JUNE 11, 2020 | 19 SIVAN 5780
June 11, 2020 Dear Families of Graduates, Our Sages teach that each blade of grass in the world has an angel alongside it whispering, “Grow, grow!” (Adapted from Bereisheet Rabbah 10:6.) If that is true of a single blade of grass, imagine how much more so for each student in the Class of 2020. As you look with pride at how these students have grown, we know you are the ‘angels’ who have been encouraging them to reach toward their highest potential. You have encouraged them through your blessings of love and support. You have inspired them with enthusiasm and honest advice. You have empowered them to become individuals who are dedicated to enriching their communities and pursuing their passions. As their JCHS teachers, coaches, counselors, and mentors, we appreciate your partnership and recognize all you have done to help your student grow in ways that are best for them and to nourish them in ways that strengthen the world. We are grateful to you and extremely proud of them! We eagerly await learning about their future accomplishments and growth in the years ahead. May the JCHS Class of 2020 become the ‘angels’ who nourish one another and the next generations with their creativity, determination, and compassion.
Rabbi Howard Jacoby Ruben Head of School
to the Virtual Graduation Celebrating the Class of 2020!
What’s in the Graduation Box? There are nine sealed packages in every Senior’s box, each package corresponding with a section of today’s program. These packages are meant to be opened as we journey through this experience together. We have asked the Seniors to wait to open each package until prompted. Sharing the experience with everyone will be so much more fun. We are asking everyone to share photos and tag us on social media at @JCHSWolves #JCHSClassof2020. What’s ahead? We hope lots of love, laughter, and maybe a few surprises along the way. Class of 2020, we are so proud of you! Go Wolves!
JUNE 11, 2020 | 19 Sivan 5780
for the Virtual Graduation Celebrating the Class of 2020!
Part 1. Celebration Part 2. Memories Part 3. Letters and Wishes Part 4. Senior Address Part 5. Reflection Part 6. Shehecheyanu Part 7. Presentation Part 8. The Journey Continues Part 9. Mazel Tov!
JUNE 11, 2020 | 19 Sivan 5780
The Shehecheyanu is about reaching special moments. Our people have recited it for more than 1,500 years. It acknowledges that the present is always fleeting. We need to hold it, see it, appreciate it, and let it go. We invite the entire community to join us in reciting the Shehecheyanu.
Baruch atah Adonai, Eloheinu Melech haolam, shehecheyanu, v’kiy’manu, v’higianu laz’man hazeh. Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who has kept us alive, sustained us, and and enabled us to reach this moment.
2020 Eliza Michal Aiken Elisabeth Rose Bass Ashira Tamar Bloom Ilana Rebecca Borison Zachariah Zolly Cook Jonathan Isidor Felder Lilah Jenilu Ferris Ethan Lev Finestone Sophie Rose Fudim Alexandra Tzipora Garrow Aaron Bradley Gilbert Anat Margaret GilliganSteinberg Yana Michelle Goldburt David Alphonse Hoffman Yael Rachel Homa Joshua Galen Homa Sarah Lila Kaplan Isaac Harrison Levy
Mia Claire Levy Samson Eli Lieberman Iakov Livshits Gregory Isaac Lyubarskiy Anthony Daniel Makhmudov Meir Shlomo Yedidya Mayim Chaim Miller Josue Anthony Miranda Lucy Helena Press Moore Zoe Orly Moskowitz Kyle Elli Robb Elizabeth Pearl ShadeWenger Jacob Benjamin Stadtner Danelle Sophia Samuels Tuchman Nikole Elizabeth Yusupov Max Herbert Zwerin
JUNE 11, 2020 | 19 Sivan 5780
2019-2020 College Acceptances
As of June 1, 2020 • • •
33 Students 162 acceptances to 86 different colleges $3.3 million in merit awards