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IN Program Funding Request- $60,000
We are pleased to report the following statistics from our most recent Family Satisfaction Survey. Overall, our program had the following outcomes:
100% of respondents replied that they are either very satisfied or satisfied with the skill of staff caring for their loved one.
100% of respondents replied that they are either very satisfied or satisfied with the overall quality of the ADJ program.
100% of respondents are satisfied with the friendliness and concern provided by staff.
97% are satisfied or very satisfied with the quality of nursing services.
88% satisfied with the cost and value of our services.
88% responded that they are very satisfied or satisfied with the activities offered in our program.
97% of our caregivers feel less stress since their loved one started our program.
Specific to the goals of the IN Program our outcomes are as follows:
91% of caregivers report that their loved one feels supported with achieving his/her personal goals through our program.
88% of caregivers report that their loved one has gained/maintained skills to engage in positive social relationships.
73% of caregivers report that their loved one has developed a stronger sense of meaning and purpose since attending ADJ.
71% of caregivers report that their relationship with their loved one has improved since he/she began attending our program.
69% of caregivers report that their loved one’s communication skills and ability to socialize have improved since participating in the program. 31% say their skills have been maintained.
The above statistics quantify our program’s success. These outstanding results are only possible through a rigorous program of intentional activities.
Here are some of the successes we have had in our IN Program as well as a few updates:
BIG improvements for the IN program so far in 2023:
• Successfully integrated two new participants to the program
• Boosted the average daily attendance to 25 participants per day
• Increased the scheduled days of attendance per week by 10%
• Supported three existing participants and their families with securing Department of Mental Health funding through advocacy and case management services