Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 4.3 out of 5 stars
The specs of ‘Apple MacBook MC240LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop’ are: Manufacturer: Apple Computer Product Dimensions: 16.8×12.6×5.5 inches Shipping Weight: 8.7 pounds Here are some REAL customer reviews: “Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” A few months ago I purchased an iMac from Amazon, my first Mac by the way. I could have not been more pleased. I am a student learning computational science and I wanted to become familiar with all the major systems: windows, Mac and Linux. I have been a… Read more “More for the money!” As a 2nd time owner of a MacBook (my previous MacBook Pro purchased last September) I am amazed at the huge package you get for such a little price. At the Apple Store, I was able to purchase a newly released product (3 days old) for less than Amazon… Read more “Have two: one is great, one is dying!” Had I written this review, say a half-year ago, I would have undoubtedly given the Macbook 5 stars. I took it with me to college after my previous laptop – an Acer Aspire – failed me horribly. My Aspire had an issue with overheating, which only presented… Read more
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Check Out The Full Indepth Details Here: Apple MacBook MC240LL/A 13.3-Inch Laptop Review
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