December 2

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December 2, 2019 Volume 89, Issue 2


Table of Contents

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Making an impact: one dance move at a time

Long line at the loo Whose pet is whose? Marvel movies: fresh or stale?

Packed primaries

Retiring a legend Cover art by Ayden Juergensmeyer



Red&Black Staff Print Editor:

Taylor Baker

Web Editor, In-Depth Editor:

Tristyn Smith

“According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way a bee should be able to fly.”

Entertainment Editor:

Ash Stickann

“Hello six-fingered man, My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”


Noah Holt

“Your mother was a hamster and your father smelled of elderberries!”

“Husbands should be like Kleenex: soft, strong and disposable.”

Sports Editor:

Rylie Bohanan “Sometimes you gotta work a little so you can ball a lot.”

Featured News Editor:

Blakelee Sutton “Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.”

Opinion Editor:

Michelle Grant “I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good.”

Marketing Coordinator:

Alex Kitchell

“A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.”


Making an impact: one dance move at a time

I n- D e p th In-Depth


Michelle Grant

unior Justice Wilson is the proud founder and organizer of the school club and fundraiser, Jaython. Wilson started this club in order to raise money for the University of Missouri’s Women’s and Children’s Hospital. “It is similar to Mizzou’s Mizzouthon, but at a high school level,” Wilson stated. Jaython raises money by doing various fundraising activities such as canning. Canning is where Jaython members ask people for money and “can” the donations. All donations go to the “miracle children” to help raise money while making the women and children who are frequently in and out of the hospital feel a sense of community and comfort. “There are things we do to raise money… we have events to get to know them (the “miracle children”) and make them feel special,” Wilson remarks. Jaython’s main event is a six and a half-hour long dance, celebrating all the money raised and the children Jaython

has helped throughout the year. Wilson had a nephew who was a miracle child, but unfortunately passed away a couple of years ago. He inspired Wilson to raise money for other miracle children like him. During the six and

a half-hour dance, there is an hour dedicated to him and raising money. “During that hour, we will try and raise as much money in his name as possible,” Wilson stated. This year, the Jaython dance will be located at Rock Bridge. Wilson hopes

Impeachment: what is it? I mpeachment; we hear it all the time. No one seems to really understand what it means more than that it involves federal officials. Impeachment, according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is, “to charge with a crime or misdemeanor. Specifically: to charge (a public official) before a competent tribunal with misconduct in office. Impeachment and its process come from our country’s constitution. In Article I Section II, it expresses that, “[The House of Representatives have] the sole Power of Impeachment”. This means that they are able to investigate and charge an official with misconduct and competency of our constitution and the laws we all follow. In Article I Section III, it states that “[Senators have] the sole power to try all Impeachments.” This means that the Senate works as a jury when the House of Representatives impeach a federal officer.


To reiterate, impeachment in itself is not the trial as is the common misconception. It is the action of the House of Representatives charging a federal official of a crime. If the House votes and impeaches the official, it goes to the Senate for trial. According to The United States House of Representatives: History, Art and Archives, there have been 19 impeachments of federal officials since the beginning of the United States. This includes one senator, 15 judges of various levels, one Secretary of War and two presidents. Of those 19 impeachments, we have had only eight removals. The process of impeaching an official is one that is not taken lightly by either of the chambers, making it a long wait for results. Knowing the meaning of impeachment is very important when living in a democratic republic. Without it, the general public wouldn’t understand

that fellow Jaybirds will join the dance this year and help raise money for the miracle children. Joining the club is super easy. There is a fee of just $25, which covers the entry fee. “The entrance fee covers the price to get into the six and a half-hour dance. That gets you a shirt, two meals and covers the entrance fee to Mizzou’s 13.1hour dance.” Newcomers can pay the entry fee at one of Jaython’s meetings, which are every second and fourth Monday of the month in room 313 right after school. Jaython is something that Wilson is extremely passionate about and she hopes to make an impact on her fellow jaybirds. “I grew up with siblings going in and out of the hospital, so I know how hard it is. I actually lost a family member. The fact that children our age have the chance to make a difference and raise money and save lives, I think that’s pretty cool,” Wilson finishes.

Ash Stickann

how our basic government worked and it could cause potential chaos. To apply this to current events, The House of Representatives is gathering witnesses to give testimony in hearings. This is used to press charges against the federal official with a strong case to be passed to the Senate. In the history of the United States, there has never been a removal of a president. There were two impeachments, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, but both were acquitted of their charges. It is a misconception that Richard Nixon was removed, however, he resigned before the House of Representatives could impeach him. The thought of the unknown is what intrigues the American people. They don’t fully know the outcome of what will happen until a final decision is reached.


he animosity among generations has piqued with the creation of the term, “OK Boomer”. The term originated on the social media video making app, TikTok. It is used mostly by Gen Z and Millenials as a response to negativity from Baby Boomers. People often mistake other generations for the Baby Boomers. Baby Boomers are the generation that was born after World War II between 1946 and 1965. That being said, “OK Boomer” is used as a sort of snarky response to anyone who has an old-fashioned viewpoint on any given subject. Therefore, the person being called a Boomer does not necessarily have to be the actual age of a Baby Boomer. For many years, Boomers have hackled Millennials and called them things like, “lazy” and “entitled”. The younger generations feel as though they have

been dismissed and pushed aside for many years. The loose term of Boomer is also often seen when the boomers call several generations millennials in order to prove their “laziness” as a way to show how the older generations are more mature and put together. The newfound trend of “OK Boomer” has been making rounds on the internet using the app TikTok, an app originally created as a lip-syncing app. The trend is to express how the culture of Gen-Z and millennials are frowned upon, especially the beginning of it all being a clip claiming that Millennials and Generation Z have “Peter Pan syndrome”. Though many trends made on this app die away, this one seems to be holding on. It has even ventured out to merchandise being produced. These are bought in masses by people who agree with the “OK Boomer” movement.


“OK Boomer” has transformed from a simple diss, to a staple of the Gen Z revolution. Younger generations are fed up with the misogyny, racism, homophobia and transphobia that comes from many of the older generations. Some older generations have become so resistant to change, and have gone on for so long stuck in their ways, they refuse to listen to any other ideas or changes that could be beneficial to society. The takeaway from the “OK Boomer” movement is to always be open-minded. Younger generations just want the older generations to respect them and acknowledge that they have worked just as hard, if not harder due to economic changes, to get to the place they are today.

Generations through time

It is often misinterpreted where millennials end and Gen Z begins.


Featured artist: Judy Vansant I

Alex Kitchell

n our school, students are encouraged to follow their passions and to work to make careers of them. Whether it be in science, math, art or music, classes and clubs are available to students at JCHS. One such student is Judy Vansant. Judy Vansant is a senior here at JC. She is currently a student in the graphic design course. Her future career goal is in graphic design. Judy hopes to attend an art school in a larger city. She hopes the larger city will foster her creativity. “I want to be surrounded with people like me at a school that specializes in art and design and in a city that gives me more options to pursue my dream,” states Vansant. Her favorite piece that she has made is called Fine Lines which was made as a poster for the 2018 poetry club. Her work was chosen out of the two classes to be the winning poster which was used to advertise the event. The experience allowed her to learn how to work with a client and create exactly what they wanted. Judy’s family knew that she was interested in going into an artistic field from a young age. They have encouraged her to keep working on her talents. Judy’s favorite medium to work with is paint. “I could look at a simple little flower and immediately know all the colors to use, where the shading and highlights should be and the type of brush to use,” Vansant stated. When working with digital art, her favorite programs are those by Adobe such as Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop. Judy is inspired by other students her age that are doing and creating amazing works. She is also inspired by works made on controversial topics that matter to the artist. “It always amazes me that they’re able to take their passion and creativity and use it to send a message and help make a change,” Vansant stated.


“Don’t be basic; be iconic.”

La Posada

7 Cielo Zaragoza & Vanesa Contreras



n Mexico, we celebrate “La Posada”, what does it mean in English? That’s a good question for everyone, what the Posada is or when does it start? The Posada starts on the sixteenth of December and goes all the way to the twenty-fouth. It is the biggest celebration in Mexico the second being the Dia de Los Muertos (second biggest celebration other than the impedance of Mexico). We get ready for the coming of the baby Jesus. We have big parties with our families and friends. Let’s say that it is similar to Halloween but instead of candy, we give out food to others. During Posadas, everyone goes to a different house like their neighbors, family and friends. They talk about their lives or talk about their relatives that passed away. In reality, there is no specific name in the English language. This a very important and special for all the families in Mexico. During the Posada, we have different kinds of food for the families, for example, Tamales, Pozole (which is pork soup), Pan Dulce (sweet bread), Buñuelos (a flat, semi-sweet cake made mainly of eggs, flour, and milk fried in deep fat and usually served with sugar and cinnamon), Champurrado (chocolate, warm and thick Mexican drink), Atole also a warm (it is closely related to champurrado but, a thinner drink), Cafe (coffee) and Ponche (Punch). For the kids, we give them “bolo” meaning a small bag that has cookies, candy, mandarins, peanuts, and juice. The most popular food that is made is tamales. We have a variety of tamales that some people don’t even know exist. There are a few Hispanic ladies that are willing to share the different kinds of tamales they know from their parents. Elena Gonzalez comes from Guatemala, Mexico the kind of tamale they make from her country is tamales of rice and dough. Maria Garcia Urquin comes from Chiapas, México and the type of tamales they make in her hometown are mole ( it is a ball of meat covered with red salsa), and the colada. Vanesa Contreras comes from San Luis Potosí, México in her hometown there are tamales of chicken with green sauce, tamales of pork with red sauce and cheese tamales. Cielo Zaragoza, she was not born in Yurécuaro, México but her heritage is from Mexico, in her parents’ home town they make tamales of corn and strawberries. We are very grateful and hopefully, everyone learned something new from our traditions.

Illustrations by Alex Kitchell



n méxico celebramos la posada el 16 al 24 de diciembre. Y que es la posada te preguntaras, bueno nosotros celebramos para la venida del niño Jesús y hacemos grande fiestas y nos reunimos para convivir con nuestros familiares y amigos. La posada es como Halloween pero en vez de pedir dulces pedimos comida a las casas de personas conocidas. En las posadas todas las personas van a las casas de sus familiares o amigos para pedir posada. Las comidas tradicionales que comemos son los Tamales, Pozole, Pan Dulce, Buñuelos, Champurrado, Atole, Café y Ponche. A los niños les damos bolo que es una bolsita que tiene dulces, galletas, cacahuates, naranja y un jugo. La comida más popular que comemos son los Tamales. Hay hispanas de nuestra escuela que nos compartieran de los tipos de Tamales que hacen en sus ciudades. Elena Gonzalez viene de Guatemala, los tipos de tamales que hacen en su país son Tamales de arroz y de masa. Maria Garcia Urquin viene de Chiapas,México y los tipos de Tamales que hacen en su país son de mole,y de colada. Vanesa Contreras viene de San Luis Potosí, México y en su país hacen Tamales de pollo con salsa verde y puerco con salsa roja y Tamales de queso. Cielo Zaragoza viene de Yurécuaro, México y en su país hacen Tamales de elote y de fresa. En fin nosotras estamos agradecidas y esperamos que aprendieron algo nuevo de nuestra tradición.


Long line for the loo O p i n i o n Opinion Many members of the student body have reason to need unisex bathrooms. Last year JCHS had only one unisex bathroom. The bathroom was located in the nurse’s office and a pass was needed to use it. Students had to walk all the way to the nurse’s office just to relieve themselves. In an attempt to eliminate the struggle for these students, several more unisex restrooms were opened throughout the building during the 2019-2020 school year. These bathrooms are located on nearly every floor in JC. Having more restrooms has made it much easier for students to use the restroom in a reasonable amount of time. These bathrooms are in place to allow transgender, gender non-binary and gender non-conforming students and faculty to use the restrooms. For some members of our school, the unisex bathroom is the only place they feel comfortable letting their guard down.

Often these restrooms are mistaken for staff-only bathrooms. While staffonly bathrooms do exist in our school, signs are located to the side of the doors indicating whether it is a staff restroom or a unisex restroom. The unisex restroom is often locked for vast periods of the day, such as during lunch. This is because some students have taken to using the restrooms as a hideout to break school rules and skip class. These students often do not think about the repercussions for students that can’t or won’t use the other restrooms. Some students have to go the whole day without using the restroom just because they can’t use normal restrooms due to social norms or anxieties. Other students resort to using the restroom that matches the gender they identify with, leading to probable bullying or harassment by other students. If they were to use the

Alex Kitchell

restroom of their assigned sex, they could experience gender dysphoria, or cause a misunderstanding among their peers. The use of these restrooms is very important for many of the students at JC, and by other students misusing them, it eliminates their accessibility for the students who need them. “The bathrooms were a great idea that has helped people like me, however, the people who use these rooms for breaking rules don’t understand that other people have to use them. Taking up space and getting the places locked, keeps people like me from being able to urinate when we need,” an anonymous source stated. In order to keep these bathrooms open for our student body, we must hold one another accountable. Misuse of these restrooms is not acceptable here at JC.

Jeffrey Epstein: Suicide or executive lies? Blakelee Sutton O

n August 10, 2019, American financer and convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein, was found dead in his New York Correctional Center jail cell. He was awaiting trial on new sex trafficking charges brought against him. His death was initially ruled a suicide, but further investigation has found that his wounds were more in line with homicidal strangulation than suicidal hanging. The FBI is currently investigating the circumstances of Epstein’s death. This new discovery has fostered numerous conspiracy theories as to what group or person is truly responsible for his death. Since he had such a vast amount of insider information about the world’s sex traffickers, many believe that he was murdered to prevent testifying in court


and revealing what he knew. Although this is most definitely a possibility, the blind assertions that the masses are making need to stop. Not only do these claims currently not have any hard evidence to back themselves up, but it’s pointing the finger at a lot of people who could be completely innocent. Our idiotic, fear-mongering president has wasted no time in tweeting about the situation, citing the Clinton family as those who are truly to blame. The simple fact of the matter is that there is no evidence to suggest that the Clinton’s or anyone else killed Epstein. All of it is complete hearsay and doesn’t prove anything. The conspiracy theory centered environment that this situation has festered in has turned it into a tool to be used in an agenda against big

political figures. If somebody wants to discredit someone else in the political world, Epstein’s death has been used as a martyr to do just that. It’s entirely possible that Epstein didn’t committ suicide. There absolutely exists reasonable doubt about the initial ruling and there should continue to be a thorough investigation into the case. With that being said, that shouldn’t be a reason to create ridiculous conspiracy theories that don’t include a shred of proof. We’re lucky enough to live in a nation in which we have a mostly fair justice system. Everyone should remain innocent until proven guilty and not the other way around. The time to accuse someone of a crime is when there is undeniable, hard evidence to suggest that they’re guilty; not a second before.

Editorial; Putting an end toRape Culture Every 73 seconds, an American is sexually assaulted. And every 9 minutes, that victim is a child. Meanwhile, only 5 out of every 1,000 perpetrators will end up in prison. Find help and the resources you need. Call 800.656.4673

Conditioned by fear

Blaming the victim

In a world consumed by self-image, it can be detrimental to a person’s health to only be able to focus on what other people are thinking about them. This is something that everyone may experience, but women, in particular, are constantly being bombarded with these thoughts. When planning for a fun night with their friends, women have to go over absolutely everything, from what they are wearing, to what route they will take to get to their car in the dark. Society has conditioned women to think about how to defend themselves from male antagonists instead of teaching the men not to antagonize women.

Society also leans toward victim-blaming. Phrases like, “She was asking for it,” or, “What was she wearing?” invalidates women and other people who have experienced rape or sexual harassment.

Hypermasculinity The generalization of men being dominant and aggressive is one example of hyper-masculinity, which cultivates the perfect enviornment in which rape culture is perpetuated. A lot of men feel pressure to act as masculine as possible. Stereotypical masculinity includes acting aggressive, liking women, being strong, muscular and dominant. Many times, men feel as though it is not “manly” to show emotions because they fear they will be viewed as weak by their other male peers.

RAINN (Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network) is a national organization that has many statistics about sexual violence, most of which are enough to make a person sick to their stomach.

Many people do not take rape claims seriously, or worse, they think that rape is just something that is inevitable; it’s bound to happen to everyone eventually. This sort of attitude validates the rapist in any given situation. Another thing that validates the rapist’s actions is the legal language associated with this crime. Many cases cite “Sexual misconduct” or “Inappropriate behavior” as the event that happened between two people.


10 Tristyn Smith I

Head to Head

n Missouri, anyone who is 19 years of age or older is allowed to carry a concealed firearm. This is an absolute necessity to ensure the safety of the general population. With the recent influx of mass shootings in America, it is now more important than ever to have people who are able to defend themselves against threats. The best way to do this is to conceal and carry. Conceal and carry not only helps protect against major threats, like mass shootings, but also smaller threats that are far more common, like robbery and harassment. In these situations, a small, concealable firearm could help diffuse the situation and deter the criminal. Many states need to expand their conceal and carry laws to allow more people to have access to small firearms. Along with this, it is important to teach people about conceal and carry and how they can arm themselves. When many people are in public, they are constantly worried about the people around them and would heavily benefit from conceal and carry as a means to make them feel safer. When people feel safer, they tend to act more rationally, therefore creating more safety. If conceal and carry is made more available to the public in larger states, they are more likely to feel safe and act rationally, creating more livable metropolitan areas. The thought that an individual might be carrying a firearm is likely enough to deter most potential criminals. If conceal and carry works to deter criminals, then it is exactly what America needs. Conceal and carry also ensures that people do not lose their right to bear arms. In many situations, increased safety means a loss of freedom, but conceal and carry is truly the best of both worlds. Conceal and carry is the best possible way to keep America safe while also maintaining second amendment rights. All of this considered, it is obvious that conceal and carry is a system that America needs to keep and expand. If America expands conceal and carry, it is sure to create a safer society.



Alex Kitchell

onceal and carry is the process of having a gun on your body in a discreet manner allowing it to go unnoticed. In Missouri, a legal gun owner over the age of 19 can choose to conceal or open carry with or without permits as of a law change in 2017. Missouri is one of 12 states that allow permitless carry. This means that no regulation is mandated on gun owners who choose to conceal their weapons. Shop owners and government buildings have the choice to post “no carry” signs in their front window removing the permissions of patrons to carry in their buildings. This doesn’t limit permit carriers. Conceal and carry has its faults. For one, the carrier may not appear 19 which can lead to confrontation if that weapon is seen by a police officer. Second, people often believe that having a gun makes them invincible, leading to confrontations. Finally, the carrier may be flashy with their “concealment”. Police can stop people who they believe may be breaking the law even if they aren’t positive. They may stop anyone and ask for ID. If the person is of age they will be let go and no harm is done. However, if they are belligerent and refuse to comply with officers, the situation can escalate much quicker than anticipated. Another important point is the misfire of weapons. If the carrier is not properly trained to holster and unholster their weapon they can easily fire it by gripping it incorrectly. The misfire could just graze them or do major damage. This could, in the worst cases, kill the carrier, frighten nearby civilians, hurt the carrier or hurt someone around them. The final idea of people being flashy with concealment is simple. If a person has their gun in an abdomen conceal under their shirt is fine. However, the moment they flip their shirt up to reveal the weapon it’s no longer concealed carry. While concealed carry is better than open carry it still has the potential to become a danger to the carrier and those around them.

Capitalism crashes Christmas Noah Holt C

hristmas is one of the most popular holidays ever. It is the season of eggnog, gifts and stacking boxes like a Christmas tree and using a wrapped gift as a star for the top. Often, it means being with your family. In recent years, the holiday season has been used and abused by corporations to sell products. From the polar bear on Coke cans or Christmas trees for Chevy ads, there is almost no place that Christmas isn’t used to sell stuff to you. To start, Christmas trees and presents are two of the universal symbols for Christmas and shipping companies like FedEx take advantage of both. In one ad FedEx is encouraging consumers to use them for their shipping needs during Christmas with the slogan ‘Big or small, every gift is special.’ This just takes the season of giving motif and adds some

tree imagery to top it off for the viewer. The face of Christmas got its iconic design to sell products, Santa has been used and abused for profit when it comes to selling products. Starting in the 1930’s, Fred Mizen drew the first depiction of Santa Claus for their brand, taking Santa from this mysterious elflike myth to the jolly fat man we know today. Santa would be drinking coke, giving gifts and raiding fridges for Coke in these ads, all to make the Coke brand appear more appealing and friendly. This version of Santa made Christmas less about giving, or even about the idea of Santa, and more about Coke. Not even religion is safe from ads. Jesus has been used in several ads. For example, in a Mercedes Benz advertisement, there was an image of the three wise men with an empty

Cancel Culture: Cancelled M

odern America faces an epidemic that threatens to stifle the political and creative growth of the people. This epidemic is cancel culture. Cancel culture is the act of wiping out the entire voice of an individual after they do something that the public does not see fit. This attitude jeopardizes the careers of many and removes any chance for a “canceled” person to grow and be better in the public eye. When society cancels someone, it traps them in a box and does not let them grow. Even if someone seeks out help and does everything in their power to be better, society continues to cast them out. A real-life example of this would be James Charles, who the general population immediately jumped on after accusations of sexual misconduct. He lost an unprecedented number of subscribers in the weeks after. All of this happened before Charles had a chance to respond. When he did, he came back with hard evidence against

everything he had been accused of, clearing his name, but not in everyone’s minds. Once the initial shock factor passes, people stop paying attention and are left with only the initial untrue story. Another example of this is YouTube star Jared “ProJared” Knabenbauer. In May of 2018, Knabenbauer and his then-wife, Heidi O’Ferrall, began the divorce process. Soon after, O’Ferrall began to accuse Knabenbauer of cheating and manipulative behavior. This spiraled into a mass of accusations from even more people and the loss of nearly a quarter of Knabenbauer’s YouTube subscribers. Knabenbauer later came out and refuted nearly every claim put against him, but the damage was already done. Knabenbauer’s decade-long career was in shambles and there was nothing he could do about it. Modern society silences people accused of wrongdoing before they have a chance to defend themselves. This culture does


manger where the men are doing things such as checking their watches and leaning up against a wall. All with the tagline, ‘Get there first’. This is using the face of an entire religion to sell cars and devaluing the religious connection people have to the holiday. The holidays are about different things for everyone. They can be about being with your family, giving or even just enjoying the winter wonderland. But at the end of the day, it is not about products. It isn’t about Coke or cars. It isn’t about delivery services. It’s isn’t about corporations or ads. It’s about being with the people who matter to you.

Tristyn Smith not allow anyone to be anything other than whatever they have been accused of. Even those who have probably done the things that they have been accused of, like James Gunn, who was fired from directing Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 after a group of people found insensitive jokes posted on his Twitter account. When society shuts people out, it tells them that they cannot grow. When someone is not allowed to grow, how can they be expected to change? There is absolutely no way for someone to change something they have already done, so the only solution is to let them be better. Until this happens, people will continue to be attacked and never change.


S p o tli g h t Spotlight


Ash Stickann

Whose “good b C








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boy� is whose?



Entertainment E n t e r ta i n m e n t

Marvel movies: fresh or stale?


n modern Hollywood, the concept of an original and thought provoking film continues to become less common. This especially holds true with larger, blockbuster action movies that crush box office records. No other franchise has amassed quite as much of a fortune as the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The Disneyproduced films have entertained the movie-going public for over a decade now. But this raises the question: are they really cinema? Martin Scorsese, one of the most influential and talented directors to ever lend their name to the art form, recently wrote a piece in the New York Times about his perception of the Marvel films. “I said that they’re not for me, that they seem to me to be closer to theme parks then they are to movies as I’ve known and loved them throughout my


life, and that in the end, I don’t think they’re cinema,” Scorsese wrote. Although I enjoy the majority of the Marvel films and even love a couple of them, I stand with Scorsese’s viewpoint. This film universe follows a very bland and boring template for almost each entry it releases. The only difference being the character’s name in the title. With repetition such as this, it becomes more and more difficult to find something special in these movies that would make them at all noteworthy. They become nothing more than cookiecutter visual roller coasters meant to entertain you for two hours. The films hardly ever make an attempt to stand on their own as compelling and memorable films, instead opting to settle for experiences that won’t resonate in your mind for more than ten minutes after you’ve seen it.

Blakelee Sutton

Whether or not something is considered “cinema” entirely depends on your definition of what that is. I view cinema as one of the most influential art forms of our time. Films can have incredibly resonant and thought provoking themes at their core. They can be a way to drive real world messages and applications through an engaging and emotional plot-line. They can show us not only the world around us, but show us things within ourselves that we didn’t even know where there. So, as long as movies such as the Marvel films release with no other goal than to entertain as many people as possible with no deeper meaning or message, I will continue to agree with Scorsese and see them as nothing more than just that. Not cinema; just a fun light show.

Olivia Michaelson

Spot the difference

15 10 Differences


The rise and fall of K

Tristyn Smith

Kanye West

anye West has had one crazy decade and a half. From the release of one of the greatest albums of all time in “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy” to meltdowns that destroyed his public image, Kanye has done it all. Once a juggernaut in the music industry, Kanye has now been reduced to an easy target for people to joke about. Much of this is because of how he has presented himself lately. Kanye has continuously said and done things that make it easier and easier to target him, but it wasn’t always this way. In 2004, Kanye West dropped “The College Dropout.” This album would define his early career. This album was

Kanye’s appearance in the public eye has drastically fallen off. He has begun to make ludicrous claims like saying that slavery was a choice. Another thing that severely hurt his reputation was his coming out in support of President Trump. Subsequently, many minority groups lost complete respect for him and with that, he lost a large portion of his fanbase. Since this, Kanye became more selfabsorbed and louder than ever. He became the poster child for celebrity culture and how it affects people. Following his continued problems in the public eye, Kanye opened up about having bipolar disorder. This made a lot

decided that the style of the album didn’t align with his values, so he scrapped the entire thing, opting to switch to a more religiously oriented album. This sparked wildly different opinions from fans and critics alike. Many fans felt betrayed, but many others were extremely supportive of his new venture. They were happy that he found a way to continue producing music while also making himself happy. This is a huge sign of change because he easily could have released “Yandhi” and sold millions of units, but he chose not to because he wanted a change. While the album was nothing to write home about, it was solid and shows

a major inspiration for many current rising stars like Witt Lowry, Jon Bellion and Kid Quill. Over the next 5 years, Kanye continued to release solid albums until 2010, when he struck gold with the release of the album titled “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.” This album is not only his best to date, but one of the greatest albums in history. Following this, Kanye would release, “Yeezus,” his last solo album before he lost most of his public image. It was all downhill from here.

of sense to many people. After accepting his mental disorder, Kanye started to mellow out and started to fade out of the public eye. He was under much less scrutiny, as people started to see that he was working to be a better person. Earlier this year, Kanye announced his new project, titled “Yandhi.” This was set to be a huge return to form. From what leaked before the album was canceled, many thought it could be his best album yet. After finishing the album, Kanye

major growth in Kanye as both a rapper and a person. Looking to the future, Kanye looks to continue in the genre of Christian rap as he is now working on a collaborative album with legendary rapper, Dr. Dre, which will be titled “Jesus is King Part II.” It will be interesting to see how Kanye West grows as a person and a musician as he begins to rise again in his new plane of existence within the Christian rap community.


Reviews: “

Tristyn Smith

Looking for Alaska” is a phenomenal interpretation of the novel of the same name. The series stays close to the plot of the book in many aspects but also is not afraid to take a few creative liberties. After the first episode underachieved, following the book far too closely, the characters really came into their own from the second episode onwards. The characters are the true star of the show. Every character is flawed. For example, Miles is selfish, The Colonel has anger issues and Takumi is overly closed off and untrusting. The flaws of these characters are what make them human. “Looking for Alaska” achieves what so many other films and television shows only dream of, to create a coming-of-age

Blakelee Sutton

Jojo Rabbit” is the new black-comedy film written and directed by Taika Waititi. Not only is it a movie that manages to be gut-bustlingly funny, but it contains a very genuine theme of tolerance at its core. Roman Griffin Davis’s performance as the main character of the film was terrific. His character evolution and growth was a great story that had the support of a great protagonist. One of my favorite aspects of the movie was Waititi himself playing a little boy’s imagination of Adolf Hitler. This concept could’ve become tasteless very easily, but the writing manages to make it a charming addition that has a

Ash Stickann

Doctor Sleep” by Stephen King is something that definitely shouldn’t be missed. The story is the sequel to another cinematic masterpiece, “The Shining”. It follows the life of Danny Torrence and his life after the events at the Outlook Hotel. The beginning is a little hard to catch onto because of all the time and place changes. Even when it did explain what the antagonists are, it still led to confusion in the beginning as it moved from a five-year-old birthday party, to waking up from a one night stand to turning a 15-year-old into some kind strange non-human creature. Eventually, it focuses on the main

17 story about high schoolers who act like high schoolers, not a mess of caricatures of what older generations think high schoolers are like. The single greatest character in this show is Alaska. Every time the viewer thinks they know Alaska, she does something that makes them question everything they thought they knew about her. Even in the final moments of the show, Alaska leaves the viewer completely perplexed about her actions. The problem with the show is the rushing done through the second half of the book, which only gets one of the eight episodes that were produced. Overall, “Looking for Alaska” is nothing short of amazing and it is well worth the watch.

purpose in the main character’s arc. The overall feel and tone of the movie was very unique and interesting. While having an overall heartfelt theme, the movie manages to include a lot of dark humor that Waititi is well known for. Despite having a really unique tone, a problem arises when that tone changes drastically from one scene after the other. There are points in the film where happy, light-hearted scenes move at break-neck speed into a dark and morbid ones. Jojo Rabbit was a great experience that found a way to mostly juggle a dark comedy with a heartfelt drama filled with entirely great performances.

characters after a moment of exposition. Pulling away from that one small nitpick, the music score made the audience reminisce of “The Shining” by using some of the original pieces. The way it introduced the movie gave the audience chills and made sure they were ready for a wild ride of horror. Danny Torrence, played by Ewan McGregor, gave the audience an amazing journey of a man trying to hide his past. He learns after becoming sober that that is no longer an option. Together, they learn to really understand how their “Shines” affect them and the people in their lives. Doctor Sleep is an amazing sequel, even good enough to stand alone.


F e a t u r e d News N e w s Featured

Packed Primaries

Blakelee Sutton W

ith each passing day, the 2020 presidential election becomes closer and closer. As that date approaches, candidates continue to throw their hat into the ring in the hopes of becoming our nation’s next Commander-in-Chief. That being said, some candidates are far ahead of others in the national polls, displaying their higher possibility of becoming president. Many factors contribute to this, especially the past few democratic debates that have taken place. Joe Biden continues to lead the polls with 26% of the polling average. While establishing himself as the democratic front-runner early on, his position is far from secure as sequential candidates continue to rise in the polls.

The New York Times reports that Elizabeth Warren continues to catch up to Biden with her current 20%. She gained much support and recognition for her performances in past debates and continues to rise in the polls with each that occur. Gaining the most ground over the course of the race, Ms. Warren has earned a sizeable chance at becoming the democratic nominee. Bernie Sanders follows not far behind Warren with 17% of the polling average. Despite his recent heart attack, he hasn’t wavered and has stuck in the race to continue the campaign. With such a strong following in his previous campaign in 2016, it seems likely that he won’t be going anywhere any time soon. Mayor Pete Buttigieg follows as a

noticeable but distant fourth place. His decision to fire African-American police chief Darryl Boykins has brought a lot of divisiveness and controversy to his campaign, and it has severely lowered his popularity in the black community. Whether or not this proves to be his downfall remains to be seen. While other candidates, such as Kamala Harris and Andrew Yang, follow behind those mentioned above, the successes in their campaigns should be expected to fall short of the leading candidates. Throughout the rest of the campaign, candidates will be sure to set themselves apart from their competitors. If they can do that, they will certainly shoot up in the polls and ensure their place as a potential leader of the free world.

Do you want FREE college money? T

he Common Scholarship is very similar to the Common Application: one entry into several data banks. The Common Scholarship is a single application for several different scholarships. This single application gets you into the running for up to 15 scholarships. Better yet, the application is free. While not every student will win, they will not know unless they try. The awarded money changes year-toyear depending on the amount of winners for the state and which scholarships were won. Typically, the amount ranges from 500 to 4,000 dollars. Starting December 16, 2019, the Common Scholarship will be open to all high school seniors. The scholarship is awarded yearly to an applicant who has submitted before the deadline of January 17th at 8:00 am. Students wishing to apply for the


scholarship should have access to their Infinite Campus, Google Drive, basic resume information and the application that will be located on the Class of 2020 Google Classroom. If a senior doesn’t have access to this classroom, they should contact their counselor before the due date. Classroom will have the full application and information packet posted on December 16th for students to begin filling out. Students should have a short list of their top school choices. If the student has already been accepted, they should provide the name of the school. This is because scholarship sponsors are more likely to accept people that have a clear direction. If any students have questions about the information needed for the packet and application they should contact their counselor by email. The JC Counseling Department is

Alex Kitchell

invested in helping pave paths for students to move onto college or the workforce. Mrs. Clayton and Mrs. Welch, both counselors with Jefferson City High School, provided all of the information for this article. “Follow the directions carefully. The resume has very definite instructions and applicants can be eliminated for not following them. Also, plan well in advance. Seniors should have no reason to not have their packets completed and turned in before the deadline. No late applications will be accepted,” stated Mrs. Clayton when asked about important notes for students who will be applying in December. All seniors looking to attend college should apply for the Common Scholarship. While not every student will be awarded the prizes, it’s worth the chance.

Attack of the killer plants Ash Stickann M

issouri is home to lots of beautiful native wildlife. The growth and care of these natives species can sometimes be challenged. Exotic invasive species are plants that have been manually planted in the area that cause harm to the environment and the plants around it.

to die due to the lack of free oxygen. You can even help with the removal of algae by using a rake or wire screen to pull the mass of invasive algae out of the water. Bush Honeysuckle is a sweet smelling plant that you may be familiar after a rainstorm or a walk in the spring. But what you might not know is the ruthless nature of this species of honeysuckle. They are often the last green to fade and the first to sprout. This is so they are able to take away the nutrients in the ground from other native plants in order to breed and spread. The seedlings and bushes must be uprooted from the base, removing it entirely. A good and natural way to remove most invasive plants is a spray made from one part baking soda, two parts vinegar. This mixture helps effectively kill unwanted weeds while keeping other organisms in the environment safe. The Missouri Department of Conservation offers lots of additional information about these plants that are free to the public online and at their centers.


Bush Honeysuckle One of the biggest current predators is Kudzu. This is an invasive vine that grows at an uncontrollable and smothering rate. If not eradicated, it can cause other growth in the area to decrease greatly. A good way to combat the growth of these vines is by pulling them out from the ground or grazing of animals, as it is edible. Though it isn’t often seen as a part of the plants in Missouri, algae is a growing problem in our lakes and streams. Algae blooms cause drinking water to become toxic and even cause species in the water

Algae Information and photos from Missouri Department of Conservation



Trump and the giant impeachment O

ver the past week, President Donald Trump’s impeachment has gone underway with several testimonies and House of Representative hearings. In response to the case, Trump has been outspoken with his criticism and objections. According to the New York Times, Trump spoke out against impeachment in a 53-minute phone interview with “Fox & Friends.” He accused political counselor David Holmes of fabricating a phone call between the American ambassador to the European Union and Trump himself. Holmes told impeachment investigators that he overheard Trump ask the ambassador, Gordon D. Sondland, about Ukrainian investigations into his political rivals. This has served as a massive

detail in the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. Trump responded, “I guarantee you that never took place.” He claimed that he barely knows Sondland, a rich hotelier who contributed $1 million to Trump’s inaugural committee. In Sondland’s testimony, he confirmed Holmes’s own account of what happened. On the “Fox & Friends” interview, Trump was given the opportunity to respond to the testimonies used to advance his impeachment and whether or not it will happen. “I don’t expect it,” the president said, “I think it’s very hard for them to impeach you when they have absolutely nothing.” Expecting the Democratic-led House

Co2 your way out I

n a recent report by the World Meteorological Organization, it was revealed that the concentration of carbon dioxide in Earth’s atmosphere has reached a record high. According to NBC News, 2018 saw the global average concentrations of carbon dioxide reach 407.8 parts per million. This means that for every 1 million molecules of gas in our atmosphere, nearly 408 were carbon monoxide. This is a direct result of burning the planet’s fossil fuels, and the global concentrations have only gone up since the 405.5 parts per million in 2017. This research supports the claim that the planet is continuing to warm at a dangerous rate. WMO Secretary-General Petteri Taalas commented on the research, “There is no sign of a slowdown, let alone a decline in greenhouse gases concentration in the atmosphere despite all the commitments under the Paris Agreement on Climate Change.” Gases such as carbon dioxide traps


heat from the sun and can linger in the atmosphere for centuries. Substantial levels of greenhouse gas create higher global temperatures and various symptoms of climate change, including rising seas and the melting of the polar ice caps. This level of carbon dioxide directly correlates with the industrial activities of humans. According to the WMO, the 2018 global average shows a 147 percent increase over the pre-industrial level in 1750. The organization’s research showed that the increase in carbon dioxide from 2017 to 2018 was higher than the average growth rate over the past decade, which was a little more than two parts per million per year. “It is worth recalling that the last time the Earth experienced a comparable concentration of CO2 was 3-5 million years ago,” Taalas continued. “Back then, the temperature was 2-3 [degrees Celsius] warmer, sea level was 10-20 meters higher than now.”

Blakelee Sutton

to impeach Trump, some of his top aides and legal advisors met with Republican senators to create a plan of what to do. Trump went on to say that he knows the identity of the anonymous whistle-blower whose claim prompted the impeachment inquiry. He rejected the statement, saying that the details in the complaint were “fake.” The impeachment is expected to pass through the Democratic-led House of Representatives, but whether or not it with make it through the GOP-dominated Senate remains to be seen.

Blakelee Sutton The WMO research also found that concentrations of two other gases, methane and nitrous oxide, have also rose over the past decade. It’s estimated that around 60 percent of methane emissions stem from human activities such as cattle breeding and landfills. It’s said that the other 40 percent comes from natural sources. Nitrous oxide is emitted from both agricultural and industrial activities, and it’s the third-most potent greenhouse gas. It deteriorates the ozone layer that protects the planet from the sun’s ultraviolet radiation. This WMO report came out before the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change conference. It’s being held from December 2-13 in Madrid, and government officials will come together to reevaluate efforts to combat climate change under the Paris Agreement.

Retiring a legend

S p or t s Sports

Rylie Bohanan

Record Breaker. Stat Collector. District Champion. The 2019 season was a big one for senior Annabelle Maassen. The fouryear varsity volleyball player helped lead her volleyball team to a district title and a winning season of 29-6-2. While Annabelle was helping bring her team to one of the best seasons in school history, she was also leaving her own mark on Lady Jay Volleyball. Finishing the season with a total of 455 kills and 273 digs. She finished her career as a Lady Jay with a total of 825 digs and 1041 kills, breaking both previous records. Her freshman year she received Honorable Mention All-District. Her sophomore year she received 2nd Team All-District and Lebanon Pink Fest AllTournament team; she also helped lead her team to a district championship. Her junior year she was awarded 1st Team All-District Honors, Lebanon Pink Fest All-Tournament Team, voted the team’s most valuable player and was named the 2019 Jefferson City MaxPreps Player of the Year. Her senior year she received 1st Team All-District Honors, Lebanon Pink Fest All-Tournament Team, voted the team’s most valuable player and was awarded All-State. Annabelle also finished her senior season ranked 7th in the state of Missouri in kills. During the 2019 Volleyball Banquet, Lady Jays Head Coach, Lisa Hoffmeyer, announced that the school will be retiring Annabelle’s varsity jersey, #8. “I felt so honored. I had no idea what was going to happen [at the presentation], but when Coach Hoffmeyer pulled out my jersey in a glass case, all I could do was cry. It was such an amazing feeling,” Annabelle recalled. Annabelle’s mom, Julie Maassen, was just as surprised as her daughter.

“I knew they wanted the jersey, but I assumed they were going to give it to her as a gift since she had practically destroyed the thing. I was planning on giving her duck taped shoes as a gift back to the coach. One destroyed item for another,” Julie joked. Julie also had a lot to say about Annabelle as a player. “Annabelle is one of the hardest-working kids I know. I never really have to tell her or advise her on going to optional practices, extra workouts, etc. She is usually the first one there and last one out.” Annabelle also plays club volleyball during the winter and spring. She also competes in Track and Field for JC during the spring. After graduating high school, Annabelle plans on attending Central Methodist University in Fayette, Missouri. She plans on studying Physical Therapy and playing volleyball for the Eagles.

Photo: Megan Distler

Previous Record Holders: Kills-Abbi McKnelly (2014) Digs-Leah Washburn (2011)



Featured Athlete Athlete Featured Girls Basketball: Sakkyra King Q: What position do you play? A: Shooting Guard/Small Forward Q: How long have you been playing

basketball? A: I’ve played basketball for 9 years

Q: What goals do you have for this

Q: What is your favorite part about

being on the team? A: Best part is traveling and spending time with my teammates.

Q: Do you play any other sports? A: I do triple jump in Track.

season? A: The goals for this season are to 4 peat for districts and to be state bound again.

Boys Soccer: Will Kuster Q: Why did you start playing soccer? A: I started playing soccer because it

was the first sport I could sign up for.

Q: What position do you play? A: Center Midfield Q: How long have you been playing? A: 14 years Q: Best moment of the season so far? A: Playing in the State Quarterfinals. Q: Do you plan on playing any sports in college? A: I may wrestle in college.


Rylie Bohanan


Benefits of playing sports S

Rylie Bohanan

ports are very beneficial to both physical health and mental health. Everyone knows that sports can help you stay in shape and be healthy, but what most people don’t know are the mental benefits that playing sports can provide. Physical activity can help a person’s self-confidence. The more a person improves in their sport or activity, the better they will start to feel about themselves. Also, with the constant exercise, they will see a difference in their strength and the way they look. This improvement in physical abilities and health will help build their selfconfidence. Sports can help improve a person’s concentration. Playing in long games or matches requires athletes to concentrate on what’s going on around them. Being able to focus on their goal or what’s ahead of them helps with skills like critical thinking, focus, and the ability to make quick decisions.

Athletics are also known for helping people deal with stress and anxiety or depression. The activity helps take one’s mind off of any stress or negative thoughts that a person might have. Sports can teach young minds how to deal with stress and anxiety by putting them in high-pressure games or situations. Working out or athletics can help a person’s sleep habits. When playing a sport, the player will exert a lot of energy. This will help them fall asleep faster and will help them go into a deeper sleep. This also goes into helping improve a person’s mood. With more sleep, their mood will be overall more positive or optimistic. Plus, sleep helps the body recover, so they will wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day. Sports, especially when started young, will give children leadership skills and a team-like mindset. The leadership skill helps people be more inclined to take charge in tough situations, and it makes

Cross country season recap T

he 2019 season for Cross Country was one to remember. The boy’s team won both their districts and sectionals, along with placing in the top ten in Class Four state. Cross country coach, Brett Phillips, credits their success to their preseason training. “I feel like the kids approached the off-season well and they brought that work ethic into the season. We

implemented a similar training plan to last year when our boys were able to win districts and finish in the top half of the state meet field. It seemed to fit them and their progressive running style,” Phillips said. Of the seven runners that went to state, four of them finished in the top one hundred. Including sophomore Tommy Roehl, who finished 27th with a time of 15:58.8. The other six runners, all seniors, helped aid the team to an overall 7th place finish in state. “We had a solid group of senior boys who were great leaders and who did great things the right way. That group will be missed,” Phillips stated. Although they came up just short of their main goal, the overall success of

them more confident in their abilities and decisions in tough situations. The team-like mindset helps people be able to work better with others. They will feel more comfortable in certain working environments, like group work in schools or a big group project for work. Playing or participating in sports or any physical activity is beneficial to a person’s overall health. It helps with confidence, sleeping habits, concentration ability, mental health issues such as anxiety or depression, gives leadership skills and overall helps with self-confidence. Although playing a sport does not guarantee to fix all or any mental issues, it will significantly help and is highly recommended. (All information



Rylie Bohanan

the season is something that the team and coaches are proud of. “We were really bummed at first because we felt like we were a team that could’ve been in the trophies [top four]. But we also appreciate that making it to state is an accomplishment in itself, and we still ran good and beat some legit teams,” senior Blake Conrad states when asked about state results.

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