Planning 21st Century PD The Enhancing Education through Technology (EETT) grant is at the forefront of school reform in the 21st century. As participants of this projects, we are embarking on an incredible adventure. Our journey may not have clear roads to follow, and we may make mistakes or get lost along the way, but we are all heading towards the same destination: a quality, 21st Century education for all students.
Keeping the Focus When planning professional development, it is important to remember that the driving force behind each experience is to improve student achievement. As a collaborative team, your first steps must include identifying the needs of your students. Various resources, including local and regional assessment data, can be of great assistance. Ask the following question: How will the professional development opportunities impact student achievement? How will the professional development increase students’ technology / 21st Century skills? It is imperative that you make sure the needs of educators are being met. Keep the following questions in mind: Are the goals and objectives realistic for teachers to implement? Are there provisions in place to support teachers? Through effective professional development for teachers, students will not only improve academically, but they will also experience instances of authentic learning when technology and 21st Century Skills
are integrated into the curriculum. Educators will also gain an understanding in technology and 21st Century skills. They will also learn how to plan, organize and evaluate in this new learning environment.
Instructional coaching
There are NO BOUNDARIES when it comes to brainstorming ideas for effective PD opportunities, as long as your team can make the connection that it relates to student achievement!
Action Planning
Support Structures Professional development does not have to be a one day, exclusive event. There are many ways to promote professional growth and extend the learning into daily practice. These PD opportunities can include;
Once your team has brainstormed the academic needs of your students, strategies for technology integration, and ways to implement technology in the classroom, begin developing an action plan. An action plan determines
Face2Face workshops Establishing & building a collaborative community ♦ Providing PD workshops for integrating technology & 21st Century skills, online and/or on-demand ♦ ♦
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦
needs of the students/ teachers/administrators alignment with district goals team responsibilities timeframes planning details evaluation methods
With your team, brainstorm specific objectives for the following areas: STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT
Improve ELA scores: • build vocabulary • improve fluency • develop writing strategies
Technology integration to support ELA: • building on-line writing portfolios
Develop a lesson/unit plan about on-line writing portfolios to support ELA student achievement goals.
Improve ELA scores: • build vocabulary
Develop a social networking community that investigates best practices for improving student achievement in ELA.
Develop professional development opportunities that provide strategies to improve student achievement in ELA.
• improve fluency • develop writing strategies
Web 2.0 Tool Spotlight:
Suggested Reading and Resources
Wikis A r e wikis becoming the next ‘big thing’ to hit the internet? They seem to be popping up everywhere and have no discretion when it comes to content. Currently, there are over 100 wiki applications on the web, with bigger and better versions popping up weekly. Even Google tools has developed their own version of wiki, Google Sites, a wiki space that boasts an interface similar to Microsoft Office’s Word application. Wikis have gained much of their notoriety because they fulfill a dual purpose. Not only does it serve as a webpage to promote and disseminate information, but it is also a working document giving multiple users access. The ease at which anyone can start up and edit their own wiki space is amazing, creating an application in need of little support and direction from the developers. With all of this new innovation, one can’t help but get excited! But it can also seem too overwhelming? With so many types of wiki applications and different wiki sample sites, it is difficult to get started as a new ‘wiki revolutionist’. Which wiki application is right for me? What type of information should I include? How and who will organize and edit it?
These are only a few questions that came to mind when one begins planning a wiki site. Based on experience and research, here are a few pointers to pass on: 1. Make a plan – develop a general outline and brainstorm different pages you want to include. 2. Don’t over work it! – it is important to remember that a wiki space is a ‘living document’ that will be transformed over time. Do not get caught up in trying to make it perfect, it is unrealistic and does not follow the ideals of the wiki. 3. Find a wiki ‘champion’ – when developing a wiki as a collaborative tool to enhance production and efficiency in the workplace, it is important to assign a wiki champion. This person will be responsible for the overall vision of the project and will be able to maintain the wiki’s integrity and original intent.
Free Wiki Hosting •
pb Wiki
Google Sites
Speaking a Common Language
The following are suggestions from Sheryl Nussbaum-Beach, national presenter on Web 2.0 tools.
BOOKS Cabot, Juan Erique. As the Future Catches You. New York: Crown Business, 2001. Florida, Richard. The Rise of the Creative Class. New York: Basic Books, 2004. Jenkins, Henry. Convergence Culture. New York: New York University Press, 2006. Pink, Daniel H. A Whole New Mind. New York: The Berkley Publishing Group, 2006. Tapscott, Don and Anthony D. Williams. Wikinomics. New York: Penguin Group, 2006.
ARTICLES and REPORTS Wallis, Claudia and Sonja Steptoe. “How to Bring Our Schools Out of the 20th Century.” Time. 10 Dec 2006. Daly, James. “Future School: Reshaping Learning from the Ground Up.” Edutopia. Feb 2007. “Executive Summary: Tough Choices or Tough Times.” The New Commissions on the Skills of the American Workforce. The National Center on Education and the Economy. 2007.
21ST CENTURY LEARNING SITES Search for Web 2.0 tools in Google or YouTube, and you are sure to come across a video created by Lee and Sachi LeFever. The husband and wife team that make up the entire staff of the company Common Craft describe themselves as “passionate people.” Their product? Explanation. Common Craft has produced numerous videos that are, according to a description by LeFever, “short, simple, and focused on making complex ideas easy to understand.” They have taken on such complex ideas as blogs, wikis, social media, RSS, podcasting, and photo sharing. Each video is approximately 4 minutes long, and provides an in-depth, clear explanation of the topic using a whiteboard-and-paper style they refer to as Paperworks. While individual and site licenses are available for purchase, the videos are free to those who wish to use them for noncommercial purposes. To access the v id eos, visi t t hei r w eb sit e a t and click on The
Common Craft Show. These video explanations are highly recommended as tools for technology leaders to use during staff development. The format and delivery are informal and friendly, and create a sense that even the m os t f or eig n t ec h n ologi es ar e approachable.
An example of a video produced by Common Craft. To view videos, visit their web site and click on “Common Craft Show” at the top of the screen.
Partnership for 21st Century Skills The Metiri Group’s enGuage 21st Century Skills
Clay Shirkey (cshirkey) - a consultant and teacher on the social and economical effects of Internet technologies.
Jessamyn West (jessamyn) - a librarian using Twitter.
EdTechTalk (edtechtalk) - a collaborative community that discusses how to
50 ways to use Twitter
Carol Cooper-Taylor brainstorms how to effectively incorporate Twitter in education.
Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers). Interested in getting into Twitter? Here are some resources‌
effectively integrate technology into education.
Vicki Davis (coolcatteacher) - teacher & author of the Cool Cat Teacher Blog.
David Warlick (dwarlick) - 30+ year educator, technologist, programmer,
Will Richardson (willrich45) - Speaker, author, blogger about social Web
David Jakes (djakes) - Twitter user dedicated to the discovery of tools for the
author, & public speaker. tools and their effects on schools, education and learning. digital age to advance pedagogical practice and student learning.
Is your school ready for NETS? As educators and administrators seek to develop 21st Century learning environments for the next generation of learners, it becomes essential to create a shared understanding and common vocabulary to foster this collaboration. The NETS for Administrators is a comprehensive set of standards that outlines the critical components for effective school leadership and appropriate use of technology in schools. There are six standards addressed, each including separate performance indicators. The standards, developed in collaboration with the TSSA collaborative, include the following themes:
As you assess the readiness level of your school or district for implementing system change and effectively integrating technology and 21st Century skills, ponder the following questions: How has the school administration been proactive in developing a shared vision for educational technology? Do students, teachers and staff have access to current technologies? Who are the district leaders and support personnel leading the way for 21st Century learning? Are there professional development opportunities that provide training about technology and 21st Century integration?
Leadership and Vision Learning and Teaching Productivity and Professional Practice Support, Management, and Operations Assessment and Evaluation Social, Legal, & Ethical Issues
Who will provide the learning community with technical assistance for maintaining and using technology. Are administrators and teachers knowledgeable about standards, and are they integrating technology resources and skills into the content areas?
Are students learning in an environment suited for their needs? Has the school developed a system of assessment and accountability for evaluating the effective use of technology for improving student learning? The district maintains partnerships and communications with parents, businesses, and the community to support technology use within the district? Does the district seek to find opportunities within the community to support the integration of technology and 21st Century skills? Do the policies, requirements, and initiatives at the national, regional, and state levels support the district in the effective implementation of technology for achieving national, state, and local curriculum and technology standards? For more information about the NETS for Administrators, Teachers and/or Students, visit the ISTE website at
Web 2.0 Tool Spotlight:
S u r v ey To o l s In an age of standardized testing, the word “assessment” sometimes carries negative connotations. Assessment, however, plays an integral role in the teaching-learning cycle. In addition to summative evaluations, ongoing assessments must be regularly given, and teachers should use the data to drive their instruction. Ongoing assessments need not be traditional pen-and-paper “quizzes,” however, and many teachers regularly utilize alternative methods to check for understanding. “ C h e c k i n g f o r understanding,” according to authors Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, “is an important step in the teaching and learning process. The background knowledge that students bring into the classroom influences how they understand the material you share and the lessons or learning opportunities you provide.”1 Proponents of Differentiated Instruction recommend not only assessing regularly after instruction has begun, but
Online S urve y T oo ls
assessing students prior to new learning in order to determine readiness level, learning style, and interest level to be able to make proper modifications. Online survey tools are a quick, reliable, and efficient way to survey, pre-assess, and assess students as they move through the learning process. Teachers can build surveys or assessments by modifying preformatted questions. Most survey tools allow for multiple question types, including short answer, multiple choice, and ranking. Surveys can be made into gradable assessments if the creator designates correct answers. Once a survey is activated, students can access and take the survey by visiting a specific URL. Surveys/assessments can also be embedded on web pages or wikis. Most survey tools generate customizable reports that allow users to view individual responses or summaries of multiple responses. Some tools offer g r ad e book-type applications that immediately import grades generated from online assessments.
• Quia (fee)
There exist several online survey/assessment tools that offer free memberships, and several more are available for a nominal fee. If your district has a School Wires license, that platform offers a very userfriendly survey tool.
• jot form
1 Fisher, Douglas and Nancy Frey. Checking for
• Survey Gizmo • Survey Monkey
Understanding: Formative Assessment Techniques for your Classroom. Alexandria,
Web 2.0 Tools to Try The following are online tools that may enhance education. As always, use professional judgment when using online tools with students, and adhere to school/ district AUP when using these or any online tools. If viewing on a computer, click on the name of the resource to open the page on your internet browser.
AirSet Coordination/project management tool with calendar and file sharing Educational network that allows teachers to build, share, and rank interactive assignments
Clipmarks Bookmarking tool that allows user to “clip” interesting pictures, text, etc. instead of entire website. Browser addon is available.
Dipity Interactive timeline tool
Read The Words Text - to - audio converter originally developed to assist auditory learners
Text 2 Mindmap Transform outlined text into a mind map
Tikatok and LuLu Upload and publish books online
Top 10 for Technology Leaders The key to successful technology integration, according to middle school principal and author Frank Rudnesky, Ed.D., is to create a community of leaders. “Your leadership success increases exponentially by the number of leaders you create within your organization… In times of education bashing and dwindling resources, we must acknowledge that our most valuable assets are our human resources.” In his article “The top 10 Great Things Technology Leaders Do”, Rudnesky outlines additional steps leaders can take to facilitate technology integration in their schools. 1.
Raise the Bar - “Just enough” is not good enough, argues Rudnesky, and that applies to leaders as well as teachers and students.
2. Set Goals - If goals are clearly articulated, they are much easier to reach. 3. Never ask anyone to do something you would not do - If you expect your staff to integrate technology, go through the training yourself. You do not have to be an expert at everything, but good leaders, says Rudnesky, “get their hands dirty.” 4. Lead by example - Do yourself what you expect
As teacher leaders and administrators concerned with increasing the use of technology in education, we are more likely to readily accept and push the use of new technologies. We must also lead other educators to the understanding that technology can — and should — enhance sound educational practice. Differentiated Instruction is an accepted best practice with proven results for improving student achievement.
others to do. 5. Create a Team - Human resources are the most important, and utilizing the strengths of a team will greatly benefit your organization. 6. Think outside the box - Think about your curriculum, “ask the question, ‘What can I do differently with technology that will bring the students to higher and different levels of learning?’” 7. Empower - make others — teachers and students — active, integral members of technology integration. 8. Have integrity - Expect, model, and reinforce ethical, responsible technology use. 9. Treat people better than you want to be treated Support others the way you would want to be supported when trying something new and difficult. 10. Have fun - Technology offers possibilities for enhancing education in effective, FUN ways. Have fun while learning to implement it. Rudnesky, Frank, Ed.D. “The Top Ten Good Things Technology Leaders Do.” Educator’s eZine. 1 Jul 2008.
Digital Story
Annotated Map
Create a Book
Data Collection
Barriers & Solutions for Tech Integration During the EETT Face-to-Face workshops, administrators and teacher leaders from the Western New York region identified common barriers and solutions for integration technology in schools. Here were the two greatest barriers for success:
Barrier #1: Time Solution: Time During School • Job embedded training • Better use of development time • Training during faculty/team meetings • Time- expand periods/maybe alternating days of the week Solution: Time Outside of School • Use after school, weekends, summer time for staff development and/or planning • Offer pay/courses for teachers Solution: Tools to Improve Time Management • Use technology to save time • Base faculty meetings via Web 2.0 • Share plans via a wiki
Barrier #2: Motivation and Buy-In Solution: Education to Combat Fear • Awareness sessions for teachers • Step by step instruction manuals • Present lesson, technology, or project that is easy & ready to go Solution: Lead by Example • Model the expectations • Mentor technology teachers • Have teachers showcase things they are doing in their classes… Solution: Collaborate with Peers • Day of sharing- (best practice) • Bring teachers together regionally to share best tech integration initiatives • Share success stories especially within a department Co-teaching with focus on technology
Are you ready for your staff development? Before implementing this professional development workshop with your staff, it is important to reflect on the following:
Expectations: 1.
Why am I offering/requiring this training? 2. What do I want teachers to know? 3. What do I want teachers to be able to do? 4. Is this a “one-time deal”, or do I expect this to be sustained?
Implementation: 1.
Who will give the training? Who will receive the training? 2. What materials do I need? 3. When will I give the training?
6. 7.
Date? Time? Where will I give the training? (Is there an alternative to faceto-face?) Will I pull teachers out of their classrooms, use a development day, or offer a voluntary training after hours? Will I offer staff development/ recertification points? What is the most effective method for TEACHING (not just disseminating information to) my staff? Is there more than one method?
Support: 1.
Will I create a virtual space to support the learning community? What is the most effective tool? 2. Who will be available to
support teachers as they implement these concepts/ skills in their classrooms? 3. How do I encourage collaboration
Follow Up: 1.
How will I assess whether they have mastered the concepts/ skills? 2. Who will be responsible for following up with teachers? 3. How often will I follow up?
Test Your Knowledge Can you define the following terms?
folksonomy tag cloud widget blogosphere
Imagine if you could ask a question and instantly get an answer from a leading expert in your field! Imagine if your students could reach out to distant places in the world and get a real life account of events they are studying in class! YOU CAN! Collaborating in the 21st century has enabled us to become connected with our global counterparts in a rich and meaningful context. It has enabled us to work together in new ways, and allows us to share our strengths and resources towards a common goal. Collaboration is a procedural activity through which the participants create synergy of thought and action. Collaboration demonstrates the willingness of the participants to work towards a common goal and vision. It is likened to an orchestra. Each musician must play their instrument to the best of their ability and talent. However, the players must ensure that their collaboration benefits and enhances the whole. In education, the concept of collaboration has many implications for learning and improving student achievement. Through virtual collaboration, educational leaders are able to advocate their vision for 21st century learning as well as share policies for promoting safe and innovative use of technology in
schools. Administrators are able to identify, evaluate and incorporated best practices for providing professional development for staff. It also provides avenues for administrators to communicate with their learning community in an asynchronous way that alleviates the need for face to face meetings throughout a hectic work day. Educational leaders have made their presence known in the virtual world through a variety of methods. Blogs have become an effective vehicle for principals to discuss how they are fostering and nurturing a culture of 21st century learners and educators in their school environments. May we suggest a few of our favorite principal blogs: 1) Leader Talk A group blog written by educational leaders for education leaders. It features articles by local and regional administrators facing the challenges of integrating 21st century learning in their schools. 2) Principal’s Policy Blog
This blog is maintained by the National Association of Secondary School Principals. It discusses a variety of issues including; NCLB & Federal Funding, school reform, and student safety. Working Towards Excellence
The Journal of the Alabama Best Practices Center writes a blog article about one principal’s
quest to walk the walk, and talk the talk. It provides links to the principal’s blog where students and parents frequently post in this culture building atmosphere. Another exciting and innovative means of collaborating in an online, virtual community is through social networking sites like Ning. There are several examples of successful collaboration within this social context, and here are a few of the best examples for educational leaders: 1) T h e Schools United h t t p : / / w w w . t h e s c h o o l s u n i t ed . c om / c o m m u n i t y /
This is one of the first world wide social networking sites dedicated to connecting schools world wide. It provides a platform for schools to share experiences and resources, including video, audio and photos. Currently there are 106 schools participating from around the world. Social Networks in Education w i k i h t t p : / / socialn etw orksined.wikispac
The Social Networks in Education wiki is an excellent resource for researching the power of social networking. It provides a comprehensive list of social networking site used for educational practice. In which ever way you choose to begin to collaborate, either as the leader of a collaborative community or as a participant of one, remember you ‘get as much as you give’!
Web 2.0 Tool Spotlight:
S o c i a l B o o k m a rk i n g w i t h D e l i c i o u s Among Web 2.0 tools, social bookmarking is perhaps the most convenient. Like traditional bookmarking using a browser (such as saving “favorites” in Microsoft
users can access their bookmarks from any browser, on any computer. These services work much like e-mail; an individual registers for an account, and then logs on with a user name and password to access, organize, and save bookmarks.
An example of a tag cloud This image was found on Wiki Commons, a site that serves as a storehouse for reusable, freely-licensed media. Visit the site at
Explorer), social bookmarking allows users to save and organize lists of favorite sites. Social bookmarking, however, is web-based, which means
Social bookmarking services allow for more than storage of saved websites. As social networking has become both more popular and more advanced, individuals can now share saved sites with others, receive updates on websites other people are tagging, comment on, and rate websites.
Bookmarks are usually organized and categorized by tags, or keywords/terms assigned by an individual. The assignation of tags is informal and personal to each user; whereas one person might tag a
website with a keyword such as “volcanoes,” another person might tag the same page “report” or “natural disaster.” Many bookmarking services will display a tag cloud (such as the one to the left). The tag cloud will display all tags the user has assigned saved web pages. By clicking on a tag, the user will be able to see all pages saved with that tag. There are several social bookmarking services that offer free accounts. Perhaps the most utilized by EETT participants is Delicious, recognizable by its checkerboard logo. Delicious accounts are free, as are downloadable browser buttons that make account access and tagging easy. Remember that we have set up a Delicious tag specific to our group. If you find sites you would like to share with others, assign them the tag erie1eett. That way, we can all contribute to an ever-expanding list of bookmarks.
Suggested Reading and Resources:
Learning by Doing: A Handbook for Professional Learning Communities at Work School Leadership that works By Robert Marzano, Timothy Waters & Brian A. McNulty ISBN: 1-4144-0227-5
By Richard DuFour, Rebecca DuFour, Robert Eaker, and Thomas Many ISBN: 978-1-932127-93-5
The Daily Disciplines of Leadership
Blogs, Wikis, Podcasts and Other Powerful Web Tools for Classrooms
By Douglas B. Reeves ISBN: 0-7879-6403-4
By Will Richardson ISBN: 1-4129-2767-6
A Glossary of Web 2.0 Terms Still confusing wikis and widgets? Use this glossary to navigate through the world of Web 2.0.
Web-based software and applications that allow users to view information from the sites, blogs, podcasts, etc. they subscribe to (via RSS or another kind of feed). Aggregators can be entire pages (like My Yahoo or iGoogle), or be integrated into a larger site.
The shortened version of “weblog.” This is a kind of web page that allows the owner to post and publish information to the web, and viewers to respond to postings.
The collective
term for all blogs.
Folksonomy: Web 1.0 was based on “taxonomy,” in that editors and computers controlled and organized the web. With Web 2.0 came the ability for regular “folks” to impact and organize the web through the use of “tags” (see below). Folksonomy means the organization of the web by the people. RSS Feeds:
Stands for Really Simple Syndication or Really Simple Subscriptions. If you want to be kept up-to-date with the latest information from your favorite web site, blog, podcast, etc., you can “subscribe” by clicking the RSS symbol.
Social Bookmarking:
Just like traditional bookmarking through a web browser (like Microsoft Explorer), web-based social bookmarking tools allow you to save and organize the addresses
(URLs) and descriptions of web sites, blogs, etc. Social bookmarking, however, allows users to save those links to the web, which means can be accessed on any computer.
Web-based mediums that are used to promote and facilitate online social interaction, such as through the sharing of content, ideas, music/ video, and bookmarks. Blogs, wikis, podcasts/vodcasts, social b o o k m ar k i n g , an d s oc i a l networking sites are all social media.
Social Network: The use of a web-based tool to connect to friends, colleagues, or even strangers. The most popular social networking sites are MySpace and FaceBook, but other sites, such as Ning and LinkedIn, provide for a more professional social network. Users can connect with individuals with similar interests to share ideas and resources. Tag:
A label or keyword given to an item/content found on the web, such as a blog post, web page, photo, or video. Tags are determined by individual users to organize and classify the item/ content, and this makes it easier to search and share. Multiple users can tag a site in multiple ways; see “tag cloud” below.
Tag Cloud: A visual representation of all tags given to an item/content found on the web, such as a blog post, web page, photo, or video. Tags will appear in
different sizes; the larger the font size, the more popular the tag.
Web 2.0: A term coined to recognize the changing nature of the web. In the past, individuals mainly used the web to publish or receive information. With “Web 2.0”, individuals are using the web as a medium to interact with, share, and collaborate on the content. The tools that allow for this are the social media: blogs, wikis, pod/vodcasts, etc. Widgets: Small, re-usable piece of software code, or more simply, anything that is embedded into a website (such as videos, podcasts, calendars, calculators, site-trackers, etc.) Wiki:
A form of website that allows users to control and edit the content. Wikis allow for asynchronous collaboration, and are especially useful in project planning and development. Sources: glossary_of_web.html and http:// 202.0%20Glossary
As a building principal, when it came to technology integration, it was important that I modeled the behavior I wanted the teachers to emulate. It was important that if I promoted interactive webpages, that I developed one and kept it updated. Likewise, a review of the literature and our own action research allowed us to make gains that were aligned with our mission and goals. From “The Top 10 Great Things Technology Leaders Do” by Frank Rudnesky, Ed. D. 7/2008
Quick Guide for 21st Century PD C = community, A = administrator, T = teacher, S = student
VoiceThread Collaborative Presentation
AirSet Project Management
Twitter Community Messaging
SurveyGizmo Online Survey Tool
Delicious Social Bookmarking
Adobe Connect Online Learning
We b 2.0 Presentation Sharing
A, T, S A
C, A, T
C, A, T
C, A, T, S
C, A, T
TC,oA, o Tl S p o t l i g ht:
Vo i c e T h re a d Move over, PowerPoint. VoiceThread has revolutionized the presentation tool. Now users can upload slide presentations, photos, and videos to create a VoiceThread. VoiceThreads can be viewed at the site, or can be embedded in a website, wiki, etc.
Developing Quality
A, T A, T
On-line learning
Innovative & Creative Practice
Critical Thinking
Google Docs Collaborative Documentation
C, A, T, S C, A, T, S
Information Sharing
Edublog Collaborative Documentation
Technology Literacy
Wikispaces Collaborative Documentation
Read/Write Literacy
C, A, T, S
Social networking
Community Awareness
Project Managing
Building Community
What separates VoiceThread from other presentation tools is the ability for outside users to annotate the slides. Users can type comments, record an audio comment from their computers, phone-in comments using a special code, or record video comments with a webcam. (The commenting feature can be managed and monitored by a teacher.) Comments can be read or listed to by clicking on the icon of the commenter to the left or right of the presentation.
What we learned in Year 1 of the EETT grant...
The needs of our students...
The needs of our teachers...
Our district goals...
Professional Development Planning Sheet School Name: ____________________________________ PD Goal:
PD Leader: __________________________________
Example: Seek ways to integrate technology into teaching and learning that meets the needs of all students.
PD Topic Example: Identify teachers’ competency for using and integrating technology
Potential Activity (content & process) Technology Competency Test - give all staff an online survey that will measure their level of expertise using technology and identify interest
Time (deadlines & staff time) All surveys will be received within 2 weeks. Duration: 15—20 minutes
Required Resources (experts, technology, facilities, print materials) • •
Online survey tool Staff emails
Impact on District and/or School Goals Identify who needs training and who can act as mentors. Determines areas of interest for technology integration. Provides information about teachers’ disposition towards technology.
Artifacts from the professional development
Artifacts from teacher implementation
(action plan, planning templates, sample surveys, activities & content)
(lesson plans, student activity sheets, teacher reflections, student work, rubrics, data analysis, student reflections)
Does the presentation reflect 21st century learning? What technology will be used to make the presentation multi-model? How will the student voice be incorporated into the presentation? What will the audience learn as a result of the presentation? Will the presentation be instructional? What resources will be needed?
EETT Grant Coordinators: Jenny Conklin (716) 821-7064
Shannon Logan (716) 821-7313
355 Harlem Road West Seneca, NY 14224