National Chairmen's Planning Academy
Benjamin Franklin once said " If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." The 2016 National board wanted to equip the incoming National Chairmen (NC) with the knowledge to prepare for the coming year ahead. The NC Academy was conceptualized for the NCs to better equip them with JCI Philippines protocols on procedures when running a national program.
The topics during the first day of the Chairman's Academy were:
On November 21 , 2015 , the l" National Chairmen's Academy was held in the JCIP Headquarters and was spearheaded by 2016 National Executive Vice President, Hegem Furigay. The first part of the day was dedicated to concepts shared by the National Board members and speakers to share their knowledge on the essentials of a National Program.
• Modules on communication cascade, communication line, PR and media for JCI Philippines' activities by NSG Walter Uy. • The website by ND for Website Joyce Macaspac. • Internal processes and protocols by 2015 NSG Christopher Camba. • Budget allocation, management of funds and its protocols by 2016 NT Ken Ngo. • Essentials and Experience of being an NC by 2015 United Millennium Development Goals NC Maan Clemeno.
The Second part of the day was dedicated to planning for each National Program. The National Chairmen (NC) were given with an initial plan of action deliberated by the members of the National Board during their planning in October 2015, that NCs would have to develop their concrete plan that includes execution and timelines. Each NC presented their plan, how they would implement the project from start to finish and paying attention to their individual key result areas. The NCs were able to provide the National Board with their integrated plan of action, which they presented one by one, collaboratively deliberated by the National Board and National Chairmen during the planning session.
The JCIP Christmas Party is that time of the year where the current national board and the JCIP membership dedicate the holidays to the JCIP headquarters office staff and their family. JCIP members from all over the country take part in this event to honor and thank the JCIP staff who dedicate themselves making the organization run more efficiently. Each of the JCIP support staff have been part of the JCI family for more than 16 years and have worked tirelessly year after year. They have seen JCIP grow from its humble beginnings to its current 8000 membership strong organization.
The JCIP secretariat is composed of: Ms. Naysa Martinez - Executive Secretary Ms. Rhea Perea - Administrative Staff Mr. Wilson S Ines - Admin and MIS Assistant Mr. Tony Kudera - Messenger I Utility Mr. Roland Gallebo - Security guard Mr. Rodante Tanola - Security guard The traditional year-ending event was held last December 16, 2015 at the JCI Philippines Headquarters in Quezon City. The guest of honors were spearheaded by 2015 National President Marc Brian Lim, 2015 National Secretary General Christopher King Camba, 2015 National Executive Director Beep Tan, 2016 National President Steve Allen Tycangco, 2016 National Treasurer Ken Derrick Ngo, 2016 National Secretary General Walter Uy, and 2016 Vice President for Area 2 Jomar Carlo "Bong" Quiroga.
aschal Dike, nominated by JCI Nigeria , was e lected 2016 JCI President at the 2015 JCI World Congress in Kanazawa , Japan.
Born November 7 , 1976 in Abajah South East Nigeria , Dike holds a master ' s degree in industrial microbiology. He is the Principal / CEO of Seal and Signature , a fire protection and security systems company, a trainer and coach , with business interests in pharmaceuticals. Dike lives in Lagos with his wife Chinyelu , son David and two daughters Emmanue lla and Gabriella. Dike joined JCI as a student member at his university on January 11 , 1997. He served as 1998 Local President of his student organization at the University of Uyo , 1999 Collegiate Vice Chairpe rson of Area B and was elected as 2001 Collegiate Chairperson of all institutional chapters in JCI Nigeria. He rejoined JCI Trans Amadi in 2003 and served as Local President in 2004. At the national leve l , he served JCI Nigeria as National Vice President in 2005 , Nationa l Executive Vice in 2008. President in 2006, National Treasurer in 2007 and Nationa l President in 2008.
''MOVEMENT . Dike has attended nine JCI World Congresses, 15 JCI Area Conferences and five JCI Globa l Partnership Summits. He has been honored as JCI Senator No. 72013 and is a Phil Pugsley Patron of the JCI Foundation. He speaks Eng li sh and Ibo. As JCI President, Dike focuse s on engaging , motivating and cha llenging JCI members and young people around the world to rise up and " just act " by addressing the challenges of today's world by creating sustainable impact in their commun iti es. He believes that JCI should lead and influence collaborative efforts with other sectors of soc iety for susta inable impact and prove its relevance in today's challenging world. Each solution provided is further impact made and therefore one more step toward a peaceful world. He looks fo rward to JCI continuing to inspire young people around the world to join in the movement. He envisions that through dedicated effort and consistent follow up , JCI wi ll grow and JCI members will unite to generate more impact.
At the internati onal leve l, Dike served as 2009 JCI Vice President assigned to eight countries within Africa and the Middle East, 2011 Africa and Middle East Development Council President, 2012 JCI Executive Vice President for Africa and the Midd le East and chaired the Africa and Middle East Conference in Casablanca. He also served as 2013 UN and External Affairs Committee Member, 2014 Chief Executive Assistant to the President and 20 I 5 General Legal Counsel. Dike is a graduate of the 2007 JCI Academy and a member of the 2014-2018 JCI Strategic Planning Committee . In his positio n s at the international level, Dike has been honored with several awards celebrating his work and dedication to JCI.
~e want you to be h appy- One of the most n otable tag lin es that JCI Dagupan Bangus used to greet the delegates of the 67'11 Nat ional Convention last Octobe r 6-10, 2015 at Dagupan City. Kicking off the first two days of the National Convention , Batch 101 presidents attended the Presidents' Academy that was held in Alaminos City .... Home of the Famous Hundred Islands. Du r ing the opening day, various act1v1t1es such as the 2015 4'11 National Board Meeting and Clash of C lans Online Game Competition were executed but the highlight of the evening was the Mini Ba ngus Festival; wher e delegates were able to experience t he warm hospitality that only Dagupeiios could provide. Delegates were treated with deli cac ies from all over the p r ovince of Dagupan, they a lso witnessed the world class performances fr o m the City's Gilon-gilon D ancers. The ni ght was capped off wi t h JCI Dagupan Bangus Night fea tu ring live performances from Pa r okya N i Edgar , DJ Elmer Dado and Grup po Triba le. The second day was pac k ed wi t h vari ous activities and traini n gs which include: t h e Vice Mayor Brian Lim Shootfest, 3-0n-3 Basketball Tournamen t , Po ker All Stars, and the most antic ipated event of t he evening .... th e Sea rc h fo r Ms. JCI P h ilippines Pagean t. T he nig h t ended with JCI O rtigas an d JCI Makati host ing the Metro Natcon 2017 party.
Th e la s t da y o f th e ev e nt fe atured the pres t 1g1ou s Tem iong Awards and Pre s ident ial Ball whi c h b oth happened in one s pectacular nig ht ; it w as inde ed an affa ir to re me mb e r.
"WE COMMIT TO GIVE EACH AND EVERY DELEGATE A WORTHWHILE AND UNIQUE EXPERIE NCE ." The 67'11 National Convention was an occas ion that took four years to make and fifteen years after the JCI Dagupan Bangus first hosted the National Conventio n in Dagupan City; JCI Philippines 2015 Nat ional P r esident and now JCI Vice President for Asia and th e Pacific Marc Brian Lim said " We may not boast the best hotels and the best facilities , but we pro mise to make up for it in terms of organization , p r ep arat ion , a n d most of all h ospitality - we commit to give each and every de legate a wor thwhi le and unique experien ce. " Which JC I Dagupan Bang u s definite ly delivered with a total of 1800 delegates th e biggest so far in JC I Phi lipp ines His tory, JC I Dagupa n Bangus succeeded in p rovid in g happi nes s to t he delegates by keep ing their promis e in be ing great hosts. J C I Senator A l ex G. Siapno , 20 15 Natco n D irector said "Thll 111 another h istoric mi le s tone which will t'Y d.ers an d members a better path t ou r miss io n , w hic h is to
"We have to utilize the opportuni7 to connect more our members - local members with intemationa , past with the future, as well as our members with issues a11 around the world." JCI Alabang hosted JCI President Ismail Haznedar in his final day in the Philippines last November 20, 2015 in Luxent Hotel, Quezon City. Mr. Ismail Haznedar was in the country from Nov 18-20 to participate in JCI Philippines community
development activities and meet the local members. His visit culminated with the JCI President Business Forum. TI1e forum was attended by 95 JCI members from all over the country and was hosted by JCI Makati's Ernest Hernandez and JCI Ortigas' Daniel Lee. The event was kicked off by JCI Alabang's 2016 EVP George Flordeliza who led the audience in reciting the JCI Values, Prayer and Mission. 2015 Metro Area AVP and 2016 National President-Elect Steve Tycangco delivered the opening remarks. It was followed by a message by 2015 National President and 2016 JCI Vice President for Asia and Pacific Marc Brian Lim. During the event, JCI President Ismail shared with the group his slogan "Commit-Co1mect-Care" and how he embodied this in his JCI term as President. He emphasized that 2015 was a year of connection for JCI, connection between JCI, Business, governn1ent and NGOs. There are a lot ofchallenges in the world, there is no possible solution without Collaboration, Connection and Caring together. We have to utilize the opportunity to COlmect more our members - local members with international, past with the future, as well as our members with issues all around the world. After his talk, the audience were given the chance to ask questions. The open forum was moderated by 2016 National Training Director Chenny Galano. A plaque of appreciation was given by the event hosts and co-presenters- a Plaque ofAppreciation and a Barong Tagalog from Bergamo. The Barong Tagalog is the National Dress of the Philippines. The barong is symbol given to heads of state during international conferences hosted in the Philippines. Mr Ismail was given a Barong Tagalog as the holder of the highest position in the international organization. JCI Alabang President (2015) Aimee Flordeliza closed the session thanking everyone who helped make the forum possible.
T he JCJ Philippin es communit y warm ly welcomed 20 15 World President Ismail Haznedar wit h ope n arms as he m ade h is t hree- day, three -city visit lour in the country last Nove mb e r 18 to 20 , 2015. Jn his 54th cou ntr y v is it dur in g hi s JCJ presidency, Haz n edar had a fully loaded itinerary during hi s to ur of the Ph ili ppines , sp reading goodwi ll and li ving up to his tenets of " Comm it , Connect , and Care " du ring hi s o n e year to lead.
Right afte r his a rri va l and we lcome by 20 15 National President Marc Br ian Lim and 20 16 National Pres ide nt Steve A ll en Tycangco, the World President wasted no time and met up wi th th e JCJ Ph ili ppines Nat io n a l Presidents for an intimate meeting whic h included 1978 Wo rld Pres ident Fe li c iano "Sonny" Belmonte, Jr. With a lot of pep and energy from the morning sessio n , Hazneda r made a v is it to the heartland region of Pampanga for a meet-and-greet sess ion w it h th e Centr a l Luzon regio n Local Organizations. Togethe r, they atte nd ed JCI Ange les Cu li a t 's long - running vocational ski ll s p roject.
On h is fin a l day, Haznedar returned to Metro Man il a fo r a meeting with the Batch l 0 l Pres idents from Area 2 at the JCI Philippines headquarters. He gave the in com i ng loca l organ i zat ion pres id ents some words of enco uragement, especia ll y drawing from his experience as head of his Loca l Organization , JCI Avrasya (Eu rasia) , 111 2008. Soon after, he took on questions from the genera l membership during the My Positive Change Forum held at Luxent Hotel in Quezon C i ty, attended by an intim ate a udi ence of ove r 50 members from all over the Ph ili pp in es. ln his uno rth odox keynote speech delivered in th e event organ i zed by JCI Alabang and JCI Phi lippin es Committee on Media and Commu ni cat ions (CMC), Haznedar re it erated his three - p ronged app roach in reaching out to the different J CJ comm uniti es he has visited. Haznedar a lso enterta in ed quest ions fro m the a udi ence.
In day two , Hazneda r pus h ed his tour further north to Dagupan City - th e h ome t own of 20 15 National President Marc Br ian L im and met wit h the local media t o o utlin e his visit to the coun tr y. He th en fo ll owed through with a meeting w ith the Nort h ern Luzon Local Organi z at io n t o further con n ect himself wit h the JCI members.
2016 Area Vice President Area 4
.___ _ 10
2016 Regional Vice President Cagayan Valley
2016 Regional Vice President Central Luton
2016 Regional Vice President Northern Luion
2016 Regloruiil Vice PresJdent llocandia Region
2016 Regional Vice President Metro North
2016 Regional Vice President Metro East
2016 Regional Vice President Metro South
VOLTAIRE MENDOZA 2016 Regional Vice President Metro Rizal
2016 Regional Vice Precldent
2016 Regional Vice President Laguna Region
2016 Regional Vice Pre.sldent Palawan Region
2016 Regional Vice Pre•ldent Cavite - South
2016 Regional Vice Prec-ldent Cavite - North
2016 Regional Vice Precldent Bicol Region
Southern Tagalog
2016 Regional Vice President Eastern Vicayas
2016 Regional Vice Pres,i dent Central Vi~yas
2016 Regional Vice President Western Vicayac
2016 Regional Vice Precident Northern Mindanao
2016 Regional Vice President Central Mind-anao
2016 Regional Vice President Southern Mindanao
2016 Regional Vice Precklent Wee-tern Mindanao
2016 Regional Vice President Davao Region
1?/iessenbier n 1915, a young man by the name of Henry started a movement that wou ld empower young individua ls to become active citizens. 100 years later, the movement became a global organization that spans over 124 countries and boasts of ove r 200 ,000 members. All roads led to Kanazawa , Japan as Junior Chamber International celebrated its !OO•h year ann iversary in its ann ua l World Congress.
Op e n ing N ight During the opening night , a parade of Nationa l Presidents h o lding their nationa l flags was one of the highlights of the evening . Rig h t after the parade of the National Presidents, 2015 JCI World President Ismail Haznedar dec lared the World Congress in Kanazawa , Japan officially open. The guest of honor was her Imperial Highness Princess Mako of Akishino. Japan N i g ht
Last November 3 to 8 , 2015 , JCI marked its lOO'h years of existence by holding the World Congress in Kanazawa, Japan. JCI Phil ippines was represented by 120 delegates, making it the 5th largest delegation to attend the 2015 JCI World Congress. Notable JCIP attendees during the Wo rl d Congress include : 1985 JCI President Victor C. Luciano , 1997 JCI P resident C r ipin Dy, 2009 JCI EVP Boydee Dizon , 2013 JCI VP Bernard Fausti no Dy and 1998 JCI Ph il ippines National President Hon . JV Ejercito Senator Republic of the Phi lippines.
Openin g night was followed by Japan Night where a lot of Japanese c ul ture was on full display. Pl e n ar y N i g ht Plenary Session du r ing the 2•d day saw a l l JCI Vice President candidates make their speeches. Our very own 2015 National Preside nt Marc Brain L im made a strong and inspiring speech that resulted in a standing ovation. On the 3rd day, candidates for the JCI Executive Vice President and JCI President were given a chance to make thei r speech and show their platforms.
On the 4•b day, JCI Vice President asp irant Marc Brian Lim was given a score of A by the nominations committee, which was one of the highest scores given to the VP candidates in JCI. On the 5 1h day, JCI announced the winners for the JCI Vice President posit ion. Our 2015 National President Marc Brian Lim was declared JCI Vice President assigned to Bangladesh , Hong Kong , Indonesia , Macao , Singapore and Malaysia. Also included following:
I. 2015 NSG Chris Camba 2016 JCI World Training representing Asia and the Pacific .
J C I Award s N i g h t One of the most highly anticipated events during the World Congress , the JCI Awards Night gave recognition to the best of the best of JCI. The Philippines was one of the biggest winners during the awards night , taking home 4 awards.
JCI Awards where in JCI Philippines won the following awards: Most Outstan di n g New L ocal Organizat i o n : JCI Imus Wagayway Bes t Local Growth an d Development Project: S.P.A.R.K, JCI Manila
2. 2015 Pres. Steve Baltao 2016 J CI World Sponsorship Committee Appointees 3. 2013 RVP Red Erfe-Mej ia 2016 J CI World Sponsorship Committee Appointees Also awarded the JCI Foundation pin was 1998 JCI Philippines National President Hon . JV Ejercito Senator Republic of the Philippines.
"100 years later, the movement became a global organization that
spans over 124 countrie s and boasts
of over 200, 000 members . "
Best Nation a l F l agshi p P r ogram : Project 101 - JCI Philippines M ost O u tstan d in g L ocal O r g a n i zation M a n agement: JCI Manila G al a N i ght On the last night, JCI Philippines De legates wore their finest dress at the Gala Night for the closing of the 5-day JCI WorldCon event. The 2015 World Congress was truly an event to remember. JCI Philippines once again proved to the world that we are world-class organization. The dedication and passion of the Filipinos are unrivaled. See you in the 2016 World Congress in Quebec , Canada
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Because of hi s term 's proactive out look , NP Steve's te nure as Pre s ide nt of J CI Ma nil a produced 45 Awards , 2 Hall of Fame Awards , l Merit Award for the Natio na l and Area Conventions . But the crownin g glor y of NP Steve term as JC I Mani la President came when he led JCI Manila to the most prestigious award in JCI , the highly coveted awa r d that has el uded JCI Phili pp ines for 21 years . Under the leadership of NP Steve Tycangco , JCJ Manila was named the The Most Outstand ing JCI Local Organization of th e World .
" JCI Manila 's 66 111 President for 2014 at t11e young age of 32." After a very s uccess ful tenure as the 66 th president of JCI Manila , m a n y we re expecting NP Steve to take a s te p back a nd take a breather from J C I. After a ll , be ing a JCI Mani la Pres id ent is a lmost a full ti me and every day responsibility. But after some sou l searchin g , NP Steve admitted that the clamor of his fellow LO batcbmates to lead the Metro Area was far too loud to ignore. Thus , he signified his w illin gness to lead the Metro for 2015 . During his tenure as Area Vice President he created the Area Development Counci l, Metro Area 2 had the highest number of trainings conducted. Membership participation o f among the diffe r ent LO were at a hi g h. When the moment came to s ig nify hi s inte nt to run for the hi g hes t post in the Natio nal o rga ni za tion , NP Steve had to s t ep back again and reassess th e oppo rtunity. In hi s m o ment s of co ntempl at ion, h e de liberat ed o n hi s si tuati o n , commitments, aims a nd goa ls not o nl y fo r himse lf but th a t of his constitu ents. Running for the e lec ted position is one thing. Leading the national organiza ti on towards the achievement of somethin g be tt er and greate r is totally different. After a thorough assessment of his dynamics , NP Steve again , on cue , focused on the goa l that be ca n make a difference not only in the loca l organizat ion and the Me t ro area but th is time fo r the national organi z a ti on .
" The hosting of JCI Manila of the Asia Pacific Conference in 2011 further exposed NP Steve to the uniqueness of Junior Chamber In terna ti on al . " 15
T H I NKING BIG On the las t quarter of 20 I 0 , Pres Toby Claudi o wa s organizing a vide o s hoot for the year end GMM . It was a dedication and tribute to all the chairmen of various project s and programs of JCI Manila for that year. The theme for that tribute video was "Dare to Dream". Th is was where I d iscove red mo re abo ut Steve. It was h is tu rn for the interview and t hat was the time that I learned that he was the Chairman for the Smokey Mountain Field of Dream s. "Siya pala yun . .. " I wa s s aying i n my mind . Steve truly was brave and courageou s. Steve used not onl y the title and theme from Kevin Costner 's movie for that project , he also used its famous tagline "If you build it, they will come" a nd t hey tru l y did. Out of the ashes and garbage came a baseba ll fie ld , a kids baseba ll tea m , bu t more important ly . ... overflowing hope and inspiration from the children and parents of Smokey Mountain. Steve Tycangco was one who "Dared to Dream" .
The JCI Manila Memb e r \\rilkn bv
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JCI M.i111l.1
THE F I RST M EET I N G I was very new to JCI Manila when I join ed the GMM Committee way back in 2010 . I was introduced to Steve by 2010 L OM Management Director Hans Angping . He was in charge of managing the finances of the committee and I was assigned to lead the Logistics for the GMMs. Steve was a very quiet fe l low. We didn't get to ta l k much back t h en as I was quite s hy myse l f. Most of th e t i me I wou ld on l y attempt to ta l k to fellow JCI Mani la members to discuss JCI related work that had to be done or to check on the things to do for the monthly GMMs . I had a good opportunity to see how Steve ma n aged the finance s of the Committee. His sy s tem was very s traightforward, simple to understand and efficient. Budget and Projections for each GMM was very realis t ic and his repo rt s made it clear to t he en tire team of ou r cash positio n . Steve h ad a knack fo r details and I admi red him for it. Steve played a big role in the success of 20 I O's LO Management for JCI Manila .
"Steve's capabilities were years beyond his young age. " 16
M Y D IRECTOR I t was my fir s t time to experience the "Campaign Seas on" in JCI Man il a . I was so pro ud of having voti n g ri ghts , as I saw Steve ca m pa ign to woo th e m e m bers to vote for him as a first time director for JC I Man il a . He worked so hard duri ng the campaign , together with his fellow Let 's Go Candidates, they literally toiled night and day to c o nnect and share their p lan s to the enti r e members hip (new and old). The candidates campaigned to convince members that they deserve the vote and that they wi ll s erve the organization to the best of their abi lit y. "Forged in Fire" , I thin k th at thi s time and t es ted pr ocess in JCI Ma n ila is what made Steve for what h e is now. When he was elected as Director for LO Management he asked me if I can be his Chairman . I d idn't hesitate I immed iatel y said "YES" . "How can 1' be afraid to lead ? " I a s ked myself. "I'm on the shoulder of a giant." Steve 's capabilities were years beyond his young age. I was o lder than him b u t he knew his way. His h onesty, sinceri ty to serve an d hi s way of doi n g t hin gs earned my respec t. He was "My Direct or" pe ri od.
"As Above, So Below."
"S t eve Tycangco Je d by e xample. I admire him becau se he i s a servant leader. H e inspired many of us to better oursel ves. His sinceri ty in ser v i ng h as resu l ted in loyalty and s u ccess in all the endea vors he h as dec i ded to d o."
W O R K ING WITH STE V E I had the pleasure of working with Steve as a fellow board member twice. The first was in 20 12 whe n he was my Vice P resident fo r Internal Affairs and again in 2014 as my LO President. I served as his Director for Membership Deve lopment in 2012. As the pioneer s late of the SULONG po litica l party in JCI Ma nil a , we laid down p lans t o radically promot e JCI Mani l a and increase its membership and execute a retention program that wou ld provide members value for th e time, talent and money invested in JCI Manila. Overflowing opportu nities in a ll four areas for the membership. That year membership developme n t program resulted in one of t he highest retention and recruitment numbers in the history of JCI Manila. In 2014 I was given th e opportunity again to work with Steve. Our e lection campaign that year was difficult to say the least. As we had to compete and prove ourselves worthy.There was an e lection fig ht against one of the most respected, most learned and one of th e best leaders in the organization. it was a good electio n fig ht , we were a ll made stronge r, and it was Steve who led us thru t hat experience. 2014 was a very successful and significa nt year as Steve gu id ed all of u s to o rganize big projects t hat gave so much impact and positive change to our communit y, th e environment , and our se lves and our members. Steve's leadership in 2014 resulted in JCI Manila get ting the most coveted award in JCI w hi ch is the "Bes t Local Organization of th e World". T h e last time our chapter received this award was 21 years ago . Loo king back , the award made me realize the importance of the core values Steve was sharing with us w h en we started.
" P.R . I . D .E and G .R . A . T . I . T. U . D . E ." 1. Our projects and programs sho uld be geared towards making POSITIVE CHANGE. 2. We s h ou ld be aware of our RESPONSIBILITY as leaders. We shou ld lead by examp le. 3. INVOLVEMENT is important so we should wo rk on giving members opportun itie s for cooperatio n and collaboration amo n g our membership so we can make more meaningful projects for t he community. 4. DRIVE. We should fuel the passion of our members so they can grow and share t he v ision and mission of JCI 5. Aim for EXCELLENCE ... in everything we do. 6 . GRATITUDE . We a ll sh ou ld pay it forward , not only to our comm unit y but a lso to recognize our members who shared their time and talents to make a ll the projects.
"He has high regard for his family and makes an effort to keep in touch in spite of his busy schedule ."
He treat s hi s c losest friends as his family and would go above and beyond the call of duty to help a friend . Steve is such a light person to be around - it 's no wonder he is great at dealing with so many different people in h is work and in JCI every day.
Pa ss ion , focus , and heart - three qua l iti es that Steve , even in hi s early years , has consistently showed ; three things that make him the good leader that he is now. So to those who only know of him as just the playful , pilyo boy before - meet Steve Allen Cheng Tyca ngco now, JCI Philippine s Nationa l Pre side nt , husband, brother, son, and friend .
.'. -
"Together, Let us...
BUILD AS ONE! " Alaminos City - Guided by the theme; Build as One, 2016 JCI LO Presidents all over the country underwent a team building course. This is a first in the history of the Presidents' Academy.
Batch 101 presidents made the most out of their whirl-wind eco-adventure tour at HINP sponsored by the city government of Alaminos headed by Mayor A11hur F. Celeste and organized by the host chapter led by 2015 LO Pres. Gester Tolentino.
No less than NP Marc Brian Lim, 2016 NP Steve Allen Tycangco, 2016 NEVP Hagem Furigay 2016 NT Ken Ngo and the 2016 National Board graced the 2-day leadership training held at Vista del Mar at Lucap Wharf Area.
"Since this is the first time that our local organization and our city is hosting the President's Academy, we wanted to make it a very fruitful and memorable one," said the 16th Presidents' Academy Director and 2011 JCI Hundred Islands President Earl James C. Aquino.
They also enjoyed the exciting island experiences and eco-sport activities including the warmth of the people, sumptuous food and cool ambience.
The 2015 National Board, JCIP Secretariat, members of Batch Legacy, .TCI senators and JCI members coming from different parts of the country we~e also present to extend support to the host chapter and the members of Batch 101.
"We are indeed very grateful to the .TCI Philippines headed by NP Marc Brian Lim and NTD Lourdes Cheang for granting our wish that the Presidents' Academy be done at our eco-tourism destination. We are deeply honored and privileged to host the Academy this year," added the incumbent host vice mayor, who along with Mayor Arthur F. Celeste, extended a warm welcome to all the delegates and honored guests. Inspiring t11e members of Batch IO 1, the name of 2016 LO presidents' batch, were the officers and volunteers from the Gerry Roxas Foundation who conducted the team building games and activities at Quezon Island at the city's 1,844 hectare marine park.
Aquino pointed out that the island visit was more than showcasing the city's pride but also to afford the LO Presidents time to unwind and recharge that they richly dese1ve. "This fun, engaging and exciting team building games and activities at Hundred Islands likewise will further inspire Batch 101 in their one year LO governance and ultimately, in Building as One team, we become one family of purpose driven and result oriented leaders." Close to 200 incoming LO presidents have registered for this year's Presidents' Academy, the most s ince 2014, according to NTD Cheang.
j oumey of my leadership career in JCI started on December of 2005 which eventually resulted in me being elected as the 2006 President of the newly revived Local Organization JCI Lamitan in Basilan City after having been dormant for 9 years. Both my parents played a significant role in my JCI career. My father, Henry who used to be the president and my mother, Genilda are both JCI Senators in JCI Lamitan. They had a tremendous impact in my life. They showed me how JCI is fundamentally perceived in society as a catalyst in creating positive change. As 2016 National Executive Vice President (NEVP) of the Junior Chamber IntemationalPhilippines, it is my profound hope that we would continuously pursue with passion our vision and mission in this noble organization. Each one of us should strive in creating meaningful impact and positive changes in our communities. Now more than ever, JCI is relevant in helping our communities grow. I believe that a single act of kindness can have an enormous impact to others.
"As a leader, I need to learn how to motivate, nurture and inspire our members to tlie right direction ."
One of the basic characteristics in leadership which I truly believed in is having the quality of Se1vice that is aligned with our values that ' Service to Humanity is the best work of Life' . As a leader, we need to understand that we are servant leaders. We serve and do not expect anything in ren1rn. If you expect something back, then it is not kindness anymore, it's business. Communication is an integral part of leadership. It is a vital component in motivating others. A great communicator can unite members to work on a shared goal. It is very important for a leader to be able to relate to others. Leaders are not measured by how much they have achieved or how popular they are, but are measured by how well they inspire people to do the impossible. To rally them to achieve something that would create impact not only for themselves but for others.
As a past national officer, I know I still need to improve some aspects of my leadership style. As a leader, I need to learn how to motivate, nurture and inspire our members to the right direction. JCI as a university of leaders, is the perfect avenue for me to learn to be a better leader. In any organization, challenges exist but this should not hinder us but instead inspire us to be better. People are not measured by the challenges they face but on how they respond to these challenges. As JCI Leaders, we need to ensure that we address the challenges head on. We should focus on sustainable impact both locally and globally. It only takes one citizen to change the world. Be that active citizen today.
Merbee dela Torre 2016 National Chairman +63 916 s23 s29o ~
Jc•fi!J-Jj.WANT E 22 Phlllpplnu
Lorenz Dela 2016 National Chairman +639 17115 5047
eoneq~tual ized
Lyzel Uy Kimpang 2016 National Chairman +63 917 314 3999
JCI WEEK 2016 Celebrating Brotherhoo to Create Bigger Impact
Vicky Martinez 2016 National Chainnan +63 917 822 7718 " '
JCl~Development Council
"m§dvantiage 27
Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
le genda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. It a lso s to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions, including extreme poverty, is the greatest global c ha llenge and a n indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan. We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and want and to heal and secure our planet. We are etermined to take the bold and transfonnative steps which are urgently eded to shift the world on to a sustainable and resilient path. As we bark on this collective journey, we pledge that no one will be left ind. 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets which we are ncing today demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universJl Agenda. They seek to build on the Millennium Development Goa!,ÂĽ<111d complete what they did not achieve. They seek to realize the hu nan rights of all and to achieve gender equality and the empowerment fall women and girls. They are integrated and indivisible and balance e three dimensions of sustainable development: the econo mic, social d environmental. Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next 15 years in areas itical importance for humanity and the planet.
vw. un .org/s us tainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/
Dary ll Bales 2016 National Chairman e +63 998 540 5715