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Club Torque - President’s Column
President’s Report June 2023
As we move into winter it is pleasing to see Club Registers remain active throughout the June and July period. Register Members are encouraged to join with other Register Members and enjoy the good fellowship that the Club encourages. It is through this open invitation policy between Registers and interaction with other similar minded car clubs, that makes membership enjoyable.
The British Classics Tour held on Sunday 7th May 2023 was well attended by club members. This event receives valuable support from the Victor Harbor Council and each year entrants enjoy a new route to Victor, parking in Warland Reserve. This year David and Angela Rogers beautifully restored Mk5 and Evan Dennings also beautifully restored 1969 E-Type Series 2 FHC, took-out prizes. You are again reminded orders are now being taken for the JDCSA 50th Celebration Book. To order your copy of this special celebratory book simply go to the JDCSA Web site and click on Events to make your purchase.
Annual membership renewals are due by June 30, and renewal notices will be sent out by email in the next couple of weeks . . . . be sure to check your spam box, just in case it could end up there. Our highly organised Membership Secretary, Daphne Charman, has already sent out reminders by mail to those members that don’t have access email.
Log Books will need to be handled the old-fashioned way. So, once you have renewed your club membership, those who have vehicles on Club Registration will need to send your Log Books in by post for stamping and processing. Please enclose a stamped, addressed envelope for the return of the log Book(s). Remember if your Log Book is not updated and stamped your vehicle is deemed unregistered and fines can apply.
As we move closer to the AGM in September, nominations for Executive positions will be in order. Nomination Forms will be available in the July edition of Classic Marque. If you are keen to take a more active role in the running of the Club, please nominate. If you are planning to attend the 50th Dinner Celebrations to be held at the Wine Centre, and are still to book, I suggest you do so ASAP. The venue is limited in numbers and we are fast approaching that limit.
COVID continues to circulate averaging over 5,000 cases per day Australia wide; I feel this is the lower number. For SA the daily number has increased by over 33%, so with an older demographic membership please remain vigilant.
On a more positive note, our Annual S.A. Jag Day is booked for October Sunday 15, at Civic Park Modbury. Hopefully this year the weather will be kinder than last year. I remain very hopeful, so take the time over winter to get your Jaguar projects finished so that your car(s) again look magnificent for this event.
Membership renewals - DUE SOON Log book renewals - DUE SOON
You will soon receive an email asking you to renew your financial Membership with JDCSA on line.
Once you have done this, your Logbook can be updated for another year. Please mail your Logbook(s) to JDCSA, PO Box 6020, Halifax St, Adelaide, 5000, Including A Stamped, Self-Addressed Envelope. From 1 JULY you must not drive your car until your Logbook has been updated for 2023/2024. Failure to comply could result in significant fines. For further information please call Bob Charman on 0421 482 007
** Log Books can also be updated at the July General Meeting**