business individual community international
e-Newsletter April 2016 - June 2016
JCI Values
Creed, Vision and Mission
We Believe: That faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life That the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations
That economic justice can best be won by free men through free enterprise That government should be of laws rather than of men That earth’s great treasure lies in human personality And that service to humanity is the best work of life
JCI Values
Vision To provide development opportunities that empower young people to create positive change.
Mission To be the leading global network of young active citizen active citizens.
Message From
National Executive Vice President Jeff Lu
Good day fellow JCI members, It is with a great pleasure to present you with 2016 Area Sabah’s 2nd Newsletter. Firstly, I would like to congratulate everyone in creating an huge impact through Q2 in the year of 2016. It has been a great honour in serving the Local Organization of Area Sabah. I hope that we will continue to influence others in joining JCI also inspiring everyone to do their best and push yourself to the limit. We, Area Sabah Team would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for giving us the chance to serve you and the community. We encourage you to reach for greater heights and wishing you all the best in Q2 of year 2016. Thank you for your support.
E d i t o r ’s M e s s a g e Area Sabah I.T Director Scott Lu
Dear readers, It gives me great pleasure to launch Area Sabah 2nd Newsletter. This newsletter is not only a compilation of past and upcoming events from Chapters through Area Sabah, but it is most importantly, a jounery back in time, reminiscing beautiful memories and past events that have happened throughout the 2nd Quarter of 2016. A Huge thank you goes to the contributors of this newsletter, without which this would not have been possible. Thank you. Lastly, I’d like to thank our 2016 NEVP Jeff Lu and His Area Sabah Team and Directors for their constant support and for their commitment in leading Area Sabah, as well as all the aspiring members who are always present for any event, offering their precious time, as well as using their skills and talents into bringing JCI Malaysia Area Sabah to new heights Together, let us make an Influencial Relationship!
2016 JCI Malaysia Area Sabah Committee Area Chairman: Jeff Lu
Area Public Relation Director: Tan Chin Cheng
Immediate Past Chairman: Kent Pon
Area Membership Growth & Extension Director: Pui Chung Tak
Area Vice Chairman: Alvis Loo Area Vice Chairman: Seth Quek Area Secretary: Doris Thian Area Treasurer: Lenore B. Lee Area Training Director: Daphne Lo
Area Business Networking Development Director: Suraini Jaipoh @ Sue Lili Area International Director: Joey Pang Area IT Director: Scott Lu Area Convention Director: Brian Lee
Area Sabah Convention Klagen Hotel, 1Borneo, Kota Kinabalu
Area Sabah Convention Klagen Hotel, 1Borneo, Kota Kinabalu
Area Sabah Convention Klagen Hotel, 1Borneo, Kota Kinabalu
Area Sabah Convention Klagen Hotel, 1Borneo, Kota Kinabalu
Asia Pacific Conference Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Asia Pacific Conference Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Asia Pacific Conferencee Representing JCI Malaysia
N V P A l v i s f r o m J C I Ta n j u n g A r u o n winning as the Most Outstanding Member
( f r o m l e f t ) A S G D o r i s T h i a n , AT D D a p h n e L o & President EK from JCI Kota Kinabalu, representing JCI Malaysia to compete in JCI World Debate Competition which e n t e r e d fi n a l s i n A S P A C 2 0 1 6
ASG Doris Thian from JCI Kota Kinabalu representing JCI Malaysia to compete in JCI World Public Speaking Competition Congratulations to all participants and we wish you all the best, Y o u h a v e m a d e u s v e r y, v e r y p r o u d .
JCI Area Sabah 3rd Area Meeting Lahad Datu, Kota Kinabalu
JCI Activities April 2016
Train the Trainers JCI Kota Kinabalu
Anugerah Perdana Belia Negara Interview JCI Kota Kinabalu
April Pre-Induction Training J C I Ta n j u n g A r u
JCI Activities April 2016
Creative Young Entreprenuer Award (CYEA) J C I Ta n j u n g A r u
N o To S h a r k F i n S o u p 2 0 1 6 - C o m m i t t e e M e m b e r J C I Ta n j u n g A r u
Red Saver Blood Donation Drive J C I Ta n j u n g A r u
JCI Activities April 2016
JCI Tanjung Aru 35th Installation and Award Banquet
Congratulations 2016 President and his Board of Directors, W e w i s h y o u a s u c c e s s f u l y e a r.
JCI Activities April 2016
JCI Moyog 3rd Installation and Award Banquet
Congratulations 2016 President and her Board of Directors, W e w i s h y o u a s u c c e s s f u l y e a r.
JCI Activities April 2016
Old Jeans Upcycling Project - Sewing class JCI Moyog
R e c y c l e Aw a r e n e s s Ta l k JCI Moyog
JCI Activities April 2016
New Member Orientation b y H e a d Tra i n e r, F e l i x Ta n JCI Penampang
Rural Development Project Meeting C h a i r m a n o f J K K K K g . N o t o r u s , M r. A l e x G i n s a i
JCI Penampang
Beach & Family Day JCI Penampang
JCI Activities April 2016
Corporate Visitation to Fish Farm JCI Sandakan
Corporate Visitation to Organic Fertilizer Farm JCI Sandakan
Walk for Autism JCI Sandakan
JCI Activities May 2016
Hari Belia Negara JCI Kota Kinabalu
Winning the Anugerah Perdana Belia Sabah 2016 Organisation Category JCI Kota Kinabalu
JCI Activities May 2016
Blood Donation JCI Lahad Datu
East Coast Area General Membership Meeting (GMM) JCI Lahad Datu
Coral Planting JCI Luyang
JCI Activities May 2016
L ove Tu r t l e JCI Merotai
KDCA Gathering JCI Moyog
Ka'amatan Gathering JCI Penampang
JCI Activities May 2016
Rural Developemnt Project Committee CourtesyVisitation to Madam Luvita Koisun JCI Penampang
TOY M - Te n O u t s t a n d i n g Yo u n g M a l ay s i a n J C I Ta n j u n g A r u
JCI Activities June 2016
C o u r t e s y c a l l t o D i s t r i c t O f f i c e r, Puan Luvita Koisun JCI Penampang
Moyog River Campaign Committee Meeting JCI Penampang
B e a c h C l e a n i n g - Ta n j u n g L i p a t J C I Ta n j u n g A r u
Project Planning with JCI Impact Strategy Tra i n i n g c o n d u c t b y, A l v i s L o o & C l e m e n t Wo n g J C I Ta n j u n g A r u
JCI Activities April - June 2016 JCI Intan
The Book Fairies Campaign
In aid of Rumak Kanak Kanak Bondulu Toboh, Tambunan
Corporate Visitation to Fatt Choy Tenom
Speech and Debate Training
JCI Activities Upcoming Activities 2016
Health Day / Give Blood 9-10 July JCI Kota Kinabalu
Clothing and Household Item Drive 1-7 July JCI Moyog
The Outstanding Young Person Sabah Award 24 Sept JCI Kota Kinabalu
See you in the next issue.