Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures

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208 Flanders-Netcong Road • Flanders, New Jersey 07836 • /camps • 973-929-2901

Our first priority every summer is the health and safety of our campers and staff members. In an effort to ensure the safest possible environment, we have outlined the CDR Summer 2020 policies and procedures. Please review them carefully. These guidelines have been created with the recommendations that we have received from the Centers for Disease Control, the American Camping Association and our local Department of Health.  It is our goal to provide childcare, alleviate stress and fatigue, bring a level of social and emotional normalcy back to our children and to provide a meaningful Jewish day camp experience at Camp Deeny Riback. By sharing our plans with you, we strive to manage expectations, promote transparency and help you decide what is best for your family.

A Different Kind of Summer We recognize that there is no such thing as a risk-free camp. However, we feel confident that by following the guidelines laid out in this handbook we will minimize that risk as much as possible. We understand that this is a “re-entry” point into society for many of our campers and staff and we believe the benefits of socialization, exercise and learning that are provided at Camp Deeny Riback are priceless.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


General Information Camp Dates We have postponed the start date for this summer to July 13th to allow additional time for our camp team to prepare.

Jul 13 – Aug 21 SESSION 1:

Jul 13 – Jul 31 SESSION 2:

Aug 3 – Aug 21 Enrollment deadline for Session 1 or full six weeks is June 22nd. After this date, registration may be restricted to second session. Enrollment deadline for Session 2 is July 27th. Payment is due at time of enrollment. We are happy to work with families that may need payment plans. If you are already enrolled for the summer you will receive communication from the camp team to determine what sessions you would like to attend and we will make and needed changes.

Camp Hours Camp hours will run from 9am – 4pm Monday – Friday and drop of and pick up hours will be staggered to accommodate carpool traffic flow.

Parent Visiting Day and Open Houses These events have been cancelled for safety reason this summer. CDR will be closed to visitors and will not be hosting Family Funday, Pre-Camp Open House, or Parent Visiting Day.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


A Typical Camp Day This Summer Health Screening A health screening will be required of both campers and staff before and during the camp sessions. Pre-camp online health & history questionnaire.

Daily Covid-19 symptom screening and temperature check upon arrival. Health monitoring throughout the camp day.

Cleaning & Disinfecting Cleaning & disinfecting by a professional cleaning team. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of each bathroom by dedicated attendants.

Cleaning and disinfecting of all activity areas, equipment and supplies between each group. Designated activity supplies for each group’s exclusive use. Use of EPA-approved soaps and sanitizers. We have contracted a professional cleaning service to be on site all summer. A designated team of cleaners will disinfect all program areas, bathrooms, office areas, and sports equipment throughout the day. A dedicated staff orientation will be given to our entire TEAM to ensure their understanding of our daily disinfecting procedures and expectations. Commercial grade disinfectants will be used on a daily basis to ensure sanitary standards are consistently maintained.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Hand Washing Will be mandatory between each activity and before and after, swimming, lunch, arrival, and dismissal. This will be built into the groups’ schedules. Hand sanitizing stations will be located at the food service areas and at every activity area. Use of EPA-approved soaps and sanitizers.

Facial Coverings Campers

Will not be required to wear facial coverings while outdoors. Facial coverings will be required while indoors. We ask that campers bring their own face coverings daily but we will have a backup supply if needed.


The groups’ counselors will wear facial coverings only while inside, serving lunch, or when social distancing is not feasible. All staff will be required to wear facial covering when closer than 6 feet to another unit or group that is not their own. Health Center staff will wear PPE while evaluating campers.

Trained Camp Nurse Will assess and be available daily for any health-related needs.

All persons with possible COVID-related symptoms will be assessed by our camp nurse. Quarantine facility will be established and used as needed until parents/guardians are able to pick up their camper. Strict symptom management, including isolation, communication, tracing, and post-illness protocol will be enforced.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Camp Units & Groups Camp Deeny Riback is already designed to provide a very personal experience for each camper. Using the guidelines from the CDC and Department of Health, we have created “camps” within our camp divided by age brackets. Similar to a traditional summer at CDR, these three “camps” are made up of units and each unit is made of up smaller groups of up to 12 campers and two staff. Groups will not mix with other groups. Each unit has a dedicated adult leadership team member who is either in the education or child care field.

Designated Buildings

Will be assigned to camp groups to be used as “shelters” in case a group needs to move indoors due to weather or emergency situation.

Junior Village, Middle/Upper Camps Junior Village Camp: 3.5 – 1st Grade Middle Camp: 2nd Grade – 4th Grade Upper Camp: 5th Grade – 10th Grade

Each “camp” has been assigned a section of our property to call their own in order to minimize the exposure that campers and staff have during the camp day. Programming will take place within each camp.

Group Sizes Limited to no more than 12 campers per group. Safe social distancing practices will be maintained between groups. All staff that work outside of a group will be required to wear face coverings when closer than six feet.

Small Camp Groups

Will consist of campers in the same age group and will make every effort to try and honor at least one friend request per camper. Camper/Staff Ratio 4:1

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook



The Special Events Calendar

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There will be no International Staff at camp this year.

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July 2

Pajama Dress Up

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July 19

Wear Your CDR

Tag; Overnight


@ CDR Gibo – Lake

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Challah Bake

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July 18



Rowim – Farm Trip Gibo – Top Golf, RR Laser



July 12

Tsofim – Kean sburg Amus ement RR LIT– Sun Rise Lake RR Chaverim – SplitRock Overn Shomrim – ight @ CDR Camel Beac h Overnight @ CDR

July 17

I Spy



Wear Your CDR



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LIT – Overnight @ CDR Alufim – NJY Overnight



July 11

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Exploration Cam p Visitation


Wear Yo ur Favorit e


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July 16




Mad Lib


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July 10








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July 15

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July 9


July 5


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July 4



July 8


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June 28

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July 3

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June 27


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Events such as Maccabiah will still be a part of the summer, but competition will be held within each “Camp”.

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July 1


The Special Events Calendar will be rescheduled to ensure all activities can be run in accordance with no large overall camp gatherings.


June 26

Hat Day Gibo – Swar



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June 25

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Rainy Days

Rainy days have always been a part of camp, but this year they will be different. We are building in three Rain Days to our Summer Program. On any day extreme weather is expected we will make a decision whether or not to run camp. This decision will be made and communicated to you in a timely fashion. A $100 credit will be applied toward your 2021 summer tuition for each Rain Day beyond the initial 3 Rain Days. No refunds will be issued for Rain Days. Although we have plenty of indoor and undercover space to accommodate Rain Days, we are not able to guarantee the same level of social distancing for extended periods of time if we need everyone indoors. As a result, our built in Rain Days will be used in a similar way to Snow Days during the school year. Our aim will be to notify you by 6am of this decision to give you plenty of time to make alternate plans for that day.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook



HAND WASHING STATIONS Hand washing stations will be accessible before and after each meal and throughout the day.



Each camp will have their own lunch period and space to eat. There will be a limited number of tables in the pavilion. They will be spread out and assigned for groups with ample space between campers.

Meals will be served in individual portions or plated by an assigned counselor from their group.

Lunch and Snack Lunch and snack will be provided daily. A more updated menu and meal plan will be provided to families. All food served at camp will continue to be kosher and nut free. Snacks, ices, and ice cream will continue to be an important part of the camp day. All snacks and ice cream will be served in individual, pre-packaged servings.

Water Coolers Water coolers will be available in all activity areas. Staff with masks and gloves will pour water in disposable cups for each camper. As per the guidelines we are encouraged to not allow reusable water bottles at camp this summer.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Camp Deeny Riback Arachim (Values) At CDR we practice “seamless Judaism” by weaving Jewish values into the activities and experiences of camp. We focus on eight central arachim (values) to guide our actions and discussions at camp. COMMUNITY ACTS OF HONOR/ GRATITUDE KINDNESS











Camp Program & Activities Will be built around these values as we plan and reimagine programming for this summer. We will strive to provide our campers with fun and engaging opportunities to socialize, make new friends, build skills, and embrace our camp values. Our goal is to ensure all activities are run safely by following these steps: All campers and staff members wash/sanitize hands when they arrive and depart each activity period. Cleaning and disinfecting will be completed on equipment and supplies before being used by another group. One group will be scheduled at each activity at a time. Sports and games will focus more on skill-building and drills to limit contact as much as possible. Commonly touched surfaces (switches, sink knobs, tables, benches or handles etc.) will be wiped down after each program period. Staff members will increase spacing and physical distancing with campers when possible. Every group will be provided a supply box that only their group will be using. They will include: scissors, markers, crayons, pencils, glue and other widely used high touch items. This craft supply box will only be used with that particular group of campers throughout the summer. Day trips, overnight trips, and overnights at camp have all been canceled for this summer. Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Activities Schedules will be shortened to have fewer activities per day and allow more time per activity as well as additional time for transition and disinfecting time between groups. A quick glance at some of our camp activities:



Animal Farm





Candle Making


Fitness Playground

Mitzvah Madness


Deeny Ville










Performing Arts







Kings Wall

Maya’s Rainbow Art

‌and much more!

In addition to our regular camp activities our upper camp units will also participate in group projects throughout the summer. More details coming soon!

Swimming Our aquatics program will continue to be a huge part of the camp day. Teaching water safety to our campers is a top priority every summer and our team of aquatics professionals are working hard to deliver the best and safest version of swim instruction they can. A formal layout of our swim program will be sent to families as we near our first day of camp. Free Swim will also continue to happen daily. A designated section of the pool will be given to each group. A limited number of campers in the pool at any one time. Counselors will swim with their camper group.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Transportation Transportation during the summer is a huge part of camp. We are currently working on what we are able to provide regarding bussing and will share these details as soon as we are able.

Morning Drop Off Procedure at CDR This will look different to accommodate the increased number of cars. We will release a final version of our procedures as we get close to our first day of camp. An example of these procedures will look like the following: A designated arrival time window will be provided to each family. To ensure safety camp staff will guide cars through the designated parking lot. A mandatory COVID screening questionnaire will be required daily. The questionnaire asks if your child or anyone in the household has COVID-like symptoms. If you and your child pass the questionnaire, you will show the confirmation upon dropping off your child at camp. We ask all parents to drive slowly and please be patient as we unload vehicles. We believe it may take a few days to work out any kinks. Upon arrival at camp, a staff member will greet your child at your car, perform a temperature check and ask to see your screening app (more information to come soon). Once cleared, children will be escorted to their group by their counselors.

Afternoon Pick Up Procedure at CDR Families will be given a designated pick up time. When entering the parking lot, you will be guided to your designated pick up zone. Campers will be brought directly to your vehicles. ALWAYS BRING A DRIVER’S LICENSE SO OUR TEAM CAN CONFIRM YOUR IDENTITY. We ask all parents to drive slowly, stay in your vehicles, and please be patient as we escort campers to their vehicles as quickly as possible. This summer, we will only be releasing campers to a parent or guardian. We will not coordinate alternate travel arrangements that have not been pre-approved before the start of the summer. Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Camper Backpacks Camper backpacks should only be packed with what is NEEDED for your camper’s day. We ask parents to reduce the number of personal belongings that go back and forth between camp and home. Prior to the start of camp, parents must drive all medications including Standing Orders to camp or the JCC at a pre-arranged, designated time. In order to ensure a smooth transition to camp, medications cannot be sent with the campers on his/her first day.

Suggested Packing List  Every camper should wear a bathing suit to camp with a t-shirt, socks, and sneakers.  Campers should pack a change of shorts and underwear in their backpack  One towel  Face covering Comb or brush (optional)  Hap Camppeyr

Happy Camper

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Happy Camper

Things to Stay in a Personal Cubby Space ALL PERSONAL ITEMS MUST BE CLEARLY LABELED  Spray sunscreen (cannot be lotion/camp is not providing sunscreen this year)  Sunscreen Facestick if needed Extra set of clothes in marked zip lock bag (pre-K and Kindergarten campers only)  Goggles (campers are not allowed to borrow from friends or the Lost and Found)

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Nurse’s Station The guidelines and requirements for managing a member of our camp community with symptoms will be provided by the New Jersey Board of Health and Flanders Board of Health. The plan below is based on CDC guidelines and current New Jersey guidelines. We will update you when official guidelines are provided by New Jersey and local government.

Camp Nurse Procedures and protocols will be reviewed by the consulting camp physician.  Campers and staff will visit outdoor Nurse’s Station at camp as needed. Outdoor waiting areas will be assigned for Nurse’s Station to allow for social distancing. Campers and staff will wait in these areas and be called in one at a time to be treated. All minor bumps, scrapes, cuts etc., will be treated in an separate area, while anyone feeling unwell will be treated at a separate area. A completely separate quarantine station will be assigned for anyone who runs a temperature higher than 99.5 or shows COVID-19 symptoms while at camp. As always, our nurse will contact you whenever your camper visits them. Campers who present with a fever while at camp must be picked up within an hour of the parent or guardian being notified. Please have a backup plan/person in place if you know you may not be able to pick up your camper within an hour of receiving a phone call. We will follow the procedures provided by the Department of Health regarding any additional communication of sickness or health related issues to families and the local health department.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Symptoms & Tracing  Collaboration and partnership with the Department of Health quarantine protocols.

Screening Questions & Symptoms  Our daily screening questions will be available to answer on your mobile device daily and then show your approval screen to the staff member at drop off. Possible COVID-19 Symptoms:  Cough  Fever  Shortness of breath  Muscle aches  Sore throat  Unexplained loss of taste or smell  Diarrhea  Headache  Fatigue

What happens if there is a COVID-19 Positive Diagnosis? If a camper or staff member reports they are COVID-19 positive, Camp Deeny Riback will maintain the confidentiality of the individual at all times while mitigating the situation. The case will be immediately reported to the Mt. Olive Health Department who will provide guidance to the Camp Deeny Riback staff as how to proceeded and what procedures will be required. All facilities that the individual came in contact with will be vacated, deep cleaned and disinfected per CDC guidelines. CDC guidelines for handling exposure and mitigating risk of exposure will be strictly followed.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Persons who test positive for COVID-19 may return to camp when:  The answer to ALL of the following questions is YES Has it been at least 14 days since you first had symptoms?  Fever-free for three days (72 hours) without any medicine for fever reduction?  Has it been three days (72 hours) since your symptoms have improved? Have you received clearance from you doctor that you can return to camp?  Documentation from doctor required.


The answer to ALL of the following questions is TRUE Resolution of fever without the use of fever-reduction medications?  Improvement in respiratory symptoms (eg, cough, shortness of breath)?  TWO negative COVID-19 tests over 24 hours apart?  Received clearance from your doctor that you can return to camp. Documentation from doctor required.

What is the definition of a “Close Contact”?  The CDC defines close contact as interactions within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes. Contact tracing will be carried out by trained staff in conjunction with the local health department.

What is the definition of a “Proximate Exposure”?  A proximate exposure is defined as interactions greater than six feet from an infected individual within a shared space.

Childhood Inflammatory Disease Related to COVID-19  We are aware that the State Department of Health is investigating several cases of children experiencing symptoms similar to Kawasaki disease and toxic shock-like syndrome which may be related to COVID-19. We will continue to monitor the situation and our staff will be vigilant in monitoring campers for the symptoms throughout the day.

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


Missed Camp Days  If a camper misses 5 or more consecutive days camp due to being quarantined or potential exposure to a COVID-19 infected individual, they will receive a 50% credit towards the 2021 camp season for the days missed.

Refund Policy These are the options we have available to families who choose not to attend camp for summer 2020 but have already made payments. Given the challenges we are presently facing, we want to give several options to those requesting camp tuition refunds for summer 2020: Please consider a tax-deductible donation, in part or in full, of camp fees paid to date. Your donation of any amount will enable the JCC to sustain our mission to ensure the continuity and vitality of our community. Any balance left after donation will be refunded in full, or treated according to the following options provided below. Apply your balance towards other JCC programs during the year that you may be participating in (Kids Club, Swimming, Enrichment Classes). If you choose to keep all camp fees paid to-date with us, we will apply those funds towards summer 2021, and your camper(s) will have a reserved spot for summer 2021 at the Re-Enroll rate. This only applies to families who have paid $1,000 or more in tuition. All refunds will be paid via check (to avoid costly credit card fees to the JCC), and will be paid in 3 installments made approximately on September 30th, October 31st, and November 30th. As always if you have any questions or concerns please let the camp office know by email at

Revised 6/12/2020

JCC MetroWest Camp Deeny Riback Policies and Procedures Handbook


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