Ken "Ra-Horakhty" Sykes

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Kenneth Sykes March 17, 1970 26º Pisces

The Geometry of Astrolosophy By: JD Cogmon, M.S.Ed.© 2010

What this report won’t do This report will not predict your future nor will it judge you. All positives and negatives that are expressed are in the context of “tendencies.” What this report does All of the signs, aspects, planets, numerological associations et al. are mere expressions of tendencies, it is an entirely subjective philosophy that is expressed as an art form not a science. The report is also shared so that you can validate or in some cases invalidate thoughts that you may have had. Sometimes hearing information like this from third parties makes it easier to re-­‐ evaluate or validate certain behavior patterns. This is a dedication of Kharmic energies that I believe that you have already earned by the good that you bring to the earth. All of the information points to a being constantly ascending towards the highest possible self. Hotep Namaste

Planets •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Sun sign Rising sign Moon Sign Mercury Venus Mars Jupiter Saturn Neptune Pluto

Houses 1 Self, Individuality, Personality 2 Money, material wealth, safety 3  communication, education social networking 4  Home, family, roots, intuition 5  Recreation, hobbies, romance, children 6  Service to community, job, health, healing and routine 7  Partnerships, marriage, justice, harmony 8  Science, Change, transformation, transmutation, uncovering mysteries 9  Education, philosophy, spirituality, expansion 10  Ambition, outer world, limitations and relationship to authority 11  Higher ideals, community, humanitarianism 12  Reintegration, awareness, meditation

The planets are important in a natal chart reading in Tropical Astrology because each of the planets deal with different parts of each persons personality. A great example would be where your Mercury or Venus is placed. Mercury is how we think, plan, perceive and generally understand the world around us and how we communicate that understanding. While Venus influences our ethics, romantic love and care for others. Venus also influences how we demonstrate that which is in our hearts.

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In Tropical Astrology, each house is associated with every sign of the zodiac. They are considered life areas. You should look at it as the stage that each planet performs on. So if you have Venus in Aries , you are ethical with a strong and passionate zest for life. Since this takes place in the 8th house, the house of Scorpio, it means that you are emotionally protective of yourself and others. Venus in Aries in the 8th house also makes you a double Mars which makes you just as physically sexual as you are emotionally spiritual. It also means that you can be the Don Juan with flowers are the gladiator that tires out your lover.

Your tendency to always expanding your philosophical and spiritual horizons contradicts some of the qualities of expansion and growth because Jupiter is in its opposing house, Gemini (3). You can sometimes lose focus and become bored easily if you are not passionate about the given subject that you are involved in. Each house always is associated with an element. While Jupiter is Fire and Water, Gemini is air. When people are all intellect and not compassion, you have little respect for them. To you emotional intelligence holds as much merit as intellectual prowess as they go hand-­‐in-­‐hand in your world. The 8th house belongs to Scorpius and your Venus is in Aries. Be careful to get plenty of rest, because when you don’t this double Mars placement will make you impatient and cold with others. Your Moon in the 11th house makes you a Bohemian/ Hippy at heart. Perhaps not to the extent of the 60’s but incense, essential oils, sage, unique and free and open ways of thought, those are your people.

  The Main Houses are:   The Ascendant/Rising #1   The Descendant # 7   Imun Coeli #4   Media Coeli Midheaven #10   These are considered the “angular”

houses because they form a 90º “square” in Geometry.   However each sign has an “opposition” which is 180º degrees or half-­‐way around the circle.

Please Notice:

  House #1, Earth, Virgo, Mutable   House # 7, Water, Pisces, Mutable   House #4, Fire, Sagittarius, Mutable   House #10, Air, Gemini, Mutable   Each “angular” house is at a 90º degree angle to each other.

They begin all of the seasons and there is one representative from each element (Fire, Earth, Air, Water)   Your angles are ALL Mutable, this makes you very versatile and very adaptable by nature. You know how identify challenges as opportunities for growth and possibility.

Born 3/17/1970

Pisces with the Sun, Mercury and the north node all in the 7th House Ambitious and Driven Your Mid-­‐Heaven, Is in the sign of Gemini. You have a reputation for being a quick wit, changing your mind and being an abstract thinker.

The Life Path 1 suggests that you entered this plane of existence the with skills allowing you to become a leader with ease. Your nature is charged with individualistic desires, a demand for independence, and the need for personal attainment. Many of our military generals, corporate leaders, and political leaders are men and women having the Life Path 1. When you display positive 1 traits your mind is capable of significant creative inspiration, and it possesses the enthusiasm and drive to accomplish a great deal. You are very good at getting the ball rolling; initiating new projects is your forte. You are at your best when confronted with obstacles and challenges, as you combat these with strength and daring. This is both the physical and inner varieties of strength. With this strength comes utter determination and the capability to lead. As a natural leader you have a flair for taking charge of any situation. You have a tendency to do this, even if, at times, it is not appropriate for you to do so. Highly original, you may have talents as an inventor or innovator of some sort. In any work that you choose, your independent attitude can show through. You have very strong personal needs and desires, and you feel it is always necessary to follow your own convictions. You can tire of routine and highly detailed tasks rather quickly.

You are ambitious and assertive in promoting yourself. Although you may hide the fact for social reasons, you can be self-­‐centered and demand to have your way in many circumstances. That said, for the most part, you are considered very good company, friendly, good-­‐natured, and a wonderful conversationalist. People like you and are drawn to you. It is a good thing they are, because you are very sensitive to disapproval and you don't handle it very well. There are several ways that the negative side of the 1 can show up. The 1 always has the potential for greatness as a leader, but they may fail as a follower. Unfortunately, sometimes you have to follow for a while before you are allowed to lead and this can be a difficult time. When the 1 Life Path person is not fully developed and expressing the negative side of this number, the demeanor may appear very dependent rather than independent, particularly in the early years. If you are expressing this negative trait of the number 1, you are likely to be very dissatisfied with your circumstances, and long for self-­‐ sufficiency. This might be defined as the weak or dependent side of the negative 1 Life Path. On the strong side of this negative curve, the 1 energy can become too self-­‐serving, selfish and egotistical. Avoid being too bossy and demanding.

This hexagram indicates a time when the transition from disorder to order is not yet completed. The change is indeed prepared for, since all the lines in the upper trigram are in relation to those in the lower. However, they are not yet in their places. While the preceding hexagram offers an analogy to autumn, which forms the transition from summer to winter, this hexagram presents a parallel to spring, which leads out of winter's stagnation into the fruitful time of summer. With this hopeful outlook the Book of Changes come to its close.

. THE JUDGMENT BEFORE COMPLETION. Success. But if the little fox, after nearly completing the crossing, Gets his tail in the water, There is nothing that would further. The conditions are difficult. The task is great and full of responsibility. It is nothing less than that of leading the world out of confusion back to order. But it is a task that promises success, because there is a goal that can unite the forces now tending in different directions. At first, however, one must move warily, like an old fox walking over ice. The caution of a fox walking over ice is proverbial in China. His ears are constantly alert to the cracking of the ice, as he carefully and circumspectly searches out the safest spots. A young fox who as yet has not acquired this caution goes ahead boldly, and it may happen that he falls in and gets his tail wet when he is almost across the water. Then of course his effort has been all in vain. Accordingly, in times "before completion," deliberation and caution are the prerequisites of success.

Your date of birth corresponds to the sign Ajpuu. There are a few variations on the spelling (see the next page) but the general meaning is “sun.” There are 20 day signs and 13 tones. On the day that you were born it was tone number 10 with the SUN sign. It means that there is a concentrated amount of Creative Masculine energy mixed with direct action (fire) oriented personality traits. Venus was at nearly a Superior Conjunction when you were born which means it was seen in the evening sky. Usually people born at this phase do not fight much with tradition unless they perceive of inequality in the system, then charm, charisma and political maneuvering will be used in an effort to create balance.

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