentuklahan daerah karst. Haslil Penelitian: dampak positif dan negatif ekosistem karst, dari 45 % daerah-daerah yang dekat tambang warga mengalami perubahan ekosistem yang signifikan dan sangat terasa perubahanya. Identifikasi kawasan karst yaitu berupa Endokarst dan Eksokarst, meninjau bentuklahan yang sudah terkena dampak penambangan dan pembukaan lahan dikawasan karst. Mengrekomendasi untuk pemerintah dan stakeholder bisa ikut mengelolah dan menjaga kawasan karst yang ada di Indonesia. Kata Kunci: Ekosistem Karst, Kegiatan Masyarakan Kawasan Karst, Bentuklahan Kawasan Karst Dan Pengelolaan Yang Dibarengi Pemanfaatanya.



JCB2015-321 A NEW INSIGHT TO GLIDING TECTONIC OF NORTH SERAYU BASIN AND ITS IMPLICATIONS TO HYDROCARBON SEEPAGE: CASE STUDY, WATUKUMPUL, PEMALANG, CENTRAL JAVA Dimas Aji R. Prawiranegara, Fauzan Eka Saputra Universitas Jenderal Soedirman ABSTRACT North Serayu Basin still hides mysteries and not yet fully understood. This area has seen a lack of exploration, this contrasts with the facts that numerous petroleum seepages. This condition is caused North Serayu basin has a unique tectonic, it has some periods and diverse tectonic pattern. Tectonic which developed on this area made possible due to the java regional tectonic and Quarter volcanic tectonic. Quarter volcanic tectonic due to volcanic activity of Mount Slamet indicated by the presence of a radial pattern of the structure that relative to the Mount Slamet. Hydrocarbon seepages on various point indicated petroleum system exists in this area. One of hydrocarbon seepage appears in Watukumpul, Pemalang Regency, Central Java, where is located in the east of Mount Slamet. This paper will reconstruct the geological history and its implications to hydrocarbon seepage in the research area. Methods are used detailed geological mapping and measurement of geological structures data such as shear fractures, microfolds, fault planes, and extentional joints. Then data were analyzed by using Win-Tensor and Dips software. Hydrocarbon seepage appears on the rambatan formation in the form of anticline that located on the center of research area. Geological structures that developed began by Pliocene tectonic phase with north-south compression, form strike-slip faults with northwest-southeast direction. Further tectonic phase, caused by volcanic load of Mount Slamet in the Quarter. This force form direction of rocks bedded dip to west-east direction. This force also form tears fault and form folds with north-south plunge direction that cut by strike-slip faults with west-east direction. Hydrocarbon migration is possibled because seal failure caused by Pliocene tectonic then accumulate on quarternary gliding tectonic folds. Gliding tectonic that continuously form stress that cut folds and thrust fault on the tip of gliding (toe-thrusting). Hydrocarbon that accumulate then leak and seeping in the surface. The complexity of the structure in the research area will bring another perspective of tectonics in North Serayu Basin and petroleum implications.


JCB2015-330 THE USE OF VERY LOW FREQUENCY METHOD FOR DETECTING UNDERGROUND RIVER FLOWS – CASE STUDY IN JOMBLANG CAVE, PACAREJO VILLAGE, SEMANU SUBDISTRICT, GUNUNG KIDUL DISTRICT, D.I. YOGYAKARTA Fitri Cahyaningtyas, Randitya Angga Widiardimas UPN "Veteran" Jakarta ABSTRACT Geophysical methods is one of the effective methods in the quest for the ground water beneath the surface of the river flow. One method that is often used in geophysical exploration activities groundwater is a method of electromagnetic VLF (Very Low Frequency). This method utilizes electromagnetic wave transmitter that originated in Japan and Australia. VLF frequencies used ranged from 10 to 30 kHz. Research conducted in the cave VLF method Jomblang, Pancarejo village, subdistrict Semanu, Gunung Kidul regency, Yogyakarta. Data collection was performed on December 27- 29, 2014. There are 12 line used along with a space measuring 700 m by 20 m each point. Retrieving data using BGRM VLF instrument and data processing using MS Excel, MATLAB R2009a, Surfer, and KHfilt. Overall the line obtained sectional RAE contrast range value tilt of 150% to 100% in red, medium value being the value of 100% to 50% is marked by the color orange to dark green, and then to a low value with the value of 50% to 0% is marked in blue to purple. And the low value until medium to be interpreted as limestone from wonosari formation. For the high value is interpreted as underground rivers with flow direction from north to south.




JCB2015-043 IDENTIFYING THE FLOW UNIT USING WINLAND R-35 METHOD BY APPLICATING THE DERIVED- CEMENTATION FACTOR (M-VALUE ) USING LUCIA AND CONTI'S EQUATION TO IDENTIFY REMAINING OIL AND INCREASE PRODUCTION; CASE STUDY: UN-CORED INTERVAL AT SWO-1 WELL, SALAWATI BASIN Al Hafeez, Ananto Wibisono JOB Pertamina-Petrochina Salawati ABSTRACT Determining water saturation profile calculated from log data can face a serious interpretation problem in carbonates reservoir as the cementation factor (“m”) is one of major factor contributing the error. Despite the fact that the cementation factor value can be used to identify the secondary porosity at SWO field, not all of the wells have the SCAL data. At this poster, we intend to use Lucia and Conti's Equation to determine the cementation factor value. By calibrating the cementation factor value at the SCAL contained-well, then the derivedcementation factor values are ready to be used to make further flow unit analysis. Flow unit characterization, at this procedure, uses Winland R-35 method to clarify and integrate the porosity, permeability, and “m” value from core data. We acknowledged the Winland R-35 works capably with the carbonate type reservoir at SWO field. By performing the same flow unit characterization from un-cored SWO-1 well, we successfully added the new perforation interval which gains 50 BOPD.



JCB2015-075 STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY EVALUATION OF ULUBELU GEOTHERMAL FIELD Sapto Trianggo Nurseto, Imam M.Prasetyo, Sardiyanto, Hary Koestono, M.Husni Thamrin PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy ABCTRACT The Ulubelu geothermal field is located within the Ulubelu geothermal working area (WKP) in Lampung, Southeast end of Sumatra Island. The WKP owned and operated by PT Pertamina Geothermal Energy (PGE). Ten (10) production wells are currently supplying steam to the 2 x 55 MWe Units 1 and 2 turbines that were commissioned in October 2012. The production borefield is situated inside a volcano-tectonic depression that is tectonicallyrelated to the dextral movement of Semangko segment of the Sumatran Fault System (SFS). This study identified three (3) sets of faults: the NW-SE striking Muara Dua, Pagaralam and Talangmarsum faults, the ENE-WSW striking Sula and GunungTiga faults, and the other NW-SE striking Datarajan, Karangrejo, and Duduk faults. Also four (4) short strike-length faults Rindingan 1 and 2. Rindingan 3 fault is striking NNE-SSW. These shorter faults are geothermally-significant structures because they are providing necessary fracture-permeability in the postulated upflow zone of the Ulubelu geothermal system. F.Muaradua-F.Pagaralam and F.Talangmarsum are synthetic faults of the Semangko segment. These faults define the western and eastern boundaries of both the depression and the lateral extent of the geothermal resource area. The F.Sula and F.Gunung Tiga faults are antithetic of the same Semangko segment. Gunung Tiga fault roughly marks the southern edge of the geothermal resource. For the subsurface data, Image logs of two (2) prolific wells (UBL-3 and UBL-26) show that the productive faults and their associated fracture zones are striking NW-SE. These structures controls fluid flow in the geothermal system and are excellent targets for production and reinjection wells. Additionally microearthquake data shows relevant events clustering on west part from prospect area, near F.Muaradua-F.Pagaralam. Keywords: Geothermal, Ulubelu, Structural Geology


JCB2015-104 COAL ANALYSIS AS THE SOURCE OF SHALLOW GAS IN BALIKPAPAN AREA, KAMPUNG BARU FM., SOUTH KUTAI BASIN;PERSPECTIVE FROM SHALLOW GAS HAZARD TO ECONOMICAL RESERVES Muhammad A'Ilzak, Diponegoro Ariwibowo, M. Ilham Nur Setiawan, Yogi Eriawan, Irzak Khoirul Huda,Renato D.Y.S, Ahmad Roid F., M. Rizky Zakaria, Nita Ariyanti STT Migas Balikpapan ABSTRACT

Shallow gas potential in Balikpapan area is interesting to be investigated with several occurrences of shallow gas seepage and sometimes was followed by mud in Manggar area, housing complex at PT. HER II and Damai Region showing the big shallow gas potential reserves in Balikpapan and new technological developments has been begun to develop the concept of shallow gas exploitation. Geologically, Balikpapan consists of two formations; (1) Balikpapan formation was deposited during Middle Miocene to Late Miocene, (2) Kampung Baru Formation was deposited during Pliocene to Pleistocene. Kampung Baru formation as a carrier shallow gas reserves in Balikpapan was deposited in tidal and the delta depositional environment. The objectives of this study is to analyze the appearances of some occurerences the gas seepage that sometimes was followed by mud in Balikpapan Area and to give a better understanding about shallow gas seepage and reserves.This research is focused in Kampung Baru formation and was conducted in Damai area, Sepinggan area, Ring Road area and Manggar area by analyzing the quality of coal in the laboratory such as total moisture, calorific value and coal petrographic as well as by using sedimentology and stratigraphy studies such as geological mapping, comprehensive stratigraphic measurement and facies analysis. Based on the results of coal laboratory analysis Coal Petrography in Sample S1 and 2 shows that microlithotype of this coal are vitrinite ranging 94.60 to 95.90%, volume of liptinite is 1.20%,volume of inertinite is 1.20-2.00%, mineral matter composition is 0.90-3.00% and value of mean maximum reflectance of vitrinite is 0.23%, so these coal can be classified as Low Rank Coal (Teichmuller, 1975) and there are Clays, pyrit and iron oxides occur in vitrinite band and there is found laminated pyrite. Coal characters of Kampung Baru formation are black, vitrain to clarain lithotype, platy and blocky cleavage, hard to medium hard, vitreous to earthy luster and thickness 50 to 120 cm. Correlation onthe coal maturity chart shows that coal in Kampung Baru formation generated biogenic gas. So, this study is expected to increase the understanding of shallow gas potential in Balikpapan Areaand to changeparadigm of the shallow gas hazards into the economical reserves for exploitation. Keywords: Coal, Shallow Gas, Balikpapan, Kampung Baru Formation, South Kutei Basin



JCB2015-114 GEOCHEMISTRY IDENTIFICATION OF VOLCANIC ROCKS PRODUCT OF KRAKATAU VOLCANO ERUPTION FOR KATASTROPIS MITIGATION PLANNING Agil Gemilang Ramadhan, Muhammad Arief Lagoina, Yonathan Kristiawan Benget University of Padjadjaran ABSTRACT Since 1929, the first appearance in sea level, Anak Krakatau volcano growth relatively quickly. During the 80 years up to 2010 has reached the height of 320 meter above sea level. The possibility of catastrophic explosive eruption could happen again if the chemical composition of rocks from the eruption changed from alkaline magma into acid magma. Until now Anak Krakatau volcanic activity is still quite active as evidenced by the frequency of eruptions that produced ash sized pyroclastic deposits - bomb. Purpose of this study was to identify changes in the percentage of rock geochemistry any results eruption of Anak Krakatau volcano to see consistency change the percentage content of silica in the magma that affect the type of volcanic eruptions. Results from this study will be produced in the form of a diagram the data changes the chemical composition of rocks of Anak Krakatau volcano. Change in the composition of any silica eruption illustrated in a graph. If the increase in the percentage of silica is happening consistently and is assumed to increase in the time scale of a few percent, then to achieve silica content of 68 % (acid composition) that will produce an explosive eruption will know the approximate time. All aspects of the factors driving the increased threat of danger to the public should be taken into account. Catastrophic eruption katatropis mitigation can be planned early so that when these disasters happen later, casualties can be minimized. Keywords: Krakatau Volcano, Rock Geochemistry, Catastrophic Eruption, Mitigation



JCB2015-148 OPTIMAL DESIGN OF GEODETIC NETWORKS FOR VOLCANO DEFORMATION MONITORING Dina Anggreni Sarsito1, Irwan Meilano1, Heri Andreas1, Estu Kriswati2 1

ITB Geological Agency of Indonesia


ABSTRACT Until nowadays there is no analytical equation that exactly state number of observing stations that should be installed and how the stations should be spatially distributed in the GNSS geodetic survey for volcano deformation studies. Due to the uniqueness of the deformation pattern of any volcano, which need sensitive monitoring network to detect small changes, the network design depends strongly on the uniqueness underlying physical phenomena. In this research, the geodetic network is designed based on physical equations to find the source including a simple spherical shape of the Mogi model and 3D-dislocation equation of the Okada model for dykes and sills. In principle, those physical equations are used to represent the volcano deformation phenomena from surface displacement measurement. Furthermore, those physical equations are used for a reference design and realization of monitoring network. Our calculation results show that minimum number of observing stations depends on the total number of parameters that must be thoroughly considered in those physical equations and the distribution of the observing stations depends on the combination of source shape assumption and field situation.

ABSTRAK Pada saat ini belum terdapat persamaan analitik yang dapat digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah stasion serta bagaimana distribusinya secara spasial dalam survei geodetik untuk pemantauan deformasi gunung api. Desain jaring pemantauan geodetik yang diharapkan sensitif dalam mendeteksi perubahan / deformasi yang sangat kecil, akan sangat bergantung dari fenomena fisik dari sumber. Di dalam penelitian ini, desain jaring geodetik disusun menggunakan persamaan fisis yang digunakan untuk mencari sumber, yaitu model Mogi yang menggunakan model sederhana dan persamaan dislokasi 3D dari model Okada untuk dyke dan sill. Pada dasarnya, kedua persamaan ini digunakan untuk menyatakan fenomena deformasi gunungapi menggunakan pengukuran pergeseran posisi di permukaan. Selanjutnya kedua persamaan ini digunakan untuk mendesain referensi serta merealisasikan pemantauan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa jumlah minimum stasion bergantung pada jumlah parameter yang harus dipecahkan dari persamaan fisis yang digunakan dan distribusi dari stasion pengamatan sangat bergantung pada asumsi bentuk sumber serta situasi di lapangan.



JCB2015-211 AUDIO MAGNETOTELLURIC TO CHARACTERIZE GEOTHERMAL PROSPECT IN DIENG KULON , BANJARNEGARA , CENTRAL JAVA Nur Aziz Ribowo, Muhammad Zainal Salim, Imam Suyanto Universitas Gadjah mada ABSTRACT AMT (Audio Magneto Telluric) research is done by measuring the fluctuations in the magnetic field and also electric field which has recorded on Earth's surface at 13-20 January 2015. The survey is located in West Sikidang area,Dieng Kulon,Banjarnegara, Central Java. Audio Magnetotelluric (AMT) survey has been done to gets 19 point 2 line that name AMT 1-01 to AMT 2-07 which 12 point in line 1 and 7 point in line 2. There is a normal fault associated with igneous intrusions and above of that has identified as a surface layer unit, referred as a layer of alluvium. This fault available with the resistivity value in AMT 1-08 , AMT 1-09 point line 1 and AMT 2-04, AMT 2-05 point line 2. From the distribution of resistivity, the data interpolation of each sounding measurement can be made to geological model of the area for each line oh survey.The porcessing data with surfer 12 and inversion IP2win is resulted three lithology, which are: alluvium(resistivity 0 to 500 Ùm),bottom layer is clay-sand (resistivity 500 to 1000 Ùm) that is alteration rock (andesit). And basement rock is an andesit rock ( resistivity value 1000 to 5000 Ùm). Keywords: Audio Magnetotelluric, Resistivity, Geological Model, Intrusion


JCB2015-218 MARINE SURFICIAL SEDIMENT ANALYSIS TO INVESTIGATE TIN-RARE EARTH ELEMENT PLACER IN BANGKA SEA Sri Ardhyastuti, Yudo Haryadi, Taufan Wiguna, Rahadian BPPT ABSTRACT Tin (Sn) mining area development has been developed to marine area. Reconnaissance in marine area can be done by surficial sediment analysis.The marine surficial sediment analysis was done by three methods (i) heavy-mineral analysis (grain mineral analysis, calorimetry, Inductively Coupled Plasma/ ICP), (ii) granulometry analysis, (iii) foraminifera analysis. Heavymineral analysis brings to heavy-mineral composition and sediment classification is the result of granulometry analysis. The foraminifera analysis deliver to depositional environment and relative age. Marine surficial sediment was collected by gravity core (8 samples) and grab sampler (5 samples). Grain mineral was dominated by quartz (50% to 80%) and colorimeter analysis shows Sn < 10 ppm but anomaly appears in two samples (40 ppm and 80 ppm). Indictively Coupled Plasma (ICP) analyisis shows Zr (105 to 11982 ppm), Ce (132 to 6013 ppm), and La (28 to 5878 ppm). This study area was formed by mud, clay, and sandy mud. Foraminifera was dominated by benthonic foraminifera show that sediment is younger than Late Pliocence and inner neritic depositional environment.



JCB2015-231 SUMMARY OF ESTIMATING PROSPECTIVE TO RESOURCES STATEMENT FROM COAL BED METHANE JOINT STUDIES IN SOUTH SUMATERA AND BARITO BASIN David Ontosari1, Kinanti Sayekti1, Murthala Hatta1, Casdira1, Rahmat Budiana1, Fikri M Fiqih1, Eko Rudi Tantoro1, Budi Tamtomo1, Djedi S. Widarto2 1

Pertamina Hulu Energy Pertamina Upstream Technology Center


ABSTRACT This paper discusses the results of comprehensive studies related to the subsurface evaluation of coalbed methane (CBM) in the South Sumatra and Barito basins. All available geological, geophysical, petrophysical, geostatistical, and reservoir data were used integratedly during the evaluation. This paper focusses on how effective are joint studies of each blocks for estimating CBM prospective to resources statement, obtained from the latest known joint studies scope, stretch from geophysical to reservoir, geomechanical and hydrogeology. There is a standard in estimating prospective to resources statement, called PRMS-2007. However, when applied to three CBM blocks in South Sumatera Basin and one CBM block in Barito Basin, they experience the difference of significant time span in estimating prospective to resources. One block in South Sumatera Basin could book prospective to resource in less than one and half year. The other block in Barito Basin need more than three years for the same effort.


JCB2015-255 CONTAMINANT TRANSPORT MODELING WITH FINITE DIFFERENCE METHODS FOR HETEROGENEOUS ROCK PERMEABILITY VALUE ORDINARY KRIGGING RESULTS Fachrul Rozi Ramadhan, Irwan Iskandar ITB ABSTRACT Contaminants are important aspects in the mining world environmental controls. Mining activities, environmental equilibrium changing and bad management will be major consideration, if proved damaging environment will get penalty. This study is intended to make prevention steps of environmental damage by knowing the hydrogeological aspects as a contaminant carrier. Hydraulic conductivity data as a parameter of groundwater flow velocity in the rock, but the data distribution locally, example drill data. In order to become a numerical model data, geostatistical interpolation method used, such as ordinary krigging. Processing of data distribution SGEMS generate preliminary data distribution of 34 samples of 7-point drill into 42.525 data that has relationships K-values. Simulation models of the layer formed done with approximate boundary conditions such the initial head and river. Limitation of this condition is an example of simulated data approach with the actual state of the study area by using software MODFLOW 2010. The simulation results showed the presence of the input of groundwater into the river. If we implied in the mining area, the waste or mining activities will affect the environment, especially contamination of chemical elements that may reach the limits of danger and can react or carried by the fluid.



JCB2015-273 3D MODELLING OF CaO AND MgO CONTENTS BEBULU FORMATION IN JEMPARING AND PUTANG AREAS, PASER REGENCY, KALIMANTAN TIMUR Candra, Febby Yudhi Pratama, Ahmad Hamdani, Robby Ginanjar, M. Zaky Abdul Alim, Urwatul Wusqa, Gifar Fajri Sofwan, Mirzam Abdurrachman ITB ABSTRACT Approximately 600 samples were analyzed by XRF method from Bebulu Formation. The district lateral variations in the abundances of CaO and MgO content were observed in different elevation. 3D Model has been conducted especially to know vertical and lateral distribution and their relationship clearly. Krigging method is used to estimate value of CaO and MgO that isn't know both vertical and lateral where samples spread randomly. Beside of that, this research aims to modelling of geochemistry both high and low content of CaO and MgO. Based on CaO appearances, grade of limestone can be divided to high (>48%) and low (<48%) content of CaO. On the other side, the MgO can be divided to high (>2%) and low (<2%) content. At Jemparing area low content of CaO (<48%) can be found at southwest area under 0 m, meanwhile high content of MgO (>2%) located at surface of east side area. At Putang area low content of CaO (<48%) can be found at northeast area, and then high content of MgO located at south area. Lateral and across variation of CaO and MgO concentration from Bebulu Formation at Putang and Jemparing area possibly related to distribution of cavity, geological structure aspect, difference of facies changing and also diagenetic processes, creating condition that promote different composition of CaO and MgO content. Keywords: Bebulu formation, 3D Model, Krigging Method, CaO and MgO Content


JCB2015-309 TECTONIC EVENT TRAILING BASED ON FRAGMENTS OF WATURANDA FORMATION, WADASMALANG, KARANGSAMBUNG, CENTRAL JAVA Alfathony Krisnabudhi, Bayu Rahmanto, Satrio Esti Hapsoro, Hanif Ibadurrahman Sulaeman, Muhammad Gazali Rachman, R. Imam Rahmadi Pratama UPN �Veteran� Yogyakarta ABSTRACT Waturanda Fm, a member of Old Andesite Formation-first breccias, consist of Oligo-miocene volcanic clastic rock. It could be found in South Serayu zone, part of Karangsambung complex, Central Java. It formed by Neogene Compressional Wrenching tectonic phase which caused volcanic belt in southern Java island. This formation consist of many foreign fragments. The provenan of these fragments is approximately pre-tersier age which equivalent to tectonic melange rocks karangsambung. Petrology and formation tectonic study were based on paleogeography investigation from structure analysis and petrographic thin section. Based on petrographical analysis, northern waturanda fm consist of crystalline rock fragments such as filit, quartz, slate, and deep marine sedimentary rock-chert associated with red limestone. Based on early hypothesis from petrographic analysis, foreign fragments associated with mud > 55% showed that this formation experienced depth changes which caused by west-east structure pattern, Oligo-micene tectonic phase and reactivation of north-south structure pattern known as sunda pattern. Waturanda fm assumed to be affected by basin subsidence which caused by normal fault contact. The change of morphology between Tectonic melange and olisosrtom melange to fore arc basin is caused by the normal fault contact. Sediment from both melange products deposited in the local basin. Keywords: Waturanda Fm, Tectonic, Provenan, Normal Fault Contact, Petrography Analysis



JCB2015-316 3D MODELING OF PULAU BALANG TURBIDITE SAND BODIES BASED ON OUTCROP STUDY IN SAMARINDA AREA, EAST KALIMANTAN, KUTEI BASIN: AN ANALOG FOR SANDY LOWER MIOCENE FORMATION Yogi Eriawan, Diponegoro A. Sipahutar, M. Ilham N.S, Irzak Khairul Huda, Rezha Rizky Andana, Renato D. Y. Simanjuntak STT Migas Balikpapan ABSTRACT Exploration in the deepwater Kutei Basin, offshore East Kalimantan has resulted in a number of hydrocarbon discoveries in Lower Miocene. A series of depositional models of slope and basin floor sediments have been generated from a study of recent sediments in this basin (Fowler et al., 2001). This paper emphasizes determination of the facies, distribution and geometry of Lower Miocene Pulau Balang sandbodies. The main data is based on outcrop data considered as having high reliability to support subsurface studies, related to turbidite sands reservoir geometry and distribution. This study uses 4 measuring sections generated along Loa Bakung district traverses in study areas and 4 outcrop rock samples. The samples have then been analyzed to describe and are characterized using petrography, stratigraphy and sedimentology analysis. Based on facies analyses, there are Three depositional facies of Loa Duri sand, consisting of a middle fan channel deposit, outer fan deposit, and pelagic mud deposits. In term of reservoir potential, the massive sandstones that have significant amount of porosity would be considered as having the highest potential.


JCB2015-331 RESERVOIR IN BONE BASIN USE BASIN ANALYSIS METHOD Wulan Salle Karurung1, Fauziah Nuraini1, Muhammad Fawzy Ismullah M.2 1


ABSTRACT South Sulawesi is one of the areas in Sulawesi, which has several basins that formed as a result of tectonic activity of several macro-continents, that Eurasian Plate and the continental micro continent loose fragments of the Indian-Australian Plate. The existence of these basins can be indicated as sediment accumulation potential as reservoirs of hydrocarbons in petroleum system. One of that basin is a Bone Basin. Basin analysis showed Bone Basin formed since time of Palaeogene to Neogene and the foreland basin. Bone Basin consisted of the Balangbaru Formation, Kalumpang Formation, Toraja/ Malawa Formation, Langi Formation, Lamasi Formation, Tacipi Formation and Walanae Formation. Based on seismic stratigraphy known to internal and external structure geology of Bone Basin to determine the quality and distribution of the reservoir. Indication of the presence of hydrocarbons in Bone Basin include with the discovery of gas seepage in a few places around Bone basin such as in Pongko, Malangke and Sengkang. Sediments in the Bone Basin are derived from the clastic sedimentary rocks and carbonate rocks from Toraja Formation and Lamasi Formation. the clastic sedimentary is from unit of claystone and shale that indicated as hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Bone Basin. Keywords: Bone Basin, Basin Analysis, Seismic Stratigraphy, Formation, Reservoir




PT. Pertamina EP 2PT. Elnusa Ltd. ABSTRACT

Imbricate thrust zone in the Southwest offshore area of Matindok Block area the product of late Miocene to early Pliocene collision between Banggai-Sula microcontinent and East Sulawesi Ophiolite (ESO)-magmatic arc of Aundaland. The most successful oil discovery in this area was in Lower platform Carbonate of Tiaka Imbricate thrust Structure. However, the result of 2 (two) wells drilled on others imbricate thrust were dry hole due to poor reservoir quality. This means that we need to understand imbricate thrust development in order to the determine reservoir quality on each imbricate thrust. NW-SE Regional Seismic Line perpendicular with the Strike of Imbricate Thrust Zone was picked to be Key Line for Imbricate Thrust Sequences Reconstruction. Based on Reconstruction, Shortening Factor of 6 (six) segments in this line is 38 %. This means that older thrust segment will have steeper fault dip and thicker carbonate platform rather than younger thrust segment. From imbricate thrust structural map, we can conclude that sequences direction from older to younger imbricate thrust is from North West to South East. The Porosity data of carbonate platform reservoir from wells show that carbonate porosity increase from older to younger imbricate thrust sequences due to compaction effect from younger thrust segment. In order to confirm this porosity changes in each imbricate thrust segment, interval velocity section was made. Interval velocity section interpretation, shown that carbonate platform velocity in older thrust segment higher than in younger thrust segment. The general correlation between velocity and porosity in carbonate is higher velocity means lower porosity and vice versa.



JCB2015-348 EVALUATION OF UNDEREXPLORED - TEXTULARIA LAYER IN THE ONSHORE SALAWATI BASIN, EASTERN INDONESIA E. Noorcita Asri Herdiyanti, Allan Moris, Akfil Fakhri, Rangga P. Putra, and Insan Oktafirman PT. Pertamina EP ABSTRACT Textularia, as a genus of textulariid foraminifera, includes many vagile inbenthic species of normal salinity seawater. This species become a marker of Upper Miocene Klasafet Formation in Salawati Basin of the Papua Bird's Head, namely Textularia II marker, through its continuous and tremendous presence in the streak carbonate rocks. The Textularia layer had been proven as hydrocarbon reservoir in the basin. It has since become minor oil producer, way far much lower than Miocene Kais Carbonate as the main hydrocarbon producer. This leaves Textularia become under-explored in this basin. This paper give understanding of the Textularia II marker by distribute and locate the presence, as well as their properties, through gathering and combining well and seismic data into deep analysis. Thickness of Textularia II varies with average between 5 and 10 meters. Arar and Klamono area have the least thickness compare to others, while Salawati and Walio which lied at the southern area have the greatest thickness of this carbonate layer. The presence of hydrocarbon in this layer was accumulated around the Walio area, proven in structures of Walio, Kasuari, Payao, and some other structures. Seismic facies interpretation showed that the facies consist of four types as marly, mudstone/wackstone (M/W), wackstone-packestone (W/P), and wackestonepackestone to grainstone (W/P-G). This suggests that exploring Textularia play will be interesting in the southern part of this basin, as it has been proven reservoir in the area. Keywords: Textularia, Klasafet, Salawati Basin, Papua



JCB2015-368 UNCERTAINTY ON STRATIGRAPHIC HETEROGENEITIES WITHIN WEST AREA AND EAST AREA OF WIDURI FIELD, OFFSHORE SES BLOCK, INDONESIA: IDENTIFYING 35-1 INTERVAL THIN RESERVOIR AS AN UPSIDE POTENTIAL FROM FLUVIAL CHANNEL SYSTEM IN TALANGAKAR FORMATION, ASRI BASIN Dwandari Ralanarko, Heri Gunawan, Pranowo Nugroho, Sun Pengxiao, Su Chonghu CNOOC ABSTRACT Widuri Field is a mature, major producing oil field in Asri Basin with both depletion drive and strong water drive reservoirs. The Talang Akar Formation, mainly Gita Members, is the producing interval and has excellent reservoir properties. Geologically, this formation consists of fluvialtransition channel system reservoirs. From sequence stratigraphic framework, these sand bodies were deposited during transgressive systems tract, in a late phase of basin rifting process. These processes added to lateral and vertical heterogeneity of the sand bodies themselves. One of the proven reservoirs was 35-1 interval, separated by the North-South trend Asri major fault into West and East area. As a major field with good 4-D seismic and excellent reservoir properties, the original development well locations were easy to identify. For this reason, only limited cores and special wireline logs were taken. As a consequence, facies descriptions and reservoir models were not representing clearly the true complexities of the reservoirs. Currently, it would become very challenging and difficult to optimize oil production since the field is in a mature stage with the lateral and vertical heterogeneities more pronounced. Reservoir heterogeneities give some challenges on maintaining oil production. Lately, after 25 years produced and more than 200 wells drilled in Widuri field, it was found that in some wells the production performances have different characteristics. Focus on 35-1 sand interval, special treatment and more detail study need to be implemented in West area of Widuri field since it was not as excellent as East area in term of potential reserves. During early phase of Widuri development, this thin sand area was not categorized as an attractive zone. Recently, after integrated production and reservoir review, West area of 35-1 is considered as an upside potential which still has potency to be developed. Prospect generation campaign is reencouraged within this GGR method.


JCB2015-373 A NEW DEFINITION OF SUNDA BLOCK ROTATION MODEL Susilo1, Irwan Meilano2, Hasanuddin Z. Abidin2, Benyamin Sapiie2 1

Geospatial Information Agency of Indonesia 2 Bandung Institute of Technology ABSTRACT

Sunda block is one of block in Southeast Asia regional that has defined its own block rotation. This block covers a large part of South-east Asia that includes IndoChina, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Java and the shallow seas located in between (Sunda block). We use new GPS observations from campaign and continuous networks in Indonesia for the period between 1996 and 2013 to identify the behavior of Sunda block motion. We should take into consideration the post seismic deformation in GPS time series analysis for defining a stable Sunda block which has undergone considerable post-seismic deformation as a result of the sequence of great earthquakes along the Sunda trench since 2004. Sunda block Euler pole is estimated by minimizing 14 GPS sites with the total wrms = 1.41 mm/yr. Our preliminary result suggests that Euler pole of Sunda Block is located at 51.065 ºN -89.771 ºE with the rotation rate of 0.331± 0.0024 °/Myr. This parameter results that Sunda block moves eastward at velocity 26.30 – 32.35 mm/yr with the residual less than 1 cm/yr. Our analysis shows that the postseismic deformation due to great earthquake still affected to GPS sites.



JCB2015-387 SHALLOW MARINE AND DEEP MARINE COMPARATIVE ICHNOFOSSIL STUDY, CASE STUDIES OF TAPAK FORMATIONIN THE PURBALINGGA CITY AND PENOSOGAN FORMATIONIN THE KARANGSAMBUNG AREA, CENTRAL JAWA Aswan Institute of Technology Bandung ABSTRACT Paleodepositional environmental determination of sedimentary rock based on ichnofossil analysis is still rarely done, moreover some previous ichnofossil studies was still difficult to determine between shallow marine and deep marine deposit. This paper discusses the comparison between 2 rock units which one deposited as shallow marine/shallow shelf to transition zone, while the other was deposited in deep marine environment (outer shelf to bathyal). Rock unit representing shallow marine sediment is fine sand of Tapak Formation (around Purbalingga City, Central Jawa), while sand and clay intercalation of Penosogan Formation (in the Karangsambung area of Central Jawa) decided as an example of deep marine deposit. Methods used in this research are measuring section, observation and analysis of trace fossils content along this section, and depositional environment's determination. Bentonic foraminifer's analysis of Tapak Formation signed shallow shelf into tidal zone environment, while Penosogan Formation deposited in the deep shelf into upper bathyal based on information of the Kebumen Geological Map. Shallow marine deposit of Tapak Formation's trace fossils analysis represents ichnofossil association of Arenicolites, Bergaueria, Chondrites, Cylindrichnus, Lockeia, Ophiomorpha, and Skolithos. On the other hand, trace fossils found in the deep marine of Penosogan Formation are Asterosoma, Helminthopsis, Scolicia, and Zoophycos ichnofossil association. The results of this study are expected to simplify in distinguishing between shallow marine and deep marine sediments in which does not contain an index foraminifer fossil but contains of trace fossil. Keywords: Ichnofossil, Depositional Environment, Tapak Formation, Penosogan Formation Shallow Marine, Deep Marine


JCB2015-389 EVALUATION OF PALEOGENE POTENTIAL PLAY IN FRONTIER AREA: TANJUNG AREA II BLOCK, NORTHERN PART OF BARITO BASIN Raden Idris, Endi Nurjadi, Zuardin Azzaino, Andi Mardianza, Wening.L. Ambarwati PT Pertamina EP ABSTRACT Tanjung Area II Block is located about 120 km of the northern part of Tanjung Field, it lies between two provinces of Central and East Kalimantan. Geologically, it is the northern part of Barito Basin and bordered with Kutei Basin. The analysis is intended to evaluate the potential of kitchen existence, source rock maturity, and the indication of hydrocarbon in Paleogene aged reservoirs. The hydrocarbon potential in Tanjung Area II Block is evaluated by integrated analysis of the result of surface geological survey, gravity surface, 1D basin modeling, as well as petrophysical re-evaluation of the Well A and Well A. The latest exploration activity is surface geological survey and gravity survey in 2009. The result of forward modeling of gravity survey shows that there is local graben in this area which may potentially be the kitchen area. The surface geological survey found that most of the surface area is Oligocene to Eocene age. The maturity level of source rock (Ro) for surface area reaches 1-1.4%, a risk for maturity in subsurface. The result of 1D basin modeling with data from Panain1 and Well A indicates rapid uplifting in Pliocene-Pleistocene period to recent, leads a gradient geothermal decreasing that subsurface Ro value will not rise to over mature level. The maturity interval of oil mature is in the depth of 1500-2500 m, wet gas in 2500-3650 m, and dry gas is more than 3650 m. The petrophysical re-evaluation result of Well B and Well A shows some potential layers with SW value is about 20-80% and porosity is 5-30% in equivalent interval of Tanjung Formation without testing/drill stem testing. Referring to integrated survey analysis result of geological and gravity surveys, basin modeling, and petrophysical re-evaluation, Paleogene play is considered to have big accumulation of hydrocarbon. Thus, a more detail exploration is required to reveal this potency. Keywords: Kitchen, Dry Gas, Gravity, Petrophysics Re-Evaluation



JCB2015-390 REVISIT EVALUATION IN SANGATTA – BUNGALUN BLOCK: A NEW HOPE FOR NON-FOCUS EXPLORATION AREA Raden Idris, Endi Nurjadi, Zuardin Azzaino, Andi Mardianza, Wening. L. Ambarwati PT. Pertamina EP ABSTRACT The main purposes for revisit Evaluation of Sangatta-Bungalun Block is to examine the reservoir prospectivity within these area by conducting 1D basin modelling using data from 3 (three) wells, which are Kariorang-1, Sembulu-1, and Sekurau-1. Petrophysics re-evaluation also being conducted as part of the evaluation, by using 4 (four) wells, which are Kariorang-1, sembulu-1, Sekurau-1, and Batuhidup-1. Based on the geochemical data and 1D basin modelling, it is known that the Kariorang Formation interval from Kariorang -1 well could act as an effective source rock. TOC value within the Kariorang Formation is between 0.85 – 1.64%. The oil window level on Tmax 435oC shows that Ro value is 0.45%, these results indicate that the oil within this area could generate on relatively low Ro value ( less than 0.5%). Oil maturation index from Kariorang Formation could also been observed from the Spore Color Index (SCI) value from Batu Hidup -1 well, of which valued between 4.5 ( oil generation stages). Petrophysics re-evaluation of three wells within these area also showned that there are still a lot of interesting interval that has not been tested, started from the Maluwi Formation, kariorang Formation, and Sembulu Formation. Based on the Kariorang Structure (KRG-1) identification, there are 13 (thirteen) reservoir interval, with varied thickness values ranging from 5 -10 metres, porosity between 12 – 25%, and SW 55 – 70%, with oil show being presence in some interval of SWC and cutting samples. There are 6 (six) reservoir interval in Sembulu Structure (SBL-1), with the thickness varied between 8 – 37 metres, porosity value between 11 – 30%, and SW value between 0 – 70%, while within the Sekurau Structure (SKU-1) there are 8 (eight) reservoir interval, with thickness varied from 5 – 24 metres, porosity between 7 – 30%, and SW 30-70%, with some oil show in SWC and cutting samples. Based on further evaluation using geochemical data, basin modelling, and petrophysics evaluation analysis, it shows that this area are still potential for further exploration as a focus area. Keywords: Exploration, Sangatta, Bungalun, Non-focus


JCB2015-1012 ADVANCED TENSION LEG PLATFORM TECHNOLOGY FOR SHALLOWWATER AND MARGINAL FIELD DEVELOPMENT ArcandraTahar, Ph.D, PrahoroNurtjahjo, Ph. D, JaffeeSuardin, Ph.D, FrengkyChaniadi, D.B.A. Petroneering ABSTRACT Recent offshore drilling success in marginal shallow-water development has spurred a tremendous growth in new and innovative solutions that are required to reduce costs, shorten development schedules and exploit previously uneconomical fields. For the redevelopment of Brownfields, a cost efficient offshore production and drilling platform has to increase production capacity within existing field infrastructure. For the Greenfield development, the efficient platform has to offer cost and schedule savings for applications where traditional jacket platforms are uneconomical or where site-specific design requirements or constraints need to be met. For oil and gas operators, consideration for cost reduction is of strategically imperative to fully realize the commercial value of offshore projects. Cost savings mayderive from the use of the platform for several fields so that platform cost can be distributed, or through the use of other lower specification vessels for transportation and installation when compared with those required for a jacket. Other potential cost reductions may be achieved from fabrication method, engineering requirements and decommissioning plan. Over the years, technology evolved and surface facility alternatives flourished. Floating offshore platform is no longer science fiction. The Multi Column TLP (McT) has now been developed to respond to the challenges in shallow-water and marginal fields. The design is based on the same design principles that have been used successfully in deepwater for many years, and applying them to overcome some of the main challenges with exploitation of shallow-water platforms.



JCB2015-1013 ENERGY EFFICIENT LNG PRODUCTION Abang Daya Wiguna, Boris Ertl, Dugald Wright BP Indonesia ABSTRACT The Tangguh LNG plant in Papua Barat, Indonesia employs innovative heat and power integration, delivering a step change in energy efficiency compared to conventional open cycle liquefaction. Now that the plant is operational, the actual energy efficiency has been studied to gather the data needed to optimise lifecycle energy performance. The liquefaction facilities at Tangguh produce 7.6 MTPA of LNG from a lean gas feed, with four Frame 7 gas turbine drivers powering two C3MR technology liquefaction trains, in a split-MR configuration (APCI license). Waste heat from the gas turbine drivers produces high pressure steam which provides energy to steam turbine starter/helper drivers on the refrigeration compression strings, and electrical power generation at the site. Low pressure steam, predominantly extracted from the steam turbine drivers, provides the process heating requirement-notably for the acid gas removal unit. Utility boilers are installed for start-up loads, and to make-up steam in operation; maintaining the heat and power balance of the complex. This configuration has a number of environmental and operating advantages over conventional open cycle systems, including: lower fuel use and CO2 emissions turbines with steady high loads - maximising efficiency and minimising emissions (including Nox) reduced electrical power infrastructure, due to some key drivers provided by steam turbines high stored energy in steam drums & headers result in good system stability and robust transient response behaviour Measured fuel use during the performance test of the Tangguh LNG plant was equivalent to approximately 0.23 tonnes CO2 from combustion gas per tonne of LNG exported. A recent energy review has trended actual energy consumption over a longer period, and confirmed that despite the hot location and very lean feed gas, energy consumption has averaged below 4.5 MMBtu per tonne of LNG exported (below 0.24 tonnes combustion gas CO2 per tonne of LNG exported.) Heat and power integration brings tangible benefits to liquefaction plant design and operation. These benefits come at the price of increased complexity though, due to integration between process and utilities systems, and a potential increased impact of "common mode failure", in which a steam system failure has a significant impact on the overall plant operation. However, on balance the benefits dominate, and a similar integrated heat and power concept is planned to be deployed to the Tangguh expansion project and other future LNG developments. JOINT CONVENTION BALIKPAPAN 189

JCB2015-1014 LATERAL LOAD ANALYSIS OF SUCTION ANCHOR IN MARINE SOFT CLAY USING 2D PLANE STRAIN AND AXISYMMETRIC-ASYMMETRIC FE MODEL Paulinus Sitanggang Wood Group Kenny ABSTRACT Suction pile foundation has been widely used in deep water oil and gas industry for the foundation of subsea structure or anchor of floating structures. Typical surface soil condition in deep water is very soft to soft clay with linearly increasing undrained shear strength. A common function of suction pile is applied as anchor system which is referred as “Suction Anchor”. Suction anchor is predominantly to retain lateral load induced by floating structure, riser and pipeline. This paper presents comparison of suction anchor lateral capacity between 2D and 3D Finite Element (FE) software, which are Plaxis 2D AE and Abaqus 6.11. The 2D Plane strain has model limitation to capture single lateral load of foundation, but offer significant faster time in analysis. An “axisymmetric-Asymmetric” model in Abaqus 6.11 platform is used to represent 3D model of the suction anchor lateral load. The comparison and correlation discussed in this study show that 2D plane strain model can be used to approach 3D result. The application to a project case on subsea site development in Arafura Sea Indonesia will be provided. Keywords: Suction Anchor, Lateral Load, Plane Strain, Axisymmetric-Asymmetric, Plaxis, Abaqus



JCB2015-1015 DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (DMS) IMPLEMENTATION CASE STUDY: INACT IMPLEMENTATION AT ABC PROJECT Aris Maryadi INARTS ABSTRACT In various projects and production activities in the field of oil and gas industry (Oil and Gas), often encountered various problems related to the management of documents and information from various sources and interests during the implementation of the work in progress. Technological advances in the field of information systems and project management challenges and the Oil and Gas production is increasingly complex, demanding a system that is able to accommodate the demand for process management and good management of the various types of documents and information. This paper discusses the implementation of INACT to manage documents in an ABC project activity. INACT itself is a software developed by INARTS, a local company that seeks to answer the needs of optimal document management system and efficient for use by the Oil and Gas industry in the country. During the period of almost six (6) years since its launch, INACT has been used by many companies engaged in the upstream Oil and Gas industry, ranging from the company PSC, EPC contractors and suppliers (vendors), both of which are located inside and outside the country. It also proves the ability of Indonesian human resources in the field of information technology that can compete internationally in the Oil and Gas industry.



JCB2015-1016 INTEGRATED RISKS BASED PROJECT HSSE MANAGEMENT, AN OVERVIEW Iwan Jatmika, VP QHSSE PT. Pertamina Hulu Energi ABSTRACT Upstream oil & gas project facility development is a very high-risk in potential health, safety, security and environmental (HSSE) incidents. Failures in managing these risks will loss the opportunity to achieve the project goals, on budget, on schedule, safe and reliable deliverables. The HSSE Incident Risks may started and or initiated from the poor of front-end-loading HSSE risks management or becoming frontally in construction project executions. There is always an issues of communicating and managing the HSSE risks in oil & gas facilities project development. Either it is lack of understanding the nature of HSSE risks or it is due to lack of managing the risks exposure. Project Management communities have their own languages and leading practices. And, since the HSSE hazards and risks concerns are always follow the nature of this activities. Therefore, understanding how the project facilities development concept and stages works as well as the HSSE risks management philosophies will simplify the strategy, planning and programing HSSE sound project facilities development excellent better.



JCB2015-1018 PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONSULTANCIES (PMC) AS AN OPTION TO MANAGE OIL & GAS PROJECT COSTS MORE EFFECTIVELY THE LESSONS LEARNED - PHE ONWJ Ridwan Wibiksana, Taufik Aditiyawarman, Satya Kamayanti PHE ONWJ ABSTRACT The oil and gas industry in Indonesia has grown significantly during the past few years in response to the Government of Indonesia's aggressive targets to boost the national oil & gas production. As a result, oil & gas companies are required to focus more on their core businesses such as exploration, development and production, while the supporting businesses are now being outsourced to cut costs more effectively. This has created a significant and positive domino effect to develop national oil & gas supporting and service companies, and project management services is one type of service that can be cost effectively outsourced. Keywords: Project Management Consultancy, Lessons Learned


JCB2015-1019 LNG IN INDONESIA, BUSINESS AND COMMERCIAL Arief Riyanto1, Risvan Dirza2, Desi Mahdi3 1

Special Task Force for Upstream Oil and Gas Business Activities Republic of Indonesia 2 PHE ONWJ 3 BP Tangguh ABSTRACT

In 2013, Indonesia's gas reserve is estimated constitute 1.6% of world gas reserves. This reserve is sufficient for 50 years with the current consumption rate. However, domestic gas market is significantly increased within the last decade to satisfy many strategic industry and major gas power plants project. The gas production rates produced by different fields are expected to be increased to fulfill these demands. One of the forms of natural gas distribution that is efficient is Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG). However, the readiness of the re-gas infrastructures in time to support distribution of the supply may determine whether domestic market is able to absorb the supply.





Schlumberger Geosolutions 2 BP ABSTRACT

This case study will review a seismic acquisition and processing success in meeting business elivery objectives for a frontier exploration survey recently acquired and processed in Indonesia. We will demonstrate that close collaboration can lead to efficient data processing turnaround times in smaller regional centers even in large exploration areas where no pre-existing processing workflows or velocity information exist. We will show that, despite tight turnaround schedules and remote processing locations, large volumes of high quality seismic data can be promptly delivered without technology or scope compromises. The key is to maintain close collaboration between companies, plan to access technically skilled processing resources, and provide effective project management. The project described in this paper follows the processing of a 5060 km2 frontier survey acquired in 2013 in West Aru I and II blocks in East Indonesia.



JCB2015-501 GEOTREKKING IN GEOTOURISM, THE BRIDGE OF UNDERSTANDING GEOLOGY TO SOCIETY Budi Brahmantyo Bandung Institute of Technology ABSTRACT Geotourism is tourism that utilizes all geological aspects. Best application of geotourism activities are in geopark. Where geopark is a conservation area for geoheritages, and one of its objectives is to involve people both inside and outside of geopark area to acknowledge the evolution of geological objects and landscapes, geotourism become a leading activity in the geopark. Main activity in geotourism is geotrekking, a package of tourism following thematic geological storyline. With geotrekking which combin geological knowledge and other earth sciences in such popular interpretation, it is becoming good bridge for common society to understand geology.


JCB2015-502 KONSEP PENGEMBANGAN GEOPARK INDONESIA Yunus Kusumahbrata Kementerian ESDM ABSTRAK Geopark merupakan konsep manajemen pengembangan kawasan dengan pendekatan “multi stakeholders? yang mampu memberikan “significance regional impact” bagi konservasi, edukasi dan peningkatan kesejahteraan sosial ekonomi masyarakatmasyarakat di kawasan dan daerah sekitarnya. Persyaratan mengembangkan Geopark: Harus memiliki sekurangkurangnya satu bentukan warisan geologi berkelas nasional dan atau internasional yang dilindungi dan dikembangkan dengan manajemen berbasis konservasi dan edukasi berlandaskan aktifitas “sustainable green tourism” dengan melibatkan masyarakat setempat. Konsep ini telah diadopsi dan dipromosikan oleh UNESCO (2014) sebagai instrumen untuk menjaga lingkungan dan mensejahterakan rakyat dan sukses diterapkan di Eropa, Asia (China, Jepang, Korea), Asia Tenggara (Malaysia, Vietnam, ?Indonesia), Kanada dan Brazil.



CB2015-503 THE PROPOSED TRIANGLE SAWU MARINE GEOPARK, EASTERN INDONESIA Safri Burhanuddin Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, Republic of Indonesia ABSTRACT The proposed Triangle Sawu Marine Geopark is preparing its way for nominated as a national geopark of Indonesia. The next step is to apply for the World Geopark accreditation under the UNESCO World Geopark Network. This paper is prepared for justification of establishing this natural marine geopark which is dominated by sea area in Indonesia. The Sawu (Savu) area is formed by Sawu Sea and bordered by lesser Sunda's islands, Eastern Indonesia and forming a triangle form. The Sawu sea is a small sea named for the island of Sawu on its southern boundary. It is bounded by Sawu and Rai Jua to the south, Sumba to the west, the Flores and Alor to the north and the islands of Timor to the east. It flows into the Indian Ocean to the south, the Banda Sea to the northeast and the Flores Sea to the north. Sawu Sea is located within the Lesser Sunda islands seascape which is regarded as a high priority seascape for marine biodiversity conservation. The Lesser Sunda's is the main corridor between the Indian and Pacific Oceans including for migrating whales and commercially important for pelagic fishes. The Savu Sea NMCA targets is to protect the significant and migration route for 14 species of whales, 12 species of dolphins, as well as 5 species of turtles and dugongs. Meanwhile, The west coast of Flores is one of the few places, aside from the island of Komodo itself, where the Komodo dragon can be found in the wild, and is part of Komodo National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Kelimutu National Park is the second national park designated on Flores to protect endangered species. The Flores giant rat is also endemic to the island, and Verhoeven's giant tree rat was formerly present. These giant rodents are considered examples of island gigantism. Moreover, Flores was also the habitat of several extinct dwarf forms of the proboscidean Stegodon, the most recent (Stegodon florensis insularis) disappearing approximately 12,000 years ago. It is speculated by scientists that limited resources and an absence of advanced predators made the few megafaunal species that reached the island subject to insular dwarfism. Sumba is one of the few places in the world in which megalithic burials, which are used as a 'living tradition' to inter prominent individuals when they die. Burial in megaliths is a practice that was used in many parts of the world during the Neolithic and Bronze Ages, but has survived to this day in Sumba, and has raised significant interest from scholars. At Anakalang, for instance, quadrangular adzes have been unearthed. Another long-lasting tradition is the sometimes lethal game of pasola, in which teams of often several hundred horse-riders fight with spears. Keywords: Marine Geopark, Geotourism, Marine Protected Area, Migration of Whales, Komodo National Park, Kelimutu National Park, Neolithic, Megalithic, Bronze Ages. JOINT CONVENTION BALIKPAPAN 199

JCB2015-504 PEMBELAJARAN GEOPARK FOR SCHOOL SEBAGAI ARUS UTAMA PENGEMBANGAN GEOPARK PACITAN Agus Hendratno UGM Yogyakarta ABSTRAK Taman Bumi atau geopark adalah pola pengembangan kawasan secara berkelanjutan yang memadukan secara serasi tiga keragaman, yaitu : geologi, hayati, dan budaya. Geopark merupakan konsep konservasi geologi yang sangat baik, karena dapat mencakup seluruh komponen ruang serta mampu mengintegrasikan seluruh sumber daya alam yang ada di sekitar lokasi yang memiliki keunikan geologi. Pada dasarnya geopark adalah pola pengembangan kawasan yang memadukan prinsip atau nilai perlindungan, pendidikan, dan penumbuhan ekonomi setempat berbasis geowisata. Tujuannya untuk perlindungan dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat setempat. Geopark Gunungsewu Segmen Pacitan Barat secara geologi termasuk dalam rangkaian Pegunungan Selatan Jawa Timur, yang terdiri atas kawasan kars dan pantai. Geopark Gunungsewu Segmen Pacitan Barat memiliki keunikan dan keragaman dari aspek geologi (geodiversity), meliputi keragaman morfologi, batuan dan fosil. Geowisata merupakan salah satu bentuk perjalanan wisata minat khusus yang didasari oleh ketertarikan / rasa ingin tahu pada keragaman fenomena kebumian (geodiversity). Geowisata sebagai bentuk perjalanan wisata minat khusus mempunyai aspek REAL Travel, yang dapat dijabarkan sebagai berikut : Rewarding (penghargaan), yaitu penghargaan atas sesuatu obyek dan daya tarik wisata yang dikunjunginya, yang diwujudkan pada keinginan wisatawan untuk dapat belajar memahami atau bahkan mengambil bagian dalam aktivitas yang terkait dengan obyek tersebut. Enriching (pengkayaan), yaitu mengandung aspek pengkayaan atau penambahan pengetahuan dan kemampuan terhadap sesuatu jenis atau bentuk kegiatan yang diikuti wisatawan. Adventurism (petualangan), yaitu mengandung aspek pelibatan wisatawan dalam kegiatan yang memiliki sesuatu resiko secara fisik dalam bentuk kegiatan petualangan. Learning (proses belajar), yaitu mengandung aspek pendidikan melalui proses belajar yang diikuti wisatawan terhadap sesuatu kegiatan edukatif tertentu yang diikuti wisatawan. Salah satu kegiatan pengembangan Geopark Pacitan adalah pembelajaran geopark for school (GFS) yang melibatkan siswa dari beberapa SMA di wilayah Kabupaten Pacitan untuk melakukan pendampinngan pembelajaran geopark di sekolah dan kegiatan trip geowisata di beberapa tapak Geopark Pacitan. Pembelajaran ini dilakukan oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten Pacitan sebagai kegiatan pendidikan/ pembelajaran yang merupakan salah satu prinsip utama pengembangan geopark Indonesia.




Husky Energy Institute of Technology Bandung


ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to analyze overpressure generating mechanism and overpressure distribution in this tectonically active and complex area. The study area is located in onshore and offshore of South Madura Island which is known to have overpressure zone (Figure 1). Four onshore and offshore wells as well as four offshore 2D seismic lines were selected for this study based on their various positions relative to sea level. The result of the study is expected to better define the pore pressure prediction for future hydrocarbon exploration in the study area and its surrounding.


JCB2015-513 PEMAHAMAN MENGENAI METALLURGY & PROSES UNTUK INISIATIF GEOMETALLURGY Ridho Lestari PT. JResources Nusantara ABSTRAK Industri pengolahan mineral melibatkan disiplin ilmu yang luas, dari Geology sebagai hulu sampai dengan Metallurgy sebagai hilir, dengan tujuan untuk mengeksploitasi deposit mineral berharga menjadi produk dengan nilai jual, dan limbah yang aman bagi lingkungan. Metallurgy memiliki peran untuk menentukan proses pengolahan yang paling sesuai dengan karakter mineral, ekonomis dan ramah lingkungan. Untuk tujuan tersebut, sangat penting bagi disiplin Metallurgy untuk mengetahui cara mengekspos, mengekstraksi, mengambil (recover) dan memurnikan logam berharga dari mineral pembawanya, dalam suatu rangkaian diagram alir proses pengolahan. Pada dasarnya, kriteria utama untuk desain proses pengolahan sudah dapat diindikasikan dari awal kegiatan eksplorasi Geology, dalam kondisi adanya komunikasi dan kerjasama intensif antara Geology dan Metallurgy, dan kemampuan memahami kriteria proses pengolahan dan parameter Geology-Metallurgy yang relevan. Sebuah study petrography bijih emas misalnya, yang umum dilakukan dalam eksplorasi Geology, dapat mengindikasikan derajat liberasi dan proses ekstraksi yang dibutuhkan, indikasi pelepasan logam pengotor yang akan menjadi limbah proses, indikasi kekerasan batuan kaitannya dengan energy yang akan digunakan untuk proses kominusi, dan beberapa informasi penting lainnya. Geometallurgy sebagai wadah kolaborasi disiplin ilmu Geology, Geostatistic dan Metallurgy akan menghasilkan kinerja pengembangan mineral berharga yang sistematik, efisien dan efektif. Kolaborasi ini memberi peran yang sangat besar dalam semua lingkup kegiatan dalam proyek greenfield, brownfield maupun fase produksi. Pengantar Industri pengolahan mineral melibatkan disiplin ilmu teknik yang beragam, mulai dari Geology yang bertanggung jawab dengan penemuan deposit mineral berharga sampai dengan Metallurgy yang bertanggung jawab untuk mengolah mineral tersebut menjadi produk setengah jadi (intermediate) ataupun produk jadi (refined product), dan lingkungan hidup yang memastikan bahwa residue proses yang dibuang ke lingkungan bersifat stabil dan aman. Sinergi dan koordinasi antara hulu dan hilir diperlukan untuk mencapai hasil kerja yang lebih efisien dan sistematis. Geometallurgy, yaitu kolaborasi antara Geology, Geostatistic dan Extractive Metallurgy untuk menciptakan suatu model estimasi yang berbasis parameter Geology- Geostatistic-Metallurgy untuk sebuah target deposit, adalah salah satu wadah kerja-sama antara hulu dan hilir yang efektif. 202


Uraian ini, yang mengambil judul “Pemahaman mengenai Metallurgy & Proses untuk membuat inisiatif Geometallurgy� menjelaskan tentang tujuan, kebutuhan dan tantangan dilihat dari aspect Metallurgy dan Processing, dan bagaimana Geometallurgy dapat berperan didalamnya. Penulis membuat uraian ini dengan tujuan untuk memperkenalkan dan meningkatkan pemahaman mengenai Metallurgy & Proses kepada disiplin ilmu lain, dalam hal ini disiplin ilmu Geology dalam kaitannya dengan potensipotensi inisiatif Geometallurgy.


JCB2015-516 SPATIAL DATA INTEGRITY BEHIND SIS A #1 WILD CAT EXPLORATION DISCOVERY Yudi Syahnur PT. Saka Indonesia Sesulu ABSTRACT Spatial Data, also known as geospatial data, is information about a physical object that can be represented by numerical values in a geographic or projected coordinate system (Surve & Kathane, 2014). Conceptually, Spatial Data can be described as Points, Lines, Areas, Surfaces or Volumes that are connected to a place in the Earth. It is estimated that more than 90% data and information used in Energy Sector is spatially referenced. From Block concession to Seismic lines to Well data, they all pertaining to specific geographic location. Science and technology to collect, process, manage, analyze and display geospatial data and information defined as Geomatics. It includes the tools and techniques used in land and marine surveying, remote sensing, cartography, geographic information systems (GIS), global navigation satellite systems (GNNS). Since 1990's Oil and Gas companies have been using Global Positioning System (GPS), as well as airborne and space observation remote sensing technologies to effectively find hydrocarbon. Marine surveying techniques have been extensively used to perform comprehensive Geohazard study prior to offshore drilling activities. Up until now, more and more oil and gas companies use Geographic Information System (GIS) to help extracting hydrocarbon in a more efficient manner. Since the PSC signing in May 2009 Geomatics have been integral part of South Sesulu Exploration activites, located in the most southern part of Kutei Basin. From planning and execution of 550 km square 3D Seismic Survey to Jackup Rig positioning activity, this paper will illustrate the importance of Spatial Data Integrity behind the SIS A #1 Gas discovery. Spatial Data Integrity ensure oil companies working in a safe and efficient manner. It allows people from multi-discipline and different backgrounds to collab Keywords: Spatial Data, Geomatics, Exploration



JCB2015-518 MICROSEISMIC MONITORING FOR HYDRAULIC FRACTURE CHARACTERIZATION: A CASE STUDY IN A COAL-BED METHANE FIELD Tepy Septyana1, Sri Widiyantoro2, Andri Dian Nugraha2, Ted Manning1, Supriyono1, Glyn Weatherall3, Yann Caline3 1

BP Indonesia Institut Teknologi Bandung 3 VICO


ABSTRACT Microseismic monitoring has been commonly used for hydraulic fracture characterization. As fracturing induces microseismic events, one can map and interpret hydraulic fractures based on microseismic locations. The orientation, length, and probably geometry of fractures can be described in relation to geology, injected fluid, and pump rate. In this paper, we show a case study of using microseismic monitoring during hydraulic fracturing jobs in a CBM (coal-bed methane) field in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. There were two observations made: one in the monitoring well during injection, another in the treatment well after the injection stops. An eight-level of 3-component geophone array was wired several hundred meters down in the nearly vertical section of the monitoring well, which was 200 m away from the treatment well. Meanwhile, we put a three-level array in the treatment well. Following data processing, we observed and interpreted clouds of microseismic events. We obtained some insights on how fractures grow in every stages of fracturing. Furthermore, this recent reprocessing study has increased our confidence in using microseismic monitoring for hydraulic fracture characterization in coal beds. The study has also addressed challenges and limitations with the chosen acquisition geometry that can be improved in future applications.


JCB2015-520 MANFAAT APA YANG BISA DIDAPATKAN DARI MONITORING KEGEMPAAN KONTINYU? Wiwit Suryanto, Achmad Gunar Saadi, Eddy Hartantyo, Ade Anggraini, Wahyudi UGM ABSTRAK Data monitoring kegempaan yang kontinyu dapat digunakan untuk mengetahui (1) sebaran posisi sumber gempa, (2) mekanisme sumber gempa serta (3) dinamika sumber di bawah permukaan bumi. Selain itu, data monitoring kegempaan mikro juga dapat digunakan untuk (4) mengetahui sifat dan karakter medium bumi, serta (5) interaksi medium bumi dengan gangguan elektromekanik yang lain. Dalam makalah ini akan dijelaskan mengenai pemanfaatan rekaman seismik dengan mengambil sinyal stasioner untuk mengetahui sifat medium dalam hal kecepatan perambatan gelombang seismiknya. Ekstraksi kecepatan rambat gelombang seismik pada medium menggunakan sinyal stasioner rekaman gempa mikro membuka cakrawala baru dalam eksplorasi geofisika bawah permukaan di masa yang akan datang, dengan implikasi: (1) eksplorasi minyak dan gas yang tidak perlu menggunakan sumber eksplosif atau vibroseis (2) tomografi seismik tanpa perlu menunggu gempabumi dan (3) pemanfaatan data-data yang sebelumnya dianggap sebagai derau, menjadi informasi yang berguna, misalnya ground-roll. Salah satu sumbangan ilmiah yang diberikan adalah kontribusi terhadap model kerak bumi Indonesia (IndoREM) yang mudah-mudahan segera terwujud di masa depan. ABSTRACT Continuous earthquake monitoring data can be used to determine (1) the distribution and the position of the earthquake sources, (2) the mechanism of the earthquake source and (3) the dynamics of the source beneath the earth's surface. In addition, micro-earthquake data can also be used to (4) determine the nature and characteristics of the medium (the earth), and (5) the interaction between the medium and other electromechanical sources. In this paper we show the use of continuous earthquake seismic recording by taking the stationary part of the seismic signals, to determine the nature of the medium in terms of the seismic wave propagation velocity. This extraction of seismic waves velocity in the medium using the stationary recording of micro earthquakes will open up a new horizon in geophysical exploration, with implications on (1) exploration of oil and gas that does not need to use an explosive or other vibrations sources (2) seismic tomography without waiting of earthquakes and (3) the use of data that previously were regarded as noise, into significant information, such as ground-roll for enhancing the near surface velocity model. One of the scientific outcome of the study is the contribution to the Indonesian earth's crust model (IndoREM) in the near future.



JCB2015-521 POSSIBLE MESOZOIC HALF GRABEN IN OFFSHORE MATINDOK BLOCK: A NEW PROSPECTIVE USING 2D PSDM DATASETS Anggoro P. Kurniawan, Muharram J. Panguriseng, Maikel Arifin, Iman Firman, Candra D. Ardianto, Galang P. Adi Pertamina EP ABSTRACT Recent Interpretation in Offshore Matindok Block gave better understanding about the architecture of Banggai-Sula foreland basin. Regional map of Miocene platform carbonate clearly defined several prospects on each wedge-top, foredeep, forebulge and back-bulge areas. Based on petroleum system assessments, source rock and migration are the highest risk. Pertamina EP already drilled 2 (two) exploration wells in offshore Matindok, both dry wells. Post drill evaluation shown that there is a synclinal barrier area, known as Tolo Deep, act as the boundary of hydrocarbon migration from proven kitchen area beneath batui thrust on the western part to the offshore prospects closure on the eastern part. The hydrocarbon generation of Tolo Deep, which is foredeep of Banggai-Sula foreland basin, has been internally evaluated but the result still not encouraging. Other prospective kitchen areas are needed to turn the tables. New Interpretation of 2D PSDM shown that there is possibility of NE-SW trending half graben system, as product of Mesozoic rifting phase, exist beneath Miocene platform carbonate. Hopefully, this Mesozoic half graben system can be alternative solution for lack of productive kitchen area in the offshore area of matindok block. Keywords: Banggai-Sula Foreland Basin, PSDM, Rifting, Half Graben


JCB2015-522 HYDROCARBON PROSPECTIVE OF MESOZOIC SEQUENCE IN BARITO BASIN, SOUTH KALIMANTAN Thomas Cafreza Atarita, Fatahillah, Esti Anggraeni Pertamina EP ABSTRACT Pre tertiary syn rift is possibly developed in barito basin as shown from recently acquired 3D seismic data. The NW-SE trending pre tertiary syn rift has similar trend with tertiary syn rift, making the tertiary syn rift considered as reactivation product. Barito Basin itself is interpreted as a part of South West Borneo (SWB) micro continent which drifted northward from gondwanaland, carried away its relatively NE-SW old structural pattern and attached to Sundaland in Early Cretaceous. Northward subduction of EJWS into SE part of Sundaland then reactivate the old fabric to form NE-SW trending syn rifts. The latest compressional tectonic regime in Middle Miocene then rotated SW Borneo 450 counter clock wise to its present day position. The existence of sediment from Mesozoic age is also clearly recorded from well data in the North Barito Basin. Interbedded of sandstone - carbonaceous shale of Late Cretaceous age was encountered in Bagok-2 well, while about 500 meters of limestone with orbitolina sp. was penetrated in Hayup-1 well. The interpreted syn rift from seismic below the Tertiary section together with the presence of Mesozoic sediments from well data give opportunity to PT Pertamina EP to hardly explore the hydrocarbon prospectivity of Mesozoic sequence in Barito Basin. Keywords: Barito Basin, Mesozoic, Sundaland



JCB2015-526 A PRELIMINARY VIEW OF CONTACT METAMORPHIC ROCKS FROM SCHWANER MOUNTAINS, WEST KALIMANTAN Nugroho Imam Setiawan Universitas Gadjah Mada ABSTRACT The Schwaner Mountains mainly consist of granitoids and metamorphic rocks. Several metamorphic rocks from Nangapinoh area were examined petrologically to assess the metamorphic condition. The rocks mainly consist of andalusite, cordierite, biotite, muscovite, quartz and sillimanite. The mineral assemblages might give indication of low-pressure hightemperature condition. Andalusite-bearing spotted-phyllite and foliated metamorphic rocks were also observed in several locations which indicated poly-metamorphism activity from previously low-grade regional metamorphic rocks before heated by granitoids intrusions. Whole rock chemistries suggest the protolith were pelitic rocks. Furthermore, KFMASH pseudosection from biotite-cordierite-sillimanite gneiss shows pressure and temperature condition of 10–200 MPa and 450–620 ºC. Thus confirm the metamorphic rocks experienced of very low-pressure and high temperature condition (contact metamorphism) on the hornfels-facies. Keywords: Contact Metamorphic Rocks, Pelitic Rocks, Schwaner Mountains, Granitoids Intrusion, KFMASH Pseudosection.


JCB2015-529 METAMORPHIC ROKS FROM JAVA, SULAWESI AND BANDA ARC: THE BEST EXAMPLE PRODUCT OF SUBDUCTION TO CONTINENTAL METAMORPHISMS AT THE CONVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARY Ade Kadarusman Independent Geology Consultant ABSTRACT This paper summarized metamorphic rock studies that have been conducted by the author in last 20 years in three areas with three different tectonic settings. They are (i) metamorphic rocks at Lok Ulo Complex which crop out over a small area around the Karangsambung residency of Central Java. They are part of a belt of Cretaceous accretionary-collision complexes in Central Indonesia, which appear sporadically in an arc extending from Java to Kalimantan and Sulawesi; (ii) the metamorphic basement complexes at the Palu region (namely Palu Metamorphic Complex) which is a part of NW Sulawesi geological province or terrane of rifted continental margin of SE Sundaland. The terrane is characterized by the widespread occurrence of high-K volcanic and granitoid rocks deposited on, and intruded into, Cretaceous to Paleogene volcanicsedimentary successions and the Palu metamorphic basement complexes (PMC). The PMC is overlain by Cretaceous - Tertiary sediments and volcanics and intruded by voluminous Late Miocene – Pliocene granitoids; (iii) The metamorphic rock at the Outer Banda arc, which is situated at The Banda arc region, which is one of the best examples of active arc-continent collision and often cited as a present-day analogues of an ancient plate boundary. The Banda outer-arc from Timor to Tanimbar exposes one of the youngest regional metamorphic belts in the word distributed over 800 km from Timor to Tanimbar. Although different at protolith association, detailed and timing of metamorphic event, those three locations almost similar metamorphic evolutions, started from high pressure-low temperature metamorphic rocks of subduction zone metamorphism, then later overprinting by Barrovian medium pressure temperature of regional metamorphism.





: JAKARTA HEAD OFFICE World Trade Center II Metropolitan Complex Jl. Jend.Sudirman Kav.29-31, Jakarta 12920 Telephone : +62 (21) 523 1999 Fax : +62 (21) 523 1888 Website : Contact : Company Profile TOTAL IN INDONESIA COMMITTED TO BETTER ENERGY TOTAL has been active in Indonesia for more than four decades. Together with its partners, TOTAL has written a major part in the energy history of Indonesia. ACHIEVING BEYOND EXPECTATION FOR 47 YEARS Since 2000, TOTAL has become Indonesia's largest gas producer and in 2005 the plateau of 2.6 Bscf per day was achieved. TOTAL as operator of the Mahakam Block produced the first oil in 1974 from the Bekapai field, and which was soon followed by production from the Handil field, where the oil production peak of 230,000 bbls per day was reached in 1977. Then, gas production began with large reserves found in Tambora (1974), Tunu (1977), Peciko (1983), Sisi (1986), Nubi (1992), and South Mahakam fields (Stupa 1996 and Mandu 2007). In addition to the Mahakam Block, TOTAL is also the Operator of the Tengah and the Telen blocks in the Offshore Mahakam. TOTAL-operated production contributes 83% of feed gas to the Bontang LNG plant which currently produces around 6.6 MTPA LNG, and 81% of natural gas to the various domestic buyers (i.e. fertilizer plants, ammonia plants, methanol plant, power plant and city gas) in East Kalimantan. Moreover, TOTAL was the pioneer in delivering the first LNG to the domestic market in Java, Nusantara Regas, starting 2012 for 11.75 MT expected over 11 years. TOTAL has also delivered more than 329 kt LPG per year to support the conversion program of kerosene to LPG in Indonesia. CREATING A NOTABLE HISTORY FOR A BRIGHTER FUTURE Since 2008, TOTAL has exerted a strong effort to expand its asset portfolio in Indonesia. As of 2014, TOTAL participates in 13 exploration blocks in Indonesia making it the largest block holder among the Majors and one of the largest acreage holders. This includes 6 deep offshore blocks in Makassar Strait, Offshore Kalimantan, and Offshore Bengkulu, where TOTAL will apply its worldwide deepwater experience. At the same time, TOTAL has invested heavily to extend the Mahakam field life through innovative projects and to bring new fields into production (Jempang/Metulang started in 2015). CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY TOTAL is committed to sustainable development through its five corporate focuses in Indonesia: Education and Research; Health and Nutrition; Community Economic Empowerment; Environment and Alternative Energies; and Native Heritage Preservation.




: Patra Jasa Office Tower Lt. 5 Jl. Gatot Subroto KAV. 32 – 34 Jakarta 12950 Telephone : 021 – 52900900 Fax : 021 – 52900597 Website : Contact : Abdul Malik Pjs. Corporate Secretary


Company Profile PEPC menjalankan proses bisnis dengan mengintegrasikan tiga kegiatan utama Minyak dan Gas sektor Hulu, yaitu eksplorasi, pengembangan dan produksi untuk mendapatkan kinerja dan hasil yang optimal. Integrasi ketiganya memungkinkan PEPC untuk mengalokasikan sumberdaya, strategi dan kebijakan secara optimal dalam mencapai tujuan perusahaan. Gambaran singkat mengenai proses bisnis PEPC adalah sebagai berikut: Pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder) PEPC terdiri dari pemegang saham (shareholder), Pemerintah Republik Indonesia, dan pihak lainnya. Pemegangsaha meliputi PT Pertamina (Persero) dan Koperasi Energi Indonesia. Pemerintah Republik Indonesia diwakili oleh Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM), Kementerian Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN), Kementerian Keuangan, Badan Pelaksana (BP) Migas dan Pemerintah Daerah (Provinsi Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur). Sedangkan pihak lainnya mencakup masyarakat dan pekerja PEPC. Empat peran utama PEPC meliputi sebagai berikut: 1. Sebagai Partner 2. Sebagaipengawaspenyaluranminyakmentah Banyu Urip – FSO CintaNatomas. 3. Pengelola Perusahaan Perseroan. 4. Operator Gas



: Menara Bidakara 2 Lt.16 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 71-73 Jakarta Telephone : +6221 – 8292 784 Fax : +6221-8292903 Website : Contact : Acep Dedi Effendi / +628123453673 Mohd Shafiee Surip/ +601 63087552

Company Profile Established 2011, PT Sigur Ros Indonesia has been providing construction and support services including Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Installation, and Precommissioning service to the oil and gas industry in Indonesia. Core Services We provide the services for: Pipeline Installation and Pre-commissioning Fabrication and Construction of Offshore Sub-Structure Project implementation and management services We also have our own equipment and PLB as part of our core asset to support above mentioned work scope, i.e : Pipelay Barge ; Aussie 1 with 90 MT tensioner and ArwanaSatu 60 MT tensioner Saturated and air Diving Equipment ROV (125 HP) work-class system Pre-commissioning and Nitrogen Generator equipment. Key Elements of Our Services Experienced Management Team Proactive Project Management Approach Highly Skilled Workforce Uncompromised Safety and Quality Standards




: Perkantoran Hijau Arkadia JL. TB Simatupang Kav.88 Jakarta 12520 Telephone : 021-78838000 Fax : Website : Contact :

Company Profile BP has been in Indonesia for almost 50 years and is one of the largest foreign investors in the country. Every BP's main business stream is represented here – upstream, downstream, petrochemicals, and supply and trading. Tangguh LNG is BP's main business in Indonesia. Located in Teluk Bintuni, Papua Barat, it is the first fully integrated LNG operations, and also one of the largest LNG facilities in the country. We directly support development in education, health, livelihood, governance, community relations, capacity building and Papuan enterprise. BP's supply and trading activities maximize the value of the company asset base for the Group and its customers. PT Jasatama Petroindo is BP's integrated supply and trading arm in Indonesia. Castrol has been recognized as a top international lubricant brand in Indonesia. Most of Castrol's lubricant products are manufactured at its world-class, fully automated lube oil blending plant in Merak, Banten. BP Petrochemicals Indonesia is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the BP group, producing and marketing 525,000 tons a year of purified terephthalic acid (PTA) in Indonesia. VICO Indonesia is a joint venture of which BP has 38% interest, operating the Sanga Sanga PSC in Kutai basin, East Kalimantan for more than 40 years.


ELNUSA PARTY A5.14 2D SEISMIC BUNYU Address Telephone Fax Website Contact


: : : : :



Telephone Fax Webstite CP

: Wisma GKBI, 27-30th floor Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 28 Jakarta 10210 : 021- 2924 2685 : 021- 5798 6222 : :

Company Profile ExxonMobil is the world's largest publicly traded integrated petroleum and natural gas company. Our company and its affiliates are present on a global scale. We operate facilities and market products around the world, and explore for oil and natural gas on six continents. We lead the industry in almost every aspect of the energy and petrochemical business. To help meet the world's growing energy needs, ExxonMobil is involved in the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas; the manufacture of petroleum products; and the transportation and sale of crude oil, natural gas, and petroleum products. We area major manufacturer and marketer of commodity and specialty petrochemicals and have interests in electric power generation facilities. Our extensive research programs support operations, enable continuous improvement in each of these businesses, and explore emerging energy sources and technologies. • Upstream The company holds exploration and production acreage in 38 countries and conducts production operations in 23 countries around the world. • Downstream We have interests in 37 refineries, and fuels and lubes marketing activities around the world. We are the largest global refiner, manufacturer of lube basestocks, and supplier/marketer of petroleum products. • Chemical We are a global leader in the petrochemical industry. Over 90 percent of our chemical businesses rank first or second, by market position, worldwide. • Technology Over the past five years, ExxonMobil has invested more than USD 5 billion in technology.


The Source for Critical Information and Insight






: Menara Kuningan 18th & 20th Floor Jl. HR. Rasuna said blok x/7 kav. 5 Jakarta 12940 Telephone : 021- 29321600 Fax : 021- 29529990 Website : Contact : Angga Aria

Company Profile Joint Operating Body Pertamina-PetroChina East Java (JOB P-PEJ) is an operator of upstream oil and gas activity, which participating interest own by Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) and PetroChina International Companies in Indonesia (PCI). Its operation activity started on February 29, 1988, by JOB Pertamina-Trend Tuban, before it changed the management for several times into JOB Pertamina-Santa Fe Tuban (1993), JOB PertaminaDevon Tuban (2001), and finally became JOB Pertamina-PetroChina East Java in the year 2002. As an operator of upstream oil and gas activity of SKK Migas, Joint Operating Body Pertamina-PetroChina East Java, or JOB P-PEJ, is working on the Tuban Block area, which divided into East Tuban covering areas of Sidoarjo, Mojokerto, Gresik and Lamongan Regencies, West Tuban covering areas of Tuban and Bojonegoro Regencies. After the closure of some non productive wells, currently JOB P-PEJ is operating wells and production facilities on Bojonegoro, Tuban and Gresik Regencies.




Telephone Fax Website Contact

: Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Suite 1502, 15th floor, Tower 2 JL. Jend Sudirman Kav 52-53 Jakarta 12190 : 021-52912900 : 021-30004020 : : Fajar Daely External Relations & Security Manager

Company Profile Ophir Energy is an independent Upstream oil and gas exploration and production company focused on Asia and Africa. Ophir creates value by finding resources and then monetising them at the appropriate time. Ophir's vision is to be the leading independent international oil and gas exploration and production company. Ophir's model for value creation is through the exploration and appraisal phases of the E&P cycle; and through monetising assets at the appropriate time to capture optimum value for shareholders. Our job is to find resources for the minimal capital outlay and then to monetise them for the highest possible price. Ophir operates across the full cycle of Upstream activity with production, development and exploration assets in Asia and exploration, appraisal and production assets in Africa.




: Graha Rekso Building 6th Floor, Jl. Boulevard Artha Gading Kav. A1, Sentra Business Artha Gading, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14240 Telephone : 021 - 45856228 Fax : 021 - 45856229 Website : Contact : Lilies

Company Profile PT Daqing Citra Petroleum Technology Services (DCPTS) is a subsidiary of Daqing Oilfield Ltd. which is the biggest oil company in China. We were exist in Indonesia since 2001 for Seismic Data Acquisition Services. Until now 2014, we have completed 33 projects for 2D and 3D land seismic data aquisition which are Pertamina, Chevron, Medco,Tropic Energy, Irian Petroleum (IPL), SPC Mahakam Hilir, etc., as our clients. All of the project are located in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java and Papua. DCPTS with all of our heart always provide new technology and satisfy our customer.




: Graha Elnusa, 16th Floor Jl.TB Simatupang Kav. 1 B Jakarta 12560 Indonesia Telephone : 62-21 7883 0850 Fax : 7883 0883/7883 0907 Website : Contact :

Company Profile Established in 1969, PT. Elnusa Tbk. has emerged as one of the most prominent entity in energy industry, especially oil and gas industry in Indonesia. Better known today as Elnusa, we offer vast array of integrated services with reliable operational performance, best quality and acknowledged HSE reputation. Supported by strong business support from subsidiaries and professional team, we deliver operation excellence covering the nation. Our long history of success for more thank 40 years has encouraged us to pursue higher targets and significant improvement. The trust given by reputable national and multinational companies that we have earned through hard work and proven track records will strongly drive us further to accept the challenges for the success of your business.




: Jl. Mesjid No.17 Petukangan Utara, Kebayoran Lama - Jakarta 12260 Telephone : 021 – 736 5365/66 Fax : 021 – 584 6562 Website : Contact : Sani H. Gunawan

Company Profile PT. GEOSERVICES is a limited company (Ltd.) that has a solid base of expertise covering all aspects of the exploration and development of Indonesia's oil, gas, coal, mineral, and geothermal industries. Originally providing field sampling and chemical analysis for the mineral industry, PT. GEOSERVICES has diversified its services and broadened its clientele. Today it is a one-stop organization that can fulfill all exploration and analysis requirements for each of the industrial sectors it serves. To provide better service throughout the archipelago, PT. GEOSERVICES steadily expanded its operations from its original Bandung base, established in 1971. The company now has branch offices in Jakarta and Singapore as well as other key locations, including Samarinda (East Kalimantan), Balikpapan (East Kalimantan), Banjarbaru (South Kalimantan), and Pekanbaru (Riau). PT. GEOSERVICES internationally known for expertise and reliability in all areas of its activities. The growth of the company's size and reputation has been rooted in the excellence of its employees. The foundation for this excellence is a long-term commitment to the development of skills and knowledge, including off-shore training of local employees and interaction with expatriate consultants who relocate to Indonesia for varying periods of time. To facilitate technology transfer PT. GEOSERVICES enters into Joint Venture or Technical Assistance agreements with foreignbased companies that are recognized as leaders in their respective fields. The combination of experienced personnel, modern instrumentation, extensive staff training, and strict quality control procedures has gained PT. GEOSERVICES worldwide acceptance. Dedication to maintaining these high standards in Indonesia ensures that the company's services will enjoy international recognition for many years to come.



PT. KPM OIL & GAS Address

: Jl. Sungai Sambas 2/17 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Telephone : (021) 725 2833 Fax : (021) 725 2834 Website : Contact : Kezia Zoe (Human Capital Manager) +62-8111 878 179,

Company Profile KPM Oil and Gasfocusing on steel-related products and gas modular equipments that meet international standards for oil and gas industries in Indonesia. As a trusted partner of local leading oil and gas companies, we take part in our clients' major projects through provision of services ranging from Engineering, Procurement, Construction and Installation (EPCI) to plant operation and maintenance. Being fully compliant with the best industrial standards and international practices, our solid and committed team will ensure that you get the best customized solutions for whatever your scale of project, at all times



: Jl. Rawagelam l No. 9 Kawasan Industri Pulogadung Jakarta Timur Telephone : 62.21. 4602015 Fax : 62.21. 4614010 Website : Contact : Astraditya

Company Profile PT Pamapersada Nusantara (PAMA) is a company engaging in the “mining and earth moving contractor� sector. Originating from the rental division of PT United Tractors, Tbk. until 1993 when it was finally established as an independent company. Various mining projects (such as coal, gold and quarry), construction projects, land preparation and logging became part of Pama's competencies. Hitherto, PAMA's subsidiary companies consist of among others PT Kalimantan Prima Persada, PT Prima Multi Mineral, PT Pama Indo Mining, PT Asmin Bara Bronang, PT Asmin Bara Jaan, PT Tuah Turangga Agung, PT Bukit Enim Energi, PT Energia Prima Nusantara and PT Sumbawa Jutaraya. Following are our partners in business: PT Adaro Indonesia, PT Kaltim Prima Coal, PT Indominco Mandiri, PT Trubaindo Coal Mining, PT Bharinto Ekatama, PT Anugerah Bara Kaltim, PT Arutmin Indonesia, PT Jembayan Muarabara, PT Bahari Cakrawala Sebuku,PT BHP Kendilo Coal Indonesia, PD Baramarta. PAMA is aware that the application of Good Corporate Governance is an integral part of the business success and corporate image improvement. Likewise, Good Mining Practices have also been a major part of PAMA's work process. The preceding has contributed in maximizing production, a better environment impacts management and improvement towards safety and health aspects of work. To support the aforementioned, PAMA has implemented ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14064-2. PAMA as a leading company also implements the Corporate Social Responsibility programs focusing in developing the community self reliance, none other by educational enhancement and income generating activity. Along with the spirit of innovation that never separates from any of Pama's operational aspects. The application of appropriate and current technologies is part of the ongoing effort to ensure that Customers' requests are being fulfilled.




: Jl. Terusan Arjuna No. 105 Kebon Jeruk Jakarta 11510 Telephone : +6221 567 1503 Fax : +6221 568 8344 Website : Contact : Syukron Romadloni +62 878 8388 6489


Company Profile PT. PATRA DINAMIKA (PADI) is an Indonesia National Company, which has been for over 15 years as a leading company underwater services in Indonesia region. PADI has been the active member both IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) and ADCI (Association Of Diving Contractors International) since the year of 2000 and holding certificate of ISO 9001-2008 as well, proving it's care for Quality Management to guarantee customer's satisfaction. As a professional national diving company, PADI has an outstanding share in participating in the development of Offshore Industry program supported by executive and expert personnel having qualification and experiences for 5 to 30 years and exclusively supported by National and International Partners as well. From the very beginning PADI has intensively developed its resources to anticipate the client's changing needs. The whole supports has made PADI become an excellence and trusted National Company in underwater services business. In line with the vision and mission, PADI always be trying to be a company which always develops quality of professional services in underwater services business in order to take care of the customer trust.




: Menara Kuningan JL. H.R. Rasuna Said Blok X-7 Kav 5 Jakarta 12940 Telephone : +6221 5794 5300 Fax : +6221 5794 5250 Website : Contact : Ginandjar (021) 5794 5300 - 8050

Company Profile Operating in 26 countries with over 400,000 employees, PetroChina Company Limited (PetroChina) was established on November 5, 1999 as a joint stock company with limited liability under the Company Law of the People's Republic of China. PetroChina was established as part of the restructuring of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) and is CNPC's largest holding subsidiary. Its stock equity is listed in Hong Kong, Shanghai and New York. In 2002, PetroChina acquired Devon Energy Companies and made Indonesia its first and one of its foremost international oil and gas exploration and production ventures. Devon Energy itself had acquired Santa Fe Energy Resources back in 2000, and had signed its first Production Sharing Contract (PSC) as Trend International Limited, with Pertamina, Indonesia's state oil company, in 1970. Seeing the potential in the vast archipelago, PetroChina invested aggressively and developed oil and gas production fields in Jambi Province, West Papua and East Java. The investment paid off. After PetroChina's acquisition, production dramatically increased to 90,000 BOEPD. PetroChina has also since become a vital supplier of natural gas to Singapore. Despite its success over the past few years, PetroChina shows no sign of slowing down. It will continue to break new grounds and expand its market as the company grows in the coming years. Aiming to raise production, it plans to drill exploration and development wells in oil and gas fields it operates, that are the 1,643 Sq.Km. Jabung Block, the 770 Sq.Km Bangko Block, the 1,478 Sq.Km Tuban Block, the 1,907 Sq.Km Salawati Island Block and the 885 Sq.Km Salawati Basin Block.





: PHE Tower Floor MZ – 11 Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 99 Jakarta 12520 Telephone : 021-7883 9000 Fax : 021-7883 9909 Website : Contact :

Company Profile Operating from 1971, PHE ONWJ has been recognized in managing offshore oil and gas fields. The PHE ONWJ area stretches from north of Cirebon to KepulauanSeribu, as wide as 8,300 km2. With the oil production target of 39,4 MBOPD and gas production target of 179.7 MMSCFD in 2014, PHE ONWJ is acknowledged as one of the largest oil and gas producers in Indonesia. The Key Objectives of PHE ONWJ are Safe and Reliable Operations, Grow Production Efficiently and Commercially, Focus on Reserves Adding Activities, and People Development. With those objectives, supported by competent human resources and the latest technology, PHE ONWJ continues to perform various activities to optimize oil and gas production to support Pertamina's vision to be the World Class National Energy Company.



: PHE Tower Floor 16-20 Jl. TB Simatupang Kav. 99 Jakarta 12520 Telephone : 021-2954 7500 Fax : 021-29547986 Website : Contact :

Company Profile PT PertaminaHuluEnergi West Madura Offshore (PHE WMO) aims to contribute to Indonesian oil and gas exploration and production through continuous growth and innovative exploration and exploitation programs. With current oil production of around 21 MBOPD and gas production of 117 MMSCFD, PHE WMO believes that it will remain vital to East Java and the surrounding areas. Since taking over from previous operator in May 2011, PHE WMO was able to maintain and increase production in most of the producing wells. High rate of natural production decline prompts the management to take strategic measure in exploring and exploiting the Area in south of WMO Block. Several exploration programs have been conducted that include Exploratory Drilling; 3D Seismic Acquisition Processing; Development Drilling and Production Facilities as well as other maintenance works within the concession. Currently WMO is conducting integrated POD field development operations (phase-1), covering 6 fields in the southern part of the WMO block. In order to increase reserve and achieve key objectives, PHE WMO have developed and recruited the most talented human capital that will contribute to their fullest in reaching our goals. PHE WMO is committed not only to conducting safe and reliable operations, but also improve production efficiently. We have achieved the Green PROPER award through our efforts in preserving environment, thus rewarded with the awards for two consecutive years. In parallel we are setting high standards for offshore operations across the nation. Our goal is simply to become a world class company achieving sustainable growth by increasing production that will add values to our key stakeholders.




: Patra Jasa Office Tower Lt. 5 Jl. Gatot Subroto KAV. 32 – 34 Jakarta 12950 Telephone : 021 – 52900900 Fax : 021 – 52900597 Website : Contact : Abdul Malik Pjs. Corporate Secretary

PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) merupakan Anak Perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero) yang bergerak di bidang Minyak dan Gas Bumi dalam area kegiatan Usaha Hulu, yang meliputi Eksplorasi, Eksploitasi dan Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi, dalam rangka mengembangkan Blok Cepu. Blok Cepu merupakan wilayah Kerja Pertambangan (WKP) migas yang mencakup 3 (tiga) wilayah yaitu Kabupaten Bojonegoro dan Kabupaten Tuban - Provinsi Jawa Timur serta Kabupaten Blora - Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Dalam mengelola Blok Cepu PEPC memiliki Participating interest (PI) sebesar 45% diikuti dengan Exxonmobil melalui anak perusahaannya yaitu ExxonMobil Cepu Ltd (EMCL) 20% dan Ampolex 25% serta 10% dari BUMD. Adapun pencapaian PEPC dalam mengelola Blok Cepu dari mulai terbentuk hingga saat ini yaitu: 14 September 2005 Pendirian PT Pertamina EP Cepu (PEPC) 17 September 2005 Pengelolaan Blok Cepu. Penandatanganan Kontrak Kerja Sama (KKS) antara SKK Migas (mewakili Pemerintah) dan Kontraktor (PEPC sebagai Anak Perusahaan PT Pertamina (Persero), EMCL dan Ampolex sebagai anak perusahaan ExxonMobil) yang berlaku sampai dengan 30 tahun. 15 Maret 2006 Pada tanggal 15 Maret 2006 ditandatangani Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) Blok Cepu antara MCL, Ampolex dan PEPC yang berlaku efektif mundur sejak tanggal 17 September 2005. Di dalam JOA tersebut juga dinyatakan bahwa MCL ditunjuk sebagai Operator Blok Cepu. 31 Agustus 2009 Produksi minyak Perdana Lapangan Banyu Urip dari Early Production Facilities (EPF) 30 Oktober 2008 & 26 Februari 2009 Penandatanganan Suplemen atas Joint Operating Agreement (JOA)


17 Agustus 2011 Pada tanggal 17 Agustus 2011 telah ditandatangani Head Of Agreement (HOA) antara MCL, PEPC, dan PT Pertamina EP (PEP) berisikan: 1. Unitisasi Lapangan Jambaran (milik KKKS Blok Cepu) dengan lapangan Tiung Biru (milik PEP) 2. PEPC sebagai Operator Unitisasi Lapangan Jambaran- Tiung Biru 3. Pengembangan terintegrasi lapangan Unitisasi dengan Lapangan Cendana 14 September 2012 Pada tanggal 14 September 2012 dilakukan penandatanganan oleh para pihak Kontraktor yang melakukan unitisasi terhadap perjanjian - perjanjian yang mendukung terjadinya Unitisasi, yaitu antara lain: a. Unitization Agreement (UA) b. Unit Operation Agreement (UOA) c. Cepu Gas Marketing Agreement (CGMA) d. Operatorship Transfer & Transition Plan (OTTP) 18 Maret 2013 Persetujuan Pelaksanaan Unitisasi Lapangan Jambaran - Tiung Biru dan ditunjuknya PEPC sebagai Operator Pelaksanaan Unitisasi dari Kementerian ESDM dan SKK Migas tanggal 18 Maret 2013 23 Oktober 2014 Produksi Blok Cepu meningkat sebesar 10.000 BOPD melalui program Early Oil Expansion (EOE) 12 April 2015 Lifting Perdana Minyak dari Lapangan Banyu Urip 21 Maret 2015 Peningkatan produksi minyak Banyu Urip dengan Wellpad B – Early Oil (WPB-EO) sampai dengan 40.000 BOPD dimulai pada 21 Maret 2015. Status produksi per 31 April 2015 52,547.60 BOPD (YTD 2015). 17 Agustus 2015 Persetujuan Rencana Pengembangan (Plan of Development) Lapangan Jambaran- Tiung Biru yang merupakan lapangan unitisasi antara WK Blok Cepu dan WK Pertamina EP.



PUDC : Jl. Raya Pasar Minggu Km. 18 No. 18 Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta Telephone : Fax : Website : Contact : Address

Company Profile Area Penyimpanan Area gedung data terbagi menjadi 6 lantai, terdiri dari: Ruang core Ruang Cartridge Ruang dokumentasi Security CCTV- Semua area outdoor dan indoor dilengkapi dengan system CCTV sehingga kawasan menjadi lebih terjamin. Restricted Access- tidak semua orang dapat mengakses area gedung data karena dibatasi oleh pintu yang menggunankan access card. Hal ini membuat orang yang tidak dikehendaki masuk ke area gedung data tidak dapat mengakses data di area tersebut. Green Concept and Energy Saving. Pencegahan Bahaya Kebakaran Penggunaan heat detector pada panel listrik membuat penanggulangan kebakaran pada sumber api dapat dilakukan secara otomatis. Setiap panel listrik dalam gedung data dilengkapi dengan system deteksi dan pemadam api otomatis sehingga data akan aman dari kebakaran. MDT Merupakan suatu system aplikasi untuk menajemen/pengolaan data upstream secara terintegrasi, baik data fisik (hardcopy document, contoh batuan, magnetic tape, dll) maupun data digital ( data yang tersimpan secara online di server storage) yang bisa diakses secara online oleh seluruh penggunaan data upstream di lingkungan PT Pertamina (persero) dan Anak Perusahaan Hulu. DG Remastering data menyediakan jasa menyalin, mengedit, dan reformatting data dari berbagai media masukan, ke salah satu media output yang terdaftar input data nantinya bisa menjadi format yang dikenal segala media dan kondisi.



: Wisma Mulia 42nd floor Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav.42 Jakarta 12710 Indonesia Telephone : +6221 29530500 Fax : +622129428221 Website : Contact : Arturo Blanco Company Profile Schlumberger (NYSE:SLB) is the world's leading supplier of technology, integrated project management and information solutions to customers working in the oil and gas industry worldwide. Employing approximately 108,000 people representing over 140 nationalities and working in more than 85 countries, Schlumberger provides the industry's widest range of products and services from exploration through production. The Schlumberger offerings combine domain expertise, best practices, safe and environmentally sound well site operations, innovative technologies, and high-quality support aimed at helping its customers increase oilfield efficiency, lower finding and producing costs, improve productivity, maximize reserve recovery, and increase asset value in a safe, environmentally sound manner. Schlumberger manages its business through 35 GeoMarket regions, which are grouped into four geographic areas: North America, Latin America, Europe & Africa, Russia, Middle East and Asia. The GeoMarket structure offers customers a single point of contact at the local level for field operations and brings together geographically focused teams to meet local needs and deliver customized solutions. Working together with the company's technology segments, the GeoMarkets provide a powerful conduit through which information and know-how flow to the customers, and through which Schlumberger engineers and geoscientists maximize technological synergies over the entire life of the field. The company was founded by the two Schlumberger brothers who invented wireline logging as a technique for obtaining downhole data in oil and gas wells. Today, it continues to build on the industry's longest track record of providing leading edge E&P technology to develop new advancements-from reservoir to surface. Schlumberger has always invested significant time and money on research and engineering as a long-term strategy to support and grow its technology leadership. Short-term business cycles do not affect this. In 2014, we invested $1.21 billion in R&E for our oilfield activities. Schlumberger invests more each year in R&E than all other oilfield services companies combined.




: Jalan Batara No. 1-B Babakan-Ciluar, Bogor - 16156 Telephone : +62-251-8662661 Fax : +62-251-8664961 Website : Contact : Sumardiman DW and Company Profile SUMACORP, is a group of companies founded in 28 July 1999 by the former BHP Minerals Exploration Group employees. Of these are PT. Sumagud Sapta Sinar and PT. Namsuma Luban Abadi who serve planning and executing any exploration work such as desk review, due diligence, reconnaissance, general survey, prospecting, detailed exploration, 3D modeling and resources estimation. Being professionals and experiences with BHP Minerals Exploration Group Worldwide, the work not only covers Indonesia but also overseas. All work is managed from our base office in Bogor. Apart from exploration work, we also do drilling, downhole geophysical logging (including in deep wells for CBM Exploration), and tenement services. With respect to drilling, a total depth of more than 837,000 m have been drilled. While more than 632,000 m have been downhole geophysically logged. We have also performed of Drilling under water/sea level: below the base of active Sungai Mahakam with large diameter (up to 60 cm diameter) for port piling foundation at Separi East Kalimantan, offshore piling drilling for base of the refinery in South Kalimantan and wharf works in South-Kalimantan. Clients include Banpu Group, Bayan Resources, PT. Bumi Resources Tbk, PT. Kideco Jaya Agung/ Indika Energy, Sinar Mas Energy & Mining, Hasnur Group, Asia Gold Group/ Ivanhoe Mines Corp., ABK Group/ Anugerah Bara Kaltim; Arutmin; Bara Hugo Energy; Bayan Resources Group; BHPBilliton; Britmindo; Bukit Baiduri; Citra Palu Minerals/ Bumi Resources Group; Comexindo Intl.; East Asia Power Indonesia/ Pacific Oil & Gas Group; Energy Drilling Indonesia; Geo Drilling Indonesia/ Sugico; GMT Indonesia; Golder Associated; Gorontalo Minerals/ Bumi Resources Group; Hasnur Group; Indominco Mandiri/ Trubaindo/ Banpu Group; Indonesia Coal Development/ a JV Company of Churchill Mining Plc; Internasional Prima Coal/ Rajawali Group; Kideco Jaya Agung/ Indika Energy; Kimco; Korion Minerals; Marunda Graha Mineral; Mega Global Energy; Millenium Group including Setia Mineral Resources, Millenium Mining Resources, and Millenium Danatama Resources; Rebound Jaya Indonesia; Samuel International; SWCI/ Arrow Energy Pty. Ltd.; Nuansacipta Coal Investment; TransAsia Resources; Transcoal Minergy/ PanAsia; Trisensa Group; Uangel Sigma Energi/ Blue Tiger Co. Ltd.; JResources Nusantara including Sago Prima Pratama.




: Flevolaan 7, 1601 MA Enkhuizen, The Netherlands Telephone : +31228355555 Fax : +31228355520 Website : Contact : Lennert Bakker

Company Profile Flexible Composite Pipes, as introduced by Soluforce® in the year 2000, are currently changing the way oil and gas is being transported. At SoluForce® we develop, manufacture and market flexible composite pipes for various uses in the oil and gas industry. We are the technological leader in manufacturing flexible composite pipes, or FCP. Customers around the world have been benefiting from the SoluForce® system products, know-how and experience. They use our system for both onshore and offshore applications such as flow lines, water injection or gas transport. The SoluForce® pipe system is completely non-metallic and meets international standards for water, hydrocarbons and gas applications. We supply a complete fitting system for our flexible RTPs. This makes it easy to connect a SoluForce® pipe to a conventional pipeline infrastructure, as well as to other SoluForce® pipes. Our philosophy is to add value forour customers and make their operation safe and more efficient. So naturally we supply installation equipment and certified installation engineers to wherever our customers require them.





Telephone Fax Website Contact

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Gedung Wisma Mulia Lantai 35 Jl. Gatot Subroto No.42, Jakarta 12710 021 – 2924 1607 021 – 2924 9999

Company Profile Satuan Kerja Khusus Pelaksana Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi (SKK Migas) adalah institusi yang dibentuk oleh pemerintah Republik Indonesia melalui Peraturan Presiden (Perpres) Nomor 9 Tahun 2013 tentang Penyelenggaraan Pengelolaan Kegiatan Usaha Hulu Minyak dan Gas Bumi. SKK Migas bertugas melaksanakan pengelolaan kegiatan usaha hulu minyak dan gas bumi berdasarkan Kontrak Kerja Sama. Pembentukan lembaga ini dimaksudkan supaya pengambilan sumber daya alam minyak dan gas bumi milik negara dapat memberikan manfaat dan penerimaan yang maksimal bagi negara untuk sebesar-besar kemakmuran rakyat. Dalam melaksanakan tugas tersebut, SKK Migas menyelenggarakan fungsi : ·

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Memberikan pertimbangan kepada Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral atas kebijaksanaannya dalam hal penyiapan dan penawaran Wilayah Kerja serta Kontrak Kerja Sama; Melaksanakan penandatanganan Kontrak Kerja Sama; Mengkaji dan menyampaikan rencana pengembangan lapangan yang pertama kali akan diproduksikan dalam suatu Wilayah Kerja kepada Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral untuk mendapatkan persetujuan; Memberikan persetujuan rencana pengembangan selain sebagaimana dimaksud dalam poin sebelumnya; Memberikan persetujuan rencana kerja dan anggaran; Melaksanakan monitoring dan melaporkan kepada Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral mengenai pelaksanaan Kontrak Kerja Sama; dan Menunjuk penjual minyak bumi dan/atau gas bumi bagian negara yang dapat memberikan keuntungan sebesar-besarnya bagi negara.


LANDMARK – HALLIBURTON Address Telephone Fax Website Contact

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Company Profile Landmark, a Halliburton business line, is the leading technology solutions provider of data and analytics, science, software, and services for the exploration and production industry. Landmark's innovative, integrated technology and services provide support for key decision points in the oil and gas life cycle, enabling energy companies around the world to lower costs, boost production, and increase productivity and profitability. Landmark's innovative culture has enabled its colleagues to originate, design, build, and maintain a complete end-to-end portfolio of product and services that customers working in upstream exploration, development, and production environments have come to trust and rely on, whatever their challenge. With the most advanced geoscience mapping and interpretation platform in the industry, Landmark helps you quickly and accurately assesses shale resources, optimize well placement, geosteer wells in real time, and maximize stimulation potential. Landmark's integrated software and unique data management solutions can help you create more accurate subsurface images, drill safely in extreme environments, and optimize production from your strategic assets. Landmark can help your geoscientists and reservoir engineers collaborate more effectively in solving mature-field challenges by reinforcing understanding of the geology, redefining volumes in place, identifying potential recoverable fluids and proposing new solutions for field development. Landmark's global sales, services, and support teams engage with customers worldwide, changing the way they work and enabling them to make faster and more accurate decisions. Landmark continues to pioneer new ways of delivering collaborative environments through a consistent representation of the subsurface via the only modern integrated enterprise platform available to the industry. Through its technical and scientific leadership, Landmark envisions, invests in, evolves, and advances E&P technologies which, ultimately, create lifetime customer value.





: Wisma Mulia Building - 46th Floor Jl. Jend. GatotSubroto No. 42 Jakarta 12710 Telephone : 021 – 29530 500 Fax : 021 – 2942 8244 Website : / Contact : Amalia Marthalova – 021 29530315

Company Profile Schlumberger Limited (NYSE:SLB) is the world's leading oilfield services company supplying technology, information solutions and integrated project management that optimize reservoir performance for customers working in the oil and gas industry. Founded in 1926, today the company employs more than 115,000 people of over 140 nationalities working in approximately 85 countries. The company was founded by the two Schlumberger brothers who invented wireline logging as a technique for obtaining downhole data in oil and gas wells. Today, it continues to build on the industry's longest track record of providing leading edge E&P technology to develop new advancements-from reservoir to surface. Schlumberger has always invested significant time and money on research and engineering as a long-term strategy to support and grow its technology leadership. Short-term business cycles do not affect this. In 2011, we invested $1.1 billion in R&D for our oilfield activities. Schlumberger invests more each year in R&D than all other oilfield services companies combined Schlumberger services and solutions combine domain expertise, best practices, safe and environmentally sound well site operations, innovative technologies, and high-quality support aimed at helping its customers increase oilfield efficiency, lower finding and producing costs, improve productivity, maximize reserve recovery, and increase asset value in a safe, environmentally sound manner.



: Talavera Office Park Floor 28 Jl. T. B. SimatupangKav. 22-26 Jakarta, 12430 Telephone : 021 – 7599 9922 Fax : Website : Contact : Dipti Thakur

Company Profile Ikon Science builds solutions for the most challenging E&P problems around the globe, through a culture of bold innovation and a unique approach to cross-discipline collaborative workflows. With expertise in Rock Physics, Seismic Inversions, 4D, Geopressure and Geomechanics, we deliver reliable quantitative subsurface predictions of the key reservoir properties (lithology, fluids, pressures and stresses) needed to plan safe, cost-effective wells and define optimal development strategies for new and existing fields. Ikon Science is the only independent company to deliver technology through software licensing, plug-ins to industry platforms, solution-oriented services, nonexclusive regional studies, knowledge management tools and real-time monitoring.



BADAN GEOLOGI Address Telephone Fax Website Contact

: Jl. Diponegoro 57, Bandung 40122 : : : :

Company Profile Badan Geologi merupakan salah satu unit eselon I di lingkungan Kementerian ESDM yang bertugas memberikan pelayanan informasi geologi. Badan Geologi terdiri dari 5 unit kerja yaitu: 1. Sekretariat Badan Geologi 2. Pusat Sumber Daya Geologi 3. Pusat Vulkanologi & Mitigasi Bencana 4. Pusat Lingkungan Geologi 5. Pusat Survei Geologi Visi Geologi untuk perlindungan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat Misi · Mempromosikan geologi untuk kepentingan perencanaan dan penataan wilayah · Mengungkap potensi geo-resources (sumber daya geologi): migas, panas bumi, batubara, mineral dan air tanah serta potensi geologi lainnya · Mengungkap potensi bencana geologi bagi kepentingan perlindungan manusia dan potensi ekonomi · Mendorong penerapan geo-sciences bagi kepentingan konservasi geo-resources dan potensi geologi lainnya serta perlindungan lingkungan Tugas Melaksanakan penelitian dan pelayanan di bidang geologi Fungsi · Perumusan kebijakan di bidang geologi; · Perumusan rencana dan program penelitian dan pelayanan; · Pembinaan dan pelaksanaan penelitian dan pelayanan; · Pelayanan survei geologi, serta penelitian dan pelayanan di bidang sumber daya geologi, vulkanologi dan mitigasi bencana geologi, dan geologi lingkungan; · Pemberian rekomendasi serta penyajian informasi hasil survei, penelitian dan pelayanan; · Evaluasi pelaksanaan penelitian dan pelayanan bidang geologi; · Pelaksanaan urusan administrasi Badan Geologi.


PT. ECI-JGI Address

: Mid Plaza Building, 16th floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 10-11 Jakarta 10220 Telephone : 021 – 5790 7018 Fax : 021 – 5790 7013 Website : Contact : Revellin Atmenda

Company Profile JGI is a specialized technical service company dedicated to the applied geosciences field with the high degree of technical capability consisting of fully experienced experts in geological and geophysical services. JGI has been carrying out a variety of geophysical surveys exploring for petroleum and natural gas energy resources in domestic and overseas, while pursuing research and development of necessary basic and applied technologies. Remote sensing techniques are also used to search the earth from space. JGI's technical services cover not only the field of petroleum and natural gas surveys, but also the exploration for geothermal energy, and a variety of consulting businesses including large scale surveys of the earth's crust of earthquake hazard prevention. Our business field as follows; Geophysical surveys for petroleum and natural gas Processing and analysis of various geophysical survey data Geological analysis and appraisal Remote sensing Ground examinations for building and civil engineering Development and marketing of the related software System development and marketing of the geophysical survey equipment





: The Energy, 11 – 12th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53 SCBD, Jakarta Selatan Telephone : 021 – 2995 1058 Fax : 021 – 2995 1001 Website : Contact : Nisa ( 081294045434

Company Profile PT SakaEnergi Indonesia is the upstream oil and gas subsidiary of PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (Persero) Tbk, more usually referred to as PGN, the Indonesia's largest natural gas transportation and distribution company. Formed on June 27, 2011, SakaEnergi Indonesia currently manages 8 blocks in Indonesia and 1 block in United States of America. Saka is the operator and has a 100 percent interest in Pangkah PSC and South Sesulu PSC and holds participating partners in Bangkanai PSC, West Bangkanai PSC, Ketapang PSC, Southeast Sumatera PSC, MuaraBakau PSC and Muriah PSC also Fasken field in Texas. The South Sesulu Block, located offshore East Kalimantan was awarded in May 2009, currently measures 625 square kilometers after final relinquishment. It is situated in shallow waters of 50 - 100 meters depth around 60 - 80 kilometers off the coast of Balikpapan. The first exploratory well in the block, SIS-A#1, was spudded in December 2014 and reached a total depth of 9.505 feet in February 2015. The well was tested over a carbonate reservoir layer within the Late Miocene Sepinggan Formation at a depth around 5,800 feet resulted in 18 MMscfd production rate at 40/64 inch choke. Provided that the subsequent wells are successful, the SIS-A Field may deliver an initial production around 100 MMscfd in 2019 and the operation may continue to 2039. In addition to SIS-A discovery, at least six (6) other prospects are considered drillable in the block. The block is close to the established Bontang LNG infrastructure in the greater Kutai Basin. Saka holds 100 percent working interests in the block.




Telephone Fax Website Contact

: Mid Plaza 2 Building 24th Floor Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 10-11 Jakarta 10220 : 021 – 573 9668 / 021 – 573 5668 : 021 – 573 9669 : :

Company Profile PetroPro mengkhususkan diri dalam menyediakan jasa dan solusi dalam bidang usaha hulu migas sebagai berikut: 1.

Jasa Teknologi Khusus: penyedia perangkat lunak dan keras yang digunakan untuk memproses, menginterpretasi, memodelkan dan mengelola data seismik dan sumur.


Jasa Konsultan: penyedia tenaga ahli dibidang perminyakan.

Sekelompok profesional berpengalaman lebih dari 20 tahun di bidang jasa migas (Schlumberger, Halliburton, ELNUSA), merealisasikan komitmennya dengan mendirikan PetroPro pada tahun 2009. PetroPro diharapkan akan menjadi penyedia jasa usaha migas profesional, cost effective dan menyerap tenaga kerja nasional. Visi: Menjadi perusahaan jasa perminyakan multinasional yang profesional dan terkemuka dalam rangka menunjang industri hulu minyak dan gas bumi di Indonesia. Misi: Mempekerjakan tenaga kerja yang profesional, terutama tenaga kerja nasional yang selalu terhubung dengan teknologi terkini kelas dunia dibidang jasa hulu perminyakan serta menjalankan bisnisnya secara efisien, cost-effective, dan menerapkan sistem good governance management.




Telephone Fax Website CP

: Plaza 89 JL. HR Rasuna Said Kav X-7 No.6 Jakarta 12940 : 021 – 259 1818 : 021 – 259 1945 : :

Company Profile PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) merupakan perusahaan afiliasi dari FreeportMcMoRan Copper & Gold Inc.. PTFI menambang, memproses dan melakukan eksplorasi terhadap bijih yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak. Beroperasi di daerah dataran tinggi di Kabupaten Mimika Provinsi Papua, Indonesia. Kami memasarkan konsentrat yang mengandung tembaga, emas dan perak ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Kompleks tambang milik kami di Grasberg merupakan salah satu penghasil tunggal tembaga dan emas terbesar di dunia, dan mengandung cadangan tembaga yang dapat diambil yang terbesar di dunia, selain cadangan tunggal emas terbesar di dunia. Grasberg berada di jantung suatu wilayah mineral yang sangat melimpah, di mana kegiatan eksplorasi yang berlanjut membuka peluang untuk terus menambah cadangan kami yang berusia panjang. Tentang Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. (FCX) merupakan perusahaan tambang internasional utama dengan kantor pusat di Phoenix, Arizona, Amerika Serikat. FCX mengelola beragam aset besar berusia panjang yang tersebar secara geografis di atas empat benua, dengan cadangan signifikan terbukti dan terkira dari tembaga, emas dan molybdenum. Mulai dari pegunungan khatulistiwa di Papua, Indonesia, hingga gurungurun di Barat Daya Amerika Serikat, gunung api megah di Peru, daerah tradisional penghasil tembaga di Chile dan peluang baru menggairahkan di Republik Demokrasi Kongo, kami berada di garis depan pemasokan logam yang sangat dibutuhkan di dunia. Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. merupakan perusahaan publik di bidang tembaga yang terbesar di dunia, penghasil utama di dunia dari molybdenum – logam yang digunakan pada campuran logam baja berkekuatan tinggi, produk kimia, dan produksi pelumas – serta produsen besar emas. Selaku pemimpin industri, FCX telah menunjukkan keahlian terbukti untuk teknologi maupun metode produksi menghasilkan tembaga, emas dan molybdenum. FCX menyelenggarakan kegiatan melalui beberapa anak perusahaan utama; PTFI, Freeport-McMoRan Corporation dan Atlantic Copper.



: Jl. Ciledug Raya Kav. 109 Cipulir Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan 12230 Telephone : 021-7394422 Fax : 021-7246150 Website : Contact : Ir. Hartri Sirait, M.Si

Company Profile LEMIGAS is the Government Research and Technology Institution Operating in the area of upstream and downstream oil and gas business. LEMIGAS has key roles in the development of Oil and Gas industry through research, engineering and development activities this institution was fount in June 1965 as the proof of manage the natural resource effectively for the sake of the peoples welfare.





Telephone Fax Website Contact

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Jl. Ciledug Raya Kav 109 Jakarta Selatan 12230 021-7203530 021-7203525 Esti Rahayu

Company Profile Badan Litbang ESDM adalah unit kerja Kementerian ESDM yang melaksanakan penelitian dan pengembangan di bidang energi dan sumber daya mineral; mendukung pelaksanaan kebijakan dan strategi sektor ESDM; serta memfasilitasi terlaksananya perkembangan teknologi, transfer teknologi, peningkatan nilai tambah, dan peningkatan kapasitas di sektor ESDM. Unit kerja Badan Litbang ESDM terdiri dari Sekretariat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan ESDM; Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Minyak dan Gas Bumi "LEMIGAS"; Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Ketenagalistrikan, Energi Baru, Terbarukan dan Konservasi Energi; Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara; dan Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Geologi Kelautan.



: Crown Palace Blok C-25 Jl. Prof Dr. Soepomo No. 231 Tebet, jakarta Selatan Telephone : 021-83787466-67-68 Fax : 021-83787469 Website : Contact : Irwan Sutarya (Business Development Manager)

“Service Excellence�

Company Profile PT. Trimulya Gemilang an Indonesian company that is engaged in the provision of systems and cathodic protection materials. Currently, PT. Trimulya Gemilang has its own aluminum anode casting facilities in the industry, Jababeka Cikarang. In order to develop business in the oil and gas services, PT. Trimulya Gemilang also penetrated into EPCI and integrity management services for oil and gas offshore. In the field of EPCI, we had been working on the installation of subsea pipelines belonging to PHE ONWJ and Pertamina. Meanwhile, in the field of integrity management we have done in the oil rig owned ONWJ PHE, PHE WMO and Premier Oil. In accordance with the company motto of "Service Excellence", PT. Trimulya Gemilang always strive to provide high quality services that can satisfy their customers.




: Patra Office Tower 1st Floor, Suite 1-C, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34 Jakarta 12950 Telephone : 021-5203057 Fax : 021-52901225 Website : Contact : Abdul Manan 0813.162.54474

Company Profile Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineers (IATMI) was estabilished in 1979. Currently, has more than 10.000 members located in 12 countries. Vision: To be independent, respected and progressive professional organization that contributes to the members and development of Indonesia. Mission: Through synergy with related stakeholders, IATMI aims to serve the members to increase knowledge through networking, to support development of petroleum professionals including students and young professionals, to contribute to stakeholders on petroleum technical aspects and regulations. IATMI will also continue to work with other professionals organizations to promote synergy and professionalism.



: Gandaria 8 Office Tower 5th Floor Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Kebayoran Lama Jakarta 12240 Telephone : +62 21 29036664 Fax : Website : Contact : Executive Director: Ir. Edwin Badrusomad

Company Profile AFMI, kepanjangan dari Ikatan Ahli Fasilitas Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi Indonesia, dideklarasikan pada tanggal 20 Juni 2013 di Bandung. Enam bulan kemudian, tanggal 5 Desember 2013, kongres pertama berhasil diselenggarakan di Jakarta. Kongres dihadiri sekitar 200 orang, berhasil mengesahkan Anggaran Dasar, Anggaran Rumah Tangga, Susunan Pengurus, dan Program Kerja. Meskipun baru terbentuk, sesungguhnya keahlian di bidang Fasilitas Produksi Minyak dan Gas Bumi di Indonesia telah hadir sejak lebih dari 40 tahun lalu. Berikut adalah tujuan dan Misi dibentuknya IAFMI, dikutip dari AD/ART IAFMI: 1. Membangun dan mengembangkan jaringan, kompetensi, dan profesionalisme tenaga ahli fasilitas produksi hulu minyak dan gas bumi. 2. Memfasilitasi kemajuan teknologi untuk peningkatan kualitas, tingkat persaingan dan kestabilan industri hulu minyak dan gas bumi. 3. Memberdayakan potensi sumber daya pendukung dalam negeri bagi industri minyak dan gas bumi. 4. Membangun pusat ilmu dan pengetahuan dalam bidang fasilitas produksi hulu minyak dan gas bumi, 5. Memberikan masukan kepada para pemangku kepentingan berkaitan dengan kebijakan bidang fasilitas produksi hulu.




: Crown Palace Blok C no. 28 Jl. Prof. Dr. Supomo SH. No. 231 Jakarta Selatan 12870 Telephone : (021) 83789431 Fax : (021) 83702848 Website : Contact : Mr. Sukmandaru Prihatmoko

Company Profile IAGI – Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (Indonesian Association of Geologists) is a professional organization for geologists in Indonesia. IAGI was established in April 13, 1960 as a not-for-profit organization. The organization arranges regular annual meetings, seminar, luncheon talks, various workshop / course programs, field trips, tour lecturing to universities, and many more geological programs. Each year IAGI published “Warta IAGI” newsletter and “Majalah Geologi Indonesia” technical journal. At the moment, more than 5186 people have been registered as members.



: Patra Office Tower 18th Floor Suite 1820 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 32-34 Jakarta Selatan 12950 Telephone : 021 - 5250040 Fax : 021 - 52900605 Website : Contact : Dicky Rahmadi Aprillian

Company Profile The Indonesian Association of Geophysicists – HAGI (Himpunan Ahli Geofisika Indoensia) is non-profit organization than encourages and develops science and technology of geophysics in Indonesia since 1979. On February 11th 1979, a small Group Indonesian Geophysicists met for discussion about a society of Indonesian Geophysicists, which later became the Indonesian Association of Geophysicists (HAGI). The domain coverage area of HAGI is not only exploration and development of natural resources and engineering geophysics also earthquake seismology and geodynamic, oceanography and meteorology, include hazard mitigation and it`s related. Recently, total of HAGI member noticed of more than 1000 members become from varying company, oil and gas industry, mining industry, university, research institution both government or non-government and others.




: Jl. Terusan Arjuna No. 105 Kebon Jeruk - Jakarta 11510 Telephone : +6221 567 1503 Fax : +6221 568 8344 Website : Contact : Syukron Romadloni +62 878 8388 6489

PATRA DINAMIKA Company Profile PT. PATRA DINAMIKA (PADI) is an Indonesia National Company, which has been for over 15 years as a leading company underwater services in Indonesia region. PADI has been the active member both IMCA (International Marine Contractors Association) and ADCI (Association Of Diving Contractors International) since the year of 2000 and holding certificate of ISO 9001-2008 as well, proving it's care for Quality Management to guarantee customer's satisfaction. As a professional national diving company, PADI has an outstanding share in participating in the development of Offshore Industry program supported by executive and expert personnel having qualification and experiences for 5 to 30 years and exclusively supported by National and International Partners as well. From the very beginning PADI has intensively developed its resources to anticipate the client's changing needs. The whole supports has made PADI become an excellence and trusted National Company in underwater services business. In line with the vision and mission, PADI always be trying to be a company which always develops quality of professional services in underwater services business in order to take care of the customer trust.


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