STEAM and Arts Infusion Resources: Bequette, J. & Bullitt-Bequette, M. (2012, March). A place for art and design education in the STEM conversation. Art Education, 65(2), 40-47. Bogatova, T., Dempsey, J. C., Hyatt, J., Meyer, M., Miller, J., Nowak, H., Omniewski, R., Tomlinson, M., Wilkerson, C. (in press). Using creative teaching to teach creativity: The Art in Action Project in Creative Teaching: Teaching Creativity. NY: Springer Science and Business Media. Center for Applied Research and Educational Improvement and Perpich Center for Arts Education (n.d.) An arts infusion continuum. Damasio, A. (2012). Self comes to mind: Constructing the conscious brain. NY: Pantheon Books. Dempsey, J. C., Harris, J. & Hofer, M. (in progress). TPACK (Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge): Visual arts learning activity types taxonomy. Will be published here: Jemison, M. (2009, May). Mae Jemison on teaching arts and sciences together [Video file] Retrieved from es_together.html Lehrer, J. (2012). Imagine: How creativity works.Boston, MA: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Robelen, E. W. (2012, April 12). STEAM: Experts make case for adding arts to STEM. Education Week. Retrieved from Partnership for 21st Century Skills (2010). 21st century skills map: The arts. Partnership for 21st Century Skills. Retrieved
from Skills include:
Pink, D. (2006). A whole new mind: why right brainers will rule the future. New York, NY: Riverhead Books. Piro, J. (2010, March 9). Going from STEM to STEAM: The arts have a role in America's future too. Retrieved from tkn=WVXCps%2F%2FM8yqfh8g5kUR74UutEFOBlGiRL18&cmp=clp-sbnbpts Rhode Island School of Design (2011). STEM to STEAM. Retrieved from Rhode Island School of Design (n.d.). Archive of NSF/RISD: Bridging STEM to STEAM workshop. Retrieved from Shapiro, D. (2010). Reaching students through STEM and the Arts. Retrieved from TED (2011, November). John Bohannon Dance versus PowerPoint, a modest proposal [Video]. Available from odest_proposal.html Use dancers instead of powerpoint. That's science writer John Bohannon's "modest proposal." In this spellbinding choreographed talk from TEDxBrussels he makes his case by example, aided by dancers from Black Label Movement. John Bohannon is a scientist and writer who runs the annual "Dance Your Ph.D." contest. White, H. P. (2010, March 11). Arts and the innovation gap. The San Diego
Union-Tribune. Retrieved from White, H. P. (n.d.) STEAM not STEM Retrieved from Description: This resource describes the role of innovation, creativity, economic competitiveness and the need for STEAM. It includes a rationale for STEAM and describes how STEM education is necessary, but not sufficient in representing the economic interests that include the arts and culture industry (which generates more than $165 billion for the United States economy and over five million jobs). Wolf Trap (n.d.) Early childhood STEM learning through the arts. Retrieved from he_Arts/STEM_and_the_Arts.aspx Yakman, G. (n.d.) STEAM - Learning that is representative of the whole world [Video file] Retrieved from v=QtjuALN4qrw Yakman, G. (2009, April 16). What is the point of STEAM? A brief overview. Retrieved from