JCHS Perf orming Art s Cent er Jewish Communit y High School Of The Bay San Francisco, CA
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Jewish Communit y High School Of T he Bay JCHS Per f o r ming Ar t s Cent er
John Bishop with
Sam Arneso n Martin Co hen Danielle Elbaz
Becky Grintsaig Ellie Grintsaig Ben Michelso n Julia Perlo v
Maya Reihanian Ben Ro bino w Tessa Zitter
Sce nic De sign No ah Kramer**
Original Music by Ro ry Dale**
Light ing Rebecca Wahba
Assist ant St age Manage r Ari Denberg
St age Manage r Jo e McDo nald*
Original So ngs Ben Michelso n
Addit io nal So und De sign Ophir Weisberg
Fight Cho re o graphy Kai Mo rriso n**
Assist ant Co st um e De sign Eliana Aiken
Directed by Dylan Russell*
* deno tes a JCHS Pro fes s io nal Co mmunity Member ** deno tes a Gues t Artis t
The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 is pre se nte d through spe cia l a rra nge me nt with Dra ma tists P la y S e rvice . 440 P a rk Ave nue S outh, Ne w York, NY 10016 P hone : 212-683-8960 Fa x: 212-213-1539 www.Dra ma tists.com
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CAST Cast Me m be rs (In Orde r o f Appe arance ) Helsa Wenzel
Maya Reihanian ('19 )
Elsa Vo n Gro ssenknueten
Danielle Elbaz ('17)
Michael Kelly
Ellie Grintsaig ('19 )
Patrick O'Reilly
Sam Arneso n ('19 )
Ken De La Maize
Martin Co hen ('19 )
Nikki Crandall
Julia Perlo v ('16 )
Eddie McCuen
Ben Ro bino w ('19 )
Marjo rie Baversto ck / Fight Captain
Tessa Zitter ('17)
Ro ger Ho pewell
Ben Michelso n ('18 )
Bernice Ro th
Becky Grintsaig ('17)
Maya Menachem ('19 ) Pro duct io n / Cre at ive
Assistant Directo r / Fight Captain
Jo nes Bealum ('16 )
Additio nal So und Design
Ophir Weisberg ('16 )
Assistant Stage Manager
Ari Denberg ('16 )
Rebecca Wahba ('16 )
Assistant Co stume Design
Eliana Aiken ('17)
Stage Hand
Avima Aniela Zuliani ('19 )
Stage Hand
Avram Ro senzweig ('19 )
Stage Hand
Eliana Carasso ('16 )
Stage Hand
Nathan Magid ('19 )
Stage Hand
Jared Kaso ff ('19 )
Stage Hand
Kaela Mandler ('19 )
Ho use Manager
Sco ttie Hanna ('16 )
With sensitivity to diversity of religious practice, we want community members to know in advance that this drama has musical performances incorporated in it.
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WHO'S WHO Eliana Aiken ('17)
Assistant Costume Design
Eliana is thrilled to be assistant co stume designer fo r the sho w! She was assistant co stume designer fo r JCHS's last musical "Urineto wn" and head co stume designer fo r "Belfast Kind." Eliana has been sewing fo r o ver five years and lo ves the theater vibe! She ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w!
Sam Arneson ('19)
as Patrick O'Reilly
Sam has always been dramatic befo re he knew it co uld be called acting, yet has no t been a part o f a JCHS pro ductio n until no w. This sho w has given Sam the o ppo rtunity to gro w as an acto r, and he feels that his acting skills have advanced thanks to the talented Ms. Russell. He enjo ys being in "The Musical Co medy Murders o f 19 40 " immensely, and lo ves the warm and friendly enviro nment created by Ms. Russell, Mr. McDo nald, and the entire cast. Special thanks to Ms. Russell and Mr. McDo nald, fo r helping him with everything fro m blo cking to giving him that extra bo o st o f co nfidence when he needed it, the cast fo r being so suppo rtive all the time, and last but certainly no t least, his mo ther, fo r always pushing him to be his best self in life. Enjo y the sho w!
Jones Bealum ('16)
Assistant Director / Fight Captain
Jo nes is incredibly to uched and saddened at the kno wledge that this will be her last JCHS pro ductio n. She wo uld like to thank Ms. Russell and Mr. McDo nald fo r all o f the suppo rt and kindness she has received thro ugho ut her years in high scho o l. Assistant directing co uld no t have been a better way fo r her to end this jo urney. As always, she wo uld like to thank her family and The Squad!
Eliana Carasso ('16)
Stage Hand
Tho ugh Ellie is a Senio r, this will be her first time do ing Tech! She's super pumped to finally have a hand in putting o n o ne o f JCHS's incredible sho ws. She's thankful to practically all o f her friends fo r being theater nerds who , after many years, finally managed to co ax her into giving tech a try.
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WHO'S WHO Martin Cohen ('19)
as Ken De La Maize
This is Martin's first sho w at JCHS, and he's so excited to be part o f it. He's enjo yed wo rking with everyo ne invo lved with the sho w tremendo usly. He has learned so much, and just can no t wait to be invo lved in a sho w again in the future.
Ari Denberg ('16)
Assistant Stage Manager
This is Ari's fifth and final sho w at JCHS. She wo uld like to thank the wo nderful cast and crew fo r making this sho w what it is, her friends and family fo r all o f their suppo rt, and the JCHS theater pro gram fo r being such a meaningful part o f her life.
Danielle Elbaz ('17)
as Elsa Von Grossenknueten
Danielle has had an amazing time po rtraying Elsa Vo n Gro ssenkneuten in "The Musical Co medy o f Murders 19 40 !" This is her seco nd sho w and she ho pes to co ntinue in the future! She wo uld like to thank Ms. Russell and Mr. McDo nald fo r everything they have taught her. She wo uld also like to thank her parents, teachers and friends fo r their amazing suppo rt!
Becky Grintsaig ('17)
as Bernice Roth
This is Becky's eighth sho w at JCHS, and she is so excited to be o n stage again and participate in this wo nderful sho w. Enjo y "The Musical Co medy Murders o f 19 40 !"
Ellie Grintsaig ('19)
as Michael Kelly
Ellie is very excited to be a part o f her seco nd sho w at JCHS. She's had such a great time with the cast and crew while wo rking o n this play, and she lo o ks fo rward to participating in mo re sho ws in the future. She'd also like to thank the academy fo r this amazing o ppo rtunity. She ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w and wo uld like to remind yo u to stay in scho o l and say "no " to drugs.
Copyright Š 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
WHO'S WHO Jared Kasof f ('19)
Stage Hand
This is Jared's first sho w, and he is very excited to be in Tech. He wo uld like to thank Avram fo r bugging him to jo in Tech. Jared also also jo ined Tech fo r his innate lo ve fo r techno lo gy and co mputers. He enjo ys ultimate, fo o d and being o n the co mputer. Shapo w!
Kaela Mandler ('19)
Stage Hand
This is Kaela's first sho w! She is very excited to wo rking backstage in the JCHS Tech Department. She wo uld like to thank Talya Shapero fo r intro ducing her to Tech. Alo ng with tech Kaela enjo ys playing vo lleyball and eating ice.
Nathan Magid ('19)
Stage Hand
Nathan is excited to be wo rking o n his seco nd play at JCHS. He had so much fun running lights during his first play - "Belfast Kind" that he had to co me back and jo in Mr. McDo nald's minio ns.
Ben Michelson ('18)
as Roger Hopewell
Ben is a member o f the JCHS Instrumental Ensemble, Basketball Pro gram, Chess Club, and no w- happily- theater! Ben wants to thank Ms. Russell and the entire co mpany fo r an aweso me time!
Julia Perlov ('16)
as Nikki Crandall
Julia Perlo v is thrilled to be a part o f her fifth sho w at JCHS and very excited to be playing the part o f Nikki Crandall! She wo uld like to thank her friends, family, and cast fo r being so suppo rtive and ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w!
Copyright Š 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
WHO'S WHO Maya Reihanian ('19)
as Helsa Wenzel
Maya is so happy to be in her first play here at JCHS! She wo uld like to thank Ben and her mo m fo r giving her rides after every late rehearsal, the entire co mpany fo r giving us fo o d, and the who le pro ductio n team fo r being super caring and such a really great reso urce!!
Ben Robinow ('19)
as Eddie McCuen
Ben is very happy to be participating in his first play at JCHS! He has had so much fun rehearsing with the cast and ho pes yo u enjo y the sho w! He wo uld like to thank Ms. Russell and Mr. McDo nald fo r the amazing help and o ppo rtunity. He wo uld additio nally like to thank his bro ther Gabe fo r inspiring him to partake in the JCHS Theater experience - he played the ro le o f Milky White's tush in "ITW."
Avram Rosenzweig ('19)
Stage Hand
Avram LOVES tech, tho ugh he is no t sure what exactly he do es in tech, but he likes it. He wo uld like to thank Nathan fo r reminding him abo ut tech because o therwise he wo uld never even have do ne it, Becca fo r teaching him stuff, giving him rides, and just being Becca, Mr. McDo nald fo r teaching him o ther stuff and being a great guy who deals with anno ying little freshmen with such patience. Bye!
Rebecca Wahba ('16)
This is Rebecca's last sho w at JCHS. She is so grateful that she was able to have this experience. She wo uld like to thank her grandmo ther Rachel fo r intro ducing her to the wo rld o f theatre. She wo uld also like to thank Mr. McDo nald fo r teaching her everything she kno ws abo ut theatre, and everyo ne who has been part o f this department during her time here because they made it feel like a family!
Ophir Weisberg ('16)
Additional Sound Design
He lo ves his wo rk as a so und designer and co uld no t thank Mr. McDo nald eno ugh fo r teaching him the ethics o f his jo b and ho w to wo rk with a large gro up o f peo ple that require everyo ne to wo rk hard to make the sho w wo rk. "Witho ut the way Mr. McDo nald mento red me, I wo uld no t be where I am to day o r where I plan to be in the future."
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WHO'S WHO Tessa Zitter ('17) as Marjorie Baverstock / Fight Captain Tessa is so excited to participate in her ninth sho w at JCHS. She wo uld like to thank her parents fo r being so suppo rtive o f all o f the time that she spends in the JCHS Theater instead o f at ho me. And o f co urse Ms. Russell and Mr. McDo nald fo r always being aweso me and suppo rtive.
Avima Aniela Zuliani ('19)
Stage Hand
Avima and her pet skull Yo rick are o verjo yed to be a part o f "The Musical Co medy Murders o f 19 40 " fo r their seco nd pro ductio n. After many late nights, Avima has swo rn to never do this again, while clearing space in her calendar fo r the next sho w. I wo uld like to thank “my mo ther, my do g, and clo wns.”
We would like t o t hank t he f ollowing people and organizat ions who have assist ed us in our product ion of The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940. Michael Shapero and the JCHS kitchen professionals for snacks and dinners to keep us energiz ed; Martin Pike; Weapons of Choice; Berkeley Repertory Theatre; Douglas Morrison Theatre; Officers Rudy Dumandan, Nate Green and Mitch Schlachterman for helping us on late nights; Flying Moose Video; Dawn and Josh Denberg for managing our wonderful parent organiz ation, and the entire JCHS community for their support and consideration of our production of The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 . For Your Information The Musical Comedy Murders of 1940 will be performed with one ten minute intermission. Latecomers will be seated at a suitable break or scene change. In the event of an emergency, exits are located at the rear of the theater. For everyone's safety, please exit in a calm and orderly fashion. The use of cameras (with or without flash), recorders of any type, or other electronic devices inside the theater is strictly prohibited. Food and drink - including water - are not allowed in the theater. This theater is equipped with an infrared listening system for listening enhancement. Lightweight, wireless headsets are available free of charge from house management.
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Copyright © 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
Copyright © 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
Copyright © 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.
Copyright © 2016 Playbill Online Inc. All marks used by permission.