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The Ora in our Labora

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New Milestones

The Ora in Labora

by Fr. Meinrad Miller


Work has always held an important place in the daily lives of Christians. Since the foundation of our own monastic community in 1857, the monks have worked side by side with the people of God. When one thinks of life in Kansas in the early days of the monastery, there certainly were not many of the comforts we have come to expect, either for the monks, or the people we served. It was through a tenacious fidelity to the Gospel, and a love for those that they served, that the monks and the people toiled in this new territory, and within a few years after our foundation, this new state. What role has work played in our lives? Work is more than just bringing in a pay check, or staying occupied. Being made in the image and likeness of God, our life in God is lived in every aspect of daily life, and this includes our work. The Catechism of the Catholic Church, ¶1265, reminds us: Baptism not only purifies from all sins, but also makes the neophyte “a new creature,” an adopted son of God, who has become a “partaker of the divine nature,” (2 Cor 5:17; 2 Pet 1:4; cf. Gal 4:5-7) member of Christ and coheir with him, (1 Cor 6:15; 12:27; Rom 8:17) and a temple of the Holy Spirit.(1 Cor 6:19.) Our lives and our work are rooted in the revealed truth that all we do is not just our own work, but is indeed united to the work of God who has created everything out of nothing. As a new creature, we have a great role in sharing the life of the creator in all that we do. In his introduction to the abridged version of RB 1980, The Rule of St. Benedict in English, Fr. Timothy Fry, OSB, a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey, describes the role the Rule of St. Benedict has had on forming culture He wrote his Rule primarily for monks, but its sound principles for working together and living together have proved relevant to people of all classes of society through fifteen hundred years. Over the years the work of the monks has included farming, gardening, building and taking care of the buildings on campus, serving as military chaplains, teaching and administering in the schools, serving as missionaries and monks in Brazil, serving as retreat masters, being scholars and authors, serving as chaplains at motherhouses of sisters, and many other roles. In this spirit of uniting our work with our Father in Heaven, I offer you five things we can learn about work, based on the above quote passage from the Catechism.

Father Meinrad Miller, OSB, has been a monk of St. Benedict’s Abbey since 1986. Currently he serves as Oblate Director and Choirmaster of the Abbey, Lecturer in Theology at Benedictine College, Associate State Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus of Kansas, and as a part time chaplain at Valley Hope of Atchison.

Five Tips to infuse your work with prayer

Work is a gift

Our work is rooted in the fact that each of us is a “new creature.” We share in a special way in the life of the Creator. To look upon the tasks of my work not just as a drudgery or a burden to endure, but as a gift. God has given me talents to share in my work, not just because of what I do, but who I am. Hopefully when people see us at work they will see the peace and joy that come from our life in Christ.

Bring the Gospel

People should see you as an adopted son, or daughter of God. Whether farming, teaching, in business, staying at home, in science, in whatever you do, bring the Gospel to the world. Today more and more people in our nation identify as “nones”, as those who have no religious affiliation. Their encounter with you as co-workers, or in the work you do may be the only contact they have with a believer. This is a wonderful way to evangelize, share the Good News with others – even if it is just by the serenity of your life, and the good work you do.

As partakers of the Divine life we radiate that life of God in our work and actions. When people see us at work, do they witness people who are good at what they do, and do it with enthusiasm? It is not faking it to truly believe that the life we receive in the Sacraments is extended into our work. When you work as an electrician, or whatever job you have, again without ever saying a word, people should sense that Divine Life in all you do.

As members of Christ and co-heirs with him, when people see us, they should see Christ. The word “communion” comes from the Greek word, koinonia, and meant common ownership. The early believers in the risen Jesus realized that what they now held in common was not just some dilapidated fishing boats, but the very life of Christ given in Baptism, nourished in Holy Communion, and fortified in Confirmation. People should be able to see that you are members of Christ’s Body at work.

And finally, we are temples of the Holy Spirit. Most of us already are aware of it, and strive to witness to this fact in what we say and do. It can be easy to go along with conversation and attitudes that lessen the value of work or demean others. When people see a Christian at work, they truly see the Holy Spirit at work, for we are indeed temples of that Holy Spirit. It can be easy to join in murmuring and complaining or talk that does not see the value of every person. To say we are temples of the Holy Spirit is not just some theory –it is a fact.

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