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From the Abbot

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The Habit

The Habit

On the Shoulders of Giants

We stand on the shoulders of giants…


This phrase has been parsed for hundreds of years and attributed to many, but I feel it is appropriate for our community. Every time I visit our Abbey’s cemetery or walk past the wall in the church listing out all of the monks who have gone to their eternal reward, or when I look at the portraits of the abbots and bishops that have gone before me, I am both grateful and humbled. It is because of these men, and because of the thousands of Benedictine monks throughout history, that I am able to live this life of prayer and work – to offer my life in service to Christ and his Church. A life that I am glad to share with you as you visit us in our monastic home. On behalf of the monks of St. Benedict’s Abbey, I would like to say “welcome!”

It is our hope that you will experience St. Benedict’s directive of hospitality, that you are welcomed as Christ. Indeed, finding Christ in the other is one element of what draws us monks to the monastery, and we hope that during your stay with us you encounter Christ in a meaningful way.

Since 1857 we have sought to live out our mission of prayer and work: offering the sacraments to those we serve in our parishes, educating and forming the students in our educational apostolates, sharing the mercy of Christ with the imprisoned, and ever faithful to lifting the needs of the world to God in our prayer. During your stay, I hope that you are able to join us for Mass or the Liturgy of the Hours – that your faith might be deepened and emboldened by entering into these acts of offering praise and thanksgiving to God.

In this book (which is yours to keep) we hope to share our lives with you: the history of our order and community; an answer to the question, “What is a monk?”; and much more. We are also seeking to share the love of Christ and the Gospel through our social media channels – in audio, video, and text. Please follow us online at kansasmonks.org or search Kansas Monks on your favorite social media platform, and be sure to share with your friends, that we might be able to share the peace and love of Christ with them as well.

Again, welcome to St. Benedict’s Abbey. We know you could spend your time anywhere, and we are grateful that you have chosen to spend some of it here with us.

In Christ,

Abbot James R. Albers, OSB Ninth Abbot of St. Benedict’s Abbey

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