Overall Rating (based on customer reviews): 3.0 out of 5 stars
The specs of ‘Charles Manson & Boston Strangler [VHS]‘ are: Publisher: Mpi Media Group (1999-02-28) Language: English ISBN-10: 6301234936 Product Dimensions: 7.3×4.2×1.1 inches Shipping Weight: 0.4 pounds Here are some REAL customer reviews: “GOOD INTROS TO 2 CONTROVERSIAL CASES” THE MAIN PROBLEM WITH THIS VIDEO IS…….IT'S TOO SHORT!REALLY,30 MINUTES WITH 15 MINUTES DEVOTED TO EACH CASE IS JUST NOT ENOUGH TO DO MORE THAN PROVIDE SOMEONE TOTALLY UNFAMILIAR WITH THESE CASES AN INTRODUCTION. THERE WERE A FEW FACTUAL ERRORS AS… Read more “Too short,,,,,,!!” I bought this tape and was disapointed cause it's just too short, why release it , i don't get it, They did have some rare footage of the Manson family, the girls with shaven heads and with short hair smiling and smirking to the cameras,… Read more
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